YOOO wsppp yall trien help cus i need help

How are the writings of Harriet Beecher Stowe, William Wells Brown, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and Frederick Douglass similar?

Reflect society’s morals on death and tragedy
Reflect society’s struggle to treat women equally
Reflect growing support for abolishing slavery
Reflect the country’s disputes with British and Native tribes


Answer 1



Reflejar la lucha de la sociedad por tratar a las mujeres por igual



Answer 2
C.reflect society’s struggle to treat women equality

Related Questions

Led by US Representative Clement L Vallandigham, they were northerners who sympathized with the South.

A. Ironclads

B. Abolitionists

C. Copperheads

D. Contraband


100% sure it's copperheads! Hope this helps!
Copperheads I did the test


Examine the reason some countries do not allow citizens to express their points of view in public. Predict how life in the United States would change without free speech and free press.


It will be just like slaves back then when slaves was a thing even if they are free in the north anyone can say that they escaped and judges would do nothing and just send them back for more money

Life in United States without free speech will be a life where you have to be concerned on what you say because of the penalties. A few examples will be if an actor were to say something that wasn't allowed, then they will get cut from the show or movie. Some people could be fired from their jobs or could not be able to get another job. Without free press, people can look through your social media and take something you said years ago that was not all that smart and use it against you, ruining your chances of a life you want. The people of the United States will be less free, having to make sure they are careful with who they are talking to and about what.

How did Alexander Graham Bell’s invention of the telephone affect the telegraph?



The telephone made an incredible impact on society. The impact could be seen through the quickness of communication, business, easier communication in wars, and some negative effects too. Although the telephone became a necessity of daily life, it was at first neglected by the public.

Also know, how did the telephone impact society during the Industrial Revolution? The telephone had a huge impact on communication during the industrial revolution because it lets you communicate much faster, lets you communicate with people in different countries, and helps reduce many misunderstandings which leads to bad outcomes.


Please mark me brainliest!


C. Help people with hearing problems


In order to become citizens, people who were not born in the United States must
a: find a relative that lives in the us
b: reside in the country and pass a test
c: swear loyalty to their home country
d: serve in the us military


B. reside in the country and pass a test
B. Reside in the country and pass a test

2. How was the government in the Shang dynasty similar to and different from that of the Mesopotamian city-states?​


It was ruled by local rulers because they ruled their own cities. It was a monarchy. The Shang Dynasty's economy is based on their trade, agriculture, and the craftspeople work. The Shang Dynasty's economy is based on their trade, agriculture, and the craftspeople work.

What was the Counter-Reformation? (Choose one)

A) A movement led by the Church with the goal of electing a new pope.
B) A movement of the Church to spread and defend the Catholic faith
C) The Protestant reform movement that split from the Catholic Church
D) The institution of the Catholic Church that focused on punishing heresy



A movement of the church to spread and defend the Catholic Faith


The reformation was a movement by the protestant church to separate from catholics. The catholics then began the counter reformation, which defended their religion.

The answer is C because the question is asking about when the protistans wanted to switch from catholicism to protistan

Hurry help me please


Answer: All of them

I'm pretty sure the answer is all of them.

A C D E i think if not then A C E

Please help! I cannot find out what the answer is.
How did the SECOND Great Awakening come to an end? Summarize it if you would like.


- In the American colonies the great awakening notably altered a religious climate and instead of relying on the minister ordinary people were encourged to make a personal connection with the god.


The result of second great awakening leads to many incident like people started questioning the British Monarcy's rule. ... - In the American colonies the great awakening notably altered a religious climate and instead of relying on the minister ordinary people were encourged to make a personal connection with the god.


if I were to ask a person what life was like when Genghis Khan ruled, what would he or she say?


It would be something like
“He was a leader from Mongolia”
Depends if actually know him or just as blank as History like me.

(giving brainiest)

Just rewrite what I wrote below in simple words, please do it fast so I can play terraria :) also make it a bit shorter if you want but it still needs to say what the great compromise is.

