You live near the ocean and your friend lives further inland. Based on this, what can you say is most likely different about the climate in your area from your friend's area in the winter?


Answer 1


your friend will get a colder winter than you


Answer 2

My friend, who lives further inland will experience a colder winter than I, who lives near the ocean.

What is the effect of the ocean on the climate?

Oceans heat up and cool down at a much slower rate than land. This means that coastal areas are cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter than areas inland at the same latitude and altitude.

The relatively warm temperature of the ocean keeps the coast warm compared to the colder air in the atmosphere. The ocean will moderate the temperature near the coast. The further inland places will have less effect of the ocean and will be more colder.

Therefore, I will experience a much milder winter than my friend.

To know more about effects of ocean, click here:


Related Questions

Which best explains the motivation of a student who wants to graduate
at the top of her class?
(A) Belongingness need
(B) Influence of an individualistic culture
(C) Optimal arousal
(D) Influence of oxytocin and vasopressin
(E) Growth needs



I think it's E


growth needs

The influence of an individualistic culture best explains the motivation of a student who wants to graduate.

What is culture ?

Culture, which derives from the Latin colere, which means "to cultivate," refers to the patterns of human activity and the symbolic frameworks that give those patterns meaning and importance. "Systems of symbols and meanings that even their creators contest, lack fixed boundaries, are constantly in flux, and interact and compete with one another" is how cultures can be understood.

A population's collective ways of life, including its institutions, beliefs, and artistic expressions, are collectively referred to as its culture. A society's whole way of life has been referred to as its culture. As a result, it incorporates systems of belief as well as standards of behavior, such as law and morality, and rules of conduct, dress, language, religion, rituals, and culture.

To learn more about culture  follow the link.


Which type of government system is reflected in the excerpt above?


Answer: Legislative


What does the pompeii tell us about the past?


Answer: Pompeii tells us about how buildings were like in that area in that time and Pompeii also tells us about the volcano eruption that happened and what it did to the people living there, the buildings, and the city

what is the thickness of the lava fill in ancient toroweap canyon



The thickness of the lava fill in ancient Toroweap Canyon is estimated to be between 600-650 feet (183-198 meters).


The specific thickness of the lava fill in ancient Toroweap Canyon can vary and may not have a universally documented value.

Lava fill deposits in canyons can exhibit considerable variation in thickness due to factors such as the volume of lava erupted, the duration of volcanic activity, subsequent erosion, and geological processes over time.

Toroweap Canyon, located in the western Grand Canyon region of Arizona, is known for its impressive geological features, including lava flows. While lava flows have been identified in the area, obtaining precise measurements of their thickness in ancient times can be challenging.

To obtain accurate information on the thickness of the lava fill in ancient Toroweap Canyon, it would require conducting detailed field studies, geological surveys, and potentially employing geophysical techniques, such as ground-penetrating radar or seismic methods, to estimate the subsurface structure. Such investigations would provide valuable data to determine the thickness of the lava fill and enhance our understanding of the geological history of the area.

To learn more about Toroweap Canyon, click here:


how does informal settlement affect the environment and society ​???



Informal settlements threaten environmentally sensitive areas (aquifers, forests, wetlands and other bodies of water). Settlements built on steep slopes greatly increase the costs of infrastructure provision and sometimes threaten residents' safety because of mud and land slides.

Which of the following MOST influenced the location of Korea's most
important civilizations? *

A. Mountains
B. Limestone
C. Rivers
D. Forests


Answer is A. Mountains.

5. why do you think the trend from question 4 is seen in animals in the southern hemisphere vs the northern? what’s different about the geography of these regions?(3 pt)


The trend observed in animals in the southern hemisphere versus the northern hemisphere can be attributed to several factors related to the geography of these regions:

1. Continental Configuration: The southern hemisphere is characterized by a more fragmented distribution of land masses compared to the northern hemisphere. This fragmentation results in the presence of isolated land masses and islands in the southern hemisphere, leading to greater opportunities for unique evolutionary processes and the development of distinct animal species.

