Which analysis is most justified by the excerpt?

As the play draws to a close, Hamlet still has not conquered his fear of death.
Hamlet’s visit to the graveyard leads to him become obsessed with his death.
At the end of the play, Hamlet literally faces death and regains a sense of hope.
Hamlet has abandoned his plans by this point and has reconciled himself to death.


Answer 1


the first.


Answer 2

The analysis which is most justified by the excerpt is:

A.  As the play draws to a close, Hamlet still has not conquered his fear of death.

Based on the complete question, we can see that there is the narration about the fear of Hamlet and how he has faced a lot of turbulent times because of it.


This is the conclusion that is gotten as a result of a premise and evidence.

With this in mind, we can see that there is the inference which  is made because as the play is getting to the end, there is the realization that Hamlet is yet to conquer his fear.

Therefore, the correct answer is option A

Read more about Hamlet here:


Related Questions

Please give me the correct answer.Only answer if you're very good at English.Please don't put a link to a website.

Second part of the story: With millions of people in the streets and his country essentially shut down, President Mubarak resigned on February 11.The protests had lasted only 18 days.

Choose the MAIN text structure of the paragraph.

Cause and Effect


Problem and Solution

Compare and Contrast​



Cause and Effect


The MAIN text structure of this paragraph is Cause and Effect.

This is true because in the paragraph, we discover that President Mubarak took steps to shut down people's means of digital communication. But that pushed the people to use their real voices since their cyber voices has been closed down. Also, as the people saw that they have been cut off from the outside world, they turned against their president.

This actually is a Cause and Effect event. Their president's action led to their reaction.

"Cause and effect" is known to be a relationship between events or things, where one event leads or results to the other or others. It is like an action leading to a reaction.

write process paragrapg about How to be hired for the job of your dreams​



Build a career-specific resume. ...

Create a cover letter tailored to the business you are sending it to. ...

Establish an online presence using your full name. ...

Focus your job search on careers in which you are truly interested. ...

Get involved and network. ...

Follow up a week after you apply.


hope it helps u



Everyone has a dream to achieve something in his/ her life. Some people dream of becoming famous, popular and rich and some want to make others lives better by helping them. My dream is to become a doctor. I have seen many doctors, who save other peoples lives and they feel happy in the satisfaction they get through this activity. I want to be a doctor, who will serve good for this society and help poor to get good medical care without expecting big money in return. Doctors are respected in all places and among all types of society. Doctors are really noble persons. My parents and teachers always motivated me to study well and passionately work towards achieving my dreams.

Read the excerpt from "Keynote Address."

Of course, expectations are rising, and they are rising faster than we in our imperfect world can fulfill them.

The revolution we in the United States are experiencing was born of democratic processes that not only accommodate economic progress and social mobility, but actively encourage them. But it is important to remember that these expectations are the children of progress and that today's restlessness has been nurtured by our very real achievements. Out of these should emerge a brighter and better society than we have known.

Which best describes how Inouye uses rhetoric in this excerpt?

•He attempts to appeal to emotion by comparing
current events to a "revolution."

•He appeals to logic by using the metaphor "the
children of progress" to describe rising expectations.

•He appeals to a sense of timeliness by using
alliteration in the phrase "brighter and better society."

•He attempts to create a sense of unity with the
audience by using pronouns such as 'We" and "our."


In this excerpt from "Keynote Address," Inouye primarily uses rhetoric to attempt to create a sense of unity with the audience by using pronouns such as "We" and "our." By using inclusive language, Inouye aims to establish a connection and commonality between himself and the listeners, emphasizing that they are all part of the same collective experience.

In this excerpt, Inouye uses rhetoric primarily by attempting to create a sense of unity with the audience through the use of pronouns such as "we" and "our."

How is this done?

In this passage, Inouye employs rhetoric mainly to foster a feeling of togetherness with his listeners by utilizing pronouns like "we" and "our. "

By incorporating the audience into his remarks, he strives to establish a mutual sense of identity and understanding. This plays a crucial role in establishing a rapport and captivating the recipient with his communication.

Although there are instances of using emotional appeal by referencing a "revolution" and logical appeal through the metaphor of "the children of progress", the main emphasis in this passage is on promoting a feeling of cohesion.

Read more about narration here:



Read the sentence

Many American writers, lots of times, talk about the topic of American personality

Which is the best revision of this sentence using academic vocabulary?

