How does the shift in physical descripition of the landlady throughtout the passage impact the story's meaning


Answer 1

The shift in physical description of the landlady throughout the passage impacts the story's meaning by building suspense and foreshadowing the ending.

At the beginning of the passage, the landlady is described as "a charming elderly lady" who seems trustworthy and kind. She is even compared to someone's grandmother. However, as the passage progresses, the descriptions of the landlady become increasingly strange and unsettling.

For example, her eyes are described as "slightly-irritating", her smile is "curiously crisp", and her voice is "softly bright". The author also notes that the landlady's dog has an "odd smell". These details hint that something is not quite right with the landlady and her home.

To know more about physical description visit:-


Related Questions

The Emancipation Proclamation, excerpt


I, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, President of the United States of America, and Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy thereof, do hereby proclaim and declare that hereafter, as heretofore, the war will be prosecuted for the object of practically restoring the constitutional relation between the United States, and each of the States, and the people thereof, in which States that relation is, or may be, suspended or disturbed.

That it is my purpose, upon the next meeting of Congress to again recommend the adoption of a practical measure tendering pecuniary aid to the free acceptance or rejection of all slave States, so called, the people whereof may not then be in rebellion against the United States and which States may then have voluntarily adopted, or thereafter may voluntarily adopt, immediate or gradual abolishment of slavery within their respective limits; and that the effort to colonize persons of African descent, with their consent, upon this continent, or elsewhere, with the previously obtained consent of the Governments existing there, will be continued.

That on the first day of January in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, all persons held as slaves within any State, or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free; and the executive government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.

That the executive will, on the first day of January aforesaid, by proclamation, designate the States, and part of States, if any, in which the people thereof respectively, shall then be in rebellion against the United States; and the fact that any State, or the people thereof shall, on that day be, in good faith represented in the Congress of the United States, by members chosen thereto, at elections wherein a majority of the qualified voters of such State shall have participated, shall, in the absence of strong countervailing testimony, be deemed conclusive evidence that such State and the people thereof, are not then in rebellion against the United States.

That attention is hereby called to an Act of Congress entitled "An Act to make an additional Article of War" approved March 13, 1862, and which act is in the words and figure following:

''Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That hereafter the following shall be promulgated as an additional article of war for the government of the army of the United States, and shall be obeyed and observed as such:

Article —. All officers or persons in the military or naval service of the United States are prohibited from employing any of the forces under their respective commands for the purpose of returning fugitives from service or labor, who may have escaped from any persons to whom such service or labor is claimed to be due, and any officer who shall be found guilty by a court-martial of violating this article shall be dismissed from the service.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect from and after its passage."

What was Lincoln's main reason for writing the Emancipation Proclamation? (4 points)
A. To end plantation life
B. To arm black soldiers
C. To preserve the Union
D. To punish slaveholders


i have a feeling is B!

please help 10 points ​


corporal works of mercy:
1. to feed the hungry give drink to the thirsty clothe the naked
4. to shelter the homeless visit the sick visit the imprisoned bury the dead

spiritual works of mercy: instruct the ignorant counsel the doubtful admonish sinners bear wrongs patiently forgive offenses willingly comfort the sorrowful pray for the living and the dead

What type of propaganda is described "Professional athlete, Lamar Oden has a Swim-I-liscious Pool. Don't you want one, too?"


Answer: Testimonial Propaganda


Testimonial propaganda is a type of propaganda that uses the influence of well known celebrities to promote a product.

In advertising, it is a type of technique where consumers are influenced to patronize because a celebrity uses the product.

Organizations feel consumers will take their products more seriously if it is endorsed by not just any random person but by a celebrity.

The celebrity here is an athlete, Lamar Oden. Lamar Oden is a professional basketball player that has won various championships and given the NBA man of the year severally.

By using this kind of propaganda, the organization is targeting people who are fans of basketball most of whom would look up to Lamar Oden or acknowledge his skill.

So, they are definitely going to want to own a Swim-I-liscious Pool because a professional athlete owns one.

