Why is keeping the authority that the people and the government have equal?


Answer 1
So the government can’t have too much power I think
Answer 2
So that the government does not become too controlling while abusing their powers.

Related Questions

Which major waterway built in the 1800s gave people along the Great Lakes access to the Atlantic Ocean?

Chesapeake Bay
Erie Canal
Niagara River
Welland Canal



It's B. Erie Canal



Erie Canal


The Erie Canal was the first waterway connecting the great lakes and Atlantic Ocean.

What was a result of the Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) decision?
The Supreme Court ruled that the convict-lease system violated the 8th Amendment’s prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment.

The Supreme Court established the separate but equal doctrine which led to increased segregation throughout the South.

The Supreme Court ruled that literacy tests, poll taxes, and grandfather clauses violated the 14th and 15th Amendments of the Constitution.

The Supreme Court ruled that separate is never equal and that all segregated facilities be integrated with all deliberate speed.





What was a positive effect of the Columbian Exchange?Please be authentic in your responses .



There was lots of new crops such as corn, which was good, but a negative is the enslavement of African people who were taken from their home.


Hope this helps! good luck!



Answer: Leonardo da vinci made La Gioconda

Botticelli made the Nacimiento the venus

Chiberti made the puertas del baptisterio de la catedral de Florencia

And Brunelleschi made Cupula de la catedral de Florencia


Hope it helped :]


“Immigrants who arrive in American cities are poor and frightened. They are helped to find jobs and housing. These newcomers should show their gratitude at voting time.”
Use the statement to answer the question.
Who most likely would have said this?
A. political boss
B. factory owner
C. labor union member
D. religious leader

Which of the following is an example of acculturation?
A. speaking a blend of English and another language
B. living in a neighborhood with others from the same country
C. replacing cultural traditions with new ones
D. preferring to speak your own language over others



Part 1 is A.) political boss

Part 2 is C.)replacing cultural traditions with new ones


political boss is the most likely would have said this. replacing cultural traditions with new ones is an example of acculturation. Hence, option A and C are correct.

What is acculturation?

Acculturation is the "process of learning and incorporating the values, beliefs, language, customs, and mannerisms of the new country immigrants and their families are living in," including actions that have an impact on one's health, like dietary choices, physical activity levels, and substance use.

Upon encounter with Europeans, Native Americans replaced or changed certain sociological or cultural components like attire, language, or religion. the disappearance of some Native American languages and practices as a result of European influence.

An individual, community, or people are culturally modified when they adopt or appropriate characteristics from another culture. immigrants' integration into American culture. also: a long-term blending of cultures as a result of contact

Thus, option A and C are correct.

For more information about acculturation, click here:



How do these illustrate the power of the Church during the Middle Ages


Answer: there is no illustration provided


please answer this in complete sentences

What are the major reasons the Industrial Revolution began in England?

What part do the colonies play in the Industrial Revolution?

What are some significant inventions of the Industrial Revolution?



Here's for the third part, hope this helps.


The technological progress of the Industrial Revolution was major. One technological progress was the use of coal to power steam engines and furnaces, more and more coal was needed since it was a big part of the technological progress (since coal was used to power many things). Another technological progress was the Spinning Jenny. The Spinning Jenny was a machine that was used for spinning wool or cotton. This machine was a huge technological advancement because it was a faster way of spinning wool and cotton. The machine was invented by James Hargreaves in 1764.

Which sentence is correct
She ate the sweet juicy apple with a vengeance

She ate the sweet, juicy apple with a vengeance


The first one is correct “ She ate the sweet just apple with a vengeance”
First one is correct

What is included in the peripheral nervous system

a Brain and Spinal Cord

b nerves to the body and the brain

c Spinal Cord and nerves to the body

d Somatic and Autonomic Nervous System


a. Brain and Spinal Cord

may this helps you

mark brainliest if it's helpful


C. Spinal Cord and nerves to the body.

can someone please help me


Is there a picture because i can’t see the question

Answer: Population Expansion


Theres not much to explain for WHY it is Population Expansion but it is the answer.