-Americans poets, novelist, and writers often write about American identity.

-American writers often write about the topic of being American.

-American authors often write about the topic of American identity.

-American writers often write about how to be an American.



American authors often write about the topic of American identity.


Poets Offten wrote about nirvana



Which word from Kurd's speech has the strongest
emotional connotation
What emotion does this word inspire in the reader?
What is King's purpose in using this word with a strong emotional connotation?


how would we answer these questions when you don't provide us with the context we need


Which word from King’s speech has the strongest emotional connotation?

✔ “majestic”

What emotion does this word inspire in the reader?

✔ a feeling of wanting to do something grand

What is King’s purpose in using this word with a strong emotional connotation?

✔ to inspire people to remain nonviolent

2. How would the news be different today if it was spread through letters, publicly posted notices and town criers?



The news would likely be arriving slower and later. The explanation for this reasoning is town cries need time to reach destinations. Letters would also require an amount of time. Lastly, publicly posted notices are etched into stone which might take a while depending on the length of the note.


Hope this helped!

Have a great day!

How does Morrie know his health is failing?
A: he sees how far he can walk
B: he sees how much he can eat
C: he times how long he exhales
D: he can no longer talk to Mitch


B I think is the answer

Tap the detail that "the experience" refers to.
Someone pls help


Experience gained:

While those first pair of prosthetic helped him walk, rock climbing...

He realised the prosthetics are stronger and more flexible more than muscle and bone...herr was climbing better and faster

Hope this helps:)


Herr was climbing better and a answer that says something about athletes and rock climbing


i got it right

a story where someone's anger and or stubbornness gets them into trouble best story gets brainly​



There was once a little girl. She was at school. She wanted to stay in her bed for school but the dad said no. She got so mad that she chucked the computer at her dad. He raised his voice at the girl but she did not stand down she stood her ground and got even more angry. She got so angry that she threw her dad's phone at the window. That's when the dad aggresively closed the little girl's school computer so hard it broke the screen. " DAD YOU OWE ME A NEW COMPUTER UGH NOW HOW AM I GOING TO DO SCHOOL!" Shouted the little girl. " First of all don't yell at me, second of all i'm sorry I broke your computer sweetheart". " UGH I HATE YOU DAD." Then the little girl ran off, then the mom came home and whooped her for getting a tone at her dad and she was grounded for a month.


All the books are in bag
begin: none​


All the books are in bag is a phrase that can bring many emotions and memories to an individual. For many, the phrase may draw up fond memories of time spent with family or friends reading their favorite stories. It could also trigger feelings of nostalgia, of a time in the past when books were the common form of entertainment.

For others, the phrase may conjure up ideas of responsibility and hard work. Many families use this phrase to indicate that it is time to put the textbooks and study materials away for the day, a sign that it is time to concentrate on school and grades.

In either case, the idea of all the books being in a bag is a powerful reminder of how books can shape our lives. The power of books, stories, and information that can be held in a bag is incredible. Books hold the secrets of our pasts, help us learn about the present, and can shape our future.

Books can transport us to different times and places. Introduction to new cultures, languages, and even lifestyles can be found in books. In a time where the internet and other digital forms of information have taken hold, books are still one of the most effective and reliable mediums for communication.

Books can also hold the key to exploration, both physically and mentally. Exploring new topics, forming new opinions, and developing a better understanding of the world around us all can come from books. It is no surprise that books often have a lasting impact on an individual, regardless of their age or level of education.

Books are an important part of our modern society and make up the foundation of knowledge. They have been the basis of education and exploration for centuries, and though the bags in which they may be stored have changed little in appearance, the power that books possess remains the same. Therefore, the phrase “all the books are in the bag” should be considered a powerful reminder of the importance of books for the individual and society alike.

Please give brainliest

What is community service? Use in your own words.


Answer: Community Service is an unpaid work/job that is for the good for your community.


Community service can be known to punish criminals that do not follow the law, they will then be ordered to complete community service which is unpaid work which carries out activities within the community which may involve cleaning the area, picking up rubbish, removing graffiti etc... Community work are not only for criminals but anyone can volunteer for this role which again may involve walking kids home, helping the elderly, dog walking services. This is all basically helping the community.

