What does Hemoglobin pick up once it has given up all its oxygen molecules?
A. Carbon dioxide
B. Nitrogen
C. Carbon


Answer 1


Carbon dioxide


Hb has been observed in the epithelial cells of human tissues including lungs neurons retina and. endometrium our group has recently demonstrated tha Hd is expressed by the cervicovaginal epithelial cells.

Related Questions

A solid is that form of matter that possesses the following
Particles vibrate around fixed axes
b Definite shape
C Definite volume
d All of the above


D. All of the above

If an unidentified organism is unicellular, prokaryotic and has peptidoglycan in its cell walls, into which kingdom would it be placed?





Which of the following is a true statement? Physical property change is always better than chemical property change.
o Physical and chemical propery change can happen at the same time.
Chemical property change is better than physical property change.​



the second one


Sometimes it can be tricky to know whether or not a chemical reaction has occurred. For example, when you melt ice into water, you can write the process in terms of a chemical reaction. However, the chemical formula on both sides of the reaction is the same. Since the chemical identity of the matter in question is unchanged, this process represents a physical change.

Thus melting point is a physical property. On the other hand, flammability is a chemical property of matter because the only way to know how readily a substance ignites is to burn it. In the chemical reaction for combustion, the reactants and products are different.

none are better, depending on for what

How many amperes of current will flow in a circuit if the voltage difference is 9V and the resistance in the circuit is 3Ω


For your answer it will be 3

what is not a trend evident to plant evolution



b. spores of two types to spores of one type


Spores of two types to spores of one type is not the trend to plant evolution because first the spores of one type is present in living organisms but with the passage of time evolution occurs that will leads to formation of  spores of two types happen in living organisms. There are types of spores present in plants such as microspores, which produces male gametophytes, and megaspores, which produce female gametophytes while on the other hand, spores of one type is present in plants having asexual reproduction.

What patterns do you see for atmospheric carbon dioxide?
Explain your answer.''



So.... Because of its molecular structure, carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, which means it allows visible light from the Sun to pass through the atmosphere while absorbing and reemitting infrared energy, heating the Earth.


The above me is right I was gonna say the same thing!!!

Explain what lyell and Darwin did to contribute to the theory of evolution



so he can evolve humanity


Water flow improves in the aftermath of a forest fire because
rain always puts out fires.
no living organisms survive fires, decreasing demand.
they clear the land, allowing more water to flow over it.
much of the water in a local watershed will be used to fight the fire.


A major impact of combustion on water quality is the potential for increased precipitation. Runoff can carry suspended soil particles, dissolved inorganic nutrients, and other materials into nearby rivers and lakes, degrading water quality and damaging fish habitat.

Park Williams, an associate professor of geography at UCLA and lead author of the study, said wildfires burn vegetation that would otherwise draw water from the ground and block precipitation before it reaches the ground. said to improve the flow.

Wildfires increase the vulnerability of watersheds to flooding and erosion, causing short-term and long-term damage to water supplies. may have an impact. The increased cost of treatment, the need for alternative medicine, and reduced storage capacity. Fire as a destructive force can rapidly consume large amounts of biomass and cause adverse effects such as soil erosion, post-fire water runoff, and air pollution.

Learn more about Water flow here:-https://brainly.com/question/25286338


Answer: The correct answer is they clear the land, allowing more water to flow over it.

Explanation:  Confirmed correct.

Forest fires clear the underbrush and branches from the forest floor, improving the water flow and saturation.

Which of the following is the best example of an economic approach to reduce overfishing for a fish species with a declining population?
A The federal government sets a catch limit (per person or per boat) for the species and imposes a tax on any extra fish that are caught
B) A conservation agency creates marine parks where the area is a no-catch zone for the species so that the species can recover and population size can increase.
The state government introduces a subsidy for large fishing companies to help them afford to hire more crew members.
D) An educational group produces signs and video clips to encourage individuals to buy locally caught seafood and to avoid eating big fish like tuna and shark





The fishing industry is a rapidly growing and expanding industry, which is concerned with the processing, preserving, selling, or culturing of fish products.

The correct answer is:

Option A. the federal government sets a catch limit (per person or boat) for the species and imposes a tax on any extra fish that are caught.

The Fishing industries in the United States are controlled by the:

Federal Government Fish and Game Commission Legislature

The catch limit for the species is set by the federal government. The federal government supports the fisheries by improving coastal employment, food production, fisher's welfare, and sustainability of the fishing sector.

