Which best describes the Battle of Trenton?
It was the turning point in the war.
Tactically important
It raised the morale of the army.
Completely unimportant


Answer 1

Answer: The Battle of Trenton, New Jersey was one of the turning points of the American Revolutionary War. ... After a long march through the snow, Washington led his troops across the partially frozen Delaware river on Christmas Day of 1776 to defeat the Hessian mercenaries and restore the fortunes of the American patriots.


Related Questions

What did Wilson promise with new freedom?


Wilson pledged newfound independence. Fresh Freedom In US history, Woodrow Wilson advocated for the restoration of unrestricted opportunity for individual action and the employment of governmental authority in support of social justice for everyone during his victorious 1912 presidential campaign.

With his program for economic change, "the New Freedom," Woodrow Wilson asserted his position within the Progressive movement. The income tax was included in this agenda, which was approved by Congress at the end of 1913 and included improvements to banking, labor, and tariff policies.

Although the emergence of the industry could not be disputed, a nation of small farmers and entrepreneurs looked very feasible. By challenging what Wilson referred to as the "Triple Wall of Privilege tariff," banks, and trusts, the New Freedom aimed to realize this goal.

To learn more about Woodrow Wilson



In the 21st century, the leader of what country was charged with war crimes?



In the 21st century, the leader of Cambodia was charged with war crimes.

What was Khmer Rouge?

The Khmer Rouge (French: "Red Khmer"), is a radical communist movement that ruled Cambodia from 1975 to 1979 after seizing power through guerrilla warfare. It was reportedly founded in 1967 as an armed wing of the Communist Party of Kampuchea.

From 17 April 1975 to 7 January 1979, the Khmer Rouge committed one of the greatest crimes of the 20th century. About two million people died under the rule of the fanatical communist movement. The movement imposed a ruthless program of forced labor, mind control, and mass executions on Cambodia.

The last Khmer Rouge leader to be indicted by a UN-backed Cambodian special tribunal after his 2018 conviction for genocide and crimes against humanity committed during brutal Khmer Rouge rule in the late 1970s supported population was killed. Khieu Samphan and Nuon Chea, the regime's "second brothers", were convicted of crimes against humanity in 2014 and sentenced to life in prison.

To know more about Khmer Rouge, visit:



Answer: Darfur


Is there a moral right to civil disobedience?


Many different forms of arguments against civil disobedience have been made, frequently on the grounds that people in democracies have a duty to uphold the law.

What underlying principle underpins civil disobedience?

Civil disobedience, also known as passive resistance, is the act of refusing to accept the demands or directives of a government or occupying power without using force or other aggressive forms of resistance; its usual goal is to coerce concessions from the government or occupying power.

I Disregarding salt regulations; ii) abstaining from alcohol; iii) boycotting British products of all types; and iv) failing to pay taxes and other fees.

To know more about civil disobedience visit:



what and why is the colour discrimination?​



Discrimination based on skin color, also known as colorism, or shadeism, is a form of prejudice and/or discrimination in which people who share similar ethnicity traits or perceived race are treated differently based on the social implications that come with the cultural meanings that are attached to skin color.


How has the Fed responded to the Great Recession?


In response, the Federal Reserve offered liquidity and support through a number of initiatives with the aim of enhancing the efficiency of financial institutions and markets and, in turn, reducing the damage to the US economy.

The Great Recession was the longest since World War II and lasted from December 2007 through June 2009. The Great Recession was notably severe in a number of ways beyond its length.

The biggest drop in real gross domestic product (GDP) since the postwar era occurred between its peak in 2007Q4 and its bottom in 2009Q2 (based on data as of October 2013). The unemployment rate peaked at 10% in October 2009 after rising from 5% in December 2007 to 9.5% in June.

Learn more about Federal Reserve visit:https://brainly.com/question/23247429


Which of the following best completes the graphic organizer of the Dynastic Cucle of china.


Sumerian farmers plant and harvest abundant and healthy crops best completes the graphic organizer of the Dynastic Cycle of china.

What is a dynastic cycle?

A dynastic cycle is a regular transition between despotism and anarchy in society. Population expansion simultaneously diminishes the ruler's surplus per head and impoverishes farmers in a society of farmers, rulers, and bandits. In Chinese history, the dynastic cycle is a significant political notion. This idea holds that every Chinese dynasty ascends to its political, cultural, and economic apex before declining, losing the Mandate of Heaven, and falling as a result of moral corruption, only to be replaced by a new dynasty. It features three major stages: The start of the dynasty is the first. The second is the pinnacle of the dynasty and occurs in the middle of its existence. The dynasty's decline, both politically and economically, is the most recent phase.

