What are the advantages and disadvantages of online learning compared to in class learning?


Answer 1

The advantages of online learning compared to in-class learning include the ability to learn at one's own pace, the convenience of being able to access course materials from anywhere with an internet connection, and the cost savings associated with not having to travel to a physical classroom. The disadvantages of online learning include the lack of face-to-face interaction with instructors and classmates, the difficulty of staying motivated and engaged without the structure of a physical classroom, and the potential for technical difficulties.

Related Questions

. Write a short story with the following as your concluding line: “Everyone Said it was against the odds, but I proved everyone wrong|”



It was a dark and stormy night, and Maria was huddled in her small boat, trying to navigate through the rough waves. She had always dreamed of being a sailor, but everyone had told her it was a foolish goal. "You're a woman," they said. "You'll never be able to handle the rough seas and the hard work."

But Maria was determined to prove them wrong. She had saved every penny she could, and when she was old enough, she had bought a small boat and set out on her own. It wasn't easy, and there were many times when she thought she might not make it. But she kept going, driven by her desire to prove everyone wrong.

As the storm raged on, Maria held on tight to the wheel, her knuckles white with effort. She knew that if she could just make it through this one last night, she would be home free. And then, just when she thought she couldn't hold on any longer, the clouds parted and the winds calmed. The sun peeked through the clouds, and Maria knew she had made it.

She sailed into port, triumphant, as the townspeople watched in amazement. "Everyone said it was against the odds, but I proved everyone wrong," she said with a smile, as she tied up her boat and stepped onto solid ground.

The townsfolk gazed in awe as she triumphantly sailed into shore. She grinned as she tied up her boat and stepped onto firm land, saying,  "Everyone said it was against the odds, but I proved everyone wrong.

What is short story ?

A short story is a work of prose fiction that is meant to be read in one sitting and concentrates on a single event or a chain of connected events with the goal of creating a certain feeling or emotion.

Maria was hunkered in her small boat, attempting to make her way through the choppy waves on that rainy night. She had always wished to be a sailor, but everyone had always laughed at her ambition. They declared, "You're a woman." "The choppy waters and the hard labour are things you'll never be able to bear."

Maria, however, was eager to disprove their claims. When she was old enough, she acquired a small boat, set out on her own, and saved every money she could. She often worried that she might not survive because it wasn't easy. But she persisted because she was determined to disprove everyone.

Thus,The townsfolk gazed in awe as she triumphantly sailed into shore. She grinned as she tied up her boat and stepped onto firm land, saying,  "Everyone said it was against the odds, but I proved everyone wrong.

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How do you find a polynomial function with given zeros and degree and leading coefficient?


The expression with the largest power of x is the leading term. 7+x3x2 has the following term of 3x2. The leading term is the polynomial's leading coefficient.

How do you formulate a polynomial function equation?

f(x) = anxn + anxn+1 +... + a2x2 + a1x + a0 is the formula for a polynomial. The highest strength of x in an expression is the polynomial's degree.

What are the rules of the polynomial?

Square roots of variables should not be a part of such an algebraic expression. fractional powers that are changeable. variable powers with negative powers. variables in the denominator of any fraction. The zeros of a polynomial are the locations where the polynomial's overall value is zero.

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What is the best way to measure agile quality?


The ability to check bugs or defects, build hits production is provided by escaped defects. Aids the team in evaluating the calibre of software, even in its unfinished state is the best way to measure agile quality.

What is used to measure agile value?

Agile uses Story Points, a qualitative metric, to measure productivity, thereby making it difficult to analyze productivity across teams. Agile value is focused on people and interactions, not processes, getting things done. It pushes for the accelerated creation of working code while putting documentation on hold.

What are the 3 types of measures for quality improvement?

For all improvement initiatives, use a balanced collection of measures, including outcomes measures, process measures, and balancing measures.

What is quality analysis in Agile?

From the first design meeting, through into the early stages of development, to the software's successful inspection and hardening. Up until the project is finished, this procedure is followed again in two-week sprints.

To know more about agile quality visit:



What is an example of a dependent?


Dependent clauses in a sentence can take the place of a noun clause, an adjective clause, or an adverb clause. After, although, because, before, if, since, that, until, what, when, where, who, which, and why are some of the words that start a dependent clause.

