what weather conditions could make trees grow more slowly than normal


Answer 1
when it is too hot or cold or too wet or dry, the trees grow more slowly and rings are much thinner.

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What does it mean when a question asks you, "develop the character Alice"??



Like who they team with. Who has there back.


How has the American civil service system changed since George Washington‘s presidency?


American civil carrier machine modified given that George Washington's presidency as it has developed into extra of a merit-based device for deciding on officials.

Write an informative essay on the Great Chicago Fire. Your essay will use research to explain what caused the fire to burn out of control and to describe the fire's effects and aftermath



The worst tornado wind ever known to blow there caused a piece of debris to fly into a oil tank which caused the north side to catch on fire. A lot of people tried to go back and get there belongings but, there was nothing left. No matter how hard the firefighters tried they could not put out the fire it was to big. More than 70,000 buildings were burned. Then in 1874 there was another fire but it was nothing compared to the 1871 fire


I got help from my best friend when she did the test essay.



The Chicago fire of 1871 was one of the most devastating fires in US history. Many people believe that the fire started in the barn of Partick and Catherine O’Leary on the southwest side of the city, and it burned for 36 hours leaving people's homes and businesses destroyed. Many lives were lost causing a huge mix of emotions of devastation and sadness. What was the cause of the fire to grow so big and spiral out of control as it did?  

The main things for a fire to start and sustain itself are fuel, oxygen and heat. Luckily for Chicago, they had all three of these ingredients. Since Chicago was built on a swamp, and other materials were too expensive, Chicago's infrastructure including its sidewalks and streets were made from wood. Because Chicago had experienced a long drought in their summer year the wood became dry, as a result it ended up serving as fuel for the fire. The surrounding area was full of houses that were close together, this helped the fire spread rapidly jumping from house to house.

At the time of the fire Chicago had strong winds coming from the southwest. Due to the sudden rise in heat the winds increased quickly. This could be seen in the novel The Great Fire when it states, “the stronger winds, the ones people remembered the best, were probably caused by rising consecutive heat” (Murphy 1). This made things so much worse for Chicago. Those winds carried out burning debris, which would later fall on top of the dry wood located in other areas. Those areas would soon also catch on fire. Making things worse than they already where firefighters at the time did not have the proper equipment to fight these fires and to top it all off, they were sent to the WRONG location. This whole entire catastrophe was the cause of the fire spreading quickly and uncontrollably.  

After multiple hours of burning a fire would eventually come to a stop since there is flammable left. That’s exactly what happened with the Chicago fire. Open areas in the north end of the city helped stop the fire because there was simply nothing left to burn in that area. Fire fighters ended up using explosives as a last-minute recourse to blow up abandoned buildings and homes in the area to help stop the spread. Finally, it started to rain which helped the firefighters put out the fire entirely.  

The after math of fire had left people devastated, heartbroken, and sad. Over 100,000 people were left without a home or a job. 300 people were estimated dead, 100,000 homes and 17,000 buildings including businesses were all destroyed. The damage fee came out to be 200 million dollars which would be around 4 billion dollars in today's money.  

In November of 1871, Chicagoans had rebuilt their city and elected a mayor who would enforce stricter building and fire rules. Architectes came together to start building and designing the first skyscrapers. This resulted in people moving to Chicago to help out with the building process. The population had grown to have 500,000 citizens and a decade later the city was back to normal with over a million people.  

Who might have said, it is "really astonishing that the same people who have just emerged from a long and cruel war in defense of
liberty, should agree to fix an elective despotism upon themselves and posterity!"?

A Federalist

An Anti-Federalist

A Loyalist

An abolitionist





The correct option is B. An Anti-Federalist said it is "really astonishing that the same people who have just emerged from a long and cruel war in defense of liberty, should agree to fix an elective despotism upon themselves and posterity!"

What were the main ideas of the Anti-Federalists?

They thought that having the ability to tax was essential for financing the country's security and paying off foreign debt. In order to prevent the federal government from governing the people and the states through oppressive and unfair taxes rather than through representative governance, anti-federalists fought for power.

A powerful government was associated with British tyranny, so many Anti-Federalists favored a weak one. Others were concerned about a powerful government controlled by the wealthy and wished to promote democracy. The new federal government, in their opinion, was receiving too much power from the states.

Learn more about The Anti-Federalists here:



How did Hernán Cortés gain control of Aztec land?


Hernan Cortés invaded Mexico in 1519 and conquered the Aztec Empire. Spanish forces under Hernán Cortés captured Tenochtitlán, the capital of the Aztec empire.

french army officer that came to help the americans defeat the british


general jean-baptiste kléber

Ava is reading a story about a girl named Kelly who has lots of freckles. In the story, Kelly is upset because her classmates nickname her Polka Dots. Ava has lots of freckles, too. What is the most likely connection Ava makes with Kelly? A) Ava thinks Kelly's classmates are clever. B) Ava thinks it's silly for Kelly to be upset. C) Ava understands why being called Polka Dots is hurtful. D) Ava wishes that her friends would call her Polka Dots, too.





