Who is the government and why is he the #1 person


Answer 1


The government isn't a person, it is the exercise of control or authority over a group of people.


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Drag each tile to the correct location.

Winona has saved enough money to start a small baking business at home. She plans to do the baking herself and hire only two assistants. She plans to supply her products to cafes and cake shops and also accept home orders.

Help Winona make a list of the factors of production she may need to get started.
(Look at the picture attached)


Answer:Winona has saved enough money to start a small baking business at home. She plans to do the baking herself and hire only two assistants. She plans to supply her products to cafes and cake shops and also accept home orders.

Help Winona make a list of the factors of production she may need to get started.

so the answer would probley be Winona has saved enough money to start a small baking business at home. She plans to do the baking herself and hire only two assistants. She plans to supply her products to cafes and cake shops and also accept home orders.

Help Winona make a list of the factors of production she may need to get started.






i don't know spanish


need more information regarding the question

Why is keeping the authority that the people and the government have equal?


So the government can’t have too much power I think
So that the government does not become too controlling while abusing their powers.

so uh- i need help again

When a huge amount of gas is trapped within magma, the eruption is usually violent. Ash and lava are thrown out in large amounts, settling around the vent after the eruption. What kind of volcano would be formed as a result?

A) shield volcano
B) composite volcano
C) underwater volcano
D) cinder cone volcano



Maybe D, but I could be wrong. I' sos sorry if I am.


The answer is D!!!
Cinder cone volcano :)

For victoria4ny NinTendoSatori Hurry up!!



are u talking to someone else? i think you are wait this answers for 50 points?!!! oh well um do  u mind if i uh take em?.......

thank u i guess :DDDD oh and good luck with that person unless this is a real question then ill feel bad.. but if it is ill answer  in the comments but if it isnt then alrighty then peace


This is my debate topic today. Does foreign companies have influence in our country.


yes they do. most products in the united states have a label saying “made in china” that’s why most americans value made in the usa products more then others




some of them do indeed but for them to be very influncial they must have great wealth or they are doing it by force and it is secretly and they could be very used in many occurences like products from china and brazil

Why might the author have started and ended the article with details about the Crucible? *
A. to highlight challenges that male and female recruits can face after training separately
B. to explain the history of the Marine Corps
C. to illustrate how a single-gender platoon works
D. to argue that the Crucible should be done at the beginning of basic training



c to illustrated how a single -gender platoon work

C - it explains a lot I hope that this helps you!!!!!!

Who worked together to educate citizens in California about appropriate water use during a drought?
Question 4 options:

Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Armed Forces

Conservation groups and government

Olympic athletes and coaches

Schoolchildren and parents


It is conservation groups and government

If you can picture a little dark puppy that has been kicked too many times and is lost in a crowd of strangers, you´ll have Johnny.¨ what kind of figurative language is this.


Answer: Metaphor



idiom or metaphor


How does the idea that no one will be prosecuted except by peers and the law represent a limitation of royal power?


Don’t open that guys link it’s not safe

Please help me I will give brainliest
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Each of the United States' foreign policy tools has advantages and disadvantages, and all four tools are often used at the same time. In a paragraph, explain which foreign policy tool you think is most effective. Which do you think is least effective? Be sure to explain your reasoning in your response.

please help



Both the president and Congress have some exclusive foreign policy powers, while others are shared or not explicitly assigned by the Constitution.

These two branches of government often clash over foreign policy–making, particularly when it comes to military operations, foreign aid, and immigration.

The judicial branch is limited in how much it can arbitrate constitutional disputes over foreign policy, and it is often reluctant to.

What did Roman women and Roman slaves have in common? (1 point) a Both lived in small apartment houses. b Both were taught to read and write. c Neither were considered Roman citizens. d Neither were allowed to marry.


the answer is b. roman slaves and women were taught how to write and read, according to my research

help i will give branlist

(05.03 MC)
The economy of ancient Rome did not depend heavily on (1 point)









industry sorry if i am wrong



Blank 1: Cluster

Blank 2: Group

Blank 3: Pathway


Let me double check

How did South Africa’s government change in the 1990s? Based on evidence, do you think that the people of South Africa feel that the new form of democratic government has improved their lives?



5 ways South Africa changed after Mandela’s release

MySource : weforum.org

Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison before his release in February,1990. He became South Africa’s first black president in 1994, leading a multiracial democracy until 1999.