The Great Compromise was an agreement made with the delegates to the Constitutional Convention that the American government would have two houses in Congress: the Senate where each state has two Senators, and the House of Representatives where each state has a number of Representatives based on population.



The Great Compromise was a deal with representatives towards the Constitutional Convention where the Government has two houses in congress. The Senate is the upper house of the congress and the House of Representatives is the lower class or house of the congress who makes and passes federal laws

This is what I came up for

sorry if it doesnt make much sense

eisenhower also targeted the federal government's continuing aid to business or what he termed___________. (a) creeping socialism (b) evil socialism (c) nationalism (d) creeping nationalist

Will give brainliest



A. Creeping  Socialism


Help meee plzzz?!
Answer the questions in first person of Genghis Khan

1. What steps did you take to expand the Mongol Empire?

2. What were some of your significant contributions?

3. If I were to ask a person what life was like during your rule, what would he or she say?

4. What were the reasons for the decline of the Mongol Empire?




The steps I took were to use Mongol tactics like using horses to pillage others and flanking them

I made the 2nd largest empire in history

Amazing if they were Mongols, Misery if they were anyone else

After my death my succsesrs ( sorry for bad spelling lol ) couldn't share power so they just split the lands and caused wars and stuff

im not sure


what do you think the interaction between the British colonists and the Indigenous Americans will be like? Connect to a piece of outside evidence to support your thinking.

plzz helpp ill give all credit




I believe that the interaction between the British colonists and the Indigenous Americans were surprisingly peaceful as I believe that both sides were willing to trade with each other and Britain was willing to make them Christian.

HOWEVER, the British always saw them as inferior and believed that they stood in the way of their colonization and forced them to follow British laws and etc.

you can join me now plz join

why did the sculptor pose one figure looking back



They both have the contrapposto pose as seen in Classical sculpture.

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence about the influence of Greek culture.
Alexander the Great local culture by allowing local people to .
This meant that art, architecture, and science often reflected a(n) of Greek and local culture.
Conquered lands influenced Hellenistic culture through .


This meant that art, architecture, and science often reflected a(n) of Greek and local culture.


look below


Briefly explain how the weather played an important role in protecting Japan in the thirteenth century.


Typhoons played a role in protecting Japan during the thirteenth century.
Typhoons, destroyed most of the invasion fleet, and many soldiers drown before arriving to the shores.

What jobs did women perform in the steel industry?

Women of Steel (Excerpt from a propaganda video)

Steel has been rightly called the sinews of peace and the backbone of war. Behind the guns, and tanks, and ships, and planes, are the blast furnaces and open hearths, the electric furnaces and blooming mills. Tending these giant furnaces have always stood a breed of men apart, giants in the land, those men of steel. But with our country in peril, the women of America rallied to the support of their men, and here in this, almost the last great industry we thought could be handled only by men, these mothers, wives, and sweethearts came to stand shoulder to shoulder with them in almost every capacity. These marvelous women of America. These women of steel. Of course, we had long since accepted their aptitude in fabrication, the swift, sure dexterity of their fingers, as in this stainless steel rib assembly. Their adaptability to small tools. Even the hand welding electrodes. But as the need grew for more and more production of the basic metal itself, more loyal women with a dash a true American pluck and venturesomeness, edged further and further into the real work of steel making. Some with a scientific bent, went into metallurgical control and research labs-- girls fresh from chemical engineering school, older women who had been technical librarians. Yes, women make good inspectors. Here's one applying the magnaflux test to steel for airplane motors. They make good drivers too.American girls raised to drive the family car find it no trick at all to handle trucks and tractors. Mrs. Warner at these crane controls must lift this huge bloom into the furnace to be heated red hot, then carried across the shop to the forging press. It takes good judgment and a steady hand to manipulate it under the drop hammer-- just the right amount and position each time. And Ms. Evans here is very adept at this. Here is the office of the supervisor of women employees. She can tell us more about it. If you will, Ms. Campbell. MS.

CAMPBELL: Women in steel are simply the result of realistic thinking.In time of war, you have to have steel. You also have to have people to make it. With the Army taking men by the thousands-- more than 16,000 from our plant so far-- we had to find people to replace them. A great untapped reserve was women.

