why does velocity of a stream increase in the downstream direction despite the gradient decreasing in the downstream direction? group of answer choices there is much less obstruction to the flow in the headwaters region, and the channel is much smaller, allowing the water to move faster. there is less obstruction to flow in the headwaters region relative to the smaller, more turbulent channels of the lower gradient region. there is more obstruction to flow in the headwaters region relative to the larger, more placid-flowing channels of the lower gradient region. there is more obstruction to flow in the low-gradient areas of the channel relative to the slower-moving headwaters region of the flow.


Answer 1

The Correct answer is D. There is more obstruction to flow in the low-gradient areas of the channel relative to the slower-moving headwaters region of the flow.

The pace is the directional speed of an object in movement as an illustration of its fee of change in role as located from a selected frame of reference and as measured by way of a specific trend of time (e.g. 60 km/h northbound). velocity is an essential concept in kinematics, the branch of classical mechanics that describes the motion of our bodies.

The pace is a bodily vector amount; both importance and direction are had to define it. The scalar absolute fee (magnitude) of velocity is called velocity, being a coherent derived unit whose quantity is measured in the SI (metric device) as meters in line with 2d (m/s or m⋅s−1). To have a consistent velocity, an object has to have a steady velocity in a constant route. constant path constrains the item to move in an immediate direction as a result, a steady pace way motion in a direct line at a consistent pace.

To learn more about Velocity visit here:



Related Questions

What are the first 3 food rules?


The three Ps are the secret to making mealtime healthier and more enjoyable:

The plateThe placePurpose

The plate: what is healthy food?

First things first - think about what's on your plate. The Healthy Eating Dollar makes it easy to identify which food groups should be eaten in the right amount

Fill half of your plate or lunch box with vegetables or saladBuy vegetables that can be eaten easily. Good examples are carrots, cucumbers, capsicum, green beansPlan your meals around the vegetables you enjoy instead of thinking that vegetables have to be "on the side" of meat or protein.Supplement meals with legumes - add canned beans to soups and salads or add canned lentils to bolognaises or mincemeat burgers.Make fresh pesto in the fridge - greens are an easy way to eat green vegetables. Use pesto as a quick meal tossed through pasta with steamed vegetables; coriander or dill pesto is good with salmon or on the grill with sardines

Place: where and how you eat is important

Whether you eat in front of your computer, on the run between meetings, or during traffic light changes in your car, "where and how" when you eat can affect your digestive system and your health. Here are some helpful tips and reasons why this "P" is important:

Eat slowly. This means no reading, no screens (TV, computer, phone) and no driving while eating. While eating, think more about the fork of food you have in your mouth than the floating spoon that is about to come; put away your tools and enjoy the momentChew slowly and chew well - we often forget that digestion starts in the mouth. We have teeth for a reason! In addition, the soup contains enzymes (chemicals) that begin to break down carbohydratesEat in a relaxed manner and try to avoid upsetting conversations and stressful thoughts. This helps keep your body and mind on the same page and can increase your digestive power

Purpose : why after eating

It is important to stop occasionally and think about why we eat. What is all for what? We eat to nourish our bodies and provide ourselves with essential nutrients. Some nutrients are essential for normal body functions so we can stay healthy. As Sandra explains, “A lack or imbalance of these essential nutrients can lead to illness. Even a lack of nutrition can make us tired, make us more likely to get sick, and make it harder to cope with the stresses and demands of everyday life”.

A healthy diet can also be a great way to help protect ourselves from many diseases such as  diabetes, obesity and heart disease.

For more such question on Food rules:



AP Human Geography - Chapter 8 Political Geography


In political geography the condition of about equal strength between adversarial nations or nations' allies is known as the balance of power, a state that consists of various irregularly spaced-out bits of territory

Between the end of the Napoleonic Wars and World War I, the phrase "balance of power" came to be used to describe the power dynamics inside the European state system. Great Britain served as the "balancer" or "keeper of the balance" in the power dynamics of Europe.

According to the theory of the balance of power in international relations, states can ensure their survival by preventing any one state from acquiring sufficient military might to subjugate all other states.

