
Answer 1
message me and i will send you a old story i have

Related Questions

Making Towers Bird-Friendly
The lights on tall communication towers warn pilots to avoid the towers when flying at night. Unfortunately, the steady red lights often used on towers have the opposite effect on birds: the bright beams attract and confuse them. Instead of avoiding the lights, the birds fly directly toward them, crashing into the towers or becoming entangled in power lines. Millions of birds have died this way. However, there is a solution. Unlike steady lights, flashing or blinking lights don't attract birds. In response to demands from conservation groups, the Federal Aviation Administration in 2016 began requiring communication towers in the U.S. to use blinking lights instead of steady ones.

What is the main idea of the passage?

To save birds, communication towers have begun using blinking lights.
Birds are attracted to the steady red lights on communication towers.



not to have towers with lights because it effects the birds sight.


Read the passage.
To Stand or Not to Stand?
In 2016, Vallecito Elementary School in San Rafael, California, became the first U.S. school to replace all of its ordinary desks with raised desks that students stand at. Speaking to a reporter from TIME for Kids magazine, one student at the school gave the standing desks high praise. "You feel happier, you're less tired, and you're more active," she said. According to several studies, children working at standing desks burn more calories and are more focused on tasks. However, some teachers and parents are opposed to the change. They are concerned that standing for long periods of time could cause fatigue, the strain on the legs and feet, or posture problems. In addition, standing desks are more expensive than seated desks. Only time will tell whether standing desks will prove to be the next big trend or a failed experiment.

What is the main idea of the passage?

Studies have shown that standing desks help students focus on their schoolwork while being more active.
Some people say that standing desks promote good study habits, but others are wary about the new decks.



Some people say that standing desks promote good study habits, but others are wary about the new decks.


Some people say that standing desks promote good study habits, but others are wary about the new desks, is the main idea of the passage.

What is the focus of the main idea of the passage?

The first school in the United States to do so was Vallecito Elementary School in San Rafael, California, which switched all of its regular desks out for raised tables that pupils could stand at in 2016. One school youngster who spoke to a reporter from TIME for Kids magazine praised the standing desks.

She said, “You feel happier, less weary, and more active.” Children who utilize standing desks while working are more attentive and burn more calories, according to numerous studies. Some parents and teachers, though, are against the change.

They worry that prolonged standing could result in weariness, stress on the legs and feet, or postural issues. Furthermore, standing desks cost more than seated desks. Time will only tell.

Therefore, the main idea of the passage is about standing desks is good or not.

Learn more about the passage, here:


The Legend of El Muerto

(1)Vidal was a mexican bandit and horse thief. (2)In 1848, he made the mistake of stealing some horses from the ranch of Texas Ranger Creed Taylor. (3)Most of the Rangers had gone north to chase a band of raiding Comanche's but not Taylor. (4)He soon discovered the horses were missing and along with a neighbor who had also lost some horses, they took off after the thieves.
(5)The two men ran into Bigfoot Wallace near Uvalde and he joined them in the hunt. (6)Wallace was also a Ranger and he had little patients for horse thieves. (7)The three men soon found the camp of the bandits and attacked and killed them all. (8)Bigfoot wanted to make an example of Vidal. (9)He cut off his head and lashed his body firmly into a saddle on the back of a wild mustang. (10)Bigfoot thrust the head into a sombrero, secured it with a strap and tied it to the pommel of the saddle.
(11)For years the wild mustang roamed South Texas terrifying everyone who saw it. (12)Horse and rider became known as El Muerto and were blamed for all kinds of evil deeds and misfortune. (13)Eventually, a posse cornered the wild horse near Ben Bolt and relieved it of its gruesome burden. (14)The corpse was riddled by scores of bullet holes and Indian arrows. (15)It is said that the body is buried in a small cemetery near Ben Bolt. (16)To this day, there are still stories of people seeing a headless horseman riding through the South Texas plains on clear and moonlit nights.

