Can someone write this in their own words:

The game reserve's investment in the clinic has the power to transform the rural South African community shown in the video. The game reserve is an important source of income for the community. The money from the reserve benefits the community by facilitating the building of infrastructures, such as schools and child-care facilities. These operations in turn generate employment.
The game reserve and the schools require a workforce and human capital. However, the workforce in the rural area is vulnerable to deadly diseases because of the HIV epidemic and poor sanitation. By investing in a mobile clinic and giving free medical treatment to those in the community, the game reserve can nurture its human capital and extend life expectancy in the area. If people are healthy and educated, they can work, be productive, and participate in community development. By protecting the workforce from death and disease, the game reserve can drive economic growth.


Answer 1


The clinic's investment by the game reserve has the potential to change the rural South African community depicted in the film. For the city, the game reserve is a significant source of revenue. The money from the reserve helps the community by allowing for the construction of infrastructure including schools and child-care centers. These activities, in turn, create jobs.

A workforce and human resources are needed for the game reserve and the schools. However, because of the HIV outbreak and inadequate sanitation, the rural population is vulnerable to deadly diseases. The game reserve will cultivate its human resources and extend life expectancy in the region by investing in a mobile clinic and providing free medical care to those in the community. People will work, be active, and contribute to community growth if they are safe and trained. The game reserve will spur economic development by shielding the workforce from death and disease.


Related Questions

can sb help w dis, i’ll cashapp you text me, (234)360-5010



i would say b but it could be a also but i would put b


answer is b


B correctly uses semi-colon it adds new information.

Graded Assignment

Evaluate a Speaker

View or listen to a speech by a well-known actor, and then evaluate it in writing.

To begin, save this document to your computer with your name at the end of the filename (e.g., NG_ELA9-10_W_11_GA_Alice_Jones.docx).

As you experience the speech, identify the speaker’s viewpoint and notice the reasons and evidence he supplies to support it. Listen for evidence and logic that is either valid or fallacious. Be attentive for language that is either appropriately emotional or unfairly loaded. Take notes as the speech progresses. Then, read and answer the questions.

When you have finished, submit this document to your teacher for grading.


(Score for Question 1: ___ of 5 points)

What is the speaker’s viewpoint? What is his claim?

Write your answer here.

(Score for Question 2: ___ of 5 points)

What reasons does the speaker provide to support his viewpoint or claim?

Write your answer here.

(Score for Question 3: ___ of 5 points)

What evidence does the speaker provide to support his reasons?

Write your answer here.

(Score for Question 4: ___ of 5 points)

What counterclaims does the speaker address, and how does he respond to them?

Write your answer here.

(Score for Question 5: ___ of 5 points)

What examples of fallacious reasoning, distorted or weak evidence, and exaggerated language occur in the speech?

Write your answer here.

(Score for Question 6: ___ of 5 points)

Write a 1–2 paragraph evaluation of the speaker’s argument. Discuss whether the speaker used valid reasoning and sufficient evidence to support his viewpoint.

Write your answer here.





The short science fiction narrative Created He Them written by Alice Eleanor Jones tells a distressed housewives point of view describing her life after a nuclear holocaust. Ann Crothers, the housewife, depicts her less than ideal living situation. She lives with her ungrateful and spiteful husband and reveals that once her children reach a certain age, they will be taken away from her. Throughout the story her husband maintains a different point of view of their lives together which reveals the different strains the society weighs on any parents during this time.

From the beginning of the narrative Ann Crothers carefully completes her daily tasks in order not to upset her husband. “She had already poured his coffee; he liked it cooled to a certain degree; but if he did not get up soon it would be too cool and the bacon to crisp and he would be angry and sulk the rest of the day. She had better call him.” (67) She prepared his breakfast conscious of every detail. She even reveals she must put the children in the basement and keep them quiet so any noise they make would not make her husband angry.

Ann Crothers is nervous and thorough to prefect things for her husband, however throughout the day she wishes he would die and repeatedly says she would kill him. She does however care deeply for her children. She takes them outdoors and wheels them down the street when the other women in the neighborhood begin to admire the children. This event connects the women in the society with Ann Crothers and their love for their children. The strangers in the neighborhood show admiration for the children yet their father does not acknowledge them once.