To learn more about balance of power refer here:



Which star has a surface temperature most similar to the surface temperature of Alpha Centauri?
a. Polaris
b. Procyon B
c. Betelgeuse
d. Sirius


I think the anwser is A...

contains solid bars separated by spaces.


Solid bars in a bar chart are separated by spaces. Given that there is, in fact, a void between each of the categories, it is a useful tool for visualizing the distribution of variables recorded at the NOMINAL LEVEL and other discrete categorical variables.

Using rectangular bars with heights or lengths proportional to the values they represent, a bar chart or bar graph displays categorical data. Both a vertical and a horizontal bar plot are possible. A vertical bar chart may also be referred to as a column chart.

Comparisons among distinct categories are displayed in a bar graph. The comparison categories are shown on one axis of the chart, and a measured value is shown on the other axis. In certain bar graphs, the bars are grouped together to display the values of multiple measured variables.

To learn more about bar chart refer here :



explain non biodegradable waste​


Waste that cannot be decompose or dissolve by natural agents.

Non biodegradable wastes are the waste materials that can not be decomposed and broken down into simpler substances by the action of microorganisms. Plastics are considered as non-biodegradable waste.

Can somebody give me an example of how to add more sentences to my essay please.

Chocolate is bad for the Ivory Coast for three main reasons the first reason is deforestation, the second reason is child labor, the third reason is poverty.
The first reason is deforestation. The chocolate farmers in the Ivory Coast often have to expand the cocoa Plantation by removing trees from the environment to make space for the coca plants, which removes habitats for animals living in the area which can lead to the extinction of different species in the area.
The second reason that cocoa is bad for the Ivory Coast is child labor the cocoa farmers will often not be paid enough to support their family which drives their children to help Farm Cocoa so they can provide for their family so instead of being in school or living their own life and being themselves they have to help their family on a farm to survive.
The third reason why chocolate is bad for the Ivory Coast is poverty the people that farm Cocoa often do not get paid enough to buy simple food items for their family which causes them to work long hours she get paid little to nothing for the work they put in hours at a time which will cause child labor.
In conclusion chocolate is bad for the Ivory Coast because of poverty deforestation the extinction of species in the areas and child labor.


An example of how to add more sentences to my essay please.

Using descriptive words, such as adverbs and adjectives, you can lengthen a phrase. Similar to this, strengthening your sentence by include adverbs or adjective clauses will help. The addition of an appositive or prepositional phrase is another approach to make your writing longer.

So you can start by telling more about what Chocolate is as well aa its link to Ivory Coast. The cause of the issue between them and the solutions to the problems.

What constitutes a sentence's components?

Any entire sentence has two fundamental structural components: a subject and a predicate. Other components that provide significance or detail can also be found in the subject or predicate. The subject complement, indirect object, and direct object are some of these components.

Therefore, we can say that when a sentence has a subject and a verb, it is complete. One can understand a complete statement on its own. Every sentence needs a topic, which often comes first in the sentence. A subject might be a pronoun or a noun (a person, place, or thing).

Learn more about Sentence writing from


What stage of photosynthesis produces G3P?


When ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) and carbon dioxide are combined during plant photosynthesis, the rubisco enzyme catalyzes the first phase of the light-independent processes, which results in the production of 2 equivalents of glycerate 3-phosphate.

The Calvin cycle, which occurs in the stroma, utilizes ATP and NADPH from light-dependent processes to fix carbon dioxide and create molecules of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, or G3P, which contain three carbons.

Reduction. The 3-PGA molecules are changed into molecules of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, a three-carbon sugar, in the second step by the usage of ATP and NADPH (G3P). The reason for this stage's name is that NADPH lowers or donates electrons to a three-carbon intermediate to create G3P.

To learn more about G3P



Ozone molecules in the stratosphere absorb much of the harmful radiation from the sun. How many ozone molecules are present in of air under the stratospheric ozone conditions of temperature and pressure? round your answer to significant digits


Under stratospheric ozone conditions, the concentration of ozone molecules in air is about 0.3 parts per million (ppm). This means that in one million molecules of air, there would be about 300 ozone molecules.

Ozone (O3) molecules are naturally present in the stratosphere, a layer of the atmosphere that lies between 10-50 km above the Earth’s surface. They are important components of the atmosphere because they absorb much of the harmful radiation from the sun. The amount of ozone present in the stratosphere depends on the temperature and pressure conditions of the air.