Since Ava and Kelley both have freckles, Ava has a connection with the main character because it is possible that Ava was taunted when she was younger so she understands how the character feels.

BTW: I am a top English student so you can trust me on this.

Ava understands why being called Polka Dots is hurtful. Thus option C is correct.

What is Polka dots?

Polka dots are those that represent patterns of circular shapes on children's clothing, furniture and may also appear in folk art and a wide variety of contents.

The story is about a girl named Kelly is the story tells us that the girl is upset as her classmate has maned her polka dots.

Now she has lots of freckles and tends to feel like the characters.

Find out more information about reading a story.


what does the use of this phrase reveal about how the author views communism?



The piece was written in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks.

How does strontium help us know where the logs in Chaco Canyon came from?






Soil contains strontium, which is brought up into the tress from the roots. Different locations have different amounts of strontium in the soil. Therefore, the amount of strontium in a log indicates where it came from.


If a live new year's eve tv special begins broadcasting at 10:00 pm est in new york , what time should viewers in nevada tune in ?



The answer would be 7:00 p.m because it is three hours behind in time.


How did the Chinese government use Confucianism during the Han Dynasty?



The Han Dynasty, which succeeded the Qin, encouraged greater freedom of speech, established The Four Books and Five Classics as required reading for administrative positions which led to a wider dissemination of Confucian thought which would seamlessly blend with Chinese culture after the Han declared it the state

Why is George Floyd death important?


Floyd's death triggered worldwide protests against police brutality, police racism, and lack of police accountability. Hope this helped.




What Happened In Alcatraz Prison?


Since the construction of Alcatraz finish, there have been 14 attempts that consisted of 36 inmates in total that tried to escape.  This is what happened to them all:

2 drowned5 weren't found (presumed they drowned)6 were shot and killed23 were captured

There was two people that escaped and never found. 3 people escaped and they were found. 56 years later and they have been never found. It's unknown if they were still alive or not.

In the 1850s, the US built an army fortress to protect the city of San Francisco but it was actually not used and needed, so, they brought it down and built a prison with the prisoners building it. It opened in 1934.

Best of Luck!

There are nine justices in the Supreme Court, including a chief justice. To
try and keep the Supreme Court out of party politics, justices are
nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate. In addition,
justices do not serve limited terms of two, four, or six years like the
members of the legislative and executive branches do. They get to serve
until they retire or die. And if justices do something illegal, the Senate has
the power to impeach them. It's all about the checks and balances. The
federal judges that serve in district courts are also appointed instead of
Based on this passage, Supreme Court Justices
are not elected.
serve for 5 years.
are allowed to seek reelection.
must campaign every 7 years.


Answer: Are not elected

Explanation: President appoints a person & they have to go thru the Senate to be approved


are not elected.


How were witch hunts in the United States resolved


Answer: As 1692 passed into 1693, the hysteria began to lose steam. The governor of the colony, upon hearing that his own wife was accused of witchcraft ordered an end to the trials.


The witch hunts were resolved when the Governor of Massachusetts, Sir William Phips, ordered the trials to stop and for amends to be made.

The witch hunts in Salem from 1692 to 1693 was a deadly period where:

more than 60 people were accused of witchcraft around 20 people were executed

The governor of the state, Sir William Phips, had not been present for long in the period and came back in time to learn that his wife had been accused of witchcraft.

The governor then realized that the trials had been a mistake and after ordering that they were stopped, tried to give compensation to those families that had been affected negatively by the trials.

In conclusion, the witch hunts ended when the government realized it was getting out of hand and so wanted to make restitution.

Find out more at https://brainly.com/question/18026501.

Since empirical science always requires observation and all observations are made by individual observers, can the results of observation ever be objective or are they necessarily relegated to subjectivity, lying in the eye of the beholder?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

You forgot to include the options of the question. However, we can answer the following.

Most of the time, the results of observation have to be objective, but one way or the other these are biased due to the subjectivity of the observer.

When scientists are doing research, they know that direct observation has its difficulties because people observe things from their own perspective. It is difficult to maintain 100 percent objectivity because we observe according or influenced by our own belief systems and knowledge. And that can distort the way we observe and conclude about people or events.

Describe the houses north of the Rio Grande at the time the Spaniards arrived in the New World.



North of the Rio Grande, most houses were just shelters made of skin, bark or branches. The only houses made of stone or earth were the pueblos.