 Part A In "Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed," what does the constant wind on Mars most likely represent?

a. the power of the environment to completely change the Earth people

b. the sadness that Mr. Bittering feels when he cannot return to Earth

c. the very hot weather on Mars that disturbs the Earth people

d. the destruction of the Earth people’s settlement on Mars

      Part B Which quotation from "Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed" best supports the answer to Part A?

The wind blew as if to flake away their identities. At any moment, the Martian air might draw his soul from him, as marrow comes from a white bone.

"Even the house. The wind’s done something to it. The air’s burned it. The fog at night."

The nights were full of wind that blew down the empty moonlit sea meadows past the little white chess cities lying for their twelve-thousandth year in the shallows.

The captain looked at the room, the dusty windows, the blue mountains rising beyond, the canals moving in the light, and he heard the soft wind in the air. He shivered.


The constant wind on Mars in "Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed" most likely represents the power of the environment to completely change the Earth people.Part B: The quotation from "Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed" that best supports the answer to Part A is "The wind blew as if to flake away their identities. At any moment, the Martian air might draw his soul from him, as marrow comes from a white bone.

"The reason why the constant wind on Mars in "Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed" most likely represents the power of the environment to completely change the Earth people is that the wind is a natural force that shapes and molds the environment in which the characters live on Mars. The wind's constant presence suggests that it has the power to transform the landscape and the characters themselves over time. The wind also acts as a metaphor for the cultural and psychological changes that the Earth people experience as they adapt to life on Mars.

In Part B, the quotation "The wind blew as if to flake away their identities. At any moment, the Martian air might draw his soul from him, as marrow comes from a white bone" supports the answer to Part A because it describes how the wind has the power to change the very essence of the Earth people's being. The metaphor of the wind flaking away their identities suggests that the wind is eroding the very foundation of their identity as Earthlings and replacing it with something new and Martian. The comparison to marrow being drawn from a white bone suggests that the Earth people's very life force is being drained away by the wind, leaving them vulnerable to the power of their new environment.

To know more about Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed visit:-


PART A: Williams is quoted in the text stating that he is "innocent." In a few sentences, explain what Williams means by "innocent." Is Williams denying that he committed crimes?(STANLEY WILLIAMS)



He was not denying the crimes he committed, but claiming that he had changed and it was no longer that person who committed crimes. His new self was innocent, because the old was no more.


Stanley Williams was a great activist against the formation of street gangs and the involvement of children and adolescents with these gangs. However, he was a street gang member, even participating in serious crimes that sentenced him to death.

He became an activist while on death row, where he repented and redeemed himself for all the harm he had done. Williams became someone else on death row and so he claimed he was innocent. He did not deny any crime he committed, but he reinforced that redemption transformed him and made him clean and innocent.

Explain the distinction between "weak ties" (bridging) and "strong ties" (bonding). When are weak ties more helpful?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

The distinction between "weak ties" (bridging) and "strong ties" (bonding) in social networking or social marketing terms is that strong ties refer to the number of people you know very well and have a decent or good relationship with. One way or the other, you consider them "close" in social media terms. You interact with these people on a daily basis.

On the other hand, weak ties are the opposite. People with whom you have a light relationship. You contact them once every six months, once a year, or on special occasions.

It is believed that weak ties are more helpful because these people can bring other people and bind them to form solid groups in order to form other networks that can represent other kinds of benefits in the short and the long run.

What is the author’s main purpose in Screen Time Can Mess With the Body’s "Clock"? *

1 point explain possible effects of using certain electronic devices before trying to sleep describe the effects of too much sleep on the way people feel during the day persuade people that electronic devices are better than print books explain why many people have stopped reading print books


Answer: explain possible effects of using certain electronic devices before trying to sleep


"Screen Time Can Mess With the Body’s" Clock "" is an article that shows the harmful effects of electronic devices on people's sleep quality. This is because the light from electronic devices can disrupt the biological clock that determines people's sleep schedules. Thus, with the modified biological schedule, people's sleep loses quality, which can impact many elements of individuals' lives.

