which type of rights did the colonists who drafted the Declaration of Independence most want to protect?

a. Inalienable
b. Government
c. Legal
d. Voting​


Answer 1


A. Unalienable


Unalienable rights, to the colonists, were life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These were emphasized in the Preamble.

The colonists wanted a fair government that could protect and secure these unalienable rights.

Related Questions

Match each principle with the phrase that best defines it.
the federal system
branches of government
constitutional democracy
What’s a federal system



1. 2

2. 3



Federal System is the power Is divided between the state, local, etc.

What is the Federal system?

The federal government is a system of government that means that a particular land that can be a city or a state is governed by two bodies of the organization. These two organizations can be state or village. This system is highly useful as it delegates the power and responsibilities.

Federal System is called when the power Is divided between the state, local, etc.Branches of government mean that the power of government is divided among the legislative, executive and judicial, it is given by the constitution. Constitutional democracy is said when the power is in the hand of the Government, and it controls the nation with reforms and policies. It is for the government for the people, by the people, and of the people.

Learn more about the Federal system, here:



The question is incomplete, the complete question is:

1. the federal system

a. Government power is limited and based on the popular vote

2.constitutional democracy

b. Power is divided among legislative, executive, and judicial branches,

3. branches of government

c. Power is divided between state, local, and federal governments

6. (CG2b) Locke and Hobbes would most likely agree that
a. the state developed out of the social contract
b. those of royal birth have the right to rule other people
c. a state exists to serve the will of the people
d. a government should be federal in form





Which of these items was not a reason that the development of a system of agriculture was vital to the rise of civilizations? it helped start a division of labor to form. t provided a surplus of food it allowed time for other activities it created hunter-gatherer groups



The correct option is;

It created hunter-gatherer groups


The hunter-gatherer groups were nomads that engaged in hunting for food and gathering edible crops from the wild, with the development of the use of fire and tools to aid their quest for food. The group originated from Africa and spread to other parts of the world. With the advent of the Neolithic Revolution however, societies engaged in hunting and gathering faded, although some communities in different parts of the globe still practice  hunting and gathering.

What was the effect of Hurricane Floyd in North Carolina?


Answer:Floyd produced a storm tide over 10 feet high across the Cape Fear area beaches, destroying many beachfront homes, businesses, and piers, and causing severe beach erosion. In North Carolina, a total of 537,000 homes and businesses lost power during the storm.


Answer: Hurricane Floyd  caused lots a floods over a period of several weeks.


Hurricane Floyd made hurricane Dennis even worse. By the pass of hurricane Dennis there was already around 10 inches of rain which Hurricane Floyd (made it worse by) over saturating the soil and caused flooding ¨...nearly every river basin in the eastern part of the state exceeded 500-year flood levels¨

Why do you think original British colonists settled and established colonies along the East Coast of the United States?


During settlement, raw resources they have collected will be transported back to the Britain for manufacturing and could be sold by Britain.

Which 2 ecosystems receive the least rain
A.) Alpine and Grassland
B.)Tundra and desert
C.)Desert and grassland
D.)Deciduous forest and Alpine​



B.)Tundra and desert



Correct is B:Tundra and Desert

In what city did Edison construct the first central power station? PLEASE HELP ME FIRST



Manhattan is where Edison constructed the first central power station




Pearl Street station was the first central power station in the U.S. This is located in Manhattan.

Hope this helps :)

Explain what a historical era is


Answer: A historical era is a period of which a certain amount of events have in all changed humanity in a certain way.


YOU are going to have to trust me.

Which statement describes a characteristic of a primary source? It is written by a historian. It is a critical analysis of a document. It is created after the era discussed. It is firsthand knowledge of an event.


Answer: historical interpretation of a past event


What had been the only tax left when parliament repealed the Townshend Acts?



I hope this helps


The British parliament repealed the Townshend duties on all but tea. The British government, led by Prime Minister Lord North, maintained the taxes on tea, in order to underscore the supremacy of parliament

Ancestors of America’s Native people crossed a land bridge made of ice called?



The Bering Land Bridge

It’s called Bering Land Bridge

whay did doctors and priests do when the black death hit Europe



They would make cures


Some of the cures they tried included: Rubbing onions, herbs or a chopped up snake (if available) on the boils or cutting up a pigeon and rubbing it over an infected body. Drinking vinegar, eating crushed minerals, arsenic, mercury or even ten-year-old treacle!


thanks for the 5 points


they would make cures

5. On what date was the Declaration of Independence signed?
6. According to Jefferson where do people get their rights? What about the government?
7. According to the first paragraph, what is the purpose of the Declaration?​



August 2, 1776

We have governments to protect our unalienable rights and to create Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

The first paragraph of the Declaration is its Preamble, that is its introduction and statement of purpose. ... By saying this, the authors of the Declaration state what they are going to do -- they are going to break away from England. This is the most important purpose of the first paragraph.


