You should be most suspicious of tube mis-placement following an open cricothyrotomy if:______.
a) bleeding from the subcutaneous tissue is observed.
b) there is minimal rise of the chest during ventilations.
c) progressive redness is noted around the insetion site.
d) a cracking sensation is noted when palpating the neck.


Answer 1


Option d) a cracking sensation is noted when palpating the neck.


Open cricothyrotomy is done when you are unable to secure a patent airway with less invasive means.

Emergency cricothyroidotomy is simply a surgical procedure. It is usually done by making an incision through the skin and cricothyroid membrane. It create space or gives room for putting of an endotracheal tube into the trachea when the airway is beyond possible control method.

Emergency cricothyroidotomy is done as a result of obstructed airways, congenital deformities and trauma to the neck/ head.

open cricothyrotomy enables the paramedic to provide greater tidal volume. When performing it, you must avoid damage to the jugular veins if the cricothyroid membrane is incised vertically.

Related Questions

According to the "Cuneiform in Mesopotamia" section, how did writing develop in Sumeria over time?


The initial writing of the Sumerians utilized simple pictures or pictograms. For example, a drawing of a person's head meant the word "head". Over time, however, the writing of the Sumerians further developed to include sounds and meanings. This type of writing is called cuneiform writing, which means "wedge-shaped".


when they figured out how to draw, and make art of rocks and stuff. They learned how to write over time.


Which geographic regions are found in North Carolina? coastal mountains, Piedmont, and plain mountains, Piedmont, and coastal plain Piedmont, mountains, and Outer Banks mountains, lakes, and coastal plain



Mountains, Piedmont, and costal plains


What is the census and why is it important ?


Answer: Census decides how much representatives each state will get for the next 10 years and it’s important because the representatives each state gets decided how much funding schools and such gets, it really shapes America.

Which industry threatened the Okefenokee Swamp prior to 1957?



Transportation Industry


Prior to the federal government purchase of lands surrounding the swamp in 1935, for the purpose of conservation and game project. There were organizations that sought to have the construction of a swamp canal across the swamp and as well building a massive highway in the area.

Hence, the Transportation Industry is the industry that threatened the Okefenokee Swamp prior to 1957

What is the definition of epistasis? A. When the allele of one gene masks the phenotype of another gene B. When the allele of one gene changes the phenotype of another gene C. When the allele of one gene changes the genotype of another gene D. When the allele of one gene masks the genotype of another gene.


A When allele of one gene masks the phenotype of another gene

Epistasis refers to non-allelic gene interaction where one gene masks the expression of another gene at distinct locus.

The gene that masks the expression of another non-allelic gene is epistatic to that gene and the gene that is suppressed is hypostatic.

So, the correct answer is option A. When the allele of one gene masks the phenotype of another gene B

other options-

B. When the allele of one gene changes the phenotype of another gene - incorrect ( one gene masks the phenotype of another gene)

C. When the allele of one gene changes the genotype of another gene - incorrect ( one gene masks the phenotype of another gene )

D. When the allele of one gene masks the genotype of another gene - incorrect ( one gene masks the phenotype and not the genotype of another gene)

Learn more about epistasis-

When a country has a large population, but very little arable land, what challenges might it experience?


Answer: overpopulashon



hunger or poverty


the reason for this is because if there is a country that has little farm land then there is not much food for the citizens to eat and the reason for poverty is because the country has to import alot of food and can not export alot of  foods

Does seeking a personal philosophy of the meaning of life-grapple with such questions as "How do I know that what I believe is true?",



Yes. A personal philosophy of the meaning of life speaks to the tough questions, one of which could seek to establish the veracity of our beliefs.

"Where do we come from?"

"How do we know what happens after death?"

"What is the purpose of life?"

"How is it that the narratives about the origin of life are plagues with so much contention and controversies?"

The above are some examples of deep philosophical questions which deepen the knowledge we have about the meaning of life.


What ethical principles were violated in the willowbrook study?



The Willowbrook study refers to a 14-year research which involved the use of demented children as lab animals in an experiment involving the study of Hepatitis for the purpose of developing a cure.

