
Answer 1




It was nothing

Related Questions

Use the internet to look
up the following Genocides and tell me the dates
of the genocide, which group was targeted and
the number of people killed:
- Athenian Genocide
-Namibian Genocide
-Rwandan Genocide



Athenian Genocide : 1913-1922

Target : Greek Population

Deaths : 300,000 to 900,000

Namibian Genocide : 1904-1907

Deaths : 24,000 to 100, 000

Target : Herero and Namaqua people

Rwandan Genocide : 7 April – 15 July 1994

Target : Tutsi population, Twa, and moderate Hutus

Deaths : 500,000 to 600,000

Answer: Athenian Genocide- In the summer of 416 BCE, Deaths- 300,000–900,000, and the Greek population, particularly from Pontus, Cappadocia, Ionia and Eastern Thrace was there target.

Namibian Genocide- 1904-1908, Tens of thousands of Namibians (the first genocide of the 20th Century) were killed. There target was German.

Rwandan Genocide- April 7, 1994 - 15 July 1994, Deaths: 206,000–800,000, target: Tutsi population, Twa, and moderate Hutus


what nazi policy targeted people who had disabilities?ghettosdeath campsconcentration campseuthanasia


The Nazi policy targeted people with disabilities with a variety of policies, including compulsory sterilization, euthanasia, and the establishment of ghettos and concentration camps.

In the early years of Nazi rule, forced sterilization was imposed on disabled people as a “preventive health measure” aimed at preventing the “genetically inferior” from having children. Later, German doctors and nurses were given the authority to perform eugenics, which resulted in the mass killing of people with disabilities, as well as the mental and emotional anguish of family members.

Concentration camps were also set up to contain the disabled so that they could be worked, tortured, and kept away from society in an attempt to protect the German “master race.” Lastly, the Nazis implemented the “T4” program, which used hospitals to kill 70,000 to 90,000 disabled people in its first year of implementation. The policy was carried out in the utmost secrecy by leading German doctors, nurses, and administrators, and had a long-lasting effect on those it targeted and their families.

To know more about Nazi policy, click here:


Brainliest!! In this task you will summarize the main points of the Gettysburg Address and express its message in your own words. Write a summary for each paragraph of the Gettysburg Address in the table. Refer to the vocabulary words at the end of this document as you work on this task.

Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure.

We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting-place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live.

It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead who struggled here have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract.

The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.
It is for us the living rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.

It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us--that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion--that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain,
that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth."



Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

The Answer to the first one is:  A score is another way of saying 20, so Lincoln was referring to 1776, which was 87 years before 1863. Lincoln was declaring that the United States would continue to fight to preserve the nation that was created by the Founding Fathers who wrote the Declaration of Independence in 1776

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure.

 The Answer to the second one is: That is the idea Lincoln refers to in this section of the speech: The Civil War was testing whether the United States, which was founded on liberty and equality, could survive.

We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting-place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live.

The Answer to thrid one is:  Keep in mind that, in 1776, the United States was a new kind of country with a different kind of political philosophy. Its formation was known as "the Great Experiment" because it ventured into new ground, and no one knew if such a government could survive. That is the idea Lincoln refers to in this section of the speech: The Civil War was testing whether the United States, which was founded on liberty and equality, could survive. Thus, Lincoln succinctly expressed the magnitude of the Civil War: What was at stake was not simply lives, or money, or government control, but the very foundations upon which the United States was founded.

It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead who struggled here have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract.

The Answer to the fourth one is:  Lincoln means that the extreme sacrifice the men who had fought and died on that battlefield have made was in itself a greater act than any other could now, or ever, perform in ordaining the soil on which they died. Their deed was more than enough for the ground to be consecrated. The blood that was spilt there blessed the soil. It would, he suggests, be presumptuous of him or any other to believe that they could do those who gave their lives greater honor by declaring the ground hallowed, These words indicate the great respect Lincoln had for those who gave up their lives to fight for a noble cause. He wanted them to be honored through more than symbolic gestures such as this one—he felt they should be held in esteem in the hearts and minds of all Americans. That should be how a nation conveys its greatest gratitude.

The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.

The Answer to the fifth one is:  he was talking about the speech no one till this day will remember every single detail that was said back then, but will still have little evidence, we all remember what happened but what was all said we do not truly know.

It is for us the living rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.

The Answer to sixth one is: Lincoln stated that by struggling and spilling blood and dying on that battlefield, the soldiers themselves have already dedicated, hallowed, and consecrated (which all essentially mean "make something sacred or honored") the area.

It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us--that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion--that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain,

The Answer to the seventh one is: If the Union were to give up on the Civil War — and many people supported making concessions to the South to end the war — then these soldiers' deaths would be "in vain," or meaningless. This is both a call to action and a justification for continuing the war.

that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth."

