which website domain indicates the most reliable source? .edu .net .org .com


Answer 1


.edu is the most reliable.


This is because .net is similar to .com, .com is for (com)mercialized sites, .org is for organizations, and .edu is for education.

Answer 2




it is .edu because its education related <333

Related Questions

Describe a time when you were the resident expert. What did you do to make sure everyone was able to understand you?



I would put it in writing!


People understand you more if its in writting

The book under the bed is well-written. What is the Adjective or adverb in this sentence ?



Explanation:adjective. beneath or on the underside: the under threads of the embroidery. lower in position.

Which line of poetry best imparts a reflective mood?
As winter approaches, the gaggle of geese gather and rise in flight.
In the stormy afternoon, the goose stumbles and honks to a halt.
As the heavy snow falls, the geese recollect sun-soaked shores.
Bobbing in the frigid waters, the goose submerges to search for dinner.


Answer: C is the answer

Explanation:  As the heavy snow falls, the geese recollect sun-soaked shores.

The line of that  best imparts a reflective mood is As the heavy snow falls, the geese recollect sun-soaked shores.

What is reflective mood in poetry?

reflective mood can be regarded as a mood that is been characterized by quiet thought or contemplation.

We can see from the statement " As the heavy snow falls, the geese recollect sun-soaked shores"  gives some mood of reflection.

Learn more about reflective mood at:


8) French , the word meat means "a body opening or cavity ." In English , the word meat means "the flesh of animals used as food ." These two cognates are spelled essentially the same but their ____ differ
A. Rhymes

9) The French word debacle means "a general breakup or dispersion; sudden downfall or rout and so does the English word debacle. These two words are in all likelihood



Answer and Explanation:

8) According to the instructions, both French and English have the word "meat". However, they have very different meanings. Among the options for us to choose, the best one seems to be E. origins, in this case. The word "meat" in English most likely does not have the same origin as the word "meat" in French. When words look the same and convey similar meanings while belonging to different languages, that usually means they have the same origin. But that is clearly not the case here.

9) Again, both French and English have the word "debacle". This time, the word has the same meaning in both languages. We can safely say "debacle" in French and "debacle" in English are C. cognates. Cognates are words that have the same origin, the same linguist derivation. Since they have similar meanings and the same spelling, those words are most likely cognates.

Q. The phone .......... while i was having lunch. Choose correct word rings/rang/can rang / was ringing





The Super Villains have jammed your communications. Solve these questions to unjam communications. VE 11 DET TETTE 1. What is the main Idea of the first paragraph? 1) Physical Therapists help people. 2) Physical Therapists work hard. 3) Physical Therapists work in hospitals 4) Physical Therapists use skills. 50-

2. What is the main idea of the last paragraph? 1) My job is interesting. 2) My job is rewarding. 3) My job is difficult. 4) My job is demanding

If you go to the Rehabilitation Institute in Chicago, you will see someone working to help patients. This is a job that helps people do more. It is a job that takes patience and skills. This person is a Physical Therapist. As you read what one person says about her job, imagine yourself doing this kind of work some day. How would you feel if every day you helped people make progress? I work closely with people who have hurt themselves. Their injuries may be as mild as having a sore shoulder, knee or back, or as severe as having paralyzed legs and/or arms. It's my job to evaluate what their problems are and come up with ways to help make them better, stronger, take their pain away or teach them to walk and do things for themselves again. I need to be able to communicate well with people of all ages and backgrounds everyday. I need to be able to talk to people I've never met and ask them personal questians that help me to understand what is wrong with them. I can't be shy around new people and I need to be clear in my communications with them. I chose to go into physical therapy because I love to be with people and talk with ther. I decided that I didn't want to use the computer all day or answer the telephone or be in a lab doing experiments. I wanted to be around people, and I wanted to be an important part of helping them feel better To prepare to become a Physical Therapist, I had to finish college and then go to graduate school for 3 years. In that time, I learned all the muscles in the body and all the organs and how they work, Ilearned how to figure out what is weak and what hurts on people and then how to help. I prepared for knowing all that by taking a lot of classes in biology, chemistry, math, physics, anatomy, physiology and psychology. What i like about my job is that it is always very interesting and never boring. I like that I am never alone but surrounded by geaple all the time. They tell me that I have made a difference in their lives and when I go home at night, I know that I have touched someone else's life and they appreciate the work I did for them. Talso love that my job combines being active and physical with being a thinker and doing a lot of problem solving.