Henry Crothers, the husband, is demanding and critical of his wife. He sees her efforts as lazy and unworthy of his praise. However, telling the narrative in his point of view the reader would be exposed to a male’s coping process with his children being taken from him. In result of nuclear attacks children could be born with mutations or be stillborn the majority of the time. Henry and Ann are blessed and burdened with the fact they can still produce healthy children. Ann states, “we are among the tiny percentage of people in this world who can have normal children. We hate each other, but we breed true.” (75) Lisa Yaszek from Ladies’ Home Journal explains that Henry is a petty tyrant who neglects his children because he knows they will be taken away from him. (88) Although Ann wishes Henry would die, they also know their importance in society and their duty to create children like theirs. They must do this to live, and they must live together.

The hardships during this time turn husbands and wives against each other to cope with their situations. The narrative Created He Them, written by Alice Eleanor Jones reveals the society’s issues and public problems deeply impact the lifestyle and issues in the private sphere as well.

Acrostic poem for the Texas revolution but only the revolution world ASAP


Runaway Scrape

Easy to cry


October 2, 1835 – April 21, 1836


U wouldn't want to know the deaths


Involving colonists/invasions


Nuevo Mexico

what reason does Cecily give Gwendolen for Ernest never mentioning having a brother?


In "The Importance of Being Earnest," Cecily informs Gwendolen that Ernest (Jack) has never mentioned having a brother since he is ashamed of his brother's behaviour and wishes to cut all contact with him. Cecily doesn't know that Jack is, in fact, Ernest.

She's also keeping a diary in which she documents all of her and Ernest's fabricated exploits. She tells Gwendolen that she has no intention of letting Ernest see it since he might be taken aback by how much she adores him.In Act 2, the women establish a connection over the fact that they both intend to marry men named Ernest.

Gwendolen states that she can only love a man named Ernest, which Cecily claims to be the case for her as well.

Cecily doesn't know that Jack has been introducing himself as Ernest to her and that he is in fact Jack. They both find themselves in a situation in which they must compete to see who is the true fiancée of "Ernest" when they learn of their mutual affection for the same man.

In conclusion, Cecily informs Gwendolen that Ernest never mentioned having a brother since he is ashamed of his brother's behaviour and wishes to cut all contact with him. In reality, however, Cecily and Gwendolen are unaware that they are both engaged to the same man, Jack.

They discover that their fiancé is not named Ernest and that their dream of marrying a man named Ernest is just that, a dream.

For more such questions on Gwendolen


In Freak The Mighty, what should Max do in the situation as he has been kidnapped by his father?



Maybe this will help a little


Max is absolutely terrified of testifying against his father, Kenny “Killer” Kane in court. Max’s father has already killed Max’s mother and then kidnapped Max (on Christmas Eve, no less) immediately after getting out of jail on parole. It bothers Max so much that he cannot even enjoy the attention Max and Kevin are receiving at school due to their daring rescue. As usual, Max tries to escape the disturbing thoughts and says he would “just as soon forget about the whole thing.” Luckily, Max’s father settles out of court; therefore, Max does not have to testify against his own dad. Unfortunately, though, this makes Max worry about something else. Max continually worries about becoming just like his horrible father. Kevin tries to dispel Kevin’s worry by speaking about the importance of remembering. Kevin insists that remembering the bad things that Kenny “Killer” Kane has done and then purposely not repeating them will help Max in his situation. Again, the friendship of Max and Kevin saves the day.

Fill in the blanks to explain how Gina’s mermories of her grandfather are similar to the bakery’s bread:
A: the last time Gina saw her grandfather was when saw was sick alone or young?
B:However her Memories of him feels like they probably recently or hardly happened similarly the bread in the barley was taken out of the oven C: Only moments ago many days earlier or moths back Sorry there is a lot too read



1. Young

2. Recently

3. Only moments ago


1. "Even though her Grandfather had passed away when Gina was little..."

2."...her memories of him are still as fresh as the bakers bread."

3. I think the paragraph goes on but I cant read it. It does say "Similarly" so I can only assume that since her grandfathers memory is fresh, so is the bread XD.