Under the stratospheric ozone conditions of temperature and pressure, there are approximately 5 x 10^20 ozone molecules present in every cubic meter of air. This means that for every one million molecules of air, about five million of them are ozone molecules. Ozone molecules are present in a concentration of about 2-8 parts per million (ppm) in the stratosphere.

Ozone is a highly reactive molecule that is constantly being broken down and replenished. The amount of ozone in the stratosphere can vary greatly depending on the prevailing conditions. It is estimated that concentrations of ozone in the stratosphere have decreased by about 5% since the 1970s. This is due to increased emissions of various pollutants, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which have been proven to deplete the ozone layer.

Learn more about stratosphere at : https://brainly.com/question/13497783


What are the types of warming up?


There are three different kinds of warm-ups: general warm-ups, static stretching, and sport-specific warm-ups.

Start your general warm-up by engaging in 5 minutes of low-intensity mild exercise, such as cycling, walking, or running on the ground or a trampoline. To assist warm the muscles in your upper body, pump your arms or move them in broad, controlled circles.

A static stretch entails positioning a particular muscle or muscle group such that it may be stretched for a certain period of time. The stretch can be maintained for as little as 10 seconds as part of a warm-up program. There is only one stretching session required for each muscle or muscle group.

With a sports-specific warm-up, you may practice the movements you'll be doing at a higher intensity throughout your chosen activity. Common examples include starting off slowly and working up to a quicker pace when jogging, riding, or swimming.

To learn more about warm-up



Why can't humans always use fossil fuels for energy?


Some qualities of fossil fuels are hard to replicate, for example their energy density and the ability to provide high heat. Although, the most important problem with burning the fossil fuels is the production of carbon dioxide.

write a
Paragraph explaning how Tounism might
affect The economy of a major metropolion area


Tourism can have a significant impact on the economy of a major metropolitan area. For example, tourism can create jobs in the area, as hotels, restaurants, and other businesses in the tourism industry hire workers to serve the influx of tourists. This can lead to increased income and spending in the local economy, as workers in the tourism industry earn wages and spend money on goods and services in the area. Additionally, tourism can generate revenue for the local government through taxes on hotels, restaurants, and other businesses, as well as through fees for tourist attractions and activities. This revenue can be used to fund public services, such as schools, roads, and public safety, which can benefit the local community. Overall, tourism can have a positive economic impact on a major metropolitan area by creating jobs, generating income and spending, and providing revenue for the local government.

Does an ellipse have two foci?




For every ellipse E there are two distinguished points, called the foci, and a fixed positive constant d greater than the distance between the foci, so that from any point of the ellipse, the sum of the distances to the two foci equals d .

During a demographic transition, intensive agricultural practices used to feed a growing population can result in soil eroding from crop fields and running off into surface waters.
(i) Make a claim that proposes an effective, long-term solution to minimize the erosion of topsoil into surface waters.


Maintaining an effective perennial plant cover.

Mulching; establishing cover crops, such as winter rye, in food gardens. A vegetative cover can be created by using annual grasses, small grains, legumes, and other plant species that are grown for only this purpose . By beneath tilling , cover crops serve as "green manure" crops.

Using other erosion controls, like the use of geo-textiles or other methods that establish permanent cover, like hydro seeding or sodding, in densely populated areas where it is difficult to produce and sustain vegetation.

placing wood chips, crushed stone, and other similar items. all these methods work well in areas with traffic and steep hills. Contact a local landscaper or the RI Nursery and Landscape Association.

To know more about soil erosion


Ekman transport associated with the doldrums creates?


Ekman transport associated with the doldrums creates tropical divergence.

Divergence occurs where the air is being removed or pushed out of an area. Since you can't have a void of air in the atmosphere, air rushes in to replace the air being removed. There is actually two types of divergence that occur in the atmosphere. The first is speed divergence (stretching).

Divergence occurs when a stronger wind moves away from a weaker wind or when air streams move in opposite directions. When divergence occurs in the upper levels of the atmosphere it leads to rising air.

Learn more about Divergence to visit this link



scoria cones are composed primarily of ______.