To learn more about  dynastic cycle click,



Why is 1898 significance as a turning point in American history?



The Spanish-American War of 1898 ended Spain's colonial empire in the Western Hemisphere and secured the position of the United States as a Pacific power.


Who kills the pig in chapter 8?


In William Golding's Lord of the Flies, chapter 8, when Ralph expresses skepticism that even Jack and his hunters could fend off the beast, the tension between Jack and Ralph grows more intense. Jack storms out, picking up several of the other boys in the process. He goes hunting with the boys, and they mercilessly murder a pig.

In Lord of the Flies, who hunts the pig?

Jack leads a pig hunt on the way to the mountain, during which he suffers a minor injury. When Ralph uses his spear to stab a boar in the snout, he experiences hunting for the first time. The party starts a mock hunt after the boar escapes, but it quickly spirals out of control and injures the youngster playing the pig.

Chapter 8: Why does Jack become enraged at Ralph?

Ralph and Jack are increasingly tense until Chapter 8, when they start a public argument. When Ralph refers to Jack's hunters as "boys armed with sticks," Jack explodes in rage and berates Ralph for his lack of leadership abilities.

To know more about Lord of the Lies visit:



In the early Middle Ages, the Catholic Church contributed to cultural unity in western Europe by —challenging the legitimacy of the Carolingian Empireby uniting all of Europe in a common religion, the Catholic Faithmaintaining trade routes commonly used by Italian merchantssending armies to recapture cities under Byzantine rule


In the early Middle Ages, the Catholic Church contributed to cultural unity in western Europe by uniting all of the Europe in a common religion.

What is the Catholic Church contribution to cultural?

The teachings of the Catholic Church shattered those networks, largely by forcefully forbidding the customary marriage of relatives, and eventually sparked a complete shift of the communities, turning the norm from big clans into small, monogamous nuclear couples. The act of charity is one of its greatest contributions to society. The church constructed hospitals, poorhouses, and soup kitchens throughout the early centuries. The Catholic Church continues to have a vast network of philanthropic organizations that protect the wellbeing of the poorest people.

Learn more about Catholic Church contribution: https://brainly.com/question/333654


What is the blending of traditional African beliefs with new ideas?

What caused this blending?


Answer: The blending of traditional African belief with Islam and Christianity gave the rise to the political empires and encouraged the trade.



Why were the 3 reasons why the US get involved in WWI?


The three 3 reasons why the US got involved in WWI are

1. Germany invading Belgium a neutral country which made America think that they might invade another neutral country which is them

2. The Zimmerman Note or The Zimmerman telegraph is a telegraph Germany sent to Mexico that they should invade/ attack the US, which was intercepted by the British who told the US about it.

3. Germany sinking our boat, the Lusitania killing 128 Americans because it had war supplies.

Who can you list as a dependent?


A dependent is defined by the IRS as a qualifying child (under the age of 19 or under the age of 24 if a full-time student, or any age if permanently and totally disabled) or a qualifying relative. A qualifying dependent can earn money but cannot support themselves more than half of the year.

Someone who is financially dependent on you, such as a child or family member who does not work: My pension will support my dependents.

What is an illustration of a dependent?

A child, spouse, parent, or other relative to whom one contributes all or a significant portion of the necessary financial support: She declared two dependents on her income tax return.

Learn more about  dependent to visit this link



Between 1940 and 1970 most scientists were already concerned about global warming. answer choices.


It is false that between 1940 and 1970 most scientists were already concerned about global warming. (The answer is false).

Climate change refers to long-term changes in the Earth's climate and weather patterns. Although most scientists were not already concerned about global warming between 1940 and 1970, it took nearly a century of research and data to persuade the vast majority of scientists that human activity could alter our entire planet's climate. Experiments suggesting that human-produced carbon dioxide (CO2) and other gases could accumulate in the atmosphere and insulate the Earth were met with more curiosity than concern in the 1800s. CO2 readings would provide some of the first data to support the global warming theory by the late 1950s. An abundance of data, along with climate modeling and real-world weather events, would eventually show not only that global warming was real, but that it also had a slew of disastrous consequences.

