What does the Commander in Chief appoint?


Answer 1

Being Commander in Chief is one of the President of the United States' most significant responsibilities. The President finds oneself ultimately in charge of the safety and security when acting in this position.

Does the phrase "Chairman in Chief" represent something?

The individual who has ultimate command and authority over an army or branch of the military is known as the commanding officer or ultimate commander. Technically speaking, it alludes to military skills held by a head of state or head of government, who serves as the executive leadership of their nation.

Are the President and the Commander in Chief the same?

According to the Constitution, in addition to serving as Chief Executive, the President also serves as Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy. He is mostly responsible for how the United States is acting.

To know more about commander in chief visit:



Related Questions

a defendant is liable for _____ if, without right, he or she intentionally enters land in possession of another or causes something to do so.


A defendant is liable for the tort of trespass if, without right, he or she intentionally enters land in possession of another or causes something to do so.

The legal definition of trespass is well known, and it is generally acknowledged that if you enter another person's property without that person's consent or with no other authorization, you are likely to have committed a trespass and are responsible for your actions against the landowner.

The plaintiff must be the one who has "immediate and exclusive" possession of the trespassed property. Possession describes using or having physical control over the land (this may or not be the legal owner of the property – eg. it could be the tenant in commercial property).

To know more about tort of trespass, refer:



What did the North do to stop slavery?


The 13th Amendment to the Constitution, which prohibited the practice of slavery, was ratified by the United States on December 6, 1865, eight months after the Civil War came to a conclusion.

How did the North put a stop to suffrage?

Northern states, for the most part, developed an emancipation process that would gradually phase out slavery over a protracted period of time because to their concerns about racial issues, social structures, and the financial benefits of having slaves as both property and labor.

What was the connection between slavery and the North?

The North fought not just to maintain the Union but also to end slavery. Black men in the north have been putting persistent pressure on the army to hire them. Some of the field commanders had taken steps to enlist southern African Americans into their ranks.

Learn more about 13th Amendment: https://brainly.com/question/12527104


What are the objectives of national security?


To guarantee citizen’s operations in cyberspace-To protect government ICT infrastructures-To protect the ICT aspect of critical infrastructures-To improve cyber security professional’s skills and citizens sensitization and awareness-To encourage public/private partnerships-To boost international cooperation.

What was the main issue of the newly formed Republican Party?


After the Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed in 1854, the Republican Party was created to fight the spread of slavery throughout American territories. Northern Protestants, manufacturing workers.

What does the Republican Party mainly focus on?

Over time, the Republican Party's stances have changed. The party currently supports lower taxes, market capitalism, corporate deregulation, and limitations on labor unions as part of its fiscal conservatism.

Why did the Republican Party come into being?

Since its founding in 1854, the Republican Party has governed American politics for well over 150 years. The Republican Party was created primarily as a response to the Democratic Party. passionate advocate for congress (as opposed to presidential) prerogatives, free markets, and limited government. anti-New Deal, anti-Communist, and anti-collectivism.

To know more about Republican party visit:



What makes a case more likely to be heard by the Supreme Court?


The Supreme Court, if comfy that cases involving the identical or substantially the equal questions of regulation are pending before it

and one or extra High Courts or earlier than two or more High Courts and that such questions are big questions of regular importance, may additionally withdraw a case or instances pending before the High Court

What are the factors that have an effect on the Supreme Court to hear a case?

Typically, the Court hears cases that have been decided in both an suitable U.S. Court of Appeals or the best Court in a given country (if the kingdom courtroom decided a Constitutional issue). The Supreme Court has its very own set of rules. According to these rules, 4 of the nine Justices have to vote to take delivery of a case.

Three elements must be current earlier than the U.S. Supreme Court will evaluation a state court docket decision: A full-size federal question ought to be present. Must be a actual question. If the trouble was once a long-settled one, then no query exists.

Learn more about  Supreme Court hearing here:


What is the main purpose of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration?


By establishing and enforcing standards, as well as by offering outreach, information, and help, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) ensures safe and healthy working conditions.

What is meant by OSHA ?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was established by Congress with the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 to ensure that workers have safe and healthy working conditions by establishing and enforcing standards as well as by offering outreach, education, and assistance.

Through Federal OSHA or an OSHA-approved state plan, OSHA covers the majority of private sector companies and employees in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and other U.S. jurisdictions. The effectiveness of state-run health and safety programmes must at least match that of the federal OSHA programme.

Workers should receive safety instruction in a language and vocabulary they can comprehend. Keep thorough records of illnesses and injuries sustained at work. Perform workplace tests, such as air sampling, as required by some OSHA regulations.