The Answer to the eighth one is: Lincoln's Gettysburg Address became a rallying cry that easily ushered Lincoln into his second term in office and reinforced Union resolve to win the war.


I got a 100% on my test.

Did the Russian revolution accomplish its goal? Explain why or why not.. Using T.E.A.E.A response


Answer: The Russian revolution created a brutal repressive political system that officially worked for the working class but in reality oppressed them even more than the feudal class that it sought to replace. It did achieve a high rate of education and consequently, a high rate of educated unemployed and underemployed people. Inspired by the Russian revolution, bloodthirsty psycopaths in other parts of the globe also organized their communist revolutions resulting in even more brutal regimes than the Russian communists a.k.a. the Bolsheviks.

The legacy of communism across the globe is of a corrupt oppressive repressive system that persecutes the very working class that it ostensibly aims to uplift.

Explanation: Hope this helps

(mc)how did the election of ulysses s. grant in 1868 change reconstruction?


The election of ulysses s. grant in 1868 changed reconstruction by ascending to the highest seat in the country.

The 1868 presidential election had a role in maintaining the Union and averting a wider conflict between Republicans and Democrats. Grant's ascent to the nation's highest office contributed to the reunification and reconstruction of the United States. Through the 15th Amendment, he assisted in protecting all people's rights, and he will be remembered as a significant president who served the nation by fostering peace and order.

Reconstruction came to an end with the divisive 1876 presidential election, which installed the Republican Rutherford B. Hayes in power in exchange for the withdrawal of federal forces from the South.

Learn more about reconstruction, here;


The direct cause of the 1965 race riots in Watts was ________.


The riot spurred from an incident on August 11, 1965. Marquette Frye, a young African American motorist, was pulled over and arrested by Lee W. Minikus, a white California Highway Patrolman, for suspicion of driving while intoxicated.

Which help line agencies meet their goals by advising, budgeting, planning, and managing?

executive committees

congressional commissions

staff agencies

managerial bureaucracies



staff agencies (or employment agencies)


It is an association which matches bosses to representatives. In all created nations, there is a freely supported work office and various private organizations which go about as business offices.  

A staffing agency or occupation arrangement organization matches bosses to representatives commonly in a particular industry. For instance, a few offices are known for giving creation specialists to assembling or quality bookkeeping, administrative staff for different sorts of office work.

Answer:Staff Agencies


Help!! Please!! Will mark brainstest​



Court of Appeals because they decide if cases go on trial


Mark me brainliest plz

Can some one please help



The 3rd maybe o think


whcihc term best descirbes the soviet states transition into independence?


The term that best describes the Soviet States transition into independence is "Soviet Collapse."

After the Soviet Union's dissolution in December 1991, the term "Soviet Collapse" has been utilized to describe the event. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), a federal socialist state located in Eurasia, collapsed, resulting in the development of 15 independent republics.

On December 26, 1991, the Soviet Union (USSR) was dissolved, leading to the formation of several independent countries, including Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and others. As a result, the Soviet Republics transitioned from being a communist country to independent nations, changing the course of world history.

Learn more about Soviet Collapse:


approximately how long did one-party democratic rule last in texas?


One-party democratic rule lasted approximately for about 100 years in Texas. Here is a brief explanation of the one-party democratic rule in Texas: One-party democratic rule lasted for nearly 100 years, from 1876 to 1978. During this time, the Democratic Party was the dominant political party in Texas. As a result, all statewide and most local elected officials were Democrats. The one-party democratic rule ended in 1978 when Bill Clements, a Republican, was elected governor of Texas for the first time since Reconstruction.

By the mid-1970s, the two-party system in Texas became more competitive, leading to a decline in one-party Democratic dominance and the emergence of a more diverse political landscape in the state.

Know more about Texas: One-party democratic rule here:


In 1994, Republicans, led by ____ ________ won a ________ in both houses of Congress for the first time in __ years.



In 1994, Republicans, led by _republican revolution  won a __control______ in both houses of Congress for the first time in _40_ years.


Read the excerpt from the Atlantic Charter.

The President of the United States of America and the Prime Minister, Mr. Churchill, . . . respect the right of all peoples to choose the form of government under which they will live.

The excerpt states that the United States and Great Britain agree that people have the right to make



The excerpt states that the United States and Great Britain agree that people have the right to make their own political decisions. The idea of democracy has been unequivocally upheld by countries like the United States and Great Britain through centuries.Nov 8, 2019


The idea of democracy has been unequivocally upheld by countries like the United States and Great Britain through centuries.

The excerpt states that the United States and Great Britain agree that people have the right to make their own choices about the type of government they want to live under.

How can you summarize the Atlantic Charter?