2. Oceanic Barriers: The southern hemisphere is surrounded by large stretches of open ocean, including the Southern Ocean, which acts as a significant barrier to the movement of terrestrial animals. These oceanic barriers restrict gene flow and limit the colonization of new habitats, fostering the differentiation of species.

3. Isolation and Divergence: The relative isolation of the southern hemisphere, along with its unique geological history, has allowed for prolonged periods of geographic separation and evolutionary divergence. Over time, different lineages of animals in the southern hemisphere have evolved independently, leading to the development of distinct species and ecosystems.

These geographic factors contribute to the higher levels of endemism (species found exclusively in a particular region) and greater species diversity observed in the southern hemisphere. The combination of isolation, limited dispersal, and unique evolutionary processes has shaped the rich and diverse fauna found in the southern hemisphere compared to the relatively more connected and widespread fauna of the northern hemisphere.

To learn more about southern hemisphere, click here:


1. design an experiment to test how field strength varies with the number of coils.


Experiment: Investigating the Relationship Between Field Strength and Number of Coils

Aim: The aim of this experiment is to determine how the field strength varies with the number of coils in an electromagnet.


1. Power supply

2. Iron core (e.g., a nail)

3. Insulated copper wire

4. Ammeter

5. Variable number of coils (ranging from 1 to 5)

6. Magnetic compass

7. Connecting wires

8. Ruler or measuring tape


1. Set up the circuit by connecting the power supply to the ammeter and then to the coil.

2. Wrap the insulated copper wire around the iron core to create the desired number of coils. Start with one coil and gradually increase the number up to five.

3. Ensure that the coils are wound tightly and uniformly around the core.

4. Place the magnetic compass near the coil but not touching it. Ensure the compass is free to move.

5. Turn on the power supply and record the ammeter reading.

6. Observe the deflection of the magnetic compass needle and record the angle of deflection.

7. Repeat steps 4-6 for each number of coils.

8. Maintain a consistent distance between the coil and compass for accurate comparisons.

9. Use a ruler or measuring tape to measure the distance between the coil and compass for each trial.


- Independent variable: The number of coils in the electromagnet.

- Dependent variables: The strength of the magnetic field (indicated by the ammeter reading) and the angle of deflection of the compass needle.

- Controlled variables: The type of iron core, the distance between the coil and compass, the power supply voltage, the wire gauge, and the wrapping technique.

Data Collection and Analysis:

Record the ammeter readings and the corresponding angle of deflection for each number of coils. Plot a graph with the number of coils on the x-axis and the field strength (ammeter reading) on the y-axis. Analyze the relationship between the two variables. Additionally, observe any patterns in the deflection angles and relate them to the changes in field strength.


Based on the results, draw conclusions regarding the relationship between the number of coils and the strength of the magnetic field. Determine whether an increase in the number of coils leads to a proportional increase in field strength or if there are other factors involved.

To learn more about Number of Coils, click here:


Naming an industry in each case, describe three different purposes for which manufacturing and processing industry use water.



Industrial water use includes water used for such purposes as fabricating, processing, washing, diluting, cooling, or transporting a product; incorporating water into a product; or for sanitation needs within the manufacturing facility.


(hope this helps)

Canada makes pollution but has huge amounts of forest.

1/Economic deficit

2/Ecological deficit

3/Economic reserve

4/Ecological reserve


Answer: 4/Ecological reserve


Ecological reserves are those places which maintain a natural balance of abiotic and biotic resources. Examples are forests, wild life sanctuaries, national parks, and others. These are rich source of biodiversity as these areas are restricted to be affected by the human population. Also the large number and diversity of vegetation is capable of absorbing carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide which is a chief pollutant gas released from automobiles, household chimneys, and industrial gaseous discharge.

Thus Canada forests are ecological reserves which absorbs the pollution from different sources thus they purify the air.

[tex] \huge\mathfrak\pink{Question}\ [/tex]

Define arable land.​



Arable land is any land capable of being ploughed and used to grow crops. Alternatively, for the purposes of agricultural statistics, the term often has a more precise definition: "

I hope it's helpful for you......



