World War I began as a war between which two nations? ​


Answer 1

Answer: Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia

Related Questions

When did Realism begin?




Realism was an artistic movement that emerged in France in the 1840s, around the 1848 Revolution. Realists rejected Romanticism, which had dominated French literature and art since the early 19th century.


France's approach to peace was guided in large part by


Answer: The desire for national security.

Explanation: At the end of world war one that french leader at the time desired national security to protect against german agression.

What is the way of living of both tribute filipinos and tribute spaniards


Answer: Under Spanish rule, the indigenous families had to cultivate, not only enough food and crops for their own sustenance, but also great portions which they were forced to hand over to the warlords. Euphemistically, the Spanish called these forced portions "tributes".


Which technological innovation played the greatest role in spreading both protestant and catholic ideas during the reformation?



The rapid dissemination of information, scientific advancements, and literacy in Renaissance Europe was accelerated by Johann Gutenberg's invention of moveable type printing. The Protestant Reformation, which divided the Catholic Church, was greatly aided by the printing revolution.

What are the first four 10 Commandments?


The commandments are: Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal,Thou shalt not give false testimony, Honour thy father and thy mother, and Thou shall love thy neighbour as oneself.

The New Testament has 1,050 instructions that Christians must follow. We can categorise them under around 800 categories due to repetitions. They encompass every stage of man's life in regard to God and his fellowmen, both now and in the future. "Teacher ask, which commandment in the law is the most important" "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind," he commanded. This is the most important and fundamental commandment. Above everything, love God. 'You shall love your neighbour as yourself,' says the second. In fact, the Bible contains two entire sets of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:2-17 and Deut. 5:6-21).

learn more about commandment here:


New Mexico is currently home to _ reservations


New Mexico is currently home to 23 tribes including 19 Pueblos as reservations.

What is Pueblos?

Pueblos are "villages" or "towns" in Spanish. Pueblos are traditional Native American villages where people have lived for centuries. The architecture of these villages is distinctive, with multi-story adobe dwellings, kivas, and plazas. Modern-day pueblos can be found throughout the United States, but the majority are concentrated in the Southwest. They are frequently home to a variety of Native American cultures, and many of today's pueblos remain strong and vibrant cultural and community centers.

What does Native american means?

Native Americans are North America's Indigenous peoples, including those who identify as First Nations, Inuit, or Métis. This term is meant to encompass the many different cultures, languages, and histories of these groups.

To know more about Pueblos,


What are the main arguments in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman?



Women deserve to be seen as having equal value as men. We should give young girls the same chance at education and other opportunities as boys. Improving women's rights would help men and women have healthier relationships and make society as a whole better.


What are 2 attractions in Natal Luz?


Natal Luz, or "Christmas of Lights," is an annual Christmas celebration in Gramado, Brazil. The festival began in 1986 with a modest performance conducted by Eleazar de Carvalho.

Gramado, a city in Rio Grande do Sul, celebrates Natal Luz. Gramado has been designated as the country's Christmas capital for over 20 years. Every year, around 1.5 million people attend the event, which spans from November 12 to January 13, making it one of the world's longest Christmas festivities. The Natal Luz celebration includes a variety of events and attractions, including one that allows guests to experience what it's like to be inside a Christmas tree. The 99-foot-tall "magical Christmas tree" features approximately 3,500 ornaments, 2,600 string lights, 1,000 strobe lights, and an artificial snow machine.

learn more about Natal Luz here:


What are the advantage of a bicameral tructure of congre propoed by the contitution a oppoed to the unicameral tructure propoed by the article of confederation


The advantage of a bicameral structure of congress proposed by the Constitution as opposed to the unicameral structure proposed by the Article of Confederation is that it creates the checks and balances in the government.

A two-chamber or bicameral structure provided an important benefit: the ability to create checks and balances and control potential abuses of legislative power. It is believed that by dividing power, they created two distinct bodies of men who could monitor and check each other. Bicameralism helps prevent the legislative branch from having too much power by dividing power within the legislative branch—a kind of intrabranch check. Bicameralism has historically served to balance the power of different social classes or groups within a society within the legislative body instead of the unicameral structure.

