Write the correct form of the verb according to the subject.
Yo ______________ inglés y español. (comprender)

Ellos siempre ______________ hamburguesas y papas fritas. (comer)

Felipe nunca ________ la tele. (ver)

El estudiante __________ en clase. (leer)

Tú ___________ en la clase de educación física. (correr)

Nosotros ___________ todos los días. (escribir)

Uds. _________ muchos libros. (leer)

Juan ___________ huevos con jamón. (comer)

Yo nunca ______________ ni leche ni limonada. (beber)

Jasmín y yo __________agua todos los días. (beber)

Christián y Martín __________ el almuerzo. (compartir)


Answer 1


Yo _comprendo_ inglés y español. (comprender)

Ellos siempre _comen_ hamburguesas y papas fritas. (comer)

Felipe nunca _ve_ la tele. (ver)

El estudiante _lee_ en clase. (leer)

Tú _corres_ en la clase de educación física. (correr)

Nosotros _escribimos_ todos los días. (escribir)

Uds. _leen_ muchos libros. (leer)

Juan _come_ huevos con jamón. (comer)

Yo nunca _bebo_ ni leche ni limonada. (beber)

Jasmín y yo _bebemos_ agua todos los días. (beber)

Christian y Martín _comparten_ el almuerzo. (compartir)

Related Questions

Las Relaciones Personales: Definiciones 1 - Práctica de Vocabulario
Escribe las palabras o frases que se definen o se describen a continuación.

__: es alguien que es afectuoso, que le gusta abrazar y besar a los demás.
__: es la acción de hacer aventuras extremas o peligrosas, que estimulan la adrenalina
__: es la manera como una persona actúa, es el total de sus acciones
__: es el vínculo, la unión o la conexión entre amigos
__: es alguien que siempre habla de los demás, usualmente de manera negativa
__: es la acción de ‘tener envidia’ de otra persona
__: es la acción de dar una opinión, usualmente negativa, sobre alguien o algo
__: es la información confidencial y privada
__: es una persona que entiende los problemas de sus amigos, que comprende a sus amigos
__: que es un amigo muy cercano, inseparable



para que tu casa sea sea grande grande

can you guys please go too my account and answer the one that says this
How important is the role of sports in your life? Certain school officials in Mexico believe that sports should be a mandatory part of school life. They see sports as an important aid in combating physical and mental health issues. Read any online article in Spanish on this issue and write a summary of the article in English, explaining your perspective on the same. Feel free to use any online Spanish dictionary for words that you don’t understand.





I am confused in what you need

Translate the article

1. ¿Tú
el partido anoche? (ver)
2. Cecilia me
su vestido azul. (prestar)
3. Paola y Liliana
la conversación de sus padres. (oír)
4. Ayer yo
a las dos de la tarde. (almorzar)
5. Yo
con tarjeta de crédito. (pagar)
6. La dependienta
del almacén. (salir)
7. Mariana
la radio anoche. (oír)
8. Los niños
sus regalos. (abrir)
9. Yo
a nadar a las ocho. (comenzar)
10. Javier y yo
la bicicleta. (vender)



1) you watched the game last night

2) i d k

3) Paola and Liliana heard the conversation of their parents.

4) Yesterday I had lunch at two in the afternoon.

5) I paid with a credit card.

6) Saleswoman got out from the warehouse

7) Mariana heard the radio last night.

8) The children opened their presents. (i am not really sure about this one)

9) I began to swim at eight

10) Javier and I sold the bike.

I hope this works for you

good luck

mark me brainlist (or whateve you spell it.)

Los hermanos sy las hermanas de Ayar Kachi decidieron encerrarlo en una montaña causala problemas parece que hayan hecho esto con hermana ? Explica tu respuesta ?


Esta pregunta parece incompleta. Sin embargo, hay suficiente información para encontrar la respuesta correcta.


No me parece justo que los hermanos y hermanas de Aya Cahi hayan encerrado a su hermano en una montaña porque causaba problemas.


De acuerdo con la leyenda de los Hermanos Ayar, ellos habían sido creados por Viracocha para que sean los fundadores de la familia imperial inca. Aunque los hermanos y hermanas de Ayar Cachi parecen estar justificados por el temor que les provocaba el desmesurado uso que Cahi hacía de su increible fuerza, en última instancia estaban motivados por la envidia, con lo cual sus acciones no resultan justas.

