which of the following best describes how the articles of confederation divided government power


Answer 1


as a one-branch federal government with three basic power as a three-branch federal government with one basic power

as one-branch state governments with three basic powers

as three-branch state governments with one basic power

Related Questions

How were villages affected by the agricultural revolution?
O Settlers could stay in one place, allowing the village to grow.
O Settlers lacked building materials because they needed to hunt.
O Settlers had to plan their hunting schedules and lacked a food supply.
O Settlers worried about invasions of their village by remaining in one place.


Answer:settlers could stay in one place, allowing the village to grow


__is a group of people who share cultural traits such as language,
music, food, and religion.



A) Ethnic People is a group of people who share cultural traits, etc...

The best way to ensure that disputes between states can be settled quickly and fairly is through a federal court system





Yes, supreme court which is a part of federal court system can settled disputes quickly and fairly between states because supreme court is the highest court of the country which make their decision on the basis of evidences not personal preferences so it can resolves the disputes occurs between states of the country efficiently. There are three parts of federal court system i. e. district courts, circuit courts and supreme court.

what is an artisan slave


Answer:.Skilled craftsmen and craftswomen who could earn wages for their owner


(1) those slave artisans are who. applied their skill or produced goods.


texas is the #1 producer in the United States of all of the following crops except: a. corn b. cotton c. spinach d. watermelon





Cause I know




we were the main area for slavery because of all of the cotton. we still have much more because slavery was ended. (i don't support slavery)  

How can we compare Rome to how our society/government is today?



Ancient Rome and contemporary society are vastly different. However, some comparisons can be drawn.

For example, many social institutions of the West trace their origin back to Rome: Republicanism, the Senate, Consulships, and so on. And even if these institutions have changed a lot ever since, they still share some similarities with their current forms.

Another comparison can be drawn specifically between the United States and Rome. The United States is the most powerful country in the world, just like Rome was, and because of this, many political commentators have called the U.S. a modern empire, and often establish parallels between Roman history and American history.

Select all that apply

What were the goals set by the Virginia Company of London for its Jamestown settlers?

1.to establish a fish trade

2.to find gold

3.I to establish trade in furs

4.to create a joint-stock company

5.to grant charters for North American colonies



I would imply that it is 4


The goal of the Virginia Company was clear enough: establish a permanent colony in America that would make a profit for the Company. ... The London Company would establish Jamestown in Virginia, England's first permanent settlement in the New World.

The Virginia Company of London was a joint-stock company chartered by King James I in 1606 to establish a colony in North America. Such a venture allowed the Crown to reap the benefits of colonization—natural resources, new markets for English goods, leverage against the Spanish—without bearing the costs.

What type of mounds were the Mississippians known for building?



Conical burial mounds.

a)Identify, based on your reading, ONE specific example about the relationship between government and public works during the 13th century that could have led the author to conclude that those who built the Grand Canal deserve more credit than those who built the Great Wall.


Answer: they worked hard to be able to get it done with. The creation of it caused some deaths but helped out in the end


Why might a cartoonist include a known cartoon character like SpongeBob in a political cartoon?


In order to create a sense of familiarity between the cartoon and the audience. An audience is more likely to pay attention to and agree with a political cartoon that includes a character they know and love.


When you have a specific character the person needs to connect with the character and get to know it, and that develops a relationship with that character and gets to learn and love that character and that is what connects the character and the audience

____________________ is an example of environmental change. a. Native Americans hunting rabbits and mice b. Native religious traditions changing over time c. Spanish settlement increasing d. none of the above


D I think Becouse non of them Becouse the environment changed

what is the purpose in anti-monopoly laws


Answer:Anti-monopoly policies are intended to regulate the market share an individual company can have in order to enforce competition.


can you be my friend here's a welcome card.

The Umayyad Caliphate was which of the four major Arab Islamic caliphates.



The Umayyad Caliphate was the second of the four major Arab caliphates established after the death of Muhammad. This caliphate was centered on the Umayyad dynasty, hailing from Mecca.


according to the Hindu caste system, which caste included priests?​



Traditionally, the priests have come from Brahmin Varna although in some parts of India people from other countries such as Lingayats from the parts of Karnataka have performed the function.

What is a indentured servant.



An indentured servant or indentured laborer is an employee within a system of unfree labor who is bound by a signed or forced contract to work without pay for the owner of the indenture for a period of time.



An indentured servant or indentured laborer is an employee within a system of unfree labor who is bound by a signed or forced contract to work without pay for the owner of the indenture for a period of time. The contract often lets the employer sell the labor of an indenturee to a third party.

Asa Whitney asked Congress to support building a railroad. The railroad was officially completed. President Lincoln signed a law to officially support the railroad.



Asa Whitney requested the right to build a transcontinental railroad.

plz give brainlist

hope this helped


1: 1845

2: 1869

3: 1862


1.)The Middle Colonies had a warmer climate than the North but not as warm as the South

2.)The first New England colony was settled in Plymouth by the Puritans

3.)The New England Colony's climate allowed them to grow and harvest crops for money.

