Write a query that displays the book title, cost and year of publication for every book in the system. Sort the results by book title. (FOR ALL QUESTIONS SHOWN HERE AND IN THE BOTTOM, NONE OF THE ANSWERS ON CHEGG WORKED, PLEASE HELP!


Answer 1

To write a query that displays the book title, cost and year of publication for every book in the system and sorts the results by book title, we can use the following SQL query: SELECT title, cost, year_published FROM books ORDER BY title;

The above query uses the SELECT statement to select the title, cost, and year_published columns from the books table. It then uses the ORDER BY clause to sort the results by the book title column in ascending order.To execute this query, we need to have a books table in the database system that stores the book information, including the book title, cost, and year of publication. The command most frequently used in Structured Query Language is the SELECT statement. Access to records from one or more database tables and views is made possible by using it. Additionally, it retrieves the data that has been chosen and meets our requirements. We may also access a specific record from a certain table column by using this command. A result-set table is the one that contains the record that the SELECT statement returned.

Know more about SELECT here:



Related Questions

A painting company has determined that for every 115 square feet of wall space, one gallon of pain and eight hours of labor will be required. The company charged $18.00 per hour ofr labor. Write a program that allows the user to enter the number of rooms to be painted and the price of the pain per gallon. It should also ask for the squre feet of the wall space of each room. the program should have methods that return the following data:
the number of gallons of paint required
the hours of labor required
the cost of the paint
the labor charges
the total cost of the paint job
then it should display the data on the screen.
S Sample Input (the first 4 lines) and Output (the last line) of the program:
-how many rooms to paint?
-enter the square feet of room1:
-enter the square feet of room2:
-enter the price of the paint per gallon:
-the total estimated cost is:
Notes: Please use the following as a check list to check if your assignment meets all requirements.
1) Name your class, PaintJobEstimator.
2) You should write comments similar to that in AreaRectangle.java with multiple line comment symbols: /**


Certainly! Here's an example program written in Java that meets the requirements you specified:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class PaintJobEstimator {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);


       System.out.print("How many rooms to paint? ");

       int numRooms = input.nextInt();


       double totalGallons = 0;

       double totalLaborHours = 0;

       double totalPaintCost = 0;


       for (int i = 1; i <= numRooms; i++) {

           System.out.print("Enter the square feet of room " + i + ": ");

           double squareFeet = input.nextDouble();


           double gallons = calculateGallons(squareFeet);

           double laborHours = calculateLaborHours(squareFeet);


           totalGallons += gallons;

           totalLaborHours += laborHours;


           System.out.println("Gallons of paint required for room " + i + ": " + gallons);

           System.out.println("Labor hours required for room " + i + ": " + laborHours);





       System.out.print("Enter the price of the paint per gallon: ");

       double paintPrice = input.nextDouble();


       totalPaintCost = calculatePaintCost(totalGallons, paintPrice);

       double laborCharges = calculateLaborCharges(totalLaborHours);

       double totalCost = calculateTotalCost(totalPaintCost, laborCharges);


       System.out.println("The total estimated cost is: $" + totalCost);





   public static double calculateGallons(double squareFeet) {

       return squareFeet / 115;



   public static double calculateLaborHours(double squareFeet) {

       return squareFeet / 115 * 8;



   public static double calculatePaintCost(double gallons, double paintPrice) {

       return gallons * paintPrice;



   public static double calculateLaborCharges(double laborHours) {

       return laborHours * 18.00;



   public static double calculateTotalCost(double paintCost, double laborCharges) {

       return paintCost + laborCharges;



You can run this program, and it will prompt the user for the required information, calculate the necessary values using the provided methods, and display the estimated cost on the screen based on the input.

learn more about Java here



Answer both parts in SQL
List all of the customers who have never made a payment on the same date as another customer. (57)
Find customers who have ordered the same thing. For instance, if ‘AV Stores, Co.’ orders a particular item five times, and ‘Land of Toys Inc.’ orders that same item 4 times, it only counts as one item that they have ordered in common. Find only those customer pairs who have ordered at least 40 different items in common (3).