Si bien la figura de Ayar Cachi puede representar un poder destructivo que debería ser detenido, tambien puede representar una fuerza potencialmente ordenadora, en tanto que, al poder abrir quebradas, es útil para la agricultura.

Completa la conversación con pronombres reflexivos o
pronombres de complemento directo.
—Estoy triste porque no acordé del cumpleaños de José.
—No preocupes. vamos a celebrar este sábado.
—¡Qué bueno! ¿En qué puedo ayudar?
—¿Puedes traer las decoraciones a mi casa?
—Sí, puedo llevar el viernes.
—Otra cosa... Mis amigas y yo olvidamos de buscar
el regalo.
—Bueno, yo voy a buscar.
word bank
. LO-la-los-las or me-te-se-nos

please don't send links


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Nos pides que completemos esta conversación con pronombres reflexivos o pronombres de complemento directo.

Aquí vamos.

—Estoy triste porque no me acordé del cumpleaños de José.

—No preocupes. lo vamos a celebrar este sábado.

—¡Qué bueno! ¿En qué te puedo ayudar?

—¿Me puedes traer las decoraciones a mi casa?

—Sí, puedo llevártelas el viernes.

—Otra cosa. Mis amigas y yo nos olvidamos de buscarle

el regalo.

—Bueno, yo se lo voy a buscar.

Con esta clase de pronombres reflexivos o pronombres de complemento directo estamos asegurándonos de usar las propiedades gramaticales correctas para que las oracines en Español queden bien escritas y suenen "truncadas" o incompletas.

Esas es la característica de la buena escritura y redacción. Que el lector pueda leerlas correctamente sin ninguna omisión.

Write each sentence using the progressive tense for the main verb (in parenthesis) for each one

1. Decir ( to say )
Los estudiantes (decir) que no hay mucha tarea.

2. Romper ( to break )
Los animales (romper) las rejas


1.Los estudiantes dicen que no hay mucha tarea.
2. Los animales rompen las rejas.

Patricia se dirige desde su casa a la universidad, si ella a avanzado los 7/9 de su recorrido, ¿Cuánto le fata para llegar a su destino?







HEY CAN ANYONE PLS WRITE DIS SPANISH WORK! Identify the chore and conjugates the verb associated with it in the correct form.



if i am not wrong that is how you need to do it:

cocinar = cook.

limpiar el baño= clean the bathroom.

lavar la ropa= wash the clothes.

When ir + a is followed by the definite article el, a + el combines to form al:
(vamos a) + (el parque) = Vamos al parque.
D. Complete each sentence by writing a form of ir + al or a la. Remember to use al
when the noun after the write-on line is masculine. Use a la when the noun is feminine.
Follow the models.
Modelos Ellos
van al
Ellos van a la oficina.
Be sure not to capitalize. If you need to look at the 4A vocab to see if the places are
masculine or feminine: Page 194 -- 4A Vocab-3.pdf.
1. Cristina y María ———— café.
2. Tú———-playa.
3. Nosotros————parque.
4. Usted—————campo.
5. Yo————- piscina.
6. Silvia———— casa.



1. Cristina y María van a la cafetería.

2. Tú vas a la playa.

3. Nosotros vamos al parque.

4. Usted va al campo.

5. Yo voy a la piscina.

6. Silvia va a la casa.

Please help me with this



sorry, i don't the answer for the first question.

