what was one of the rhetorical devices used in senator hill's speech


Answer 1

In Senator Hill's speech titled "I am a Democrat and Not A Revolutionist," he employs the rhetorical device of antithesis to emphasize his stance & differentiate himself from revolutionary ideologies.

Throughout the speech, Senator Hill presents a series of opposing ideas to highlight the distinction between his democratic principles and the revolutionary ideologies that seek radical change. He juxtaposes the concepts of democracy & revolution, using antithesis to create a clear contrast between the two.

For example, Senator Hill states, "I believe in government by the people, and not by the bayonet; in government by discussion, and not by force; in government by free men exercising their rights of citizenship, and not by armed mobs or armed soldiers."

Another instance of antithesis in the speech is when Senator Hill says, "I believe in peaceful evolution, not in violent revolution; in the evolution of the Constitution, not in the destruction of the Constitution; in the peaceful and orderly development of society, and not in the overthrow of society."

By utilizing antithesis, Senator Hill effectively communicates his message and draws a clear line between his democratic values and revolutionary ideologies. The rhetorical device adds emphasis and clarity to his arguments, allowing the audience to grasp the stark differences between the two perspectives.

To know more about antithesis



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I perched on my seat, as I revved up my engine. I was anxious waiting for the race to start,as soon as I heard the horn my car zoomed,and I was gone. It was a convoy of race cars battleing for first place. Some cars seemed dwarfed compared to the rest of them.

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I'm sorry if this was to much,or it wasant what you needed. I am only in middle school and tried to sound like a highschooler.

What personal touches can you add to your outlines which make creating and studying from them easier?


If you're talking about an outline for a paper, you can add in little notes and thoughts that come to you while you're writing it. I know an outline's only supposed to be a rough plan without lots of detail, but if you have a really great idea for your wording or an example to use or something, you can totally add that in. If you're just talking about a study sheet, you can do the same thing: add in little mnemonic devices that help you remember the information. It can be anything. Like, if the reading made you think of something from your own life, write that down, it may help you retain the information.

Obviously, don't waste a lot of time with this, but the formatting can really help. Highlighting the headings and making sure to include enough space for readabilty is important.

I'm not really an expert, but I hope I could help!


Personal touches you can add to outlines would be, highlighting or underlining key points. As well as keeping your outlines organized. You could do that by making sure you have headings of your main ideas or subject.


Thats what i put and got 100

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It's X cellent that im getting free points :) lol just kidding a word that starts with x that relates to Romeo and Juliet is... xanthium which means-a genus of plants

Explanation: You're welcome :)




they're so freaking extra I just can't-

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My thoughts on getting the cov id 19 vaccine can go many different ways. I am already signed up to do so, but my mother decided against it after finding out that the vaccine can cause problems if you have diseases or disorders like blood clotting disorders that have hospitalized many. I think everyone should get it regardless, because if you end up in the hospital because of the shot at least you are protected by the shot if you get exposed to it in the hospital. Taking the risk is a big one, but not taking the risk can be far worse than you think.


Hope this helps! Plz mark as brainliest!

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I think its  , I love the idea of wearing costumes and acting in a historical play, but at the same time, I’m nervous about it.


I love the idea of wearing costumes and acting in a historical play, but at the same time, I'm nervous about it.


I hope I helped!!!

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how did helm influence events at bush hill?



the answer is The delegate would order supplies for people such as carpenters. Then, they would distribute the necessities evenly throughout the city. This caused two men to do something incredible. Stephen Girard and Peter Helm were going to "personally manage Bush Hill."



Read the passage. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other’s lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor. Why dose Thomas Jefferson choose to end the Declaration of Independence with these words? 1) to inspire other colonists to make a firm commitment to the colonies 2) to show the depth of the colonists’ commitment to independence 3) to honor those who had died in their attempts to oppose the king 4) to refute the idea that many sacrifices will be made in this cause


Thomas Jefferson chose to end the Declaration of Independence with the words, "And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other’s lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor," to convey the depth of the colonists' commitment to independence (option 2).

By pledging their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor, the signers of the Declaration demonstrated their unwavering dedication to the cause. These words served to inspire and unite the colonists, urging them to make a firm commitment to the colonies (option 1).

Furthermore, the phrase was not intended to honor those who had died in opposition to the king (option 3) but rather to emphasize the willingness of the signers to make significant sacrifices in pursuit of liberty.

The concluding statement refutes the notion that many sacrifices would not be required (option 4), reinforcing the gravity and seriousness of their undertaking.