   After, although, because, before, if, since, that, until, what, when, where, who, which, and why are some of the words that start a dependent clause. examples consist of What will we be eating for dinner, does anyone know? The sentence "what we're eating for dinner" is dependent. It includes the verb are having as well as the subject we. It is impossible for the clause to stand alone as a sentence because it does not represent a complete idea. Let's meet later because the group won't be able to begin their science project until Bianca comes.

To learn more about dependent clause:



Who are the two neighboring farmers and how did they react to the rebellion at Animal Farm?


Although Mr. Frederick and Mr. Pilkington had no affinity for one another, they were both terrified by the animal uprising that had occurred on Manor Farm.

The rumor that the animals were fighting among themselves and starved to death was propagated by Frederick and Pilkington. After reading several books about Julius Caesar's military adventures, Snowball builds a defense and commands the animals to ambush the men.

The humans, despite Boxer and Snowball's valiant efforts, are quickly overcome. One sheep, which they bury as a hero, was the sole animal to perish. Boxer alleges that he accidentally murdered a stable boy during the commotion and feels bad about taking a life, even one that belonged to a person.

To learn more about animal here:



What does Polonius and Hamlet say in Act 2 Scene 2?


Polonius react to Hamlet's say in Act 2 Scene 2 strange behavior polonius believes that Ophelia's denial of Hamlet is the cause of his odd behaviour.

Polonius decides to inform King Claudius of the reasons for Hamlet's recent odd behaviour. Act I's events occur a few weeks before this scene.Polonius then shares with Gertrude and Claudius his belief that Hamlet's actions.

Motivated by his affections for Ophelia. They come up with a plan to figure out what's really going on: Polonius will send Ophelia to talk with the insane Hamlet and establish beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is insane with love. Hamlet then walks in still in a rage.

To know more about Hamlet visit:



Why does Marcellus say that there is something rotten in the state?


When Marcellus states, "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark," he is actually summarizing Claudius' corrupting impact on the kingdom, which is made worse by his unpunished crime. Marcellus is referring to Denmark's relationship with Norway.

What does the phrase "something is rotten" mean?

The murders and betrayals that occur in Denmark are referred to as "something rotten." The ancient king's ear was quietly poisoned as he slept by Hamlet's own brother.

His brother quickly weds the queen. This horrifies Hamlet, who finds it hard to comprehend how his mother was able to move on so quickly after losing his father.

To learn more about something is rotten here:



Read the following thesis for a compare and contrast essay:
Home schooled students are better prepared for college than public school students.
Which points of comparison below would most effectively support the thesis?
O Opinion survey of home-schooled students, high school GPA, college dropout rates
O Self-motivation, independence, subject mastery
O College acceptance rates, college graduation rates, opinion survey of college professors
O Parental involvement, scholarships, student loan default rates


The points of comparison that would support the thesis more effectively would be college acceptance rates, college graduation rates, and opinion surveys of college professors.

What data would these benchmarks provide?Academic success rates among homeschooled and public school students.The opinion of teachers about these two types of students.Data on how many students in these two situations can complete graduation.

A thesis statement is an argument in which the author confirms an opinion he or she has on a specific subject.

This opinion cannot be created without foundations and the author must not only research data that confirm his or her point of view but also present this data to the reader, proving that his or her argument is true.

Therefore, when defending the academic success of students who study at home over students who study in public schools, the author of the text must present data that compares the development of these students in college. The best way to do this is by showing college acceptance rates, graduation rates, and professors' opinions of these students.

Learn more about the thesis statement:



What does clover do to cows when they eat it?


Clover is the epitome of the operating-elegance female since she observes all necessary tasks but only barely engages in them.

Clover is a representation of the working grandeur, much like Boxer is. Clover is a representation of the working-class women of the Russian Revolution who toiled hard but were disappointed in the results of communism under Josef Stalin. Clover acknowledges significant changes but does little to stop them, witnesses every significant moment but is only minimally active and submits to the management of the more sophisticated and educated. Right up until the very conclusion of the novel, Clover is a devoted follower of the Animalist revolution. A story that uses symbols to express a deeper concept is called an allegory. One of the book's many important lessons is how condoning evil has negative effects. Orwell shows how people who choose to remain silent about wrongdoing or corruption only help to perpetuate it.

Learn more about Clover here:



How are Boxer and the working class similar?


Working class people are similar to boxers, including dedication, loyalty, and a tremendous amount of labor capacity.