Hope this helps:)

Question 1 of 10
Identify the sentence in the passage below that should be either rewritten or
Shakespeare's meline has much to say about the virtue of loyalty. In the
opening act Imogen's marriage to Posthumus Leonatus is seen by her father
as disloyalty, for he intended her for a higher station. Loyalty is highly
regarded in my family. Throughout this play, Shakespeare demonstrates that
loyalty is a timeless value, not to mention highly problematic.
A Shakespeare's mbeline has much to say about the virtue of
O B In the opening act, Imogen's marriage to Posthumus Leonatus is
seen by her father as disloyalty, for he intended her for a higher
C. Throughout this play, Shakespeare demonstrates that loyalty is a
timeless value, not to mention highly problematic
D. Loyalty is highly regarded in my family.


D. Loyalty is highly regarded in my family. This sentence seems unrelated to the rest of the passage and doesn't add any meaningful information to the topic being discussed.

Explain the significance of loyalty in the given passage.

The given passage discusses the significance of loyalty in Shakespeare's play, particularly in relation to the character of Imogen and her marriage to Posthumus Leonatus. In the opening act of the play, Imogen's father sees her marriage to Posthumus as a form of disloyalty, as he had intended her for a higher station. Throughout the play, Shakespeare demonstrates that loyalty is a timeless value, even though it can be highly problematic.

The significance of loyalty in the passage is highlighted by the contrast between Imogen's loyalty to her husband and her father's expectations of her. It shows how loyalty can be tested when it conflicts with other values or obligations. The passage also suggests that loyalty is a complex and nuanced value that can have both positive and negative consequences.

Overall, the passage suggests that loyalty is a central theme in the play and that it is an important and timeless value that can have significant implications for individuals and society.

To learn more about Loyalty, visit:



"I had to pay an arm and a leg for this stereo" is an example of...




I'm pretty sure it's idiom since i thought it was hyperbole at first


It would be an idiom


sửa dạng đúng của từ và giải thích các câu đó:
1.Bill is a bad driver.He usually drives____(care)
2.He laughed___because he finished his exam perfectly(happy)
3.You must keep your enviroment____(pollute)
4.We must save___resources(nature)
5.We should reduce,_____ and recycle to protect the enviroment(use)


1. Bill is a bad driver. He usually drives carefully.
2. He laughed happily because he finished his exam perfectly.
3. You must keep your environment clean.
4. We must save mineral resources.
5. We should reduce, reuse and recycle to protect the environment

Imagine that you are sitting in a crowded movie theater when someone stands up
and yells "Fire!" even though he knows there is no fire. Is this person balancing his
rights with his responsibilities? Why or why not? What consequences could stem
from his actions?


Dont klick on links or files they can lead to viruses and other and find your info.

No he is not takeing responsibility becouse he is faking a fire and it could lead to Serious truble by the officers or by the guards that are outside the theater.The people in the theater could actually fall for it and could do something as in hur people on the way out or trip and fall or things like that.

Write 1–2 sentences in which you explain the use of verbs in the conditional mood.


Answer: If it will stop raining, we can go swimming outside.

Explanation: Conditional mood depends on the situation, so if it will stop raining, they can, if it does not, they cannot.

Verbs are used in the conditional mood when the sentence expresses a possibility, a proposition, or an occurrence.

How can conditional verbs be used?In factual sentences.In counterfactual sentences.In predictive sentences.

Factual sentences are those that present a fact. An example of using a verb in the conditional mood in this type of sentence is "if I'm sad, I cry."

Counterfactual sentences are those that present illusory situations. An example of the use of verbs in the conditional mood in this type of sentence is "If bees didn't have wings, they would be even more dangerous."

Predictive sentences are those that predict situations that may happen. An example of the use of verbs in the conditional mood in this type of sentence is "If I don't bring a coat, I might get cold at school."

More information about verbs is in the link:


Read this prompt.

Create a presentation to convince the Hanover County School Board members that the county should add a fall break to next year’s school schedule, creating a week-long respite in October.

What is the purpose of this presentation?

a) to persuade the audience to add a vacation to a proposed calendar
b) to persuade the audience to sponsor a festival for school children
c) to inform the audience about school day requirements for a county
d) to inform the audience about upcoming events in the school calendar


A)To persuade the audience to add a vacation to a proposed calendar.


a. to persuade the audience to add a vacation to a proposed calendar


Help please is for today



4. That you can't change what you look like. So love yourself the way you are.

Answer and Explanation:

3. There will always be something better than what you have, and those things will always be out of your reach. The grass being greener on the other side of the fence represents those items that people want that is better than what they have, but they can't get the item.

