Why do you think the unemployment rate in south africa is so high​


Answer 1


Inadequate education and lack of productivity is costing jobs. Unemployment increases progressively with decreased educational levels; and the education system is not producing the skills for the labour market. Labour supply is affected by the increase in the number of job seekers over the years.


Related Questions

What is the purpose of the Monticello exhibit at the Smithsonian



The exhibition will explore how the paradox of slavery in Jefferson's world, and at Monticello, is relevant for all generations. “Jefferson and Slavery at Monticello” will provide a glimpse into the lives of six slave families living at the plantation.


Deena has major depressive disorder. Most days she feels very sad, but when her sister came and told Deena she was going to be an aunt, Deena felt happy for a little while. Deena has been gaining weight and sleeping much of the day. Deena most likely has depression with _________



atypical features.


This type of depression is a subtype of major depressive disorder. The symptoms involved here are

1. Weight gain due to increased appetite

2. Weakness and Fatigue

3. Sleeping too much

4. Increased sensitivity to issues and irritability.

5. The depressed mood usually lasts for most of the day and they have issues concentrating

6. Feelings that life has lost its meaning and no longer Worth living.

7. Loss of interest in activities they used to like.

From the above, it is obvious Deena has depression with atypical features.



I have to ask a question about this post or say something that I found from the book(discovering the universe) for my astronomy class


Exploring star clusters provides astronomers with insights into stellar evolution and the structure of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Here's a reframed and paraphrased response for astronomy class:

Question: How do open clusters and globular clusters differ, and what methods do astronomers employ to investigate them?Finding: Astronomers analyze the brightness levels of stars within a cluster and compare them to stars of known distances to determine the cluster's distance. By studying star clusters, valuable insights into stellar evolution and the structure of our Milky Way Galaxy have been unveiled.

Open clusters and globular clusters can be distinguished by their characteristics and locations. Open clusters are relatively young, contain fewer stars, and are found in the plane of the galaxy.

They are typically more loosely bound and spread out. In contrast, globular clusters are older, more densely populated, and reside in the halo surrounding the galaxy. Their stars are tightly bound together in a spherical shape.

Astronomers employ various techniques to study these clusters, including observations across different wavelengths of light, spectroscopic analysis, and computer simulations. These investigations contribute to our understanding of stellar formation, evolution, and the overall structure of our galaxy.

By examining the unique properties and behaviors of open and globular clusters, astronomers gain valuable insights into the cosmic processes shaping our universe.

In conclusion, the study of open and globular clusters offers valuable knowledge about stellar evolution, galaxy structure, and the intricate processes shaping the universe.

For more such questions on Milky Way Galaxy:



A statement is considered an opinion if it is

A. Have a basis and go through the learning process.

B. Have no basis but go through the learning process.

C. Only speculation and no evidence.

D. Only speculation but with evidence.

please help me:((((((((((​


Thanks for the point


C. Only speculation and no evidence.


As part of our mission to provide students with a liberal arts education, Georgia College strives to create an atmosphere that instills in students exceptional qualities of mind and character including respect for human diversity and individuality. Given your own individual background, life experiences, and personal identity, how will you contribute to the overall diversity of the student body at GC


Answer: You have to answer this question yourself because we know nothing about you.

Try answering these questions. What are your good traits? What are you bad traits that you are sure you will fix starting now? Do you have new ideas? If so, write about them.

Hope this helped.

What similarities in culture do Asian countries share to make integration to globalization possible for them?



Explanation:In some ways the impact has been positive: economic integration has reduced the potential for conflict, particularly in Southeast Asia. ... Shifts in the balance of power – Because globalization can fuel rapid economic growth, shifts in the balance of power can occur more quickly than in the past.

4. A friend from high school has become a famous singer and is constantly the subject of social media. Whenever you read about her, you dream about how great it must be to live as one of the rich and famous. What must it be like to live in a mansion and have people to take care of your every need. You follow her every move on social media. By chance you learn that the new high school being built in your neighborhood is financed by your high school friend. Then you remember that your friend was always sticking up for the students who were bullied at school. School wasn’t easy for her but she worked hard and graduated. She is spending a good portion of her fortune on promoting education. The characteristic of preoperational thought that is evident in your behavior is



The characteristic of pre-operational thinking that can be seen in the girl's behavior is the ability to interpret her actions according to her personal experiences.


As we can see in the text presented in the question above, the girl who suffered a lot of bulllying in school, decided to dedicate herself to a fair and quality education, now that she has sufficient economic resources for this. In short, the girl is acting according to the personal experiences she has had in the past. This is a strong characteristic of pre-operational thinking, where a child begins to understand the universe around him and evaluates situations based on the experience he has had, as well as evaluating his actions based on those experiences.