4.)The Quakers were were another religious group to come and settle the Middle Colonies


1. True 2.True 3.False 4.True

The site identifies five different reasons why
European immigrants came to the United States
during this 100-year period. What are these five
reasons? Write at least one paragraph for each
of the reasons, describing how each reason
influenced individuals to immigrate to the United



After long constituting the bulk of migration to the United States, European immigration has largely declined since 1960. Following the end of communism in the 1990s, European arrivals slightly increased, but the population has more recently begun to shrink again. In 2016, about 4.8 million Europeans lived in the United States, accounting for 11 percent of the roughly 44 million U.S. immigrants—down from 75 percent in 1960.

The first significant European immigration wave, spanning the 16th to 18th centuries, consisted mostly of settlers from the British Isles attracted by economic opportunity and religious freedom. These early immigrants were a mix of well-to-do individuals and indentured servants. Irish, German, and Scandinavian immigrants arriving during the 1840s and 1850s made up the second wave of European immigration, fleeing famine, religious persecution, and political conflicts. Unlike the first Europeans, who were mostly Protestants, the new arrivals were overwhelmingly Catholic. They came from much poorer backgrounds and were younger and less skilled.

After a pause in European immigration during the U.S. Civil War, more than 20 million immigrants arrived—primarily from Southern and Eastern Europe—between 1880 and 1920. Most Southern European immigrants were motivated by economic opportunity in the United States, while Eastern Europeans (primarily Jews) fled religious persecution. World War I slowed European immigration, and the national-origin quotas established in 1921 and 1924—which gave priority to Western and Northern Europeans—coupled with the Great Depression and the onset of World War II brought immigration from Europe to a near halt.



Read Explantion


After long constituting the bulk of migration to the United States, European immigration has largely declined since 1960. Following the end of communism in the 1990s, European arrivals slightly increased, but the population has more recently begun to shrink again. In 2016, about 4.8 million Europeans lived in the United States, accounting for 11 percent of the roughly 44 million U.S. immigrants—down from 75 percent in 1960.

The first significant European immigration wave, spanning the 16th to 18th centuries, consisted mostly of settlers from the British Isles attracted by economic opportunity and religious freedom. These early immigrants were a mix of well-to-do individuals and indentured servants. Irish, German, and Scandinavian immigrants arriving during the 1840s and 1850s made up the second wave of European immigration, fleeing famine, religious persecution, and political conflicts. Unlike the first Europeans, who were mostly Protestants, the new arrivals were overwhelmingly Catholic. They came from much poorer backgrounds and were younger and less skilled.

After a pause in European immigration during the U.S. Civil War, more than 20 million immigrants arrived—primarily from Southern and Eastern Europe—between 1880 and 1920. Most Southern European immigrants were motivated by economic opportunity in the United States, while Eastern Europeans (primarily Jews) fled religious persecution. World War I slowed European immigration, and the national-origin quotas established in 1921 and 1924—which gave priority to Western and Northern Europeans—coupled with the Great Depression and the onset of World War II brought immigration from Europe to a near halt.

Even though the 1965 Immigration Act did away with country quotas, by then fewer Europeans were seeking to cross the Atlantic either because their economic fortunes had improved during postwar reconstruction or because their communist governments restricted emigration. The fall of the Iron Curtain in the early 1990s ushered in the most recent wave of European immigration, dominated by people from Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The number of European immigrants in the United States has declined slightly since 2000

In 2016, most Europeans who obtained lawful permanent residence in the United States (also known as getting a green card) did so as immediate relatives of U.S. citizens or through employment channels. Compared to the overall foreign- and native-born populations, European immigrants on average are significantly older and more educated and have higher household incomes, though they are less likely to participate in the labor force. Sociodemographic and economic characteristics vary considerably by European country of birth, however.

Using data from the U.S. Census Bureau (the most recent 2016 American Community Survey [ACS] as well as pooled 2012–16 ACS data), the Department of Homeland Security’s Yearbook of Immigration Statistics, and the World Bank’s annual remittance data, this Spotlight provides information on the European population in the United States, focusing on its size, geographic distribution, and socioeconomic characteristics.


The U.S. Census Bureau defines the foreign born as individuals who had no U.S. citizenship at birth. The foreign-born population includes naturalized citizens, lawful permanent residents, refugees and asylees, legal nonimmigrants (including those on student, work, or other temporary visas), and persons residing in the country without authorization.

The terms foreign born and immigrant are used interchangeably and refer to those who were born in another country and later emigrated to the United States.

Data collection constraints do not permit inclusion of those who gained European citizenship via naturalization and later moved to the United States.

The U.S. Census Bureau defines European regions as:

Northern Europe includes Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.

Western Europe includes Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.

Southern Europe includes Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, and Spain.

Eastern Europe includes Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, and Yugoslavia.