Learn more about global warming https://brainly.com/question/3553382


How did the Civil War affect religion?


The Civil War affect religion the war had a devastating impact on church membership and activities, so the state of home front religion became a constant concern for both sides throughout the war.

What do you mean by War?

War is commonly understood to be an aggressive confrontation between states or countries. Various factors can cause nations to go to war. It has been stated that a country will go to war if it believes the advantages of war exceed the disadvantages and if there is no alternative likely, amicable option.

In the first part of the 19th Century, the vast majority of Americans were fervently religious and predominately Christians. They thought that, in part, because of their faith in God, America was destined to be great. The conflict put this conviction to the ultimate test, leading to a spiritual crisis.

The church functioned as the movement's symbol and acted as more than just a gathering place for members of the movement in the South. In other words, the church stood for the freedom that movement's followers yearned for.

Therefore, The situation of home front religion became a persistent concern for both sides during the war as the war had a terrible effect on church membership and activity.

Learn more about War, here;



What did Woodrow Wilson want from Germany to maintain peace?


The two countries' leaders wanted to see Germany pay reparations for the cost of the war and accept the blame for causing the war. Wilson's intentions were very different. Wilson desired to create a system that would keep future wars from happening, as well as promoting a U.S. vision of democracy and peace.

How did the Filipinos react after the Spanish-American War?


To eliminate Spanish control in the Philippines, the Katipunan independence movement had developed. To combat the Spanish, this movement initially formed an alliance with the United States.

The United States had taken over management of the Philippines from the Spanish. By the beginning of 1899, some semblance of tranquilly existed. When it became evident that the United States had not intended to grant the islands freedom, there was a tremendous deal of shock and outrage in the islands.

The head of the Filipino independence movement, Emilio Aguinaldo, fought the United States militarily in 1899. With this assault, the US began a protracted conflict to repress Filipino insurgents who were fighting for independence from their Spanish overlords.

Learn more about Spanish visit:https://brainly.com/question/28028636


What were two goals in Wilson's 14 points?



Wilson's 14 Points were designed to undermine the Central Powers' will to continue, and inspire the Allies to victory.


The 14 Points were broadcast throughout the world and were showered from rockets and shells behind the enemy's lines.

what is the first law?​



The oldest written set of laws known to us is the Code of Hammurabi. He was the king of Babylon between 1792 BC and 1758 BC. Hammurabi is said to have been handed these laws by Shamash, the God of Justice.


"Letter from Birmingham Jail": Examples of Rhetorical Devices


Explanation:Logos (fact)

We have waited for more than 340 years for our constitutional and Gog-given rights.


The nations of Asia and Africa are moving with jet-like speed toward gaining political independence...


Stinging darts of segregation

Diction, pathos

vicious mobs lynch your mothers and fathers


smothering in an airtight "cage of poverty"

Hyperbole, alliteration

tongue twisted

Alliteration, Ethos (author's experience)

speech stammering as you seek to explain to your six year old

Pathos (children= innocence)

see tears welling up in her eyes

Diction, pathos, metaphor

"ominous clouds of inferiority beginning to form in her little mental sky"

Diction, Personal Attack

n*gger, boy, John


"plagued" with inner fears


"cup of endurance"


"abyss" of despair

Logos (fact)

Supreme court decision of 1954 outlawing segregation in the public schools


How can you advocate breaking some laws and obeying others?

Pathos (attacks audiences sense of what is right and wrong)

One has a moral responsibility to disobey just laws

Historical Allusion (quoted a religious leader from the past)

St. Augustine said that "an unjust law is no law at all."

Historical Allusion (quoted a religious leader from the past)

To put it in the terms of St. Thomas Aquinas: an unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal law and natural law.

Logos (segregation laws divide and categorize groups)

All segregation statues are unjust because segregation distorts the sound and damages the personality. It gives the segregator a false sense of superiority and the segregated a false sense of inferiority.

Logos (Laws forced upon the black community)

A law is unjust if it is inflicted on a minority that, as a result of being denied the right to vote, had not part in enacting or devising the law.

Rhetorical Question

Can any law enacted under such circumstances be considered democratically structured?

Ethos (has experienced the struggle he is writing about)

I have been arrested on a charge of parading without a permit.

Ethos (practices what he preaches)

I submit that an individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for the law.

