Which of the following statements is FALSE?

a. The lead underwriter is the primary banking firm responsible for managing the deal. The lead underwriter provides most of the advice and arranges for a group of other underwriters, called the syndicate, to help market and sell the issue.

b. Once a company goes public, it must satisfy all of the requirements of public companies.

c. Organizations such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC., the securities exchanges (including the New York Stock Exchange and the NASDAQ), and Congress (through the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002) adopted new standards that focused on more thorough financial disclosure, greater accountability, and more stringent requirements for the board of directors.

d. An "allocation trip" is where senior management and the lead underwriters travel around the country (and sometimes around the world) promoting the company and explaining their rationale for the offer price to the underwriters' largest customers—mainly institutional investors such as mutual funds and pension funds.


Answer 1

Once a company goes public, it is required to meet all the requirements of public companies. This statement is false. Option b. is therefore regarded as false.

An initial public offering (IPO) is a process in which a private corporation makes its shares accessible to the general public for purchase. In an IPO, the company sells its shares directly to the public for the first time. The following are some of the components of an IPO: The lead underwriter is in charge of the deal. They are the primary banking firm accountable for managing the deal. The lead underwriter offers most of the advice and assembles a group of other underwriters, known as the syndicate, to aid in the marketing and sale of the issue.

The securities exchanges, such as the New York Stock Exchange and the NASDAQ, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and Congress (through the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002), have all established new standards that concentrate on more comprehensive financial disclosure, greater accountability, and more strict board of director requirements. An "allocation trip" is a trip taken by senior management and the lead underwriters to promote the company and explain their reasoning for the offer price to the underwriters' largest customers—mainly institutional investors like mutual funds and pension funds. Thus, option b is the false statement.

More on public companies: https://brainly.com/question/30507501


Related Questions

The writer said: "Creativity does not originate from nothing." Explain your
understanding of this phrase.



If you ask me, I'd say it means for Creativity to be realistic, yet unique. If its not  possible, I wouldn't say its creative, its simply imaginative. And when we conflate imagination with creativity, we set ourselves up for failure or disappointment.


Sonnet 43

by Elizabeth Barret Browning

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints,—I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life!—and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.

write about your own personal reaction (emotional response) to the poem. try to explain how you approached the poem and how your opinion could shape or change its meaning.


When approaching a poem like "Sonnet 43," it is important to consider the context and the poet's intent. This sonnet is a declaration of profound love, where the speaker expresses the depth and breadth of their love for someone.

The poem employs various poetic techniques, such as repetition, imagery, and metaphors, to convey the intensity and sincerity of the speaker's emotions.

The meaning of the poem can be shaped or changed by one's personal opinions and experiences with love. For instance, if a reader has experienced deep and unconditional love, they may resonate with the poem's sentiments and find it emotionally moving.

On the other hand, if someone has a more cynical or guarded view of love, they may interpret the poem as an overly idealistic or exaggerated portrayal.

Interpreting poetry is subjective, and personal experiences and perspectives inevitably influence one's understanding and emotional response. Different readers may emphasize different aspects of the poem, focusing on the imagery, the language, or the underlying themes of love and devotion.

Thus, personal opinions can shape the way a reader connects with the poem and the meaning they derive from it.

To know more about  poetic techniques refer to-



Why is the timing of activities considered convenient for many social group



Everyone wants to be on track and in a schedule. Timing is very important not just for social groups but for just about anything in the real world.



. Student’s Guide toSocial Group WorkWhere there is a little common interest and activity, kindness grows like weeds by the roadside. Compiled by S.Rengasamy Draft I Copy

2. S.Rengasamy - Understanding Social Group Work SkillsThe material for this compilation is taken from several sourcesDr. Vera Mehta’s “Social Group Work” in Encyclopedia of Social Work in India (I968)Social Work with groups -WikipediaH Y Siddique Group Work: Theories and Practices: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri LankaThe Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups, Inc. (AASWG)and several other web sources 2

3. S.Rengasamy - Understanding Social Group Work SkillsIt is usually easier to change individuals formed into a group than to change any one of them separately - Kurt Lewin 3

What grade level is the wall street journal written at?


Answer: 10th to 12th grade.