Boxer is a representative of what social class?As part of the story's overarching allegory about the Russian Revolution, the boxer represents the proletariat working class people in the Soviet Union during Stalin's tyranny.Boxer, the character in the book who is most sympathetically portrayed, embodies all the best traits of the exploited working classes, including dedication, loyalty, and a tremendous amount of labor capacity.Boxer is a parable for the Russian working people, who helped overthrow Tsar Nicholas and found the Soviet Union but were ultimately deceived by the regime of Joseph Stalin. He's dubbed "loyal and strong," and he thinks that with more effort, every issue can be resolved.Working class people are similar to boxers, including dedication, loyalty, and a tremendous amount of labor capacity.      

To learn more about Working class people refer to:



Anna took a large, jagged rock down to the river near her home and placed it in the water where the water was moving very fast. She went back to check the rock several months later. What changes will Anna observe in her rock?

The rock will be smaller and smooth, as jagged edges were worn by the water.
The rock will be larger and smooth, as small pieces were added by the water.
The rock will be larger and rough, as other minerals were added by the water.
The rock will smaller and rough, as pieces were ripped off by the water.


Due to the water's erosion of the rock's sharp edges, it will be smaller and smoother.

How rocks breaks down into pieces of rocks ?After so many months, the rock Anna took to a river will noticeably change in the following ways:It disintegrates into rock fragments.The rocks experience sedimentation.When a rock is placed in a moving body of water, such as a river or stream, it frequently begins to gradually shatter into smaller pieces as a result of the constant movement of the water surrounding the rock, wind activity, and other factors.Weathering is the process that takes place when this occurs.This implies that the weathering of rocks refers to their disintegration into smaller pieces.Having said that, the fragments of rock that are being broken down gradually sediment and round out.In other words, as a result of all these activities, they eventually transform into extremely rounded rock particles.Therefore, it can be inferred from the previous explanation that rock weathering typically takes place in an environment with water.

To learn more about rocks refer



review "the deadliest tsunami in history" and "orphans give indian couple will to live" in pathways pages 221 - 229 write an essay in which you analyze the ways these articles attempt to influence the audience's response to the 2004 tsunami in your essay discuss the viewpoints and values presented in each article include your interpretation of the graphics and their purposes conclude with your opinion of the effectiveness of these articles how do you perceive this natural disaster based on the reading?


We can see here that in order to write an essay in which you analyze the ways the given articles attempt to influence the audience's response to the 2004 tsunami, here is a guide:

Read the given articles and understand them properly.Make an outline in a draft on how the article influenced the audience's response.Then write your analysis in a clear and concise manner.Remember to write in line with the given articles.

What is an essay?

An essay is actually known to be a piece of writing which is written by someone who wants to share an information, describe a situation or an event, expose a concept, narrate a story or an incidence or argue a matter out.

We see that essays are usually written from the perspective and point of view of the writer.

Thus, the above guide can help you write your essay effectively considering the articles, "The Deadliest Tsunami in History" and "Orphans Give Indian Couple Will to Live" in Pathways.

Learn more about essay on https://brainly.com/question/28840082


Which of the following best identifies a concern of modernism reflected in paragraphs 3-9?


A literary motion that won impact all through and after World War I. Modernist works contemplated the overpowering feel of loss, disillusionment, and melancholy that artists and others felt within side the wake of destruction on a international scale.

The required details for Modernists in given paragraph

Modernists tended to look the arena as fragmented and disordered, and via artwork they was hoping to offer a restorative force. However, due to the fact they have been dissatisfied with the vintage approaches that caused the war, and in flip with all of the constraints and conventions of the beyond, they experimented in literature with new forms. Modernism is each a philosophical and arts motion that arose from extensive adjustments in Western society all through the overdue nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The motion contemplated a preference for the introduction of latest types of artwork, philosophy, and social corporation which contemplated the newly emerging commercial world, together with functions such as urbanization, architecture, new technologies, and war. Artists tried to leave from conventional types of artwork, which they taken into consideration previous or obsolete. The poet Ezra Pound's 1934 injunction to "Make it New" turned into the touchstone of the motion's approach.

Modernist improvements included summary artwork, the stream-of-consciousness novel, montage cinema, atonal and twelve-tone music, divisionist portray and contemporary-day architecture. Modernism explicitly rejected the ideology of realism and made use of the works of the beyond with the aid of using the employment of reprise, incorporation, rewriting, recapitulation, revision and parody.

