why does antigone want/expect people to pity her in scene iv, strophe 1


Answer 1

We can deduce that Antigone wants people to pity her in Scene IV, Strophe 1 because she knows that she is about to die for a crime that she believes is just. She has buried her brother Polynices, who was killed in battle, even though Creon, the king of Thebes, has forbidden it.

Who is Antigone?

Antigone is a prominent character in Greek mythology and a central figure in the tragedy "Antigone" written by the ancient Greek playwright Sophocles. She is the daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta, the ill-fated rulers of Thebes.

In the mythological story, Antigone's family is plagued by a curse as a result of Oedipus unknowingly marrying his own mother and killing his father.

Learn more about Antigone on https://brainly.com/question/9952444


Related Questions

Which strategy of structuring activities is most likely to be effective?
A) The teacher plans an activity in which all of the children are skipping as best they can.
B) A group of twenty children line up so that the teacher can see them skip and offer suggestions.
C) The teacher plans 4 or 5 activities for 20 children in centers, providing on the spot coaching and encouragement as she moves from center to center.
D) The teacher sets up a skipping race between the boys and the girls.


The strategy of structuring activities that is most likely to be effective is C) The teacher plans 4 or 5 activities for 20 children in centers, providing on the spot coaching and encouragement as she moves from center to center. This is because this approach of structuring activities ensures that children are engaged in productive activities while allowing the teacher to move around and provide instant coaching and motivation.

With this approach, the teacher can observe the children's performance, provide guidance on how to improve, and offer positive feedback on progress. The teacher can identify which children need more help, and address their needs with additional support, while challenging those who need it.A more extended answer that meets the 120+ word criteria is:The most effective strategy of structuring activities in a classroom setting is one that promotes maximum student engagement while providing opportunities for the teacher to offer instant feedback and guidance. Based on these criteria, the best approach is C) The teacher plans 4 or 5 activities for 20 children in centers, providing on the spot coaching and encouragement as she moves from center to center.In this approach, the teacher divides the children into smaller groups, each with their own activity center. The teacher plans several activities for each center, and the children rotate through the centers.

As the teacher moves from center to center, she offers on-the-spot coaching and motivation to the children. With this approach, children receive a varied and engaging set of activities while ensuring that they have ample support from the teacher.With this strategy, the teacher can assess children's performance, offer guidance on how to improve, and provide positive feedback to help boost morale. The teacher can identify which children need more help and address their needs with additional support while challenging those who need it. Overall, this strategy of structuring activities promotes active learning, maximizes student engagement, and fosters a positive learning environment.

To know more about strategy of structuring visit:-



A third-grade teacher plans a lesson that consists of the following activities: Students will feel a sample of polar bear fur, ice, and down feathers. After reading the book Animals in the Tundra, the students will be asked to create an outline for an essay about polar bears or snow buntings. The students will exchange papers and read for any extraneous information followed by the writer making appropriate changes. The teacher will then take a daily grade for the rough draft with the corrections of any grammatical errors. How is this unit an example of individualized writing instruction


Answer and Explanation:

This is an example of individualized writing, because it allows each student to write based on their own perception about the proposed subject. This stimulates logical thinking, as well as the reflection of each student on the information they have in an individualized way, that is, depending only on their own opinion and on their own conception of arguments. In addition, the teacher, allows each student to evaluate the text of the other, analyzing inconsistencies and information they deem incorrect, further stimulating individual reasoning.

4. When a group of men appear at the
Finches' door to discuss Tom Robinson's
trial, what does Jem say to break up the
and avoid trouble for his father?



"The telephones ringing!"

Change the verb into its noun form. Be sure to type the complete word, not just the suffix.