Scoria cones are almost entirely made of tephra from ejected basaltic rocks. Although bomb-size bits and lava spatter may also be found, lapilli-sized fragments make up the majority of the tephra.

The most frequent kinds of volcanic Scoria cones are cinder cones, also known as scoria cones or pyroclastic cones. They develop as a result of lava pieces being blown into the air by ferocious eruptions, solidifying, and then falling as cinders surrounding the volcanic vent. Layers of pebble-sized or larger cinders and layers of ash make up cinder cones. bigger blocks and explosives from the volcano. The majority are composed of Scoria cones pieces that were ejected from the volcano together with gas-rich magma. Cinder cones have very little strength since they are composed almost entirely of loose particles. The majority of Scoria cones is made up of glassy pieces and might have phenocrysts. An examination of scoria discovered in Yemen revealed that it was mostly made of volcanic glass and a trace amount of zeolites (e.g. clinoptilolite). The Greek word for rust, skria, is whence the word scoria originates.

Learn more about volcano here:



What are 4 warm-up exercises?


Brisk walking, stair climbing, stationary running, brisk side-stepping, and arms swinging are among the four distinct warm-up exercises.

You should walk at a pace that is defined by your metabolic rate in order to develop fitness and health effects. Brisk walking can be any rate up to 100 steps per minute, as it varies greatly from person to person.

The ideal warmup consists of three to five minutes of easy walking followed by dynamic activities that replicate walking and warm up the muscles you'll be using. You may do this dynamic workout before or after a short brisk stroll.

It appears that jogging when stationary may be an effective way to burn calories. If you don't have a treadmill or are unable to go outside due to bad weather, jogging inside could be a terrific alternative.

It is a vigorous aerobic exercise that strengthens your heart and lungs. Swinging your arms strengthens the muscles in your upper body and is a great dynamic stretching exercise.

To learn more about warm-up



What are 3 agricultural technology examples?


temperature and moisture sensors, aerial images, and GPS technology.

What are the 4 stages of a warm-up?


For a warm-up to be successful and comprehensive, it has to incorporate four crucial components. These include a general warm-up, static stretching, a warm-up tailored to your sport, and dynamic stretching.

Preparing physically and psychologically for your chosen activity is the goal of warming up before physical activity. As you warm up, your heart rate and blood flow increase. More oxygen can now go to your muscles thanks to this.

Your cardiovascular system is progressively revved up during a warmup by increasing body temperature and boosting blood flow to your muscles. Warming up may also assist lower injury risk and muscular discomfort. After working out, you should cool down to enable your heart rate and blood pressure to gradually return to normal.

To learn more about warm-up



An Environmental Wisdom worldview states that:Group of answer choicesOur success depends on how well we manage the earth’s life support system.The potential for economic growth is essentially unlimited.Because of our ingenuity, we will not run out of resources.Resources are limited and should not be wasted.We have an ethical responsibility to be caring managers to the earth.


The sustainability of the human race, according to the environmental wisdom worldview, is learning how to cooperate with the earth rather than believing that we are in command of it and acting accordingly.

According to the Western worldview, humans should govern the globe and environment should be treated as a separate entity. In other words, planetary management views humans as the most important species on Earth, while stewardship and environmental wisdom take into account all species. Planetary management focuses on the needs and wants of humans, while stewardship aims to benefit humans, organisms, and ecosystems of the Earth. Environmental wisdom, species-centered, biosphere-centered, and ecosystem-centered worldviews are examples of life-centered and Earth-centered perspectives. Respecting the earth is one of the ethical principles that can be utilized to help us cooperate with the environment. the worldview of environmental wisdom. A worldview that claims nature exists for all animals, not just humans, and that we are completely reliant on it. Understanding how the earth maintains itself and incorporating this environmental knowledge into our thoughts and actions are essential to our prosperity.

Learn more about worldview  here:



Question: The waters off the coast of Peru are normally...?a. warm because of a current bring warm water from the north end and upwelling conditionsb. cold because of a current bring cold water from the south and upwelling conditionsc. cold because of a current bring cold water from the north and sinking waterd. warm because of a current bring warm water from the north and sinking water


The waters off the coast of Peru are normally (c) cold because of a current bring cold water from the north and sinking water.