Part 1: List all customers who have never made a payment on the same date as another customer.

SELECT c1.customer_name

FROM customers c1



   FROM payments p1

   JOIN payments p2 ON p1.payment_date = p2.payment_date AND p1.customer_id <> p2.customer_id

   WHERE p1.customer_id = c1.customer_id


This query selects all customers from the "customers" table for whom there is no matching payment date with another customer in the "payments" table.

Part 2: Find customer pairs who have ordered at least 40 different items in common.

SELECT o1.customer_name, o2.customer_name

FROM orders o1

JOIN orders o2 ON o1.order_id <> o2.order_id AND o1.item_id = o2.item_id

GROUP BY o1.customer_name, o2.customer_name

HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT o1.item_id) >= 40

This query joins the "orders" table with itself based on the same item being ordered by different customers. It then groups the results by customer pairs and calculates the count of distinct items they have ordered in common. The "HAVING" clause filters the results to only include customer pairs with at least 40 common items.

Learn more about List here:



Refer to the exhibit. the exhibit shows a small switched network and the contents of the mac address table of the switch. pc1 has sent a frame addressed to pc3. what will the switch do with the frame?


In the given exhibit, the small switched network and the contents of the mac address table of the switch are given. PC1 has sent a frame addressed to PC3, and we are required to know what the switch will do with the frame. A switch is a layer 2 device that works at the Data Link layer of the OSI model. It keeps track of the MAC addresses of the devices that are connected to it using the MAC address table. It reads the destination MAC address of a frame and uses the table to forward the frame to the appropriate port. The MAC address table shows that PC3 is connected to port 3, and so the switch will forward the frame to port 3 so that it reaches PC3. Therefore, the switch will forward the frame to the appropriate port (port 3) to reach PC3 as PC3's MAC address is present in the table.

Explanation: The MAC address table in the given exhibit shows that PC3 is connected to port 3 and its MAC address is 00-21-91-62-82-76. When PC1 sends a frame addressed to PC3, the switch reads the destination MAC address of the frame and uses the table to forward the frame to the appropriate port. Since PC3's MAC address is present in the table and is associated with port 3, the switch will forward the frame to port 3 to reach PC3.

Know more about MAC here:



Convert the recursive workshop activity selector into iterative activity selector RECURSIVE-ACTIVITY-SELECTOR(s,f.k.n) m=k+1 while ≤ s [m], f [k] // find the firdt activity in s_k to finish m=m+1
if m≤ n
return {a_m} u RECURSIVE – ACTIVITY -SELECTOR ( s,f,m,n)


The iterative activity selector algorithm modifies the recursive activity selector algorithm to use an iterative approach. It finds the first activity that finishes in a given time frame by comparing the start and finish times of the activities. If a suitable activity is found, it is added to the result set. This iterative algorithm is implemented using a while loop and returns the selected activities.

The iterative activity selector algorithm, derived from the recursive version, aims to select activities based on their start and finish times. The algorithm begins by initializing two indices, m and k, where m is set to k + 1. A while loop is used to iterate as long as m is less than or equal to the total number of activities, n.

Within the loop, the algorithm compares the finish time of the kth activity with the start time of the mth activity. If the mth activity starts after the kth activity finishes, it means the mth activity can be included in the solution set. Therefore, m is incremented by 1.

After the loop, the algorithm checks if m is still within the range of the total number of activities, n. If it is, it means there are more activities to be selected, so the algorithm recursively calls itself with updated parameters (s, f, m, n) to continue the process.

If m is greater than n, the algorithm returns the set of activities it has selected so far. This set represents the maximum number of non-overlapping activities that can be performed within the given time frame.

In summary, the iterative activity selector algorithm modifies the recursive version to eliminate the use of function calls and instead uses a while loop to iteratively select activities based on their start and finish times. It returns the set of activities that can be performed without overlapping in the given time frame.

learn more about iterative activity selector here:



Most customers come to ThreadMeister
to buy jackets.


what about the jacket

what is ransomware? a crowdsourcing initiative that rewards individuals for discovering and reporting software bugs. software that is intended to damage or disable computers and computer systems. a type of malware designed to trick victims into giving up personal information to purchase or download useless and potentially dangerous software. a form of malicious software that infects your computer and asks for money.