Biblical Allusion

It was evidenced sublimely in the refusal of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to obey the laws of Nebuchadnezzar.

Historical Allusion (examples of civil disobedience)

early Christian VS Roman Empire; Socrates; Boston Tea Party

Historical Allusion (example of forcing upon a minority unjust laws)

We should never forget that everything Adolf Hitler did in Germany was "legal"...

Pathos (audiences' Christian beliefs/ hypocrisy)

If today I lived in a communist country where certain principles dear to the Christian faith are suppressed, I would openly advocate disobeying that country's anti-religious laws.

Parallel (phrases)

When you have seen...

When you... (paragraph 1)

Parallel (list)

...segregation is not only politically, economically, and sociologically unsound, it is morally wrong and sinful.

Parallel (sentences)

A just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law.

Parallel (sentences)

We should never forget that everything Adolf Hitler did in Germany was "legal" and everything the Hungarian freedom fighters did in Hungary was "illegal."

Parallels (sentences)

The nations of Asia and Africa are moving with jet-like speed toward gaining political independence, but we still creep at horse and buggy pace toward gaining a cup of coffee at a lunch counter.

What is the summary of the poem the sea?


The ocean is depicted as being vast and hazardous. According to the author, the sea is "huge and gloomy." The word "giant" is used to describe the sea, demonstrating its power and danger by making the reader think of danger and something overwhelming.

What figurative language is used in James Reeves' poem "The Sea"?

A ravenous dog is "The Sea." As a result, the sea is being described as turbulent and thick. Last stanza's letter contains alliteration. Sand-covered coasts and hardly any snores are the reasons I say this.

In the poem, what does the sea represent?

Whitman uses the sea as a metaphor for the divine origin of humanity and the rest of creation in both his poetry and prose.

To know more about  poem the sea visit:-



Why was Constantinople a good place for a capital?


Constantinople was encircled by water on three sides. By establishing maritime and land commerce channels, Constantinople connected east and west, enabling its prosperity.

Why was Constantinople the best location for the Byzantine Empire's capital?

A thousand years after Rome's fall, the luxury and extravagances of the Roman Empire were able to continue thanks in large part to Constantinople, which made a perfect position for the Byzantine Empire's capital. The major population centers of the known globe were all within 2,000 miles of Constantinople. With India, China, Western Europe, and India, trade was made possible. Due to the city's strategic location, it experienced incredible wealth.

To know more about Constantinople visit:



How did the mongols create a time of peace, or pax mongolica, despite their violence?


The Mongol rulers maintained peace and relative stability in such varied regions because they did not force subjects to adopt religious or cultural traditions.

A group of several tribes united together, such as creeks, ______


A group of several tribes united together, such as creeks, Confederacy

The Five Countries, contained the Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, and Mohawk, joined in confederation about the year A.D. 1200. This unification occurred under the "Great Tree of Harmony" and every country gave its promise not to battle with different individuals from the confederation. Around 1720, the Tuscarora country was conceded into the association as the 6th part. Alliance individuals alluded to themselves as "Haudenosaunee," which means "Individuals of the Longhouse." They considered their alliance to be a representative rendition of their conventional longhouse residences, extending across a large portion of what is today New York State. The Mohawks were the watchmen of the eastern entryway in the lower Mohawk Valley region. The Oneidas involved the upper Mohawk Valley and the area of cutting edge Oneida, NY. The Onondagas were the attendants of the gathering fire in the focal point of the "longhouse," in the advanced more noteworthy Syracuse region. The Cayugas involved the finger-lakes region and the Seneca were the watchmen of the western entryway in the advanced Rochester-Bison NY region

Know more about Confederacy - https://brainly.com/question/28222305


Disease kept Europeans from being able to colonize Africa in earlier centuries.

True or false





I remember learning this in AP history class last year. Disease and Imperialism are the two main reasons that kept Europeans from being able to colonize Africa.

the correct answer would be true

Is Trump the richest president?


Yes, Donald Trump is the richest president. His total assets, nonetheless, aren't exactly known because the Trump Association is secretly held. Truman was among the least fortunate U.S. presidents, with total assets impressively under $1 million.

Forbes gauges it at $3.2 billion as of October 26, 2022, with Trump making a lot higher cases. Trump acquired abundance from his dad, and he has likewise brought in cash from gathering pledges, land adventures, lodgings, gambling clubs, greens, and Trump-marked items including bowties and steaks.