The Charter outlined the ideal outcomes of the conflict: no territorial expansion, no unauthorized territorial changes, self-determination, the restoration of self-government to those who had lost it, a relaxation of trade restrictions, and international cooperation to ensure better economic and social conditions.

It declared openly the United States and Great Britain's sentiment of unity against Axis aggression. It outlined President Roosevelt's Wilsonian-inspired plan for the postwar era, one that would emphasize self-determination, collective security, disarmament, and more open trade.

Learn more about the Atlantic Charter here:


what was the major issue in the case of worcester v. Georgia?



Georgia, legal case in which the U.S. Supreme Court on March 3, 1832, held (5–1) that the states did not have the right to impose regulations on Native American land-Goo/gle


Please help me with my question

Have a nice day

The state of Georgia did not have the power to evict the Cherokee from their ancestral lands, the United States Supreme Court held in Worcester v. Georgia in 1832.

How did the Worcester v. Georgia ruling affect the Cherokee Nation?

However, the United States Supreme Court decided that the Cherokee Nation was sovereign in Worcester v. Georgia one year later. John Marshall, Chief Justice of the United States, reached the conclusion that Georgia had no authority to impose state laws within its borders.

The Cherokee Nation was "a different political society" within which Georgia law did not apply, the Supreme Court ruled in Worcester v. Georgia (1832), the case's appeal, which involved the Cherokee Nation. This made the Georgia statute unconstitutional.

Learn more about Worcester v. Georgia here:


What did Maya civilization have in common with Western civilization? The development of a written language The domestication of horses and cattle The use of a 12-month calendar The worship of a single, all-powerful god


The correct answer is A) The development of a written language.

What did the Maya civilization have in common with Western civilization?

Answer: The development of a written language.

Archeologists still admire the way the Maya, an important Mesoamerican civilization, developed written language as a sophisticated way to communicate and leave records of its time on Earth. The Maya were great mathematicians, astronomers, warriors, and had the knowledge to develop a writing system that consisted of 800 glyphs(signs) related in columns that had to be read together to be understood: top to bottom and left to right.

The Maya civilization also developed an accurate calendar to understand time, its cycles, and seasons.

Muscles work in _______ to move bones. When one muscle contracts and ______ while the other releases and ________



Muscles move body parts by contracting and then relaxing. Muscles can pull bones, but they can't push them back to the original position. So they work in pairs of flexors and extensors. The flexor contracts to bend a limb at a joint.

BRAINLIEST IS CORRECT 60 POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Emancipation Proclamation had many positive outcomes for the Union. By asserting the ___ stance of the Union, the proclamation helped win approval and support from abolitionist whites and the black community for ___ . Additionally, by ___ , it dashed Confederate plans to get support from Europe. It also caused the Union army to become stronger and reduced the Southern labor force
Blank 1
1 anti war
2 anti slavery
3 anti secession

Blank 2
1 Stonewall Jackson
2 Abraham Lincoln
3 Robert Lee

Blank 3
1 freeing plantation laborers
2 making abolition a war goal
3 disrupting cotton cultivation
4 excluding loyal states



2, 2, 1





23. What are attitudes held by a significant number of people concerning governmental and political questions known as?

the mass media

public opinion

interest groups

public policies



the answer is mass media

Which President wore the largest hat?





Answer: abe lincoln


Describe how Siddhartha Gautama became Buddha. What do Buddhists believe in? Use specific examples with elaboration.


There is a legend about that , Buddha was from a rich family that teach him that the world was all good and the bad do not exist. He lived 29 years of his live thinking that life was only good until he found the truth , he found that people die and  have diseases ,in other words , he found that people suffer.

He was having so much information to process, so that is why he left his aristocratic and materialistic home and think about the suffer and how the world really is. He runs away from his house in the search of ilumination.

s The buddhism is similar, in a nutshell, a Buddhist want to defeat the suffer with the ilumination ( that is like a total spiritual awake) or by nirvana (reincarnation). Also in buddhism is taught that  virtues and moral help in the search of a non-suffering existence.

The buddhist don´t believe in any god , they just follow lessons that buddha taught after years of searching the spiritual illumination.But there are people that they admire named bodhisattva , that are people that go significantly inside the path of Buddha.

In what town did Lee surrender to Grant?
A. Shiloh
B. Appomattox
C. Gettysburg
D. Antietam


The answer is B. Appomattox
The following is the explanation

Explain the difference between
Puerto Ricans moving to the
East Coast and Cubans and
Dominican immigrants coming to



Puerto Ricans moving to the

East Coast is known as INTERNAL MIGRATION

Cubans and Dominican immigrants coming to America is known as EXTERNAL MIGRATION


Given that Puerto Rico is an unincorporated U.S. territory, and people from Puerto Rico are U.S citizens, who pay the U.S. federal taxes, hence, Puerto Ricans moving to the East Coast is known as INTERNAL MIGRATION, because they are part of the U.S.