NARRATOR: How many do you have?

MS. CAMPBELL: About half of the replacements are women, more than 8,000 of them. The rest are older men and young boys.

NARRATOR: And the women, are they doing all right?

MS. CAMPBELL: Beyond anything anyone ever dreamed of. They're doing something in almost every department in the plant. And I don't mean just clerks and checkers. We have women engineers and oilers in the boiler room. Women repair experts. Women work at the oil mines above ground. Along the unloading docks. And our private railroad tracks. Women carpenters. And women shipbuilders. And women load and unload our freight cars. We have girls in charge of our tool cribs, and that takes the knowing of a lot of tools to do that. These women are working around the clock around the calendar. They do a man's job, and they can draw a man's pay. And they're doing it safely. They're safer here than in their own homes.


Answer: They worked on the production floors, testing facilities, and storage yards at steel mills

Explanation: If this is not the answer your looking for then i'm sorry, i'm not smart

Im sry but im answering this so i cam ask a question

Persecution resulted in the Christians lingering in Jerusalem. True False



i think soo



it is true


Veterans and union members at a post-World War I parade clashed in the [what] Massacre?


Answer:   Armistice Day Riot


The Centralia Tragedy

Instead . . . of making their feet soft with sandals, Lycurgus enacted that they should harden them by going without sandals; thinking that, if they exercised themselves in this state, they would go up steep places with far greater ease, and descend declivities with greater safety; and that they would also leap, and skip, and run faster unshod, if they had their feet inured to doing so, than shod.

Is this an example of verifiable or unverifiable information? Why?


This is an example of unverifiable information. The reason is that Lycurgus was a legendary lawgiver of Sparta who may or may not have existed.

Scholars have been unable to determine conclusively whether Lycurgus was a historical person and, if he did exist, which institutions should be attributed to him.

Therefore, the statement about his enactment of going without sandals cannot be verified by historical evidence or sources.

This passage from Lycurgus provides an example of unverifiable information.

The reason is that it describes a historical practice or belief from ancient times that cannot be directly verified through objective evidence or firsthand accounts. Since Lycurgus was a legendary figure in ancient Greece and lived in a time without extensive written records or verifiable sources, the specific details of his enactments, such as the one mentioned in the passage about hardening feet, cannot be independently confirmed. While it is possible that such practices existed in ancient societies, the lack of concrete evidence or empirical data limits our ability to verify the accuracy of this information. Hence, this passage falls into the realm of unverifiable information based on historical accounts and narratives rather than empirical or scientific evidence.

For more questions on ancient Greece



Describe the events that Rockwell is painting in “Murder in Mississippi.”



painting "Murder in Mississippi", Norman Rockwell ... recalled earlier having been directed by The Saturday Evening Post to remove ... “Post” covers successful—were not needed to describe life in 1960s America.


In the 1965 painting Murder in Mississippi, he illustrated the Philadelphia, Mississippi, slaying of civil rights workers Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman, and James Chaney. ... The result was an intensive five-week session in which he produced charcoal preliminaries, an oil color study, and the large final painting.

Make a list of the issues or problems that you know of that are happening around the world.



1. Global pandemic

2. Racial inequality

3. Vaccines distribution

4. Mask mandates along with other safety regarding the virus

5. Students safety in public schools.


Read the sharecropping contract, then answer the
According to the contract, how does H.L. Whipple
control the lives of his sharecroppers?
He or she
every mor
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will be all
and gettin
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work will
Check all of the boxes that apply.
He tells them what clothing to wear while
they work
He tells them when to start and stop working.
He tells them how to spend their time.



B and C


bcuz i just know... :)

Help Help before the bots come pls!


As Progressivism grew stronger, a new generation of women's suffrage leaders emerged. They expanded the goals of their movement to include Progressive reforms such as improvements in education and labor conditions, stronger child labor laws, and governmental reform. :)

ayoooo WSG can you please help me n no linkss plssss


the believe the answer is c

Constantine created the first Christian empire. t or f


your answer is true!!