Thus, option A is correct.

To know more about the fishing industry, refer to the following link:


A scientist helps a colleague do a better experiment by:
O A. refusing to consider an alternative interpretation of results.
B. suggesting that unrepeatable results are still reliable.
C. making up observations that are hard to obtain directly
D. sharing the cost of an expensive tool or instrument.



I think C


it is good reason

The scientist that helped to colleague for doing a good experiment when the expensive tool or instrument should be shared.  

What is an experiment?

An experiment refer to the procedure where it should be carried out for supporting or refuting a hypothesis. It provides the cause and effect relationship by represent the result that arise at the time when the specific factor should be changed.

And,  when the expensive tool cost should be shared so the more good experiment should be conducted.

hence, the option d is correct and the rest options should be incorrect.

Learn more about experiment here: https://brainly.com/question/20510182

In your experiment, you found the following offspring only:Tall green: 626 offspring.Tall yellow: 313 offspring.Short green: 309 offspring.Stay with your original hypothesis/assumption, test it using chi2 test and analyze the result (whether you want to reject the hypothesis and why).(6p)


Complete question:

1. You found a new species of garden pea and have decided to repeat Mendel’s experiments. You have obtained two true-breeding pea plants that are tall (T) with yellow pods (g), and short (t) with green pods (G), respectively. Capital letters indicate dominant traits.

a. What is the genotype and phenotype of the F1 generation? (2p)

b. You allowed self-fertilization in F1 generation and obtained F2 generation. Using Punnett square to obtain the phenotypes, genotypes and their respective ratios. (4p)  

2. If you obtained 1248 offspring in the F2 generation in Question 1, calculate how many offspring of each phenotypic class you would expect to have. (4p)

3. When you finish questions 1 and 2, under what assumption/hypothesis did you perform your analysis/calculation? Is there an alternative assumption/hypothesis, which may result in a different conclusion? If yes, what is the alternative assumption/hypothesis and what kind of offspring and in what numbers do you expect to obtain? (4p)    

4. You only need to answer A or B to get this 6p. Please indicate which question you are answering. In your experiment, you found the following offspring only: Tall green: 626 offspring. Tall yellow: 313 offspring. Short green: 309 offspring.  

A: If you stay with your original hypothesis/assumption, test it using chi2 test and analyze the result (whether you want to reject the hypothesis and why).

B: If you believe that the alternative hypothesis fits better with your data, test it using chi2 test and analyze the result (whether you want to accept the hypothesis and why).


1) a. 100% of the progeny will be dihybrid, TtGg, exhibiting the phenotype    

       Tall plants with green pods.

   b.  F2 Gentotype:

1/16 TTGG2/16 TTGg1/16 TTgg2/16 TtGG4/16 TtGg2/16 Ttgg1/16 ttGG2/16 ttGg1/6 ttgg

      F2 Phenotype:

9/16 Tall plants with green pods (T-G-)3/16 Tall plants with yellow pods (T-gg)3/16 Short plants with green pods (ttG-)1/16 Short plants with yellow pods (ttgg)

Phenotypic ratio → 9:3:3:1

2)  T-G- → 702 individuals

     T-gg → 234 individuals

     ttG- → 234 individuals

     ttgg → 78 individuals


Null Hypothesis: The population is under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The alleles of this population assort independently.Alternative Hypothesis: The population is not in equilibrium. Alleles do not assort independently.

4) a. There is enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis, meaning that the difference between the observed number of individuals and the expected ones is statistically significant. The population is not under equilibrium H-W. Alleles do not assort independently.  


1) 1st Cross: True-breeding tall (T) with yellow pods (g) pea plant with a short (t) with green pods (G) plant

Tall and Green pods are the dominant traits,Short and yellow pods are recessive traits.

Parentals)         TTgg         x         ttGG

Gametes) Tg, Tg, Tg, Tg          tG, tG, tG, tG

F1) 100% of the progeny will be dihybrid, TtGg, exhibiting the phenotype    

    Tall plants with green pods.