What studies did the Greek create in Athens that we still use today?



Explanation:We are now World History Encyclopedia to better reflect the breadth ... Here are just some of the ways ancient Greeks inventions have ... Perhaps the most common features invented by the Greeks still around today are the Doric, Ionic, ... in ancient Athens, it was the entire assembly and each member was ...The Water Mill. ...

The Odometer. ...

The Alarm Clock. ...

Cartography. ...

Olympics. ..

Which of the following are NOT problems of government intervention in the



mixed economy


because the government dont deal with them

The two different versions of metaethical cultural relativism are __________ relativism and __________ relativism.
Group of answer choices

agent; person

agent; speaker

speaker; person

categorical; hypothetical

none of the above


agent speaker and per

In which two market structures are prices set mainly by the supply and demand of many buyers and sellers?

a.monopoly and oligopoly
b.oligopoly and perfect competition
c.monopoly and monopolistic competition
d.perfect competition and monopolistic competition



refers to the organization of a market, based mainly on the degree of ... Economists define market structure according to four main characteristics. ... Many producers and consumers- Having a large number of participants in a market helps ... of their products; in such a market, prices are no longer set by supply and demand.


Bernoulli discovered that air moving quickly results in a lower air pressure.



false because i looked it up

Answer: True


Daniel Bernoulli was a Swiss scientist who in the 18th century studied how fluids behave when they are in motion. When experimenting with fluids flowing through an hourglass-shaped tube, he discovered that fast-moving fluids produce less pressure and slow-moving fluids produce greater pressure. His discovery became known as the Bernoulli principle.

How do you pronounce Aevico?
A. Ay-Vak-Oh
B. Ah-Vi-So
C. Ay-Vick-Oh
D. Ah-Vic-Oh





Explanation: because the easies way to say it




7 ways in which the Bible is misused in Kenya​



please give me brainlist and follow


Ways in which the Bible, is misused in Kenya today.

It is used to take oaths in courts / offices by people who may not be believers /not saying the truth.

It is kept in places associated with evil.

There is distortion of the Biblical teachings / specific verses are picked to fulfill individual demand misinterpretation.

Based on various observations by the people of Kenya, Bible is misused in many ways, seven ways in which Bible is misused in Kenya are the following:

It is utilised to take oaths in courts offices by people who are not believers or ChristiansIt is put in places associated with sinful or immoralities. There is a misuse of the Biblical teachings to satisfy personal demandIt is being used together with evil practice to deceive peopleSome use Bible to strike fear into one another and exhort money from the religious peopleSome people in Kenya use Bible to threaten other people.Some people in Kenya use Bible to display instead of spiritual growth.

Learn more from here:  https://brainly.com/question/16397036

All of the following best represents the duties of speaker of the house except
a. chair floor debates and guides legislation through the house
b. assigns members to various committee
c. acts as a go between with the majority and minority party leaders
d. aids party members re-election efforts





The following best represents the duties of speaker of the house except that the speaker acts as a go between with the majority and minority party leaders. (C)

What exactly does the Speaker of the House do?

The speaker is responsible for ensuring that the House passes legislation supported by the majority party. In pursuing this goal, the speaker may use their power to determine when each bill reaches the floor. They also chair the majority party's steering committee in the House.

What are the 4 responsibilities of the Speaker of the House?

The Speaker of the House is responsible for administering the oath of office to the Members of the U.S. House of Representatives, giving Members permission to speak on the House floor, designating Members to serve as Speaker pro tempore, counting and declaring all votes, appointing Members to committees, sending bills etc.

What is the job of a Speaker of the House?

Role of Speaker The Speaker is the presiding officer of the House and is charged with numerous duties and responsibilities by law and by the House rules. As the presiding officer of the House, the Speaker maintains order, manages its proceedings, and governs the administration of its business.

To learn more about duties of speaker refer



Selecting the most
efficient crops
Cutting fields into steep
Controlling the flow of
water to crops
Replacing animal power
with machine power



Terracing ⇒ Cutting fields into steep hills

Terracing is a method of farming on hills and slopes where fields are made along the slope.

Irrigation ⇒ Controlling the flow of water to crops

Irrigation is the control of water to crops through various means. Irrigation is very important in farming and has enabled farming in very harsh conditions such as deserts.

Monoculture ⇒ Selecting the most efficient crops

As the term implies, monoculture is the farming of one crop so in order to maximise returns, the most efficient crops are chosen.  

