Which instrument of the Roman Republic held the MOST power?


Answer 1
The answer will be senate
Hopefully this helps you

Related Questions

You see a CD and a DVD that you like. However, you have only enough money to buy one. You decide to buy the CD. What is the opportunity cost of your choice?



The DVD is the opportunity cost


The opportunity cost is also known as the forgone alternative. First of all we know that resources are scarce and yet human needs are numerous and needs to be satisfied. But people have to order their needs based on importance and the need with the greatest value is often chosen ahead of other.

The DVD that was forgone for the CD is the opportunity cost of this choice. Because since money cannot buy both items, buying the CD and forgetting about the DVD makes the DVD the opportunity cost.

According to Stearn, why should history be studied?



According to Stearn, it is essential to individuals and to society, and because it harbors beauty.


History should be studied because it is essential to individuals and to society, and because it harbors beauty. There are many ways to discuss the real functions of the subject—as there are many different historical talents and many different paths to historical meaning.

which era saw the rise of the newspaper columnist​


The history of American newspapers begins in the early 18th century with the publication of the first colonial newspapers. American newspapers began as modest affairs—a sideline for printers. They became a political force in the campaign for American independence. Following independence the first amendment to U.S. Constitution guaranteed freedom of the press. The U.S. Postal Service Act of 1792 provided substantial subsidies: Newspapers were delivered up to 100 miles for a penny and beyond for 1.5 cents, when first class postage ranged from six cents to a quarter.
From the 1830s onward, the Penny press began to play a major role in American journalism. Technological advancements such as the telegraph and faster printing presses in the 1840s also helped to expand the press of the nation as it experienced rapid economic and demographic growth.









what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what???!?;?;?

Give an example of how ethnologists helped archaeologists determine how something was used.



here you go :)


In many sites in the Southwest, prehistoric sites often contained large underground circular rooms. Archaeologists did not know how the rooms were used. By observing modern use of kivas, ethnologists and archaeologists could understand the religious significance of the underground circular rooms.

Help me out here ! What is debt?


The state of owing money

Who are these two people (world history)



The one on the left is  Herodotus, I don't know who the other is.

and maybe the other one is Thucydides


What does the ninth amendment ensure ?



Rights not listed in the constitution belong to the people.


that you keep all of your rights


What are the different types of temples in Egypt?


Luxor Temple

Temple of Kom Ombo

Temple of Edfu

Medinet Habu


Temple of Seti I

Answer: cult temples and funerary or mortuary temples


cult is for alive gods  funerary or mortuary  are for dead gods

hoped this helped let me know if it did

What if the nomads, decided not to become hunter gatherers, what would the world be like?


I mean if the didn’t , then mainly us people in the world wouldn’t know where to get food from ... if they didn’t hunt then we wouldn’t know how to hunt and therefore we wouldn’t have any food .

1. How were the Puritans different from the Pilgrims? A. The Puritans remained within the church, hoping to reform it. B. The Puritans drafted the Mayflower Compact. C. The Puritans separated completely from the church. 2. John Mason received a land grant to establish a colony in: A. Rhode Island B. Connecticut C. New Hampshire D. Massachusetts 3. In which of the following colonies did Thomas Hookr lead one hundred settlers to establish a settlement at Hartford? A. Rhode Island B. Massachusetts C. Connecticut D. New Hampshire 4. What key principle was established in the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut? A. A united colonial assembly B. Freedom of religion C. Representative government D.The right to bad things




1 .C. The Puritans separated completely from the church

2.C. New Hampshire

3,C. Connecticut

4.A. A united colonial assembly

The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut was an early colonial constitution that established a rule of law that governed the towns of Wethersfield, Windsor, and Hartford, beginning in 1639

"Give me liberty or give me death" Patrick Henry, 1775
Which of the sentences below best explains what Patrick Henry means in the quotation above?

Give me the freedom of speech or give me death.

Give me freedom from taxation or give me death.

Give me freedom from external control or give me death.

Give me freedom from fear or give me death.


give me the freedom of speech or give me death

Why did the Pilgrims write the Mayflower Compact?


Answer: because they wanted freedom and equal rights


Trading with other tribes was an opportunity to obtain items from different geographical regions not available at home. A. true B. false








The French were convinced to support the American war against the British after the Americans won the Battle of


The French were convinced to support the American war against the British after the Americans won the Battle of Trenton.




In a free and fair election _____.



All of the above.


All options are fair and free.

Name three “cultural” policies through which Augustus renewed traditional Roman values and strengthened his position as emperor.