For more questions on Declaration of Independence, click on:



American Sign Language

by Maria Baraza


You've probably seen it before. Someone is giving a speech, and another person stands near the speaker, mouthing the speaker's words for people who can read lips. In a graceful dance, his or her arms and hands visually repeat the speaker's words in signs. If the speech is broadcast on television, the signer is sometimes shown in a window at the corner of the screen. Audience members who are hard of hearing or deaf can understand the speech through the signs.


Deaf or hard-of-hearing people could also read the text of the speech, but it might not be available in writing. Besides, signing offers many advantages that reading cannot. Seeing the speaker, even if his or her words cannot be heard, can be important. The audience can observe the speaker's facial expressions and body language, which can change the meaning of the spoken words. The signer will often attempt to convey the speaker's tone or precise meaning with facial expressions that accompany the signs. For instance, when the speaker asks a question instead of making a statement, signers will raise their eyebrows, widen their eyes, and tilt their bodies forward to convey that what they are signing is a question.



Many different sign languages are used around the world. In the United States, most people use a system called American Sign Language (ASL). ASL is a complex, complete language, just like spoken English. ASL even has different "pronunciations" for certain words in different regions of the country. In ASL, some signs represent specific words. Touching one's fingers to the brim of an imaginary cap means "man." The sign was created when most men wore hats and would tip their hats when greeting someone.



However, most of ASL is based more on ideas than on words. For example, a person might hold both thumbs and index fingers at right angles and move both hands and arms apart. The person is indicating "big" or "large." The same sign would be used for a big man, a large amount of money, or a serious problem. When a person strokes an imaginary beard by moving a loose fist down from the chin, he or she is indicating "old." That same sign could describe an elderly person, an old car, or a story from long ago.



Many people believe in "total communication," which means saying words and signing them at the same time. A person might have only partial hearing loss, so he or she could hear some of the sounds the speaker makes. The speaker's lip movements, voice, signs, and facial expressions are like pieces of a puzzle. The theory is that total communication provides every possible means to get an idea across.


Not every word or idea in English has a sign. Proper names and other words that have no signs are often spelled out with the sign alphabet. Sometimes the letters of the sign alphabet are used as words. For example, the sign for T and the sign for V together mean "television." Just like "TV" spoken aloud, the two sign letters indicate the word. In other cases, the full name of a person or thing is spelled out because there is no simple way to communicate it. If a person's name is Tina, she could use the signs for T-I-N-A.


If you are not hard of hearing, why would you bother to learn sign language? For one thing, it will allow you to communicate with people who are hard of hearing or deaf. You can translate for them, helping them to understand others and be understood. Many people choose to make ASL translation their career. On an individual level, learning ASL will also help in forming friendships with deaf or hard-of-hearing people.


Sign language can be useful for other reasons, even among hearing people. You might be too far away to hear someone, but not too far away to see the person. A couple of gestures can send an important message. Suppose you are in a situation in which you couldn't speak out loud, like in a theater. You might want to send a message to a friend who is not right next to you. It would be rude to shout while the performance is going on, but you could always send a sign message. Sign language can benefit people who are deaf, partially deaf, or hearing.

Which of these sentences could be added to paragraph 7 to better conclude the paragraph?

Translating for the deaf and hard of hearing can be a rewarding experience.

There is growing demand for translators in business and education.

American Sign Language will also let you communicate with people who can hear.

American Sign Language can help you connect with people you may have been unable to before.





There is a growing demand for translators in business and education.

Brainlist Pls!


I just need like what you guys think

Is it possible for one person to make a major difference in the world or does he or she need the help of others?​


Answer:well he or she could do it there selfs but it would be better with more than one person



"It's easy to feel like one can person can't make a difference. The world has so many big problems, and they often seem impossible to solve. In other words, one person can make a difference, but you might have to do something a little unconventional."

There are a number of people who have changed the world by themselves; Bill gates, Martin Luther, Nelson Mandela, Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, and more.

Not all of the impacts may have been good, but it shows that with ones persons great effort they can really make an impact on the world.


- Eijiro <3

Hurry I need help!Whats the answer?


I think the last one

Can somebody help me on this? Urgent and needed now please

1) Clayton wants to improve the coherence in the introduction of his text. What sentence could Clayton insert before sentence 1?

A) Dragons are not only mythological creatures, but their name also refers to a futuristic spacecraft designed to deliver cargo.
B) Images of fire- breathing, flying dragons may seem like fabrications of an active imagination, but dragons are real.
C) The modern term for dragon is derived from the Latin word dracō, meaning "a serpent of huge size."