The abolition of apartheid remains Nelson Mandela’s greatest legacy, and under his leadership, South Africa emerged as a genuine democracy that saw many changes. Not all changes can be attributed to one man, but they were likely more rapid and profound.

Here are five ways South Africa changed after Mandela’s release.

1. South Africa’s economy


South Africa had spent many years in economic isolation by the time apartheid ended. Nelson Mandela had to find a way to manage the transition from apartheid without risking an economic collapse. His aspirations were to share the country’s natural resources, and to ensure work and education for all, and the five years Mandela led the country were characterized by strong growth.

Personal incomes increased as GDP per capita went from $5,760 in 1990 to $6,679 in 2000. Overall GDP fluctuated, but inflation, running at 14% before 1994, fell to 5% within the next decade.

By 2014, however, Nigeria surpassed South Africa as the continent’s largest economy.

2. Unemployment

The official unemployment rate in South Africa has been as high as 25% for many years, with youth unemployment even higher. Changes were slow even after apartheid ended, but the percentage of employed South African’s rose from 48.4% in 1990, to 52.2% in 2000.

3. Life expectancy


One of South Africa’s biggest problems is the number of HIV/AIDS patients. Estimates show one in seven citizens is infected with HIV – one of the highest rates in the world. This explains why the average South African’s life expectancy fell by ten years between 1992 and 2003.

Early on, Mandela expressed his concerns about the spread of AIDS, but didn’t focus on the issue during his presidency. He eventually became a very effective and dedicated campaigner, changing South Africa’s AIDS agenda by creating public awareness and advocating the use of condoms and treatment.

4. Trade

The lifting of sanctions meant a rapid increase in trade and one of the features of the period since has been a continued expansion of international trade.

5. Agriculture


In 1990, agriculture’s contribution to the South African economy starting dropping. The agricultural sector has grown by an average of around 10% a year since 1970 — significantly below total GDP growth of 13%. This has resulted in the drop of agriculture’s share of the GDP from 7,1% in 1970, to 2,6% in 2013.

Land redistribution remains a big issue, as most South African farmland is still white-owned despite government pledges to help increase black ownership.

How would you describe the condition of Europe after World War I? Use specific details.


their conditions were very poor because they were dealing with the aftermath of the war and the loss of thousands.

After World War 1 conditions were chaotic in Germany and Eastern Europe. The map of Eastern Europe was redrawn several times in the next few years.
The French and the British were busily dividing the spoils of the war between them but still reeling from the enormous human cost of the War. The Victors still froze out Asia, the Middle East and Africa from benefiting from the peace. The colonial rule was not broken just adjusted.
The 1920s brought a world trying hard to forget the disaster that had just happened. There was recovery for a while then the depression of the 1930s brought hardship.
Germany's civil administration had been centered around the German Army General Staff during the War. The Government was taken up by a civilian democratic administration that had very little experience in democratic administration. War reparations, civil unrest, inflation, and great unemployment destroyed the German Economy. There was continued street fighting between Left and Right through the 1920s.
America was trying to mediate the Peace but President Wilson's health and idealism could not complete the task. The Peace was not ratified by Congress. America returned to isolation.
Over all the rise of the Ideologies on the left and right would set the stage for World War 2.

Brainliest IF Correct

What effects did trade have on the civilizations of the Mediterranean and the Aegean seas?



geography and trade. Geography and trade affected the development of Greece in positive and negative ways. The geography that had the most effect on Greece included the climate, the sea, and the mountains.  Greece occasionally had a warm climate, winters would be mild and rainy, and the summers would be hot, and somewhat dry. In much of Greece, temperatures ranged in winter about 50 Fahrenheit to 80 Fahrenheit in summer.


Why is keeping the authority that the people and the government have equal?

No Links and No Free Point Answers

I need an actual answer, please.



I'm guessing you meant why is keeping the authority that the people and the government have equal important? If not, feel free to correct me and I'll give you another answer.


It's important to keep the authority that they have equal, because it allows both sides to keep the other in check. When one starts to gain more power than the other, problems will begin to ensue. If the government has more authority than the people, unreasonable laws and taxes can be set, and dictators and poverty sets in. If the people have more authority than the government, then laws can be easily disregarded without consequences, and crime rates will increase.

PLZ PLXZ PXZ I NEED HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Number three


The argument is about the amount they are willing to spend on education


ummm i think it the first one


can someone re word this so it is not plagiarism i will give a brainly



Here you go!