3. What is the main idea of the entire passage? 1) Physical therapy is a big job. 2) Physical therapists need to know science. 3) Physical therapy is about working with people. 4) Physical therapy is part of every hospital. Enter Your Answer​



is tooo mucho for me i can't answer


1. Physical Therapists help people

2. My Job is rewarding

3. Physical therapy is about working with people


Took the test

The following is an excerpt from an autobiography written in the third person by Henry Adams, a prominent Bostonian.

The chief charm of New England was harshness of contrasts and extremes of sensibility—a cold that froze the blood, and a heat that boiled it—so that the pleasure of hating—one's self if no better victim offered—was not its rarest amusement; but the charm was a true and natural child of the soil, not a cultivated weed of the ancients. The violence of the contrast was real and made the strongest motive of education. The double exterior nature gave life its relative values. Winter and summer, cold and heat, town and country, force and freedom, marked two modes of life and thought, balanced like lobes of the brain. (5)Town was winter confinement, school, rule, discipline; straight, gloomy streets, piled with six feet of snow in the middle; frosts that made the snow sing under wheels or runners; thaws when the streets became dangerous to cross; society of uncles, aunts, and cousins who expected children to behave themselves, and who were not always gratified; above all else, winter represented the desire to escape and go free. Town was restraint, law, unity. Country, only seven miles away, was liberty, diversity, outlawry, the endless delight of mere sense impressions given by nature for nothing, and breathed by boys without knowing it.

Boys are wild animals, rich in the treasures of sense, but the New England boy had a wider range of emotions than boys of more equable climates. He felt his nature crudely, as it was meant. (10)To the boy Henry Adams, summer was drunken. Among senses, smell was the strongest—smell of hot pine-woods and sweet-fern in the scorching summer noon; of new-mown hay; of ploughed earth; of box hedges; of peaches, lilacs, syringas1; of stables, barns, cow-yards; of salt water and low tide on the marshes; nothing came amiss. Next to smell came taste, and the children knew the taste of everything they saw or touched, from pennyroyal and flagroot2 to the shell of a pignut and the letters of a spelling-book—the taste of A-B, AB, suddenly revived on the boy's tongue sixty years afterwards. Light, line, and color as sensual pleasures, came later and were as crude as the rest. The New England light is glare, and the atmosphere harshens color. (15)The boy was a full man before he ever knew what was meant by atmosphere; his idea of pleasure in light was the blaze of a New England sun. His idea of color was a peony, with the dew of early morning on its petals. The intense blue of the sea, as he saw it a mile or two away, from the Quincy hills; the cumuli3 in a June afternoon sky; the strong reds and greens and purples of colored prints and children's picture-books, as the American colors then ran; these were ideals. The opposites or antipathies, were the cold grays of November evenings, and the thick, muddy thaws of Boston winter. With such standards, the Bostonian could not but develop a double nature. (20)Life was a double thing. After a January blizzard, the boy who could look with pleasure into the violent snow-glare of the cold white sunshine, with its intense light and shade, scarcely knew what was meant by tone. He could reach it only by education.

Winter and summer, then, were two hostile lives, and bred two separate natures. Winter was always the effort to live; summer was tropical license.

1Syringas are ornamental shrubs.
2Pennyroyal is a mint plant; flagroot is the root of a particular herb.
3Cumuli are thick clouds.

The excerpt is an autobiography, but Henry Adams chose to write it in third person. In a response of approximately 150 words, explain how Adams used this point of view to convey the relationship between nature and childhood discovery. Use evidence from the passage to support your analysis.



Adams wrote with a third-person point of view to express a panoramic and ubiquitous view of the effects of nature on his childhood.


Third-person narration allows the reader to have a panoramic view of the events being narrated. This allows the reader to have access to all aspects and elements that compose and influence the characters and the scenarios.

Because of this panoramic capacity, Adams decided to write his autobiography with third-person narration, which is unusual, since autobiographies are usually narrated in the first person. This allowed Adams to explain the transformations and influences of nature in his childhood in a more complete way, not only informing what this relationship caused in himself, but how the environment was shaped and modified simultaneously. We can see this, through the lines:

"To the boy Henry Adams, summer was drunken. Among senses, smell was the strongest—smell of hot pine-woods and sweet-fern in the scorching summer noon; of new-mown hay; of ploughed earth; of box hedges; of peaches, lilacs, syringas1; of stables, barns, cow-yards; of salt water and low tide on the marshes; nothing came amiss. Next to smell came taste, and the children knew the taste of everything they saw or touched, from pennyroyal and flagroot to the shell of a pignut and the letters of a spelling-book—the taste of A-B, AB, suddenly revived on the boy's tongue sixty years afterwards. "

all desire wealth and some acquire it. (begin with wealth)​



Wealth is desired by all and it is acquired by some.

