What do Papa and Esperanza do together in "1924?" What does this section tell you about Esperanza's relationship with her father


Answer 1


Papa and Esperanza were walking hand in hand along the vines of the vineyard.

This shows the close bond between the father-daughter duo.


Pam Muñoz Ryan’s book "Esperanza Rising," tells the story of an immigrant Esperanza and her struggles with life in general. The story deals with themes of love, family, sacrifice, struggles, etc.

In the section titled "1924", Esperanza and her father are seen walking hand in hand along their vineyard. There, they laid down on the grass and 'listened' to the heartbeat of the soil, the earth.

This scene shows how close Esperanza and her father were. Even though she was just a small girl, she respected and loved her father. In their joint interest in listening to the "earth's heartbeat" shows the father-daughter duo's close relationship.

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due to creation of concentration camps.


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True. The formal study of ethics can be traced back at least 2,400 years to the Greek philosopher Socrates.

The statement is true. The formal study of ethics does indeed have its roots in ancient Greek philosophy, specifically with the philosopher Socrates. Socrates, who lived from 469 to 399 BCE, is considered one of the founding figures of Western philosophy and ethics. He engaged in dialogues and discussions with his contemporaries, examining questions of moral virtue, justice, and the nature of the good life.

His method of questioning and inquiry, known as the Socratic method, laid the groundwork for ethical inquiry and critical thinking. Socrates' teachings and influence on subsequent philosophers like Plato and Aristotle have shaped the development of ethical theories and the study of ethics over the course of history. Therefore, the formal study of ethics can indeed be traced back to at least 2,400 years, to the time of Socrates.

Learn more about Socratic method here: brainly.com/question/29054927


What term is used to refer to the land that the monarch awarded the noble within the feudal world?



Classic feudalism


In broad terms a lord was a noble who held land, a vassal was a person who was granted possession of the land by the lord, and the land was known as a fief. In exchange for the use of the fief and protection by the lord, the vassal would provide some sort of service to the lord.

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Answer:  Asoka's map tell you about Asoka level of commitment to this laws is it reveals by the number of rocks and pillars and their widespread distribution.  Asoka's commitment is revealed by the number of rocks and pillars, their widespread distribution and, as the first teacher note says, their placement in strategic positions for travelers to see.


What were the main 2 reasons for the American Civil War??



1. The south wanted to keep slaves

2. The north wanted to outlaw slaves



The two main reasons for the American Civil War were dependent upon which side you supported. The union wanted to free the slaves and economic and cultural differences aided in disagreements between free and slave states. The confederacy on the other hand mainly fought to protect their rights. While some fought to keep their slaves, the majority of southerners did not believe it was right for the northern states to push them around. Other issues such as taxes, tariffs, and southern loyalty to their states made this a complicated war.


True or False: The Union did little to help the South rebuild during



true. the answer is TRUE




What advantages did the South have for fighting the war?



The South's greatest strength lay in the fact that it was fighting on the defensive in its own territory. Familiar with the landscape, Southerners could harass Northern invaders. The military and political objectives of the Union were much more difficult to accomplish.



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50 year the Persian war last that's the right answer

Why is fascism difficult to define?


yes i do it for you and you

on tribal lands, the tribal constitution is more powerful than the united states constitution. please select the best answer from the choices provided
true or false


False. The United States Constitution holds supreme authority within the United States, including tribal lands.

The U.S. Constitution establishes the framework for the federal government and sets forth fundamental rights and principles that apply to all individuals within the country, regardless of their tribal affiliation. While tribal nations have their own constitutions, laws, and governing bodies, they operate within the framework established by the U.S. Constitution. Tribal governments have a degree of sovereignty and self-governance, but this sovereignty is subject to the overarching authority of the federal government and the U.S. Constitution.

In cases of conflict between tribal and federal law, the U.S. Constitution takes precedence.

To learn more about tribal constitution here brainly.com/question/32437336


What was the name of Charles Lindbergh's plane?