2nd Cross: F1 self-fertilization

Parentals)  TtGg     x     TtGg

Gametes) TG, Tg, tG, tg

                TG, Tg, tG, tg

Punnett square)    TG         Tg           tG          tg

                 TG      TTGG     TTGg      TtGG      TtGg

                 Tg       TTGg      TTgg      TtGg      Ttgg

                 tG        TtGG      TtGg       ttGG       ttGg

                  tg        TtGg       Ttgg       ttGg       ttgg

F2) Gentotype:

1/16 TTGG2/16 TTGg1/16 TTgg2/16 TtGG4/16 TtGg2/16 Ttgg1/16 ttGG2/16 ttGg1/6 ttgg


9/16 Tall plants with green pods (T-G-)3/16 Tall plants with yellow pods (T-gg)3/16 Short plants with green pods (ttG-)1/16 Short plants with yellow pods (ttgg)

Phenotypic ratio → 9:3:3:1

2) The total number of individuals in the F2 is 1248.

16 ----------------- 1248 individuals  --------------- 100% of the progeny

9 T-G- ----------- X = 702 individuals-------------X = 56.25%

3 T-gg ----------- X = 234 individuals ----------- X = 18.75%

3 ttG- ------------- X = 234 individuals ---------- X = 18.75%

1 ttgg ------------- X = 78 individuals ------------ X = 6.25%


Hypothesis: The population is under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The alleles of this population assort independently.Alternative Hypothesis: The population is not in equilibrium. Alleles do not assort independently

4)    F2 composed of:

Tall green: 626 offspring. Tall yellow: 313 offspring. Short green: 309 offspring.  

                       Tall/Green        Tall/Yellow         Short/Green       Short/Yellow

Observed              626                  313                        309                        0

Expected               702                  234                       234                       78

(Obs-Exp)²/Exp     8.23                  26.7                        24                        78

X² = Σ(Obs-Exp)²/Exp = 8.23 + 23.7 + 24 + 78 = 136.93 ≅ 137

Freedom degrees = genotypes - number of alleles = 9 - 4 = 5

Significance level, 5% = 0.05

Table value/ Critical value = 11.07

= 137

X² > Critica value

137 > 11.07

There is enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis, meaning that the difference between the observed number of individuals and the expected ones is statistically significant. The population is not under equilibrium H-W. Alleles do not assort independently.    

The fluid found between serous membrane layers




The fluid found between serous membrane layers is called "serous fluid"

what is a scienctific theory



" A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. Such fact-supported theories are not "guesses" but reliable accounts of the real world."


- Eijiro <3

dsadasd das sad afsasdasdsa?


I am sorry what?????

what language is this?

in evolutionary terms, what is fitness?



To an evolutionary biologist, fitness simply means reproductive success and reflects how well an organism is adapted to its environment.

1. What happens in any chemical change?
2. List three signs that a chemical change has occurred.
3. Give an example of a chemical change. Explain why you think it is a chemical change.
4. Why can chemical changes often not be reversed?


1. Chemical change changes the objects color, shape, form or smell
2.burning something, cooking something and rotting
3. Rusting, I think rusting is a chemical change because the air is rusting a object and the air begins to change the color and shape
4. Because once a chemical change happens it will most of the time happen fast

Which are consumers?
a Producers
b Grazers
d Scavengers
e Photosynthesizing plants
f Decomposers





they are the ones who consume the produce

write a short note on the ovary.​


Couldn’t have said it any better.

•______- a kingdom of _____ organisms known as ______ (have no nucleus). These are the main bacteria you hear of like staph, Strep and Salmonella that commonly come in contact with you.


2 meters squared





What adaptation helps the pine tree reduce water loss?
Seeds in cones
Woody stems







Pine trees thankfully have needles, which are thin, waxy leaves that enable them to make food year-round. The waxiness of the needles helps evergreens not lose water to evaporation.

Help me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



B one is the correct answer


I think it's X


Circle the trisomy shown on
this karyotope.


Answer: 13 is a trisomy


When a light in turned on which change takes place?
A. Electrical energy moves from P to K
B. Electrical energy moves from K to P
C. Magnetic energy moves from P to K
D. Magnetic energy moves from K to P
(Btw I’ll give points + brainalist)





Group the following into the appropriate range of measurement.
a. atomic
b. ultramicroscopic
c. microscopic
d. macroscopic
Match each of the options above to the items below.
1. roundworm, algae
2. protozoan, rickettsia
3. herpesvirus, DNA
4. hydrogen atom, glucose molecule



Hydrogen atom & glucose molecule --- atomic.

Herpesvirus, DNA --- ultramicroscopic.

Protozoan, Rickettsia - microscopic.

