What is a major governmental difference between Canada and the United States ?


Answer 1


Americans have a president, whereas Canadians have a prime minister.


Related Questions

What are the factors that create the rise & fall of civilizations?


Answer: factors that lead civilizations to rise was Favourable environment and water and Common factors that may contribute to collapse are economical, environmental, social and cultural, and disruptions in one domain sometimes cascade into another. In some cases a natural disaster.

scientists use ___ to write or display very small or very large numbers



Scientists use Scientific Notation to write or display very small or very large numbers.


which activity is the best example of a paleolithic lifestyle


Answer: A.hunting mammoths


The Palaeolithic period of human history which is also called the Old Stone Age, refers to a period in human history when humans first started making stone tools.

At this point in time, humans still had not learnt to farm and so were nomadic in nature with hunting and gathering as their main food source. A Palaeolithic activity therefore would involve the hunting of Mammoths which were still in existence at the time.

Which region did not have colonies established for religious freedom?


The Puritans and Pilgrims arrived in New England in the early 1600s after suffering religious persecution in England. However, the Puritans of Massachusetts Bay Colony didn't tolerate any opposing religious views. Catholics, Quakers and other non-Puritans were banned from the colony.

Early in the 1600s, following their escape from religious persecution in England, the Puritans, and Pilgrims came to New England. Religious freedom is not permitted in the New England colonies.

What is freedom?

The term freedom refers to the independence of no restrictions. As there are no obligations to free the nation or the individual. Freedom of expression, of the press, of writing, and of religion The ability to enjoy independence as a person.

New England colonies are free to follow their own religion, not forcefully change it. The two groups, the Puritans and the Pilgrims, do not represent religious freedom. The Puritans did not have the right to change the religion as they were suffering more.

Hence, the significance of the freedom is aforementioned.

Learn more about on freedom, here:



Unions often use strikes as a means to- A. Communicate with other factory workers to strategize how they can try and bring B. Demonstrate how upset the workers are over their working conditions C. Show other companies that they are willing to provide labor D. Get business owners to give into their demands for improved pay and working conditions


D. get business owners to give into their demands for improved pay and working conditions

the start of a reanissance why does the author use the word expoded on page 5


Answer: But the term 'renaissance' (French for 'rebirth') was never used during the ... Did the Renaissance begin in late 14th-century Italy, during what's usually ... snippets from quotable authors, sharpen their use of argumentative ... and the jump in the number of children exposed to the best classical learning.


which geographical area of north america was most disputed between france and great britain?

a. florida
b. the southwest
c. ohio valley
d. middle colonies


middle colonies is the answer i think

Which of the following is a main contribution of the Spanish? purchase of Manhattan Island cattle ranching in the Southwest strong fur trading industry





strong fur trading industry

Mei Ling is 14 years old.She and her mother moved from Thailand to the United States 2 years ago.Her mother is planning on applying for citizenship.Is Mei Ling a citizen



Mei Ling is not a citizen


People must live in the U.S. for at least 2.5 years.

Mei Ling only needs to live in the U.S. for another six months to become a citizen.

2. Why did Spain and France establish colonies in the Americas?_I



France and Spain established their colonies before England as well. ... France established colonies in North America as a way to aid their trading with the Native Americans. French trading outposts had already been established in North America as a way to obtain furs and other resources for export.

They ended up colonizing North America for different economic reasons. Spain colonized America because they were searching for gold and silver. They did find a lot of gold and silver when they conquered the Aztec and Inca Empires. France colonized North America because of the great amount of furs they found there.

One of the most famous unions during the Glided Age was the- A. Scranton workers union B. Workers for liberty C. Labor group of New York D. Knights of labor


B workers for Liberty


I'm not sure if it's right but I believe the answer is B

Having to do all the work is an example of a(n)
OA. disadvantage to society of using authority
OB. disadvantage to the user of using authority
O c.
advantage to society of using authority
advantage to the user of using authority


B it makes the most sense

Why did the Assyrians not capture Jerusalem?



The story of the Assyrian siege is told in the Biblical books of Isaiah, Chronicles and Second Kings. As the Assyrians began their invasion, King Hezekiah began preparations to protect Jerusalem. In an effort to deprive the Assyrians of water, springs outside the city were blocked

Explain how the Americas became more interconnected through medieval and early modern times?



Through Trade routes


Americas became more interconnected through medieval and early modern times through trade routes.