Arable land refers to land under temporary crops (double- cropped areas are counted only once), temporary meadows. for mowing or pasture, land under market and kitchen. gardens and land temporarily fallow (less than five years). The abandoned land resulting from shifting cultivation is not.

why do tropical cyclones develop in late summer?​


Question: why do tropical cyclones develop in late summer?​

Answer: Because at this time things start to heat up so as the water warms up it can warm up to a certain amount of a degree due to the equator so as it warms up if it gets to warm it starts a cyclone but first starts as a tropical wave before strengthening to a cyclone.


                              Question answered by,


Tropical cyclones development occurs in late summer because; The ocean surface attains its maximum temperature several weeks after the solar radiation maximum.

Tropical cyclones development

The ocean surface attains its maximum temperature several weeks after the solar radiation maximum, hence, most tropical cyclones occur during the late summer to early fall, more specifically, from July to September in the Northern Hemisphere and from January to March in the Southern Hemisphere as the case may be.

Read more on tropical cyclones;

which of the following is associated with a typical island arc?
Subduction, Volcanoes, and Oceanic trench


Subduction, volcanoes, and oceanic trench are associated with a typical island arc. The correct option is A.

An island arc is a curved chain or arc-shaped group of islands that is formed by volcanic activity in an oceanic setting. The formation of an island arc is closely related to subduction, which occurs when one tectonic plate is forced beneath another plate. In an island arc setting, an oceanic plate is subducted beneath another oceanic plate or a continental plate.

The subduction process creates an oceanic trench, a deep underwater trench where the subducting plate descends into the Earth's mantle. As the subducted plate melts and rises, it leads to volcanic activity, resulting in the formation of volcanoes. These volcanoes are typically found in the arc-shaped chain of islands, known as an island arc. Thus, subduction, volcanoes, and oceanic trenches are all characteristic features associated with a typical island arc.

The correct option is A.

To know more about oceanic trench, click here.


------------The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

"Which of the following is associated with a typical island arc?

A. Subduction, Volcanoes, and Oceanic trench

B. Rift valleys, Transform faults and Hotspot volcanoes"------------

Q5 -5.1) Briefly discuss (5) opportunities presented by environmental education in multicultural context ​



Environmental education in a multicultural context presents several opportunities. Here are five of them:

1. Culturally-responsive teaching and learning practices: Incorporating student diversity into environmental education can benefit student learning by moving towards culturally-responsive teaching and learning practices.

2. Cross-cultural communication: With globalization, people are frequently called to work together for solutions to environmental problems beyond our local realities. Cross-cultural communication gains special significance in the comprehension of environmental degradation and the identification of environmental solutions.

3. Holistic approach: Environmental education ought to have a holistic approach; it ought to be interdisciplinary, aiming for problem-solving, and addressing community problems and needs.

4. Promoting sustainable living: Education for Sustainability (EFS) or Environmental Education for Sustainable Development (EFSD) represents a paradigm shift in environmental education, with implications in both content and pedagogy. This shift aims to promote sustainable living.

5. Reaching out to culturally diverse populations: Multicultural Environmental Education (MEE) highlights the importance of reaching out to culturally diverse populations and of understanding, respecting, and utilizing their perspectives in environmental education.

Hopes This Helps

If the thermal speed is more than about ____________ of the escape speed, most of the gas will leak to space within a billion years.


If the thermal speed is more than about 6% of the escape speed, most of the gas will leak to space within a billion years.

It is known as thermal escape. This is when an atom in a gas in a planet's atmosphere has enough kinetic energy to break free of the gravitational pull of the planet. This escaping atom then travels into space, while another atom takes its place. The rate of this process is known as the escape rate. This effect is most evident in the case of Mercury.

The high temperatures on the planet caused the atoms in the atmosphere to move very quickly. This high-speed motion meant that most of the gas molecules had a velocity greater than the escape velocity of the planet, and they were lost to space. As a result, Mercury's atmosphere is now very thin, and it is made up primarily of atoms that have been ejected from the planet's surface due to other processes.