Which of the following BEST describes the cause of World War I?
a. European nations competed for land, trade, and military power.
b. European and Asian nations fought for control over land
c. European and American nations fought over control over the seas
d. European nations competed over advanced weaponry


Answer: The immediate cause of World War I that made the aforementioned items come into play (alliances, imperialism, militarism, nationalism) was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. In June 1914, a Serbian-nationalist terrorist group called the Black Hand sent groups to assassinate the Archduke.


Which is, A

Discussion: How has Earth's Geosphere been changed over time?



Hydrosphere and Atmosphere: The erosion of rocks, a major part of the rock cycle and change in the geosphere over time, turns rock into sediment and then, sometimes, to sedimentary rock. Different combinations of sedimentary rocks form in environments with different climate conditions.

Earth and its atmosphere are continuously altered. Plate tectonics shift the continents, raise mountains and move the ocean floor while processes not fully understood alter the climate. Such constant change has characterized Earth since its beginning some 4.5 billion years ago

How do the actions of Hector Garcia characterize the age of Civil Rights and Conservatism?

His long service as leader of the Republican Party in Texas led to an expansion of conservatism in government.

His founding of the American G.I. Forum led to expanded rights and liberties for Hispanic Americans

His introduction of numerous education bills to Congress led to expanded educational opportunities for minorities.

His actions as the U.S. Postmaster General led to greater diversity and recognition of ethnic groups and women on stamps.





Which government function would not be provided by a county government?

Question 11 options:

providing sheriff’s office services

repairing a sewer system

issuing a marriage license

delivering mail


I think the answer might be issuing a marriage license.
Issuing marriage license

The amount owed when credit is used is equal to the __________ plus __________.
balance . . . tax
interest . . . tax
principal . . . balance
principal . . . interest

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




d - principle plus interest



d - principle plus interest


Re-write this in your own words, please don't plagiaries anything, thanks
[Declaration of Rights]
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.


Answer:We believe that these truths are self-evident: that all men are created equal, that their Creator has endowed them with certain unalienable Rights, among which are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. — That Governments are established by Men to secure these rights, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, and that if any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the People's Right to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most advisable. Prudence will demand that the government act responsibly.


Which of the following helped women in the workplace?

A. the Civil Rights Act of 1964
B. the Voting Rights Act of 1965
C. Hernandez v. Texas
D. the end of segregation



b. I think??


not really sure so don't depend on me

B. The Voting Rights Act of 1965

Which of these led to the development of the Harappan civilization?
A. Nomadic herders migrated from Central Asia to the Indus valley
B. Muslim traders came from Central Asia into South Asia
C. Farming villages on the Indus River developed into cities
D. Buddhism became the dominant religion in South Asia


C I am pretty sure but it might be wrong
It’s b I know that this is right !

Analyze the map below and answer the question that follows.

The main economic activity that occurs in the US regions circled on the map above is __________.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided


the answer is D: mining




if i'm wrong i'm so sorry my reasoning to this is because most of what was circled was in the great planes so i thought i would be farming i'm so sorry if its wrong.

define nationalism lolzz



the feeling of pride for your country, sometimes considered superiority

Nationalism is an idea and movement that holds that the nation should be congruent with the state.

Write 2 sentences explaining what taxes are


1. Taxes are used to pay for people who work for the government.

2.Tax is a portion taken out of weekly paychecks and sent to the government.

HEYYYY SO i need halp- someone halp meh plz

The map above shows the state of Indiana with every recorded earthquake epicenter in its history. Based on this map, where is a fault line most likely located?

A) in the middle of the state
B) in the northeast corner of the state
C) in the southeast corner of the state
D) in the southwest corner of the state



i believe its A

brainliest pls


Answer:I'm sure its A


Under which system did landowning nobles govern and protect the people in return for services?

A) feudalism
cross out

B) mercantilism
cross out

C) protectionism
cross out

D) vassalism


The best answer to go with is b you’re welcome
i think the answer is b

Random one but this was requested by Tigerlil123

1.Choose five of the ancient Chinese contributions named in this lesson.
2.Find an image to go along with each contribution.
3.Display the contributions and images on the digital poster in order of least to greatest importance.
4.Write a one- to two-paragraph explanation that tells why each contribution was chosen and why each contribution was assigned a particular rank.



Would this work?