2. entendiste - aprendiste - bebiste - comiste

3. él come

4. ellos comieron

5. usted aprendió

I don't know the answer for the question number 6, sorry

7. él debía

8. nosotros bebimos

9. Yo aprendí español. - I learned Spanish.

I can't see question number 10

11. yo comí

12. yo debía

• Haz clic en el verbo entre
paréntesis en cada
• Escribe la forma que
mejor completa la oración.
Si recibes una nota
MENOS de 80%, hay que
repasar los conceptos
gramaticales en la
siguiente actividad.
1. Durante el siglo 20, la frontera entre El Paso, Tejas y Ciudad Juárez
(abrir - la voz pasiva con ser) para que la gente pudiera cruzar libremente.
2. La mayoría de los edificios de Cd. Juárez
(construir - la voz pasiva con ser) durante los 1950 para embellecer la ciudad.
3. Aparte de los lugares históricos, (poder -la se pasiva) encontrar muchas
actividades en Ciudad Juárez.
4. Hace muchos años, (devolver - la se pasiva) el parque Chamizal a
5. En Ciudad Juárez, (ver - la se pasiva) mejor las estrellas que en otras
6. e quedársele) a mí el mapa de Ciudad Juárez en casa.
7. Espero que no olvidársele) a ustedes sacar muchas fotos mientras
están en el centro.
8. De repente, (caérsele) La nosotros los raspados que estábamos
9. Nosotros (haber ver - condicional) más de la Ciudad Juárez, pero
sabemos que también hay áreas peligrosas.
10. Ojalá que yo (haber ir- pasado de subjuntivo) a un paseo con ustedes.



se abrióse construiyeronse pudieronse devolvióse veíanSe me quedose les olvidese nos cayeron a nosotroshabríamos vistohubiese ido


I Am Offering All My Points To Someone Who Can Do This For Me! It Is A 15 Sentence Story About School! No Bots Allowed! Will Get Reported If Bot Answers! Please Help! Whoever Does This For Me Is A LifeSaver! Thanks! Have A Good Day! Info Is In The ScreenShot Below! Thanks!



lemme get paper im just doing this so i can hold a stop


Todas las mañanas, yo___________mi cama.



Todas las mañanas___hago___ mi cama.

Every morning, I___ make___ my bed.


Hope that helps!!


Todas las mañanas hago mi cama.



Read and choose the option with the correct verb conjugation for the blank. Mi nombre es Anne y soy alta. Priscilla es mi amiga y es baja. Priscilla y yo ________ estadounidenses. es soy somos son





Priscilla y yo somos estadounidenses.




Give the other dude a brainliest :)

please help i am giving brainliest

Match the words or expressions that mean the same.

a. la puerta de embarque b. es necesario c. de vez en cuando d.una demora e. abordar f. una fila

1. a veces

2. un retraso

3. embarcar

4. una cola

5. hay que

6. la puerta de salida

No links




La puerta de embarque/ a veces = the gate hay que/es necesario= is it neccesaryUna demora/un retraso=a delayembarcar/abordar= aboardla puerta de salida/de vez en cuando=exituna fila/una cola

I hope this helps im still learning Spanish but im confident that I got this right :)

what do the detectives do when they spot william?they chase after himthey try to call himthey try to arrest him


The detectives try to arrest William when they spot him.

What do the detectives do when they spot William?

When the detectives spot William, their immediate response is to try to arrest him. This means they take action to apprehend and detain him in order to bring him into custody.

The detectives consider William a suspect or someone of interest, and their objective is to take him into custody for questioning or further investigation regarding his involvement in a particular case or crime.

Their primary focus is on capturing and restraining him to ensure his compliance with the legal process and to prevent any potential escape or evasion.

Learn more about detectives try



-proponemos un plan de acciones en favor del bien comun en la familia y en nuestra comunidad mediante un listado
-¿cuales seran las virtudes que debemos tener para practicar el bien comun?



ConversarPoner reglasRespetar las reglasDirimir pacíficamente las diferencias.Respeto mutuoActitud de servicioFomentar el bien común


Please help me please



8. hablas


Well, I'm in Spanish 1 hoping I can help a little bit. Hopefully it helped a little but because whenever there is "tu" the verb always ends in "as"

8. hablas
9. venden
10. creí
11. empecé
12. cayó
13. llegue
14. encontré
15. abrí

¿Qué hacen ellos / ellas?



Querías decir cómo estoy?

estoy bien. ¿Cómo estás?

Espero que tengas un buen día

please help i am give brainilest

a. 21:15
b. AA 614
c. Jorge Ortiz
d. 20:45
e. Bogotá f. 21 C


1. _______el nombre del pasajero

2. ________el número del asiento

3. _______el número del vuelo

4. ________la hora de salida

5. __________la hora de embarque

6. _______el destino

i don't want to see any link

if i do you will be reported


1. c
2. f
3. b
4. d
5. a
6. e

Write each sentence using the progressive tense for the main verb (in parentheses) for each one.
5. leer (to read)
Paco y Leticia (leer) Don Quixote.
Your sentence:
6. escribic (to write)
You (escribir) una carta a mi hermana.
Your sentence:


if i’m correct it should be like
5. Paco y Leticia (leen) Don Quixote.
6. Yo (escribo) una carta a mi hermana