To know about Modernists click here



Complete question

Which of the following best identifies a concern of Modernism

reflected in paragraphs 3-9?

A. Modernism rejects traditional assumptions that people are

peaceful. Accordingly, the paragraphs depict characters

conflicts realistically.

B. Modernism rejects traditional assumptions that wealth is

good. Accordingly, the paragraphs poke fun at the parents'

obsession with social status.

C. Modernism questions traditional ideas that the world has a

fyclear moral order. Accordingly, the paragraphs suggest that

the parents' moral advice conflicts with the realities of the


D. Modernism questions the modern idea that traditional

values should be reexamined. Accordingly, a fight breaks

out between the boys after the parents leave.

Why did they sacrifice Tessie in the lottery?


Answer: Tessie Hutchinson's sacrifice is to satisfy the harvest, which benefits the town.

Explanation: Tessie's life is randomly sacrificed for the greater good of her community and their belief that it will bring a prosperous harvest.

Why is it important to always acknowledge your sources of information?


Giving credit to someone for using their own ideas or thoughts in a research effort is known as referencing. In order to determine the originality of the ideas and thoughts employed in the research activity, referencing is helpful.

Reference omission is considered a serious academic research writing misconduct since it shows disdain for the original author or writer. Most often, students make the error of forgetting to include correct referencing at the conclusion of their research papers, essays, or other pieces of writing. The written substance might be canceled as a result of this. If we don't correctly cite our sources, it will be assumed that the written work was plagiarized.

The research paper or other materials cannot be submitted for the purpose of further study or reading. When we conduct a search, we uncover a ton of information. However, we don't use the data exactly as it is. After reading, studying, and analyzing the data, we start organizing our thoughts on what we will actually be writing.

To learn more to information from the given link: https://brainly.com/question/13629038


What belief does Sancho Express to Sterne in this excerpt Sterne needs to stop slavery?


Sancho Express to Sterne in this excerpt Sterne needs to stop slavery.In the excerpt, Sancho informs Sterne that he believes Sterne can free other slaves through his work.

Sancho expresses appreciation and esteem for Sterne in the passage.Sterne should write a paper defending slavery. It is necessary to release some of Sterne's slaves. Sancho says to Sterne in this passage: Many enslaved people could be freed thanks to Sterne's writing.

Cugoano makes it plain in the chapter that the practise of slavery people is against Christian beliefs.While Cugoano calls for urgent and significant revisions to the laws governing slavery, Sancho humbly requests assistance. Read the excerpt from the letters written by the late African Ignatius Sancho.

To know more about Sancho visit:



How does the narrator describe Gatsby in The Great Gatsby chapter 1?


The narrator describes Gatsby in The Great Gatsby Chapter 1, Gatsby possessed a remarkable capacity for optimism as well as a passionate readiness.

The story of Jay Gatsby is told in Scott Fitzgerald's book "The Great Gatsby," but from Nick Carraway's perspective. The wealthier and less well-off households, West Egg and East Egg are also contrasted in the story.

In chapter 1, Nick gave a description of what he thought Gatsby may look like, which was the first time Jay Gatsby was ever depicted. Then, in Chapter 3, Gatsby sent the narrator an invitation to a party. Harry and Miss Baker came into an inebriated man in the library among the books. Gatsby had never met Nick in person before, and this was his first encounter with his neighbour. Eventually, Nick would discover from the tale that Jay, his neighbour, has a remarkable capacity for optimism and a passionate readiness in whatever he strives to do, particularly when it comes to Daisy, his ex.

To learn more about Gatsby here:



can someone please help me write 50 words summary about beware low flying girl fiction by Kathrine rundell



"Beware Low Flying Girl Fiction" by Kathrine Rundell is a novel about a young girl named Isla who is forced to flee her home in New York City after a mysterious fire destroys her apartment building. Along with her loyal dog, Isla embarks on a dangerous journey across the United States, encountering a variety of colorful characters and challenges along the way. As she searches for a new home, Isla must also confront the secrets of her past and the truth about her family's history. This captivating coming-of-age story is full of adventure, friendship, and self-discovery.

This story is about Odile, a girl with a coat which gives her the power to fly, as she has to face mosnters who prey on her deepest fear that her grandfather doesn`t love her.