5. What does the author intend to inform the reader about Piggy in the following quote? “Piggy could think. He could go step by step inside that fat head of his, only Piggy was no chief. But Piggy, for all his ludicrous body, had brains. (78)" a. Piggy is logical, intelligent and has good ideas. b. Piggy is physically incapable of doing much manual labor. C. While Piggy has some things to offer the others, leadership is not one of them. d. All of the above e. A and B, but not C​



d. All of the above


From the given quote about Piggy, the author describes Piggy as having a "ludicrous body" which means his body is out of place and amusing, which indirectly infers that he is unable to do much manual labor.

The author also describes Piggy as someone who could think, and go "step by step" inside his head, which implies that he is logical, intelligent and had good ideas.

Furthermore, Piggy is described as not being a "chief" which implies that he was not cut out to be a leader and didn't have leadership qualities.

Therefore, the correct answer is option D. All of the above.

On your own paper, use both "The Innocents Abroad" and "A Room with a View" to provide a short answer response to the following question. How is irony used in both "The Innocents Abroad" and "A Room with a View"? Support your answer with evidence from both selections


The aracters' expectations and the reality of their experiences. In "The Innocents Abroad," Mark Twain uses irony to satirize the expectations and assumptions of American tourists traveling to Europe.

Through the narrator's sarcastic tone and humorous descriptions, Twain shows how the tourists' preconceived notions of Europe are often far from the truth. For example, he describes the tourists' fascination with "the ancient and honorable past," while also pointing out that they are "anxious to know what the Romans ate" (Twain 11).

This ironic contrast between the tourists' lofty expectations and their trivial concerns serves to highlight their ignorance and lack of cultural understanding. Similarly, in "A Room with a View," E.M. Forster uses irony to critique the rigid social norms of English society.

To know more about  Innocents Abroad visit:-




My new neighbors came to invite me __________ playing baseball.

A:In order to
D:No choice



D: No choice


The answer is d, there is answer that would make since in this sentence

Can anyone help me plss :( Landon enjoys spending time with his dad. Which two sentences from the text BEST provide relevant and reasonable support for this conclusion?


"Landon enjoys spending time with his dad." Two sentences from the text that best provide relevant and reasonable support for this conclusion are as follows:

To find out which two sentences from the text best provide relevant and reasonable support for the conclusion that Landon enjoys spending time with his dad, we need to look for sentences in the text that describe Landon's relationship with his father.

By reading the text, we can find two sentences that provide relevant support for this conclusion. These are as follows:“Whenever his dad gets a chance, he asks Landon to help him in the garage.” “Landon’s dad always makes time to play catch or shoot some hoops with him.”

To know more about Landon visit:-



Why do Sir Toby, Sir Andrew, and Fabian laugh? Twelfth nights


Answer: After Malvolio leaves, Sir Toby remarks that he “could marry this wench [Maria] for this device. . . . And ask no other dowry with her but such another jest” (II.v.158–160). Maria then rejoins the men, and she, Sir Toby, and Fabian have a good laugh, anticipating what Malvolio is likely to do now. It turns out that Olivia actually hates the color yellow, can’t stand to see crossed garters, and doesn’t want anybody smiling around her right now, since she is still officially in mourning. In other words, Malvolio is destined to make a great fool of himself. They all head off together to watch the fun

what is compound interest



compound interest to the principal sum of a loan or deposit, or in other words, interest on interest


so yeah ;p

Answer:the interest earned on both the principal and interest of an investment or savings account

Explanation: plato


1. Acrostic poem:

2. Alliteration:

3. Allusion

4. Connotation

5. couplet

6. free verse

7. figurative meaning

8. Hyperbole

9. Imagery

10. metaphor


1. Acrostic poem:

An acrostic is a poem in which the first letter of each line spells out a word, message or the alphabet.

2. Alliteration:

The occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.

3. Allusion

An expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference.

The practice of making allusions, especially as an artistic device.

4. Connotation

An idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning.

In Philosophy-

The abstract meaning or intension of a term, which forms a principle determining which objects or concepts it applies to.

5. Couplet

Two lines of verse, usually in the same meter and joined by rhyme, that form a unit.

6. Free verse

Poetry that does not rhyme or have a regular meter.

7. Figurative meaning

Departing from a literal use of words; metaphorical.

(Of an artist or work of art) representing forms that are recognizably derived from life.

8. Hyperbole

Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

9. Imagery

Visually descriptive or figurative language, especially in a literary work.