Complete the gaps with a suitable model verb



1. You CANT swim here. It's forbidden.

2. She CANT cook tonight. We're having dinner at a restaurant.

3. We're going now because we HAVE TO be home by 10:00.

4. I MUST phone you because my phone wasnt working.

5. These questions are easy. I CAN answer all of them.

6. That's a nice necklace. In my opinion you MUST buy it.

7. Debbie COULDNT go to the party because she was ill.

8. I'm busy in the morning but we CAN meet in the afternoon.

9. Lisa DOESNT buy clothes. She makes her own.

10. I'm not sure but Mike can go out without a coat.

A man who is generally despised in the community for his
rude behavior and selfish attitude is suddenly accused of a
crime. He knows he's innocent, but he also knows that the
jury will be dead-set on convicting him because of his bad
Which possible outcome is most clearly determined by the story's setting?
O A. The members of the jury will learn that appearances aren't
B. The jury will take matters into their own hands and attack the man.
C. The man will gradually realize that what goes around, comes
D. The man's problem will be resolved through legal means in court.





The setting would have been helpful as in the time-frame, but in modern times the answer is D, this can be proven, if the man is truly innocent then the court should resolve. If he has been framed then a different outcome would be present. In latter times the answer may vary, resulting in C or B when it comes to a more past - era.

The Man Who Conquered Everest
What change should be made in sentence 8?
A Change climbed to climbs
B. Change joined to joins
C Change peek to peak
D Change highest to higher
(1) Edmund Percival Hillary was the first man to
reach the top of Mount Everest (2) He set feet on the
highest point on Earth on May 29. 1953 (3) He was
accompanied by a Sherpa named Tenzing Norgay (4)
He had become fascinated with mountains after a
high school field trip to Mount Ruapehu in his native
New Zealand (8) Later, Hillary began training to
become a navigator in the Royal New Zealand Air
Force (6) He continued mountain climbing as a part
of his air force training (7) But what was only a part
of Hillary's training soon became his biggest passion
(8) Alter quitting the air force Hillary joined an
expedition that successfully climbed New Zealand's
highest peak (9) In 1953. Hillary joined an expedition
by the Joint Himalayan Committee (10) After facing
many dificult situations Hillary achieved his dream of
standing atop the world's highest mountain (11)
Hy spent noen minutes at the topUh



Answer: A.


The answer is A. because The Man Who Conquered Everest you should add more detail and it will sound more professional.

What does math NOT teach students?

Logical thinking

Critical thinking

Intuitive thinking

Problem solving


xanny pills


Pete rode his dirt bike 2/3 of the 150-mile course. How many miles did Pete ride? Show your work.





We were given fraction of 2/3 as the fraction that Peter rode. Which means he rode 2/3 of the total number of miles.

Total number of miles=150-mile

Number of miles that Peter rode

=(2/3) ×150

= 0.66667 ×150

= 100

1. Complete the sentences.
A blank has a subject and e predicate. A blank is made up of two simple sentences joined by coordinating conjunction. FILL IN THE BLANKS.



A compound subject is a subject that consists of two or more subjects joined by a coordination conjunction.

Explanation :

you welcome.

similarity and difference paragraph for paid sleepers and snake miller 11 pts


Paid Sleepers and Snake Miller are two texts that are quite different in terms of genre and context. Paid Sleepers is a journalistic article while Snake Miller is a short story. The two texts also differ in terms of tone and style. Paid Sleepers is written in a formal tone, while Snake Miller is written in a more casual and conversational style.

Paid Sleepers is a journalistic article that discusses the idea of "professional sleepers," individuals who are paid to test the comfort of hotel beds. The article provides an in-depth look at the job and the people who do it. Snake Miller, on the other hand, is a fictional story that tells the tale of a man named Snake Miller who is bitten by a venomous snake and must make his way to safety.

The two texts are similar in that they both explore the idea of people doing jobs that are unusual or dangerous. In Paid Sleepers, the sleepers are testing hotel beds, which may seem like an easy job, but it can be tiring and stressful. Similarly, Snake Miller's job as a snake catcher is fraught with danger and risk. Both texts also use vivid and descriptive language to draw the reader in.

In Paid Sleepers, the writer describes the hotel beds as "a cocoon of downy goodness" and "a heavenly cloud of fluff." In Snake Miller, the writer uses rich imagery to describe the landscape and the snake that bites Miller.

In conclusion, while Paid Sleepers and Snake Miller differ in genre, context, and tone, they share some similarities in their exploration of unusual or dangerous jobs and their use of vivid and descriptive language.

For more question on style



Lines 31-44: What do the details about the narrator's parents reveal about them? What broad theme of the story might be suggested by these details?


