This engraving shows people removing artwork,
sculpture, and other decorations from a church.
This practice is called
The church shown was most likely built by
The artwork is being removed because the people
thought it was


Answer 1

Answer: iconoclasm, the Catholic Church, a sin to display it in a church


I just did that instruction :)

Answer 2


✔ iconoclasm

✔ the Catholic Church

✔ a sin to display it in a church


hope this helps :)

Related Questions

Why do you think the Romans used natural boundaries as borders for their Empire?


Natural boundaries are an easy way to mark a barrier. It’s easier than having to build something like a wall and it is likely to be known by other empires. Natural boundaries can also be more durable. Mountains can often be used and they are difficult to travel through so the empire could have just been prevented by the boundary.

What is a secondary source? A. a source used by two people B. a source that is lesser known C. a source based on primary sources D. a source created by an eyewitness to an event



C a source based on primary sources


Secondary Sources are from primary sources, think about colors


C. A source based on primary sources


I took the quiz and got it right.

Hope this Helps!

Why is the apostle Paul an important figure in the spread of Chrisianity?



he started a lot of churches amongst the gentiles and wrote often to them about God

What did Sumerian city-states turn into when they were conquered by Akkad





Sumerian city states gradually lost control because of Akkad, and eventually turned into modern day Babylon.

Why might Constantinople have been a tempting target for conquest by the Byzantine Empire's neighbors?



Constantinople was the center of the Byzantine Empire, which had become a prosperous trading center because of its location on the black sea, and one of the richest cities in the world. Therefore, it was an attractive target for others to conquest.


Eventually, Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman Empire.

Who did the British defeat to come to America?
Where did they settle when they got there?



that caused the boston tea party


structure of the federal government in the new jersey plan ?



Structure of Government

Under the New Jersey Plan, the composition of the government would be three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. The legislative power (Congress) would come from the states that would each have one vote regardless of population and would be unicameral (one Congress).


Plz Mark me as brainliest

What was a result of the drafting of
the Declaration of Independence?


Delegates from each of the Thirteen Colonies met in Philadelphia in the summer of 1776 to decide the case for liberty. The goal was to convince the States that the time had come for the United Colonies to declare their independence from Mother England.


It led to the American Revolution



How could citizens with little money participate in government?


By voting, every vote makes a difference!
By voting. Voting makes a great influence on how the governmnet runs.

what is the sea called that is found between Africa and Asia?



Mediterranean Sea



Red Sea


The Red Sea is between Yemen, Saudia Arabia, Egypt and Sudan.

Who was the 15th president of the United states (quick question)!​



James Buchanan

The art from this area was filled with intense realism, religious and domestic scenes. a) Northern Europe b) Eastern Europe c) Italy d) China


The correct answer is A) Northern Europe.

The art from Northern Europe was filled with intense realism, religious and domestic scenes.

Art in Renaissance times spread from Italy to other regions. Of course, it reached Northern Europe, where Northern European artists adapted the forms of art to their local customs. Artists form regions in France, Germany, and England added intense realism to their works with attention to details in the surface of their paintings. The based their paintings on oil. Albrecht Dürer and Robert Campin were two of the most important artist of these regions.

How did permanent settlements impact the social structure of early civilizations



Permanent settlements led to population increases. As populations grew, societies became more complex, as well as some social institutions that are older than civilization, but that fully developed in early civilizations: division of labor, social hierarchy, and even slavery.

In other words, as early civilizations became more complex, the relative egalitarianism of nomadic and semi nomadic societes disappeared.


i think A in edgenuity


Christianity grew in popularity in the centuries after it was founded because -
A. it advocated a violent overthrow of oppressive states,
B. it appealed to the masses because of its message of equality.
C. it eliminated strict caste systems that limited social mobility.
D. it rejected the teachings of other Abrahamic faiths popular in the region.



B. it appealed to the masses because of its message of equality.


Christianity grew in popularity in the centuries after it was founded because it appealed to the masses because of its message of equality.