Write your 500-word, narrative-style legend of a Native American tribe of your choosing here.



The Cherokee were the mountaineers of the South, holding the entire Allegheny region from the interlocking head-streams of the Kanawha and Tennessee southward almost to the site of Atlanta, and from the Blue Ridge on the east to the Cumberland range on the west, a territory comprising an area of about 40,000 square miles, now included in the states of Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama. Their principal towns were upon the headwaters of the Savannah, Hiwassee, and Tuckasegee, and along the whole length of Little Tennessee to its junction with the mainstream. Itsâtĭ, or Echota, on the south bank of Little Tennessee, a few miles above the mouth of Tellico River, in Tennessee, was commonly considered the capital of the Nation. As the advancing whites pressed upon them from the east and northeast the more exposed towns were destroyed or abandoned and new settlements were formed lower down Tennessee and on the upper branches of the Chattahoochee and the Coosa.

As is always the case with tribal geography, there were no fixed boundaries, and on every side, the Cherokee frontiers were contested by rival claimants. In Virginia, there is reason to believe, the tribe was held in check in the early days by the Powhatan and the Monacan. On the east and southeast, the Tuscarora and Catawba were their inveterate enemies, with hardly even a momentary truce within the historic period; and evidence goes to show that the Sara or Cheraw was full as hostile. On the south, there was hereditary war with the Creeks, who claimed nearly the whole of upper Georgia as theirs by original possession, but who were being gradually pressed down toward the Gulf until, through the mediation of the United States, a treaty was finally made fixing the boundary between the two tribes along a line running about due west from the mouth of Broad River on the Savannah. Toward the west, the Chickasaw on the lower Tennessee and the Shawano on the Cumberland repeatedly turned back the tide of Cherokee invasion from the rich central valleys, while the powerful Iroquois in the far north set up an almost unchallenged claim of paramount lordship from the Ottawa river of Canada southward at least to the Kentucky River. On the other hand, by their defeat of the Creeks and expulsion of the Shawano, the Cherokee made good the claim which they asserted to all the lands from upper Georgia to the Ohio River, including the rich hunting grounds of Kentucky. Holding as they did the great mountain barrier between the English settlements on the coast and the French or Spanish garrisons along the Mississippi and Ohio, their geographic position, no less than their superior number, would have given them the balance of power in the South but for looseness of tribal organization in striking contrast to the compactness of the Iroquois league, by which for more than a century the French power was held in check in the north. The English, indeed, found it convenient to recognize certain chiefs as supreme in the tribe, but the only real attempt to weld the whole Cherokee Nation into a political unit was that made by the French agent, Priber, about 1736, which failed from its premature discovery by the English. We frequently find their kingdom divided against itself, their very number preventing unity of action, while still giving them importance above that of neighboring tribes.


this is 571 words. hope this helped you.

Which research question on World War II is too narrow?

Which factors led to President Truman dropping atomic bombs?
Who was president of the United States at the start of World War II?
How did the World War II change American society?
Why was World War II bad?


Who was president of the United States at the start of World War II? is the answer

A research question that is based on World War II that is simply too narrow is Who was president of the United States at the start of World War II?

A narrow research question is:

One that has little to no information One that can easily be be answered because the answer is specific

Asking who the president of the United States was when the second World War started is too narrow because it has a specific answer which is President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

In conclusion, asking who the president was when WW2 started is too narrow.

Find out more about Roosevelt at https://brainly.com/question/875796.

Which group most likely built tepees and ate buffalo as part of
their diet?
Pls help


what are the group options???
The Indian group , I’m pretty sure .

Identify, based on your reading, ONE specific example about the relationship between government and public works during the 13th century that could have led the author to conclude that those who built the Grand Canal deserve more credit than those who built the Great Wall.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Based on the reading, ONE specific example about the relationship between government and public works during the 13th century that could have led the author to conclude that those who built the Grand Canal deserve more credit than those who built the Great Wall could be the following.

The author thinks the building of the canal was impressive that deserves more credit to the people who designed it and the impact it has on the communication and transportation of ancient China. The author says it is simply, admirable. The canal allowed continued transportation of goods and people, with no obstructions.

The canal starts in Beijing and ends in Hangzhou. It runs for approximately 1100 miles and connects two of the most important rivers in China, the Yangtze River, and the magnificent Yellow River. This engineering wonder helped China to improve trade and the economy of the empire.

The author concluded that they deserve more credit because the canal was admirable and helped in improvement of transportation.

An example about the relationship that existed between the government and public works during the 13th century which led the author to conclude that those who built the Grand Canal deserve more credit than those who built the Great Wall was because the canal was admirable and helped in improvement of transportation.

According to the author, the canal made transportation faster and easier. Travelling by water is faster than travelling on land. The canal began in Beijing and ended in Hangzhou and was about 1100 miles. The canal also helped in connecting the Yellow river and the Yangtze river.

In conclusion, the Grand Canal helped in the improvement of the economy.