Atlantic Flyer

Atlantic Express

Spirit of Charleston

Spirit of St. Louis



D. spirit of St. Louis. Hope that helps

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Please i needd help and verry fast
I gave all my points


It was the Hydaspes River

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The extent to which ideas of self-government influenced the American colonial reaction to British imperial authority during the period of 1763 to 1775 can be evaluated by examining the role of colonial assemblies, colonial resistance movements, and intellectual developments in colonial thought.

Firstly, colonial assemblies were a key vehicle for the expression of self-government. The colonial assemblies functioned as local governing bodies with the authority to make laws and regulations. By controlling taxation and other government functions, the colonial assemblies were able to exert a significant degree of self-government over the colonies. This influence was particularly evident in the Stamp Act crisis of 1765, when colonial assemblies throughout the colonies passed resolutions denouncing the tax and calling for its repeal.Secondly, colonial resistance movements played a critical role in the American colonial reaction to British imperial authority. From the non-importation agreements to the Boston Tea Party, these movements challenged British authority and demonstrated the extent to which colonists were willing to take action to defend their rights and liberties. These movements were often led by local elites, such as merchants and lawyers, who were influenced by Enlightenment ideas of natural rights and popular sovereignty.Finally, intellectual developments in colonial thought also played a key role in shaping American colonial reaction to British imperial authority. From the work of John Locke to the ideas of colonial leaders such as James Otis and Samuel Adams, Enlightenment ideas about the rights of individuals and the sovereignty of the people were central to colonial political thought. The influence of these ideas can be seen in documents such as the Declaration of Rights and Grievances, which was issued by the Stamp Act Congress in 1765.In conclusion, the ideas of self-government were central to the American colonial reaction to British imperial authority during the period of 1763 to 1775. Through their participation in colonial assemblies, resistance movements, and intellectual developments, colonists were able to assert their rights and liberties and challenge British authority.

To know more about government, visit ;



How did Manifest Destiny lead to the Civil War?





The philosophy drove 19th-century U.S. territorial expansion and was used to justify the forced removal of Native Americans and other groups from their homes. The rapid expansion of the United States intensified the issue of slavery as new states were added to the Union, leading to the outbreak of the Civil War.


The philosophy drove 19th-century U.S. territorial expansion and was used to justify the forced removal of Native Americans and other groups from their homes. The rapid expansion of the United States intensified the issue of slavery as new states were added to the Union, leading to the outbreak of the Civil War.

look at the picture. please help me! :(



the US millitary


The U.S military was first

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I think the answer is False

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Which of the following is the most accurate example of President Taft's policy of "dollar diplomacy"?

A) maintaining a military force to discourage European colonization in Latin America

B) exerting economic influence rather than military force in Latin American countries

C) allowing for the nationalization of Latin American property owned by US citizens

D) using international trade organizations to stabilize Latin American economies



B) exerting economic influence rather than military force in Latin American countries


Dollar diplomacy is an offshoot of the President Roosevelt intervention which was initiated by President Taft inorder to exert economic influence in most Latin America as well as stablise the American economy.

To him, it is better in substituting dollars for bullets as seen in the excerpts of his address to the congress on December 3, 1912. The phrase "Dollar deplomacy" was picked up by his critics after the address due to the fact that, he preferred to protect American enterprises abroad rather than engage in war

according to paul in romans, sanctification includes the imputation of god’s


According to Paul in Romans, sanctification includes the imputation of God's righteousness. Paul asserts in Romans that sanctification involves the attribution of God's righteousness to believers as a transformative process.

In the book of Romans, the apostle Paul explores the concept of sanctification, which refers to the process of being made holy or set apart for God's purposes. In this context, Paul emphasizes the imputation of God's righteousness as an essential aspect of sanctification. Imputation is the act of attributing or crediting something to someone.

Paul teaches that through faith in Jesus Christ, believers are justified before God, meaning they are declared righteous in His sight. This justification is not based on one's own merits or works, but it is a gift of God's grace. As part of the process of sanctification, believers receive the imputation of God's righteousness. This means that God, through His mercy and grace, credits the righteousness of Christ to believers, transforming them from a state of sinfulness to one of righteousness. It is through this imputed righteousness that believers are sanctified and enabled to live in accordance with God's will.