Complete each sentence with the correct form of the ser

4. _____las ocho y quince de la mañana.
5. Tú______mi amiga.
6. Ustedes_____muy antipáticos.
7. El lápiz _____de Julieta.
8. Vosotras ____unas chicas muy bonitas.
9. Yo______estudiante de la Escuela Park East.
10. Hoy_______jueves 11 de marzo


4. Son
5. Eres
6. Son
7. Es
8. Sois
9. Soy
10. Es

1. Ayuda a los necesitados.
2. Barre la casa y mapea todo.
3. No salgas; quédate en tu casa.
4. Pedro ingresó a la universidad,
5. Ustedes son unos jóvenes exitosos.
6. Eres el dueño de tu destino, sé prudente.
7. Lo que hagas en tu vida tiene consecuencias.
8. ¿Has venido caminando o te trajeron en carro?
9. La banda cantó toda la noche, pero no cobró el tiempo extra.
10. Los jóvenes son nuestro futuro, nuestro orgullo, nuestros héroes.


you want this in english right?

1. Help those in need.
2. Sweep the house and map everything.
3. Don't go out; stay in your house.
4. Pedro entered the university,
5. You are successful young people.
6. You are the owner of your destiny, be prudent.
7. What you do in your life has consequences.
8. Have you come walking or did they bring you by car?
9. The band sang all night, but did not charge overtime.
10. Young people are our future, our pride, our heroes.

Please help asap, thanks! :]



1. Voy a la tienda para ir a comprar un cuaderno

2. Tenemos que ir al centro commercial para comprar un regalo para la abuela

3. Mi tío va al teatro para escuchar music clásica

4. Marta va al centro commercial para comprar un vestido para la fiesta del sábado

5. Tengo que ir al centro commercial para comprar ropa para el concierto.

It’s 67

Because it’s before 68

Crees que los dioses de estos mitos trabajan en equipo que la gente común? Explica tu respuesta





creo que si, sino pos no se pero yo creo que si, asique esta bien

Since these gods are supernatural beings with extra-ordinary powers, they work as a team than ordinary people.

What is a myth?

A myth can be defined as a traditional story (folklore genre), which is focused on the early history (pre-historic nature) of a people or explains the adventures of supernatural beings and mysterious events.

Considering the fact that these gods are supernatural beings with extra-ordinary powers, we can infer and logically conclude that they work as a team than ordinary people.

Read more on myth here: https://brainly.com/question/1925791


Now that you have worked through a lot of material that includes these basic patterns, and you have compared grammatically correct and incorrect sentences, write down what you think is a rule that could explain what makes a sentence grammatically correct or not. For example, you might write something like: "verbs always match nouns in number, and they usually come before the noun." In other words, make your best guess for the grammar rule that makes sense out of the pattern(s) you see in the phrases you have been working with. Review if you need to, and you might briefly check your hunches against the sentences you have been working with in this or previous modules. Keep in mind that what you're after is your hunch, not a grammar rule from a text book. Now check your hunch with the explanation of this principle in the following pattern.




-í                         -imos

-iste                    -isteis

-ió                       -ieron

Meaning and Usage

The preterite is also known as the simple past. It often tells specifically when something took place.  When describing single events, use the preterite.  


   Comimos arroz con leche.                              We ate rice with milk.

   Ellos escondieron el tesoro.                           They hid the treasure.

   ¿Comprendiste la lección?                             Did you understand the lesso


Edge 2021

Santo Domingo shares the island of Hispaniola with which country?
A. Puerto Rico
B. Cuba
C. Aruba
D. Haiti



The answer is D. Haiti



i believe the answer is D. haiti

acronym questions will brainlist if correct (no scams or i will report)
Angel ____ un amigo muy bueno. ___muy atlético y ____ inteligente. Además ____ sincero y simpático. Casi siempre _____ de buen humor. Pero hoy no. Al contrario, _____ de mal humor. ____ muy cansado y tiene dolor de cabeza. ____enfermo. Tiene la gripe. ____ en casa. ____en cama.

