Which of the following accurately describes Poiseuille's law?a. blood flow is not related to resistance. b. if resistance increases, flow increases. c. if resistance increases, flow decreases. d. viscosity of the blood is not related to flow. e. pH of the blood influences flow.


Answer 1

Answer: Option C.

if resistance increases, flow decreases.


if resistance increases, flow decreases describe Poiseuille's law because it explain the relationship between fluid flow and the viscosity of the fluid, length and width of the turning. The law describe fluid flow is related to length and radius of tubing and viscosity. Increase in resistance will result in decrease in flow rate because flow and resistance are reciprocally related in one way or the other.

Related Questions

PLEASE HELP ASAP!!! CORRECT ANSWERS ONLY PLEASE!! Which evidence would confirm that a given rock layer is newer than the layers around it? A. It has been crumpled and folded, while the other layers lie flat. B. Other layers have been deposited above it. C. It is horizontally-oriented. D. It cuts through all the other layers.



D it cuts through all the layers





It has been crumpled and folded, while the other layers lie flat. Other layers have been deposited above it

Which of the following ECG components represents a lack of electrical activity? A. T-wave B. Q-T interval C. P-R interval D. Isoelectric line



The correct answer is : D. isoelectric line.


ECG interpretation requires the analysis of various waves and curves and their characteristic.  There are different type of waves and curves that can be found and analyzed in ECG such as P- wave, T wave, PR interval and others.

All these curves and interval shows electrical activities generating by the repolarization and depolarization of atria and ventricles of heart.

Base line or isoelectric line shows a flat line which have no electric activity as there is no negative or positive charge to create deflection.

Thus, the correct answer is : D. isoelectric line.

HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPLLLLLLSSSSSSSSSS Heat and pressure can change limestone into marble. Marble is a(n): igneous rock metamorphic rock sedimentary rock conglomerate rock



Metamorphic rock


metamorphic rock formed when limestone is exposed to high temperatures and pressures. Marble forms under this condition because the calcite forming the limestone recrystallises forming a denser rock consisting of roughly equigranular calcite crystals.

What age does a tree obtain its bark


25 y/o to obtain its bark

Which statement describes the relationship between seafloor spreading and continental drift?



D. As the seafloor spreading occurs, the continents move.





Any1 up for a meet #E-mates


the answer is noooo sirr

Do sunflowers grow better in fields or individually?


I live in the country and like to study agriculture. Usually sunflowers will grow better in the field because the sunflowers are together and will get water all at once.

Hope this helped.
I think it grows better in fields because then get the same amount of sunlight and water when together

what Si units do you use to describe the width of a flower





Eventually the weight will stop moving. Why? Where does the energy go?



the energy is lost due to friction or air resistance or any opposing or resisting forcw for that matter


There are many reason why something will stop moving.  For example, if you throw a ball up into the air it reaches a max where it stops due to both gravity pulling it down and the air resistance that the ball is experiencing.

Another example is if a car is driving on a flat road and the driver takes the foot off the gas the car will come to a stop after some time due to the friction that is being caused by the road.  The energy from the tire would get consumed as friction occures between the road and tire where the enegery would be transferred to the road.

Plants need radiant energy and which of the following resources for photosynthesis

.glucose and water

.oxygen and water

.carbon dioxide and water

.oxygen and glucose



carbon dioxide and water


plants make use of CO2 and H2O

Answer: carbon dioxide and water

Explanation: I had the same question once

is a thermostat an open or closed system?



A thermostat is a system.

Which of the following polypeptides is most likely to form an α-helix explain your answer.(a) CRAGNRKIVLETY (b) SEDNFGAPKSILW (c) QKASVEMAVRNSG





The alpha helix is a protein arrangement tightly packed, thereby the peptide will form a rod. The option (c) is expected to form an alpha helix because it contains three amino acids charged which are aligned on the face of the helix, 1-two residues positively charged: Lysine (K) and Arginine (R), and 2-one residue negatively charged: Glutamic Acid (E).

The following polypeptides are most likely to form an α-helix explain your answer - (c) QKASVEMAVRNSG

Destabilization of α-helices

The formation of alpha-helix required correct steric configuration. Amino acids with R-groups are too large like tryptophan, and tyrosine or too small glycine destabilize α-helices.

Proline also destabilizes α-helices has irregular geometry and causes steric hindrance because its R-group bonds back to the nitrogen of the amide group.


There is Glycine in this sequence, so it can not form an alpha helix.


The presence of glycine and proline causes not to form an alpha helix.


Glycine is present but still, it is most likely to form an alpha helix as glycine is the end of the sequence.