4. You can't what you look like or where you came from. It is implying that although you can't change these physical factors, there are other ways to change and make you stand out. Its saying to be proud of what you look like and where you are from, and its not just those features that makes you yourself.

#teamtrees #PAW (Plant And Water)

Interpretation is the same as analysis.

True o False?


Interpretation is like an inference, not like something that is completely accurate. An analysis is like breaking it down to have a better understanding, so I’d say false.




Analysis is an interpretive process that draws conclusions from a set of facts

(basically using prior knowledge from given facts)

An interpretation is a logical analytical conclusion about a work based on the facts of the story.

(like a conclusion except you are assuming based off of facts from a story)

Please give me the correct answer.Only answer if you're very good at English.Please don't put a link to a website.

Choose the MAIN text structure for this paragraph.

Cause and Effect

Compare and Contrast

Problem and Solution

Main Idea and Supporting Details​





problem and soultion

When Chase was on his roof, what did he see wedged behind the loose wood?


In the excerpt, When Chase was on his roof, he saw a small, wooden box wedged behind a loose piece of wood.

How to explain the information

He was curious about what was inside, so he pried the box loose and opened it. Inside the box, he found a collection of old letters. The letters were addressed to a woman named Sarah, and they were written by a man named James. The letters were all dated from the early 1800s, and they told the story of a forbidden love between Sarah and James.

Chase was fascinated by the letters, and he decided to find out more about Sarah and James. He did some research, and he eventually learned that Sarah and James had been married in secret. However, their marriage was not accepted by their families, and they were forced to keep it a secret. The letters in the box were the only record of their love. Chase was touched by the story of Sarah and James, and he decided to keep the letters safe. He knew that they were a valuable piece of history, and he wanted to make sure that they were preserved.

Learn more about excerpt on



Match the author to the literary work. 1. Harper Lee The Sound and the Fury 2. Tennessee Williams The Heart is a Lonely Hunter 3. William Faulkner To Kill a Mockingbird 4. Carson McCullers A Streetcar Named Desire



Harper Lee-To Kill a Mockingbird

Tennessee Williams-A Streetcar Named Desire

William Faulkner-The Sound and the Fury

Carson McCullers-The heart is a lonely hunter



To Kill a Mockingbird was written by Harper Lee and A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams. Thus the correct matches are 1. C, 2. D, 3. A, and 4. B.

Who is the author?

An author is a person who writes and publishes novels and stories. They write literary works in different genres to entertain or to present information on an issue. The following authors and their literary works are matched as:

Harper Lee - To Kill a Mockingbird

It is a Southern gothic story depicting the coexistence of good and evil.

Tennessee Williams - A Streetcar Named Desire

It is a play that presented masculinity, physicality, femininity, and dependence.

William Faulkner - The Sound and the Fury

This modernist novel is a story of the downfall of the aristocratic family.

Carson McCullers - The heart is a lonely hunter

It is a debut novel of a deaf man who encounters racism, and injustice.

Learn more about To Kill a Mockingbird here:



what are some things Esperanza learns about the camp


Esperanza, the protagonist of "Esperanza Rising," learns various things about life at the camp where she lives and works.

These include:1. The importance of hard work: Esperanza is used to a life of privilege and has never done any hard work before. However, in the camp, she learns that everyone has to work hard to survive. She takes up work in the fields, picking grapes and strawberries, and discovers that it is tough and backbreaking work.

2. The value of friendship: Esperanza has never had to rely on anyone before, but in the camp, she makes friends with other workers. She learns that true friends can help you through tough times and that it's essential to have people you can depend on.

3. The dangers of striking: Esperanza learns that the workers at the camp are unhappy with their working conditions and want to strike. However, they soon discover that striking is a dangerous business, and they face intimidation and violence from the authorities. Esperanza learns that sometimes it's essential to fight for your rights, but it's also important to be cautious and to have a plan.

4. The importance of family: Esperanza's family is everything to her, and she learns that in the camp, family is even more critical. She discovers that she needs her family's love and support to make it through the tough times they are facing. She also learns that family is not just about blood relations but can also include those who love and care for you.

