what's mixed farming ​


Answer 1



Mixed farming is a type of farming which involves both the growing of crops and the raising of livestock. This type of farming is practiced across Asia and in countries such as India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Afghanistan, South Africa, China, Central Europe, Canada, and Russia

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Translate the following text from Latin to English. Amūlius fīliōs frātris necāvit et fēcit Rēam Silviam, fīliam frātris, in sacerdotem Vestālem. Vestālēs in villā prope templum Vestae habitābant et flammam in mediā urbe defendēbant. Vestālēs erant virginēs et nōn poterant maritōs habēre.



But I still rules nephew necāvit Rhea Sylvia, the son of the Vesta. Vestales in the farmhouse near the Temple of Vesta, and at the center of the flame defended. The Vestal Virgins and were unable wife.


what is the english translation of this?



Goodbye teacher!


The english translation for that is Goodbye, teacher!

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To establish that the position stated in the document is legal.


The Emancipation Proclamation is a document that states that all slaves are to be free in the United States. This was the result of the Civil War between the Confederacy and the Union. In this document, Lincoln explains what the consequences of the proclamation are, and what the former slaves are to expect from it. It also references the US Constitution in order to show that the position stated in the document is legal.

Which of the following is not an example of the abstract meaning of language? a. misery b. patriotism c. duty d. bananas



Explanation: Misery, patriotism, and duty are abstract and are defined by each individual person. Bananas are very concretely bananas.


D. bananas



Compare and contrast personal development and personality development.



Personal development is your quest to become a better you and knowing who you are a lot better.

Personality development is your quest to shape your habits and beliefs.

Personality Development is the development of the systematic emotional and behavioral changes that reflects the individuality of a person. ... Unlike, Personal Development, many a time, any focused and conscious effort to improve our Personality is often consciously undertaken for our improvement in other's eyes.

ननम्नलिखखत वाक्यों में रेखांककत शब्दों को भाववाचक संज्ञा में बदि कर लिखखए। 1 पथ्ृवीराज चौहान वीर योद्धा थे। 2 गुलाब िा फूल सुींदर होता है।



1 yoddha

2 sundar

thank you I hope u will get help from this ans

plz mark ans as brainest ans




hope this helps

I need a Paragraph on these topics...Please reply...


वयायाम का अर्थ है – शरीर को इस तरह तानना सिकोड़ना कि वह सही स्थिति में कार्य कर सके । जिस प्रकार अच्छे भोजन से शरीर को पोषण मिलता है, उसी प्रकार से व्यायाम से शरीर लंबे समय तक उचित दशा में बना रहता है । व्यायाम से शरीर को सुगठित, तंदुरुस्त और फुर्तीला बनाया जा सकता है ।

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What is the primary function of your dominant hand? Switch support in two-handed signs Act as a support or base in two-handed signs Form two-handed signs Perform the action in two-handed signs



Two-handed, non-symmetrical signs have one dominant hand which moves and one passive hand which serves as a base. For right-handed signers, the right hand is the active or dominant hand, while the left hand is the passive or base hand. For left-handed signers, it is the opposite. Meaning: sushi. More examples: read, help, investigate, painting.


You should use your non-dominant (left) hand as "partner hand" for signs in which both hands move, and as a "base" (non-moving) hand for two-handed signs in which only the right hand moves.


Cuanto es 2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+32+534+543+53+45+36+6+45+23+432+423+45+235+235+345+43+235626+24+52+5423-5423-5-4325-3425-34-534+5+345432+-534+2-5-+342-+5342+-342-+5342-+5234+-5-+5342+-5432-+5423-+23-+542-+54-+25432-+543-+2-+5423-+5342+-5342-+5432-+5234+542-+542-+5423-+5342-+54-+13-+5431-+541254-*/2/-5*14/-*54-/154-*/53412-*/514-*/5431-++4*/5534+1/-*/5412-*/5412-/+541-*/14-/*541-/-/534+1-+5414-*253-+54-+541-*/451-*/5134-*2/5134-*2/5134-+25/134-*2/5-+3124/5-+431*/5+-34125/*4+1-? si alguien lo sabe me lo dice, es para mates



lo pones en la calculador?.....


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the theme gets developed by characters in the story and by the key points of the story theme also gets developed by actions of the characters or how they react in certain situations.



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Answer:it’s A. Give each other their own space


I just did the test and got it right

American sign language

Roberto did not get much sleep last night. When he looked in the mirror he thought about how tired he looked. He ran into Maria at the mall and she told him how nice he looked today. Roberto took the comment to be sarcastic based on Maria's tone, delivery, and facial expressions. What best explains how Roberto's interpretation of the interaction was different than the words Maria spoke?



Here is the answe :)


Roberto was feeling miserable because he did not get much sleep last night. He was looking tired and messy.

          He ran to meet Maria, his friend at the mall who also saw Roberto in such a pathetic condition and comment on his appearance that he seems to have been come out of the laundry basket just now.

         Roberto's condition was such that it make him look very tired and untidy. Maria compares him to the clothes kept in the laundry basket which is filly wrinkled and out of shape, in  very dilapidated condition.

         But Roberto was hurt by Maria's comment on him. Maria used harsh words on him which he did not like. Though Maria finally told that she was joking with him but it left Roberto with feeling bad he considers Maria to be his friend and did not expect such harsh comments from her.

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where’s the picture? i dont see anything

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understanding your intelligence helps you as a student by knowing how much of difficulty you can take it also helps you to help teachers know if you need certain help in specific things. it helps you in the real world because it helps you get better jobs or get into better universities



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Kon’nichiwa in symbols is こんにちは
It is こんにちは which is Kon’nichiwa
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