343 on the positioning of America's most extravagant individuals. The underlying foundations of his resurgence return to January 6, 2021, when the mob at the U.S. Legislative hall incited a reaction against the president.

Learn more about president:




Yes, Donald Trump is the richest president.

How did yellow journalism and jingoism influence Americans views of the Cuban rebellion?


Yellow journalism and jingoism had a significant impact on how Americans viewed the Cuban rebellion.

The sensationalized news coverage of the Cuban rebellion by William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer, two prominent yellow journalists, painted a distorted picture of the Cuban revolution and the Spanish-American War. These newspapers sensationalized stories of Spanish atrocities and atrocities by Cuban rebels, which generated public support for the Cuban rebels and for US intervention.

Jingoism was also rampant during this time, with newspapers and politicians encouraging militarism and a strong American presence in Cuba in order to protect American interests. This jingoistic attitude further inflamed public sentiment regarding the Cuban rebellion, leading to a growing demand for US intervention to help the Cuban rebels and end Spanish control over the island.

Learn more about Cuban Rebellion :



You are a historian studying the development of the American West. Write an essay exlaining how the Americans settled the West in the late 1800s and how the region changed as a result. Use specific examples to support your main idea.


During the Gilded Age, land, mining, and improved train travel attracted migrants to the American West.

Write an Essay on American West (1800s).

Following the Civil War, the building of the railroads to the West freed up enormous swaths of the region for settlement and economic growth. To mine, farm, and ranch, white East Coast settlers flooded across the Mississippi. African-American settlers from the Deep South also migrated to the West after being persuaded by proponents of all-black Western cities that success could be found there. Chinese railroad employees increased the region's population's diversity further.

The Great Plains were altered by settlement from the East. As farmers plowed the native grasses to cultivate wheat and other crops, the vast herds of American bison that formerly roamed the plains were all but exterminated. As the railroad offered a practical way to deliver the cattle to markets, the cattle industry gained importance.

White settlement expansion and the extinction of the bison had a significant impact on the lives of Native Americans living in the West. Despite several triumphs in the ensuing battles, the American Indians appeared destined to lose to the larger populations of settlers and the U.S. government's armed might. Most American Indians were confined to reserves by the 1880s, frequently in regions of the West that white settlers thought were least attractive.

In popular culture, cowboys are frequently portrayed as glamorous or heroic characters, and they have come to represent the West in the late 19th century. However, it is far from accurate to portray a heroic white cowboy as a cliché. Spanish vaqueros brought cattle to Mexico hundreds of years prior, making them the first cowboys. On the range, there were also black cowboys. Furthermore, the life of a cowboy was anything from glamorous; it involved long, arduous hours of labor, substandard living arrangements, and difficult financial times.

The cowboy myth is just one of several myths that have influenced how we view the West in the late 19th century. According to historian Frederick Jackson Turner, the West has traditionally been seen as a frontier, a "meeting point between civilization and savagery," but recently, several historians have abandoned this perspective. Writing on the West as a crossroads of cultures, where numerous tribes fought for control of land, money, and cultural dominance, has already started. As you analyze the materials in this collection, keep these various interpretations of Western history in mind.

To know more about, American West, visit :



Which of these statements NOT accurate regarding the city of Timbuktu?
A It was established under the Songhai empire.It was established under the Songhai empire.
B It functioned as a major center of Islamic learning under both the Mali and Songhai empires.It functioned as a major center of Islamic learning under both the Mali and Songhai empires.
C Its economic prominence derived in part from its location at the nexus of major land and water trade routes.Its economic prominence derived in part from its location at the nexus of major land and water trade routes.
D Its primary trading goods were silks and spices.


Answer: option D

Explanation: Option D is not the accurate, as the city used to trade salt, books and gold

Why was Baker vs Carr important?


Baker v. Carr (1962) is the U.S. Supreme Court case that held that federal courts could hear cases alleging that a state's drawing of electoral boundaries.

What was the most significant outcome of Baker v Carr?

Carr (1962) established the right of federal courts to review redistricting issues, which were previously referred to as "political questions" outside the jurisdiction of the courts.

In this Tennessee case, the Court's willingness to address legislative reapportionment paved the way for the "one man, one vote" standard of American representative democracy.

In the early 1900s, America experienced both population growth and rapid urban migration. While people flocked to cities like Memphis, Tennessee's legislative districts remained unchanged. Despite the fact that more people voted in cities, they received the same amount of political representation as rural districts with far fewer residents.