Learn more about thermal speed:


Why da fok yhu lying





What are the consequences of an ecosystem being negatively affected economically?

Please help as soon as possible, it means a lot! Thank you.



Warmer temperatures, rising sea levels, and severe weather would wreak havoc on property and vital infrastructure, as well as human health and productivity in industries like agriculture, forestry, fishing, and tourism.

why are magma types categorized by the amount of silica they contain


A magma's silica content will not only control the rock type that forms, but it also controls the relative viscosity of the magma.

Viscosity is a physical property of fluids that characterizes their resistance to flow. It is a measure of the internal friction within a fluid, determining how easily it flows and deforms under the influence of external forces, such as gravity or applied shear stress. Viscosity can be thought of as the "thickness" or "stickiness" of a fluid. Fluids with high viscosity, such as honey or molasses, have a thick consistency and flow slowly, while fluids with low viscosity, like water or gasoline, are thin and flow easily.

Viscosity is influenced by factors such as temperature and pressure; generally, fluids become less viscous as temperature increases. Viscosity plays a crucial role in various scientific and engineering applications. For instance, it affects the performance of lubricants in reducing friction and wear, determines the flow characteristics of fluids in pipelines, influences the behavior of paints and coatings during the application, and even impacts the movement of blood in the human body.

To know more about Viscosity refer to-


Which of the following is an advantage of keeping nonnative species out of ecosystems?
Overpopulation will stop.
Native species are more likely to survive.
There will be less harm caused by pollution.
Overhunting could not occur.





the reason why invasive species BECOME invasive is when they start out competing the native species. without them, their survival rate is greater

what two European countries colonized most of Africa?​


Look it up on safari. I found it on quizlet. Don’t click the link

In Thailand and parts of India, summer monsoons _____.
A. cause drought conditions
B. are stopped by mountain ranges
C. produce as much rain as winter monsoons
D. produce heavy rains





If you climb 1600 m, how many degrees Celsius will the temperature drop?
-HELP!! I have two days​


It drops by 20 degrees

The majority of New Zealanders live in rural areas.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided







Even though New Zealand's rural economy is renowned for its strength, the vast majority of its citizens reside in urban areas.

What is New Zealand ?

The major urban centres are Wellington, which is centrally located at the southern tip of the North Island and serves as the country's capital, Hamilton, which serves as the agricultural region's centre, Christchurch, which is in the middle of the South Island and is the country's second-largest industrial area, and Dunedin, which is located even further south.

The North Island is home to the vast majority of New Zealanders. Although the rural areas of New Zealand are sparsely inhabited, there are numerous small towns with populations up to 10,000 and several provincial cities with populations of more than 20,000. several of theThe population has gone to the larger towns and cities, leaving the smaller towns and villages to fend for themselves.

Hence the above statement is False.

Learn more about Newzealand  here


which is not a possession of the united states?a) american samoab) guamc) puerto ricod) the bahamas


The Bahamas is not a possession of the United States.What is meant by "possession"?

The United States has a number of territories known as "possessions" or "insular areas" that are not part of the 50 states but are under U.S. jurisdiction. American Samoa, Guam, and Puerto Rico are examples of these territories. They are governed by the United States but do not have the same status as states in the country.

Because it is not a U.S. possession, the Bahamas is the correct response. It is a separate country located in the Caribbean that is not part of the United States.

To know more about Caribbean ,visit


How has human geography prevented the Israelis and Palestinians from reaching the “understanding” that Emerson cites as necessary for achieving peace?



Explanation:your right'

What is the direction of the movement of the spreading of oceanic crust land (divergent)?


ANSWER: away from each other


the swedish stuga is a metaphor for what type of environment?


The Swedish stuga is a metaphor for a tranquil and serene natural environment.

A stuga is a traditional Swedish cottage or cabin that is typically located in rural or semi-rural areas surrounded by nature. It is often situated near forests, lakes, or other picturesque landscapes. The concept of a stuga represents a connection with nature and a retreat from the busyness of modern life.

