What does the phrase “recursive process” mean when used to describe the writing process. a. Writing is not always a linear process b. Students should compose an essay in a specific order c. A type of writing that relies on quick, unedited drafting d. A style of calligraphy


Answer 1

The correct answer is A. Writing is not always a linear process


The term "recursive process" refers to processes that are not linear but require the repetition of stages, which often means going back to previous stages or steps. This term applies to the writing process because it is common the writer has to go back to previous stages and the process is not linear. For example, in revising, which is the third stage the writer might find it is necessary to change key ideas of the text, and to do this, he/she will need to go back to the second stage, which is drafting. According to this, writing is recursive because is not always linear.

Related Questions

8) French , the word meat means "a body opening or cavity ." In English , the word meat means "the flesh of animals used as food ." These two cognates are spelled essentially the same but their ____ differ
A. Rhymes

9) The French word debacle means "a general breakup or dispersion; sudden downfall or rout and so does the English word debacle. These two words are in all likelihood



Answer and Explanation:

8) According to the instructions, both French and English have the word "meat". However, they have very different meanings. Among the options for us to choose, the best one seems to be E. origins, in this case. The word "meat" in English most likely does not have the same origin as the word "meat" in French. When words look the same and convey similar meanings while belonging to different languages, that usually means they have the same origin. But that is clearly not the case here.

9) Again, both French and English have the word "debacle". This time, the word has the same meaning in both languages. We can safely say "debacle" in French and "debacle" in English are C. cognates. Cognates are words that have the same origin, the same linguist derivation. Since they have similar meanings and the same spelling, those words are most likely cognates.

Asking your teacher to figure out your current grade in his class cannot help increase your grades.
True or false




Answer: true

Explanation: that just doesnt happen lol

Which best describes John Winthrop’s “city upon a hill”?


Answer - a welcoming community that embraced diversity. ... a utopian community based on the principles of the Bible. an egalitarian community where men and women were viewed as equals.

Personal experiences, family, and culture


Answer:All Can Have an Effect on a writer.

Explanation:That’s the most reasonable answer


All can effect a person


Did it on my test

What is in the medicine bag and what does Martin add to it at the end of the story?


Answer:holds a piece of iron from Grandpa's father, a pebble from the butte where he went for his vision quest, and a piece of sacred sage. and added more sacred sage from the reservation.


When carrying your tablet from one room to the next, it is best to carry it under your arm put it in your pocket use one hand use two hands



I think the answer to the question is use your two hands to carry the tablet to the other room.


Use one hand in the pocket

1. What does literal mean?​



taking words in their usual or most basic sense without metaphor or allegory.


Literal language uses words exactly according to their conventionally accepted meanings or denotation

another explination is absolute (used to emphasize that a strong expression is deliberately chosen to convey one's feelings).

representing the exact words of the original text. exactly copied; realistic as opposed to abstract or impressionistic.


QUESTION: beowulf lines 151-171 What do these
details suggest about the
threats the Danes face and
the personal qualities they


Answer: These details suggest that the threats the Danes face are new to him and he has never faced this kind of problem before since he is always keeping their coast free of pirates, and raiders. They value their land and gold, therefore, they saw the Geats as a threat, thinking they wanted to take over their lands.

sentence using word alter


Rin planned to alter the kitchen.


please make me brainalist


She was still young when she was led to the altar. A stone block that served as an altar stood at the front of the temple. Before eating, it is customary to offer a part of every meal on the altar

which seems mature 2 ir 56​



I don't understand the question?

Why is it more important to work in groups



Because ypu socialize:) make friends.




to get fruitfull results

What are examples of things that people might want to keep
private - either from everyone or from specific people?



If it is in a proffesional setting poeple may tend to try to keep thier personal  life to themselves. Some other things people may hide are their inner wants or desires. People hide secrets. Those secrets could be anything and could be hidden from anyone. As children, they hide who their crushes are from other kids. Children also may try to hide if they did something bad from their parents.


what is the meaning of value in visual media





Value is shading, how dark or light something is in terms of shadows and highlights

what is the point of view?



of what? I need more info


The narrator's position in relation to a story being told.


Which of the following is an example of an adaptation? A story presented as a play B movie review C story presented in its original form D literary analysis





Which explains the symbolism behind Baba Abdalla's blindness?
It shows his maturity.
It shows his hatred for the dervish.
It shows his mental blindness.
It shows his desire for treasure.


i'm actually not sure..


ummmm im not sure


What heroic traits characteristics does the traditional past hero exhibit ? PLEASE HELPP



Courage, Passion, Integrity, Confidence, Honesty, Caring


They normally portray these things, for example a superhero that helps his city (like batman)

"Emphasize individual words or lines" Is that a short line, or long line?




Short line!