Ransomware is a option D: form of malicious software (malware) that infects a victim's computer or network and holds their data hostage, demanding a ransom payment in exchange for restoring access to the encrypted files.

what is ransomware?

Ransomware is a form of malicious online activity, which has the objective  of coercing individuals, businesses, or institutions into paying a ransom, is known as a cyberattack.

When ransomware infects a computer or network, it encrypts the victim's files, rendering them inaccessible unless the user has the decryption key.

Learn more about ransomware from



I need to know the diferences between PAN, LAN, CAN, MAN and WAN.




The most basic and common type of network, a LAN, or local area network, is a network connecting a group of devices in a “local” area, usually within the same building. These connections are generally powered through the use of Ethernet cables, which have length limitations, as the speed of the connection will degrade beyond a certain length.

A WLAN, or wireless LAN, is a subtype of LAN. It uses WiFi to make the LAN wireless through the use of a wireless router.


A HAN, or home area network, is a network connecting devices within a home. These networks are a type of LAN. All the devices inside the household, including computers, smartphones, game consoles, televisions, and home assistants that are connected to the router are a part of the HAN.


A CAN, or campus area network, usually comprises several LANs. They cover a campus, connecting several buildings to the main firewall. A university could use a CAN, as could a corporate headquarters.


Even larger than a CAN, a MAN is a metropolitan area network. These can cover an area as large as a city, linking multiple LANs through a wired backhaul. An example of a MAN would be a citywide WiFi network.


In contrast to the smaller LAN and HANs, a WAN is a wide area network, covering any distance necessary. The Internet could be considered a WAN that covers the entire Earth.


A personal area network (PAN) is formed when two or more computers or cell phones interconnect to one another wirelessly over a short range, typically less than about 30feet.

A local area network (LAN) is a collection of devices connected together in one physical location, such as a building, office, or home. A LAN can be small or large, ranging from a home network with one user to an enterprise network with thousands of users and devices in an office or school.

A campus network, campus area network, corporate area network or CAN is a computer network made up of an interconnection of local area networks (LANs) within a limited geographical area.

A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a computer network that interconnects users with computer resources in a geographic region of the size of a metropolitan area.

A wide area network (also known as WAN), is a large network of information that is not tied to a single location. WANs can facilitate communication, the sharing of information and much more between devices from around the world through a WAN provider.


explanation on top

what are the things that must be included when using online platform as means of communicating deals,?​


Answer: Terms of Service or Disclaimer


digital signatures should be created using processes and products that are based on the _____.


Digital signatures should be created using processes and products that are based on cryptographic algorithms.

Digital signatures are a crucial component of secure electronic communication and document verification. They provide a means of ensuring the integrity, authenticity, and non-repudiation of digital documents or messages. To achieve these goals, digital signatures rely on cryptographic algorithms, which form the foundation of the processes and products used to create them.

Cryptographic algorithms are mathematical functions that operate on digital data to provide confidentiality, integrity, and authentication. They involve encryption, decryption, and hashing techniques to protect the confidentiality of information, verify its integrity, and authenticate the parties involved.

When creating digital signatures, cryptographic algorithms are employed to generate a unique digital fingerprint of the document or message. This fingerprint, also known as a hash, is then encrypted using the sender's private key, creating the digital signature. The recipient can then use the sender's public key to decrypt and verify the signature, ensuring the document's integrity and authenticity.

Using cryptographic algorithms in the creation of digital signatures ensures that the signatures are secure, tamper-proof, and resistant to forgery. It is essential to use trusted processes and products that adhere to established cryptographic standards and best practices to maintain the security and reliability of digital signatures.