To learn more about OSHA refer to :



What is the other name of corporate tax?


Corporate tax is a different term for it. It is a tax levied against the profits or assets of businesses and companies. The tax, which goes toward financing various government initiatives and services, is sometimes calculated as a proportion of the company's profits.

Corporations often have to file tax returns every year in order to report their income and pay the appropriate amount of corporate tax.

Paying corporation taxes may be preferred by business owners versus paying additional individual income taxes. Along with other benefits like retirement plans and tax-deferred trusts, medical insurance for families is deducted from company tax returns. Businesses may also be able to write off losses more quickly.

To learn more about corporation tax



What is the main advantage of the council-manager form of government over the mayor-council form of government?


The Council-Manager form's enormous benefits become clear. It promotes community involvement in politics and dilutes the influence of special interests.

What is a fundamental government definition?

A government is the governing structure of a state or community. According to the Columbia Encyclopedia, government is "a system of social control where the right to propose laws and the capacity to enforce them is vested in a certain group within society."

How does government function in politics?

The organization in charge of using that authority is referred to as the government. The simplest definition of authority is rightful power. Authority is the right to do something, whereas power is the capacity to affect how others behave.

To know more about government visit:



What type of committee is a permanent committee and is controlled by the majority party?


The House Rules define standing committees as permanent panels with specific authority. A resolution establishes select committees to perform business.

What kind of committee is controlled by the majority party and is permanent?

Permanent committees created in accordance with the Senate's standing rules, standing committees are focused on a specific field of study. There are now 16 standing committees in the Senate.

Which also goes by the name "permanent committee"?

permanent committees A standing committee is one made up entirely of lawmakers. It is a permanent and regular committee that is occasionally established in accordance with a parliamentary act or the rules for business should be conducted.

To know more about permanent committee visit:-



How do Lobbyists help government officials function?


In American politics, the function of lobbyists is debatable. Companies, charity organizations, and special interest groups recruit and compensate lobbyists.

How do lobbyists aid the work of government representatives?

Interest groups employ lobbyists to sway legislators. Lobbyists want access to prominent figures in all governmental branches. By educating decision-makers about their group's issues and engaging in grassroots activism, lobbyists work to change policy.

How do lobbyists help politicians?

Without it, governments would find it difficult to strike a balance between the numerous, conflicting interests of their constituents. Fortunately, lobbying enables communication with legislators, serves to disseminate information, and increases the sway of narrow interests.

To know more about  Lobbyists  government visit:-



What are the 4 OSHA standards?


The 4 OSHA standards is :

General Industry.




What four rights do employees have under OSHA regulations?

Get the required safety equipment, including gloves, a harness, and a lifeline in case of falls. Be safe from poisonous substances. Request an OSHA inspection in conversation with the inspector. Obtain copies of your medical history, and disclose any illnesses or injuries.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was established by Congress with the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 to ensure that workers have safe and healthy working conditions by establishing and enforcing standards as well as by offering outreach, education, and assistance.

Through Federal OSHA or an OSHA-approved state plan, OSHA covers the majority of private sector companies and employees in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and other U.S. jurisdictions.

To learn more about OSHA refer to :



What is a PAC a committee that provides support for a candidate another name for a general election?


In the US, a political action committee (PAC) is a 527 organization that gathers member campaign donations  contributions and distributes those monies to campaigns for or against candidates, legislation, or ballot initiatives.

What is meant political action committee ?

A Leadership PAC is a political committee that is directly or indirectly founded, financed, maintained, or controlled by a candidate for federal office or a person holding that office, but it is not the candidate's or the officeholder's authorized committee, and it is not associated with a candidate's authorised committee.

A political action committee (PAC) in the US is a 527 organization that collects member campaign contributions and distributes those monies to campaigns for or against candidates, legislation, or ballot initiatives.

Political action committees (PACs) are organizations  that gather money to support candidates who share their political viewpoints subsidy .A financial gift or other type of assistance provided by the government to an individual or group.

To learn more about political action committee  refer to :



meaning for he that hath, to him shall be given: and he that hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he hath


More will be given to those who use what they have been given well, and they will enjoy an abundance. But even what little one has will be snatched from those who do nothing.

What is the meaning of this verse?

This is the primary tenet of biblical stewardship that permeates the entire body of God's written Word.

Making the most of what we have is what gives the life of a person bearing God's image in Christ its meaning. Comparing what you have to what others have or worrying about what you lack is a pointless waste of time. Making the most of everything we have is the secret to living a fruitful life.

In general, being responsible and diligent are rewarded in this world, and for those who are believers, these rewards continue into the next life.