Learn more about bicameral structure


A voter’s decision to support the incumbent president in an upcoming election is based on recent economic growth and record low unemployment. Which of the following models of voting behavior best characterizes this voter’s decision?
answer choices
Prospective voting
Party-line voting
Retrospective voting
Rational choice voting


The models of voting behavior which best characterizes the voter’s decision to support the incumbent president in an upcoming election is based on recent economic growth and record low unemployment is retrospective voting.

Retrospective voting is a type of election in which voters look back at a party's performance in office and cast ballots based on how well it performed. In the preceding example, voters supported the incumbent president because of recent economic growth and record low unemployment. Retrospective voting is defined as voting after considering factors such as the performance of a political party, an officeholder, and/or the administration. It assumes that policy outcomes are more important than policy instruments. Retroactive voting is classified into two types. They are based on simple retrospective assessments based primarily on direct experience with personal finance, war, civil rights, and similar issues.

Learn more about retrospective voting


Who formed the Triple Entente why was it formed?


Triple Entente was formed by Russia, France and UK of Great Britain and Ireland and was formed in 1907.

It was formed as a counter-balance to another powerful alliance of powers in

Europe. The Triple Entente was formed

as an answer to the Triple Alliance,

which was a military alliance of Germany,

Austria-Hungary and Italy, in which they

promised each other military support in case of an attack by another powerful country.

The Triple Entente describes the informal understanding between the Russian Empire, the French Third Republic, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland as well as Romania which joined later on. It was built upon the Franco-Russian Alliance of 1894, the Entente Cordiale of 1904 between Paris and London, and the Anglo-Russian Entente of 1907.

It formed a powerful counterweight to the Triple Alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. The Triple Entente, unlike the Triple Alliance or the Franco-Russian Alliance itself, was not an alliance of mutual defence.

To know more about Triple Entente visit:


According to the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. House of Representatives has the power to do what to government officials?


prosecute them

prosecute them

impeach them

impeach them

nominate them

nominate them

remove them



impeach them


The House has several powers assigned exclusively to it, including the power to initiate revenue bills, impeach federal officials, and elect the President in the case of an Electoral College tie.

how did the mongols create a time of peace, or pax mongolica, despite their violence?


The Mongols created a time of peace, or Pax Mongolica, despite their violence by ensuring the security and safety of travelers.

The Pax Mongolica is a historical term derived from the original phrase Pax Romana that describes the stabilizing effects of the Mongol Empire's conquests on the social, cultural, and economic life of the inhabitants of the vast Eurasian territory conquered by the Mongols in the 13th and 14th centuries. The term refers to the unified administration's role in facilitating communication and commerce, as well as the period of relative peace that followed the Mongol conquests. For example, The Mongol Empire became the sole ruler of the Silk Road, which connected trade centers in Asia and Europe and they ensured the safety of travelers.

Learn more about the Pax Mongolica


What became the western border of the united states after the treaty of paris 1783 was signed?


Answer: Mississippi River


The Treaty of Paris was negotiated to end the American Revolution. John Adams, Ben Franklin, and John Jay were the American representatives. Their discussions regarding the boundaries of the United States resulted in the western border of the United States being set at the Mississippi River.

Which of the following would be an example of a tariff?​


Parts of mass produced products became interchangeable was true about American Industrial Revolution. Hence option (D) is the answer.

How significant was the American Industrial Revolution?

Beginning in the 1870s and lasting through World War II, the American Industrial Revolution, sometimes known as the Second Industrial Revolution, was a global phenomenon. During this time, new forms of transportation including steamships, the automobile, and airplanes were developed. Agriculture and manufacturing were also mechanized.

The cities provided the working class with new jobs. The United States shift from a rural to an urban society was thus sparked by the Industrial Revolution. Many immigrants from Europe, as well as young people raised on farms, relocated to the cities because they perceived larger opportunities there.

A tariff is a tax that the government imposes on the goods and services that are imported from other nations. The telephone would be replaced by the telegraph is an example of a tariff.

To learn more about American Industrial Revolution, visit:


How did the sinking of the Lusitania bring the United States closer to declaring war in 1915?



The sinking of Lusitania didn't directly cause the United States to enter the war. It did, however, fuel virulent anti-German sentiment in Britain and the United States and hinder diplomatic relations between Germany and the United StatesExplanation:

In what way was Western Europe politically changed following the end of the Frankish
a. A powerful Christian emperor ruled the entire region.
b. Representative republics were created across the region.
c. Decentralized regional governments were established.
d. An Islamic caliphate unified the region under one leader.