Learn more about digital signature here:



While traversing a list, a node pointer knows when it has reached the end of a list when:
A) it encounters the newline character
B) it encounters a null pointer
C) it finds itself back at the beginning of the list
D) it encounters a sentinel, usually 9999
E) None of these


The correct answer is option B, "it encounters a null pointer.

"While traversing a list, a node pointer knows when it has reached the end of a list when it encounters a null pointer. The null pointer is the pointer value that indicates the end of a list.There are two types of linked lists. A single-linked list and a double-linked list are the two types of linked lists. The beginning of a single-linked list is referred to as the head node. A null pointer is used to indicate the end of the list, which is where the node's next field points. Similarly, for a double-linked list, a null pointer is used to indicate the end of the list. The node's next field points to null when it's at the end of the list.In computer science, a node is an object that holds data and one or more pointers. A linked list is a data structure that is made up of a sequence of nodes. A node can contain a data field, which holds the data, and a reference field, which contains a reference to the next node in the list. A null pointer is used to indicate the end of the list.

to know more about null pointer visit:



Select the correct answer.

Which animation do these characteristics
best relate? Allows you to edit, blend, and reposition clips of animation.
This animation is not restricted by time.

1. Interactive Animatino
2. Linear Animation
3. Nonlinear Animation



1. Interactive Animatino

create a two text field web form where one field allows the user to specify the text string to search for and the other field allows the user to specify the replacement string. The page should also show a sentence of your choosing that the search and replace will be perfomed on. Take the in input from the from and using appropriate string functions perform the search and replace on the sentence and retueturn the updated sentence to the user/browser. PHP programming


A two-text field web form can be created using PHP programming, where one field allows the user to specify the text string to search for, and the other field allows the user to specify the replacement string.

To create a two-text field web form in PHP, you would need to create an HTML form that includes two input fields: one for the search string and the other for the replacement string. Additionally, a submit button should be provided to trigger the search and replace operation.

Once the form is submitted, the PHP code can retrieve the values entered by the user in the input fields. The PHP code can then perform the search and replace operation on a pre-defined sentence using appropriate string functions such as str_replace() or regular expressions. The updated sentence can be stored in a variable.

Finally, the PHP code can generate the updated sentence and display it to the user/browser. This can be achieved by using PHP to echo the updated sentence within an HTML element or by redirecting the user to a new page that displays the updated sentence.

By providing this two-text field web form, users can easily input their desired search string and replacement string, allowing the PHP code to dynamically perform the search and replace operation and provide the updated sentence as the output.

Learn more about PHP here:



Whenever you are passing or another vehicle is passing you, _______ is particularly important to avoid collisions. A. Turning. B. Safety. C. Speed. D. Slowing


Whenever you pass or another vehicle passes you, the thing that is particularly important to avoid collisions is SAFETY.

are used in the Excel application to create calculations



I think the answer is formulas

Pretty sure it is ‘Functions’

You are the IT security administrator for a small corporate network. You need to secure access to your switch, which is still configured with the default settings.
Access the switch management console through Internet Explorer on with the username cisco and password cisco.
In this lab, your task is to perform the following:
Create a new user account with the following settings:User Name: ITSwitchAdminPassword: Admin$0nly2017 (0 is zero)User Level: Read/Write Management Access (15)
Edit the default user account as follows:Username: ciscoPassword: CLI$0nly2017 (0 is zero)User Level: Read-Only CLI Access (1)
Save the changes to the switch's startup configuration file.


As an IT security administrator for a small corporate network, securing access to your switch is paramount.

This task is even more critical if the switch is still configured with the default settings. The process for securing access to the switch involves creating a new user account, editing the default user account, and saving the changes to the switch’s startup configuration file. The steps to secure the switch access are outlined below.

1. Create a new user account with the following settings:a. User Name: ITSwitchAdminb. Password: Admin$0nly2017 (0 is zero)c. User Level: Read/Write Management Access (15)To create a new user account, follow the steps below:i. Access the switch management console through Internet Explorer on http://192.168.0.