What is the use of different words to express the meaning of an original text or speech?


Using various words and phrases to convey the same thoughts is known as paraphrasing. Short passages of text, such as sentences and phrases are paraphrased.

Putting somebody else's ideas in your own words is known as paraphrasing. Changing the language while maintaining the original meaning is known as paraphrasing. Instead of copying someone else's words exactly and placing them in quotation marks, you can paraphrase.

When using figurative (or non-literal) language, words are used in a way that differs from the definitions that are generally accepted in order to communicate a more nuanced meaning or heightened effect. While figurative language employs similes, metaphors, hyperbole, and personification to explain something frequently by contrast with something else, literal language means precisely what it says.

To know more about different words to express the meaning of an original text or speech, click on the link below:



What quotes show that Friar Lawrence is to blame?


The quote which show that Friar Lawrence is to blame in Romeo and Juliet is  “Wisely, and Slow. They stumble who run fast.”

Friar Lawrence is most accountable for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet as a result of he was the one who married the 2 lovers even supposing they weren't suppose to be married, gave Juliet this deadly potable,and he feels thus guilty at the tip which implies he is aware of he is to blame.

Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by the bard early in his career concerning the romance between 2 Italian youths from feuding families. it absolutely was among Shakespeare's most well-liked plays throughout his period of time and, along side Hamlet, is one among his most often performed plays.

To learn more about Romeo and Juliet here



What's the difference between in text citation and bibliography?


The in-text citation should only contain the essential details that will help the reader locate the complete citation in your reference section (which is typically headed "Works Cited"). When there is no author listed in the bibliography, the first word of the description or the author's last name should be used to alphabetize it.

Use in-text citations to briefly cite the original source of the material in your research paper. Succinct in-text citations point the reader to more in-depth material in the Reference list. When using the APA style, cite sources in-text using the author-date format. A list of sources utilized to complete a project, such as books, journals, and websites, is referred to as a bibliography (e.g. an essay). Even if they aren't specifically credited or otherwise included in the assignment, it typically includes all the sources studied.

To know more about difference between in text citation and bibliography, click on the link below:



George Washington's Farewell adress In the first paragraph of the passage, on pages 1-3, how does Washington develop the concept of unity of government?





Final answer:

In his Farewell Address, George Washington develops the concept of unity in government by urging the citizens towards patriotism, discouraging partisan politics, and portraying disunity as a threat to the nation's prosperity.


In the first paragraph of George Washington's Farewell Address, he develops the concept of unity of government by emphasizing the importance of the Union and the need to maintain it. He states that the preservation of the Union should be the highest priority and that it requires the unity of the government and the people. Washington warns against the dangers of disunity and sectionalism, urging the nation to avoid political parties and geographic divisions.

Learn more about unity of government here:



What was the focus of the Jazz Age?


The Jazz Age and American culture in general, and the American Dream in particular, are frequently described in terms of its themes of decadence, idealism, resistance to change, social upheaval, extravagance, and absurdity.

What is the Jazz Age?

Jazz music and dance styles rose to popularity worldwide throughout the 1920s and 1930s, known as the Jazz Age.

The first nicknamed decade was the 1920s, often known as the "Jazz Age" or "Roaring 20s." A decade of wealth and waste, jazz bands, bootleggers, raccoon coats, bathtub gin, flappers, flagpole sitters, bootleggers, and marathon dancers also characterized the decade.


To learn more about the Jazz Age from the given link



What strategies can be used in the prevention and control of alcohol drinking?


The strategies can be used in the prevention and control of alcohol drinking In high school pupils, drinking and smoking rates rise with age.

Therefore, youth-focused prevention initiatives that are implemented before or throughout junior high school may aid in reducing high school ATOD usage. A school-based strategy called life skills training (LST) aims to stop young people from using ATODs by influencing their knowledge and attitudes.

Regarding these substances, teaching them how to fend off peer pressure to use ATODs, and supporting their growth in social and self-management abilities.Researchers have studied this program’s effectiveness in preventing use of various substances among varied populations.These survey results indicate that the prevalence of both alcohol use and tobacco use increases with age.

To know more about Prevention visit:



What rights do you have under OSHA


not take adverse action against employees who exercise their legal rights, such as the right to report an illness or injury at work, in accordance with the law. Who is covered by OSHA.