Shang Dynasty: 1650-1027 BCE

Photo of a bronze object. The object is cylindrical as if to drink from. The top is wide and gets smaller as it reaches the bottom.

Early Chinese Writing (pictographs and ideographs)

Bronze casting

Zhou Dynasty: 1027-256 BCE

A photo of a bronze helmet.



The Analytics



The Dao


The Qin Dynasty 221-207 BCE

A photo of twelve soldiers made of concrete or terracotta. Some have heads and some are just bodies.


Common money, and laws

Non-hereditary government offices

Built and bettered the roads

Terracotta army

Multiplication table

The Great Wall of China started

The Han Dynasty 206 BCE-220 CE

Photo of bronze scissors. It doesn't look like scissors today, instead of a handle with two openings there is only one.

Cast iron


The iron plow

Civil service


Magnetic compass




Fishing reel




Hot-air balloon

Tang Dynasty: 618-907 CE

Photo of a clay teapot and teacup.

Code of Law

Canal system


Block printing

Mechanical clocks

Smallpox vaccine


Song Dynasty: 960-1279 CE

A painting of a large mountain in brown colors. At the bottom of the mountain are horses and water.

Grew rice and wheat


Movable type

Spinning wheel

Finer porcelain


Landscape paintings

Ming Dynasty: 1368-1644 CE

Photo of a blue and white porcelain pitcher.


Corn and sweet potatoes

Blue and white porcelain

Poetry, detective stories

Opera and drama


You'll have to do everything else srry T_T

So this is an excerpt from the declaration of independence, could you rewrite in in modern language? So what does it mean, what is it implying?

“When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the cause which impel them to the separation.”



It asserts that Americans as a whole (and not as members of their respective colonies) are a distinct “people.” To “dissolve the political bands” revokes the “social compact” that existed between the Americans and the rest of “the People” of the British commonwealth, reinstates the “state of nature” between Americans and the government of Great Britain, and makes “the Laws of Nature” the standard by which this dissolution and whatever government is to follow are judged.


Which principle of U.S. government is most clearly reflected in the amendment above?





emphasizes that the inclusion of a bill of rights does not change the fundamental character of the national government.

the answer is A: checks and balances. hope that helps!

*ASAP PLS!!! Why did the US enter WW1? (At least five reasons, please)



1) Telegram from Germany telling Mexico to invade the US

2) Sinkings of US civilian ships (mainly the Lithuania)

3) Attrocites in Belgium

4) Business and to maybe lift the US out of depression by giving jobs to fight in the war

5) War Crimes that german commited

Answer: The Lusitania in 1907. Events in Belgium were used for propaganda throughout the war. The encrypted Zimmermann Telegram. Also because of something about Submarine attackers in Germany. I believe another reason was because they stole Merchant ships.

Explanation: Most of the reasons US went into WW1 is because they didn't go further into it and searched reasons why Germany did this, they went head first into battle -_- Dissapointing how we don't know very much of that

1. Write two sentences to explain what taxes are.
2. Write two sentences to explain how taxes support the economy
3. Write at least three sentences to give specific examples of how youth, families, and communities benefit from taxes
4. Write in complete sentences to explain what a budget is, how to make one, and how to balance it.
5. Write two sentences to describe one similarity and one difference between personal and national budgets



Youth, families, and communities benefit from taxes to public services. Through taxes, roads can be built and schools can be funded. Without taxes we might not have an organized way to fund things, and it would be hard to gather the money. Taxes are put in the responsibility of elected officials

1.Taxes are a compulsory financial charge that the citizens have to pay to the government in order to live at a revenue, for a transaction,ect.

2. Taxation on goods, income or wealth influence economic behaviour and the distribution of resources. For example, higher taxes on carbon emissions will increase cost for producers, reduce demand and shift demand towards alternatives.

4. The term ‘Budget’ means an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time. Budgets help with financial plans, you should ideally balance out your budget by calculating how much money you spend on yourself through a seven day period; then you should collect your monthly tax income. (This will help to create a balanced budget by setting aside a quantity of money for yourself and for your monthly taxes.)

Which option describes a goal of a labor union?
A.the breaking up of monopolies
B.prison reform
C.better working conditions



hope you have a great day <3

The goal of the labor union was to achieve "better working conditions."