Answer: Wealth is desired by all and acquired by some


The given sentence is in the present tense so it is converted into using the verb 'is' and 'past participle' of the main verb. Here, desire is the main verb and it is changed using past participle

Active and passive voices This house was .... my grandfather. *
1 point
A. Build for
B. Build by
C. Builded for
D. Built by



D. Built by


Pls mark as brainliest

Built by my grandfather

Label the following use of dashes in the sentence as correct or incorrect

Carl, do you know how to start the self cleaning oven ? Correct or in correct



yes this sentence is correct


The sentiance is Incorect



What best explains the reason why the author of A Girl Named Zippy tells the year that she was born?

so the reader knows how old she is today
so the reader knows how old she is in the story
to give the reader a sense of when the story takes place
to give the reader a sense of why the story takes place


I would assume so the reader knows how old she is in the story.


i chose answer E.

The reader needs to know for the entire story to make sense lol

6. PART B: Which detail best supports the answer to Part
A "In the United States, groundless fears, prejudices
and demagoguery produced three notable events
that echoed the Salem trials." ( Paragraph 19)
B "To prevent the rise of such an enemy within' during
the war, state and local authorities along the West
Coast removed over 110,000 Japanese Americans
from their homes" (aragraph 21)
C "During his brief political career, he made
undocumented charges of communism, communist
sympathies, disloyalty, and homosexuality against
hundreds of politicians and non-government
individuals" ( Paragraph 28)
D "Government employees and workers in private
industry, whose characters and loyalties were
smeared by McCarthy's broad brush, lost their jobs."
(Paragraph 29)




The detail that best supports the answer to part A is - "In the United States, groundless fears, prejudices, and demagoguery produced three notable events that echoed the Salem trials." Therefore, A is the correct response.

What are Prejudices?

Prejudice can be defined as an affective feeling towards a person based on their perceived group membership. The word is often used to refer to a preconceived evaluation or classification of another person based on that person's perceived political affiliation, sex, gender, gender identity, beliefs, values, social class, etc.

Prejudice can be divided into many different types, such as - Gender Identity, Nationalism, Sexism, Classism, Sexual discrimination, Racism  Religious discrimination, Neurological discrimination, High-Functioning, Linguistic discrimination, and Low-Functioning.

To read more about, Prejudice, refer to - https://brainly.com/question/22665804


paraphrase the proverbs out of frying pan into the fire​


Sometimes, a situation that is already negative becomes more chaotic and unpleasant.

Which of the following falls within the definition of "place"?A . Promotional allowances B . Returns C . Image D . Inventory E . Customer.



D . Inventory


The marketing mix is a combination of various tools which would aid the sale of products to the target consumers. To achieve this goal, there are four P's of marketing that guide marketers and they are Place, Product, Price, Promotion. Place refers to all the activities that facilitate the distribution of the goods.

Inventory which entails having a list of goods in stock is necessary in the distribution process because, it would help the company to have a record or list of finished goods and raw materials needed for production so that they can have information on what is available and ready for distribution. This would also make purchasing convenient for customers.

To decide whether to use whom in a sentence, see if you can replace it with ___________________ .


Are there any answer choices?

whats better d.c. or marvel add a logical argument 12 points



DC has a much more devoloped charcters including supervillans. In Marvel sometimes they meet the bad guy and is like oh we have to kill them. In DC there super villans and super heros go way back. Also DC characters are a little more relatable because they are not bad nor good. Sure they take that to an extreme but still. For Example Batman does some questionable things that you think ‘He is supposed to be the good guy’ but he never kills on purpose. Then you look at Jocker and yes he is super insane but he has reasons why that almost reminds you that he is human not a mad man with no feelings. I can admit the DC’s movies are too dark but at least there characters are not goody two-shoes jumping around with a hammer or shield fighting a guy who is purple.


they both are good. Dc has darker storylines and more interesting stories and comic/graphic books. while marvel has more interesting characters.


What is the best central idea of the text



the first statement of the text best identifies the central idea


In Abedi's article, "Banning plastic straws - a look at how much it actually helps, and who it could hurt", the author describes straws as a "low-hanging fruit" (paragraph 1). What overall impact does this phrase have on the author's purpose?