The cold flow is intensified by upwelling of deep water caused by the combined effects of the drag of surface winds of the Southeast Trades and the Earth's rotation.

A huge upwelling regularly occurs off the coast of Peru, which enjoys a large fishing industry as a result. Upwelling is a process in which currents bring deep, cold water to the surface of the ocean. Upwelling is a result of winds and the rotation of the Earth.

Learn more about water to visit this link



Because of the fossils found in these sedimentary layers, we could infer that



So technically the answer is B) Animals evolved bony skeletons after shells.


The fossil evidence found in these sedimentary layers indicates that animals evolved bony skeletons after shells. The layers and the Law of Superposition tell us that the youngest organisms are found in the upper layer; the oldest organisms in the bottom layer. The bottom two layers contain invertebrate marine animals with shells; the third layer from the bottom contains bony fish.

Which of the following is not a key starch source in the South Pacific diet?

A. Breadfruit
B. Soursop
C. Taro root
D. Cassava
E. Yams


Soursop is not a key starch source in the South Pacific diet.

Diet is the total amount of food consumed by individuals, whereas nutrition is the process of using food for tissue growth, metabolism, and repair. Diet and nutrition have a two-way relationship with health; nutrient deficiency can affect health status and vice versa.

You get all the energy you need to be active throughout the day from a well-balanced diet. nutrients you require for growth and repair, assisting in keeping you strong and healthy and assisting in the prevention of dietary-related diseases including certain cancers.

Hence, the correct answer is "B".

To know more about diet, click here.



Label the diagram of a convergent-margin orogen. Aactive accretionary prism Bactive arc Dfold-thrust belt O: E incoming exotic terrane F suture


From left to right, point 1 indicates an incoming exotic terrane, point 2 an active accretionary prism, point 3 an active arc, point 4 a suture, point 5 a pluton, and point 6 a fold thrust belt in the image above.

How is an accretionary crystal shaped?

At a convergent plate boundary, sediments accreted onto the non-subducting tectonic plate result in the formation of an accretionary wedge or prism.

What is the best description of an accretionary prism?

Accretionary prisms are wedge-shaped piles of oceanic sediment and volcanic rock plastered over the trench slope from the top of the subducting lithosphere. Each cut of dregs is isolated via landward-plunging pushes (for example coming close to towards the channel).

To learn more about active accretionary prism here:



What are the 4 strong forces?


The Four Fundamental Forces of Nature are Gravitational force, Weak Nuclear force, Electromagnetic force, and Strong Nuclear force.

In physics, pressure is a power that could trade the motion of an object. A pressure can cause an item with mass to alternate its velocity (e.g. moving from a country of relaxation), i.e., to accelerate. pressure also can be described intuitively as a push or a pull. A force has each significance and course, making it a vector quantity. it is measured inside the SI unit of newton (N). it's by far a trendy mechanical quantity. pressure is represented by using the symbol F (formerly P).

The unique form of Newton's 2nd regulation states that the internet force performing upon an object is equal to the fee at which its momentum modifications with time. If the mass of the item is constant, this law implies that the acceleration of an object is without delay proportional to the internet pressure appearing on the object, is in the path of the internet pressure, and is inversely proportional to the mass of the object.

To learn more about Force visit here:



sliding filament theory steps


sliding filament theory steps Calcium ions are released during depolarization. development of the actin-myosin cross-bridge. Actin and myosin filament sliding mechanism. Sarcomere truncation.

Calcium ions: The sarcoplasmic reticulum in the actin filament releases calcium ions. Myosin head is immobile. Cross bridge Act filament and myosin head create cross bridges (bonds) when calcium ions are present. Myosin head slides : Myosin head slides in the direction of the actin filament because to ATPas generated by the myosin head filament. skeletal muscle contraction has taken place. The actin filament can glide past the shortening myosin thanks to the contraction brought on by ATP release. Cross bridge:   The myosin head is severed from the actin filament by too much ATP. Troponin : Actin is returned to its initial location by troponin. ATP is converted by ATPase back to ADP. Myosin.