What is a labor union?

A labor union can be defined as the association of workers formed with a motive to protect the rights of the workers. It prevents the harassment of workers and ensures fair wages for them.

The laborers complain and share their problems like the fewer wage rates or discriminatory wage rates and poor working conditions with the union.

The union takes action on the complaints of the laborers and tries to solve the problems of the laborers.

Therefore the correct option is C.

Learn more about the labor union here:


can some one plz help
Click to review the online content. Then answer the question(s) below, using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additional questions.
Online Content: Site 1

List several economic indicators. What is the purpose of measuring economic indicators? What do they measure? (Site 1)



An economic indicator is a piece of economic evidence, often on a macroeconomic scale, that analysts use to analyze current and potential investment opportunities. These metrics may also be used to assess an economy's overall performance.

Economic metrics may be what an investor wants, but specific data released by the government and non-profit organisations has become common. Any examples of such metrics include, but are not limited to:

The Consumer Price Index is a measure of how much anything costs (CPI)

GDP (gross domestic product) is a measure of (GDP)

Figures on unemployment

Crude oil prices

Economic metrics are classified into classes or divisions. Most of these economic metrics have a set release schedule, enabling investors to anticipate and intend for those data at predictable times of the month and year.

Leading measures are used to forecast an economy's future trends, such as the yield curve, consumer durables, net market formations, and stock values. These financial guideposts' figures or data can travel or shift before the market, thus their group name. The evidence provided by these metrics should be treated with a grain of salt since it is possible that it is inaccurate.

Other Questions
Nova Corporation hired a new product manager and agreed to provide her a $25,000 relocation loan on a six-month, 8 percent note. a. The company loans the money on January 1. b. The new employee pays Nova the interest owed on the maturity date. c. The new employee pays Nova the full principal owed on the maturity date. Required: Prepare journal entries to record the above transactions for Nova Corporation. (If no entry is required for a transaction/event, select "No Journal Entry Required" in the first account field. Do not round intermediate calculations.) View transaction list Journal entry worksheet 1 2 3 The company loans the money on January 1. Record the transaction. Note: Enter debits before credits. Date General Journal Debit January 01 Credit based on the stage direction, what should the reader visualize in shot 42? a group of people calmly approaching goodman's home a group of confused people rushing to safety at goodman's home a group of angry people approaching goodman's home a group of people rushing to save goodman from the outage the principle of __________ holds that a leader's style should change with the circumstances. If the year ends on a Thursday for a company that has 2 employees, each earning $500 per week, assuming a 5-day work week with payday every Friday, what is the required adjusting entry? What accounts would be found on the Adjusted Trial Balance but not on the Post-Closing Trial Balance? Show the entry to record $400 of depreciation for the period. Signal transduction through the rasmap-kinase pathway only leads to a transient response. true false refer to the following selected financial information from texas electronics. compute the companys inventory turnover for year 2. HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THIS DICUSSION POST AND HOW ITS AFFECTING THE ECONOMYThe article I chose was titled Why is there a baby formula shortage in the US, and what can parents do? written by Eric Berger on May 18th of this year. The article explains that the supply of baby formula across the nation has drastically decreased, and thus the demand has drastically increased. Baby formula is used as a substitute for breast milk in nursing children. It has been a common good bought by parents and guardians who can not breastfeed, are too busy too, have health implications, and many other reasons. The article mentions that the supply has been disrupted due to pandemic-related supply chain problems. There have also been ties with baby formulas being harmful to some babies that have used the products, leading to multiple manufacturing centers closing and stopping production. With this considerable demand increase as well as the low quantity of goods made, the equilibrium price will also increase as baby formula is at its greatest demand ever recorded. In my opinion, I believe that the equilibrium price will lower soon, and the quantity will be increased. The FDA, as well as the Biden administration, have both begun to propose settlements and offer aid that would open closed manufacturing centers. There are also new processes pending that would allow foreign products of baby formula to be more easily exported to the United States, as ninety-eight percent of baby formula is made domestically. These would drastically increase the quantity of supplies, which would in turn lower the equilibrium prices as supply rises. 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