There was the issue of slavery around the world. It was frowned and unconstitutional in most parts but it continued to exist. In Christianity Jesus taught his disciples on the need to be humble and be willing to serve regardless of status and ethnicity. Christianity helped to ensure the people had a common ground and to be enlightened on the equality it supported.

Which one of these tribes is NOT a Nomadic Hunter-Gatherer tribe? (The kind to wander and not make a permanent home.)
O Kiowa
O Coahuiltecans
O Comanche
O Caddo


The answer is Caddo because they were sedentary !!

Who are the presidents that lost the popular vote, but won the presidency?



John Quincy Adams (1824)

Rutherford B. Hayes (1876)

Benjamin Harrison (1888)

George W. Bush (2000)

Donald Trump (2016)


Most workers for the Central Pacific Railroad were ____

A- Irish
B- French
C- German
D- Chinese


Most workers for the Central Pacific Railroad were Chinese.


The answer to this question is A: Irish


Picture a map of the United States. The Union Pacific Railroad started in the Midwest. Rather than recruiting from across the Pacific Ocean, it was closer to recruit from the Atlantic Ocean. As a result, most Union Pacific Railroad workers were Irish.

Which of the following best describes the executive branch of government under the Articles of Confederation?
It consisted of a president alone.
It consisted of Congress alone.
O It consisted of Congress and a president.
O It consisted of a two-house Congress.


Are those the answers




What are the advantages and disadvantages to capitalism




The advantages of capitalism include:

Consumer choice - Individuals choose what to consume, and this choice leads to more competition and better products and services.

Efficiency of economics - Goods and services produced based on demand create incentives to cut costs and avoid waste.

Economic growth and expansion (which is possible in the capitalist economy system) - This increases the gross national product and leads to improved living standards.

The disadvantages of capitalism include:

A chance of a monopoly of power - Firms with monopoly power (when a specific person or enterprise is the only supplier of a particular commodity) can abuse their position by charging higher prices.

Inequality - A capitalist society is based on the right to pass wealth down to future generations. If a small group of people hold all the wealth and that wealth continues to be passed down to the same groups of people, inequality and social division occur.

Recession and unemployment - An economy based on the market of consumers and producers is invariably going to experience growth and decline.



Efficient Allocation of Resources.

Efficient Production.

Dynamic Efficiency.

Financial Incentives.

Creative destruction.

Economic freedom helps political freedom.

Mechanism for overcoming discrimination and bringing people together.


Monopoly power. Private ownership of capital enables firms to gain monopoly power in product and labour markets. ...

Monopsony power. ...

Social benefit ignored. ...

Inherited wealth and wealth inequality. ...

Inequality creates social division. ...

Diminishing marginal utility of wealth. ...

Boom and bust cycles.

asap!Explain the Treaty of Paris in 1763, and identify how land was distributed after it was signed


The Treaty of Paris of 1763 ended the French and Indian War/Seven Years' War between Great Britain and France, as well as their respective allies. In the terms of the treaty, France gave up all its territories in mainland North America, effectively ending any foreign military threat to the British colonies there.

ill give brain i need it asap or els i fail my class 1. Which type of change—political, social, or economic—had the most impact on Southern life? Support this opinion with two specific pieces of evidence from the lesson. 2. Which type of change—political, social, or economic—faced the most challenges? Why were Southerners against this type of change? Support your view with two specific pieces of evidence from the lesson. 3. For the first hundred years of the United States, only white males were able to vote. Since then, amendments to the Constitution have made it so that any citizen aged 18 or older can vote. Which amendments granted different groups the right to vote? Why were amendments needed to expand voting rights?



In the blue area, people live closely because of its 1.Indutrialised area 2. The land is costly. 3.urbanisation In lighter color areas its farther because 1.Village 2.Farming area 3.Less popular rural area


In the blue area, people live closely because of its 1.Indutrialised area 2. The land is costly. 3.urbanisation In lighter color areas its farther because 1.Village 2.Farming area 3.Less popular rural area

ill give brain i need it asap or els i fail my class 1. Which type of change—political, social, or economic—had the most impact on Southern life? Support this opinion with two specific pieces of evidence from the lesson. 2. Which type of change—political, social, or economic—faced the most challenges? Why were Southerners against this type of change? Support your view with two specific pieces of evidence from the lesson. 3. For the first hundred years of the United States, only white males were able to vote. Since then, amendments to the Constitution have made it so that any citizen aged 18 or older can vote. Which amendments granted different groups the right to vote? Why were amendments needed to expand voting rights?