Metaphorically, the Swedish stuga embodies a peaceful and harmonious environment, characterized by solitude, simplicity, and a close relationship with the natural world. It symbolizes a place of refuge, relaxation, and rejuvenation where individuals can escape the demands of urban living and find solace in the beauty and tranquility of nature.

The idea of the Swedish stuga as a metaphorical environment evokes a sense of peace, balance, and a deep appreciation for the natural world. It represents a longing for a simpler and more harmonious existence in harmony with nature.

To learn more about Swedish stuga, click here:


does it matter to know how the world began? why?



yes, if we didn't know how the world began, we would not know how and why the world is how it is today.


hope this helps!

 What type of eclipse is this diagram shows






Solar eclipse


With the moon between the Earth and sun, it's a solar eclipse. This is because the sun is blocked or eclipsed from our view.

explain how t v is a cheap means of communication



Television is one of the cheapest means of communication because it is in every household and it is easy to access. Moreover it gives information from different channels for example different types of news channels.It also helps in having entertainment and its very cheap than other means of communication.

can i get brainliest :)

Other Questions
Which of the following statements is/are an example of a positive feedback loop? Choose all that apply.a. warming temperatures leading to decreased water vapor in the atmosphere and leading to coolingb. warming temperatures leading to decreased water vapor in the atmosphere and leading to additional warmingc. cooling temperatures leading to decreased evaporation rates, leading to less water vapor in the atmosphere and further coolingd. warming temperatures leading to increased water vapor in the atmosphere and leading to additional warminge. warming temperatures leading to increased water vapor in the atmosphere and leading to cooling Section : Language FocusQ1. Change the following nouns into verbs and use them inmeaningful sentences of your ownCancellationAdmissionExaminationCollisionDecision The tiny dog and her owner went on a walk, but they quickly got tired.A. Simple sentence B. Compound sentence C. Complex sentence Squids and octopuses propel themselves by expelling water. They do this by keeping water in a cavity and then suddenly contracting the cavity to force out the water through an opening. A 6.50 kg squid (including the water in the cavity) at rest suddenly sees a dangerous predator. Part A If the squid has 1.55 kg of water in its cavity, at what speed must it expel this water to instantaneously achieve a speed of 2.40 m/s to escape the predator A swimming pool is 20 ft wide and 40 ft long and its bottom is an inclined plane, the shallow end having a depth of 3 ft and the deep end, 9 ft.Suppose the pool is full of water, and assume that the weight density of water is62.5\,lb/ft^3.(a) Find the hydrostatic force (in lb) on the shallow end. (include units)Hydrostatic force = (b) Find the hydrostatic force (in lb) on the deep end. (include units)Hydrostatic force = (c) Find the hydrostatic force (in lb) on one of the sides that extends from the shallow end to the deep end. (include units)Hydrostatic force = (d) Find the hydrostatic force (in lb) on the bottom of the pool. (include units)Hydrostatic force = NEED HELP ASAP PLEASE HELP I NEED HELP! :/ PLEASE HELP!!!Which of the following elected officials would be considered part of the local government?A. The President of the United StatesB. A City CouncilmanC. A volunteer firemanD. The Governor of your state PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111 I REALLY NEED HELP I A, BEGGIN YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ILL GIVE BRAINLIEST AND EXTRA POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me this is due today!!O suis-je?Read each riddle and write the name of the place it describes. Use the definite article with each place1.)On quitte cet endroit le matin et on rentre cet endroit le soir.2.)On trouve des journaux (newspapers), des magazines et des guides touristiques cet endroit.3.)Cest un bon endroit pour patiner et jouer (to play).4.)Cet endroit est en ville ou dans un centre commercial.5.)Dans cet endroit, on trouve des choses manger: des fruits, du chocolat et du caf.6.)Tu explores, tu escalades (climb) et tu trouve de lair pur dans cet endroit. Proving parallel lines. Find the value of x so that l // m. State the converse worksheet due tomorrow help please. discuss the two ways that product differentiation affects demand for the product. ASAP What is 94737638 x -9376383889483 this is a real question plz help!!! A homeowner installs a solar heating system, which generates 