For more such questions on Esperanza Rising



Which statement best describes how paragraphs 5-9 inform the first half of the passage? A. They provide additional details about the snake and the threat it poses to Brayton. B. They provide an explanation for how the snake likely came to be in Brayton's room. C. They imply that Brayton's ignorance of the Snakery informed his decision to stay at the mansion. D. They help readers understand why Brayton is surprised by the snake's appearance in his room.​


The statement that best describes how paragraphs 5-9 inform the first half of the passage is that: (A) They provide additional details about the snake and the threat it poses to Brayton.

This passage is taken from "The Man Who Loved Snakes" by O. Henry. The passage describes the story of a young man, Brayton, who decides to stay in a mansion that is believed to be haunted. The mansion houses a collection of snakes, which Brayton has a particular fascination for Paragraphs 5-9 of the passage provide additional details about the snake and the threat it poses to Brayton.

The author describes the snake in detail, mentioning its size, color, and the way it moves. The author also describes Brayton's reaction to the snake and how he tries to kill it. Additionally, the paragraphs mention the risk of the snake's poison and the effect it could have on Brayton. The author also provides information on how the snake might have entered Brayton's room.

All these details help the readers understand the situation better and the potential danger that the snake posed to Brayton. Therefore, option A is correct. The other options are incorrect because: B. They provide an explanation for how the snake likely came to be in Brayton's room: The paragraphs do provide information on how the snake might have entered Brayton's room. The correct answer is A.

Know more about Brayton's here :



I don’t really understand this question if anyone would help me out !





To explain why a tunnel system was built under the US Capitol.

Hope I Helped, Have a nice day!

                 -Aadi x

I think it’s D. If not sorry

If you write a 300 word essay I will be your new best friend. It’s about Raymond. Please help and no links pls


im sorry i cant cuz i cant see the pic u posted its blocked :(

Who was really responsible for the Cold War?


The United States and the Soviet Union

What structural technique does the writer use in this passage?

The writer describes events in chronological order.
The writer describes events in their order of importance.
The writer provides a central idea and then lists examples.
The writer shows how the Grimms made mistakes and then solved them..



The writer describes events in chronological order.






Read the passage.

When King Kamehameha II sat down to eat at the women's table at a feast in 1819, he ended kapu, the system of taboos that dominated Hawaiian religion and culture. He did this at the behest of Queen Ka'ahumanu and his mother, who knew that this action would lead to the end of the strict rules. As a result, Queen Ka'ahumanu gained greater political power, which she used to make changes on behalf of the people of the kingdom.

Read Khonnor's paraphrase of the passage.

In 1819, King Kamehameha II ended kapu, the system of taboos that was important to Hawaiian religion and culture. Incredibly, he did this by eating at the women's table at a feast. Queen Ka'ahumanu and his mother, two wise and amazing women, asked him to do this. They understood that this action would end the strict rules.
Afterward, Queen Ka'ahumanu gained greater political power and used it to help the people of the kingdom.

Which paraphrasing mistake does Khonnor make?

• He includes personal opinions that are not found in the original text.

• He excludes important details that are found in the original text.

•He changes the intended meaning of the original text.

•He includes additional information that is not found in
the original text.


Khonnor's paraphrasing mistake is: He includes personal opinions not found in the original text.

In the original passage, there is no mention of Khonnor's personal opinions about Queen Ka'ahumanu and his mother being "wise and amazing women." This addition reflects Khonnor's subjective viewpoint and is not present in the original text.

Khonnor makes a paraphrasing mistake where he includes additional information that is not found in the original text.In the given passage, the author tells us that in 1819, King Kamehameha II broke the system of kapu that was important to the Hawaiian religion and culture by sitting down to eat at the women's table at a feast.

He did this at the request of Queen Ka'ahumanu and his mother. This ended the strict rules and gave the queen greater political power, which she used to make changes on behalf of the kingdom.Khonnor has made a paraphrasing mistake by including additional information that is not found in the original text.

He states that Queen Ka'ahumanu and King Kamehameha's mother are two wise and amazing women, although this detail is not found in the passage. Khonnor's personal opinion is added in his paraphrasing, which is a mistake. He also uses the word incredibly, which isn't part of the original text.

Khonnor's paraphrasing doesn't include any vital information that is not found in the original text; therefore, he hasn't excluded anything important from the passage's intended meaning, which is another option for the mistake made. Hence, the right answer is Khonnor includes additional information that is not found in the original text.