Its true


What promise did Japan make after ratifying its new constitution following World War II?

to only trade with the United States and its allies

to abolish the title of emperor and its monarchy

to pay reparations to the nations it harmed in the war

to maintain close alliances with socialist governments


B. To abolish the title of emperor and its monarchy.
B as monarchy no longer existed afterwards

Please help! I cannot find out what the answer is.

How did the Second Great Awakening come to an end? Summarize it if you would like.



The Great Awakening came to an end sometime during the 1740s. In the 1790s, another religious revival, which became known as the Second Great Awakening, began in New England. This movement is typically regarded as less emotionally charged than the First Great Awakening.

During the rule of Mao Zedong, which group was known for breaking into the homes of people they considered bourgeois and destroying artworks, antiquities, and genealogical records?

the Red Guards

the Gang of Four

the Five Man Group

the Cultural Revolution Group


A. the Red Guards. Sorry if I was late to this answer
B. the Gang of Four

: On this day in 1968, President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act. This act protected the rights of people, including African-Americans and women. Why do you think it’s important for all people to be treated equally? What kind of inequalities are still around today? Please write a 7 sentence paragraph.



Here is how I would write a paragraph on this subject (please consider re-writing this in your own words)

Explanation: In my opinion, the importance of having equality as a part of our nation is not only needed so appreciation is presented to each person as an equal but, it brings the needed characteristics in each society. It also, encourages and builds respect, responsibility, leadership, trust, and a life that matters. All these traits maintain and can even create a comunity. Equality is when someone recognizes fairness is lacking so, they advocate for the change that is needed. Woefully, inequalities of all sorts still linger about to this day without change. Significant inequalities shown throughout society today include racial discrimination such as racial gaps in education, wage imbalances, sexism, and health care. To summarize, I believe equality should be manifested to everyone and changes are still needed in humanity in addition to the unfairness that loiters around presently, for we are all the same.

