What is true about a scientific idea? (4 points)

It is biased in its results.

It asks about an opinion.

It asks about a moral value.

It can be observed and tested.


Answer 1


d it can be observed and tested

Related Questions

The unit of androecium is​



The unit of androecium is stamen. The plural of stamen is either stamina or just stamens. An androecium is usually made up of multiple stamina


The unit of androecium is stamen. The plural of stamen is either stamina or just stamen. An androecium is usually made up of many or multiple stamen

The process by which secretory products are packaged into vesicles and then released from the cells is known as





It is Exocyctosis because Exocyctosis is a process where membrane bound secretory vessicles which can contain soluble proteins,membrane proteins, lipids are released from the cell into the extracellular environment.

The release is possible because the vessicles join to the plasma membrane of the cell.

These secretory vessicles are formed from trans Golgi network.

Which statement best describes a human influence on the biogeochemical cycles?



increased eutrophication caused by high levels of nitrogen and phosphorous



The movement of a chemical substance through both the biotic and abiotic parts of Earth


What elements make up a carbohydrate?



Hydrogen, Carbon, Oxygen,

Explain the three mechanisms of heat transfer in Earth’s atmosphere.



There are three ways heat is transferred into and through the atmosphere.

radiation. conduction. convection.


Radiation is the transfer of heat energy through space by electromagnetic radiation.If you have stood in front of a fireplace or near a campfire, you have felt the heat transfer known as radiation. The side of your body nearest the fire warms, while your other side remains unaffected by the heat. Although you are surrounded by air, the air has nothing to do with this transfer of heat. Heat lamps, that keep food warm, work in the same way.


Welding iron is transferring heat by conduction

Conduction is the transfer of heat energy from one substance to another or within a substance. Have you ever left a metal spoon in a pot of soup being heated on a stove? After a short time, the handle of the spoon will become hot.This is due to transfer of heat energy from molecule to molecule or from atom to atom. Also, when objects are welded together, the metal becomes hot (the orange-red glow) by the transfer of heat from an arc.


convection is the transfer of heat energy in a fluid. This type of heating is most commonly seen in the kitchen with a boiling liquid.

Air in the atmosphere acts as a fluid. The sun's radiation strikes the ground, thus warming the rocks. As the rock's temperature rises due to conduction, heat energy is released into the atmosphere, forming a bubble of air which is warmer than the surrounding air. This bubble of air rises into the atmosphere. As it rises, the bubble cools with the heat contained in the bubble moving into the atmosphere

The three mechanisms of heat transfer in Earth’s atmosphere are radiation, conduction and convection.

What causes conduction in the atmosphere?

Air in the atmosphere acts as a fluid. The sun's radiation strikes the ground, thus warming the rocks.

As the rock's temperature rises due to conduction, heat energy is released into the atmosphere, forming a bubble of air which is warmer than the surrounding air. This bubble of air rises into the atmosphere.

During the day, sunlight heats the ground, which in turn heats the air directly above it via conduction. At night, the ground cools and the heat flows from the warmer air directly above to the cooler ground via conduction.

Learn more about conduction:



The two days of the year when the Sun's rays are exactly on the equator are called _____.





It occurs 2 times a year where the sun shines exactly on the equator on September and March

Erythromycin is given to a six-year-old child before dental work to prevent endocarditis. The child weighs 44 lb (20 kg). The order is for 20 mg/kg by mouth two hours before the dental appointment. The bottle comes concentrated as 400 mg/5 ml. How many milliliters should the child receive? Record your answer using a whole number.



5 milliliters


Weight of the child = 20 kg

Prescription order = 20 mg/kg 2 hours before appointment

The total amount of erythromycin required by the child= weight of the child x prescription order.

                       = 20 x 20 = 400 mg

Amount of erythromycin per 5 ml of the bottle = 400 mg

Hence, the total milliliters of the liquid that the child should receive = 5 ml

Uncovered lightbulbs may expose food to which type of hazard



chemical is the answer

Which role of protists,fungi, and bacteria has the most positive effect on maintaining the plant population in an ecosystem?
O if they are found in the gut of animals, they can assist in digestion
They are a major food source for animals
They decompose dead materials, returning nutrients to the soil
They produce about 75 percent of the oxygen on Earth



They decompose dead materials, returning nutrients to soil


You could say life on Earth depends on the protists because they supply us with oxygen, are critical organisms in food chains, and recycle important nutrients for other life forms to use.