La casa de Angel ___ en la calle 60. La calle 60 ___ en West New York. West New York no ____ en Nueva York. ____ en Nueva Jersey. Pero la familia de Angel no ____ de West New York. Sus padres ____ de Cuba y sus abuelos ___ de España. Ellos ___ de Galicia, una región en el noroeste de España. Galicia ___ en la costa del Atlántico y del mar Cantábrico. Angel tiene una familia internacional.

Pero ahora todos ____ en West New York y____ contentos. Muchas familias en West New York____ de ascendencia cubana. El apartamento de la familia de Angel ____ muy bonito. ____ en el tercer piso y tiene una vista magnífica de la ciudad de Nueva York.
Word bank:
es, esta, estan, son


Están ,es jsjsjsjsjsjjsjsjsjsjs

Fill in the blank

Juan y Paola _______ a la escuela.

A. Va
B. Vas
C. Van



C. Van


Fill in the blank

Yo ________ en Las Vegas.

A. soy
B. Estoy




Estoy is used for locations

Yo “estoy” en Las Vegas
Other Questions
Q1. A firm's total cost function is c(y) = y + (a + B)y + 100. p = $50. Find the best output level, y*. Which of the following events will shift the aggregate demand curve to the right?A?An increase in government expenditures, but not a change in the price levelB?An increase in government expenditures or a decrease in the price levelC?An? decrease in the price level, but not an increase in governmnet expenditures.D: A decrease in governmnet expenditures or an increase in the price level Proper segregation of plasmids into daughter cells may incorporate which of the following strategies?(choose appropriate response(s)A. Random partitioning due to high copy numberB. Polymerization of a filament that binds to, and physically separates plasmidsC. Post-segregational killing via toxin / antitoxin systemD. Handcuffing Smash Company has 4.000 machine hours available annually to manufacture badminton racquets. The following information is available for the two different racquets produced by Smash: How many units of each racquet should be manufactured for the company to maximize its operating income? 1.900 units of Pro and 271 units of Mid 1.900 units of Pro and 1,629 units of Mid 4.000 units of Mid and 271 units of Pro 1.900 units of Pro and 4.000 units of Mid Which of the following are valid ways to specify the string literal foo'bar in Python:1 'foo\'bar'2 """foo'bar"""3. foo'bar4. none of above. (Algebra: perfect square) Write a program that prompts the user to enter an integer m and find the smallest integer n such that m * n is a perfect square. (Hint: Store all smallest factors of m into an array list. n is the product of the factors that appear an odd number of times in the array list. For example, consider m = 90, store the factors 2, 3, 3, 5 in an array list. 2 and 5 appear an odd number of times in the array list. So, n is 10.)Here are sample runs:Enter an integer m: 1500The smallest number n for m * n to be a perfect square is 15 m * n is 22500 Consider the process of grocery delivery to the customers after online ordering. Please respond the following questions based on the information provided below.4-1. If the workday is 8 hours, and if it takes 30 minutes to deliver each order, calculate the daily rate of order delivery. Show how you obtained this number4-2. If orders are received at the grocery store at a rate of 3 per hour, considering that prep for delivery takes 15 minutes, how many orders in average will be awaiting prep at any point in time at this grocery store? A survey was conducted two years ago asking college students their options for using a credit card. You think this distribution has changed. You randonty select 425 colage students and ask each one what the top motivation is for using a credit card. Can you conclude that there has been a change in the diston? Use -0.005 Complete pwts (a) through (d) 28% 110 23% 97 Rewards Low rates Cash back Discounts Other 20% 21% 100 8% 48 st What is the alemate hypothes, 7 OA The dirbusion of movatns a 20% rewards, 23% low rate, 21% cash back, 0% discours, and 20% other The deribution of motivations is 110 rewards, 97 low rate 109 cash back, 48 discounts, and other The distribution of motivations differs from the old survey Which hypsis is the dai? Hy (b) Determine the offical value- and the rejection region Mound to the deceal places a ded) Help me solve this View an example Clear all Get more help. 18 Points: 0.67 of 6 Rasponse Save Check answer tv N Bik Old Survey New Survey Frequency, f A survey was conducted two years ago asking college students their top motivations for using a credit