Other Questions
The production function for Martys Frozen Yogurt is shown in the accompanying table.Marty pays each of his workers $80 per day. The cost of his other variable inputs is $0.50 per cup of yogurt. His fixed cost is $100 per day.a. Calculate variable and total costs for the following levels of output: 110 cups, 200 cups, 300 cups, and 320 cups.quantity of labor(workers) quantity of frozen yogurt(cups)0 01 1102 2003 2704 3005 3206 330variable cost, Q = 110:$____variable cost, Q = 200:$____variable cost, Q = 270:$____variable cost, Q = 300:$____variable, Q = 320:$________b. In the accompanying diagram, plot the variable and total cost points that you calculated in part a. c. What's the marginal cost of production going from 110 cups to 200 cups? What about for 300 cups to 320 cups? Round your answers to the nearest cent. MC, Q = 110 to Q = 200: $________ MCQ = 300 to Q = 320: $________ Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction of the weak acid HCN with water. Include the phase of each species. How do you complete the Ka expression for this reaction? All of the following are freedoms found in the First Amendment to the Constitution EXCEPT a. Freedom of speech. b. Freedom of the press. c. Freedom of commerce. d. Freedom to petition the government Exercise # 3. Suppose the short-term equilibrium corresponds to the Bertrand equilibrium with two firms, 1 and 2, facing the inverse demand P = 10-91-92 and incurring a constant marginal cost c = C question 1 what role do developers play in creating a usable product? why was the emission spectrum of hydrogen used to calibrate the spectroscope? Consider the following LPMLN program. Which option is the most probable stable model of the program? 10:q+p 1:1 p 5: p -20:1 O [p] O(g) O (p, q) O (p, q, r) 1 point in the first 150 yrs of nationhood, high quality education was readily available only if you were ............... If G = (V, E) is a simple graph (no loops or multi-edges) with |V] = n > 3 vertices, and each pair of vertices a, b eV with a, b distinct and non-adjacent satisfies deg(a) + deg(b) >n, then G has a Hamilton cycle. (a) Using this fact, or otherwise, prove or disprove: Every connected undirected graph having degree sequence 2, 2, 4, 4, 6 has a Hamilton cycle. (b) The statement: Every connected undirected graph having degree sequence 2, 2, 4, 4,6 has a Hamilton cycle is A. True B. False. all inhabitants are either knights, who always tell the truth,or knaves, who always lie. If a says "I am a knight " and b says "Ais a Knave ?" what are a and b ? please solve true/false. when calculating a firm's profit, an economist will subtract only a. explicit costs from total revenue because these are the only costs that can be measured explicitly. One lawn chair is made of aluminum (c=0.89 j/gc) and another is made of iron (c=0.45 j/gc). both chairs are painted the same color. on a sunny day, which chair you want to sit on? why? information technology refers to competitive data. (True or False) Galileo's early telescopes revealed the four large moons of Jupiter, the rings of Saturn, and its large moon Titan.a. Trueb. False Let X represent the number on the face that lands up when a fair six-sided number cube is tossed. The expected value of X is 3.5, and the standard deviation of X is approximately 1.708. Two fair six-sided number cubes will be tossed, and the numbers appearing on the faces that land up will be added. POST: 3-4 paragraphs, must have at least an in-text citation and reference in APA formatting, answer the question, focus on your content development, and application of economic termsQUESTION: Explain the most appropriate type of policy for our (United States) economy right now, fiscal or monetary policy. THEN Analyze the one pro and con of using each policy to help stabilize the economy. the diameter of a circle is 10 units and an arc on this circle has a 35 degrees cental anble assoicated with it. what is the lenght of the arc Evaluate the extent to which Christian missionary efforts motivated European imperial expansion in 19th-century Africa.a) Highly Motivatedb) Moderately Motivatedc) Minimally Motivatedd) Not Motivated "Question: (But without Answer)anybody else can send?Negotiability of an instrument promissory noteMuhammad Mussadegh purchased a store in Abadan from Reza Khan for 100,000 GBP. To pay for the store, Mussadegh signed a promissory note that contained the following two clauses: On or before January 1st 1992, I promise to pay Reza Khan or bearer 100,000 pounds sterling in cash or deliver title to my house in Tehran, at the holders option; The maker of this promissory note hereby reserves the right to extend the time of payment for six months; and the holder reserves the right to extend the time of payment indefinitely.1. Is this instrument negotiable or nonnegotiable?" For the past several years, Steffy Lopez has operated a part-time consulting business from his home. As of July 1, 2022, Steffy decided to move to rented quarters and to operate the business, which was to be known as Diamond Consulting, on a full-time basis. Diamond Consulting entered into the following transactions during July:July 1. The following assets were received from Steffy Lopez: cash, $13,500; accounts receivable, $20,800; supplies, $3,200; and office equipment, $7,500. There were no liabilities received. 1. Paid two months rent on a lease rental contract, $4,800. 2. Paid the premiums on property and casualty insurance policies, $4,500. 4. Received cash from clients as an advance payment for services to be provided and recorded it as unearned fees, $5,500. 5. Purchased additional office equipment on account from Office Station Co., $6,500. 6. Received cash from clients on account, $15,300.10. Paid cash for a newspaper advertisement, $400.12. Paid Office Station Co. for part of the debt incurred on July 5, $5,200.12. Recorded services provided on account for the period July 112, $13,300.14. Paid receptionist for two weeks salary, $1,750.Record the following transactions on Page 2 of the journal.17. Recorded cash from cash clients for fees earned during the period July 117, $9,450.18. Paid cash for supplies, $600.20. Recorded services provided on account for the period July 1320, $6,650.24. Recorded cash from cash clients for fees earned for the period July 1724, $4,000.26. Received cash from clients on account, $12,000.27. Paid receptionist for two weeks salary, $1,750.29. Paid telephone bill for July, $325.31. Paid electricity bill for July, $675.31. Recorded cash from cash clients for fees earned for the period July 2531, $5,200.July 31. Recorded services provided on account for the remainder of July, $3,000.31. Steffy withdrew $12,500 for personal use.