Which would you have supported the Jersey Plan or the Virginia Plan and why?


Hi There!!

I think I might support The Jersey Plan, because The New Jersey Plan was supported by the states of New York, Connecticut, Delaware, and New Jersey. It proposed a unicameral legislature with one vote per state. Paterson and supporters wanted to reflect the equal representation of states, thus enabling equal power. Even though the Virginia Plan have a larger population and the Jersey Plan have a smaller population. And, the only problem that the  The Virginia Plan was supported by the larger states because of the resolution for proportional representation. This meant that the more people a state has, the more representatives it gets in the legislature.

Well, Hope this explanation helps!!

Comments if something wrong!!




The New Jersey Plan was a proposal for the

structure of the United States Government

proposed by William Paterson on June 15,

1787. The plan was created in response to the

Virginia Plan's call for two houses of

Congress, both elected with proportional

representation.[1] The less populous states

were adamantly opposed to giving most of

the control of the national government to the

larger states, and so proposed an alternate

plan that would have given one vote per state

for equal representation under one legislative body


In Modern America, what events could possibly lead to the secession of states from the union? Be specific and include multiple scenarios if you can.



Disagreements over federal laws, goverment and matters, are the most likely cause for secession in Modern America.

For example, if the federal government passes a law that taxes certain economic activities very high, and these activities are very important for a particular state, that particular state could start a secessio process, although such process would not be likely to succeed.

Another possibility is if a state inhabitants simply become nationalist and start separatist movements.

What do u think makes a protest or a movement a success or failure?


The way people choose to go about it

"Prithvi Narayan Shah was an expert and far sighted politician and successful administrator." Explain.​



PNS personally commanded many battles. The battles taught him how to handle complex situations and how he could come out victorious.

PNS focused on his goal and used all means (Saam, Daam, Danda, Bhed) for his campaign. As he fought battles, he understood why integrating the nearby kingdoms could be beneficial against the rising British hegemony in the region. He also realized that the diversity of Nepal could be exploited by British to divide the kingdom.


Prithvi Narayan Shah was not a strategist in the beginning. As soon as he became the king of Gorkha, he wanted to capture Nuwakot. In 1800 B.S., the first troop he sent under Biraj Thapa could not cross the Trishuli River. PNS, however, was not satisfied with the delay and sent another troop under Maheshwar Panta. The Gorkhali troop lost to the nature (Trishuli) as well the soldiers of Nuwakot.

After the loss, PNS became a military strategist. He went Benaras, brought some weapons and trained his soldiers so that they obey all commands without fear. He also developed the Marwat system for helping the soldier’s family if he died in a battle. He also used Yogis, the devotees of Gorakhnath, as spies.

He did not know how to use geography to strategical advantage before he himself led the Second Battle of Nuwakot in 1801 B.S. Had Kalu Pandey not found a way to divert huge number of Nuwakote soldiers, PNS could have died in the battle.

He had already understood politics, though. Before the Second Battle of Nuwakot, PNS had realized that the Chaubise Rajyas could be threat to his campaign and he might have to kill his kins in Kaski, Lamjung and Tanahun. To avoid the “sins”, he changed his gotra from Bhardwaj to Kasyap.

He also understood that Nepal (the then Kathmandu Valley—Kantipur, Patan, and Bhaktapur) would be against him as soon as he captured Nuwakot. So he kept a cordial relation with Ranjit Malla of Bhaktapur, who was also his Meet Baa (best friend’s father/father’s best friend)

PNS used the anarchy established by the Pradhans to make his brother Dal Mardan Shah the king of Patan from 1820–1822. When PNS attacked Kirtipur in 1822, Dal Mardan Shah did not oppose even though the Pradhans had urged him to do so. On Poush 3, 1822, PNS won the third battle of Kirtipur. Less than four years later, PNS was the king of Nepal.