Find more information about a-helices:


If you were to climb to the top of Mt. Everest (~9km above sea level), how many breaths of air would you need to take at that altitude to get the same amount of air in your lungs as you could when breathing at sea level?a. 3 b. 5 c. 7 d. 15



The correct answer would be option a. 3


When lung exposed to a high altitude like Mt. Everest, it shows elevated heart rate, faster breathing due to hyperventilation so it could get enough oxygen supply to its tissues.

The oxygen level at sea level are three time more than the oxygen level at Mt. Everest as oxygen level is 30 to 33 percent of the seal level.

Thus, the correct answer is : option a. 3.

In a cross between a white‑eyed female with two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome (XwXwY) with a red‑eyed male, the majority of the males have white eyes and the majority of the females have red eyes. However, rare red‑eyed males and white‑eyed females are present as well. What is the most likely chromosomal constitution of the red‑eyed males and white‑eyed females resulting from this cross? X+XwY females and Xw males X+Y males and XwXw females XwY males and XwX+ females X+Y males and XwXwY females X+XwY males and Xw females



The correct answer is - =X+Y males and XwXwY females


during meiosis, XXY females are prone particularly to X chromosome during meiosis. This nondisjunction can lead to the production of both X+Y red-eye male and XwXwY white eye females.

The red-eye male has resulted from the fertilization of X bearing sperm and Y bearing egg. The XwXwY is formed from Y bearing sperm and an egg with two chromosome fertilization.

What the requirements of every single natural process on Earth



sunlight is the requirement of every single natural process on earth.


Explanation:light from the sun.

The DNA sequence of a gene for a protein:______.a. mutates at a high rate.b. is a polymer of four ribonucleotides.c. ultimately determines the amino acid sequence of a protein.d. is a non‑linear code.



The correct answer is : Option C.  ultimately determines the amino acid sequence of a protein


DNA sequence is destined to make a specific amino acid chain of a particular protein through the process of transcription and translation. These two process together known as the protein synthesis.

DNA sequence makes the mRNA sequence and this mRNA sequence with tRNA and ribsomes are used to form the sequence of the amino acid chain   of a protein during protein synthesis.

Thus, the correct answer is option C.

How does a swim bladder help the ray-finned fishes maintain buoyancy?A. Gas is added to the bladder as the fish's depth increases.B. It removes oxygen from the water and stores it.C. It removes water from the digestive tract.D. It adds and removes salt from the water stored in the bladder, which changes its density and thus its buoyancy.E. Gas is removed from the bladder as the fish's depth increases.



A. Gas is added to the bladder as the fish's depth increases.


The swim bladder is a gas-filled organ localized in the dorsal region of Osteichthyes (bony fish) that allows them to regulate buoyancy, thus maintaining water depth without swimming. Since the swim bladder localizes in the dorsal region, it also functions as a stabilizing organ. This organ is composed of two sacs whose walls contract and expand in response to water pressure. The swim bladder contains an oval window that enables to adjust buoyancy in order to maintain a constant depth, or to ascend or descend in a wide range of water depths.

The human genome contains approximately 10 6 copies of an Alu sequence, one of the best-studied classes of short interspersed elements (SINEs), per haploid genome. Individual Alu units share a 282-nucleotide consensus sequence followed by a 3'-adenine-rich tail region (Schmid, 1998). Given that there are approximately 3×109 base pairs per human haploid genome, about how many base pairs are spaced between each Alu sequence?





- Human haploid genome >>> 3 x 10⁹ base pairs >>> 3,000,000,000 base pairs

- Human haploid genome >>> 10⁶ copies >>>  1,000,000 Alu Transposable Elements

- Space between each Alu Transposable Element (TE) >>>

3,000,000,000 base pairs / 1,000,000 Alu elements  = 3,000 base pairs

Alu elements are highly repetitive DNA sequences that account for approximately 20% of the human genome. These sequences (Alu) are considered to be non-autonomous Transposable Elements (TEs) capable of transposing within the genome via an RNA intermediary.

If an enzyme is placed in a lower than optimal pH, its loss of activity might be due to



denaturing of the peptide bonds


Enzymes are proteins that help speed up chemical reactions. However, they require specific temperatures and pH's to work optimally and produce the best outcome.

If an enzyme is placed in a lower than optimal pH, that means that there are more H+ ions, and the environment is more acidic. This influx of H+ ions can denature the peptide bonds within the enzyme, causing it to fold in a different way and be unable to carry out its normal duties. Hence, the activity of the enzyme will decrease significantly.

