why was political change difficult for women before 1920?


Answer 1


It was generally hard for women to have a voice at all before the 1920s. When women did speak up, like Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were seen as "crazy" or "out of their minds" for wanting to speak up for change, especially women's suffrage. Women made soap, food, clothing, and candles, they even worked beside men in the fields and hunted with them. It was thought that the house could not function without a woman. But as their trades began to be replaced by factories, while the industrialization of America proceeded, the home became less the “nucleus of life”. Factories took over home trades like weaving and spinning, and women were seen as less valued. During this time, women’s trade and skills became less and less essential to life when they could just be bought, starting the change in how we valued in women. Women at this time weren't even needed as much as before as simple "housewives"

The Seneca Falls Convention was the first major discussion of women’s rights and suffrage that was publicized. Stanton was very passionate about including voting rights in the declaration, but many women and men at the convention were opposed to it. Even Stanton’s husband said, “Why Lizzie, thee will make us ridiculous.” Though Fredrick Douglas supported the idea, by saying that giving women voting rights, would get African Americans closer to being able to vote because they wouldn’t be able to vote until a white woman could. Generally women fought to even have a voice, and once they did, they were not taken seriously. So, events like the Seneca Falls Convention were important milestones for women to unify to make themselves more powerful and their voices stronger.


Hope this helped!

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John Adams was the second president so that has to be right.


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Answer: B=Population would increase


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Ancient Egypt was one of the greatest and most powerful civilizations in the history of the world. It lasted for over 3000 years from 3150 BC to 30 BC. The civilization of Ancient Egypt was located along the Nile River in northeast Africa.

The Nile was the source of much of the Ancient Egypt's wealth. The civilization has always been strongly connected with other parts of the world, bringing in and exporting goods, religions, food, people and ideas. The country was also occupied by other powers — the Persians, Nubians, Greeks and Romans all conquered the country at different points in time.

Egypt’s history has traditionally been divided into 30 (sometimes 31) dynasties. This tradition started with the Egyptian priest Manetho, who lived during the third century B.C. Throughout much of Egypt’s ancient history its people followed a polytheistic religion in which a vast number of gods and goddesses were venerated.

I really hope this helps!!

when Al Mansur was governing he govern a empire or a kingdom?




I googled it

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because they lost and were mad about it

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B. moral and religious
C. slavery
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2. Which human modification do you think has had the greatest
negative impact? Explain your reasoning.
a. Deforestation for farming
b. Diverting water by making dams
c Nuclear power plants
d. Freeways
Tuesday 9/15



I would say deforestation


Deforestation killed many animal species and is happening more and more as the demand for wood continues to keep going up, people clear the land for the wood, farming, and cattle ranching not only does this mean we are losing thousands of trees and more a day the animals that come from it are leading to more air polution.




while Deforestation for farming does play a major impact on our current condition as a planet, something that has had a much greater and lasting impact was the creation of our freeways. In order to make these freeways, forests are cleared and the land no longer grows any type of plants for filtering the air we breathe. Mass auto transportation would not be im existence were it not for major freeways having been built. more carbon is emitted by cars/trucks on freeways than a farmer would ever produce in their lifetime. Roads have made our nation rich, and yet because of them, our skies are smeared with the lasting impact of their very creation.

compare and contrast the Rolling plains with the Grand Prairie. How are these sections of Texas similar?How are they different ?



Some of the similarities between the Rolling Plains and the Grand Prairie are;

1) Both can be located within the state of Texas

2) They are part of the North central plains including Western Cross Timbers

3) The crops grown in both regions includes  wheat, sorghum, cotton, peanuts

The differences between the Rolling Plains and the Grand Prairie includes

1) Economy in the Grand Prairie focuses on manufacturing, processing and transportation

The economy includes, military, healthcare, education,

2) Vegetation of the Grand Prairie consists of shrubs small trees and grasses while the Rolling Plains consists of vast amount of prairie grasses

3) One of the largest cities in the Rolling Plains section is Wichita Falls while one of the largest cities in the Grand Prairies is Fort Worth


helppp i need answers



I think i is the american revolution

How did English medium schooling first start in colonial India? Why did the British support English-medium education?



His ideas discredited Indian culture, language and literature even as its assumptions of moral superiority authorised and justified the presence of the British in India. The current system of education, was introduced and funded by the British in the 19th century, following recommendations by Thomas Babington Macaulay.

What are Nation States? Explain in simple words.



The nation state is an ideal in which cultural boundaries match up with political boundaries.


Hope it is helpful for you

please follow me

and mark me as a brainest

The nation state is a system of organization in which people with a common identity live inside a country with firm borders and a single government.

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He fought in the French and Indian War. He also called for peace and helped settle the war and make terms with the French.