Find adjective phrase from

1.The cakes on the plate are fresh from the oven. *

Your answer

2. The shop near my house has a big sale. *

3.The motorcycle near the tree is mine. *

4.The young man in the grey suit is my brother. *

The apples in the basket are rotten.*



1. The cakes on the plate are fresh from the oven. *  

2. The shop near my house has a big sale. *

3. The motorcycle near the tree is mine. *

4. The young man in the grey suit is my brother. *  

5. The apples in the basket are rotten.* ​


An adjective phrase is a collection of words that modify a noun or a pronoun in a sentence and can appear at the beginning, middle, or end of sentences and can be found before or after a noun in a sentence.

N.B: The adjective phrases have been bolded

The following is an excerpt from an autobiography written in the third person by Henry Adams, a prominent Bostonian.

The chief charm of New England was harshness of contrasts and extremes of sensibility—a cold that froze the blood, and a heat that boiled it—so that the pleasure of hating—one's self if no better victim offered—was not its rarest amusement; but the charm was a true and natural child of the soil, not a cultivated weed of the ancients. The violence of the contrast was real and made the strongest motive of education. The double exterior nature gave life its relative values. Winter and summer, cold and heat, town and country, force and freedom, marked two modes of life and thought, balanced like lobes of the brain. (5)Town was winter confinement, school, rule, discipline; straight, gloomy streets, piled with six feet of snow in the middle; frosts that made the snow sing under wheels or runners; thaws when the streets became dangerous to cross; society of uncles, aunts, and cousins who expected children to behave themselves, and who were not always gratified; above all else, winter represented the desire to escape and go free. Town was restraint, law, unity. Country, only seven miles away, was liberty, diversity, outlawry, the endless delight of mere sense impressions given by nature for nothing, and breathed by boys without knowing it.

Boys are wild animals, rich in the treasures of sense, but the New England boy had a wider range of emotions than boys of more equable climates. He felt his nature crudely, as it was meant. (10)To the boy Henry Adams, summer was drunken. Among senses, smell was the strongest—smell of hot pine-woods and sweet-fern in the scorching summer noon; of new-mown hay; of ploughed earth; of box hedges; of peaches, lilacs, syringas1; of stables, barns, cow-yards; of salt water and low tide on the marshes; nothing came amiss. Next to smell came taste, and the children knew the taste of everything they saw or touched, from pennyroyal and flagroot2 to the shell of a pignut and the letters of a spelling-book—the taste of A-B, AB, suddenly revived on the boy's tongue sixty years afterwards. Light, line, and color as sensual pleasures, came later and were as crude as the rest. The New England light is glare, and the atmosphere harshens color. (15)The boy was a full man before he ever knew what was meant by atmosphere; his idea of pleasure in light was the blaze of a New England sun. His idea of color was a peony, with the dew of early morning on its petals. The intense blue of the sea, as he saw it a mile or two away, from the Quincy hills; the cumuli3 in a June afternoon sky; the strong reds and greens and purples of colored prints and children's picture-books, as the American colors then ran; these were ideals. The opposites or antipathies, were the cold grays of November evenings, and the thick, muddy thaws of Boston winter. With such standards, the Bostonian could not but develop a double nature. (20)Life was a double thing. After a January blizzard, the boy who could look with pleasure into the violent snow-glare of the cold white sunshine, with its intense light and shade, scarcely knew what was meant by tone. He could reach it only by education.

Winter and summer, then, were two hostile lives, and bred two separate natures. Winter was always the effort to live; summer was tropical license.

1Syringas are ornamental shrubs.
2Pennyroyal is a mint plant; flagroot is the root of a particular herb.
3Cumuli are thick clouds.

The excerpt is an autobiography, but Henry Adams chose to write it in third person. In a response of approximately 150 words, explain how Adams used this point of view to convey the relationship between nature and childhood discovery. Use evidence from the passage to support your analysis.



Adams wrote with a third-person point of view to express a panoramic and ubiquitous view of the effects of nature on his childhood.


Third-person narration allows the reader to have a panoramic view of the events being narrated. This allows the reader to have access to all aspects and elements that compose and influence the characters and the scenarios.

Because of this panoramic capacity, Adams decided to write his autobiography with third-person narration, which is unusual, since autobiographies are usually narrated in the first person. This allowed Adams to explain the transformations and influences of nature in his childhood in a more complete way, not only informing what this relationship caused in himself, but how the environment was shaped and modified simultaneously. We can see this, through the lines:

"To the boy Henry Adams, summer was drunken. Among senses, smell was the strongest—smell of hot pine-woods and sweet-fern in the scorching summer noon; of new-mown hay; of ploughed earth; of box hedges; of peaches, lilacs, syringas1; of stables, barns, cow-yards; of salt water and low tide on the marshes; nothing came amiss. Next to smell came taste, and the children knew the taste of everything they saw or touched, from pennyroyal and flagroot to the shell of a pignut and the letters of a spelling-book—the taste of A-B, AB, suddenly revived on the boy's tongue sixty years afterwards. "

Directions: Using the text entry box, copy and paste the questions below in the box and then answer them . Use the text to support your answers. Be sure to answer each question in complete sentences. To receive full credit, make sure to answer all parts of the question.