Answer: A: is young B: is recently And C: is only Moments hope this helps lol


Now, it being Christmas when the ship shot from out her harbor, for a space we had biting Polar weather, though all the time running away from it to the southward; and by every degree and minute of latitude which we sailed, gradually leaving that merciless winter, and all its intolerable weather behind us. It was one of those less lowering, but still grey and gloomy enough mornings of the transition, when with a fair wind the ship was rushing through the water with a vindictive sort of leaping and melancholy rapidity, that as I mounted to the deck at the call of the forenoon watch, so soon as I leveled my glance towards the taffrail, foreboding shivers ran over me. Which detail sets the scene



The icy climate is the detail that defines the scene.


One of the main points in the text shown above is the freezing climate created by the low temperature. This detail manages the whole scene, the actions of the narrator and even the feeling that the author wants to convey to the reader. Thus, we can consider that the icy climate is the main detail of the scene, being able to delimit the events and the entire narration.


1. biting polar weather

2. gloomy and troubled

3.Nature is destructive and mysterious

Explanation: Edge 2021

Plz help me I still have more ;-; btw I’m doing also some that ik




Hope it helps!Hope it helps!:)

The correct answer would be organism

In the article, the author describes the different personality types of students in order to -



We don't know/can't see the article screenshot the article so I can help you..


if the letter is brief be sure to explain why

true or false



I dont compety understand the question but I think it is false



True? need to actually see the letter


Which of the following quotes spoken by Romeo shows the strongest example of how he
changes over the course of Romeo and Juliet?


I found this question online. The answer choices are the following:

A. "Sleep dwell upon thine eyes, peace in thy breast / Would I were sleep and peace, so sweet to rest!"

B. "With Rosaline, my ghostly father? No, I have forgot that name that name's woe."

C. "Good morrow to you both. What counterfeit did I give you?"

D. " Lets me have / A dram of poison; such-soon speeding gear / As will disperse itself though all the veins / That the life-weary taker may fall dead"


The quote which shows the strongest example of how Romeo changes is:

D. " Lets me have / A dram of poison; such-soon speeding gear / As will disperse itself though all the veins / That the life-weary taker may fall dead"


Romeo, one of the main characters of the tragic play "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare, undergoes deep change in a short period of time.

In option D above, Romeo is ready to die. Those lines are spoken to the apothecary from whom Romeo buys poison. He thinks Juliet, the girl he loves and his enemy's daughter, is dead. Romeo has come to love her so much that he does not wish to keep on living without her. He no longer fears death - now he welcomes it, for death will release him from a life without Juliet.

Why does Vinita care about trees so much?

A) They stand at the outer edge of a forest.

B) They benefit her and her village.

C) She knows the trees provide everything she needs.

D) she is the official guardian of the trees


The main answer B: they benefit her and her village. This option explains why she is passionate about trees and considers them valuable to her life and the lives of her people.

In the story of "Vinita's Trees," Vinita is a young woman who is a member of a village in India. Trees are significant to her because they provide everything she needs, from food to fuel to medicine. As a result, she has made it her life's goal to protect and conserve trees. She understands the importance of trees in her village's ecosystem.

Her village depends on the trees for many reasons, such as the fact that the trees provide them with food, medicine, and fuel. Vinita understands the significance of the environment to her village's survival, and this is why she cares about the trees so much.

To know more about passionate  visit:-


give me your opinion please :)

Do you like to taste new things? Why? / Why not?​


Answer: Ye, because you'll never know if you like it or not, if you don't try it, and I like it because I'm not picky.

Which is the best meaning of transaction?
A: Bill
B: Calculation
C: Deal
D: Program


C: Deal. Hope this helps man gl with school

My central claim is the recycling and pollution argument. What is the strong argument from both arguments? (PLEASE FAST)


I think pollution argument

the lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to___


The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to our personal growth and development. These challenges provide opportunities for learning, self-reflection, and resilience.

They can shape our character, strengthen our problem-solving skills, and expand our positive mindset. Overcoming obstacles teaches us valuable life lessons, such as perseverance, adaptability, and the importance of perseverance. It helps us develop emotional intelligence, empathy, and a greater understanding of ourselves and others.

By navigating through obstacles, we gain confidence in our abilities and learn to approach future challenges with a positive mindset.