Learn more about Matthew, from:



Your question is incomplete, probably the compleye question is-

What is the meaning of- “For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.”?

What was the intent of the law that was broken in the Griswold v. Connecticut case?


Griswold challenged her sentencing in accordance with Connecticut law, which outlawed the marketing or distribution of contraception.

What happened in the Griswold v. Connecticut case?

Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479 (1965) A right to privacy can be derived from numerous Bill of Rights amendments, and this right precludes states from making married couples' use of contraception unlawful.

In accordance with Connecticut law, which forbade the promotion or distribution of contraception, Griswold appealed her sentence. According to Griswold, the Fourteenth Amendment's Due Process Clause implies that privacy is protected, hence marital family planning should be protected under that clause. The Due Process Clause was not the basis for the Court's decision in Griswold's favor; rather, it was the idea that privacy was implied by a number of Constitutional amendments.

To learn more about Griswold v. Connecticut case refer to:



How do you prove two equilateral triangles are congruent?


As we know that each angle of equilateral triangle is  same and have a measure of [tex]60^0[/tex].

so let us we consider 2 different equilateral triangle ΔABC and  ΔPQR

let the side length of  ΔABC be a units.

let the side length of ΔPQR be b units.

so each angles of both triangle measure [tex]60^0[/tex].

So we will apply ASA (Angle-Side- Angle) rule to check the congruency of triangle :

This rule state that:

According to the ASA rule, two triangles are said to be congruent if any two angles and the side included between the angles of one triangle are equal to the corresponding two angles and side included between the angles of the second triangle.

so 2 angles of both triangle is same have same measure of [tex]60^0[/tex] but the side included in ΔABC is a units and side included in  ΔPQR is b units.

so in order to make both triangle congruent side length of ΔABC must be equal to side length of ΔPQR.

To know more about congruency of triangle click on below link:



What kind of reassurance did the large states need in order for them to ratify the Constitution?


The ratify the Constitution the Articles of Confederation and the states ratified them establishing the United States of America as a loose confederation of sovereign states.

The ratify the Constitution referred to the states' union as a perpetual league of friendship. As a national government, the Articles of Confederation proved inadequate, particularly in trade, commerce, and defense. Charles Pinckney of South Carolina proposed that Congress appoint a committee to amend the Articles of Confederation to address their inherent flaws. The Convention to Amend the Articles quickly abandoned that project and began work on a new constitution that would provide for a more efficient federal government with its own sovereign authority, independent of the consent of a majority of states. The Constitutional Convention presented a new constitution to Congress submitted its proposed Constitution to the states for ratification Politically, the delegates were confident that state conventions formed solely for this purpose would be more likely to approve the Constitution than state legislators would be to relinquish political powers already held. Philosophically, the delegates believed that by holding state conventions of the people, the approval of the new Constitution would be an expression of popular will, elevating the Constitution above state legislatures.

To learn more about ratify the Constitution here:



What was FDR's relief program called?


The New Deal was a series of programs and projects instituted during the Great Depression by President Franklin D. Roosevelt that aimed to restore prosperity to Americans.

What was the New Deal?

In 1933, when Franklin Delano Roosevelt took office as leader, he already had a strategy in place. The relief, recovery, and reform objectives of the New Deal were all three.

By establishing welfare, food lines, and jobs, the president signaled that he wanted to assist people who were in need right away. With recovery, the Depression was meant to be ended.

To uncover the causes of the Depression and develop a strategy to ensure that it wouldn't happen again, President Roosevelt set out to reform. I commit you, I pledge myself to a new bargain for the American people, he began his acceptance speech when he was nominated for president in 1932. A political campaign is not all that this is. It's an order to fight.

To learn more about Franklin D. Roosevelt refer to:



What were the three goals of the women's Christian temperance Union?


The goals of the women's Christian temperance Union (WCTU) are to promote prohibition by entering saloons, singing, praying, and urging saloonkeepers to stop selling alcohol.

The WCTU's perspective on women's suffrage

The WCTU helped legitimize the movement by putting less emphasis on the more radical notion of gender equality and more emphasis on ensuring women's participation in politics as the guardians of the home.

How did the WCTU influence reforms?

Willard. Willard expanded the WCTU's reform strategy and program. The WCTU began promoting prison reform, temperance instruction in schools, and women's suffrage while trying to improve labor regulations, child welfare legislation, and age of consent laws.