~ an aesthetics lover

Dr. Foster was studying the effects of zinc on the common cold. She hypothesized that zinc would shorten the duration of the common cold. She conducted a study in which patients suffering from a cold were given daily doses of either zinc or a placebo and the amount of time it took for them to feel better was measured. whats the independent variable: whats the dependent variable: whats the constant variable: whats the control group: whats the experimental group:



Independent variable: Zinc doses Dependent variable: The duration of the cold. Control group: patients who received the placebo. Experimental group: Patients who received the dose of zinc.


The independent variable is one that does not need to be influenced by anything to be measured. In addition, this variable influences the result of the experiment. In the above experiment, we can see that Dr. Foster is analyzing the influence of zinc doses on the duration of colds, with that we can conclude that the zinc doses (which influence a result) are the independent variables.

The dependent variable is one that needs an influence to be measured. This influence is the independent variable, which influences a result within the dependent variable. As we can see in the above experiment, the duration of the cold is influenced by the zinc dozen, therefore, the duration of the cold is the dependent variable.

The experimental group is the group that receives the element that is being tested in the experiment. The experiment is testing zinc doses, so the group of patients who received the zinc doses is the experimental group.

The control group is the group that did not receive the element that is being tested in the experiment. The group that did not receive the zinc doses is the control group.

What is the most likely cause of a disorder if both monozygotic and dizygotic twins show a high concordance rate?



The options are

A. Recessive genes

B. Dominant genes

C. Different environmental experiences

D. Shared environmental experiences

The answer is D. Shared environmental experiences


The most likely cause of a disorder if both monozygotic and dizygotic twins show a high concordance rate is shared environmental experiences.

This is because twins usually have a very high degree of concordance rate i.e they have similar genetic traits and characteristics as a result of factors such as Recessive and Dominant genes. The disorder or abnormality which would support this is them having shared environmental experiences which will make them have it in common unlike different environmental experiences which will aid variation.

8. On page 8 of your textbook the authors describe an experiment in which the amount of butter is
changed between two cookie recipes. Imagine a scenario in which a person also changes the type
of flour used (whole wheat flour versus regular bleached flour). Is this still an effective
controlled experiment? Briefly explain your answer either way.


upload a picture of the page

Do you think that this type of genetic engineering should be pursued? Explain your answer





I think as people, we have to look at everything twice and consider the bad and the good to reqlly get the best result.

yes we all need to look over things to see and evaluate the pros and cons

what is the maxium temperature reached when you combine 25 grams of zinc with hydrochloric acid?​



The approximate value for the maximum temperature reached during this reaction will be 87.1 °C (option E).  


Zinc is a reactive metal so it will strongly react with the hydrochloric acid, which also is a strong acid and so it is highly reactive too. This will result in an exothermic reaction (one where heat is given off to the surrounding).

The products of this reaction will be hydrogen gas and aqueous zinc chloride (replacement reaction).

Organic molecules are sometimes found within meteorites that crash into Earth. Which meteorite condition in space is similar to what most likely was present in Earth's early atmosphere?



Organic molecules

Explain the importance of feedback inhinbition to the cell



Feedback inhibition is also necessary to prevent enzymes from breaking down too many molecules that are energy sources for the cell, such as glucose. Inhibition takes place in glycolysis, the process of breaking down the sugar glucose to produce the cell's "energy currency" molecule ATP.

what is the average time for the toy to move 1.0m. on dirt? A) 20.2 s, B) 24.2 s, C) 28.1 s, D) 60.7 s. ​ " Need help asap please and thank you. Only correct answers. I tried and got it wrong. The correct answer is 20.2 s


The correct answer is A. 20.2 s


The table shows there were three trials to measure how much time a toy car needs to move 1 meter on different surfaces. Now, to find the average time on a surface simply add the results of the three trials and divide this by number 3 (number of trials). The process to know the average time on dirt is shown below:

20 + 19.2 + 21.5 = 60.7 - Results of each of the trials

60.7 ÷ 3 = 20.2 s - Divide the total by the number of trials

This means the average time for the toy to move on dirt was 20.2s

Photosynthesis is important to living organisms because it is
A. The foundation of most food chains
B. The source of nitrogen gas in the air
C. How animals get carbon dioxide to breathe
D. The process that occurs in most ecosystems



A.the foundation of most food chains.During photosynthesis plants let out oxygen and gain carbon dioxide from the atmosphere which intern helps plants to manufacture food.

How many animals carry rabies?


About 5,000 animals

Which of the following is a limit of science?


limit of science define problem with observation, and thus are limit of human ability to inquire and answer questions about phenomenal

I hope this was helpful

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