2) Clayton wants to improve the coherence of his text. Which of these is the BEST revision of sentence 4?

A) The theory that dinosaurs, also known as dragons, and humans did not coexist is just that—a theory.
B) The theory that dragons, also known as dinosaurs, and humans did not coexist is just that—a theory.
3) Clayton wants to make a connection between the ideas in sentences 6 and 7. Which transition would be BEST to add in the beginning of sentence 7?

A) In addition
B) Consequently
C) Similarly
D) After all

4) Clayton's text does not end effectively. What sentence could Clayton add to improve the coherence of his conclusion?

A) Why wouldn't I?
B) There is no scientific proof they did not exist.
C) The evidence supporting their existence is too compelling to ignore.
D) They are so cool!​


1) B) Images of fire-breathing, flying dragons may seem like fabrications of an active imagination, but dragons are real.

2) B) The theory that dragons, also known as dinosaurs, and humans did not coexist is just that—a theory.

3) A) In addition

4) C) The evidence supporting their existence is too compelling to ignore.

"Day of the Dragon" by Richard A. Knaak is a fantasy fiction book set in the Warcraft universe. It is a part of the larger Warcraft series that delves into the world of Azeroth, where the conflict between the Horde and the Alliance intensifies.

In this particular book, the focus is on the history of the Dragon Aspects and their battle against a powerful enemy.

Learn more about Day of The Dragon, here:



What can you infer about Wael Ghonim (the author) from this part of his memoir Revolution 2. 0? Support your inferences with specific details from the text


Wael Ghonim is a brave and courageous man who is passionate about social justice and democracy.

How to explain the information

He is also a skilled communicator and organizer, and he has a deep understanding of the power of social media to mobilize people and effect change.

In Revolution 2.0, Ghonim tells the story of how he used social media to help organize the Egyptian Revolution of 2011.

Ghonim was arrested by the Egyptian government for his role in the protests, but he was eventually released. After Mubarak stepped down, Ghonim became a national hero. He has since continued to work for democracy and social justice in Egypt.

Learn more about inference on



Furthermore, Ghonim is committed to advocating for change through non-violent means, according to his memoir.

In the text, Ghonim explains how he became involved in the Arab Spring movement and how it grew into a movement that culminated in the overthrow of the Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak. Ghonim explains that he helped to organize and lead peaceful protests, and he was arrested and imprisoned for his role in the movement.

Through his memoir, Ghonim portrays himself as a brave and dedicated activist who is committed to promoting democracy and social justice in his country. Hence, the main answer is that Ghonim is a politically active person who is dedicated to democracy and freedom.

To know more about advocating  visit:-



When speaking of his treasure, Lemon says, "What else a man got 'cepting what he can pass on to his son, or his daughter, if she be his oldest?" Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? Give examples to explain your position.


According to Lemon's assertion, a person's ultimate riches or value is found in what they may leave behind for their offspring.

This viewpoint places a strong emphasis on the value of intergenerational heritage and family. Whether or whether one concurs with this statement will depend on one's own values, the context of their culture, and their particular situation.

On the one hand, some individuals could concur with Lemon's viewpoint. They may place a high value on their children's achievement and well-being and view leaving a lasting legacy, both tangible and immaterial, as an important component of their life's work. They could see their offspring as their greatest legacy and take satisfaction from transferring their morals, skills, traditions, and material belongings to them.

For more details regarding context, visit:



Why does Billy think that the bed and breakfast looks promising ? A There are animals.B There are flowers. C It is brightly colored . D It is crowded .


I’ll say c it is brightly colored

Select the correct answer.
Callum is researching outdoor camping. What is the best overall conclusion he can draw from both of his sources?
A. Nature provides a variety of benefits, such as escaping technology.
B. Nature provides an opportunity for people to experience surviving the elements.
C. Camping can be an enjoyable experience that provides many benefits to people.
D. Camping can be challenging due to the physical demands of relying on yourself.



"Camping can be an enjoyable experience that provides many benefits to people. "


I got it right on plato!


"Camping can be an enjoyable experience that provides many benefits to people. "


i got it right

article: “a kid in a candy store”

What kind of candy does Mr. Orson give Tommy to try?