1. What change should be made to sentence 1?
a. Change bandit to bandet
b. Change thief to theif
c. Change mexican to Mexican
d. No change is necessary

2. What change should be made to sentence 3?
a. Change Rangers to rangers
b. Change north to North
c. Place a comma after Comanche’s
d. Change Comanche’s to Comanches

3. What change should be made to sentence 4?
a. Change horses, to horses;
b. Change horses, to horses
c. Change thieves to thiefs
d. No change is necessary

4. What change should be made to sentence 6?
a. Change was to is
b. Change patients to patience
c. Place a comma after patients
d. No change is necessary

5. Which is the best way to combine sentences 8 and 9?
a. Bigfoot wanted to make an example of Vidal and he cut off his head and lashed his body firmly into a saddle on the back of a wild mustang.
b. Bigfoot wanted to make an example of Vidal because he cut off his head and lashed his body firmly into a saddle on the back of a wild mustang.
c. Bigfoot wanted to make an example of Vidal, yet he cut off his head and lashed his body firmly into a saddle on the back of a wild mustang.
d. Bigfoot wanted to make an example of Vidal, so he cut off his head and lashed his body firmly into a saddle on the back of a wild mustang.

6. What change should be made to sentence 11?
a. Place a comma after years
b. Change South Texas to south Texas
c. Change saw to seen
d. No change is necessary

7. What change should be made to sentence 13?
a. Change posse to possey
b. Change Eventually, to Eventually
c. Change its to it’s
d. No change is necessary


Do you want me to help with all of them or no just a pacification
1. c 2. b 3. d 4. b 5. d 6. a 7. d I hope these are right

What is one way that people can harm the environment?

Trees provide shade from the sun for humans and animals.

Trees provide oxygen for humans and animals to breathe.

Trees provide furniture like tables and chairs to use.

Trees are beautiful to look at in parks and forests.



Trees provide furniture like tables and chairs to use.


trees being cut down negatively affects all the other answers and more.

cars because cars let out bad things into the air and it is unhealthy for humans

What does mean



Do you mean extinct or are you talking abt a website.


The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe
#1 What meaning do the words “each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor” convey to the reader?
Read the following lines from the poem.

Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December,
And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.
Eagerly I wished the morrow:—vainly I had sought to borrow
From my books surcease of sorrow—sorrow for the lost Lenore—
For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore—
Nameless here forevermore.

What meaning do the words “each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor” convey to the reader?

A. Winter was turning into spring.

B. The narrator kept seeing images of someone who had died.

C. The dying fire was casting shadows on the floor.

D. The narrator was sleeping.







the dying fire was casting shadows on the floor

Write a paragraph (at least 7 sentences) explaining why you believe each of the Greasers - Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally - could be considered a hero. Include your own definition of hero in the essay, and be sure to explain how each character, in his own way, meets your definition. Remember to support your ideas with examples from the story.



They can be described as heroes because they are not afraid to step up, and help people. Ponyboy is a hero because he rescued people and befriended a soc. Similarly Johnny is a hero because he used his heroic qualities to help people.

How does Jonas’s view of his community change after he receives his first few memories?



He has decided that the Sameness he grew up with is completely unacceptable. He is willing to go Elsewhere and release all his "memories" back into the community even though this will surely destroy it.


He decided that things needed to change, so after all he could do was remember the bad, he went back to his community and released the bad memories.


Hope this helps, have a VERY nice day!!!

What is one characteristic that all Tall Tales share?


exaggeration throughout

What message about bullying do you want your PSA to communicate?

Write your message in a complete sentence.


Answer: Do not bully others. forgive and forget if someone bullies you. be mature and understand the person's situation before you bully them

Which is a complete sentence?
1. Mrs. Stevenson carefully buttoned up her coat.
2. Lara showing me photographs from her travels in India.



sentence 1


sentence 2 is incomplete




2 isn't a complete sentence because "Lara showing me" isn't correct it would be "Lara is showing me"

Read the claim below.
Video games are valid learning tools.
Select the piece of evidence that best supports this claim.