card. You think this distribution has changed. You randomly select 425 colege students and ask each one what the top motivation is for using a credit card. Can you conclude that there has been a change in the distribution? Use a-0025. Complete parts (a) through (d) % 28% 23% 110 97 Rewards Low rates Cash back Discounts A% 21% 100 48 Other 20% 61 What is the alternate hypothesis, H,? CA The distribution of motivations is 28% rewards, 23% low rate, 21% cash back, 8% discounts, and 20% other The distribution of motivations is 110 rewards, low rate, 109 cash back, 48 discounts, and 61 other c. The distribution of motivations differs from the old survey. Which hypothesis is the claim? OH H (b) Determine the critical value. and the rejection region. X-(Round to three decimal places as needed.) A new machine that deposits cement for a road requires 12 hours to complete a one-half mile section of road. An older machine requires 15 hours to pave the same amount of road. After depositing cement for 3 hours, the new machine develops a mechanical problem and quits working. The older machine is brought into place and continues the job. How long does it take the older machine to complete the job? (Round your answer to one decimal place.) 200mA, A good radiograph is taken with: 200ms, 75RS, 100cm SID, 6:1 grid. Find the new mAs value to maintain optical density for: 150 RS, 200 cm SID, 16:1 grid Find the Perimeter of the figure below, composed of a square and four semicircles. Rounded to the nearest tenths place Modos Company has deposited $4,020 in checks received from customers. It has written $1,510 in checks to its suppliers. The initial bank and book balance was $410. If $3,400 of its customers' checks h Which of the following are techniques for constructing acontinuous yield curve from a discrete set of spot bond prices orinterest rates?A) SplinesB) Polynomial InterpolationC) Neson-Siegel Functi Assume that females have pulse rates that are normally distributed with a mean of u = 76.0 beats per minute and a standard deviation of c = 12.5 beats per minute. Complete parts (a) through (b) below.16 adult females are randomly selected, find the probability that they have pulse rates with a sample mean less than 83 boats per minute The probability is _____(Round to four decimal places as needed) b. Why can the normal distribution be used in part (a), even though the sample size does not exceed 30?A. Since the original population has a normal distribution, the distribution of sample means is a normal distribution for any sample sizeB. Since the mean pulse rate exceeds 30, the distribution of sample means is a normal distribution for any sample size C. Since the distribution is of sample means, not individuals, the distribution is a normal distribution for any sample size D. Since the distribution is of individuals, not sample means, the distribution is a normal distribution for any sample size, When a population mean is compared to to the mean of all possible sample means of size 25, the two means area. equalb. not equalc. different by 1 standard error of the meand. normally distributed & what is the incremental IRRConsider two mutually exclusive R&D projects that Savage Tech is considering. Assume the discount rate for both projects is 12 percent. Project A: Project B: Server CPU .13 micron processing project B Which pair of functions is equivalent? 12 a. f(x) = x - 3x + 5 c. f(x) - 10x2 + 9x + 8 g(x) = x + 3x - 5 g(x) = 8x2 + 10x + 9 b. Ax) = (5x - 7) + (-2x + 1) + 4x d. f(x) - 18x - 24 g(x) = (x + 4)-(-4x + 2) + 2x g(x) = 6(3x - 4) 2. Which expression represents the volume of the prism shown? 14 (9x+3) (x+2) (4x - 5) a. 36x - 30 c. 36x + 39x2 - 81x - 30 b. 36x + 18x - 30 d. 14x. 3. Which of the following represents factoring g* +5g + 25 + 10 by grouping? 12 Page 1 a. glg + 5) +268 + 5) c. (8 + 5)3 b. (g? + 5) + (2g + 5) d. (8 + 5)(8 + 5) + (8 + 2)(8 + 2) Part B. Applications 4. What are the restrictions on the variable for 18n" ? 27n9 /1 5x r2 5. Simplify. + 9x 3y _12 __12 3x2 + x 6. Simplify. 2x + 4 7. Simplify 8g 36g i 11 8. Simplify. 6x? - 5472 x? + 4xy-2172 __12 9. Simplify. 3x 14x2 7x? 15x 12 if c = $400, i = $100, g = $50, nx = $30, and nfp = $5, how much is gdp? a uniform meter stick is freely pivoted about the 0.20m mark. if it is allowed to swing in a vertical plane with a small amplitude what theoretical assumptions should be operating in relation to the structuring of nursing theory? in other words, are there assumptions that should never be violated? what would those be