which immigrant group came to the 13 Colonies against their will?


Answer 1


the African slaves


All immigrant groups except for the African slaves migrated voluntarily, for reasons such as economic opportunities and greater freedoms.

However, the African slaves had to migrate to the colonies against their will and were captured or sold into slavery in forceful and violent ways. They were forced to travel to the 13 colonies in the Middle Passage.

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whay did doctors and priests do when the black death hit Europe



They would make cures


Some of the cures they tried included: Rubbing onions, herbs or a chopped up snake (if available) on the boils or cutting up a pigeon and rubbing it over an infected body. Drinking vinegar, eating crushed minerals, arsenic, mercury or even ten-year-old treacle!


thanks for the 5 points


they would make cures

why archaeologists examine the things that people left behind.


Answer: To learn more about human history, about the past civilizations and peoples.


To study how people lived in the past and how we improved our lifestyles.

Help plz:(

Match the national development term in column 1 with the description in column 2


I’m pretty sure these are the answers to it

who made the light bulb​


In 1878, Thomas Edison began serious research into developing a practical incandescent lamp and on October 14, 1878, Edison filed his first patent application for "Improvement In Electric Lights".


Light bulb was made by Thomas alva edison and his team.

Calculus was developed by



Calculus was developed by Isaac Newton.
B- Newton

What were the main differences between the North and the South? How did
they contribute to igniting the Civil War? What was the war primarily about?


The North wanted the new states to be “free states.” Most northerners thought that slavery was wrong and many northern states had outlawed slavery. The South, however, wanted the new states to be “slave states.” Cotton, rice, and tobacco were very hard on the southern soil. *put into own words*

How does the author use paragraphs 30-31 to refine their ideas? Cite evidence in your answer.​



From paragraphs 30-31, the author refines their idea of the Declaration of Independence by revealing that their call for independence was because they were being oppressed by the British and have made several petitions for redress in a humble way, appealed to them for justice but they were being turned down and even maltreated for it.

Therefore, they rise up to be free and separate from the British.

Below are evidences that supports my answer:

From Paragraph 30:

"In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury."

From Paragraph 31:

"We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends."


The paragraphs are part of "The Declaration of Independence" which was written by Thomas Jefferson by the consent of the committee. It stated the clear reasons the people of America sought for independence from the British. The tyranny and injustice from the Prince was unbearable so they needed to separate.

In paragraphs 30-31 the author refines his ideas by showing the indifference and violence of the British government towards the petition of the American colonists.

The text shown in the question above is part of the US Declaration of Independence.

These documents show the reasons that led the American colonists to declare war on England, to achieve territorial independence.

The document alleges that the American colonies were exploited and very violently humiliated by the British government. In paragraphs 30-31 the author refines these ideas by stating that:

The settlers had many problems with the British government, but they all tried to resolve their problems peacefully and diplomatically.However, Great Britain was indifferent to the requests made by the settlers and instead of solving the problems decided to increase them.According to these paragraphs, the British government became even more violent, unjustly oppressing the colonies.This showed that pacifism was not an option for the British government and therefore the colonies should cut all relations with Great Britain, even if violently, guaranteeing independence.

The Declaration of Independence is one of the most important documents in the world and served as an inspiration for other colonies dissatisfied with European rule.

More information:


Describe the causes and effects of the 1984 Memorial Day Flood.



It was caused by 6-15 deluge from a stalled cold front.


All the rain had fell 8 hr period from 20:30 May 26 to 04:30 May 27,84 /add in your own words.

Answer:caused by 6-15 inches of rain falling in an 8-hour timeframe


It was the worst flooding event in the history Tulsa, it was caused by 6-15 inches of rain falling in an 8-hour timeframe. The Mingo Creek basin received at least 9 inches of rain.

Which of the following was not offered by William Penn to settlers in Pennsylvania?
Representative government
Settlement of Englishmen only
Inexpensive land for settlement
Religious freedom for all colonists



Settlement of Englishmen only .