A star-shaped tiny yellow candy.


recall a time when you found yourself daydreaming. think about where you were what was happening and how your daydreaming feel.​



When I was daydreaming I found myself on the beach sitting down with my feet in the water looking into the sunset and I was talking to someone one of my friends about something important and it made me feel happy but sad at the same time


the drummer boy shiloh pba



Based on research, He rose in rank to brigadier general becoming Assistant Quartermaster General of the United States Army in 1903. He retired from the Army in 1915 and died at age 85 in 1937. He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

You have a photo or sum for some proof of tha

Where else would we have the opportunity to meet an astronaut or touch a rock from the moon? (3) We could learn all about space travel and the
Solar System (4) Exhibits display space suits worn by astronauts as well as replicas of a shuttle and a space laboratory

What change if any should be made in sentence (3)?
A Change could learn to could have learned
B. Insert a comma after travel
C. Change Solar System to solar system
D. No change is needed



The correct answer would be A, to change could learn to could have learned


Everything else is correct.

Trust me on this one and have a great day never forget to praise YEHOVAH

Explain how each of these statements is true for The Flight of Icarus :

• In a myth, events occur that cannot happen in real life

• A mythical character has unusual abilities.

• A myth shows the values of a culture.


Answer and Explanation:

• In a myth, events occur that cannot happen in real life: In "The Flight of Icarus" we can see many elements that, although they were included in the plot of this myth, would be impossible to happen in the real world. In the myth, Icarus and his father devise an escape plan to escape a minotaur (minotaurs do not exist in the real world). That plan includes the creation of wax wings, which allow Icarus and his father to flee in flight. In the real world this would never happen.

• A mythical character has unusual abilities: Although humans are able to create wax wings, it would be impossible for a person to be able to fly with them. It would also be impossible for anyone to be able to fly close to the sun. However, Icarus has the ability to use his wings to fly to the point of melting his wings in the heat of the sun.

• A myth shows the values of a culture: In myth it was created to show the values adopted in a culture and to present responses to human nature and the natural world. In "The Flight of Icarus" we can see that the Greeks valued the obedience of the children in relation to the parents, since Icarus has a great punishment when he decides to disobey the orders of his father and to fly around the sun.

What is the summary of Chapter 3 in I am Parvana



After the Taliban's leave, mother, Nooria, Parvana, Maryam cleans up the house. Parvana can't go to sleep that day because she doesn't hear the normal snores of her father and is worried about him.



Read the excerpt from Act II, scene vi of Romeo and Juliet. Friar Laurence: These violent delights have violent ends, And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, Which, as they kiss consume: the sweetest honey Is loathsome in his own deliciousness And in the taste confounds the appetite: Therefore love moderately; long love doth so; Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow. What mood is created by the oxymoron and paradox in this excerpt



The oxymoron creates a contradictory mood, emphasizing the confused nature of love.


The oxymoron is a figure of speech that allows to present a paradox in the text, that is, the oxymoron presents in the same sentence, two contrary information, but that are complemented in some way.

In the text presented above, the oxymoron is seen in the lines "the sweetest honey / Is loathsome in his own deliciousness". With this sentence, the author creates a contradictory mood, but presents a characteristic love as something confused, but pleasurable.


The oxymoron creates a contradictory mood, emphasizing the confusing nature of love and voilent delight.


An oxymoron is a self-contradicting word or group of words (as in Shakespeare's line from Romeo and Juliet.A paradox is a statement or argument that seems to be contradictory or to go against common sense, but that is yet perhaps still true  In the message introduced over, the confusing expression is found in the lines "the best honey/Is evil in his own flavor". With this sentence, the creator makes an inconsistent mind-set, however, presents a trademark love as something confounded, yet entirely pleasurable.

Know more :


Directions: Identify the underlined phrase as one of the following: (some used twice).
32. Darth Vader and Luke, the famous rivals, proved to have a complicated relationship.
33. I can teach you to make a wicked Crock-pot lasagna. C. Infinitive
34. Running late, the girl almost missed the start of the show. A. Particip
33. Escaping the enemy is part of the critical formula for every superhero story.
36. Bob, our next door neighbor. feeds the birds every day. i
37. Even though I was terrified to do it, I climbed up the rock wall. C. Infinitive
38. The movie Rocky is such a classic.
39. After this hybrid school year, we all need a break.
AB. Appos
40. The car, on the side of the road, had a flat tire
B. Gerund
AB. Appos


The phrases can be identified in the following ways:

32. Darth Vader and Luke, the famous rivals, proved to have a complicated relationship. Appositive

33. I can teach you to make a wicked Crock-pot lasagna Infinitive

34. Running late, the girl almost missed the start of the show. Gerund

33. Escaping the enemy is part of the critical formula for every superhero story. Gerund

36. Bob, our next door neighbor, feeds the birds every day. Appositive

37. Even though I was terrified to do it, I climbed up the rock wall. Infinitive

38. The movie Rocky is such a classic. Appositive

39. After this hybrid school year, we all need a break. Appositive

40. The car, on the side of the road, had a flat tire Appositive

How to identify the phrase

We can identify the underlined phrases by pointing out the parts of speech used in each case. The infinitive is used to refer to words that begin with the infinitive, to.