Learn more about Calcium ions here:



Darwin's Finches and Natural Selection Case Study Answers + Evolution


Darwin's finches exhibit rapid ecological speciation and diversification as a result of rapid adaptation to an unstable and difficult environment. Their phenotypes now exhibit great diversity as a result of this.

Short beaks in Darwin's finches have been found to be an adaptation that makes them better adapted to grub feeding and poking holes in the ground. 3. Darwin's finches provide an illustration of how beak variation among finches was brought about by evolution selection. The development of a group of plants or animals into various species that are adapted to particular ecological niches is known as adaptive radiation, and the classic example is the Darwin's finches. The Galapagos finches contributed to the development of Darwin's theory of evolution selection. Until they all split off to become separate species, Darwin's Finches' advantageous characteristics were chosen for over many generations. These birds possessed distinct beaks, although being almost identical to mainland finches in all other respects. Divergent evolution was visible in the finches. As time went on, the many species developed their unique habits and increasingly diverged from one another's closely related species.

Learn more about Darwin's finches here:



Earth's third atmosphere (atmosphere iii) was a thick atmosphere of primarily water vapor and carbon dioxide. What occurred during the third atmosphere on earth?.


Earth's third atmosphere layer is thick and primarily of water vapour and carbon dioxide. Burning of meteors occurs in the third atmosphere layer of the Earth.

Earth's atmosphere contains five layers: stratosphere, Mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere, and ionosphere. The Mesosphere is most important for the protection of Earth. It is the third layer of Earth's atmosphere.

The Mesosphere is above the stratosphere, approximately 53 miles above and 372 miles below the thermosphere. The Mesosphere is tricky to understand compared to other layers of the atmosphere.  

Mesopause is colder than the other layers of the atmosphere - 90 degrees C. Jets, satellites, balloons, and meteors burn up in this layer before they reach Earth. High clouds (polar mesospheric clouds) form at the border of the Mesosphere and thermosphere.

To know more about atmosphere


Earth's third atmospheric layer is thick and primarily of water vapour and carbon dioxide. what occurs in the third layer of the earth's atmosphere?

devolution ap human geography


Devolution is the transfer of authority from the central government to local governments within the state or the balkanization of a large state into multiple separate ones.

Devolution is the legal transfer of authority from the central government of a sovereign state to a local or regional level of government. It is a type of decentralized administration. Devolution is the process by which a national government gives local governments more authority. Decentralization or home rule are other names for it. Devolution is the transfer of authority and resources from the federal to local levels of government. It is crucial because it guarantees that decisions are made nearer to the local residents, businesses, and communities they will effect. governments accountability is another aspect of devolution. The impacted parties are now more directly involved in the decision-making process for devolved issues. The Scottish Parliament and the Scottish electorate have the power to hold the Scottish Government accountable. Scotland has benefited from devolution.

Learn more about Devolution here:


What are the top 5 command economies?


North Korea.
Is your answer

How has the desert landscape of the Sahara influenced historical migration patterns in Africa?answer choicesThe Sahara Desert has facilitated the spread of disease in Africa.The Sahara Desert has served as a barrier to travel and migration.The Sahara Desert has attracted migrants to the area to herd cattle.The Sahara Desert has served as a highway for immigrants leaving Africa.