To learn more about mindset, visit here


The Interest Rate sensitive securities possess well defined risk and return characteristics

that are a function of the structural features of a particular security and how the price of the

security responds to changes in the many factors that are used to derive its price. The

characteristic known as pull to par is best defined as the characteristic where by:

A. The price of the fixed rate bond equals the par value as the result of the yield to

maturity equalling the coupon rate on a coupon payment date.

B. The price of the fixed rate bond equals its par value at the time of the security’s


C. The random chance of the price of the fixed rate bond equalling its par value over


D. The price of the fixed rate bond, in the abscence of default, converging in to the par

value of the security as time passes and the term to maturity of the security reduces

to zero


The price of the fixed rate bond, in the absence of default, converging in to the par value of the security as time passes and the term to maturity of the security reduces to zero. The correct option is D.

Pulled-to-Par is a characteristic of a fixed income security in which the price of the security rises to its par value as the bond's maturity approaches. When a bond approaches its maturity date, its price begins to converge with its face value, resulting in a smaller market price. The Pulled-to-Par is a term used to describe the convergence of bond prices to their par value at maturity, which is a common characteristic of fixed-income securities. It occurs when the price of a fixed-rate bond converges to its face value as the bond approaches its maturity date.

In summary, a security's Pulled-to-Par characteristic is determined by its structural features and how its price responds to changes in the factors used to calculate its price. The price of a fixed-rate bond converges to its face value as the bond approaches maturity, with the Pulled-to-Par being the convergence of bond prices to their par value at maturity, which is a common characteristic of fixed-income securities. The correct option is D.

More on rate bond:


Hi, can you guys give me some good Title names for a goog.le slides I'm working on, it's about Llamas. So I need a good Title name for it. Keep it professional!! I hope you help me! And Thank you! :D​



-Facts about Llamas

-Everything you should know about Llamas


Read the passage from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
"What’s that noise?” said Lucy suddenly. It was a far larger house than she had ever been in before and the thought of all those long passages and rows of doors leading into empty rooms was beginning to make her feel a little creepy. "It’s only a bird, silly,” said Edmund. "It’s an owl,” said Peter. "This is going to be a wonderful place for birds. I shall go to bed now. I say, let’s go and explore tomorrow. You might find anything in a place like this. Did you see those mountains as we came along? And the woods? There might be eagles. There might be stags. There’ll be hawks.” –The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, C. S. Lewis
What is the central idea of this passage?

Edmund realizes that the strange sound is only a bird.
The long halls and empty rooms in the house frighten Lucy.
Lucy is uneasy in their new house, but Peter is enthusiastic.
Instead of being afraid, Peter is excited to see new animals.


Answer:Lucy is uneasy in their new house, but Peter is enthusiastic


it just seemed like the most obvious answer to me lol





In which situation would you make the MOST formal speech?

A. You are introducing your band at a school dance.

B. You are making an important point to your parents.

C. You are class valedictorian and you are speaking at graduation.

D. You are convincing your friends to go to a party.


Answer: C. You are class valedictorian and you are speaking at graduation.


Formal speech is referred to as a form of speech that's given in a formal setting and intended to show sense of decorum. During formal speech, slangs or friendly tone are not used.

Based on the options given, the situation that would make the most formal speech is "You are class valedictorian and you are speaking at graduation'

Answer: You are class valedictorian, and you are speaking at graduation.

Explanation: Got it correct on my test. Thanks,

topeadeniran2 | Genius | 43.1K answers | 337.4M people helped.

Read the paragraph. Select the underlined verb in the paragraph that is used in the subjunctive mood.
What looked to be the season's biggest thunderstorm suddenly swept into town. We suggested that Brenda drive to Grandfather's
house instead of walking in the rain, but she waved our idea away as if she were a child responding to an overprotective mother.
Clutching her umbrella, Brenda disappeared in the blur of the pouring rain.

I need right not the question Is select the underlined verb in the paragraph that is used as a subjunctive mood the paragraph is up above so please read it and give me your answers



The verb in the passage that is in the subjunctive mood is: drive.


In English, the subjunctive mood is used to express wishes, demands, suggestions, possibilities or hypothetical situations. There are a few verbs that will attract, so to speak, a subjunctive verb: demand, insist, and suggest. That is precisely what happens in the passage we are analyzing here. In the sentence, "We suggested that Brenda drive to Grandfather's. . ." we have "suggested" attracting the verb "drive" in the subjunctive mood. Notice that it would be wrong to say "drives" in this case.