Eukaryotes evolved from prokaryote ancestors (the Endosymbiont Theory being a likely pathway). While eukaryotes share some traits with their prokaryote ancestor(s), some features are unique to eukaryotes. What are they?
a. circular double-stranded DNA in the nucleus.
b. ribosomes are used for protein synthesis.
c. membrane-bound organelles.
d. mitosis.
e. mitochondria.
f. photosynthesis.
g. motility.
i. histones associated with DNA.


The answers are C, D, E and H ! hope this helped you :)

Chromosomes that have their centromere near or at the center with two equal length arms are called ______.



Metacentric centromere

Describing the Big Bang Theory
Which statement accurately describes the origin and expansion of the universe?
O As the universe continues to expand, it gradually gets warmer.
Galaxies that are farther away are moving away more slowly.
O Cosmic background radiation is leftover thermal energy from the big bang.
O Stars and galaxies formed almost immediately after the big bang occurred.





The N-terminal tail of histone H3 can be extensively modified, and depending on the number, location, and combination of these modifications, these changes may promote the formation of heterochromatin. What is the result of heterochromatin formation



Repression of gene expression  


Heterochromatin is formed by highly-packed DNA regions. A functional consequence of heterochromatin formation is that these regions become inaccessible to transcription factors, thereby inhibiting gene transcription (genes in these regions are 'switched off'). Heterochromatin is formed by epigenetic modifications added to histone tails that form nucleosomes, i.e., histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4. The epigenetic marks include, among others, acetylation and methylation.

do sponges have cells



no, they dont


how would a sponge have cells? so no




Generally all living things have cells. They have no organs though.

Which of the following actions has an effect on the environment: A Turning lights on in your home B Building a new road C All of these D What you eat



its c!!


Jellyfish, mushrooms, oak trees, and bacteria contain cells. Which component of cell theory does this best illustrate? All living things are made of cells. Most organisms are made of cells. All cells come from other cells. Plants are made of cells.



All living organisms are made of cells.



No matter what is it, if it is a plant, an animal, a bacteria, anything! If it is alive, biotic, living, breathing, it is made up of cells. NO MATTER What! Rocks and sun are not alive so that means they are biotic. Which means they are not made of cells.

I really hope this helps!


A all living things are made of cells!


Purple flowers are dominant over the white flowers. The parent generation includes two heterozygous parents. What are the possible phenotypes of these parent offspring



Purple and white-flowered individuals.


First, let P represents the allele for purple flower trait and p for white flower trait. PP and Pp would be purple and pp would be white flower individuals.

The parents are two heterozygous individuals, Pp.

                     Pp    x    Pp

offspring:  PP    Pp    Pp    pp

PP and Pp = purple

pp = white.

Hence, the possible phenotypes of offspring from two heterozygous parents are purple and white-flowered individuals.

Why the bass and crayfish benefit from an increased level of phosphate, initially, but then die off



Increased levels of phosphate are beneficial to phytoplankton and aquatic plants. In the short-run, this means increased micronutrients for herbivorous and omnivorous fish.

The phosphate, however, reacts with the water to reduce the oxygen levels obtainable in the water. Without oxygen, the fishes die off.

It is not unusual to find that with increased phosphate in water, healthy fishes begin to die off without any other plausible explanation.

The solution is to clean the water or treat it with solutions that impact positively whilst reducing the phosphate levels.


The table shows the energy that is stored in three types of organic molecules. Energy Storage in Humans A 4-column table with 3 rows. Column 1 is unlabeled with entries Free Glucose in Blood, Glycogen, Lipids (Fats). Column 2 is labeled K cal per Gram with entries 4, 4, 9. Column 3 is labeled Energy Storage (k cal) with entries 40, 600 to 1600, 10,000. Column 4 is labeled Life Support Time with entries Few minutes, 1 day, 30 to 40 days. What is the best conclusion based on this data? Blood is a primary location for energy storage. Fat molecules contain more energy-containing bonds than simple sugars. A gram of glycogen has twice as much energy as a gram of fat. The human body stores approximately 1,000 kcal of glucose.



B or Fat molecules contain more energy-containing bonds than simple sugars.


The BEST conclusion based on this data is fat molecules contain more energy-containing bonds than simple sugar.

Both glucose and fats are macronutrients that store energy in their chemical bonds.

Carbohydrates are polymers composed of monomers or 'sugar molecules' called monosaccharides. Glucose is a simple sugar (i.e., it is a monosaccharide).

Lipids (fats) are polymers composed of fatty acids and glycerol.