2 using the default username and password (“cisco”).ii. On the switch management console, go to the ‘User Accounts’ menu and select ‘Add.’iii. Input the new user account details: username (ITSwitchAdmin), password (Admin$0nly2017), and user level (Read/Write Management Access).iv. Save the new user account by clicking the ‘Save’ button.2. Edit the default user account as follows:a. Username: ciscob. Password: CLI$0nly2017 (0 is zero)c. User Level: Read-Only CLI Access (1)To edit the default user account, follow the steps below:i. Access the switch management console through Internet Explorer on using the default username and password (“cisco”).ii. On the switch management console, go to the ‘User Accounts’ menu and select the default user account (‘cisco’).iii. Edit the default user account details: username (cisco), password (CLI$0nly2017), and user level (Read-Only CLI Access)

.iv. Save the changes to the default user account by clicking the ‘Save’ button.3. Save the changes to the switch’s startup configuration file.To save the changes made to the switch’s user accounts, follow the steps below:i. Access the switch management console through Internet Explorer on using the default username and password (“cisco”).ii. On the switch management console, go to the ‘Management and Backup’ menu and select ‘Save Configuration.’iii. Save the changes made to the switch’s startup configuration file by clicking the ‘Save’ button.It is crucial to ensure that access to your switch is secure. Creating new user accounts, editing default user accounts, and saving the changes to the switch’s startup configuration file will help secure access to your switch.

Learn more about network :



question 4 what is the average power drawn out of the input source vg during steady-state operation of the converter (in watts)?


To determine the average power drawn out of the input source vg during steady-state operation of the converter, we need additional information or context.

The average power drawn out of the input source vg during steady-state operation of a converter depends on various factors, such as the type of converter (e.g., AC-DC, DC-DC), the efficiency of the converter, the load connected to the converter, and the input voltage waveform. These factors affect the power conversion process and determine the power transfer efficiency.

Typically, in steady-state operation, the average power drawn from the input source can be calculated by multiplying the average input voltage (vg) with the average input current. However, without more information about the specific converter and its operating parameters, it is not possible to provide a definitive answer.

To determine the average power drawn out of the input source vg during steady-state operation, it is necessary to consider the converter's specific characteristics and the corresponding load. This information is crucial for accurately calculating the average power transfer and assessing the overall efficiency of the converter system.

Learn more about input source here:



Dan's team has to develop billing software for a supermarket. During which step will they write the program for the software?

Which step will involve finding errors in the software?



coding phase

testing/debugging phase


During the coding phase they will write the actual code which creates the functionality/program which is added to the software. This phase comes after the dev team designs the algorithm and creates a flow chart of the algorithm. This flow chart is what is used to create the code itself. After the code is complete then the dev team will go into the testing/debugging phase where they will test the program with different test cases. If any bugs/errors are found they will return to the code and implement changes to fix these errors.

You have just changed the IP address from to on a computer named computer5 in your domain. You were communicating successfully with this computer from your workstation before you changed the address. Now when you try the command ping computer5 from your workstation, you don't get a successful reply. Other computers on the network aren't having a problem communicating with the computer. Which command might help solve the problem


Answer: Router

Hope this helps

given a cache with 128 blocks and a block size of 16 bytes, to what block does byte address 1800 mapped to for a direct-mapped cache


The byte address 1800 is mapped to block number 12 in a direct-mapped cache.

In a direct-mapped cache, memory addresses are divided into three parts: tag, index, and offset. A cache with 128 blocks and a block size of 16 bytes has 8192 bytes of cache (128 x 16 = 2048 bits, 2048 x 8 = 8192 bytes). We can use this information to determine the number of blocks and the block size in bits:128 blocks x 16 bytes/block = 2048 bits per block1800 in binary is 0000000000000111 0011 1000. Because the block size is 16 bytes, the offset is 4 bits (2^4 = 16). The next step is to calculate the number of index bits (also known as block bits).12 bits are required for addressing 128 blocks in binary. Therefore, 4 bits are left for the tag. 0000 is the tag, and 1100 is the index or block number.

Know more about direct-mapped cache here:



______ are expanding the possibilities of data displays as many of them allow users to adapt data displays to personal needs.