And to win over the people, he worked to improve and beautify the city of Rome. During his 40-years reign, Augustus nearly doubled the size of the empire, adding territories in Europe and Asia Minor and securing alliances that gave him effective rule from Britain to India. Augustus is well known for being the first Emperor of Rome, but even more than that, for being a self-proclaimed “Restorer of the Republic.” He believed in ancestral values such as monogamy, chastity, and piety (virtue). Thus, he introduced a number of moral and political reforms in order to improve Roman society and formulate a new Roman government and lifestyle. The basis of each of these reforms was to revive traditional Roman religion in the state.

In what ways were the cultures of Central and South America "highly developed"?



through ethnic groups,language's ,religion , arts and leisure e.t.c

The South and central  Americans were thought to be more highly developed because of certain characteristics that they had that  was close to the Europeans.

some of these characteristics were:

There existed social classes among the people.Among the Sedentary people, political structures and confederations existed,They were also religious. They had Christian groups.Taxes were regularizedWomen had certain rights even within marriage.

In conclusion, the cultures were highly developed due to the similarities they had with Europeans.

Read more on https://brainly.com/question/17441911

Why might it be difficult to be a historian



The major challenges to historical research revolve around the problems of sources, knowledge, explanation, objectivity, choice of subject, and the peculiar problems of contemporary history. Sources The problem of sources is a serious challenge to the historian in the task of reconstructing the past.

During Thomas Jefferson's presidency, what was one thing he did NOT do as president?


Answer: He Didn't Try And End Slavery...

Explanation: Wut a meanie... XD. Anyway, Jefferson owned some slaves & he didn’t try to bring slavery to an end. It was with his words in the Declaration of Independence, about all men being equal THAT SHOULD INCLUDE BLACK LIVES. Black Lives Matter!

One thing Thomas Jefferson did NOT do as president was implement a national bank.

As president, Thomas Jefferson opposed the idea of a national bank and did not take action to establish one. He believed that a national bank would concentrate too much power in the hands of a few and argued that it was unconstitutional. This stance was in line with his broader philosophy of limited government and strict interpretation of the Constitution.

Despite the importance of a national bank for economic stability and commerce, Jefferson's opposition to the idea led him to refrain from creating or supporting the establishment of such an institution during his presidency.

To know more about Thomas Jefferson, click here.



Which Polish immigrant Americanized his name in 1908 and began making and
selling makeup?



Max Factor


By accident, an American immigration official gave him the name Maksymilian Faktorowicz, which is still used today. On February 8, 1872, he was born in Zduska Wola, a Polish town then governed by Russia. He was one of ten kids raised by a struggling Polish-Jewish family.

When were Max Faktor and his family moved to United States?

In 1904, Max Factor and his family fled from Poland to America, where he opened a cosmetics shop in Los Angeles. It quickly established itself as a go-to location for many on-screen actresses despite being close to Hollywood Boulevard.

The first makeup made specifically for movies was developed by Factor. It was a thin, semi-liquid grease paint that came in a variety of skin tones and worked well to enhance actors' features during a time when orthochromatic film emulsion and arc lighting were the norms in the world of filmmaking.

Learn more about Maksymilian Faktorowicz here:



Water is neutral and has an equal number of these two ions




If it is 3:00 p.m in New Orleans, what time is it in Denver



2:00 pm


new orleans is a hour ahead of denver

How does the Compromise of 1850 end?



as part of the compromise of 1850, the fugitive slave act was amended and the slave trade in Washington, D.C was abolished. California entered the union as a free state and a territorial government was crated in Utah


Who were The Articles of Confederation written by __________. A. the legislature B. Thomas Jefferson C. George Washington D. the Second Continental Congress


B. Thomas Jefferson

Which best describes the Columbian Exchange?
-The movement of people from the Old World to the New World
-The goods Columbus moved between the New World and Old World
-The trade of goods between the New World and Old World
-The inventions brought from the Old World to the New World​



The trade of goods between the New World and Old World.


C is the correct answer

because its says exchange and exchange means to trade.

Columbian (Exchange)

the (trade) of goods between the New World and Old World is your answer

plz love this answer

why did the colonies wanted religious freedom?



Due to the Puritan’s strict Catholic religion, this led to the creation of the individual colonies who, in turn, wanted to have their own religious freedom instead of being forced by the Puritans to believe in the same religion as they. Not to mention the Puritans wanted the government and everyone else (workers and tax payers) to pay in order to show their support for the Puritan church(s).

Hope this helps!

Read the paragraph.
Before the Industrial Revolution, most goods were made by hand, in peoples's homes. Workers would buy raw
materials and complete each step in the process to make a finished product. Manufacturing by hand took a long
time, and therefore, the prices for finished goods was high. Industrialization changed all that. Machines took
over the manufacturing process. These machines were much more efficient than workers creating items by
hand. This meant that many more items could be produced, drastically reducing their price, and making them
more affordable for consumers.
Which would be the best example to use to support the information in this body paragraph?
O The price of cotton cloth declined more than 50% from 1700 to 1800.
O The price of shoes doubled from 1700 to 1800.
O Fewer people owned firearms in 1800 than in 1700.
O Fewer people lived in rural areas in 1800 than in 1700.