An increase in civilization was the major characteristic of the medieval and early modern times. The goods produced by countries were however traded to earn more income and this led to an exchange of information, goods and services through this means which led to an interconnection between the European countries.

What allowed currency in the ancient world to work as a tool for the exchange of goods? It represented an agreed-upon value. It represented an amount of available resources. It was used as a standard measurement of goods. It demonstrated how much people would pay for a product.



no cheating ;)


The fact that the ancient world's currency represented an agreed-upon value made it possible for it to be used as a tool for the exchange of goods. Therefore, option (A) or (i) is the correct answer.

How was money in ancient times valued?

Over the years, a kind of money that involved easily exchanged goods like salt, weapons, and animal skins slowly came into existence.

The objects that were traded functioned as the exchange's currency (even though the value of each of these items was still negotiable in many cases).

Money is an accepted medium of exchange that was created to facilitate the exchange of goods and services between individuals.

Native iron, obsidian, meteorites, beads, amber, gold, copper, and silver ingots, as well as native lead and copper, have all been used as money at different times.

Up until quite recently, people even utilized live animals like cows as a sort of payment.

Therefore, money was something that was an exchange of goods based on agreed value rather than any counting or calculations. As a result, option (A) is the correct answer.

Check out the link below to learn more about ancient money;



Many people find history interesting because they
consider it to be a collection of true stories about
people and events of the past. They enjoy reading
about the people and events that made the world
what it is today. This unit explores how historians
find information and how they determine if that
information is worthy of being analyzed and
passed on to future generations. News is
sometimes called history in the making. How do
you get information about what is happening in
the world today? How do you determine if it's
relevant or important? How do you determine if
the source is truthful or credible?



Does the author or agency that created the information have the credentials, academic background, or experience to write authoritatively about the topic?


Google their name(s)...do they have a degree related to the topic they are addressing?

Watch out for people with degrees (MA, MS, PhD) in a field unrelated to what they are writing about. A PhD in English does not qualify someone to give medical advice, for instance.


Google their name...do they have a good reputation in the field they are addressing?

Are they really taking responsibility for a particular website or certain resource? In the case of websites, sometimes university web pages are "official" and sometimes they belong solely to students or staff or faculty. To learn how to tell the difference, visit our "How can I "read" a URL or website address?" answer.

See also: What is a good way to find information about the authority or qualifications of an author?


How do Zinn's conclusions about the purpose and method of English colonization compare to Schweikart's? Give specific examples of similarities and differences.



Dr Howard Zinn and Schweikart wrote history describing colonization and the arrival of European in America with discussing people who cleared the wilderness along with their mistakes.


Zinn wrote 'A People's History of the United States' where he explains about the arrival of Europeans in America. He gives a brief description of Columbus arrival and colonization.

The Jamestown colony founded by settlers led by John Smith. The Massachusetts Bay Colony established by Puritans (Pilgrims). The uneasy between settlers and Pequot Indians started to hostile relations, which led to the Pequot War. Settlers pushed Pequot Indians out of their land where they have resided for years. The land confiscated which allowed colonists to seize the uncultivated land with force and wars in future.

But despite Indian conflict, exposure, starvation, famine, disease, and other hardships, the English kept coming to America. In 1619 they started bringing African slaves into the middle colonies. Zinn writes that colonists could not force the Indians to work for them. Native Indians outnumbered, while, settlers with firearms massacre the Indians, and in return, they face killing. Settlers could not capture them and keep them enslaved as the Indians were resourceful, strong, defiant, and at their home (woods).

According to Schweikart, English respect for property rights soon eclipsed. English colonists found the land so abundant that anyone could own it. Setters gave England an advantage in the colonization process over rivals it further improved by growing religious toleration brought by Puritans. The Chief Powhatan's daughter, Pocahontas marriage to John Rolfe, in 1614 reflected towards the peace relation between the Indian and English settlers.

British officials grew angry and impatient with their colonial subjects during the Seven Years' War partly because

a. improved colonial officers, like George Washington, looked down on ordinary British soldiers.

b. many of the colonists favored a French victory.

c. many of the colonists refused to provide funds to support the conflict and their own defense.

d. fewer than five thousand colonial recruits fought by the end of the war.

e. the colonists almost unanimously refused to fight beyond the boundaries of their own colony.



Option: c. many of the colonists refused to provide funds to support the conflict and their own defense.                    



Option: c. many of the colonists refused to provide funds to support the conflict and their own defense.                                 