The anaconda plan was created by General Winfield Scott. His plan was a convoluted plan to be able to defeat the rebellion by cutting off and isolating the south. This would be carried out by murdering, putting aflame, and capturing everything that was in their sight. The plan was that they were going to create a naval blockade and end all form of trading with the southern, then would send about 60,000 troops ti 40 stream ports, and would also apprehend and hold forts and towns on their way there.


nz wb xcujhqwbuhqnsb dbuh uhbuhdbhu bnduh dc cbd hb uhebv b

Explanation:now you know how everyone else feels when you do this shi t to them!

What is the thematic statement for I dissent and what was it about?



Ruth Bader Ginsburg has a collar. Actually, she has a ton of collars* She has one for every occasion, but her most famous is the Dissent Collar. She wears it when she dissents from a decision being handed down by the Supreme Court. (She also has a collar she wears when she's reading majority opinions.)

What does I dissent mean?

verb (used without object) to differ in sentiment or opinion, especially from the majority; withhold assent; disagree (often followed by from): Two of the justices dissented from the majority decision. to disagree with the methods, goals, etc., of a political party or government; take an opposing view.


Northern foxes can have different fur colors. They can be white, brown, or gray. The foxes hunt squirrels for food. Foxes that have fur the same color as their environment are better at getting closer to squirrels and catching them.
The diagram above shows a population of foxes that once lived in a forest. Scientists had only seen brown and gray foxes in this forest and had never seen foxes of any other color. The diagram below shows how the population changed after many generations.
How did the color of the foxes’ environment change? Explain what happened to the foxes over many generations.


Answer: Over many generations the environment has changed, due to this the foxes had to adapt. The white foxes are able to survive longer in the winter because they can camouflage, during that time they are most likely to reproduce and create more white foxes with the same traits. The brown and grey foxes had a harder time to adapt in the newer environments and started dying out.


Answer: B

Explanation: done the test it’s b got it correct

Which two of the following created a favorable climate for change in Canada?

The United States was growing in power.
Russia was growing in powers.
England was changing its attitude towards colonies.
France was changing its attitude towards colonies.



1 &4


the united States was growing in power

France was changing its attitude towards colonies

One and Four are the answer

how did queen elizabeth ruled england and helped it grow.



During her reign, Elizabeth I established Protestantism in England; defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588; maintained peace inside her previously divided country; and created an environment where the arts flourished. She was sometimes called the "Virgin Queen", as she never married                              Comment: its how did queen elizabeth (Rule)

Watch the crown on Netflix. She became the queen when her father passed away.

What are the characteristics of plants? plz give me an answer of your own.



The main characteristics of plants are the stem, the roots, the seed/seeds


I'm not sure if their are more characteristics but those are the main ones.

brainlist now!!!!!! just answer
Click to review the online content. Then answer the question(s) below, using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additional questions.
Online Content: Site 1

List several economic indicators. What is the purpose of measuring economic indicators? What do they measure? (Site 1)

keywords: factor, production, behavior, price, consumer, gross, domestic, unemployment, product, confidence



sites: Imma just give u the site cause i also want you to understand better

1. An economic indicator is a macroeconomic instrument that economists use to determine existing and potential economic growth and prospects. Data from the government, non-profit organisations, and universities are the most commonly used economic metrics.

and you can use dictionary for the keyword or defining them

How did the lab activities help you answer the lesson question how are you relative and Absolute dating methods used to determine the age of rocks and fossils? What did you learn from Conducting this Lab?
... Make the answer short please


Relative dating is used to determine a fossils approximate age by comparing it to similar rocks and fossils of known ages.

Can you please tell me the connection to human rights for this passage. Thank you​


International human rights is a powerful idea in our time, but also the focus of numerous controversies: it not only embodies a set of ideals but also functions as a political tool, which different forces try to bend to their own ends. The result of this struggle is a process of norm contestation and norm change that the course seeks to understand. The course looks at the laws and institutions that define human rights as an international regime, in the context of key intellectual controversies and political puzzles surrounding human rights theory and practice. It discusses how human rights norms change, and it analyzes some of the challenges of contemporary human rights advocacy.

that’s your answer my love

Please help I will give brainliest


The answer would be number 4, armistice is a truce to stop war and number 4 is the only one that matches.
i think your answer is option 4
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