Also, the appositive refers to the extra modifying term that is used to desribe a noun or a pronoun and a gerund is the noun form of a verb.

Learn more about gerunds here:



Who has the upper hand (advantage) in the balcony scene? Is this traditional for Shakespeare’s time? Is it traditional by today’s standards?



Romeo has.

No, it isn't.

No, it's not.

please urgent please help




1. Are Jim Tina getting married?   e - Yes, they are. Their wedding ceremony are going to take place at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday.

2. Are you celebrating a special occasion? b - Yes! I moved to a new flat last week.

3. It's 2:00 p.m. and I'm very hungry. d - Let's take our lunch break then.

4. Did Peter reply to Gina's letter? c - He wanted to but he lost her address.

5. Can Jeremy join us at the cinema on Thursday? a - I don't think so. He's going to return from his village late on that day.

2. Which phrase best describes the grammatical mood used in a poem?

the quality or form of the verb in a sentence

the tense of a verb showing when events occurred

how a reader feels when they read the work

how the poet feels when they create the work



how a reader feels when they read the work


The grammatical mood used in a poem refers to the way the reader feels when reading a poetic or literary work. This feeling is evoked by the choice of words used by the poet, and the actual events in the poem. Some literary moods used in a poem include, joyful, angry, sad, serious, gloomy, funny, relaxed, suspicious, etc.

The creation of literary moods helps to make the literary work relatable to the reader. He becomes involved in the piece being written and can recall it faster.


Grammatical mood refers specifically to the quality or form of verbs in a sentence.


i need help quick pls Choose two more words or phrases that help develop the claim in paragraph three that Phil did not start out well at first but eventually would find success.
A) Still
B) Today
C) He began
D) He also made
E) Some television networks
Duck Commander
Lyndon Crestfill

It is not easy to start up a business from scratch, but Phil Robertson made it look easy. There is an old saying, “If you build a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to your door.” This saying turned out to be true for Phil and his love of duck hunting.

Phil grew up in rural Louisiana with six brothers and sisters. His family was poor, so hunting was an important way to get food and money. As a boy, Phil was a good hunter, but he was good at other things as well. In high school, he played many sports, including football, baseball, and track. He was such a great football player that he earned a college scholarship to Louisiana Tech. After graduating from college, he went back to the woods he called home. He returned to hunting again and he realized that the duck calls (special whistles that trick ducks into coming when they hear the sound) did not work so well. He wanted a duck call that would sound just like a real duck. So, in 1972, Phil began working on his new invention, a duck call that he named the Duck Commander.

At first, he did not sell many Duck Commanders. He made $8,000 during his first year, but that was not enough money to take care of his wife and four children. Still, Phil did not give up. He began the Duck Commander Company in 1973. He used his home for a factory and his family helped him make, package, and ship all the calls. He also made videos of himself explaining and showing how to use the duck calls. Some television networks saw his videos and thought that the family would make an interesting reality television show. Today, the Robertson family stars in the extremely popular reality show, Duck Dynasty. His company is now worth millions of dollars!

Because of hard work and dedication, Phil turned a good idea into a great business. He also proved that there is some truth in the old “build a better mousetrap” saying.


I would go with B and C.

If you could pick for yourself, I would have chosen “at first” and “today”, but using “he began” and “today” are good for compare/contrast, which seems to be what they are looking for.

Six Sigma is a system to further develop processes that assists with moving in keeping away from the steady changes in them wiping out issues in items conveyance and client support, among others. A central issue is that the client is truly significant and it is urgent that the cycles satisfy the clients prerequisites.

What Phil experinced in his childhood?

Phil experienced childhood in rustic Louisiana with six family. His family was poor, so hunting was a significant method for getting food and cash. As a kid, Phil was a decent tracker, yet he was great at different things too.

In secondary school, he played many games, including football, baseball, and track. He was such an incredible football player that he acquired a school grant to Louisiana Tech.