Visual images collectively

Visual symbolism

10. Metaphor

A figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.

A thing regarded as representative or symbolic of something else, especially something abstract.

Punctuation run run the owner is coming said the knaughty boywhile others giggledthey were in fact gathering the windfall mangoes why are you hereill punish youyou will neve2r gget hold of me


If if the question is to put in the right punctuation than I think this should be it (“run the owner is coming” said the naughty boy, while others giggled, they were in fact gathering the windfall mangoes. Why are you here? I'll punish you. “you will never get hold of me”)


Read the excerpt from Act I Act I of Julius Caesar. "Announcer 2: A month later, the night before the ides of March, all of Rome is frightened by a terrible earthquake and storm. Announcer 1: Weird things have been seen. Announcer 2: Romans believed that such strange events foretold the death of a ruler like Caesar. (Thunder roars and lightning flashes as Casca and Cicero enter from different directions.) Cicero: (Calmly) Good even, Casca. (Casca roughly waves as word as if to protect himself.) Why are you breathless, and why stare you so? Casca: (Looking about as if he feels an earthquake) Are not you moved, when all the earth shakes? (He points to the sky filled with lightning flashes.) Cicero, never till now did I go through a tempest dropping fire. Cicero: (Very amused) Why, saw you anything more wonderful? Casca: (Frightened by unnatural sights) I have not since put up my sword. (He points behind him.) Against the Capitol, I met a lion who glared upon me and went by without annoying me. (He adds more news roughly.) A hundred ghastly women swore they saw men, all in fire, walk up and down the streets. Cicero: (A little uneasy himself} Indeed, it is a strange­ disposed time. Good night, then, Casca. (He looks up at the storm and shudders.) This disturbed sky is not to walk in. (He exits.)

In this excerpt from Act I of Julius Caeser, Casca reacts to the storm and earthquake. How does this affect the play?

A. It shows that Casca believes the only way stop the Soothsayer's prediction from coming true is to accept Caesar as king.

B.Casca believes the storm is revenge from the gods on those who wish to prevent Caesar from becoming king.

C. It shows that the Soothsayer's warning to Caesar of potential danger of the Ides of March could become a reality.

D.Casca thinks that the storm represents the future destruction to Rome if Caesar becomes king.



Casca believes the storm is revenge from the gods on those who wish to prevent Caesar from becoming king.


C - It shows that the Soothsayer's warning to Caesar of potential danger of the Ides of March could become a reality.


Just took the quiz made a 100

Which two words are verbs that show the action in the sentence? flag, men took, hauled she, hauled took, men


Hauled and took are verbs. I’m not sure if that was the answer you were looking for. I’m confused by your question.


it’s B:)


10. Once Victor succeeds, what is his reaction to his creation?



Victor succeeds in bringing his creation, an eight-foot man, to life in November of his second year. Excited and disgusted at "the monster" he had created, he runs from the apartment. He wanders the streets of Ingolstadt until Henry Clerval finds him in poor condition.


Which of the following words is a preposition?



u didn't provide any answer choices but the menaing of that word means word governing, and usually preceding, a noun or pronoun and expressing a relation to another word or element in the clause, as in “the man on the platform,” “she arrived after dinner,” “what did you do it for ?”.

next time add a picture.

Help me answer the question please what’s the answer


Answer: In The Lightning Thief, Percy tries to convince Zeus that Kronos created the scheme to steal the lightning bolt. Zeus does not believe Percy because he believes that Kronos, Zeus's father, was defeated and completely destroyed.



it has 300 more than germini and it still works to get more power

17. The multiple-meaning word crack appears underlined in the paragraph. Which of the
following definitions of the word is its likeliest meaning in the paragraph?
a. to crush
b. to solve
c. to tell a joke
d. to snap apart



Might be B. to solve

Ex: "We might just crack this case!" or, "I thought we had a crack at winning."


The content of the eulogy is for the audience, not the deceased.

a. True
b. False


The statement, "The content of the eulogy is for the audience, not the deceased" is true.

What is a eulogy?

A eulogy is a speech given at a funeral or memorial service to commemorate and honor the life of the deceased. It is generally given by a family member, close friend, or religious leader. The objective of a eulogy is to provide comfort and consolation to the audience while also celebrating the life of the deceased.It is important to note that the content of the eulogy should be focused on the audience, not the deceased. This means that the speaker should consider the interests, feelings, and beliefs of the listeners while composing the eulogy.