Please Help

In "the adventures of aladdin by the brothers grimm" What kind of character is the widow ?

A. The protagonist

B. The antagonist

C. Halima's Foil

D. Flat character

In " The Little Things Are Big," the lady with the children can be described as__?

A. Minor and flat

B. Major and static

C. The antagonist

D. Dynamic and stereotyped


In "The Adventures of Aladdin" by the Brothers Grimm, the widow is a C. Halima's Foil.

In "The Little Things Are Big," the lady with the children can be described as D. Dynamic and stereotyped.

In "The Adventures of Aladdin" by the Brothers Grimm, the widow is a Halima's Foil.

Halima's Foil character is someone who highlights the personality and behavior of another character.

They are characters whose personalities, actions, and situations contrast with those of another character.

The widow is portrayed as greedy, selfish, and heartless. She uses Aladdin to fulfill her own selfish needs.

Halima is shown to be kind and loving. She cares for Aladdin and wishes him well.

In "The Little Things Are Big," the lady with the children can be described as Dynamic and stereotyped.

The lady's actions and behaviors were dynamic as she was hesitant to let the student who helped her carry her children go before thanking him properly.

Stereotyped means something or someone regarded as conforming to a set of cultural or social norms.

To know more about Adventures of Aladdin visit:


Read the sample prompt for an argumentative essay.

When it comes to activism, teenagers are an untapped resource for creating change.

From the choices below, choose the most effective claim that addresses the prompt.

Regardless of age, teenagers have a voice that can bring attention to issues and create change.

Since teenagers cannot vote, their voice shouldn't be part of policy and government.

Teenagers are too busy with school to be able to make any real change of policy and government.

Teenagers can only volunteer and create change online; they are uninterested in in-person protests or movements.


The most effective claim that addresses the prompt from the given choices is "Regardless of age, teenagers have a voice that can bring attention to issues and create change." The Correct option is A

Activism is the act of campaigning for a social or political cause, and teenagers have become a significant force in activism.

They have taken the front seat in fighting for social justice, climate change, and several other causes that they believe in. Teenagers are an untapped resource for creating change, which can happen only if they use their voice effectively and in the right way.

Therefore, the most effective claim is the one that suggests that teenagers can bring attention to issues and create change, regardless of their age.

Teenagers should be allowed to voice their opinions and thoughts, as they have the power to affect change.

By using various social media platforms, they can reach a wide audience and spread the message of change. Their enthusiasm and passion are remarkable and infectious, leading to a higher chance of creating change.

Teenagers can take part in peaceful protests and movements to put their message across.

They can also initiate fundraisers, donate to the cause, and even start their campaigns to bring change. Therefore, it is not right to say that teenagers are uninterested in in-person protests or movements.

In conclusion, activism requires a diverse range of people with different skills and abilities.

Teenagers have an immense ability to create change and contribute to the community. They should be encouraged to use their voice effectively and make a difference, regardless of their age.

For more such questions on Regardless


What is ironic about churches and universities supporting restrictive covenants?



the ironicness DUH


Both places sermonize about freedom

Explain the distinction between “weak ties” (bridging) and “strong ties” (bonding). When are weak ties more helpful? this is for English


The things how you make any work out

What SIMILE does Esperanza use to describe the Vargas children? What effect does it



What does Esperanza say the Vargas kids don't have? (There Was an Old Woman) She says they don't have respect for themselves or anyone else. The similes and metaphors she uses for the meaning of her name explain the way she feels her name means. ...

She uses the words “hope, many letters, sadness, waiting, the number nine, and her fathers records he plays,” to describe Esperanza's name.

These words explain Esperanza as a depressed girl who wants something.



Please help. Appreciate it in advance

Explain whether the narrator in "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is reliable or unreliable. Use evidence from the text to support your answer. Edit View Insert Format Tools​


The narrator's unreliability in "The Yellow Wallpaper" stems from her loss of identity and manipulation by the men in her life.

In "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, the narrator is unreliable. The narrator’s unreliability is due to the fact that she has lost her sense of self and has been manipulated by the men in her life.The narrator in "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is unreliable.