i just took it

Other Questions
Which sets of structures are homologous? Which type of sensor can be used to check the obstacles in front of the autonomous vehicles? II. ALWAYS, SOMETIMES, OR NEVER TRUE. WriteASN1232. the statement is ALWAYS true-If the statement is SOMETIMES true-If the statement is NEVER trueA diameter of a circle is a chord.The sum of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the third side.The sum of the squares of the legs of a right triangle is equal to the square of itshypotenuse.The geometric mean of two numbers is the average of their product.A minor arc of a circle is greater than 180.To find the length of an arc, divide the measure of the central angle then multiply it by thearea of the circle.Dilation can either shrink or enlarge a figure.A line can be bisected.Supplementary angles are congruent.If two pairs of corresponding angles of two triangles are congruent, then the triangles aresimilar.III. Problem-solving: How do you find the slope of 4x 5y 0? Competition in the Craft Beer Industry in 2020* Overview Locally produced or regional craft beers caused a seismic shift in the U.S. beer industry during the early 2010s with the gains of the small, regional newcomers coming at the expense of such well-known brands as Budweiser, Miller, Coors, and Bud Light. Craft breweries, which by definition sold fewer than 6 million barrels (bbls) per year, expanded rapidly with the deregulation of intrastate alcohol distribution and retail laws and a change in consumer preferences toward unique and high-quality beers. The growing popularity of craft beers led to an approximate four percent annualized rate of growth in industry revenue between 2015 and 2020. Despite the continued growth in craft beer popularity, the overall beer industry remained flat in 2019 with total beer sales dropping by almost two percent in the United States. The craft beer industry, too, had begun to show signs of a slowdown going into 2020. Annual growth for the next five years was projected to be a little over two percent; approximately half of what it had been for the past five years. Part of the slowdown was due to shifting consumer trends away from beer and towards lower calorie alternatives, such as hard seltzers, or even abstaining from alcohol completely. Still, there did not seem to be a slowdown in the number of new craft brewers entering the market. In addition, consolidation continued. Led most notably by AB InBevs acquisition of several craft breweries, Grupo Modelo, and its acquisition of SABMillermacrobrewers were continuing to battle for the craft beer market share. Established craft brewers responded in kind, as Boston Beer Company Inc. acquired Dogfish Head Brewery. Yet, the most pressing threat to craft brewers may not have been competition, but the coronavirus (COVID-19). Beginning in early 2020, COVID-19 spread across the world, leading governments to restrict travel and to order citizens to remain at home to try to contain the spread of the virus. Within the United States, shutdowns had led to over 40 states experiencing record-setting unemployment rates.4 For the small, local craft brewers who relied on local bars, tasting events, and other intimate settings to drive awareness and revenue, COVID-19 and social distancing could be the biggest threat in 2020. In our experience, it is quite difficult to have an insightful and constructive class discussion of an assigned case unless students have conscientiously made use of pertinent core concepts and analytical tools in preparing substantive answers to a set of well-conceived study questions before they come to class. In our classes, we expect students to bring their notes to the study questions to use/refer to in responding to the questions that we pose. Moreover, students often find that a set of study questions is useful in helping them prepare oral team presentations and written case assignmentsin addition to whatever directive question(s) you supply for these assignments. Hence, we urge that you provide students with assignment questionseither those we have provided or a set of your own questionsfor all those aspects of a case that you believe are worthy of student analysis or that you plan to cover during your class discussion of the case.What are the strategically relevant components of the U.S. and global craft beer industry macro-environment?What is competition like in the craft beer industry? Which of the five competitive forces is strongest? Which is weakest? What competitive forces seem to have the greatest effect on industry attractiveness and the potential profitability of new entrants?What does your strategic group map of the craft beer industry look like? Which strategic groups do you think are in the best positions? The worst positions? What key factors may determine the success of a start-up or smaller, craft brewery?What recommendations would you make to a smaller, craft brewery to improve its competitiveness in the market while mitigating any current and future risks?Identify the strategic issues facing craft brewers in 2020. What effects may these issues have on the industry? Efficiency versus equityThe economy consists of two consumers, Jamal and Mitch. They have ordered a pizza and are deciding how to divide it between themselves. They have brainstormed a few solutions, and now they want to consult an economist to determine if their solutions are efficient and fair. Assume that a pizza consists of eight slices, and the more pizza Jamal and Mitch eat, the happier they are. One of their solutions is to divide the pizza in half, so each of them would get four of the eight slices. An economist would say this solution is O efficient but not fair O fair but not efficient O efficient and fair O neither efficient nor fair Sand dunes do not move. true or false which of the following factors is associated with the development of disordered eating or eating disorders? a. history of post-traumatic stress disorder b. negative self body image c. unrealistic expectations to be perfect d. all of these are correct. Why was the sugar industry so important? 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This is often referred to as. what is the solution of 10(w+3)=70 What are A,B,A,B rhyme schemes and why f so why do poets/writers use them ? Choose the response that correctly describes a guaranteed payment.A loan payment from the partnership to pay back a loan from a partner.A loan payment from the partner to pay back a loan from a partnership.A payment made to a partner from the profits of the partnership.A payment made to a partner without regard to the income of the partnership. What is a sliding force called?