In summary, the article shows that in order to have a high quality night's sleep it is necessary that all electronic devices are turned off. In that case, we can agree that the article was written to explain the possible effects of using certain electronic devices before trying to sleep.

marking brainliest
please help me with this crossword
**if you can't see please please just zoom in don't waste my points to say "i can't see the pic" thanks :)



1- conflict


3-point of view



6- i'm not sure what that is





good luck :)

hopefully, this helps

In four or more sentences or more explain how
the "Little Rock 9" impacted the Civil Rights



The Little Rock Nine became an integral part of the fight for equal opportunity in American education when they dared to challenge public school segregation by enrolling at the all-white Central High School in 1957. Their appearance and award are part of the Centennial Celebration of Women at Marquette

Explanation:brainliest im trying to see how many i can get in a day

why was the window shut? a) to hide julia's screaming objections about rats b) to hide the noise of a jiggling bed c) to hide the noixe of a steaming kettle d) to hide the scent of real coffee


The window was shut (d) to hide the scent of real coffee. This implies that the person closing the window wanted to prevent the aroma of freshly brewed coffee from escaping outside.

The other options mentioned, such as Julia's screaming objections about rats, the noise of a jiggling bed, or the noise of a steaming kettle, do not directly relate to the purpose of closing the window. The scent of real coffee can be strong and enticing, and by shutting the window, one can contain the aroma within the room.

Preventing it from dissipating and potentially attracting attention or tempting others who might be passing by.

To learn more about aroma, visit here


Which sentence would be most appropriate for a book report?

A. The writer's too interested in scenery to interest me.

B. The book captures the spirit of country life in the eighteenth century.

C. The writer included many fascinating facts about England!

D. This book is as dull as the day is long.

Select the phrase from the drop-down menu that correctly completes the sentence with parallel structure.

A major figure in the Progressive era, Jane Addams was a community organizer, a political activist, and ________________

A. Founded Hull House

B. Was the founder of Hull House

C. She founded Hull House

D. The founder of Hull House


For the first question, the most appropriate sentence for a book report is: B. The book captures the spirit of country life in the eighteenth century.

The sentence indicates the idea of what the book is about and captures the tone of the book. The sentence highlights what is interesting and significant about the book and is specific enough to give the reader an idea of the book's content and purpose. As for the second question, the phrase that correctly completes the sentence with parallel structure is:

C. She founded Hull House. The sentence should read, "A major figure in the Progressive era, Jane Addams was a community organizer, a political activist, and she founded Hull House." The parallel structure is maintained by adding "she" before "founded Hull House."

To know more about  appropriate visit:-



''O Captain! My Captain!" by Walt Whitman

Lines 1–3: Use your knowledge of the selections in Collection 3 to infer who the “Captain” is and what the “fearful trip” refers to.



AYYYEEE <3333    The poem is a lament for the death of Lincoln, coupled with relief that the Union has remained intact. He is our "captain" because he successfully led the nation during a very difficult time.

Is spanking your child okay?




only in some cases lol





Read this excerpt from The First Men in the Moon.

Before me, the pale serpent-girdled section of the sun sank and sank, and the advancing shadow swept to seize the sphere before I could reach it.
What meaning is implied by the use of personification above?

The sun’s appearance is like a snake trying to seize the sphere.
The sun moves in circles like a snake as it sinks.
The sun nearly sets before Mr. Bedford can get to the sphere.
It becomes harder to see as the sun grows more pale.

PLS need help



The Sun nearly sets before Mr. Bedford can get to the sphere.


The shadow is advancing toward him and the sphere however, the shadow siezes the sphere before he could reach it. Also I just did the test and got it correct.

Which of the following is an
absolute modifier?
A empty
B. hungry
C. weird
D good






Absolute modifiers are adjectives and adverbs that shouldn't be compared or modified because they have an absolute, all-or-nothing quality. Examples of absolute modifiers include complete, perfect, final, total, and (often) unique. For example, the word perfect means 'having no room for improvement.' With that said, Empty is already at its limit you can't say 'I am very empty'.

4. If an article contains only one point of view without addressing alternate viewpoints, the article is likely
O A. accurate,
O B. periodical
C. biased.
O D. objective


C. Biased. If it only talks about them them them, it is more likely a biased paper.


If an article contains only one point of view without addressing alternate viewpoints, the article is likely biased.


DUE TODAY HELP ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A(n) _____ describes why your claim is important, true, or valid.


Answer: B, reason.





Read the excerpt from the story Animals in the Zoo.