To learn more about Baker v Carr refer to:



Did England maintain a steady religion during the Renaissance?​


No they were constantly changing between Catholics and protestant
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PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELPPPPP Abilities a learner applying for studies in heritage related programmes must have What evidence exists to support the assertion that Jefferson was a racist? Alfonso scored 18 points during his last basketball game,which was 40% of the points the entire team.the entire team score________points. Why are photosynthetic organisms, such as plants, so important to life on earth X 6.4.7-TQuestion HelpAssume that females have pulse rates that are normally distributed with a mean of j = 74.0 beats per minute and a standard deviation of o = 12.5 beats per minute. Complete parts (a) through (c) below.a. If 1 adult female is randomly selected, find the probability that her pulse rate is between 70 beats per minute and 78 beats per minute.The probability is(Round to four decimal places as needed.)Enter your answer in the answer box and then click Check Answer2 partsremaining A ship is 130 m away from the centre of a barrier that measures /180 m from end to end. What is the minimum angle that theboat must be turned to avoid hitting the barrier? SOMEONE HELP ME ! WILL GIVE BRAINLISITdirections :Use the properties and mental math to solve. Write your answer in simplest form. ( properties : comm and assov) Solve 2\3 = 1/4 kbtw it algebra who ever gets this first will get a brainlest 19 But you are 60 years old. They can't expect you to keep traveling every week. *3 points Please look at the picture I have been stuck on this question and I would really appreciate it if you can help me thank you The Wife of Bath poem What does the knight do to the woman that is not considered honorable and knightly behavior? aHe sexually assaults her. bHe beats her up. cHe steals her horse and money bag.Question 2 (1 point)What is his punishment for his bad deed according to the Queen Guinevere? aHe will go to prison or the dungeon of the castle. bHe will be banned from KIng Arthur's court. cHis head will be cut off.Question 3 (1 point)What deal does the Queen make with the knight to save his life? aHe must find and bring back the town villain--- dead or alive. bHe must marry the Queen's elderly sister. cHe must find the answer to the question of what it is that women most desire in a marriage.Question 4 (1 point)How long does the queen give the knight to find the answer before he has to report back to the court? aone night bone year c12 months and a dayQuestion 5 (1 point)As he sets out to get the answer, he asks many women what it is that they want most in a marriage, and they all give him different answers. Feeling depressed that he can't get a consistent answer, he goes back to get his punishment until he sees 24 ________ in the forest. What does he see? a24 ladies dancing b24 cannibals eats the heads of other knights c24 prisoners in shacklesQuestion 6 (1 point)The 24 entities that the knights sees in the forest turn in to a poor, old, ugly lady. He then asks her for the answer to his question. She gives him the right answer on the promise that he does whatever she wants him to do and he agrees. What is it that the old lady wants him to do? aKill the king and queen because she used to be the queen until the fairies turned her into an old lady. bKill his family and get their blood so that she can live longer. cMarry the old lady and let her rule the marriage.Question 7 (1 point)Upon hearing the old lady's request, the knight is he happily agrees to marry her and let her have the upper hand in marriage. True FalseQuestion 8 (1 point)Because the woman is so old, poor, and ugly, the knight is repulsed by her and does not want to have relations with her as husband and wife do. True FalseQuestion 9 (1 point)In the end, the knight's new wife, the old woman, asks him what he wanted to do: Either have a young beautiful but cheating wife or an old, ugly loyal wife. The knight's response was: aHe left the decision up to the old woman, so he basically left her in charge. bHe would take his chances on having a young, beautiful woman who might cheat on him. cHe would live with the old, ugly woman since she saved his life and just fake his love for her.Question 10 (1 point)The theme of the story is about women having dominance and control in a marriage. True False What is the unit rate for the following rate: 5 pounds of potatoes costs $10 2. What is the acronym we use to remember the 7 most commonconjunctions? *O FLAPELSO FANBOYSO FLAPGIRLOSYOBNAF What part of an argumentative essay comes after the introduction paragraph? Potassium iodide, KI, is used as an expectorant. How many grams are in 0.300 mole of potassium iodide? Please answer this correctly without making mistakes Included pictureQuestion is not hard so please answer correctly As altitude increases, what happens to air pressure the choices are it fluctuates, it increases, it decreases or it stays the same