Machinery ⇒ Replacing animal power with machine power.

Machinery is the use of machine power such as farm implements in farming as opposed to animals. Machinery has enabled the transition from subsistence farming to commercial farming for a lot of areas.

What were the Aryans Vedas



There are four Indo-Aryan Vedas: the Rig Veda contains hymns about their mythology; the Sama Veda consists mainly of hymns about religious rituals; the Yajur Veda contains instructions for religious rituals; and the Atharva Veda consists of spells against enemies, sorcerers, and diseases.


what is the world population estimated to be in 2057?


Answer: It is estimated to be around 10 billion people in 2057.

What is the answer to this someone help me pls​



What is the questionФω∫


What is the question exactly?

justify the need of present constitution ​


What does this mean?

Help me with this please?

· Review and complete this study sheet as needed for the Unit test which will be on Thursday April 8.
· This sheet WILL NOT BE COLLECTED! You do not have to complete it by our review on Thursday but it may be good if you did so you already have answers as we go over these topics
1. What were 3 concerns George Washington expressed about the future of the nation in his 1796 Farewell Address?
2. What were the names of the first 2 political parties that formed?
3. How did the “Louisiana Purchase” by President Jefferson go against his principles?
4. How were Native Americans critically important in the journey of Lewis & Clark?
5. How did Alexander Hamilton have a big influence on early America even though he was never a President?
6. What was Jefferson’s famous statement about unity when he gave his inaugural [first] speech in March 1801?
7. How did America’s relations with France basically doom the presidency of John Adams?
8. How did America’s reliance on shipping and trade basically doom the presidency of Thomas Jefferson?
9. Who were the “War Hawks” and why were they so influential during the Madison presidency?
10. When the Americans burning the Canadian parliament building at York in 1813, how did this factor in to what happened just a year later in Washington DC/
11. What event inspired Francis Scott Key to write the “Star-Spangled Banner” in 1814?
12. What is the War of 1812 also known as?
13. What did the 1820 Missouri Compromise do and accomplish? [at least for then]
14. Why was President Monroe’s 1823 “Monroe Doctrine” such a bold and daring move by any American President up to that point?
15. What were some things that President Jackson did that many of his critics deemed him worthy of the nickname “King Andrew”?
16. Why do you think the 1830 Indian Removal Act be an early “turning point” in American history?
17. In what unique way did the Cherokee fight back against the government in the wake of the 1830 Indian Removal Act? What was the result?
18. How did the Indian Removal Act eventually lead to the “Trail of Tears”?
19. How did events in Texas really damage relations between the US and Canada and perhaps eventually lead to war between the 2 countries?
20. Why did the “successes” of the Age of Jackson begin to fail after he left office with his successors, Van Buren and Tyler?





What is the best description of a food chain? the competition among several species for the same food item o the transfer of energy from one organism to another the way in which a living thing survives in its habitat O the life cycle of the major predator in an ecosystem​



the transfer of energy from one organism to another


Food chain is a linear network that shows the transfer of energy and nutrients from one organism to another. It starts from a producer and ends with the decomposer or the highest predator and consumer in the linkage. The producer is usually a living thing whose energy comes directly from the sun. Examples are green plants and other autotrophs that make their own food.

The higher organisms in the linkage consume the lesser ones thus resulting in the transfer of energy. Consumers in the food chain consist of herbivores who are the primary consumers and carnivores who are the secondary consumers.

In 1592, _____.

Korea invaded Japan
Korea invaded China
Japan invaded Korea
China invaded Korea


I believe it is China invaded Korea.
I am pretty sure it is china invaded korea not 100% though

Kevin was recently awarded by his boss for successfully completing a crucial project. He was able to secure an additional profit for his organization through his hard work and expertise. Kevin is determined to work harder on the next project and perform better than he did the last time. In this scenario, Kevin is influenced by ________.



extrinsic motivation


Extrinsic motivation: In psychology, the term "extrinsic motivation" is described as a type of motivation in which an individual is being motivated by some external incentives or rewards, such as money, praise, or a frame for doing certain activities. Therefore, extrinsic motivation is considered as a "reward-driven behavior".

In the question above, the given scenario represents that Kevin is influenced by "extrinsic motivation" as he was extrinsically motivated by his boss giving him an award for his good work.

The term that explains the scenerio whereby Kelvin was motivated to work better in his new project because of how his boss awarded him by completion of crucial project is Extrinsic motivation.

Extrinsic motivation can be regarded as a kind of motivation that comes from outside source such as completing a task.