A eulogy typically includes personal anecdotes, memories, and stories that highlight the unique qualities, achievements, and impact of the deceased individual. It may touch on their character, values, passions, and significant life events. The eulogy is an opportunity for family members, friends, or a designated speaker to share their heartfelt thoughts, express their love and appreciation, and provide a collective remembrance of the person's life.

While the eulogy can offer solace and support to the grieving audience, its primary focus remains on commemorating the life and legacy of the deceased. By sharing stories, memories, and reflections, the eulogy aims to create a meaningful and memorable tribute that honors the person's memory and provides comfort to those in attendance.

Additionally, a well-delivered eulogy can have a cathartic effect on the mourners, allowing them to collectively mourn, remember, and celebrate the life of their loved one. It can serve as a source of inspiration, encouragement, and a way to find closure during a difficult time.

In summary, while the eulogy does provide comfort and support to the grieving audience, its main purpose is to honor and remember the deceased individual. It offers an opportunity for loved ones to share memories, stories, and reflections that celebrate the person's life, character, and accomplishments. The eulogy serves as a tribute to the deceased and provides comfort, closure, and a collective remembrance for those in attendance.

Learn more about eulogy here:



Which of the options BEST explains how the following lines contribute to Beowulf's characterization as a HERO:

a Beowulf is a Dane
b Beowulf has defeated evil
c Beowulf fights for a prince
d Beowulf only fights for himself


D I’m not sure but if it’s wrong sorry

80. When parking with a curb, what is the only difference between uphill and downhill parking?

81-82. When a person is sitting in a parked car, what are 2 clues that they may pull out in
in front of you?

(No clue what category I should put this)


When parking uphill at a curb, turn your front wheels away from the curb. When you're parking downhill, turn your front wheels toward the curb.

How to park a car on a hill top?

The difference between parking uphill and downhill is that when parking uphill at a curb, turn your front wheels away from the curb. When you're parking downhill, turn your front wheels toward the curb.

When a person is sitting in a parked car, the clues that they may pull out in front of you is when the car is parked at the downhill.

Learn more about landscape here:



During the life cycle of birth, reproduction, and decay:

matter is neither created nor destroyed
matter is created and destroyed
matter is created or destroyed



Mass is neither created or destroyed.


Mass cannot be lost. The rule states that "mass is never created or destroyed."

We talked for really or real, long time ?



it could be both but i would say really


Part A

How does Sandra Cisneros use foreshadowing in "A House of My Own"?

to link her work to key historical events from the past

to make comparisons between herself and other artists

to describe events in her life metaphorically

to create a connection between the present and future
Question 2
Part B

Which answer choice best describes the effect of Cisneros using foreshadowing as identified in Part A?

She describes the spectacular view from her new office, which later connects with her mother visiting that same office, to show readers how much she appreciates her mother's encouragement of her dreams.

She tells of her job teaching students in her mother's old neighborhood, which later connects with her encouraging a promising student, to show readers her pride in her Hispanic heritage.

She discusses writing three stories in one weekend at Iowa, which later connects with friends workshopping stories in her apartment, to show readers how dedicated she is to her craft.

She describes her father's disappointment in her shabby apartment, which later connects with his phone calls asking her to come home, to show readers her guilt for going against her father's wishes.


Answer: How does Sandra Cisneros use foreshadowing in "A House of My Own"? to add dramatic tension by building anticipation for future events. O to give her work a poetic rhythm and pace. to tell readers about events that happened in the past. to appeal to the fives senses of her readers.



Pt A-To describe her life metaphorically or to link her work to key historical events from the past

Pt. B- She describes the spectacular view from her new office, which later connects with her mother visiting that same office, to show readers how much she appreciates her mother's encouragement of her dreams.