She claims to be suffering from a "temporary nervous depression" and that she is being treated for it by her husband and his sister. However, the reader quickly realizes that there is more to her condition than what she is revealing. She begins to see things in the wallpaper, and she becomes obsessed with tearing it down. Despite her husband's warnings, she continues to do so.

Furthermore, the narrator is dishonest with her husband about the severity of her condition. She keeps a journal, but she hides it from him. The narrator’s unreliability is due to the fact that she has lost her sense of self and has been manipulated by the men in her life.

For more such questions on narrator's


explain the difference between theme and central idea? please answer in complete sentences and answer IN YOUR OWN WORDS


Answer: Theme is the overall tone, genre, and setting. However central idea is the overall message within the Theme- If its a pursuavsive article the theme would be what genre the article is referring too. When the Central idea is what they are trying to pursued you with.


Directions: In the following sentences, choose the most appropriate interjection
from the selection below and write it in the space provided.
Choose from: Wow, Seriously, Goodness, Dang, Yippee, Incredible, Bingo, Geez, Yay, Darn
why didn't you hold the door for me?
I'm so happy that you decided to visit this summer.
it's not every day that you see a dog riding a skateboard.
! How can you possibly agree with that point of view?
5. He just cost us the game with that error,
! You just gave me a great idea.
that's a very large dog at the end of that leash.
8. I can't believe that I finally got an A on a project,
my favorite author is doing a reading at the local library.
10. This is my first new car,​



1. Geez why didn't you hold the door for me?

2. Yay I'm so happy that you decided to visit this summer.

3. Wow it's not every day that you see a dog riding a skateboard.

4. Seriously! How can you possibly agree with that point of view?

5. Incredible He just cost us the game with that error.

6. Bingo ! You just gave me a great idea.

7. Dang that's a very large dog at the end of that leash.

8. I can't believe that I finally got an A on a project,yeppie


write an argumentative essay in which you state and defend a claim about whether it is ethical to target uninformed consumers. << read less stylesnormal


It is unethical to target uninformed consumers in marketing practices, and this is due to the fact that they are vulnerable and may end up making poor decisions that negatively affect them. Therefore, companies must avoid the temptation to target uninformed consumers because they are exploitative practices that harm society’s welfare.

A lack of knowledge and understanding of products and services may lead consumers to make poor decisions when it comes to purchases. Uninformed consumers may purchase products that are harmful to them without knowing. They may also spend their money on goods or services that do not meet their needs. As a result, they may end up losing a significant amount of money, and their trust in the market may be reduced, which is harmful to the economy. Therefore, targeting uninformed consumers is unethical because it promotes deceptive and manipulative marketing practices.

Companies that engage in targeting uninformed consumers often employ marketing strategies that manipulate the consumers’ emotions to persuade them to make a purchase. They will often focus on the benefits of the product while neglecting its disadvantages. This type of marketing practice is unethical because it takes advantage of the consumers’ vulnerability and the fact that they are uninformed. Consequently, these companies are promoting products that may harm the consumers and damage society’s welfare. Hence, targeting uninformed consumers is unethical and harmful to society.In conclusion, it is unethical to target uninformed consumers in marketing practices. Companies must avoid exploiting the vulnerability of uninformed consumers and instead promote responsible marketing practices. By doing so, companies can protect society’s welfare, build trust in the market, and create a healthy environment for consumers.