O The price of cotton cloth declined more than 50% from 1700 to 1800.

This would be the most correct

I need an answer ASAP worth 80 points. Read these two historical documents about the Soviet Union’s launch of a space satellite—before the United States was able to accomplish that goal. Then analyze the launch of Sputnik I as a historical event. Your answer should include: (1) an analysis of each of the documents (2) an analysis of the event as a cause or effect (3) your predictions about future events like the one described in the two documents. Document 1, from NASA’s History Web site History changed on October 4, 1957, when the Soviet Union successfully launched Sputnik I. The world's first artificial satellite was about the size of a beach ball, weighed only 183.9 pounds, and took about 98 minutes to orbit the Earth on its elliptical path. That launch ushered in new political, military, technological, and scientific developments. While the Sputnik launch was a single event, it marked the start of the space age and the U.S.-U.S.S.R space race. The story begins in 1952, when the International Council of Scientific Unions decided to establish July 1, 1957, to December 31, 1958, as the International Geophysical Year (IGY) because the scientists knew that the cycles of solar activity would be at a high point then. In October 1954, the council adopted a resolution calling for artificial satellites to be launched during the IGY to map the Earth's surface. In July 1955, the White House announced plans to launch an Earth-orbiting satellite for the IGY and asked for proposals from various research agencies to undertake development. In September 1955, the Naval Research Laboratory's Vanguard proposal was chosen to represent the U.S. during the IGY. The Sputnik launch changed everything. As a technical achievement, Sputnik caught the world's attention and the American public off-guard. Its size was more impressive than Vanguard's intended 3.5-pound payload. In addition, the public feared that the Soviets' ability to launch satellites also translated into the capability to launch missiles that could carry nuclear weapons from Europe to the U.S. Then the Soviets struck again; on November 3, Sputnik II was launched, carrying a much heavier payload, including a dog named Laika. Document 2, from the National Park Service’s web site The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was established on October 1, 1958, a year after the USSR sent Sputnik, the first earth satellite, into space. In 1961, after Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space, the new agency was assigned responsibility for meeting President Kennedy's commitment to put a man on the Moon by the end of the 1960s. Accomplishing the goal under this strict time constraint was an enormous challenge. By 1966, the 10,000 people employed at the space agency in 1960 had grown to 36,000. NASA's annual budget increased from $500 million in 1960 to a high point of $5.2 billion in 1965, 5.3 percent of the federal budget for that year. Approximately 50 percent of that amount went directly for human spaceflight; the vast majority of that went directly toward Apollo. The project eventually cost $24 billion. According to John Noble Wilford, space correspondent for the New York Times, Apollo was the "greatest mobilization of men and resources ever undertaken for a peaceful project of science and exploration."¹


Analysis of Documents 1 and 2 :

Doc. 1   In 1952, scientists made July 1957 to December 1958 the International Geophysical Year because of certain factors. In July 1955, The White House released plans to launch a satellite. It started the beginning of a bunch of new technological advancements. The launching of Sputnik I was a big event.  

Doc. 2    President Kennedy wanted the science community to launch a  satellite so that he could put a person on the moon by the end of the 1960’s.  Doing this under a lot of pressure was hard. The vast majority of the Federal budget went towards Apollo because the project cost twenty four billion dollars.

Analysis of Event as a Cause or Effect:

Doc. 1   The Sputnik launch and the White House preparations happened because the International Council of Scientific Unions created the International Geophysical Year because of the anticipated significance of the “cycles of solar activity ( according to Document 1, from NASA’s History web site).  

Doc. 2    “By 1966, the 10,000 people employed at the space agency in 1960 had grown to 36,000. NASA’s annual budget increased from 500 million dollars in 1960 to a high point of 5.2 billion dollars…” ( according Document 2, from National Park Service’s website) because President Kennedy wanted a person on the moon by the end of the 1960’s.  

My predictions about future events like the one described in the two documents:  

Our technology will keep advancing and improving. Soon, we will be able to travel to mars or venus soon. We will be able to make suits of some sort to be able to assist to sustain life on other planets.  

The U.S.A. or Switzerland (IMD world competitiveness rankings 2019 pg. 37), will  because advanced technologies possessed will send a person to a new uninhabited planet,moon, etc. and others will follow after us.  

Why did Alexander Hamilton believe that the national bank was constitutional?



Alexander Hamilton believed that a national bank was Constitutional because of the 'necessary and proper' clause of the U.S. Constitution.



Alexander Hamilton believed that a national bank was Constitutional because of the 'necessary and proper' clause of the U.S. Constitution.


hope this helps

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