PNS also understood how the people of Nepal Mandal lived. When he won the surrounding areas, he imposed a complete economic blockade which was one of the biggest reasons behind his victory over Kantipur, Patan and Bhaktapur.

Through treaties and diplomatic understandings, he was able to solve a lot of problems with the Chaubises and Baises, the British, the Tibetan and the Newas.

How did the USA change since 2007?​



The last recession was deemed after the fact to have begun in December 2007. It's more accurate to say that the previous economic recovery ended in December 2007, since the Business Cycle Dating Committee of the National Bureau of Economic Research "determined that a peak in economic activity occurred in the U.S. economy" that month. But the general custom is to date the start of a recession to the previous business cycle's peak, so December 2007 it is, meaning that this business cycle has just wrapped up its 10th year.

Most of the economic data from the end of 2017 isn't available yet, so one cannot do a full 10-year retrospective. The Bureau of Labor Statistics did release its December jobs report last Friday, though, so that's a good place to start. Yes, this last recession was especially awful. That's why they call it the Great Recession! The subsequent jobs recovery has been long and steady, and by this point has far outdistanced the recovery of the 2000s. But it's been weaker than the jobs recoveries of the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s.

Part of that weakness can be explained by slowing population growth, which exerts a drag on job growth.The unemployment rate has fallen more over the past 10 years than during any other post-1970 business cycle, and is now almost as low as in the boom times of the turn of the millennium. Then again, the unemployment rate, as President Donald Trump complained repeatedly during his campaign but has for some strange reason gone silent about since, is a flawed measure. It counts only people who are actively looking for jobs, meaning that those who have given up are ignored.

PART B: Which phrase from the text best supports your answer to Part A? * 1 point
"While factory owners greeted the rush of cheap labor with zeal, laborers often treated
their new competition with hostility." (Paragraph 8)
"Gradually, these 'nativists' lobbied successfully to restrict the flow of immigration."
(Paragraph 9)
"These two Asian groups were the only ethnicities to be completely excluded from
America." (Paragraph 9)
"Criminals, contract workers, the mentally ill, anarchists, and alcoholics were among
groups to be gradually barred from entry by Congress." (Paragraph 10)


Did you get the answer for this?

"Gradually, these 'nativists' lobbied successfully to restrict the flow of immigration" (Paragraph 9) is the phrase from the text best supports your answer to Part A. Therefore, option (b) is correct.

What is phrase?

The term phrase refers to the paring of the group of the words. There are the involved the two or more words are the express, and they described the single idea or sentence. The phrase is the based on the line to justify the meaning. The phrase is on the particular term are in the line.

According to section A, was the text founded on the progressively, these isolationists successfully lobbied to restrict the flow of immigration. As a result, the flow of immigrants is restricted. They successfully completed the sentence.

As a result, the "Gradually, these 'nativists' lobbied successfully to restrict the flow of immigration." Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about on phrase, here:


What did the French establish in the America’s?




France founded colonies in much of eastern North America, on a number of Caribbean islands, and in South America. Most colonies were developed to export products such as fish, rice, sugar, and furs.

By 1914, imperialism had fed into European tensions because of

O the high number of colonies unifying to combat total domination by Europe.

O North and South America competing for colonies.

O many colonial countries' proximity to Europe.

O the high number of European countries competing for colonies all over the world.


Imperialism had fed into European tensions because of the high number of European countries competing for colonies all over the world.

The reason why imperialism fed into the tensions among European countries was the high number of European countries competing for colonies all over the world.

Why did imperialism lead to tensions in Europe?

From the 1700s to 1914, European nations competed for colonies across the globe in order to further their imperialistic ambitions.

This led to tensions amongst the nations as they sometimes fought for colonies like the British and the French did in America.

Find out more on imperialism at


The region that includes parts of Israel, Syria, and Lebanon is called __________. A. Asia Minor B. Cyprus C. Sinai D. Palestine



D. Palestine



Palestine is the answerer


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