Roundworm and algae --- macroscopic


1) Hydrogen atom & glucose molecule --- atomic.

The atomic size level, which interacts with atoms as well as small molecules, is much lower than the ultramicroscopic range.

2) Herpesvirus, DNA --- ultramicroscopic.

Ultramicroscopic particles are very tiny structures that cannot be seen using a conventional optical microscope, necessitating the use of an electron microscope. Viruses and DNA falls into this group since they are much smaller than tiny species like bacteria.

3) Protozoan, Rickettsia - microscopic.

Microscopic species are much smaller than macroscopic organisms because they cannot be observed by the naked human eye and must be viewed through a microscope. The size range for microscopic particles is [tex]( 10^3 \ \ to \ \ 10^{10})[/tex], which contains protozoans and Rickettsia (a gram-negative, non-motile bacteria genus).

4) Roundworm and algae --- macroscopic

Naked eyes can see macroscopic organisms; for example, several types of circular worms and algae can be seen by them.

The botanist from the nursery is planning to develop a large number of new
spider plants with larger flowers.
Identify the type of reproduction the botanist should use to develop the new
spider plants and explain why this type of reproduction is preferable.


Answer: The botanist should use sexual reproduction to make the new plants because asexual reproduction will only produce spider plant offspring with the same types of traits as the parents.


Assuming that the botanist already has spider plants with larger flowers in their nursery, in order to develop a large number of the plant based on the same traits, asexual reproduction method should be used.

Asexual reproduction method is preferred because:

the daughter plants come out with exactly the same traits as the parent plant,large number of plants can be produced at once

Sexual reproduction leads to variation such that daughter plants will not have exactly the same traits as their parents. The number of plants that can be produced sexually is also limited.

More on asexual reproduction can be found here: https://brainly.com/question/4100787

Every cell in your body was produced through successive rounds of mitosis, starting from the zygote.

a. True
b. False



I think that the correct answer is True

How are living organisms linked within an ecosystem? A. by their physical adaptations B. by what they eat C. by their size D. by their habitat





Living Organisms in an ecosystem have a food chain or energy chain. This chain links all organisms within an ecosystem, therefore, answer B "By what they eat" should be the correct answer

Organisms are linked within an ecosystem by their physical adaptations.

What is physical adaptation?

Physical adaptations are special body parts that help a plant or animal survive in an environment.

A physical adaptation is some type of structural modification made to a part of the body.

A behavioral adaptation is something an animal does - how it acts - usually in response to some type of external stimulus.

what is  an Ecosystem?

An ecosystem is made up of all species and the physical context in which they interact.

Nutrient cycles and energy flows connect these biotic and abiotic components.

Photosynthesis enters the system, absorbing energy and storing it in plant tissue.

Animals assist in the transmission of nutrients and energy throughout the system by eating plants and each other.

Both external and internal factors have an impact on ecosystems.

The availability of diverse resources within the ecosystem is determined by internal factors, whilst resource inputs are usually governed by external activities.

Ecosystem mechanisms thus regulate as well as control interior elements.

so the correct answer is option A.

To know more about Ecosystem here



mixing carbon and iron to make steel is a physical change or chemical change


its a physical change!

A 1.0-kb DNA fragment from the 5' end of the mouse gene is examined by DNA footprint protection analysis. Two samples are end-labeled with 32P, and one of the two is mixed with TFIIB, TFIID, and RNA polymerase II. Both samples are exposed to DNase I. The results are displayed below. The DNA exposed to proteins is run in the right-hand lane of the gel. Control DNA is in the left-hand lane.

What length of DNA is bound by the transcriptional proteins?




Proteins, such as RNA (ribonucleic acid) polymerase, were loaded into lane 2. TFIIB and TFIID are two forms of TFII. These proteins attach to the fragment of DNA. Furthermore, these proteins shield DNA from the DNase enzyme, which may trigger DNA to split. As a result of the above findings, we may conclude that the inserting proteins(RNA polymerase, TFIID and TR 8 proteins) cover the area between 500 and 800 bp (base pair) in the DNase I footprinting experiment.

As a consequence, the length duration is 300bp since the promoter area is about 500-800bp and is not digested by DNase after incubation of inserting proteins.

The rotation of the earth causes winds to shift and ocean currents to change. This is an example of?
A) inertia.
B) cyclones.
C) acceleration.
D) topographical variation



d) topographical variation


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