Customizable data visualizations are revolutionizing the way data is displayed by empowering users to adapt and tailor visualizations to their personal needs.

Traditional static data displays often present a fixed view of information, limiting the user's ability to explore and derive insights.

In contrast, customizable data displays offer flexibility and interactivity, allowing users to choose specific data variables, adjust parameters, apply filters, and create personalized visual representations.

This adaptability enhances user engagement, promotes deeper understanding of the data, and enables users to uncover meaningful patterns and trends. By putting control in the hands of users, customizable data displays enable more effective data analysis and decision-making.

Read more about Customizable data visualizations here



Write a statement that assigns numCoins with numNickels + numDimes. Ex: 5 nickels and 6 dimes results in 11 coins. Note: These activities may test code with different test values. This activity will perform two tests: the first with nickels = 5 and dimes = 6, the second with nickels = 9 and dimes = 0. See How to Use zyBooks. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 #include int main(void) { int numCoins; int numNickels; int numDimes; numNickels = 5; numDimes = 6; /* Your solution goes here */ printf("There are %d coins\n", numCoins); return 0; }


The statement that assigns num Coins with num Nickels + num Dimes is shown below:```
num Coins = num Nickels + num Dimes;

```For example, if num Nickels is 5 and num Dimes is 6, then the result would be 11. If num Nickels is 9 and num Dimes is 0, then the result would be 9.As per the given problem, the output should print the number of coins, i.e., "There are 11 coins."

The code with the solution is shown below:```#include int main(void) { int numCoins; int num Nickels; int num Dimes; num Nickels = 5; num Dimes = 6; num Coins = num Nickels + num Dimes; printf("There are %d coins\n", num Coins); num Nickels = 9; num Dimes = 0; numCoins = num Nickels + num Dimes; printf("There are %d coins\n", num Coins); return 0; }```.

To know more about statement visit:



Construct an algorithm to print the first 20 numbers in the Fibonacci series (in mathematics) thanks










// C++ program to print

// first n Fibonacci numbers

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;


// Function to print

// first n Fibonacci Numbers

void printFibonacciNumbers(int n)


   int f1 = 0, f2 = 1, i;


   if (n < 1)


   cout << f1 << " ";

   for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {

       cout << f2 << " ";

       int next = f1 + f2;

       f1 = f2;

       f2 = next;




// Driver Code

int main()



   return 0;



Which statements accurately describe the Outlook interface? Check all that apply.

Two main elements are items and folders.
The content pane contains a list of items to be viewed in the reading pane.
The ribbon contains a list of tabs and menu items.
Command groups are located in the folder pane.
The main Outlook menu has a ribbon tab with default commands.
File, Home, Send/Receive, Folder, and View are commands on the main ribbon tab.



send receive

Explanation: it gives and takes


Explanation: EDGE2021

Using the below code, do the following:
int main (int argc, char** argv) {
printf ("# of arguments passed: %d\n", argc) ;
for (int i=0; i< argc ; i++) { printf ( "argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i] ) ;} return (0) ;}
1) convert any argument that is actually a number, from its string form into an integer using sscanf(). As a small hint, look at the return type of sscanf(), notice that if it makes a match, you get the # of matches it made to your string as a return.
2) store any integer arguments into an array of integers (you may assume we’ll never pass in 10 integers at any time). For the above example (./program3 arg1 2 arg3 4 arg5), your program would generate an array: {2, 4}
3) store any non-integer argument (example: arg1) into 1 large string – separated by spaces, using sprint(). For the above example, your program would generate a string: "program3 arg1 arg3". You may assume a maximum length of 250 for this string.
4) print out the contents of your integer array (a newline after each element) and the contents of your single string.


Given code: int main (int argc, char** argv) {printf ("# of arguments passed: %d\n", argc) ;for (int i=0; i< argc ; i++) { printf ( "argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i] ) ;} return (0) ;}

1) To convert any argument that is actually a number, from its string form into an integer using sscanf(). If it makes a match, you get the # of matches it made to your string as a return. Here's the implementation in the above code snippet:int num;int numbers[10];int number_index = 0;char non_numbers[250] = "";for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {if(sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &num) == 1) {numbers[number_index] = num;number_index++;}else {strcat(non_numbers, argv[i]);strcat(non_numbers, " ");}}