Read related link on:


What newly learned skill enabled the Colonists to survive in the new



We do not know why the Indians of the Chesapeake, fierce protectors of their own territory, refrained from destroying the weak vulnerable English outpost in its earliest days, especially since these same tribes wiped out the Spanish mission of Ajacán thirty-seven years earlier. (For a companion lesson see Failed European Colonies in the New World.) The Indians left no written record of their experience with the settlers. However, we do have Percy’s account. If we keep in mind the limitations of his understanding of Indian culture, his European biases, language barriers, the dangerous situation the settlers were in, and the rivalries that apparently existed among the various tribes, we can, through careful and sensitive reading, arrive at a plausible speculation: perhaps the Indians allowed Jamestown to survive because the presence of the English provided advantages to some tribes — trade goods, for example, or prestige — as they vied with others to gain power within the Powhatan Confederation. This exercise in close reading will allow students to be ethnohistorians, discerning the motives and actions of people who left no written evidence.


D, all of the above


Describe the challenges faced by Zebulon Pike and James Wilkinson.



James Watson, one of the discoverers of the double helix. James Watson was a pioneer molecular biologist who is credited, along with Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins, with discovering the double helix structure of the DNA molecule. The trio won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1962 for their work.


hope it helps

Which region had the most minerals



west i think


what culture was the birthplace of democracy



"The concept of a democratic society, such as the one our country enjoys today, began in the Greek capital some 8,000 years ago. The city of Athens is sometimes referred to as the cradle of Western civilization."


How did the slave trade affect the African communities


Answer:the slave trade had profound impact on africa completely reshaping various aspevts of society it helped to create a robust reigional trade network for the foodstuffs and crafted goods of small producers along the river


These dates are listed in the correct order.
1400 BC
2020 BC
1 AD
2020 AD
1400 AD

True Or False​


Answer: False


False. Explanation: Based on the timeline of Jesus of Nazareth, who was born in Bethlehem from 0-4 A.D. (Anno Domini) and was crucified in Jerusalem in 30-33 A.D.. So in order: 2020 B.C., 1400 B.C., 1 A.D., 1400 A.D., 2020 A.D. (i.e. today). Other forms place the chronology on B.C.E. to C.E.. Hope this helps!

1. Summarize the Key Developments and Contributions of these Mesoamerican Cultures?

a. Olmec-

b. Maya

C. Toltec & Aztec

d. Hohokam

e. Anasazi


The. Olmeca: One of the main contributions of this culture was the development of writing. This is because some scholars believe that this was the first civilization in the western hemisphere. In addition, this culture was responsible for inventing the number zero and inventing the Mesoamerican calendar. This was one of the first Mesoamerican civilizations and many of its customs influenced the cultures that later emerged as artificial bleeding.

B. Maia: Mayan culture was very important in the development of mathematics, topography, in the manipulation of fabrics used to make works of art. In addition, this culture was very influential in architecture, elaborating techniques and concepts that have been studied until today.

c. Toltec and Aztec: The main contribution of these cultures was the development of extremely productive agricultural techniques and systems that are still used today and promote a food supply. They were also the developers of an organized social and political organization.

d. Hohokam: They were responsible for the development of the commercial organization, creating large centers and promoting trade inside and outside the territory, in addition to allowing the creation of channels around large cities.

and. Anasazi: They had a great contribution in architecture, mainly in relation to the construction of family houses. They also developed productive and efficient agricultural systems, but their contribution is more evident in the arts and crafts.

What helped a two-party political system to develop?



it featured two national parties competing for control of the presidency, Congress, and the states: the Federalist Party, created largely by Alexander Hamilton, and the rival Jeffersonian Democratic-Republican Party, formed by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, usually called at the time the Republican Party

Describe the causes and effects of the 1984 Memorial Day Flood.



It was caused by 6-15 deluge from a stalled cold front.


All the rain had fell 8 hr period from 20:30 May 26 to 04:30 May 27,84 /add in your own words.

Answer:caused by 6-15 inches of rain falling in an 8-hour timeframe


It was the worst flooding event in the history Tulsa, it was caused by 6-15 inches of rain falling in an 8-hour timeframe. The Mingo Creek basin received at least 9 inches of rain.

In a Plains tribe family, who was usually responsible for skinning a felled buffalo?

A. mothers

B. fathers

C. daughters

D. sons​


B. Fathers would be the answer


The answer is A. Mothers


When did the Enlightenment occur?



The Enlightenment occurred in the 1715 – 1789 period.

Hope this helps!

The enlightment occured in 1715 and it ended in 1789

How is filling an appointed office different from filling an elected office?


appointed is selected by the company's president and elected is selected by it gives the management the power to choose
elected is elected by people by voting


appointed is selected by the company's president and elected is selected by it gives the management the power to choose

elected is elected by people by voting


please give brainliest

what inspired religious freedom and led to the creation of more types of churches?



Great Awakening


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