
Superlativos y comparativosComparativosLook at the following 2 items and then write a comparison that makes sense. Use different adjectives throughout. (+) stands for ms and (-) for menos.a. El Ferrari _____________________________________ que el Honda (+)b. El ratn ______________________________________ que el len (+)c. La pizza _____________________________________ que el brcoli (-)d. La Coca-Cola _____________________________________ que el agua (-)e. El libro ________________________________________que la pelcula (+)f. Las estrellas_______________________________________ que el sol (-)g. Los cuentos ___________________________________ que las novelas (+)SuperlativosComplete each sentence with a superlative of the adjective in parenthesis in such a way that they make sense. La ballena azul (blue whale) es el animal _____________________________________ del mundo. (use grande) Entre las peliculas Avatar, Beauty and the Beast, y Black Panther, _______________________ es la ___________________________ ? (use malo) Start the sentence with the national soccer team of your choice:___________________________________ es el _______________________________ equipo de ftbol en el mundial de Qatar 2022. (use bueno)Pronombres directos e indirectos Rewrite the following sentences with the appropriate pronoun. If there is an underlined part, replace it with a pronoun. If there is information in a parenthesis, integrate that information into the rewrite by using a pronoun. If there is an underlined part and information in parenthesis, rewrite the sentence and use double pronouns.a. La profesora tiene su pasaporte ________________________________________________b. Voy a hacer mi maleta ____________________________________________________c. El chef recomienda la sopa de tomate (a nosotros)____________________________________________________d. No queremos perder nuestras reservaciones del hotel ____________________________________________________e. Voy a mostrar el computador (a ti)_____________________________________________________f. Los profesores entregan los exmenes (nosotros)_____________________________________________________g. Mi compaera presta la camiseta (a m)_____________________________________________________h. Quiero comprar flores (a mi ta)_____________________________________________________i. Cocino la comida (A ellos)______________________________________________________j. Javier debe llamar a sus padres______________________________________________________