As the Granges weakened, the organizations that replaced them were called Farmers’





The Farmers Alliance soon replaced the Grange as the primary voice of radical agrarianism

As the Granges weakened, the organizations that replaced them were called Farmersalliance.

What is Organization?

Organization refers to the group of people working together in order to achieve the common goals of the management. There are a variety of people present in the organization which work and socializes with each other to impact the working of the organization.

Kelley's organization was nicknamed "the Grange." Farmers joined local Granges to meet other families. The Grange educated farmers about farming methods, and Farmers pooled their resources. The Grange had about 800,000 members at its peak.

The Granges' organization was replaced by the farmer's alliance as they got weakened by the time and had the little impact left over the society. Therefore, it can be concluded that Farmers' alliance was the name given to the groups that succeeded the Granges when they declined.

Learn more about Granges here:



All of the following groups belong to the Southeastern Native American cultural region except:

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



The answer is d cheeokees




HELPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!why is it so important to know what the purposes of the government are?



It is important to know what the purposes of government because it helps you understand rights and responsibilities

So you can understand what happens in your country when you’re older and can vote

1. What role did the U.S. government play in the building of the first transcontinental railroad? Select all that apply:
Congress passed the Pacific Railroad Act to aid in the construction of the railroad.
Congress provided no support for the building of the transcontinental railroad.
Congress passed the Dawes Act in order to help the building of the railroad.
The U.S. government awarded land and money to the two companies that built the railroad.
President Grant issued an Executive Order to have the transcontinental railroad built.

2. How did mining help territories become states?



Congress passed the Pacific Railroad Act to aid in the construction of the railroad and the U.S. government through the congress awarded land and money to the two companies that built the railroad.

The U.S government play a great role in the building of the first transcontinental railroad by passing the Pacific Railway Act that authorized the construction of the railroad building.

In addition, the congress passed this act in 1862, which establishes the U.S federal government to give assistance through land grants and money, that helped companies finance the construction of the first transcontinental railroads that was completed on May 10, 1869.

How far was the center
of Ghana from the near-
est salt source?



The two main sources of salt harvested in Ghana are in the Greater Accra and Central regions. Salt in the Central Region is found in smaller coastal lagoons between Nyanyano and Saltpond. In the greater Accra Region, Panbros and Songor are major producing areas.

How might code 196 be seen as an attempt to promote “equality”



Code 196 provided that all men would be judged and treated in the way they judged and treated others. As everyone wanted to be judged and treated positively, this code encouraged everyone to be treated equally within society.


This question is about the Hamurabi Code, which was written to establish a set of laws that should be followed within the Mesopotanic territory. This code was written by King Hammurabi, one of the most influential in the region.

Currently, 281 codes present in the Hammurabi code are known. Among them, code 196, aims to establish equality among citizens. This code states "If a man put out the eye of another man, his eye shall be put out." Which shows that men will be treated the way they treat their fellowmen, so everyone should be treated equally.

what outside factor most directly contributed to the formation of enclaves in the cities? a) a common culture among american citizens b) restricted access to education c) housing discrimination d) the availability of jobs



its housing discrimination


Housing discrimination directly contributed to the formation of enclaves in the cities.

Why did immigrants from ethnic neighborhoods?

In the early 20th century, immigrants chose to live in enclave neighborhoods because of language barriers and cost-of-living benefits.

Are ethnic enclaves good or bad?

Ethnic enclaves are often viewed as a negative for the integration of immigrants with natives in their new country. But it turns out that ethnic communities can help newly arrived refugees find work, according to a new Stanford study that analyzed a cohort of asylum seekers in Switzerland.

Learn more about housing discrimination here https://brainly.com/question/26183155


If indentured servitude is so beneficial to the planter why does African slavery become the dominant form of labor in Virginia starting about 1700?


Because once an indentured servants time is up, you have to let them live their own life, but if you have a slave, you literally own them and keep them until they die if you choose to do so.

What large freshwater bodies form part of the border between the modern-day US and Canada? The Great Lakes The Hudson River Saint Lawrence Seaway Chesapeake Bay



the great lakes


i found it off of google i hope this helps!

The large freshwater body that forms part of the border between the modern-day US and Canada is The Great Lakes. Thus the correct option is A.

What is freshwater bodies?

Freshwater bodies is refers to the source of water that provides fresh and clean water that can be utilized for the purpose of drinking as well as crop production or irrigation on farms which supports better agriculture.

 A series of five sizable lakes in North America that are either on or close to the United States-Canada border is referred to as The Great Lakes. They constitute the world's largest collection of freshwater lakes.

The Great Lakes were made freely available to ocean-going vehicles through the Great Lakes Route. The use of bigger ocean-going container ships, which cannot pass through the gates on these routes, has restricted shipping on the lakes.