20 savings at a rate of 300e t dollars per year, t years after installation. Find a formula for the total savings after t years. If the system cost 30000 dollars to install, when will the savings match the installation cost HELP ASAP. FIRST PERSON WITH THE CORRECT ANSWER RECEIVES BRAINLIESTFor which THREE reasons did the National Party in South Africa maintain an apartheid system? A to implement a pure command economy B. to segregate people of different races C to consolidate services where needed D. to maintain a pool of cheap labor E to control the majority population 17. what is the usual worst-case performance for resizing a container class that stores its data in a dynamic array? a. constant time b. logarithmic time c. linear time d. quadratic time Russia Ukraine Conflict Vladimir Putins decision to invade the sovereign nation of Ukraine has shocked the world. Protests against Putins action have sprung up in major cities from New York to London and even in Moscow. World leaders have responded swiftly with punishing sanctions against Russia and those who support Putin and bans of exports to Russia. However, in an age of globalization, those sanctions and bans come with an economic cost to the nations imposing them and to the global economy in general. UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has acknowledged for example, that Britons could feel the economic pain of the sanctions and bans for months and perhaps even years. One way to understand just what that pain could look like is to consider the role of Russia in the global economy. In addition, because Russias invasion in Ukraine is likely to disrupt normal trade flows to and from both countries, understanding each countrys major exports and imports can provide additional insight into the economic fallout from Putins attack on Ukraine. You may already know that Russia is a huge exporter of oil and natural gas. Indeed, the United States imports some 600,000 barrels of oil from Russia every day, an amount second only to its imports from Canada and Mexico. But did you know that Ukraine is the worlds fourth largest exporter of the barley used in animal feed and beer production? Any disruption in barley exports will probably result in higher prices for the meat and beer you consume. Wheat and corn prices could also rise if exports from Ukraine, one of the worlds largest exporters of both, are disrupted. Much of Ukraines grain exports go to the Middle East and Africa, however any major disruption to global supplies could have a domino effect for other nations. Car prices could also jump if Russia is unable to export nickel, used in lithium ion batteries, and palladium, used in catalytic converters. Rising costs of these goods and other others will probably push inflation, already high because of the pandemic, even higher, affecting interest rates on mortgages, car loans, and credit cards. While the economic pain you may feel as a result of the sanctions and bans pales in comparison to that currently being experienced by Ukrainian citizens, it reflects that while globalization has its benefits, it also has its drawbacks. Discussion Questions: 1. Russias invasion of Ukraine has pushed global oil prices to their highest since 2014 and it is expected that they will rise even further. Discuss the ramifications of higher oil prices for the U.S. economy and the global economy in general. What do higher oil prices mean for you personally? How, for example, could they affect prices of the goods you buy or flights you take? 2. How has Russias natural resource base allowed it to become a dominant player in the global economy? Even countries that dont depend on Russian oil are likely to feel an impact from any disruption to global oil supplies. One means of moderating the rising cost of oil is to produce more. Why is it so difficult to increase production? What does this tell you about U.S. dependency (and that of other nations) on imported oil? How could a move to renewable energy change the geopolitical dynamic? Level 2, Suite 5B & 6A, 1-17 Elsie Street, Burwood, NSW 2134 3. Discuss globalization as it relates to the current situation. How has the world benefited from the free flows of trade that have allowed Russia to become a major exporter of oil, nickel, and palladium and Ukraine a major exporter of barley, wheat, and corn? What do potential disruptions to those trade flows mean for the global economy? Do you think youll experience any direct impact? Sean is employed as a truck driver. He drives x hours a week and is paid $21.60 per hour. Also he is paid $250 for food per week. This week he earned a total of $1,114. How many hours did he drive? I need a poem about culture, any type works but its due tomorrow and I need help.o(TTo) PLEASE HELP ASAP!!!!!!!!!!! Pls I neeed help very hard