To know more about uninformed consumers visit:-


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If the rate of decomposition of ammonia, NH3, at 1150 K is 2.10 x 10-6 mol/L/s, what is therate of production of nitrogen and hydrogen? Given 2NH3 3H2 + N2 *WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST FOR THE BEST ANSWER PLEASE HELP AND IF YOU DONT KNOW THE ANSWER DONT ANSWER!*How many people participated in the survey given the data in the histogram below?Question 1 options:7 people12-15 people20 people0 people please help 20 points links will be deleted and will give crown to right answers Complete the following sentence._______ disease is a common type of dementia that causes problems with short-term memory and daily living. Rank the following fatty acids a coording to their melting point, from highest melting point to lowest melting point. Rank from highest melting point to lowest melting point. To rank items as equivalent, overlap them. 3. A system of functions is given. SelectALL values where f(x) = g(x). Round allanswers to the nearest tenthf(x) = - x - 2x + 6g(x) = 2x2 + 5x + 3a) -2.7b) -1.8c) -0.6d) 0.4e) 4.1f) 5.1g)7.0 Read this excerpt from a works cited page for an informative essay.Works CitedFerry, Christopher. Racial Change in Civil War America. New York: Sunspot Press, 2011. Print.Underground Railroad. World Book Online. 2012. Web. 20 December 2012. .Which best describes the two citations?The two citations indicate possible plagiarism by the essay writer.The two citations make it difficult to know where to find the sources.The two citations provide information on how to locate the sources.The two citations change the information in the writers essay. A stock just paid $1.9 dividend yesterday. The dividend is expected to grow at 1.8% per year thereafter. If the required rate of return of the stock is 8%, then using the dividend discount model, the stock price should be ------ What is the equation of the graph below?y = sec(x 4)y = sec(x) 4y = sec(x + 4) + 4y = sec(x + 4) 4 Someone solve this please if you wish to observe features that are around the size of atoms, say 6.5 10-10 m, with electromagnetic radiation, the radiation must have a wavelength of about the size of the atom itself. (a) What is its frequency? (b) What type of electromagnetic radiation might this be? KR Inc.s main facility is located in Wellington. Suppose that Genentech would experience a direct loss of $700 million in the event of a major earthquake that disrupted its operations. The chance of such an earthquake is 2.2% per year, with a beta of -0.7.a) If the risk-free interest rate is 3.5% and the expected return of the market is 9%, what is the actuarially fair insurance premium required to cover KR Inc.s loss? (2 marks) What is BMI? What are its classifications? PLS HURRY! ANSWER FOR BRAINLY.question: Which statement best describes the equation x = 3? A. The equation can not be graphed. B. The equation represents a function, but not a linear function. C. The equation represents a linear function. D. The equation represents a line, but not a linear function. What is %6 tax added to $26? Which version best uses a variety of sentence structures to enhance the flow and writing style of a story? O A. The seas were rough. The ship sailed on. The passengers in their bunks held on tightly. Some of them felt sick. They tried to hide it. They all yearned for the storm to end. But the waves went on crashing. The captain held the ship to a steady course.O B. Though the seas were rough, the ship sailed on, and the passengers in their bunks held on tightly. While some of them felt sick, they tried to hide it, and they all yearned for the storm to end. As the waves went on crashing, the captain steered the ship, and it sailed a steady course. O C Though the seas were rough, the ship sailed on. The passengers in their bunks held on tightly. Some of them felt sick, though they tried to hide it, and they all yearned for the storm to end. But the waves went on crashing, and the captain held the ship to a steady course,O D The seas were rough, yet the ship sailed on. The passengers in their bunks held on tightly, but some of them felt sick. They tried to hide it, and they all yearned for the storm to end. But the waves went on crashing, and the captain held the ship to a steady course. Describe how the following factors might affect a person relearning of speech and mobility regarding her age. In "The Destructors" the boys are members of the Wormsley Common Gang. Of the following choices, which shows best the way they operate?A "flat" character is one dimensional. "The Destructors" occurs in November. A character that profits from experience and undergoes a change or development is called.Old Misery was too mean to spend money on his property. HELP ASAP!!! A padlock has a rotary dial of numbers from 0 to 59. The combination is a series of three numbers, each between 0 and 59. If you were to guess random numbers, what is the probability of guessing the combination correctly? On July 1, Year 1, Livingston Corporation, a wholesaler of manufacturing equipment, issued $7,200,000 of 8-year, 11% bonds at a market (effective) interest rate of 12%, receiving cash of $6,836,187. Interest on the bonds is payable semiannually on December 31 and June 30. The fiscal year of the company is the calendar year.Required:1. Journalize the entry to record the amount of cash proceeds from the issuance of the bonds on July 1, Year 1.Year 1 July 1 Cash 309.236 Discount on Bonds Payable 3,690,764 Bonds Payable 46,000,0002. Journalize the entries to record the following: A. The first semiannual interest payment on December 31, Year 1, and the amortization of the bond discount, using the straight-line method.B. The interest payment on June 30, Year 2, and the amortization of the bond discount, using the interest method. 3. Determine the total interest expense for Year 1.