Reveal about the narrator's parents that they had taken good care of their children and were affectionate, which suggests that the broad theme of the story might be the importance of family bonds and relationships.

These lines reflect that the narrator's parents have loved their children and provided them with warmth, shelter, and food. The mother, for instance, is described as always having "pork chops and fried potatoes on the stove" (line 40). She was also attentive to her children's physical needs.

The father, on the other hand, was portrayed as someone who enjoys playing with his children. He was always tossing them up and down on the air and also teaching them about the stars.However, the story implies that the parents were not wealthy. This can be inferred from the reference to the mother's "wash rag" (line 31), the father's "overalls" (line 39), and the mention of "backwoods shacks" (line 43).The theme that can be suggested by these details is the importance of family ties.

Even though the family in the story is not affluent, the love that the parents have for their children and the children for their parents provide them with a sense of belonging and security. This sense of belongingness and security, in turn, enables them to face the challenges that life throws at them. The story highlights that family is the most important thing in life, regardless of social status or material wealth.

To know more about narrator's visit:



If it the correct answer write correct if it correct write it wrongs correct answer





75 points and Brainliest to whoever gives a proper answer the fastest. Read the following excerpt and pay close attention to the words the author uses:

Those who came before us made certain that this country rode the first waves of the industrial revolution, the first waves of modern invention, and the first wave of nuclear power, and this generation does not intend to founder in the backwash of the coming age of space. We mean to be a part of it--we mean to lead it. For the eyes of the world now look into space, to the moon and to the planets beyond. We have vowed that we shall not see it governed by a hostile flag of conquest, but by a banner of freedom and peace. We have vowed that we shall not see space filled with weapons of mass destruction, but with instruments of knowledge and understanding.

In a paragraph of four to six sentences, identify three words or phrases with positive connotations and explain how these words influence the paragraph. Be sure to specifically answer the following questions in your response: What images or ideas are associated with each word? How do these words influence the meaning and tone of this passage? Use proper spelling and grammar in your response.



One positive connotation was when the writer said, "we mean to be a part of it — we mean leading it." That assertion shows us we can lead, we can be apart of something, and we can feel that doing something is significant. The author is trying to make us feel apart of something and feel worthy. When the author said,  "We have vowed that we shall not see space filled with weapons of mass destruction, but with instruments of knowledge and understanding."  The author is seeking to convey why we don't need a weapon-filled country, we need to concentrate on maintaining harmony and taking care of others around. He teaches us that knowledge and understanding are far more damaging than weapons.


have a good day / night  may i please have a branllliest


Adding this so you can give the person above me brainliest

your neighbour constantly plays music very loudly his or her action are distabance to your family write a letter requesting he or she be more considerate and reduce the volume of the music​



Hi, I'm your next door neighbor. We have a newborn and you know how they are about sleep. The issue I have is you play your music very loud. I like your music, but it keeps my baby up. You can play as loud as you want, but I'm asking you don't play during these hours. Thank you!!


You're trying to be considerate and showing that u get where they're coming from.

What statement best identifies the central idea in the text "Why I Despise The Great Gatsby"?
a. The portrayal of wealth and materialism in "The Great Gatsby" is highly exaggerated.
b. The character development in "The Great Gatsby" is lacking depth and complexity.
c. "The Great Gatsby" fails to capture the true essence of the Jazz Age.
d. The narrative style of "The Great Gatsby" is disjointed and confusing.


The best statement that identifies the central idea in the text "Why I Despise The Great Gatsby" is as follows: c. "The Great Gatsby" fails to capture the true essence of the Jazz Age.What is the text.

The article "Why I Despise The Great Gatsby" by Kathryn Schulz discusses why The Great Gatsby has been classified as one of the greatest books of the 20th century. However, Schulz believes that the novel has been hyped more than it deserves and that it has flaws that prevent it from being a masterpiece, despite its strengths. In general, the author argues that Gatsby fails to capture the true essence of the Jazz Age, and that his novel is excessively simplistic and melodramatic. Hence, the option c. "The Great Gatsby" fails to capture the true essence of the Jazz Age is the best statement that identifies the central idea in the text "Why I Despise The Great Gatsby."