"Don't worry, we won't be operating on the tamarins today. We are just checking their health and looking at their eyes, ears, and hands during this visit. We want to make sure they are healthy enough to be put into their enclosure," she said. Just then, a zoo employee brought in the two tamarins, and Ryan immediately understood why they were called cotton-top tamarins. Each of them had a white tuft of hair on top of their head. The zoo employee told Ryan and his mom that these two tamarins were the first of many to come to the zoo. If these two stayed healthy and appeared to be happy in their enclosure, the zoo would be able to get even more tamarins to fill the exhibit which is why they wanted to make sure they had an expert come in to examine them.

It took Ryan's mother 30 minutes to check each tamarin. She wanted to make sure they both had thorough examinations. Finally, after an hour, she gave them both the all clear.

One of the tamarins was looking right at Ryan and had her arms stretched out. Ryan looked at his mom with an inquiring gaze. She nodded at him, so he reached out and picked her up from the examination table. The tamarin licked the end of his nose, and Ryan laughed. He definitely would be back to visit the tamarins as soon as he could.

Which line from the excerpt best supports the idea that Ryan is an animal-lover?

A. She wanted to make sure they both had thorough examinations.
B. One of the tamarins was looking right at Ryan and had her arms stretched out.
C. She nodded at him, so he reached out and picked her up from the examination table.
D. He definitely would be back to visit the tamarins as soon as he could.





If he likes animals then he would want to see the tamarins again. But if he didn't like animals he wouldn't have shown love and support to the animals.




With D it says that He would be back to visit the tamarins as soon as he could. By this he is saying he liked it so he would want to go back as soon as possible. This shows that he is an animal lover because he loved the tamarins and wants to be there again,

Analyse the impact that the increasing number of social grants may have on the unemployment rate


The increasing the number of social grants will enable many people to access greater support, especially those who are poor, old, unemployed and have many children. On the contrary, an increasing number of social grants will result to a higher dependence of unemployed people.

The increasing the number of social grants is one that has lead to people having more access to support and this has lead to a reduction in unemployment level.

What impact the increasing number of social grants have ?

Social grants is known to be a some key factor that has increase the level of consumption of some thing like  food and education.

The direct effects of the change in grants is said to have huge effect on poverty and inequality.

Learn ore about social grants  from

17. If you want to analyze the exact word choice of a source in your essay, which method should you use?
A. Quoting
B. Citing
C. Summarizing
D. Paraphrasing



If you want to analyze the exact word choice of a source in your essay, you should use Quoting.



A> Quoting


just took test

Which consonants in the word rendezvous are silent?

A. n and s
B. rand n
C. z and s
D. z and v



Z is the silent letter in rendezvous.


z and s


Poetry that uses an image or an illustration is called a(n): antithetical parallel climactic parallel synthetic parallel emblematic parallel


Answer: emblematic parallel


The poetry that uses an image or an illustration is called an emblematic parallel.

Emblematic parallelism typically makes use of similes or metaphors in the comparison of things. In such scenario, the first line is being compared to the next line that follows.

In this passage, Antony is speaking at Caesar’s funeral.

ANTONY. Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend
me your ears.
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interrèd with their bones.
So let it be with Caesar. The noble Brutus
Hath told you Caesar was ambitious.
If it were so, it was a grievous fault,
And grievously hath Caesar answered it.
Here, under leave of Brutus and the rest—
For Brutus is an honourable man,
So are they all, all honourable men—
Come I to speak in Caesar’s funeral.
He was my friend, faithful and just to me.
But Brutus says he was ambitious,
And Brutus is an honourable man.

–The Tragedy of Julius Caesar,
William Shakespeare

Which statement best summarizes the passage?

Antony is praising Brutus, but he is also praising the conspirators because he fears for his life.
Antony is speaking at Caesar’s funeral to praise Caesar and show that he agrees with the conspirators.
Antony is at Caesar’s funeral to praise Caesar and show that the conspirators are liars and were wrong.
Antony speaks at Caesar’s funeral to praise Caesar, and he declares that he will be the new ruler of Rome.



Antony is at Caesar’s funeral to praise Caesar and show that the conspirators are liars and were wrong.