To learn more about WCTU visit:



Mrs. Fuente, who has a 37% marginal tax rate on ordinary income, is the sole shareholder and CEO of Furey Inc. She also holds a $1 million interest-bearing note issued by Furey. The corporation's current-year financial records show the following:
Sales revenue.......................................................................$1,879,000
Mrs. Fuente's salary...............................................................(160,000)
Other operating expenses.................................................(414,000)
Interest paid on Mrs. Fuente's note.................................(60,000)
Dividend distributed to Mrs. Fuente..............................(100,000)
Compute Mrs. Fuente's tax on her income from Furey. (Ignore payroll taxes in your calculations.)
A. $64,000
B. $91,200
C. $101,400
D. $118,400


Option d is Correct. On her furey income, Mrs. Fuente owes $118,400 in taxes.

Our federal, state, and local governments depend on the money we pay in taxes to run smoothly and deliver essential services. Each specific government has its own specialty, with the federal government in charge of major expenditures on items like defense and Social Security. The total of the basic wage, the HRA, the special allowance, the transport allowance, and any other benefits is income from salary. Your income may include tax-free benefits such leave travel expenses and phone bill reimbursement.

Governments apply income taxes as a sort of tax on the income produced by people and businesses under their control. Public services, government commitments, and the provision of goods are all funded through income tax.

Mrs. Fuente received the following amount of money from Furey:

wage income equals $160000

Interest paid on the note equals $60,000.

Received dividend: $100,000

Mrs. Fuente received $320,000 from furey as her total income: $160000 + $60000 + $100000.

Minimum tax rate is 37%.

Tax on earnings received from furey, Mrs. Fuente, is calculated as follows: Total earnings x Marginal Tax Rate

= $320000 x 37% = $118400.

Learn more about marginal tax Visit: brainly.com/question/29029623


How is public education funded in the US?


7.9% of the total budget for public K–12 education is provided by the federal government. An average of $28,977 is spent per student at public postsecondary institutions. Budgets for public education rise 71.6% more slowly than the country's GDP.

What are the three main ways that the United States finances education?

The three primary sources of funding for public education in the United States are federal, state, and local governments. The majority of these come from status revenues, which are also the ones most impacted by the state of the economy as a whole.

Basic education is provided in public schools in the US from kindergarten through the twelfth grade. This is provided at no cost to the parents or students, but it is paid for by ordinary federal tax money as well as property owner taxes.

Learn more about public education: https://brainly.com/question/8836270


How can gerrymandering lead to wasted votes?


Gerrymandering, which groups people into voting boundaries in a way that increases the wasted votes with one political faction, is a method used to close the efficiency gap in elections.

What impact does gerrymandering have on elections?

The opposition party's voting authority may be "cracked" or "packed" (reduced in other districts) by concentrating their votes in one area. Additionally, incumbents can be safeguarded through gerrymandering.

How does gerrymandering affect democratic processes?

State and House of Representatives elections are impacted by gerrymandering, which has an impact on the presidential election. Elections again for House of Representatives are where it is most frequently observed.

To learn more about Gerrymanderingvisit:



The Obama administration committed approximately _____ million dollars to equip police with body-worn cameras and to study their effectiveness.


The pilot program is part of President Obama's proposal to invest $75 million over three years to purchase 50,000 BWCs for law enforcement agencies.

As part of an effort to focus on the larger area, including Afghanistan and Pakistan, to combat terrorism, some of the personnel were redeployed while others were sent back to the United States. The Iraq conflict lasted three years while Obama was in office. In December 2011, the United States' military personnel withdrew gradually.

What were major problems faced by the Obama administration?

High unemployment rate, poor job development, adverse trade balance (importing exceeds exporting), unfriendly business practices of rivals, slow economic growth, unable to drastically cut spending; stock market, petrol prices, housing prices, and general consumer debt marched steadily higher.

Learn more about Obama administration to visit this link



What was the point of view of Chief Joseph's speech I will fight no more forever?


The position taken by Chief Joseph is that they are suffering terrible losses and it is time to surrender and assist the survivors. He is devastated by the loss of his tribe, but they can't do anything more.

He will never fight again after this. Because of his losses, I believe he made the right decision when he surrendered.

What is Chief Joseph's statement's primary objective?

Chief Joseph addresses the American leaders in a formal manner and informs them of General Howard's surrender conditions by stating that he has kept them "in his heart." Despite the fact that he is the one who gives in, the way he begins his speech emphasizes the obligations of the winners to keep their promises.

To learn more about Chief Joseph here:



What is the federal government's role in the administration of elections?


I’m thinking don’t know sorry

Why does the Executive Office of the President include?


The Executive Office of the president uses the mass media to gain support for the policies.

What is mass media?