William Penn who established and founded Pennsylvania made sure that the colony was open and free from all restrictions. Pennsylvania became a haven for religious toleration and culturally diverse colony in America.Penn made provisions for elected/representative government and supported the idea of co-existence. Pennsylvania was open for all kinds of people and religious denominations. The land was also sold at reasonable prices and settlers were encouraged peaceful co-existence.Penn also had good relations with the natives and had secured fair and respectable treaties with them.


Settlement of englishmen only

When did muslims were granted separate electorade?



The separate electorate was introduced in [Indian council Act 1909] for Muslims and extended to Sikhs, Indian Christians, Anglo-Indians and Europeans by Government of India Act 1919.

The Muslims were granted separate electorated at 1919

What was the effect of Hurricane Floyd in North Carolina?


Answer:Floyd produced a storm tide over 10 feet high across the Cape Fear area beaches, destroying many beachfront homes, businesses, and piers, and causing severe beach erosion. In North Carolina, a total of 537,000 homes and businesses lost power during the storm.


Answer: Hurricane Floyd  caused lots a floods over a period of several weeks.


Hurricane Floyd made hurricane Dennis even worse. By the pass of hurricane Dennis there was already around 10 inches of rain which Hurricane Floyd (made it worse by) over saturating the soil and caused flooding ¨...nearly every river basin in the eastern part of the state exceeded 500-year flood levels¨

In what city did Edison construct the first central power station? PLEASE HELP ME FIRST



Manhattan is where Edison constructed the first central power station




Pearl Street station was the first central power station in the U.S. This is located in Manhattan.

Hope this helps :)

how does the availability of resources affect civilization?​



The increase availability of resources has increased their use. Even the majority of renewable resources can be exhausted if people consume them at a faster rate than they can be renewed


How did the development of agriculture affect people's health?



Agriculture and AKST can affect a range of health issues including undernutrition, chronic diseases, infectious diseases, food safety, and environmental and occupational health.

How many pounds of flowers does it take to get 1 pound of Saffron. *



Not sure how many punds that is but you might need to check with your venue first. Real flowers stain floors and table linens and they get really mad when that happens. Although, all of our wedding flowers were real we used silk flowers for the flowers in the aisle.

For your tables if you end up using fresh flowers you may only need like 2-3 stems per table (you wouldn't believe how many petals are tucked away in one rose bloom).

If you go silk e-bay has vendors that sell them in packs of 100 or more for like $3/bag.

what inspired religious freedom and led to the creation of more types of churches?



Great Awakening


Describe the challenges faced by Zebulon Pike and James Wilkinson.



James Watson, one of the discoverers of the double helix. James Watson was a pioneer molecular biologist who is credited, along with Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins, with discovering the double helix structure of the DNA molecule. The trio won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1962 for their work.


hope it helps

What newly learned skill enabled the Colonists to survive in the new



We do not know why the Indians of the Chesapeake, fierce protectors of their own territory, refrained from destroying the weak vulnerable English outpost in its earliest days, especially since these same tribes wiped out the Spanish mission of Ajacán thirty-seven years earlier. (For a companion lesson see Failed European Colonies in the New World.) The Indians left no written record of their experience with the settlers. However, we do have Percy’s account. If we keep in mind the limitations of his understanding of Indian culture, his European biases, language barriers, the dangerous situation the settlers were in, and the rivalries that apparently existed among the various tribes, we can, through careful and sensitive reading, arrive at a plausible speculation: perhaps the Indians allowed Jamestown to survive because the presence of the English provided advantages to some tribes — trade goods, for example, or prestige — as they vied with others to gain power within the Powhatan Confederation. This exercise in close reading will allow students to be ethnohistorians, discerning the motives and actions of people who left no written evidence.


D, all of the above


Explain what a historical era is


Answer: A historical era is a period of which a certain amount of events have in all changed humanity in a certain way.


YOU are going to have to trust me.