NOT ACCURATE!!!I am not completely sure if this is correct, please find other sources before you use minehope this helps

Select two sentences from Passage 2 that support the inference that
researchers are unsure of the effect that clicking moths have on bats.
Select 2 correct answer(s)
“As a bat zips through the night sky, it sends out high-pitched
squeaks, bouncing sound waves off of objects and unsuspecting
prey" (paragraph 5)
"While most insect victims would have trouble fighting back, many
dive and loop to avoid enemies, and some have the added advantage
of being poisonous." (paragraph 5)
“Tiger moths have a special clicker called a tymbal built into their
thorax." (paragraph 6)
"Scientists have proposed a few reasons for the tymbal's success,
ranging from its potential to startle a bat to its possible role as a
“jammer' that garbles the bats' hunting squeaks." (paragraph 6)
"The bat may recognize the clicks from the 11,000 tiger moth
species, learning to avoid the critters after an initial bout of food
poisoning." (paragraph 7)


Scientists have proposed a few reasons for the tymbal's success, ranging from its potential to startle a bat to its possible role as a “jammer' and The bat may recognize the clicks from the 11,000 tiger moth species, learning to avoid the critters are the inference sentence.

What are inference sentence?

Inference sentence is using the logical conclusion of any particular content. It can be the opinion of any person or the study of any article.

An example of inference sentence is Sara is going to gym, she must have trying to lose weight.

Thus, option C and D are correct.

For more details about inference sentence, click here:



Read the following sentence. Which of these is the modifier in the sentence?
The tourist excitedly snapped pictures of the ocean.


Answer: The answer is B) excitedly

Reread lines 1-23. what is expected about Fred Collins's statement in lines 13-15? support answer with explicit textual





helppppp anyone all the page I'll give 30 points plz (no answer ->report)​





1. time

2. luck

3. point

4. date

5. breeze

6. caution


1. forecast

2. germs

3. fog

4. resort

5. surveys

6. consequences

7. drought

8. temperatures


1. irresponsible

2. objections

3. criticizing

4. effective

5. Observation

6. threatening

7. significant

8. remaining



1. took

2. improves

3. knew

4. hadn't argued

5. finishes

6. would

plz mark me as brainliest





Help me... thank you!! ​


Setting: Bahamas

Character: Peter, John, And The Woman

Plot: Basically Peter went to Bahamas and met a friend and something embarrasing happened to him.

Theme: Not sure, but I think it is to be more careful while walking


Setting: the Bahamas

Character: Peter

Plot: Peter goes went to the Bahamas. He met a guy named John. They decided to buy ice cream for everyone. Peter slid to a woman's breast. John explained that they'll be more careful

Theme(s): people can make mistakes. Friends can help you


I'm not too sure about these, but they're my best shot at it.

Identify where a comma should be placed by choosing the word after which the comma should be placed. If there is no error, mark the answer for “No error.”

Elizabeth is looking forward to the summer camp yet it means she will need to be away from her family for two weeks.

No error



The answer is Camp.