According to data, free glucose contains four (4) Kcal per gram; whereas lipids (fats) contain nine (9) Kcal per gram.

In conclusion, the BEST conclusion based on this data is fat molecules contain more energy-containing bonds than simple sugar.

Learn more in:


Would we have the Same countries If Pangea existed? And would we look the same?explain please


i don’t think we would have the same countries. i feel like everything would be connected, like maybe a few really big countries instead of hundreds of different countries. i feel we would look different that how we already look because there would be more of different type of people around each other, resulting in mixed race reproducing.

what is the idea behind bottle biology



Bottle Biology is a classroom-tested approach to hands-on biology which allows students on all levels to become engaged in the actual process and activity of doing science: Asking questions, creating experiments, testing hypotheses and generating "answers."


Hope it helps

Bottle Biology is a classroom tested approach to hands on biology which allows students on all levels to become engaged in the actual process.

It also allow activity of doing science like  Asking questions, creating experiments, testing hypotheses and finding answers.

What is used in bottle biology?Bottle Biology uses recyclable containers as building blocks that can be put together to form any number of bottle systems to explore science, nature, and the environment. In Life Science people are invited to choose from four Bottle Biology systems.

What is the purpose of bottle biology?The purpose of this project is to construct a functional micro ecosystem that will support living organisms. The underlying principles of the structure and function of ecosystems will be studied and explored in class.

To know more about ecosystem here



Which takes up more space, the dorsal or ventral cavity?





The dorsal takes more space

When does heat produce a chemical change?



Heat produces a chemical change when energy is released in the form of light


As the force increases, so does the _______ of the object. A.intensity B.speed C.weight D. volume



B. Speed


In Zambia, which lions are likely to have migrated from a different population?


Zambian lions are split into two subpopulations, with one in the Greater Kafue Ecosystem in the west and the other in the Luangwa Valley Ecosystem in the east. Between these two geographically different regions lies Lusaka, Zambia's largest city, which is surrounded by farmland. males travel long distances to find new prides, while females remain in or close to the pride they were born in. So, for the lion, it's primarily males that are responsible for the movement of genes between prides. This male-mediated gene flow explains the lack of gene flow seen in mitochondrial genes compared to that of nuclear genes—female lions aren't making the journey, but they do mate with new males who come from far away.

Tried sorry

Which of the following from Picture 9 is the strongest base? * A. ammonium chloride B. pure water C. tomatoes D. hydrochloric acid



Ammonium chloride (sodium hydroxide is stronger but it isn't an option in the question)


pH less then 7 is acidic

pH 7 is neautral

pH higher than 7 is alkali

An alkali is a soluble base.

Ammonium chloride has the highest pH number so it must be a base.

How were you able to determine if something was living, once living, or never living (non-living)?



If it was once living you  would know by the fossils or where it was found.  Stuff that is non-living is stuff like rocks and dirt. Living is trees and animals.


How can Scientific beliefs be used incorrectly to fool people into thinking they are Scientifically founded



Is really common that all the studies and scientific advances that we find today, born as an idea or hypothesis (that in a lot of cases is not the same as the end result).

So for example, suppose that a group of scientists is trying to find a cure to a certain disease, and they think that they may have found it, but there are not enough tests (for example they may try it in rats, but not in humans yet)

As the group starts to find results, they may share them (especially if they are positive), and here is when a given communicator/periodic takes this information and makes a claim like "Group of scientist finally finds the cure for...."

So in this case the media is using the fact that a group of scientists "thinks" something as a valid claim to affirm something.

There is also the case where a scientist says something (That has logic and scientific value only in context) and then the media uses some part of the scientist's statement out of context in order to affirm a given idea.

How is glucose transported to brain cells? A) by cellular energy B) by the digestive system C) by the lactic acid in the muscles D) by the circulatory system


Glucose is transported to brain cells by the circulatory system, which is in Option D because the brain gets most of the energy from utilizing the glucose, and then the energy is utilized for different functions.

What is the significance of glucose in the brain?

Glucose is very important for the brain, as the brain needs a constant flow of energy for reading, writing, other memory-related activities, the secretion of some hormones, etc., so glucose can easily break down and give energy. While the lack of glucose can lead to neurological problems such as confusion, difficulty memorizing, inattention, and seizures,

Hence, glucose is transported to brain cells by the circulatory system, which is in Option D because the brain gets most of the energy from utilizing the glucose, and then the energy is utilized for different functions.

Learn more about the glucose in the brain here.



Cellulose is to polysaccharide, as glucose is to


Sugar and it’s because they are very similar
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