2) To store any integer arguments into an array of integers. Here's the implementation:int num;int numbers[10];int number_index = 0;char non_numbers[250] = "";for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {if(sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &num) == 1) {numbers[number_index] = num;number_index++;}else {strcat(non_numbers, argv[i]);strcat(non_numbers, " ");}}

3) To store any non-integer argument (example: arg1) into 1 large string – separated by spaces, using sprint(). Here's the implementation:int num;int numbers[10];int number_index = 0;char non_numbers[250] = "";for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {if(sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &num) == 1) {numbers[number_index] = num;number_index++;}else {strcat(non_numbers, argv[i]);strcat(non_numbers, " ");}}

4) To print out the contents of your integer array (a newline after each element) and the contents of your single string. Here's the implementation:int num;int numbers[10];int number_index = 0;char non_numbers[250] = "";for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {if(sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &num) == 1) {numbers[number_index] = num;number_index++;}else {strcat(non_numbers, argv[i]);strcat(non_numbers, " ");}}for(int i = 0; i < number_index; i++) {printf("%d\n", numbers[i]);}printf("%s", non_numbers);

Know more about array here:



1.1 what is the difference between the transactions display current and display at key date?


In the context of transactions, "Display Current" and "Display at Key Date" refer to different ways of viewing the transaction data.

"Display Current": This option allows you to view the current state of transactions. It shows the most up-to-date information, reflecting the latest changes and updates made to the transactions. It provides real-time data and shows the current values and status of the transactions.

"Display at Key Date": This option allows you to view the transactions as they appeared or were recorded at a specific key date or point in time. It enables you to see the transaction data as it existed at a particular moment in the past. This feature is particularly useful for historical analysis or for auditing purposes, where you may need to examine the state of transactions at a specific date or during a specific period.

In summary, "Display Current" shows the current state of transactions, while "Display at Key Date" shows the transactions as they appeared at a specific date or point in time in the past.

Learn more about Display  here:



Given main(), build a struct called RandomNums that has three integer data members: var1, var2, and var3.
Implement the RandomNums struct and related function declarations (prototypes) in RandomNums.h, and implement the related function definitions in RandomNums.c as listed below. You will have a total of 5 function prototypes and definitions:
RandomNums SetRandomVals(int low, int high) - accepts a low and high integer values as parameters, and sets variables var1, var2, and var3 to random numbers (generated using the rand() function) within the range of the low and high input values (inclusive).
void GetRandomVals(RandomNums r) - prints out the 3 random numbers in the format: "Random values: var1 var2 var3"
int GetVar1(RandomNums r) - returns the value of variable var1
int GetVar2(RandomNums r) - returns the value of variable var2
int GetVar3(RandomNums r) - returns the value of variable var3


Given main(), the struct called RandomNums that has three integer data members, var1, var2, and var3 are to be built. The RandomNums struct and related function declarations (prototypes) are to be implemented in RandomNums.h, and the related function definitions are to be implemented in RandomNums.c as listed below. There will be a total of 5 function prototypes and definitions:


#ifndef _RANDOMNUMS_H_
#define _RANDOMNUMS_H_

typedef struct RandomNums
   int var1;
   int var2;
   int var3;
} RandomNums;

RandomNums SetRandomVals(int low, int high);
void GetRandomVals(RandomNums r);
int GetVar1(RandomNums r);
int GetVar2(RandomNums r);
int GetVar3(RandomNums r);



#include "RandomNums.h"

RandomNums SetRandomVals(int low, int high)
   RandomNums r;
   r.var1 = rand() % (high - low + 1) + low;
   r.var2 = rand() % (high - low + 1) + low;
   r.var3 = rand() % (high - low + 1) + low;
   return r;

void GetRandomVals(RandomNums r)
   printf("Random values: %d %d %d\n", r.var1, r.var2, r.var3);

int GetVar1(RandomNums r)
   return r.var1;

int GetVar2(RandomNums r)
   return r.var2;

int GetVar3(RandomNums r)
   return r.var3;

To know more about the main(), click here;



What is the purpose of this rectangular shape in a flowchart?