add hearts and Good luck!!! ^w^

Answer: b


Other Questions
the budget which shows predicted amounts of the company's assets, liabilities, and equity as of the end of the budget period is the: A protein is composed of 6 subunits. Two have a molecular weight of 55 kDa, two have a molecular weight of 75 kDa, and 3 have a molecular weight of 95 kDa. How many bands should you see on a native polyacrylamide gel stained with Coomasie Blue? Please explain please give short simpleanswers! will give thumbs upAssume that, according to the most recent CPS Survey, there are 208 million people in the civilian population. 52 million people are not in the labor force and 14 million people are unemployed. Based do rainsford and zaroff follow the rules in ""the most dangerous game""? Which of the following costs would be needed in order to calculate the economic order quantity? i. The cost of storing materials ii. The cost of interest incurred in financing materials iii. The cost of ordering materials iv. The cost of insuring materials Item (i) and (ii) only O Items (iii)) and (iv) only Item (i), (iii) and (iv) only O All of them Decision making is the process of identifying and choosing alternative courses of action. While we want to make rational decisions, sometimes we don'tsometimes we make non-rational decisions. There are four steps in rational decision-making: Recognize and define the problem or opportunity. In business, the problem can come in the form of customer complaints, supplier breakdowns, staff turnover, sales decline, and so on. Organizations proactively seek opportunities to exceed goals, surpass the industry expectations, and to expand and grow the business. Identify and analyze alternative courses of action. Leaders should seek input from multiple sources to interpret and analyze the problem/opportunity to come up with as many options as possible to solve the issue. Choose a preferred course of action. The group want to answer the following: Is the action ethical? Is it feasible? (Costs, technology availability.) Is it effective? If your answer to this question is the resolution is "good enough," you want to rethink this solutionit will cause more harm than good. Implement the preferred course of action. You need to the participation from all teams to successfully implement the action. On the other hand, non-rational decisions are generally the result of either satisficing (going with the first available option without much research) or intuition (using your "gut" or just your own feelings to make decisions). Cube Ice Company received a 120-day, 6% note for $36,000, dated April 9, from a customer on account. Assume 360 days in a year. a. Determine the due date of the note. b. Determine the maturity value of the note. c. Journalize the entry to record the receipt of the payment of the note at maturity. If an amount box does not require an entry, leave it blank. The client receiving mechanical ventilation has become more restless over the course of the shift. Which is the nurse's first action?a. Sedate the client.b. Call the health care provider.c. Assess the client for pain.d. Assess the client's oxygenation. the ________ function determines whether or not an object is an instance of a specific class or an instance of a subclass of that class. it requires 350 joules to raise a certain amount of a substance from 10.0c to 30.0c. the specific heat of the substance is 1.2 j/g is the mass of the substance?a.12 gb.15 gc.18 gd.30 g 5)A Marxist believes thatAall economies should be driven by profitBall economies should be ruled by dictatorsCall economies should be run by senatorsD.......none of the above6) A Racial Constructivist believes that race isa- A natural category and not realb- A natural category and realc- Not a natural category but still a social realityd- All of the above.7) According Marx humans suffer Alienation froma) natureb) our selves (species being)c) other peopleD) both a) and b)E) a), b) and c)8) According to an Existentialist we have Dishonesty or Bad Faith when we ignore the truth about ourselves and the world.TrueFalse9) According to Marx the Bourgeoisie area- Those who own the means of productionb- Those who produce productsc- Those who labord- Those trade on the stock market Which of the following consumer credit acts examines lenders' practices regarding race, religion, national origin, color, gender, marital status, or age? a) Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). b) Truth-in-Lending Act (TILA). c) Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA). d) Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). A small company, Stevens Textile Co. is expanding its operations and needs additional financing to support its expansion projects. The company is planning to change its business registration from a limited liability company to a corporation. As a corporation it will be listed on the stock exchange market and sell shares to the public to raise capital from investors. The business will be managed by professional executives who are not owners of the corporation.1.Explain agency relationship and agency costs to the owners of Stevens Textile Co.2.Suppose Stevens Textile company is very successful and the founders cash out most of their stock and turn the company over to an elected board of directors. Neither the founders nor any other stockholders own a controlling interest (this is the situation in most public companies). List six potential managerial behaviors that can harm a firms value.3. What is corporate governance? List five corporate governance provisions that are internal to a firm and under its control.4. Stevens Textile Co. might want to reduce the conflict of interest that may arise between corporate executives and shareholders by electing board of directors to oversee the activities of the corporate executives. Identify five characteristics of the board of directors that usually lead to effective corporate governance. On May 1, 2021, Crane Company declared and issued a 10% common stock dividend. Prior to this dividend, Crane had 190000 shares of $1 par value common stock issued and outstanding. The fair value of Crane's common stock was $23 per share on May 1, 2021. As a result of this stock dividend, Crane's total stockholders' equity O decreased by $23000. O decreased by $437000. O did not change. O increased by $437000. helpZolezzi Incorporated is preparing its cash budget for March. The budgeted beginning cash balance is $23,000. Budgeted cash receipts total $114,000 and budgeted cash disbursements total $89,000. The de Assume a corporation has earnings before depreciation and taxes of $85,000, depreciation of $25,000, and that it has a 30% combined tax bracket. What are the after-tax cash flows for the company? Multiple Choice . $67,000 . $61,800 . $71,600 . $70,800 business entity does not involve a majority voting stock interest or direct ownership of assets statutory consolidationvariable interest entity (VIE) statutory merger. control without dissolution If the cost of adding storage was $30/pound and the cost of reducing setup time by 50% using additional fixtures was $20,000 for the filter process and $10,000 for the extraction process, what action would you recommend in order to maximize the output of this production line add storage, reduce setup time or both and why? How do I find 2 power series solutions about the point x0=0 for the differential equation: (1+2x) y''-2y'-(3+2X) y=0? A broadband service company borrowed $2 mil- lion for new equipment and repaid the principal of the loan plus $275,000 interest after 1 year. What was the interest rate on the loan?