You have a right to work in an environment free from harm or illness. Employers are required by OSHA (the Occupational Safety and Health Administration) to offer a workplace free of known risks. You are capable of defence. You are entitled to demand a safe workplace without worrying about facing repercussions. Three fundamental rights are guaranteed to all employees by the Occupational Health and Safety Act: the right to information on questions of health and safety. the right to take part in choices that can influence their health and safety. the freedom to decline a job that would jeopardise their health and safety

To learn more about OSHA please click on below link



What is the symbolism of the story Animal Farm?


Animal Farm, known at the beginning and the end of the novel as the Manor Farm, symbolizes Russia and the Soviet Union under Communist Party rule.

Animal Farm, often referred to as the Manor Farm in the novel's beginning and conclusion, is a metaphor for the Soviet Union and Russia under Communist Party rule. However, in a broader sense, Animal Farm represents all human societies, whether they be capitalist, socialist, fascist, or communist. It has a government (represented by the pigs), an armed forces (represented by the dogs), a working class (represented by the other animals), as well as national holidays and customs. The symbolism of this farm as a political organization with diplomatic concerns is supported by its setting among several antagonistic neighboring farms. Animal Farm's barn, on which the pigs painted the Seven Commandments and later their amendments, serves as a metaphor for the collective memory of a modern nation.

To know more about holidays refer :



What does positive connotation mean?


The good feeling or emotion associated with a word is known as its positive connotation. A word's positive connotation is the good or the pleasant emotion or feeling it stirs up.

In addition to a word's dictionary definition, connotation speakes to the feelings it excites. In the end, the word delivers a connotation other than what it literally means. The connotation of a word can change how something is understood when it is spoken or written, whether in writing or in speech. As a result, it's necessary for authors and speakers to be conscious of the connotations of the words they use to ensure that they are displaying the proper emotional overtones and that their audience will correctly understand the information supplied.

To know more about connotation:



What does Friar Laurence say about Romeo?


According to the Friar, Romeo's ability to unexpectedly reject Rosaline in favor of Juliet demonstrates that "Young men's love then lies / Not genuinely in their hearts, but in their eyes," In addition, Romeo's tears for Rosaline "were salt water thrown away in waste, / To season love, that of it doth not taste" (Romeo).

Early in the morning, Friar Laurence picks herbs and makes a comment about how both humans and plants have good and bad qualities, and that both can be abused to do harm.

Romeo reveals to Friar Laurence his love for Juliet and his desire for them to be married. Romeo is criticized by the Friar for changing his heart so rapidly from Rosaline to Juliet, but he agrees to officiate the wedding because he believes it will put an end to the rivalry between the Capulet's and Montague's.

According to the Friar, Romeo's ability to unexpectedly reject Rosaline in favor of Juliet demonstrates that "Young men's love then lies / Not genuinely in their hearts, but in their eyes," In addition, Romeo's tears for Rosaline "were salt water thrown away in waste, / To season love, that of it doth not taste" (Romeo).

To learn more about Romeo and Juliet Story link is here



PLEASE HELP Write a paragraph of at least seven sentences about one of the following themes. What has Harper Lee shown the
reader so far about the theme? Use at least one direct quote from the novel to support your answer.
• the outcast
• appearance vs. reality
• education



I can help u but how long do u have until u need to move on to the next question?


It will take me some time to answer



The theme of appearance vs. reality is a central aspect of Harper Lee's novel "To Kill a Mockingbird." Throughout the novel, Lee explores how people can present a false image of themselves to the world, hiding their true intentions and motivations behind a facade. One character who embodies this theme is Tom Robinson, a black man who is falsely accused of raping a white woman. Despite his innocence, Tom is judged and ultimately convicted by the community based on their prejudices and biases, rather than on the facts of the case. As Atticus Finch, Tom's lawyer and defender, says, "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." This quote highlights how people's perceptions and judgments can be influenced by their own biases and assumptions, rather than on an objective understanding of the truth.

What term is used to refer to the vivid pictures created in the imagination of the readers?


The term used to refer to vivid pictures created in the imagination of readers is called "visualization".