1. Summarize the Key Developments and Contributions of these Mesoamerican Cultures?

a. Olmec-

b. Maya

C. Toltec & Aztec

d. Hohokam

e. Anasazi


The. Olmeca: One of the main contributions of this culture was the development of writing. This is because some scholars believe that this was the first civilization in the western hemisphere. In addition, this culture was responsible for inventing the number zero and inventing the Mesoamerican calendar. This was one of the first Mesoamerican civilizations and many of its customs influenced the cultures that later emerged as artificial bleeding.

B. Maia: Mayan culture was very important in the development of mathematics, topography, in the manipulation of fabrics used to make works of art. In addition, this culture was very influential in architecture, elaborating techniques and concepts that have been studied until today.

c. Toltec and Aztec: The main contribution of these cultures was the development of extremely productive agricultural techniques and systems that are still used today and promote a food supply. They were also the developers of an organized social and political organization.

d. Hohokam: They were responsible for the development of the commercial organization, creating large centers and promoting trade inside and outside the territory, in addition to allowing the creation of channels around large cities.

and. Anasazi: They had a great contribution in architecture, mainly in relation to the construction of family houses. They also developed productive and efficient agricultural systems, but their contribution is more evident in the arts and crafts.

What advantages do
consumers get from the
competition between


Competition in America is about price, selection, and service. it benefits consumers by keeping prices low and the quality and choice of goods and services high. Competition makes our economy work. By enforcing antitrust laws, the Federal trade Commission helps to ensure that our markets are open and free.

How did early Hindus believe one could achieve union with ultimate reality?


It was the duty of the individual self (Atman) to seek to know this ultimately reality. Hindus developed the practice of yoga, which was a training designed to lead such union.
Hindus practice a lot of yoga back in the days. They did a lot of meditation. Some even say that some sages did so much meditation that the god him self appeared in front of him and gave him booms. With this yoga came abilities to the sages. They achieved the ability of 6th sense.

i need help on this questions



what is the question?




wich one i cant see it


Which region had the most minerals



west i think


How did the interests of the countries differ?


The resources such as spices, gold, soil

how did Cleopatra regain her throne?


In 55 B.C.,with the support of the Romans, Ptolemy XII was put back on the throne and took his 17-year-old daughter Cleopatra as his co-ruler it would be Julius Caesar who helped Cleopatra regain her throne
Cleopatra regained her throne by In 55 B.C., with the support of the Romans, Ptolemy XII was put back on the throne and took his 17-year-old daughter Cleopatra (VII) as his co-ruler. ... It would be Julius Caesar who helped Cleopatra regain her throne.

To what empire did Columbus





Following persistent lobbying, Queen Isabella I and King Ferdinand II agreed to sponsor a journey west, in the name of the Crown of Castile. Columbus left Castile in August 1492 with three ships, and after a stopover in the Canary Islands made landfall in the Americas on 12 October (later celebrated as Columbus Day).

Why were the Middle Ages a dark time for learning?


The Middle Ages are frequently said to be dark because of a meant loss of medical and cultural development. throughout this time, feudalism become the dominant political system.
I like your answer have no complaints



DescriptionPakistan, officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, is a country in South Asia. It is the world's fifth-most populous country with a population exceeding 212.2 million. It has the world's second-largest Muslim population. It is the 33rd-largest country by area, spanning 881,913 square kilometres.

How did Democracy begin?​



In the year 507 B.C., the Athenian leader Cleisthenes introduced a system of political reforms that he called demokratia, or “rule by the people” (from demos, “the people,” and kratos, or “power”). It was the first known democracy in the world.

I dont really care because i stay al the day in friking chair doing what all the teachers says but i have been studing home school 4 years and... i want to have friends i want to go on a real school and sorry if i dont have the answer or someone want to report me its okay but i just wanted to tell someone what i fell in this right moment and the most sad and angry thing is that i work 7 hurs a day and my mom and grandfather are always behind me and its just idk kinda angry... Thanks :/

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