For a medical practice to be ethical, it must conform to the following rules:

It must be Autonomous: Autonomy in Medicine speaks to the right of rational and psychologically healthy adults to participate in their own medical care having been informed of all the consequences. Where children and adolescents are involved, the decision has to involve their parents. All parties (especially the children) must be in sync with the ramifications of the choices and legally capable of contributing to the decision making process.

It must speak in the direction of Justice: This principle tilts heavily towards the rights of the individual. It begs the following question:

can the medical decision be considered fair to the patient if it is held under the scrutiny of the law?

is it consistent with their legal rights?viewed in from a balanced societal paradigm, it is fair?  

    3.  Beneficence: This principle takes speaks to the requirement for all medical actions and or medical experiments to keep the benefit and wellbeing of the recipient and or participant above all other considerations. That is, if it is not beneficial, if it is harmful to the recipient or participant, then it's unethical.

    4. Non-maleficence: This principle is often explained alongside Beneficence. The Medical Practitioners and or the Medical researcher is required by this principle not to take any actions that will harm or put the patient in harm's way.

According to the journals which discussed the Willowbrook Incident, all the four principles above were violated.

There was no foreseeable benefit of the experiment to the childrenThe children, mentally challenged, were incapable of electing to participate or not. Even if the parents allowed it, it was still morally wrong for the experiment to have taken place given that it was not in the benefit of the children.


Describe at least ONE way in which cybersecurity is relevant to how you are taking this very course.



Cyber security is the technique that is used to protect computer information, network, program and the data.


Cyber security covers application, information, disaster and network security. When we want to make our daily routine easy computer play a vital role in it. It presents the wealth at the level of health. It is known fact that cyber security is not an ending process. When new tools develops the need of security also develop. It is an ongoing process that needs to be security.

Cyber security and public policy is another action that is taken for public security that very relevant to the course. The cyber security issues increase day by day and it attract the attention of public.


Cybersecurity is the technique that is used to protect computer information, network, program, and data. Cybersecurity is relevant to this course because using technology plays a vital role in our daily lives when technology develops they need to be secured and that’s when cybersecurity is there to save the day.


Which geographic feature did the british use as a of approved settlement?


Appalachian mountains


the main geographic feature that formed the boundary of the 13 British colonies in north America was the Appalachian mountains

HELP JUST GOT ASSIGNED THIS AND ITS DUE TODAY!! if you can help on any of this it will mean a lot! :)


3. southern coloine, 4.southern colonies


3.because southern is counted as the country, the southern area has fertile land


3. southern colony, 4.southern colonies

3.because southern is counted as the country, the southern area has fertile land


Think about how you feel about the statement and for each number write strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, or strongly disagree and describe your opinion . “Obamacare” has been such a failure- it’s time to get rid of it



disagree, but it's your choice.


"Obamacare" helped many people, and was very affordable.

Which word is a SYNONYM for the word improbable?

Stewart liked the book even though he thought the plot was improbable.

A. credible
B. childish
C. unlikely
D. dismal


The Answer is Unlikely

Stewart liked the book even though he thought the plot was improbable. In the given sentence, the synonym for  the word improbable is unlikely. The correct option is C.

A synonym is a word or phrase that has a similar or nearly identical meaning to another word. Synonyms are often used to expand vocabulary, add variety to writing, or find alternative ways to express ideas.

Synonyms provide variety and add richness to your writing or speech. They help to avoid repetition of the same words, making your content more engaging and interesting.

Thus, the ideal selection is option C.

Learn more about synonym here:


The key to___________ is believing in and practicing high ethical values, exercising self-discipline to avoid unethical behavior, and pursuing goals by building positive relationships and genuinely caring about other people.



Authentic leadership


The key to Authentic Leadership is believing in and practicing high ethical values, exercising self-discipline to avoid unethical behavior, and pursuing goals by building positive relationships and genuinely caring about other people.

The act of leadership is not something to be taken with levity hands. It requires both hard and soft skills such as ethical values, self-discipline, goal-getting attitude.