For more such questions on King Kamehameha



Bush pilots (1)____ (have) interesting jobs. They (2)_____ (fly) special planes to Alaska's bush country. (This is a wild area, far away from cities with airports.) Bush pilots (3)______ (carry) people or supplies in their bush planes. They also (4) ____(help) rescue people. Paul Claus is a famous bush pilot. He (5) _____(have) a lot of experience, and he is an excellent pilot. Paul also (6)_____ (own) a hote in Alaska. He (7) ______(fly) customers to his hotel and (8)_____ (take) them on adventures. He (9) _____(go) to interesting places with them. It's an exciting job!​



Bush pilots have interesting jobs. They fly special planes to Alaska's bush country. (This is a wild area, far away from cities with airports.) Bush pilots carry people or supplies in their bush planes. They also help rescue people. Paul Claus is a famous bush pilot. He has a lot of experience, and he is an excellent pilot. Paul also owns a hotel in Alaska. He flies customers to his hotel and takes them on adventures. He goes to interesting places with them. It's an exciting job!

Final answer:

The exercise is focused on the concept of subject-verb agreement and conjugation of verbs in English. The student must choose the correct form of verbs including 'have', 'fly', 'carry', 'help', 'own', 'take', and 'go' to complete sentences about a bush pilot.


Bush pilots

indeed have fascinating jobs! To correctly complete the sentences, one would fill in the blanks as follows:

Bush pilots have interesting jobs.They fly special planes to Alaska's bush country.Bush pilots carry people or supplies in their bush planes.They also help rescue people.Paul Claus is a famous bush pilot. He has a lot of experience, and he is an excellent pilot.Paul also owns a hotel in Alaska.He flies customers to his hotel and takes them on adventures.He goes to interesting places with them.

This exercise teaches verb conjugation and subject-verb agreement in English.

Learn more about verb conjugation



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A turtle can walk 12 miles in 3 miles. What is the average speed of the turtle? Draw and identify the coordinates of the image of the figure after a 90 counterclockwise rotation about the origin. FRENCH HELP NEEDED!How do I say: At midnight, we go to sleep.I need to use an -ir in this sentence.Its okay if you change it a little. You make annual deposits of $8,500 into a savings account that pays an annual interest rate of 3.8%, with interest credited to the account annually. If you now have $461, 103.46 in the account, for how many years have you been investing money in this account? Using the quantity equation of money describe what would happen to prices and to the real output after an expansionary monetary policy: What would happen in the short run if the money supply increases by 8%? (mark all that are correct) - The growth rate of prices will be close to 0% - Output increases by about 8% - The growth rate of output will be close to 0% - Price level increases by about 8% los alumnos del primer trimestre del colegio se enteraron de que en su comunidad viven mil adultos que no saben leer entonces cada uno dedicara dos tardes a la semana en el verano , para realizar una campaa de lafabetizacin. Atlantis was said to be densely populated. What does the word densely mean?a. marked by closeness or crowding together of c. set apart in segments or communitiesparts; crowdedb. thinly scattered or distributedd. making loud noises Suppose This system of linear differential equations can be put in the form y' = P(t)y + g(t). Determine P(t) and g(t). P(t) = 3/1 3/22 g(t) = = ty + 6y + sec(t), sin(t) y + ty - 4. register is a group of binary cells that hold binary information. group of answer choices true false It took 14.50 mL of 0.455M NaOH to fully neutralize 12.0mL of HCl. What is the concentration of the HCl?HCl + NaOH \rightarrow NaCl + H2O classical elements favored by the renaissance architects included: write the equation of the circle graph below????? Make an accounting equation for the following question. a. Amod tarted the business with $40,000 b. Ahmed purchased office equipement with a $3000 c. Almed purchased supplies on account from Accounts payable (Lux foods) on account for $500 make a song about potato an electron is in the ground state of an infinite square well. the energy of the ground state is e1 = 0.86 ev. use hc=1240 nm ev.(a) What wavelength of electromagnetic radiation would be needed to excite the electron to the n = 3 state?nm(b) What is the width of the square well?nm A piece of pizza with a diameter of 20 inches is eaten and mIPZ=45. What is the perimeter of the piece of the pizza eaten in inches? if 15 eggs is R75 how much is four 4 dozen How did Muslim society's tolerance for other religious benefit Maimonides A certain species has little genetic variation the rapid extinction of this species would most likely result from the effects of If a firm has at least some control over the price of its product, then the fimm cannot be in which market model: a.Oligopoly b.Pure monopoly c.Pure competition d.Monopolistic competition