The case of Kelvin is good example where he was motivated by being rewarded by completion of tasks.

Therefore, Extrinsic motivation is correct.

Learn more at:


The most powerful position in the Australian government is the __________.
prime minister
governor general
cabinet leader

Please select the best answer from the choices provided


B is your answer hope that helps


Prime minister


Hope this helps and have a great day!!!

Imagine you are an astronomer who recently discovered a new planet orbiting a distant star Which set of characteristics would you use to classify this planet as an inner or terrestrial planet? Check all that apply. dense anchsolid very large thick atmosphere containing hydrogen and helium lacking a solid surface located near a star​



Dense and solid

located near a star


It makes more sense


can anyone help with that​




"The early mill girls were of different ages. Some were not over ten years old; a few were in middle life, but the majority were between the ages of sixteen and twenty five. The very young girls were called 'doffers.' They 'doffed,' or took off, the full bobbins from the spinning frames, and replaced them with empty ones. These mites worked about fifteen minutes every hour and the rest of the time was their own. When the overseer was kind they were allowed to read, knit, or go outside the millyard to play. They were paid two dollars a week. The working hours of all the girls extended from five o'clock in the morning until seven in the evening, with one half hour each, for breakfast and dinner. Even the doffers were forced to be on duty nearly fourteen hours a day. This was the greatest hardship in the lives of these children. Several years later a ten hour law was passed, but not until long after some of these little doffers were old enough to appear before the legislative committee on the subject, and plead, by their presence, for a reduction of the hours of labor.

—from Lowell Mill Girls,

by Harriet Robinson

Use the primary source above to answer the following - Explain working conditions for young girls in the factories.


Answer and Explanation:

According to the passage, young girls had to be on duty for about 14 hours a day, even if they were not actually working all of that time. Even though money was worth more back then, they were still paid very little - only 2 dollars a week. The very young girls, who had some time to spare, needed to rely on the kindness of the overseer to be able to use their free time to go play, to knit, or to read. As we can infer, there was no concern about employing children instead of sending them to school. The girls clearly could not study much if they were on duty throughout the day.




Empress Dowager Cixi was a Chinese empress dowager and regent who was the de facto supreme ruler of China in the late Qing dynasty for 47 years, from 1861 until her death in 1908. Empress Dowager Cixi (1835–1908) is the most important woman in Chinese history. She ruled China for decades and brought a medieval empire into the modern age. She inaugurated women's liberation and embarked on the path to introduce parliamentary elections to China. Empress Dowager Cixi ruled China for nearly 50 years from 1861 until her death in 1908. Textbooks blame her unchecked thievery for the nation's failures, but historians increasingly say she was a strong leader with gangster-like cunning.


The Monroe Doctrine did all of the following except

A. "warned" Europe to stay out of the affairs of the Americas.
B. create a plan to annex Latin America.
C. establish foreign policy to keep Europe on its side of the ocean.
D. attempt to establish a sphere of influence over Latin America.



I’m not sure but I think c


Other Questions
name three companies who claim they support doing business in an ethical and moral way - not using sweat shops or damaging the environment Smithson, Inc. manufactures lead crystal glasses. The standard direct labor time is 0.4 hour per glass, at a cost of $18 per hour. The actual results for one month's production of 6,900 glasses were 0 if two groups of patients with fever are given either (a) a drug or (b) a placebo, and the temperatures of the patients are used as the measure of how well the drug did, then Suppose the random variables X and Y have joint pdf as follows: f(x, y) = 15xy^2, 0 < y < x < 1 Find the marginal pdf f_1 (x) of X. Find the conditional pdf f_2(y | x). Find P(Y > 1/3 | X = x) for any 1/3 < x.< 1 Are X and Y independent? What tonicity term applies to the solution surrounding this cell? For this exercise s=1+the fourth digit of your student number. A research laboratory announces the discovery of a new refreshment. Immediately the public expresses a (linear) demand for the new product. There are two firms which have capacity to produce quantities 91, 92 of the new product with constant marginal costs c, c2 respectively, where c2 = C + 4 x s. You observe that before firms start to produce (i.e., q1 = 92 = 0) the market clears at p 160 s. When supplies arrive at the market you observe that the equilib- rium price and quantity settle at p = 60 s and Q = 200 s respectively. = (i) Suppose that you consider investing in firm 1 by financing half of its production cost in exchange for half of its venue. Compute the profit that firm 1 would retain after paying you off. (ii) Alternatively you consider investing in this market and discover that, at a fixed cost F 70000, you can buy a technology to produce the new product with constant marginal costs c = 60. 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