To be an effective and authentic leader, one must be ready to lead by a good example. Some of the attitudes a leader must show include the following:

Creating positive relationshipsExpressing genuine care towards his followers and other people. Not accepting wrong behaviors etc.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer to the question is "Authentic Leadership."

Learn more here:

Which three skills were common to hunter-gatherers in the Paleolithic age?
the ability to make tools
the ability to grow food
the ability to sew clothes
the ability to build brick homes
the ability to use spears



A, B, E


The ability to make tools, the ability to grow food and the ability to use spears are the three skills were common to hunter-gatherers in the Paleolithic age. Hence, options A, B, and E are correct.

What is Paleolithic age?

The Paleolithic era saw early people engaging in hunting and gathering. They resided in tepees, primitive homes, or caves. They fashioned simple stone and bone implements, as well as crude stone axes, for hunting wild animals and birds.

The Paleolithic Period, also referred to as the Old Stone Age, was a prehistoric technological or cultural era characterized by the use of simple tools made of chipped stone. In the Lower Paleolithic, the earliest humans produced simple pebble tools and primitive stone choppers.

Despite its literal meaning of "Old Stone [Age]," the term "Paleolithic" is more frequently used to refer to a time in human history when foraging, hunting, and fishing were the primary methods of obtaining food.

Thus, options A, B, and E are correct.

For more details about Paleolithic age, click here:


Assume Amy’s wants to do the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Based on this, which approach to resolving ethical dilemmas would the company most likely employ?
Multiple Choice



The approach to resolving ethical dilemmas which Amy would most likely employ is:



This ethical resolution approach presupposes that an action is right when it promotes happiness for the performer of the action and for everyone involved.  This implies that the majority of the people involved derive maximum benefit from the action.  This approach stresses that what is at stake is the utility or usefulness or value of an action, especially in relation to society as a whole and not just for an individual's selfish satisfaction.

Which 20-year span shows Japan's population at its height? A 1880-1900 B 1940-1960 C 2000-2020 D 2080-2100​



i got you my boy or girl the answer is c 100% i did the test my self



The answer is C!


I just took the quiz:) I hope this helps!

Which of the following examples has been used to argue that animals do have culture?



The animals do have culture and this is portrayed through their various acts. There is lack of evidence but the animals culture is harder to understand. There are various ways in which they imitate their adults and follow their way of living accordingly. The animals culture is rare to identify and observe.


Many animals have been observed following their culture. Although there is no evidence till date for the confirmation of the statement that the animals follow a culture. The criteria is difficult for judgement of the cultural values.

What core principles of government did England violate, leading the American colonists to rebel?



they violated all of the unalienable rights, gave no privacy,and were able to unlawfully kill people


Because their charters guaranteed them these rights and because they were emigrants from England or descended from emigrants there, the American colonists believed they had these same rights as Englishmen.

However, they violated all of the inalienable rights, provided no privacy, and had the power to commit murder without a warrant.

Where in the Constitution is unalienable rights?

Because their charters guaranteed them these rights and because they were emigrants from England or descended from emigrants there, the American colonists believed they had these same rights as Englishmen. However, they violated all of the inalienable rights, provided no privacy, and had the power to commit murder without a warrant.

The right to freedom of speech. The right to freedom from cruel and unusual punishment. The right to privacy. The right to education.

For more information about unalienable rights to refer link


Scenarios: Bad Behavior and The Difficult Employee

Read each of the scenarios below and write a 2 page response (for each scenario) that evaluates the role the supervisor played in the maintenance of good order within the organization.

Bad Behavior?

Officer Stevens, the Sergeant on the evening shift reported to you (the shift lieutenant) that after roll call he heard two male officers telling sexually explicit jokes in the hallway. As the Sergeant exited the roll call room he noticed one of the female dispatchers standing within a few feet of the two officers. The Sergeant chose to ignore the immediate situation and just made a report to you.

The Difficult Employee

Officer Smith is on his shift and has become very difficult to deal with. During roll call, he is sarcastic about any new policy changes, orders, or directives given to him or the group. He is also one of the most productive officers you have and other officers respect his leadership abilities. The evening Sergeant has brought disciplinary charges against Officer Smith. The result is a suspension and Officer Smith has now become far less productive and other officers on the shift have begun to ignore the evening Sergeant.