What name is given to the vivid images that readers' imaginations conjure up?The word imagery is used to describe the vivid images that readers' imaginations conjure up.When a writer employs words and phrases to evoke in the reader's mind images that are visual, aural, tactile, olfactory, gustatory, kinesthetic, organic, and thermodynamic, it is called imagery.Different kinds of imagery are used by authors to provoke particular feelings or to set the tone. To assist readers see a scenario, for instance, authors may employ descriptive language to generate visual images.In order to assist readers visualise a character's voice or the sound of a specific setting, authors may also use auditory imagery.To assist readers visualise the tactile experience of touching something, authors may also utilise tactile imagery.Authors can utilise imagery to captivate readers and increase their interest in the characters and plot of a story. Additionally, it aids readers in picturing a character's demeanour, gait, and emotions.Authors can enhance the recollection and interest of a tale by allowing the reader to "see" it through these vivid images they have conjured in their minds.

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answer the picture first then answer my second question lot of pointsThe angle measures in a triangle are 25, 135, and 20. What type of triangle is it?A. isosceles triangleB. obtuse triangleC. right triangleD. acute triangle This is all of my points. I need someone to write an essay about why it's important to keep promises PLZZZZZZ ANSWER HURRY 25 POINTS how atoms form chemical bond discuss in detail system of equations ... SOLVE ASAP PLEASE. Which of the following is not a way to accomplish an activity cost reduction? a.improve operations so that the activity-base usage per unit is reduced b.use lower-cost materials c.change the classification of employees doing an activity so as to decrease the activity rate d.none of the above Describe the changes in the wolf population:a) From 1965 to 1970b) From 1970 to 1975 Question: The graph of a second-order polynomial is shown below, and the intercepts with the axes are marked. Explain how you can use the graph to write the polynomial as a product of linear factors (x-a)(x-b). Be sure to state the values of a and b. NEED HELP ASAP What must be true in order to find a sum for an infinite geometric series? Y=x^(2)-12x+36Please explain step by step Hakima and Joshua both opened savings accounts. Both started with a balance of zero dollars. For every $3 that Hakima saves in her account, Joshua saves $5. If they have saved a total of $336, how much did Hakima save? We have to a novel for English, can you please tell me what you think of it so far. There is still lots to be done.Who would have thought that it would end like this, down on my knees towards the one in front of me with a bloody sword in a cave for witches to sacrifice. To be honest I never thought it would end like this, I thought I would live a good life with family and you. But no, I guess my time has come. But even if I do fight I could never hurt you more. I hope I will see you in my next life and be a soldier instead of your enemy. ,said Senshi Aka. *man stabs woman* THE END WHAT!! NO! The story can't end like that! This is too good, why did you have to kill her and out of all people! Whyyyyyyyy?! I am Nozomu Zetsubo, the one who was upset about the end of the comic (blood Dragon). I am also a teanager who is 18 year old and loves reading fantasy comics. This was the last thing I remember reading in my past life. It was early morning after I read the comic, I got a job interview from a friend. I was so careless that I forgot it was today. So I ran to put a shirt on with a white tie, a black long skirt, and some flat shoes that were also blue. I ran out of my white house about to take the car, but then I remembered I said I would let my brother use it for his date. So instead I ran across the streets, by building to only fall in the sewers (which was a 50 foot fall). I woke up thinking it was a dream instead I was in another person's body. I jumped out of the big red bed to see myself in the mirror. I recognized her but didn't remember her. Instead of having long brown hair and brown eyes, I had red long hair and red orange eyes. An airplane is flying from New York to Los Angeles. How much water will a cone hold that has a diameter of 6 inches and height of 21 inches. Use 3.15 pie and round your answer to the nearest whole number Seventh gradeOn the last day of a Shakespeare class, an English teacher asked her studewhich play they liked most. Out of the 20 students, 6 liked Twelfth Night bWhat is the probability that a randomly selected Shakespeare student likesTwelfth Night best?Write your answer as a fraction or whole number.P(Twelfth Night) =cuboit Ben's living room is a rectangle measuring 12 yards by 192 inches by how many feet does the length od the room exceed the width? Diabetes is a disorder of which body part? O the adrenal gland the thyroid the pancreas the liver Although Leonardo Da Vinci was well-known for being an artist, how has he contributed to the fields of motion and medicine?Thx if you help :D Why do people generally join a gang? Are there any factors that affect these decisions? 3. Ca(OH)2 + 2HCI = Cacl. + 2HO If you start with 29.0 grams of Ca(OH), and 12.5 grams of HCl how many moles of water can be formed? What is the limiting reagent?