The term "mass media" describes a wide range of media technologies that are used to communicate with huge audiences. There are many outlets available in the technology used for this communication. Films, radio, recorded music, and television are examples of broadcast media that use electronic transmission to deliver information. Internet- and mobile-based mass communication are both considered to be digital media. Online radio and television are examples of internet media, along with email and social media websites. In this approach, they are able to take advantage of the Internet's accessibility and reach capabilities, easily and effectively disseminating information over a wide range of global locations. Physical items like books, comics, magazines, newspapers, or pamphlets are used in print media to deliver information. Additionally seen as components of mass media are planning events and public speaking.

To learn more about social media, visit:



Who determines campaign finance laws for federal elected positions and who determines campaign finance laws for state and local elected positions?


Congress determines campaign finance laws for federal elected positions. And the Federal Election Campaign Act determines campaign finance laws for state and local elected positions.

Campaign contributions made to candidates for federal office are subject to restrictions that Congress has passed in an effort to prevent corruption in the political process. By establishing caps, limiting the sources from which contributions can be made, and requiring transparency, the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) restricts contributions in three main ways. The main federal legislation in the United States governing political campaign spending and fundraising is the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971. The law's original goals were to impose disclosure standards for federal political campaigns, set expenditure caps on political advertising, and strengthen the criminal code's existing sanctions for violating election laws. President Richard Nixon ratified the Act on February 7, 1972. The Federal Election Commission (FEC) was established and further campaign finance laws were added to the statute in 1974. In response to the Buckley v. Valeo ruling, the act was amended once more in 1976 to remove the FEC's organizational structure and the spending caps on political campaigns, and once more in 1979 to permit parties to spend as much hard cash as they want on initiatives like boosting voter turnout and registration. The Federal Election Commission (FEC) decided that political parties might use unrestricted or "soft" funds for non-federal administrative and party-building activities in 1979. Later, this money was put to use for issue-based candidate advertisements, which sharply increased the amount of soft money contributions and expenditures during elections. As a result, the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (abbreviated as "BCRA") was passed and went into effect on January 1, 2003, outlawing the use of soft money by political parties.

Learn more about Federal Election Campaign Act here



Is there any way to reverse the court's decision?


Only if a legal error in the trial court's proceedings was significant enough to influence at least a portion of the outcome of the case can the appeal court overturn the trial court's ruling.

What is the judiciary's function?

The judiciary's function is as follows: Resolution of Disputes: The court system offers a means of settling conflicts between individuals, between individuals and the government, between two state governments, and between the center and state governments.

What three types of courts are there?

There must be fundamental divisions between trial and appellate courts, general and limited jurisdiction courts, and criminal and civil courts.

To know more about the judiciary visit:



What were Wilson's reasons for asking for war?


Wilson's decision to take the United States into World War I was primarily motivated by Germany's resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and commerce ships in 1917.

What was Woodrow Wilson's reason to go to war?President Woodrow Wilson requested a declaration of war against Germany in front of a joint session of Congress on April 2, 1917. Wilson justified his decision to go to war by pointing to Germany's breaking of its promise to halt unlimited submarine warfare in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean as well as its efforts to persuade Mexico to form an alliance against the United States.The resolution to declare war on Germany was approved by the Senate of the United States on April 4, 1917. Two days later, the House agreed. On December 7, 1917, the United States subsequently declared war on Austria-Hungary.Wilson's decision to take the United States into World War I was primarily motivated by Germany's resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and commerce ships in 1917.

To learn more about Woodrow Wilson refer :



How do you get gender equality?



















What is the purpose of expansionary money policy?


When a central bank employs expansionary monetary policy, it helps to boost the economy. This boosts the availability of money, brings down interest rates, and raises demand. It promotes economic expansion. It reduces the currency's worth, which decreases the exchange rate.

What fundamental objective does expansionary monetary policy serve?

Expanding the economy is the objective of expansionary monetary policy, especially during difficult economic times. By expanding the money supply through various strategies that increase liquidity, the overarching goal is to increase consumer and business expenditure. A central bank can implement a number of monetary policy measures that are expansionary. A country's economy can be impacted by monetary policies. A central bank's main strategies for boosting the economy include: lowering the discount percentage acquiring government bonds. Decreasing the reserve demand. The aim of each of these choices is to increase the nation's money supply. A central bank will employ expansionary monetary policy to boost an economy, as the Federal Reserve in the U.S. The Fed's three main initiatives to boost the economy are a lower discount rate, the purchase of government assets, and a lower reserve ratio. Another weapon for monetary policy that central banks employ is quantitative easing.

Learn more about Expansionary monetary policy   from here;



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