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Alternative Energy Webquest Questions Choose a form of alternative energy (anything other than fossil fuels).Produce a slide presentation which answers these questions. You should have 10 slides, minimum. No more than 15 slides. Each slide should answer one of the following questions. Each slide should have a picture on it. Avoid lengthy texts on slides. Create an interesting presentation. Leave off a question if it does not pertain to your topic. 1. How is your resource used to generate power? 2. What is the history of your energy resource? 3. Where is it being used right now? 4. What are the positive benefits? 5. What are the negative consequences (pollution created)? 6. How efficient would this resource be (is it expensive to produce and does that carry over to the consumer)? 7. Is this energy source available in your community? 8. Is it available in your state? 9. What is the cost of this energy source? Daily, yearly? Individual? Home? State? (ESTIMATE THESE NUMBERS IF NEEDED) 10. How is this source provided to consumers? 11. How does it enter the house? The schools? How does it work? 13. How would it affect transportation? 14. Does it contribute to any form of pollution? land? water? air? noise? or does it help fix pollution? 15. Will it be easy to assimilate into our lives? 16. Can it work well with other forms of energy? 17. What is the source? What is the form? How does it interact with other forms of energy?--------Example: sun--> solar energy--> solar panels--> electrical energy