Subsequent to moving on from school, he returned to the forest he called home. He got back to hunting again and he understood that the duck calls exceptional whistles that stunt ducks into coming when they hear the sound didn't function admirably.

For more information about Phil, refer the following link:


Bolivar liberated five nations so that...

A They can live in peace forever.
B They could live in peace forever.
C They can be independent each one.
D No wrong





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friedrich engels, a close associate of karl marx, argued that women's subjugation by men: The data contains below on total U.S. box office grosses ($billion), total number of admissions (billion), average U.S. ticket price ($), and number of movie screens.a)Construct a regression equation in which total U.S. box office grosses are predicted using the other variablesb)Determine if the overall model is significant. Use a significance level of 0.05.c)Determine the range of plausible values for the change in box office grosses if the average ticket price were to be increased by $1. Use a confidence level of 95%.d) Calculate the variance inflation factor for each of the independent variables. Indicate if multicollinearity exists between any two independent variables. Describe the sampling distribution of p if a sample of size 500 is drawn from a population with p = 0.298, a. The shape is approximately normal. The mean is 0.298, and the standard deviation is 0.02. b. The shape is approximately normal. The mean is 0.013, and the standard deviation is 10.23. c. The shape is approximately normal. The mean is 0.298, and the standard deviation is 10.23. d. The shape is unknown. The mean is 0.013, and the standard deviation is 0.02. e. None of these Equivalent units is computed using which of the following formulas? Select one: O a. Equivalent units = Number of partially completed units x (100% Percentage completion O b. Equivalent units = Number of partially completed units x Percentage completion O c. Equivalent units = Number of completed units X Percentage completion o d. Equivalent units = Number of completed units(100% - Percentage completion) What is the derivative of x(t)? X(t)= 1- CosCWnt)/Wn2 1- CosWn(t-1))/Wn2 1- CoscWilt-T2/Wn2 Test the claim that the proportion of people who own cats is significantly different than 50% at the 0.05 significance level. The null and alternative hypothesis would be: ___________ Which statement best describes the relationship between prophase and telophase?a. Prophase is the final stage of mitosis, while telophase is the initial stage.b. Prophase and telophase are both stages of meiosis.c. Prophase is the stage where chromosomes condense, while telophase is the stage where they decondense.d. Prophase and telophase are unrelated stages in the cell cycle. water makes up about 71% of the earth's surface, while the other 29% consists of continents and islands. 96% of all the earth's water is contained within the oceans as salt water, while the remaining 4% is fresh water located in lakes, rivers, glaciers, and the polar ice caps. if the total volume of water on earth is 1,386 million cubic kilometers, what is the volume of salt water in million cubic kilometers? A basket of goods was priced 100$ in 2010 and 104$ in 2011. What was the inflation rate between 2010 and 2011? (Provide an answer in percentage between 0 and 100) If costs rise in a somewhat linear fashion as the number of services offered rises, this may be: a. a fixed cost b. A variable cost, since each additional service adds to the cost. c. A mixed cost, but further analysis is needed through the completion of a scattergraph what are the importances of Phoenicians achievements in worldhistory(make a list) a survey questionnaire asked about marital status. the best way to visually display the results is: group of answer choices a.bar graph b.bell curve c.histogram d.scatterplot 3. how could you determine if ink is a pure substance or a mixture? a parallelogram has sides of lengths 7 and 5, and one angle is 35. find the lengths of the diagonals. (round your answers to two decimal places. enter your answers as a comma-separated list.) the straight-line distance from capital city to little village is miles. from capital city to mytown is miles, from mytown to yourtown is miles, and from yourtown to little village is miles. how far is it from mytown to little village? write a program that displays a checkerboard with 64 squares, alternating white and black. which of the following remote access methods allows an administrator to take control of a user's machine and block the user from seeing the active session?A.PPPB.PPPoEC.RDPD.RAS Which one of the following is NOT a nonfinancial performance measure of customer satisfaction on a commercial airline?A) number of lost bag reportsB) number of flights cancelledC) number of employees with advanced degreesD) number of flights on time Which characteristics are most likely associated with effective teams and effective team leaders? (Choose all that apply) Teams have low levels of communication. c Leaders work to secure the necessary equipment. Teams have a clear mission and high performance standards. Teams concern with striving for unanimity than appraising different courses of action. Leaders spend time planning and organizing to make optimal use of resources. after turning on the light switch, at what level do you set the rheostat?