Therefore, option A is appropriate.

Learn more about The Great Lakes, here:



The Civil Rights movement of the 1960s and ‘70s inspired a movement toward ________ in the Criminal Justice System.



1. Public order 2. Individual liberties


Who was exiled from Massachusetts and established the colony of Rhode Island



Roger Williams


What continued and what changed in the pre-history cultures like Mesopotamia, India, China, and Egypt




What continued was the shared religon between China and India, well India mostly, of Bhuddism. Bhuddism stayed and is still a common religious practice to this day. Another thing that continued is the Egyption and chinese farming technique for fertile farmland. They both developed, egypt and ancient china near rivers and they took advantage of that. We see that today in china, where they use the yangtze river, yellow river etc. Also mesopotamia, china, and egypt both developed a language, in which china and egypt used pictograms and mesopotamia developed the first written language; cunieform. Languages are a big part of society today. What changed was the overall shape and meaning of a civilization and society, mesopotamia, because they developed the division of labor in which people had to work. It's also to note that mesopotamia invented and created many great finding and inventions, ex the wheel and how to do metal work.

In math, parentheses are answered when? a. first b. last





In math, parenthesis are answered first, not last. They smybolize importance.


A first


Parentheses remind you that you need to do this first then start from the begging and add all the stuff together.

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In Hiawatha the Unifier, what does Ta-ren-ya-wa-gon do as he leads the people from one place to another? In the video "Demonstrating Time Management," while Angie and Mandy are having a conversation, Cindy enters, looking for food because she didn't have time to go to lunch. What should Cindy have done Turn the Mix Number into a Improper Fraction a) 5 5 4 b) 3 8 3 Create a Crow's Foot ERD to include the following business rules for the ProdCo company:a. Each sales representative writes many invoices.b. invoice is written by one sales representative.c. Each sales representative is assigned to one department.d. Each department has many sales representative.e. Each customer can generate many invoicesd. Each invoice is generated by one customer Read the text of a public service announcement that aired on the radio. Every animal in the shelter deserves a second chance to have a good home and someone to love them. Saturday is the citywide "Save an Animal Day. Your donation can help the shelter save a pets life. The shelter has saved 40 animals this year alone. Please consider donating to help this cause. Even a few cents can make an impact! You can be an animals hero! Which statement best describes how people are informed about this event? The public service announcement uses a visual modality to present a claim, reasons, and evidence to support a cause. The public service announcement uses a written format to share information about donating to the animal shelter. The public service announcement uses a tactile modality to help the audience process the information. The public service announcement uses a spoken format to present a claim, reasons, and evidence explaining why people should donate to the shelter. What was the difference between the founding of Jamestown and Plymouth? Solve for x.[tex]4x+6=10-4[/tex] What qualities do you possess that you think make you a healthy and well person? Which parent function is f(x) = |x|?A. The quadratic parent functionB. The absolute value parent functionC. The linear parent functionD. An exponential parent function Seal Polymer Industries (SPI) sold two freight containers of latex gloves to Med-Express, Inc., a company based in North Carolina. When Med-Express failed to pay the $104,000 owed for the gloves, Seal Polymer sued in an Illinois court and obtained a judgment against Med-Express. Med-Express argued that it did not have minimum contacts with Illinois and therefore the Illinois judgment based on personal jurisdiction was invalid. Med-Express stated that it was incorporated under North Carolina law, had its principal place of business in North Carolina, and therefore had no minimum contacts with Illinois. Can SPI sue Med-Express in an Illinois court? Why or why not? Which statute (rule) applies here? Be specific, as there is a right answer here. Estimate the annual wages for Hourly rate $7.15 What caused crop failure during the Reconstruction Era? Blanco fui de nacimientoPintaronme de coloresHe causado muchas suertesY he empobrecido a muchos senores,I was born whiteThey painted me in different colorsI have brought good luck to someI have impoverished other men.Answer quick plz Joo emprestou R$ 1000,00 a seu amigo Jos. Para que Jos conseguisse o emprstimo com o amigo, foram definidas as seguintes condies de pagamento: prazo de 6 meses e taxa de juros simples de 10% ao trimestre. Sendo assim, passados os seis meses do emprstimo, quanto o amigo Jos ter de pagar ao amigo Joo? a) R$ 100,00 b) R$ 1.100,00 c) R$ 200,00 d) R$ 1.200,00 e) R$ 1.400,00 proportion is ___________ how do you think the colonists at jamestown will react to being "under royalty authority" after having the ability to self-govern for all these years? I need these questions answered why do you make your bestfriend as an inpiration? Can 7,11, and 3 make a triangle? Scientific predictions can best be described as: a Problems you expect to identify b Questions you expect to ask c Experiments you expect to run d Evidence you expect to find