He first said that Brutus called Caeser ambitious. Then, he called Brutus ambitious. he used these points to attack him. First, he compared Brutus and the other assassins as honorable men, turning the word into irony rather than praise. He repeats that Brutus called Caesar ambitious while calling him an honorable man, making it seem like Brutus is a liar. It also points to the fact that the line "But Brutus says he was ambitious,

And Brutus is an honorable man." is calling Brutus a hypocrite and a liar since he is no honorable man


answer is c)


edge 2021!

My ability to speak and understand Spanish will be a(n)_____________ when I travel.Immersive Reader from the story outsiders


Answer: advantage


Over 442 million people in at least 20 nations recognize Spanish as their official language. Knowing how to speak Spanish and visiting any of those countries will ensure better communication with the natives which would lead to one enjoying their trip more.

Knowing Spanish for such trips is to therefore be considered an advantage.

Claudius: Take thy fair hour, Laertes; time be thine, And thy best graces spend it at thy will. But now, my cousin Hamlet, and my son,— Hamlet: [Aside.] A little more than kin, and less than kind. Claudius: How is it that the clouds still hang on you? Hamlet: Not so, my lord; I am too much i’ the sun. What is the most likely reason that Shakespeare chose this point in the play to give Hamlet his first aside?


Hello. You forgot to introduce the answer options. The options are:

A. Shakespeare is alerting the audience to the conflict between Claudius and Hamlet.

B. Shakespeare is making sure the audience knows early on that Hamlet is a tragic hero.

C. Shakespeare is contrasting Hamlet with Laertes to create suspense for the audience.

D. Shakespeare is hinting to the audience that Claudius will cause an unhappy ending for Hamlet.


A. Shakespeare is alerting the audience to the conflict between Claudius and Hamlet.


Shakespeare decided to use this moment in the play, to show that Hamlet and his uncle, Claudius, had a conflict that would be explored in the course of the plot. This is evident, because Hamlet uses this dialogue to show his dislike towards Claudius, but Hamlet does not have the courage to show this dislike directly and does it through puns and indirect, as when he says that Claudius is more than a relative to him, but he is not seen with kindness. This moment also shows that Hamlet, distrusts Claudius, but is not sure if it is correct.

That question is sorbe "Hamlet" that tells the story of how Prince Hamlet, faces his own thoughts, fears and family, to avenge his father's death.


Its A


Just took the test on edge

Why did Cole burn his supplies and shelter? *

He wanted to prove that he could make it without anyone's help
He needed a bon fire to keep warm
He was trying to scare off wild animals
He considered the supplies and shelter to be a buyout; another of his dad's attempts to show everyone that he "cares" for Cole.


To not die from the cold

He needed the bonfire to keep warm.

Can someone please help me on this



Check explanation








Personification - the water didn't ...

Metaphor - Joey was a ...

Simile - That bird was as ...


- personification means that is giving life or personality to an object

- metaphor is when is competing but saying it for real (is, are was)

- simile means that it's comparing (as, like,)

Read the following sentence. Which of these is the modifier in the sentence?
My favorite class is social studies because I like to read about events throughout history.


answer:I choose the word favorite


because it is modified

If you are in a gang and want to get out, what should you do?
Keep taking their phone calls.
Stop taking their phone calls and hanging around them.
Keep hanging around gang members.
Tell the gang you are leaving.


id say B..............


Tell them you can't hang anymore then if they don't seem to understand stop taking their phone calls basically just show them and let them know you're moving on



In the early days of arctic exploration, dogsled was often the only way to travel. The ice, snow, and extremely cold weather made using other animals, such as horses, impossible. Snowmobiles were not invented yet. Most explorers journeyed by ship until the ice made it impossible to continue. Then, they would switch to dogsled. The dogs, working together, were a well-oiled machine that could cover long distances in the cold.

Which sentence best states the author's point in this excerpt?

A) Early arctic explorers often did not think about the obstacles they would face.
B) Dogsled teams were uniquely able to meet challenges of the arctic environment.
C) There are few animals and even fewer methods of transportation in the arctic.
D) Dogsleds were designed so perfectly that snowmobiles copy their measurements.



d maybe if not then b


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