C. Decentralized regional governments were established.



The early statehood movement is as below:

Land Run of 1889 provided the most push for Oklahoma statehood. On April 22, 1889, over 50,000 non-Indian people made the rush into the Unassigned Lands (Oklahoma District). They immediately began to advocate for statehood in order to acquire representation in Congress.

The Organic Act of 1890 established a territorial administration for Oklahoma Territory and set the boundaries of present-day Oklahoma Territory (O.T.) and Indian Territory (I.T.).

The law also required the election of a non-voting delegate from Oklahoma to the United States House of Representatives.

So, this is the early statehood movement.

To learn more about Early statehood, Here :

Whistle blower hotline


A whistleblowing hotline (or whistleblowing system) is a help that assists representatives and others with detailing misbehavior and unlawful or unscrupulous conduct inside the work environment. By and large, the term 'whistleblowing hotline' alluded to a phone based revealing help.

An whistleblower is an individual, habitually a representative, who unveils information in regards to action inside a private or public foundation that is believed to be unlawful, unethical, criminal, risky, or fake. There are numerous inward and outer courses that informants can use to spread data or allegations. In the expectations that the business will address and determine the issues, more than 83% of informants report inside to a manager, HR, consistence, or a nonpartisan outsider inside the association.

By talking with different associations like the media, the public authority, or policing, whistleblower can likewise disclose claims. Both people in general and business areas are available to whistleblowing. whistleblowers face a huge gamble of reprisal since they habitually follow through on a significant expense for standing up.

Know more about Whistleblowing -


which of the following was NOT an agency/organization created by the Federal government to support the war effort in WW1?
a. War industries board
b. Fuel administration
c. Emergency ship corporation
d. National recovery administration


Answer: D


War Industries Board and Fuel administration were the 2 most important orginizations created in the wake of WW1, and Emergency ship/fleet corporation is a branch or term of War Industries Board

How does the rhetorical appeal used in this excerpt from Queen Elizabeth address to the troops at Tilbury and response to Parliament's request that she marry compare?


By giving evidence to support her goal, both make a logos-based plea. By offering justification for why she should be believed, both make an ethos-based appeal.

What is an appeal?

When a case is reviewed by a higher authority in the legal system and parties ask for a formal revision of a ruling, this procedure is known as an appeal. The purpose of appeals is to clarify and interpret the law while also serving as a mechanism for correcting errors. Even though there have been appellate courts for thousands of years, common law nations did not adopt an affirmative right to appeal into their jurisprudence until the 19th century. In early English courts, the concept of a court-to-court appeal was unheard of. Prior to the early 19th century, certiorari was only available for summary offenses; it later became accessible for indictable offenses, but solely as a means of obtaining relief before judgment.

To learn more about appeal, visit:


How does Article V affect the laws outlined in the US Constitution?


art. V ( The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments. . .. ).

Which of the following is likely to occur as a result of new legislation regarding automobile safety?
answer choices
The Supreme Court will be asked to review the legislation annually.
States will be empowered to begin automobile manufacturing.
The Department of Transportation will be given discretionary authority to create auto regulations.
Mandatory spending will be required in all future federal budgeting for the program.


Statement C is the correct option. Auto regulations may be drafted at the Department of Transportation's discretion. As it is the following is likely to occur as a result of new legislation regarding automobile safety

The Supreme Court only needs to evaluate laws if a case comes before it; it is not required to do so every year. The federal government, not the states, sets the requirements for automobile safety, so these kinds of laws have nothing to do with the federal budget. the authority of an agency to select which actions to take while putting current legislation into practise. They typically cover a smaller range of duties than Cabinet departments.

Know more about the Cabinet departments at:


How did Songhai develop and decline?



the songhai empire began to decline at the end of Askia Muhammad's reign

What is the significance of 3 in the story The Gift of the Magi?



The number three is probably used by O. Henry as a significant number in 'The Gift of the Magi' because there were three magi, or wise men, and O. Henry alluded to them in the title of the story.


How did the Muslim trade routes impact Indian, China, Europe, and Africa economically?



The Muslim trade routes, also known as the Silk Road, had a significant impact on the economies of the regions they connected. These routes facilitated trade and cultural exchange between India, China, Europe, and Africa. The Silk Road helped to bring new goods and technologies to these regions, stimulating economic growth and development. Additionally, the routes provided new economic opportunities for merchants and other trade-related professions. The Silk Road also played a role in the spread of Islam to these regions, which had both economic and cultural effects. Overall, the Muslim trade routes had a profound and lasting impact on the economies of the regions they connected.