Address the following issues in your paper:



Bad behavior

The supervisor is responsible and accountable for the employees that report to him. In this situation the supervisor should call the both officers who were making fun and joking. The supervisor should ask about all the matter and if they found guilty and accepts their mistake a formal warning should be given to either employee who was involved in such matter. The warning will also serve as lesson for other employees as well and they will avoid involving in such situations and making jokes about something inappropriate.


Difficult employee

Smith is very productive employee and he has leadership qualities which every one working under his span acknowledges. Smith has been in suspension and the new sergeant is unable to fulfill his role properly. In this situation the supervisor should have one on one talk with smith and if he promises to change his behavior he should be ensured to restored soon on his position. The company needs the employee and the productivity that smith displays is unable to be achieved with any other employee.

7. Which of the following is in chronological order? a. 2000 BC 2001 BC AD 3 AD 4 b. AD 100 AD 200 AD 300 AD 400 c. 20 BC 19 BC 22 BC 1 BC d. 1BC 2 BC 3 BC 4 BC​


Answer: B

Explanation: B.C. dates go down until zero and A.D. dates go up. So because none of the B.C. dates went down correctly in the other options and the A.D. dates in B went up correctly that makes B the correct answer.

What term is described when an explanation is using an integrated set of principles that organizes observations and predicts behaviors or events?
A. Correlation studies
B. Case studies
C. Longitudinal studies
D. Cross-sectional Studies


Answer not in options




The options included here do not have the correct answer to the question. A theory is a scientifically backed organization of ideas and principles that is offered to explain a natural phenomena which uses Observations, hypothesis and experimentation. A theory not only explains facts but offers a system of generalized thoughts by which scientists predict a phenomena based on principles established in theory

Which of these is an accurate statement regarding this chart?





Australia and the us both have a seperation of powers and have many of the same branches like judicial and Exeutive Govt.

What climate zone is Iowa located?



Zone 5



Most of the Iowa state is located in Climate Zone 5.

hope this helps ߷




The Peloponnese War is the name given to the long series of conflicts between Athens and Sparta that lasted from 431 until 404 BC. ... However, the more immediate reason for the war was Athenian control of the Delian League, the vast naval alliance that allowed it to dominate the Mediterranean Sea.


I hope this helped you! Have a great day!


C-Many islands made up the territories of the Delian League.

Mary is considering Weather to expand her restaurant by adding another lounge area. She should compare the marginal ___ and ___ before making the decision.



cost an benefit


i literally just took the test

in Europe, which help the growth of cities in the decline of the middle ages?


Answer: The Crusades


Taking a test and got it right

When a planet completes a full rotation about its axis, which of these does it also cover? A) A day B) A week C) A year D) A month



A) A day

Explanation: It takes 24 hours for earth to finish rotating on its axis so 24 hours is one day one earth


hello because it is rotating

Speaker 1: Our forests are an important ecosystem for plants and
animals, yet they're shrinking rapidly.
Speaker 2: You're going to lose the support of the teachers' union if
we don't see an increase in wages.
Speaker 3: Allowing individual stores to ban customers from carrying
guns is a violation of the Second Amendment.
Speaker 4: There has been significant concern among the elderly
over the increased use of electronic voting.
Which speaker most likely represents an economic interest group?
A. Speaker 2
B. Speaker 4
C. Speaker 3
D. Speaker 1

Answer:Speaker 2


The correct answer is A. Speaker 2


A speaker that represents an economic interest group would likely refer to economic benefits, economic growth, profit, etc. as the focus of this speaker would be to defend the economic rights of people. In this context, the one that is likely a representative of an economic interest group is speaker 2 because the focus of this speaker is to defend an increase in wages, which is a factor directly related to money and the economic right to work and receive a fair wage for this. According, to this, the correct answer is A.

I am assuming this is an A p E x question

A. Speaker 2

Is the answer. I just took the quiz :)

Why does lafayette call his brother Newcharlie?


Because of his behavior
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