1. What sentences do you see repeated in this essay? What impact does this repetition have on the reader?

2. In paragraph 3, the author uses the metaphor that “a paragraph was a fence that held words.” Does this metaphor help you understand what a paragraph does? How would you explain a paragraph?

3. What do you notice changes in paragraph 5? Why do you think the author does this? Use evidence from the paragraph to support your answer.

4. What is the significance of the title “Superman and Me?”

5. Who is “Superman” in the beginning, middle and end of this essay? Why is this significant?

6. Why would a smart Indian be a “dangerous person, widely feared and ridiculed” (paragraph 6)? Why would non-Indians adopt this opinion? Why would Indian children adopt this self-defeating idea?

7. What does the author mean when he writes in paragraph 7, “I was trying to save my life”? What point is he making about books and educating oneself?

8. Based on Alexie’s story, what inner characteristics or outward support does a person need to break free of stereotypes and dead ends and forge a path to success?




1. What sentences do you see repeated in this essay? What impact does this repetition have on the reader?

What shapes me more, my experiences, or how I respond to them?
With full explanation please


How you respond to them because if you respond positive to an experience that most people may perceive as a bad experience to themselves then you may be looked at as a more calm or gentle person in hostile or heated experiences

To decide whether to use whom in a sentence, see if you can replace it with ___________________ .


Are there any answer choices?

2. Which statement from the article would be MOST important to include in a summary of the
article? *
(5 Points)
The ruling effectively sends the lawsuit filed against Michigan state officials in 2016 back to a federal
judge in Detroit who had dismissed the complaint in 2018.
"We've also regularly reinforced that the Governor has a strong record on education and has always
believed we have a responsibility to teach every child to read."
Rosenbaum, the plaintiffs' lawyer, said in an email: "This decision affirms that the right to a basic
education ... is far more than an aspiration, but rather is the constitutional birthright of every child."
These conditions included "missing or unqualified teachers, physically dangerous facilities, and
inadequate books and materials."


Answer:believed we have a responsibility to teach every child to read."

Explanation: It just would be a great summary because it restates what you are going for and just basically sums everything up.

a. Usually influences its meaning
2. Phonics
3. Expressions
4. Expository Writing
5. Association
6. Image
7. Pronounce
8. Context
b. To utter or articulate
c. Representation of the external form
d. Connection or linked
e. language based
f. Convey a particular emotion
g. Correlating sounds with letters
h. Sometimes consisting of phonology & semantics



The answer is below


Matching the following words with their meanings. This is shown below:

1.Grammar: - h. Sometimes consisting of phonology & semantics

2. Phonics: - g. Correlating sounds with letters

3. Expressions: - f. Convey a particular emotion

4. Expository Writing:e. language-based

5. Association: - d. Connection or linked

6. Image: - c. Representation of the external form

7. Pronounce- b. To utter or articulate

8. Context: - a. Usually influences its meaning

At two places in this essay, Yousafzai mentions her mother going back to school to learn how to read and write. What is the purpose of including, and repeating, this detail? a. It reinforces how much Yousafzai's family values education and learning. b. It shows that Yousafzai feels her shooting could have been avoided if her mother had not been off attending school. c. It is repeated as part of a list of the events of the day of Yousafzai's shooting. d. The circular structure of Yousafzai's narrative dictates that she must return to this detail near the end.



a. It reinforces how much Yousafzai's family values education and learning.


Malala Yousafzai is an advocate for female education and she has been to different countries, educating the females on why they need to fight for their right to education and Malala’s own mother Toor Pekai has also decided to go back to school to learn how to read and write and the purpose of adding this detail is to reinforce how much the Yousafzai’s family values education and learning.

What allowed currency in the ancient world to work as a tool for the exchange of goods?



The factors that allowed the development of the currency as a means of exchange of goods in the ancient world were, on the one hand, the development of non-collaborative paid work and, on the other, the appreciation of various goods above the rest.

Thus, on the one hand, work ceased to have a social and community component of collaboration between individuals of the same group, to become an individual activity of own and family survival. In this way, men began to work for their own benefit, accumulating their production for their own consumption, with which the first wealth imbalances began to develop.

On the other hand, certain products (such as salt and then precious metals) began to have a higher value over the rest, breaking production parity and valuing with greater emphasis the production of these goods over the rest, using them as a representation of value and exchange currency for other assets of lesser hierarchy.


Its A


i just finished my quiz and thx to the person that wrote it in the comments which is bre131336 thank u so much

What are the poetic devices used in the poem “The Fog” by w.H.Davies



there are three poetic devies present in the poem "the fog"by William Henry Davies they are presonification,simple and metaphor

what is the root word of democracy


It’s “Demo” meaning ‘people’ which means that any word beginning with this root has something to do with people or the population

A person who moves about selling small articles?​



The person is an hawker.

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In particular, indicate the costs of intermediate goods and the value added at each stage of production Stage of Production The Home Station Firedog Better Buy Sale Value $50 $650 $800 Cost of Intermediate Goods Resource Cost-Income sale value value added cost of intermediate goods The contribution to GDP that you found using the expenditure approach corresponds to the sum of the ______ at each stage of production.