The Muslim trade routes, also known as the Silk Road, had a significant impact on the economies of India, China, Europe, and Africa.

In India, the trade routes facilitated the exchange of goods and ideas between India and the Middle East, leading to the growth of trade and the development of urban centers. Indian merchants were able to trade a variety of goods, including textiles, spices, and precious metals, with merchants from the Middle East and beyond, leading to increased wealth and prosperity.

In China, the trade routes allowed Chinese merchants to trade silk, porcelain, and other goods with merchants from the Middle East, Europe, and Africa. This led to an increase in economic activity and the growth of urban centers, such as Chang'an, which became one of the largest cities in the world at the time.

In Europe, the trade routes allowed European merchants to access a variety of goods from Asia, including spices, silk, and other luxury items. This led to an increase in trade and the growth of urban centers, such as Venice, which became an important center of trade and commerce.

In Africa, the trade routes facilitated the exchange of goods and ideas between Africa and the Middle East, leading to the growth of trade and the development of urban centers. African merchants were able to trade goods such as gold, ivory, and slaves with merchants from the Middle East and beyond, leading to increased wealth and prosperity.

Overall, the Muslim trade routes had a significant impact on the economies of India, China, Europe, and Africa by facilitating the exchange of goods and ideas, leading to increased trade and the growth of urban centers.

What did the Glorious Revolution of 1688 lead to Britain?


The Glorious Revolution of 1688 lead to Britain's transformation from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy.

In 1688, King James II of England was overthrown in what is now known as the Glorious Revolution. This event was significant as it marked the end of absolute monarchy in England and the beginning of a more democratic form of government.

The new king, William III, and queen, Mary II, were more agreeable to the wishes of Parliament and the people. This resulted in a more stable and functional government for England. The monarchy in England would never again have absolute control following this incident.

To know more about revolution, click here.


How much influence did the ideologies of the first parties have on today’s current parties?


The first parties, Anti-Federalists, led by Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, favored states' rights over centralized power whereas the Federalists, led by Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, favored a powerful central government.

What are the ideologies of current American parties?

The two major political parties in the nation, the Democratic and Republican Parties, closely reflect liberal and conservative ideologies, respectively. Discussions regarding US policy, which typically center on the appropriate level of governmental intervention in the economy or in social behavior, are impacted by these views.

Americans have a variety of perspectives on economic and social issues that don't necessarily fall along a simple "left-right" spectrum, despite the strong correlation between a person's philosophy and the party they support. As a result, some political scientists have created a political "spectrum" to show how various political ideologies differ in a variety of ways.

To know more about Democratic Party, visit:


Answer: The first parties, Anti-Federalists, led by Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, favored states' rights over centralized power whereas the Federalists, led by Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, favored a powerful central government.


What is the main idea of the Enlightenment period?


Enlightenment thinking was centered on the application and celebration of reason, the capacity that allows humans to understand the cosmos and improve themselves.

Enlightenment philosophers in Britain, France, and other regions of Europe rejected conventional knowledge and embraced the notion that rational change could advance humanity. The Enlightenment gave rise to numerous publications, essays, inventions, scientific discoveries, legislation, conflicts, and revolutions.

The goals of Enlightenment thinkers were more focused on improving peoples' daily lives than on religion or the afterlife. These thinkers valued life, liberty, and property as "natural rights," as well as reason, science, and religious tolerance.

To know more about Enlightenment period visit :


Who is Swift using satire in A Modest Proposal?


Jonathan Swift, a master of satire in the eighteenth century, wrote the essay A Modest Proposal, which discusses the deprivation and oppression experienced by the Irish people at the hands of their English landlords.

Swift utilizes satire to highlight the problem before outlining workable answers. Swift suggests in this controversial, satirical article that the starving Irish people sell their extra children to the wealthy as food. Swift adopts an overly cynical persona that mocks individuals who have disapproving views on the Irish poor, including the Irish wealthy, politicians, and British officials.

As a metaphor for what he perceived as the exploitation of the poor, such as the excessive rents demanded by landlords, Swift employed the image of eating children. Swift's essay parodied other economic theories of the day that he believed treated individuals like commodities.

Learn more about Modest Proposal Visit:


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