The rectangular shape in a flowchart is used to show a task or a process to be done to proceed the process further.

What is a flowchart?

A flowchart is a diagrammatical representation of a task that is to be conducted and performed in a proper sequence. There are various types of flowcharts shapes, that represent something different for task completion.

The actual purpose of rectangular shape in middle of the flowchart is to instruct the reader or the performer to complete the task or perform the action for the completion of the process.

Learn more about flowchart, here:



Which computer databases would you search if you had images of a cartridge casing that had been ejected during a shooting?


These databases include the National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN), eTrace, and IBIS (Integrated Ballistic Identification System).National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN)NIBIN is a computerized system used to acquire, store, and compare digital images of firearm-related evidence, including cartridge cases and bullets.

It is a repository for ballistic evidence that has been recovered from crime scenes and firearms-related incidents.

The database is searchable to provide leads in investigations and allows for the linking of ballistic evidence to other crime scenes and incidents. eTraceeTrace is a web-based system that provides firearm tracking capabilities to law enforcement agencies.

It enables law enforcement officials to trace firearms used in the commission of crimes, thereby facilitating investigations.  Integrated Ballistic Identification System (IBIS)The Integrated Ballistic Identification System (IBIS) is a digital network that compares ballistic evidence to generate leads in an investigation.

It is utilized to analyze images of cartridge casings and bullets collected from crime scenes and weapons-related incidents. It enables the sharing of ballistic evidence between law enforcement agencies, allowing for faster identification and tracking of criminals.

To know more about National Integrated Ballistic Information Network visit :-



question 1 (2 points): by your own research, how would you change the time, date and year in the mac terminal? what would command be:


To change the time, date, and year in the Mac Terminal, you can use the date command. Here's how you can use it:

Open the Terminal application on your Mac. You can find it in the Applications folder under Utilities.To change the time, date, and year, you need to use the date command with the desired values. The format for the date command is as follows:


Copy code

date MMDDhhmmYYYY

MM: Two-digit month (e.g., 01 for January, 02 for February)

DD: Two-digit day of the month (e.g., 01, 02, 03)

hh: Two-digit hour in 24-hour format (e.g., 00, 01, 02)

mm: Two-digit minute (e.g., 00, 01, 02)

YYYY: Four-digit year (e.g., 2023, 2024)

Replace MM, DD, hh, mm, and YYYY with the desired values for the new date and time you want to set. For example, to set the date to January 1, 2023, at 12:34 PM, you would use the following command.

To know more about command click the link below:



During which phase the following activities are identified:Identifying the major modules of the system, how these modules integrate, the architecture of the system and describing pseudocode for each of the identified module?


The phase during which the following activities are identified - identifying the major modules of the system, how these modules integrate, the architecture of the system, and describing pseudocode for each of the identified modules - is the Design phase of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).

The Design phase is the second phase in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), which follows the Requirement Gathering phase. The design phase typically involves the creation of detailed design documentation, such as the Functional Design Specification (FDS), Technical Design Specification (TDS), and Database Design Specification (DDS).The design phase comprises four main steps:1. Architectural Design2. Detailed Design3. Database Design4. User Interface (UI) DesignIn the Architectural Design phase, the software development team identifies the major modules of the system, how these modules integrate, and the architecture of the system.

In this phase, the software development team also prepares flowcharts and diagrams to describe the system's architecture and the interaction between its components.In the Detailed Design phase, the software development team describes the pseudocode for each of the identified modules. They also create algorithms and prepare a detailed design document.In the Database Design phase, the software development team designs the system's database structure, including tables, fields, and relationships.

To know more about pseudocode visit:



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