The phrase 'low-hanging fruit' functions to suggest that regardless of the penetrable reasons for banning the plastic straws, they are the easily accessible and reachable solution for the people who need them. This reflects the author's key purpose of reflecting on the other side of the issue. He provides both the opinions towards the ban on plastic straws and shows that despite it is agreeable to ban straws after the turtle got hurt by eating that straw yet suggests that it is the only reachable solution to the people who require these straws for different useful purposes like drinking.

1.Courage will carry a man ________ many hardships.​



courage will carry a man through many hardships, the leader is popular than his followers , these seats are set aside for the differently abled children , the total expenses of our of our excursion come to a big sum , where did they put you for a week? , the storm almost lifted me on my feet

Refer to the Comparison Chart in Section 1 of the lesson. In looking at the related forms meaning 7 , which language differs most from the other 5? English




The answer would be greek

(a b c d e f g h ) -- what letter is two letters to the right of the letter immediately to the left of the letter four letters to the right of the letter two letters to the left of the letter e??



the letter is h

Explenation: its easier if you start at E

This ghost hunter claims that there is a ghost in the home. Is this a scientific claim? Why or why not?





A scientific claim is based on evidence and usually made by scientist. Assuming this ghost hunter is a scientist we still don't have any evidence besides the fact the he witnessed it which is a weak answer. If there were witnesses or if he has pictures/proof of the ghost then it will be a scientific claim.

Which statements best explain how the transatlantic slave trade changed African culture? Select three options,
It delayed industrialization.
O It increased wealth for Africans.
It decreased the population in the area.
It caused conflicts between different groups.
It strengthened agricultural development in Africa.​


Hello there! :D

I want you to keep in mind for this question to focus on the best answer. Also, remember that different countries can go through the same experiences, that includes industrialization!

So, let me start off with the answers that I don't think fit the question of what changed African culture.

-It increased wealth for Africans.

Although this seems like a no-brainer, some tribes would actually sell neighboring tribes to white-folk for money and supplies. I do not think this fits, however, because of the loss of Africans as a whole.

-It strengthened agricultural development in Africa.

No, it really didn't. They lost many of their people and skilled laborers to the slave trade.

Here are the ones I think fit:

-It delayed industrialization.

It did for the African community, maybe not for the Americas. I know the question is referencing African culture, so it is most likely true that this was a consequence of the slave trade.

-It decreased the population in the area.

Obviously, 76 Million Africans were taken from Africa. Yes.

-It caused conflicts between different groups.

Like I said before, some tribes would fight with each other for women/children left behind, would sell each other, etc. It was a disastrous time for many Africans and I hope history never repeats itself in this way.

I hope this helped you and you have a wonderful day,

Kai xx

Personal experiences, family, and culture


Answer:All Can Have an Effect on a writer.

Explanation:That’s the most reasonable answer


All can effect a person


Did it on my test

Fragment lesson"For a whole day I was puzzled over the problem and my faith in my people was shaken"Justify the statement in context to the story ?​




I'm not quite sure what book your question is referring too, but the statement would probably be justified in a similar way.

For a whole day i was puzzled over the problem... = This means that the character has a problem, and they need a solution. To justify it you just need to address what problem the character is facing.

...and my faith in people was shaken = This part of the statement probably means the character may have shared a secret and it got out, or some people  were just being cruel, ect. You would just need to find what happens in the story before this statement to make this character feel this way.

Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions.

You work at an ice cream shop. When you get to work, the temperature of the freezer is -3°F. You notice the
temperature is now 6°F. How much did the temperature increase?





9 degrees






the answer is : "C"


I need some more details. Like what they did at the party and more! :D They made their favorite foods for the party.



What are essentially asking?



what's the question that you are asking?

Approximately how many sentences should your Summary contain?
а. 5-6
b. 2-3
d. 10
Please select the best answer from the choices provided



The summary shouldn't be too long. Keep it to 5-6 sentences.

Summary should contain  5-6 sentences approximately. Therefore, the correct option is option A.

What is summary in English literature?

An executive summary is a succinct statement that informs the reader of the key points of a lengthy piece of writing. The summary is essentially a condensed version of a lengthy material. Depending on the genre of writing, summaries can range in length, although they are often no longer than just a page.

The conclusion of a work of literature, for example, the back page of a book, often contains summaries. They serve as a summary of the story's events and a recap of its major ideas. The topics of summary writing, summary kinds, and summary examples will all be covered in this class. Summary should contain  5-6 sentences approximately.

Therefore, the correct option is option A.

To know more about summary in English literature, here:



• Write what disabled people's achievements in sports tell us about their character and attitude What do we learn from it? (Please answer this)



never to give up in life

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