Which of the following is an appropriate hypothesis to answer the question, why are leaves green?
Based upon the given data, which spans 25 years of research, scientists determined that leaves are gre
found within leaves.
Using the work of previous scientists and adding new data to their information, scientists have found to
pigmented compound found within leaves.
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Leaves are green due to the presence of chlorophyll, a pigmented compound found within the leaves



the leaves are green because of the green colouring mater known as chrolophyll

Yeah so like I just guessed cause I’m bad at this-



Its b


Yup u r true mate, guesses are helpful sometimes

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He found that the candelabra swung at a steady rate with a mathmatically listable rate of speed and distance change


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Napolean was very popular in France


; Louis XVI was so unpopular he was killed.


Chicken Nuggets were invented by King Louis

Napoleon invented Chicken tenders


What is the Neolithic Revolution



This is the answer.It can help you.

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monarchy couldn't rule without the consent of Parliament, and the people were given individual rights. ... An earlier historical document, the 1215 Magna Carta of England, is also credited with limiting the powers of the monarchy and is sometimes cited as a precursor to the English Bill of Rights.

What does Gary Nash think the Great Awakening reveals about the tensions in eighteenth-century American society? What implications would the Great Awakening have for subsequent American history?


Hey There!! ~

The answer to this is: In the years following the Great Awakening, the plain style would gain more traction within the literature produced by the British American colonies. It was no accident that Thomas Paine wrote his most famous pamphlet, Common Sense, in the language of the plain style. Like Whitefield and the revivalist preachers of the Awakening, Paine sought to have his message read and understood as far and wide as possible.Common Sense was such a success because it was a “kind of secular sermon, an extraordinarily adroit mingling of religion and politics.” While Paine’s Common Sense marked the invention of a new mode of American political discourse, his use of common language and understandable prose can be traced back to the revivalist traditions of plain style preaching.

Not only did this change the pattern and behaviors of the clergy, but Evangelicalism presented a new challenge to social harmony. On average, New England meetinghouses only held up to 750 people. Prior to the revivals, the largest forms of social assembly had been executions.  While these grim events filled up the meetinghouses to capacity, they were few and far between.One notable exception was the execution of the murderer James Morgan in 1686. Morgan’s execution drew in a crowd of nearly 5,000, according to London bookseller John Dutton. This was an impressive turnout, given that entire popular of Boston was 7,000 at the time.

The revivals, on the other hand, regularly drew crowds of thousands. Nathan Cole’s description of the crowds gathering to hear Whitefield’s preaching in Middletown, Connecticut, best captures the size and excitement of the people:

… as I came nearer the Road, I heard a noise something like a low rumbling thunder and presently found it was the noise of horses feet coming down the road and this Cloud was a Cloud of dust made by the Horses feet. It arose some Rods into the air over the tops of the hills and trees and when I came within about 20 rods of the Road, I could see men and horses Sliping along in the Cloud like shadows, and as I drew nearer it seemed like a steady stream of horses and their riders, scarcely a horse more than his length behind another, all of a lather and foam with sweat, their breath rolling out of their nostrils in the cloud of dust every jump; every horse seemed to go with all his might to carry his rider to hear news from heaven for the saving of Souls. It made me tremble to see the Sight, how the world was in a Struggle, I found a vacance between two horses to Slip in my horse; and my wife said law our cloaths will be all spoiled see how they look, for they were so covered with dust, that they looked almost all of a colour coats, hats, and shirts and horses.

We went down in the Stream; I heard no man speak a word all the way three miles but every one pressing forward in great haste and when we got to the old meeting house there was a great multitude; it was said to be 3 or 4000 of people assembled together …

Whitefield’s celebrity status during this period cannot be overstated. During his preaching tour of Boston, Whitefield drew crowds up to 8,000. Fifty-thousand people assembled to see him preach at Hyde Park. Cole commented that Whitefield’s preaching tour in Philadelphia had “many thousands flocking to hear him preach the Gospel, and great numbers were converted to Christ.” By 1740, Whitefield had inspired thirty percent of the printed works published by the American colonies. He preached in virtually every major town on the eastern seaboard of the North American colonies. Whitefield was so influential that before him “there was no unifying intercolonial person or event … But by 1750 virtually every American loved and admired Whitefield and saw him as their champion.” On Whitefield’s impact Franklin commented, “It was wonderful to see the Change soon made in the Manners of our Inhabitants; from being thoughtless or indifferent about Religion, it seem’d as if all the World were growing Religious; so that one could not walk thro’ the Town in an Evening without Hearing Psalms sung in different Families of every Street.”

Hope It Helped!~


In two paragraphs, describe the effects of Spanish exploration and the mission system on the southeast. In your answer, consider these questions: What were the goals of these expeditions and plans? How did they affect American Indians?