To know more about Great Gatsby"  visit:



Which claim receives the MOST effective support in the passage Scarface and the Untouchables


The most effective supported claim in the passage is that Al Capone's rise and fall were driven by exploiting Prohibition and using violence to maintain control.

In the passage "Scarface and the Untouchables," the claim that receives the most effective support is that Al Capone's rise to power and subsequent downfall in the criminal underworld was fueled by his ability to exploit Prohibition-era opportunities and his violent methods of maintaining control.

The passage provides extensive evidence to support this claim. It describes how Capone took advantage of the lucrative bootlegging business during the Prohibition era, establishing illegal alcohol operations and raking in substantial profits.

The passage also highlights Capone's violent tactics, such as the infamous St. Valentine's Day Massacre, where he eliminated rival gang members to solidify his dominance.

Additionally, the passage references the efforts of the Untouchables, led by Eliot Ness, to bring Capone to justice. It describes the relentless pursuit of Capone by law enforcement, who targeted his illegal activities and successfully convicted him of tax evasion.

Overall, the passage effectively supports the claim that Capone's rise and fall were directly linked to his exploitation of Prohibition opportunities and his violent methods of control.

For more such questions on exploiting Prohibition







A. split infinitive


The phrase, "to the owner" is a split infinitive.

Critical Thinking About Initial Question with Corresponding Steps:
Use these symbols in the Critical Thinking box and on the board to identify the following:
❕= A-Ha! moments ❔= Point of Confusion = Need to research = I’m confident about…
1. Show your thinking about your initial question, and identify your Point of Confusion. Use a graphic organizer for non-math questions.

1,728 meters cubed
5,425.92 meters cubed
The answers are in pi form... You multiplied by pi.
Multiply the radius squared times the height and leave it in pi form.
144 meters cubed
452.16 meters cubed

2. List the general steps that you took leading up to your Point of Confusion.

I have to read the question
Draw a cylinder
Label it with
4.write the equation we are not using pie so it will be
5. 12/2x (12) you get 1,728


Tutorial Question (Point of Confusion):Write an authentic question about your Point of Confusion that is different from your initial question. (LEVEL 2 or 3)
How do we find the volume of this cylinder in pie form?


Reflection (In class---After the Tutorial)

Was I a student presenter this week: Yes No

How would you explain to someone else how to do what you learned on your POC? In my poc i learn that i have to read better the question because it was asking the volume of a cylinder but in a pie for
My greatest “Ah-Ha Moment!” this week was.... When I mess up in my multiplication. This it’s useful because it helps me understand how to solve math problems usually /10
*1.going camping or hiking in the wilderness
*3.traveling to a new place or another
*5 countrycreating art, playing an instrument, or writing a book



its long


i think you should please make your question shorter

Which writing approach would best address the purpose and audience of this
Your social studies class has been learning how communication has
undergone vast changes since the invention of the printing press.
Please summarize these changes for a classmate who has been
absent for the entire unit on communication and will have to take a
unit exam when he or she returns to school.
O A. To help your classmate catch up quickly, use a graphic organizer
that compares communication in the past to communication in
the present with short, descriptive phrases.
B. To show your classmate how much you've learned, write a formal
essay that details every advancement in the field of
communication, making sure to include personal commentary on
each one
O C. To make learning enjoyable for your classmate, write a fictional
tale of a woman who is transported to the past and must try to
communicate without using modern technology
O D. To help your classmate learn the main developments in
communication, write concise, organized notes about the
background, technology, and people involved in each major


Answer: D. To help your classmate learn the main developments in communication, write concise, organized notes about the background, technology, and people involved in each major advancement.


Since the student has been out for the entire unit on communication and will have to take a unit exam when the students gets back to school, the summary to the student should be concise, simple and understandable.

The note should be about the background of communication, technology used in communication and the people that are involved in the major development.

Therefore, the correct option is D.

Joey's Diner offers its clients a choice of regular and diet soda. Last night, the diner served 30 sodas in all, 27 of which were regular. What percentage of the sodas were regular?





If there are 30 total sodas and 27 regular ones, to find the percentage of regular sodas you divide 27/30 = .9, and .9 is 90%

Which quotation from the article provides the best evidence for the answer to Part A?