While Cubans and Dominican immigrants coming to America are known as EXTERNAL MIGRATION because Cuba and Dominica are separate countries outside of the USA.

An independent regulatory agency



please give me brainlist and follow


Independent regulatory agencies are federal agencies created by an act of Congress that are independent of the executive departments. Though they are considered part of the executive branch, these agencies are meant to impose and enforce regulations free of political influence.

The phrase "independent regulatory agency" is used to describe Federal organizations that have been created by Congress with a mandate to function with a particular level of presidential independence.

What is a regulatory agency?

Federal organizations that are standalone of the executive departments are known as independent regulatory agencies. Despite being included in the executive branch, these organizations are designed to enact and enforce laws without regard to politics.

Governmental organizations that create, oversee, and uphold laws in their purview are referred to as regulatory institutions. A regulatory agency is typically established by the legislature to carry out or execute laws that were recently enacted and enacted. This will be termed as the difference that will be taken in the long run.

Learn more about regulatory agencies, here:


The question is incomplete, Complete question probably will be:

What is an independent regulatory agency?

Which president backed the Wagner
Act during the New Deal, allowing
strikes to be legal?
C. Reagan
D. Clinton





sana makatulong Yung sagot ko

What system does Qin Shihuangdi
end during his rule in Ancient
A. Colonialism
B. Feudalism
C. Imperialism
D. Nationalism



In an attempt to avoid a recurrence of the political chaos of the Warring States period, Qin Shi Huang and his prime minister Li Si completely abolished feudalism. The empire was then divided into 36 commanderies (郡, Jùn), later more than 40 commanderies.follow me

How did television impact the Civil Rights movement?
A) Networks were forced to hire African Americans.
B) Television commercials supported civil rights laws.
C) Some television shows were boycotted by civil rights groups.
D) It increased awareness of the movement by showing important events.




How did television impact the Civil Rights movement?


Overview. It is often suggested that national television news coverage of the civil rights movement helped transform the United States by showing Americans the violence of segregation and the dignity of the African American quest for equal rights.


Hope that this helps you out! :)  

If any questions, please leave them below and I will try my best and help you.  

Have a great rest of your day/night!  

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Television played a significant role in the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s because it allowed average Americans to witness the horrific events associated with that struggle.

why did weimar Republic collapse



Arguably the most significant reason why the Weimar Republic failed was the onset of the Great Depression. The economic collapse of 1929 had dire effects on Germany. ... This resulted in many German voters abandoning their support for mainstream and moderate parties, choosing instead to vote for radical groups.

Arguably the most significant reason why the Weimar Republic failed was the onset of the Great Depression. The economic collapse of 1929 had dire effects on Germany. ... This resulted in many German voters abandoning their support for mainstream and moderate parties, choosing instead to vote for radical groups.

Which politicians benefitted the most from the July Days?



Kadet (Constitutional Democratic) ministers.


Answer:a period in the Russian ... evidence that the Bolshevik leader Lenin had close political and financial ties with the German government. .

The leader of the British forces in the European Theater of war was ????
Douglas MacArthur
Erwin Rommel
Charles de Gaulle
Bernard Montgomery ​



Charles de Gaulle


Identify the roles and sacrifices American soldier Dodie Miller



Doris Miller was an African-American Sailor who earned the Navy Cross for ... not find work, in September 1939, at 19, he joined the U.S. Navy.

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What mass of hydrogen is present?The vapor pressure of water is 19 torr at 21C.a) 0.0186 gb) 0.0241 gc) 0.0213 gd) 0.0269 ge) 0.0281 g DUBLIN Company has taxable income of $100,000. DUBLIN Company's tax rate is 40% The entry to record their tax charge for the year will include which of the following Debit entries: Select one: O a. Tax Payable $100,000 O b. Tax Expense $40,000 Oc. Tax Payable $40,000 Od. None of these answers Oe. Tax Expense $100,000Previous question Sample statistics and population parameters A researcher is interested in knowing the average height of the men in a village. To the researcher, the population of interest is the - in the village, the relevant population data are the in the village, and the population parameter of interest is the There are 780 men in the village, and the sum of their heights is 4,617.6 feet. Their average height is feet. Instead of measuring the heights of all the village men, the researcher measured the heights of 13 village men and calculated the average to estimate the average height of all the village men. The sample for his estimation is , the relevant sample data are the , and the sample statistic is the If the sum of the heights of the 13 village men is 79.3 feet, their average height is feet. Solve the IVP y"-10y'+25y = 0, y(0) = 7, y'(0) = 0