Paul's teachings on sanctification and the imputation of God's righteousness in Romans emphasize the central role of God's grace in the process of spiritual transformation. It underscores that sanctification is not merely a human effort or achievement, but it is a divine work accomplished through the imputation of God's righteousness to believers. This understanding of sanctification as a gift of God's grace serves to highlight the believer's dependence on God and the transformative power of His righteousness working within them.

Learn more about Jesus Christ : brainly.com/question/11881407


You will create two "I AM" poems, one from the perspective of Eugene Talmadge and one from the perspective of a person who was against Eugene Talmadge. Once you have written the two "I AM" poems, you will then BE THE JUDGE and decide if you are pro or anti Talmadge and explain why. You will need to read the article "Eugene Talmadge" (Links to an external site.) from the New Georgia Encyclopedia to help you with the You Be the Judge assignment.



Policies for the welfare of farmer and lowering taxes.


Eugene Talmadge takes good decision as a governor of Georgia by idealizing the small farmer and improves the economic conditions of the farmer due to its policies while on the other hand, I am also against of some polices of Eugene Talmadge which was taken in his government by lowering the taxes because these taxes provides huge capital to run the state so by lowering taxes decreases the economy of the state and leads to instability.

Describe what life is really like under these totalitarian governments?


You do not have the freedom of speech, your rights aren’t protected at all. The people suffer while the person at top does whatever they want basically

Q: Who didn’t like the Missouri Compromise



Answer:That Douglas didn't like that idea about the Missouri compromise

Explanation: answers.com


Jefferson did not like the Missouri Compromise


Jefferson continued the argument against the Missouri Compromise in examining which part of government held the power to address slavery. He contended that the states should vote on the issue of slavery, not Congress.

Is it significant that the Nazis never held a majority of the seats in the Reichstag? How could other parties have worked together to keep the Nazis from controlling the government? Use the data in the charts in this reading to support your answer.



Yes and the parties could have joined and fought the Nazis politically.

what does truman mean by this quote? "the world is not static, and the status quo is not sacred."


The quote "the world is not static, and the status quo is not sacred" by Truman means that everything in the world changes and the established state of affairs is not necessarily sacred. In other words, Truman is saying that the status quo, or the current state of affairs, is not necessarily sacred or unchangeable. The world is not static refers to the idea that the world is always changing, and new things are coming into being while others are passing away.

This means that the status quo, or the current state of affairs, is not necessarily sacred or unchangeable. What was once considered a norm, in Truman's opinion, may not be suitable in the present day. Therefore, the status quo is not something that should be held onto as a matter of principle because it can be harmful to the people.

Know more about Truman here:



What are some effects of the concentration camp in Auschwitz to the Jews?


from what i’ve learned many jews experience things such as long term psychiatric and psychological effects and P-TSD. if that’s what you were asking.

Before Guido d'Arezzo invented music staff notation, music was taught by rote. Which meant the teacher would ______ the song over and over until the student learned it. *

A). show
B). sing
C). clap
D). hum


B:sing probally would be b I think

2. Se le llamó así, porque los soldados europeos llevaban este signo o símbolo? EN LA EDAD MEDIAAA PLISE AYUDA


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Desafortunadamente, se te olvidó anexar la fotografía o la imagen para saber de los que estás hablando. Sin la imagen, no sabemos de lo que se trata. Sólo tu sabes.

Sin embargo, tratando de ayudarte y revisando alguna información, podemos asumir que estás hablando de la cruz de color rojo que usaban los ejércitos en la Edad Media.

Estamos hablando de los Rosacruces o de los Cruzados. Se le llamó así porque los soldados europeos llevaban este signo o símbolo en sus casacas o uniformes y la gente y sus enemigos los empezaron a identificar con esos nombres.

Los Cruzados fueron un grupo especial de soldados que participaron en la Guerra de las Cruzadas a petición del Papa, dirigente de la iglesia Católica, con objeto de recuperar los sitios sagrados y el Templo de Salomón en Jerusalén, que en ese momento estaba en manos de los Musulmanes.

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