"When she wrote magazine articles and expressed her opinions, she was likely to cause uproar. The Los Angeles Times newspaper called for her to be forced to retire from public life, because of her public criticism of the discrimination that Japanese Americans were facing."

when naomi decided to leave moab, her daughters-in-law went with her. one companion turned back, but ruth continuef the journey with her mother in law
list the nouns both comon and proper in the order in which they appear in the sentence
pls help


Answer: common:Daughters-in law, companion, journey, mother in law



hope this helps, I really need brainliest


common: daughters-in law, companion, journey, mother in law

proper: naomi, moab


hope this helps!



In your opinion, what is the communication medium that has the greatest power when transmitting information? Why.

Social media


The greatest power when transmitting information in my opinion would be social media. Many people of many ages use social media for many intentions. Some spread fake news while others spread facts. Their really is no way of telling if the information spread on social media is real or fake unless you do more deep dive digging into the topics. Social media has power but others like newspapers and tv that has the news on it will spread fav trees depending on the news channel.
i would definitely say social media. social media has such a huge impact in today’s world, and a lot of people undermine it. it’s created so many opportunities and doorways for people, and has given and informed people of new things happening everyday and throughout the world. social media also is a quick way to get access to new information, although a con is it may not be reliable at all times.

Please help me look of Bahrainis to anyone who's right​



List 3 other ways that insects are helpful.

A. They eat other insects that are harmful.

B. They kill bugs that eat peoples fruits and vegetables.

C. They help make compost for plants.

List 6 reasons why most people hate insects.

A. They look gross.

B. They are small little moving creatures that can get anywhere.

C. Some are harmful.

D. The sound they make when you step on them.

E. They make annoying noises.

F. They can become a problem in the household.


Hope this helps! Have a great night!

3. What caused his family to lose their
farm when he was eleven years old?
a. The Great Depression
b. The Dust Bowl
C. World War II
d. The New Deal Began

(Someone help



a. The Great Depression


When Cesar was around eleven years old, hard times from the Great Depression caused his father to lose the farm.

Brainlist Pls!

Read the excerpt and answer the question.

So that, thus it is that natural men are held in the hand of God, over the pit of hell; they have deserved the fiery pit, and are already sentenced to it; and God is dreadfully provoked, his anger is as great towards them as to those that are actually suffering the executions of the fierceness of his wrath in hell, and they have done nothing in the least to appease or abate that anger, neither is God in the least bound by any promise to hold them up one moment; the devil is waiting for them, hell is gaping for them, the flames gather and flash about them, and would fain lay hold on them, and swallow them up; the fire pent up in their own hearts is struggling to break out: and they have no interest in any Mediator, there are no means within reach that can be any security to them. In short, they have no refuge, nothing to take hold of; all that preserves them every moment is the mere arbitrary will and uncovenanted, unobligated forbearance of an incensed God.

How does Edwards's diction support his point of view?

It creates vivid imagery of the consequences for unbelievers.
It creates vivid imagery of the life of those who are unbelievers.
It creates vivid imagery of the love of God for his creations.
It creates vivid imagery of the life of those who believe in God.



2 is the answer give brainli

Answer: 2 is the answer

Which one is correct?


I think it’s the 1st one
It’s the Dino nuggets that help u think

The principal was here _________ do the spanish examination.

A For
B To
C That
D No choice


Answer: To



B. To


I think its ''to'' because it makes the most sense

1-What can travel all around the world without leaving its corner?
2- What has a thumb and four fingers, but is not a hand?






Enigmas are puzzles that usually use metaphorical or allegorical language and require ingenuity and careful thought to solve. Additionally, there exist conundra, which are riddles that rely on puns in either the question or the answer.

What role of riddle?

According to the definition of a riddle, it is a question or statement that has been purposefully worded in such a way that it demands creativity to solve or understand. As a result of their tendency to be written in a way that connects to actual events, riddles might aid pupils in understanding complex conceits.

Therefore, (a postage stamp)  can travel all around the world without leaving its corner. And (a glove) has a thumb and four fingers, but is not a hand.

Learn more about riddle here:



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