The Spanish were not the first Europeans to reach North America. About 1,000 years ago, five centuries before Columbus sailed to the Caribbean in 1492, the Vikings built simple fishing camps in Newfoundland and Labrador.1

European colonization of the North American continent began soon after Columbus's discoveries. The Spanish started permanent colonies in the Caribbean, and Santo Domingo (founded 1496) remains the oldest continuously-occupied colonial settlement in the New World.

The Spanish were not alone in trying to explore and settle the New World. There was competition from other European states, but initially they avoided the Caribbean because of the Spanish presence there.

During the 1500's, English and French explorers looking for fishing grounds determined the outlines of the North American coast north of New England. The sailors constructed temporary camps on Newfoundland when fishing off the coast. Those camps remained as isolated, single-purpose communities, occupied only during the time when cod were being caught and dried for transport back to Europe.

In 1541-3, the French tried to establish a permanent settlement on the St. Lawrence River. That failed, but the French returned in 1603 to start again at St. Croix Island and Nova Scotia. In the six decades between those efforts, the French sought twice to build colonies on the southeastern coast of North America.

The settlement at Charlesfort (1562) collapsed before the Spanish had an opportunity to attack it. The Spanish destroyed the later French colony at Fort Caroline (1565), and then Spanish soldiers executed Jean Ribault and nearly all of of his shipwrecked colonists in a massacre on a Florida beach.

After that experience, France avoided conflict with Spain by settling much further north of St. Augustine. By choosing St. Croix and then Quebec, the French left an unoccupied zone on the eastern edge of the continent.

The English, Dutch, and Swedes focused their North American colonization efforts in that gap between the French and Spanish, but only after the military power of Spain was diminished by the failure of its sleet (the Spanish Armada) to conquer England in 1588.


When the Spanish came to the Americas, they established Missions where Native Americans were taught by missionaries and priests because:

the Spanish wanted to convert the locals to Christianity the Spanish wanted to train the Natives to be more European minded so that they would properly indoctrinate them into the colonial system

These missions affected the Natives in many ways such as:

it forced them to reject their culture even if it was only partly some Natives became educated and were thus able to defend the rights of their people more the Natives learnt new skills which they used to improve their lives enabled the Natives to be more accepting of Spanish authority

In conclusion we can say that the Spanish missions were on the surface, established to spread Christianity. There was also however, the more practical reason of pacifying the groups to reduce Spain's enemies and it worked quite well.

Find out more at https://brainly.com/question/781460.

What occupation did Muhammad have before the first revelation?

A. Politician
B. Military general
C. Trader
D. Religious leader



D. Religious leader


Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, was born in Mecca around the year 570. Orphaned before he had reached the age of six, he was raised under the protection of his uncle Abu Talib. Muhammad began working as a merchant and became known for his trustworthiness.




Between 1880 and 1900, why did most immigrants coming to the United States settle in the cities?



Because many factory jobs were available in the east

Puritan communities in New England in the 1600s believed that all children should learn to read and write so they could


Answer: read and teach the Bible


3. In which region of Texas did the Jumano live?



The Jumanos were a prominent indigenous tribe or several tribes, who inhabited a large area of western Texas, adjacent New Mexico, and northern Mexico, especially near the La chaluopa Rios region with its large settled Indian population.


Explain how both the Enlightenment Philosophers (Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau) and Greek/Roman Democracies have shaped the U.S. Constitution and form of government.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Both the Enlightenment Philosophers (Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau) and Greek/Roman Democracies have shaped the U.S. Constitution and form of government in the following way.

Ancient Greek has influenced the United States in the concept of Democracy. It was the people from Athens who developed this new form of government in ancient Greece. The Roman Republic influenced the United States in the concept of law. The Roman Law was very effective for the time, and many concepts have shaped the US legislation.

Enlightenment philosophers such as Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau influenced the United States independence movement with their ideas of liberty, society, and government. These ideas influenced the US founding father such as Thomas Jefferson, Roger Sherman, and Benjamin Franklin when they drafted the Declaration of Independence. Then later, Enlightenment ideas also influence the creation of the US Constitution during the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Based on the excerpt, which best explains the development of permanent and semi-permanent American Indian settlements from the Mississippi River to the East Coast?





I think it's b

Discuss the creation of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA.


Answer:The U.S. Congress passes legislation establishing the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), a civilian agency responsible for coordinating America's activities in space, on July 29, 1958. ... NASA was created in response to the Soviet Union's October 4, 1957 launch of its first satellite, Sputnik I.


What interested France in northern North America?



they found colonies in mich if eastern America in a number of Caribbean island

Who is the “step-father” to the constitution? Why?



If Madison is the Father of the Constitution, it could be argued that Charles Pinckney, of South Carolina, is its Step-Father. Who is Pinckney? you may ask. He certainly is not one of the revered names of the 18th century.


*Hope this helped*


james Madison is known as the Father of the Constitution because of his pivotal role in the document's drafting as well as its ratification.


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