The reasons for the Seven Years’ War in North America was to control the French fur trade. Moreover, to support trade, the French established friendly relations with the Native Americans. British, after seeing the profit declare war against the French.  

Britain efforts on the North American for colonial defence, led the Parliament to decide that the colonies forced to share the costs of the British crown. But the war showed the vulnerability of British administrative control in colonies on different aspects. Colonists self-government and trade, resist and eventually rebel against British. Taxation policy became a controversy because it tended to warn both the success and freedom of colonial society. Several colonies refused to finance the war by raising taxes or troops.

Reflect: When the Europeans came to the "New World" and came across with the Native Americans and their land, Do you consider that historical moment a "Discovery of new world"? Why?​


Yes because it was unknown to the other half of the world. And was completely new to most of the people on the planet.

What are the planets?



Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

mercury venus mars jupiter,uranas neptune saturn

When the American colonists fought for independence from Great Britain, the concept of _____ influenced the decision.



happiness, and freedom


When the American colonists wanted independence, they thought their happiness and freedom would be better off in an independent nation.

One reason that the Mayflower Compact was written was to establish:

A. Principles of government for the new colony

B. A charter for a joint-stock company

C. strict military control over the colonists

D. a system of trade with other colonies





Principles of government for a new conlony self-government

There were three main political institutions in Athens. Write the name of each at the top of the box. Below the name, write what each group did. Then place a check mark in the box if citizenship was required to participate.



The Athenian political body was formed by the Assembly, the Council, and the Courts.


In the Assembly, the general issues of politics were discussed. Citizenship was required.The Council accumulated the functions of the council of state and executive committee. Citizenship was required.The Courts were the crimes and other ordinances were judged. Because of the importance of this political body, and its historical approach, citizenship was required.

Actually, every aspect of Greek Democracy needed citizenship.

Where is Mesopotamia?
A Around the Nile River
B In the Indus Valley
C Between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers​



C Between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers


c. is your answer


Freedom of ____ allows people to gather peacefully


Freedom of assembly allows people to gather peacefully

How does a map of parks demonstrate human environment interaction?



More parks present on the maps shows human interaction with the environment.


A map of parks indicates that human has a great interaction with the environment because humans needs these parks for the recreational of their mind and for a good and healthy life. these parks refresh the human mind due to the presence of vegetation and we know that vegetation provides fresh and clean air as well as for the betterment of the vision of humans. So we can say that map of parks indicate human interaction with the environment.


More parks present on the maps shows human interaction with the environment


Why was Catherine the Great's monarchy viewed as ruthless?



Try looking on the web.


Which of the following statements about perspective and perception in geography is false?
Geographers use perspective to help them organize and categorize the world.
It is important to view the world geographically from only one perspective.
Perspectives help geographers examine patterns in the world.
Regions and mental maps can vary according to each person’s perception.




B. It is important to view the world geographically from only one perspective.

The statement about perspective and perception in geography which is false is: B.  It is important to view the world geographically from only one perspective.

In Geography, perspective can be defined as a framework that can be used to interpret and understand the meaning of a geographical region (area), phenomenon, events, culture, physical environment, etc.

On a related note, a perception in geography refers to the basis for interpret and understanding a geographical region's location, characteristics, patterns, significance and extent. Also, it causes regions and mental maps to vary.

Some of the ways in which perspective and perception are used in geography include the following:

To organize and categorize the world.To examine patterns in the world.To analyze a geographical region's location.

Read more on perspective and perception here: https://brainly.com/question/17738686

Barriers to trade in ancient Rome (what made it
hard to trade)


The Mediterranean Sea became a dangerous place for merchants as there were no powers to control the activities of pirates who marauded as far north as the English Channel.


a journey that took between three and five days.

lack of land transport

What principles underlie the foundation of American democracy?



The principle will be Equality, Justice, and Liberty.


Democracy throughout the U.S is guided by three values around which the country's economic socio-political structure is founded: liberty, freedom, and fairness (justice).

The nation, therefore, advocates equality for all its people, seeing this right as that of the privilege of every male and female to determine their respective existence without even any restriction whatsoever. To do this, it is the role of the government as well as the legislation treat everyone equally reasonably, that is, there was no other advantage than economic worth.Ultimately, the convergence of both principles means the creation of a just society in which the honest is compensated as well as the incorrect is persecuted and in which the fruit of each dedication and commitment is received.
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