Russia may include other republics of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics not elsewhere classified. In this Spotlight, Czechoslovakia is reported separately from the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Native Americans lived in teepees as they followed herds of bison across the Great Plains. Which of the following environmental factors led bison to flourish in the Great Plains? Choose 1 answer: Choose 1 answer: (Choice A) A The wet grasslands of the western Great Plains created prairie ideal for grazing. (Choice B) B The arrival of horses in 1519 made it easier for Native Americans to herd and breed bison. (Choice C) C The melting of glaciers provided new water sources for bison herds. (Choice D) D Bison were chased onto the Great Plains by prehistoric predators.



Choice A


Bison are able to adapt to very high and low temps which make the grasslands ideal and perfect

the study of Earth and its people, places, and natural surroundings, or environment is



Geography is the answer.


Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments. Geographers explore both the physical properties of Earth's surface and the human societies spread across it.

What similarities are there between different versions of the Golden Rule?


Answer: Some similarities are the Golden Rule is treat others only as you consent to being treated in the same situation.

I do something to another

I'm unwilling that this to be done to me in the same situation.

Explanation: So to answer  your question no matter how many different versions there might of the Golden Rule , but you have to follow the top two rules which are the main rules.

What is the relationship between reflectional symmetry and reflection



A set of points has line symmetry if and only if there is a line, l, such that the reflection through l of each point in the set is also a point in the set. (May also be referred to as reflectional symmetry.) Certain figures can be mapped onto themselves by a reflection in their lines of symmetry.


How does Guy de Maupassant create suspense and surprise at the end? in an uncomfortable bed?



The author creates suspense by providing possible scenarios of what may happen. The narrator examines the room in great detail, and the reader gets a sense that something can happen at any moment. The room becomes quiet and dark and, even as he goes to sleep, the narrator is convinced something will happen. Instead of immediately telling readers what happens when the narrator wakes up, the author provides ambiguous details. “I stretched out my hand to find out what was the nature of this object. I felt a face, a nose, and whiskers which made me jump straight out of the soaked sheets, and rush in my nightshirt into the corridor, the door of which I found open.” Finally, the narrator shares that he actually caused the whole incident to happen.


for plato users

What was laissez-faire capitalism that was promoted by people such as
Herbert Spencer?



Social Darwinism and American Laissez-faire Capitalism British philosopher Herbert Spencer went a step beyond Darwin's theory of evolution and applied it to the development of human society. In the late 1800s, many Americans enthusiastically embraced Spencer's "Social Darwinism" to justify laissez-faire, or unrestricted, capitalism.


What major issues does Bartolome de las Casas bring up regarding Spanish expeditions in the Caribbean?



Spanish cruelty towards the Indian people.


Bartolome de Las Casas was a 16th-century first Spanish Bishop of Chiapas. He was a colonist who acted as a recorder and saviour of Natives Indians. Bartolome saw the exploitation of Indigenous people by the European. In his many writings, he describes the horrors committed by the Spanish colonizers against the Native peoples. The first Spaniard to arrive were soldiers and conquistadors who with weapons like swords, lances, cannons, and horses, killed thousands of Native Indians. They looted golds from ancient civilizations and build colonies to make wealth. The colonies aimed to suppress indigenous peoples where the Indians remain quiet and the Spanish as aggressive behaviour.

What is one main difference between the Hebrews' religious beliefs and those of many of the early

A. it taught that earthly pleasures were all that was needed

B. it was based on non-religious teachings

C. it was monotheistic

D. it had no gods to worship




It had one God that was to be worshiped. Just One. That's monotheism. Hedonism is the first one. The Hebrews were anything but Hedonistic outside of Exodus and maybe King David.

It had One God. Monotheism is One. Mono = One.

That does not mean none.

The Old Testament was nothing if it was not religious.

please help me with this thank you :)!


1. There’s so many problems because theres no rules/laws around. That’s why people are driving in limits that they want, people stealing from other people and so on. Also because it looks likes there’s no government to keep order.

2. Maybe starting with some laws and rules in the island so they can be some harmony at least. An maybe police or law enforcement so people can be intimidated so they’ll stop the robbing and stealing, etc.

3. 1 reason is because they’ll be chaos all the time. People won’t care about stealing, they’ll keep driving recklessly and murders will go up as well. Another reason is to keep citizens safe from danger and can be protected. And lastly, the government can protect citizens from global attacks or pandemics. Because without a government, citizens themselves can’t protect themselves from a global threat.


Why do you suppose this form of government has lasted more than 200 years


Answer: harder than you might expect. ... forms of government and nations on Earth with a focus on the most ... As of 2015, the United States has been in existence for 239 years, ...


Select the correct answer. Both Pakistan and India have claimed the Kashmir region. This situation has resulted in which of the following consequences? A. increasing unity between the countries B. the formation of a new country C. the formation of a new religion D. increasing tensions between the countries


Answer: d obviously cause it has created more dispute



the answer is d


i took the test in plato

Statues from the Archaic period are characterized by a facial expression known as the ______ smile.



Archaic smile



Statues from the Archaic period are characterized by a facial expression known as the "archaic smile"

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