Second option would do Problem solving


It's the first one


Have a nice day ! God Bless you and stay safe:) Hope this helps!




My answer:

If I were captured by a alien and this happened I would be jumping up and down as I said with a large grin on my face, earth is a amazing planet, trees, bushes, lush greenery. However, there are also cities, as people sadly decide to ruin the greenery by polluting. The natural world is amazing, flowers of all different colors they are so beautiful. Society, on the other hand, I could say it is near the point of corruption. People are so judgmental. There are also animals all around, it is just an amazing place but can be, well.. People can make it less amazing. There are good people, though, that make it amazing like it was meant to be.


This is my answer, I had fun writing this.

If I were captured by an alien, I’d talk random stuff like random words after each other so they would think that earth hadn’t advanced enough yet so they would leave earth waiting for another time in the future and would leave us alone for the next couple hundred to a thousand years later.

Short stories can be read in one sitting and rarely exceed five pages in length. True False​





Short stories are obviously short and don't usually take up many pages at all. They can be read very quickly. Hope this helps!

True. Most short stories are shorter than kid’s books so yeah its true

A poem with meter includes:
1. a repeating pattern of accents within each line
2. a pattern of rhyming words at the ends of lines
3. at least thirty lines, organized into groups of four
4. an imaginative comparison between two unlike things


A) A repeating pattern of accents within each line

Meter is used to help a poem maintain a steady and predictable flow. It was created by consistent patterns of individual parts of words: syllables and their accents. With meter,  its natural rhythms are usually from one accent to the next, not just one syllable to the next.

Hope this helps :)


a repeating pattern of accents within each line


What do you like about the poem?
What do you notice?
What do you have questions about?
Who is she speaking to?
Who does she compare being somebody to? Why?


Answer: Well first question should be what you think about the poem not mine or the other people. the second question is repeating "I'm Nobody". The third question should be what you have questions on. The fourth question is unknown but if I could guess she would probably be talking to someone she knows or loves. the last question she compares herself to the person she is talking to and the reason might be that she doesn't want to feel alone in what she is going through if she is going through something. Hopefully this helped.

Which character did you find the most interesting? Why? The Apple Tree Switch



I found the mom the most interesting because she didn't have her son with her and she was not paying attention to her son while in a public place where anything can happen.


The answer should be what the other person said

Plsss help me with this if you know how to solve this plsss help me with it thank you also remember NO LINKS AND NO DOING IT JUST FOR POINTS OR YOUR ANSWER WILL BE REPORTED and if you have a question plss ask me in the "ask fluttershyponybutter about this question" section Use the poem to answer this question WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST


Answer:He said i am the darker brother then says i too am an american talking about how they wont let him be in the table with them



He said i am the darker brother then says i too am an american talking about how they wont let him be in the table with them


How are people affected by love in this text? Is it positive or negative?
( from "Echo and Narcissus" commonlit)



Lasting love is consistently linked to lower levels of stress. The positive feelings associated with oxytocin and dopamine production can help improve your mood, for one.


The way people are affected by love in this text is:

It is positive because of the dopamine which is produced as a result of this feeling of love.

Effects of love

This refers to the aftereffects or things which happens as a result of love between two or more people

With this in mind, we can see that oxytocin and dopamine are gotten from the body when one is in love which shows that the effects of love is positive.

Read more about love here:

What's your go to movie?

You may have seen it a 100 times, but what movie can you watch and rewatch?

Why do you like it so much? Be sure to explain to receive full credit.



Love, Simon


It's a really really good movie and also an amazing book too. It has a really good plot and great characters and keeps people engaged. It cheesy or anything like that. It's a really great movie and I reccomnd it if you like romance and drama!

The Hate U Give

This Movie is my go to movie because a lot of the scenes inside the movie are similar to what is happening now and what happened in 2020. It gives a very deep message.

Read the excerpt from "What’s Possible for Our Children” by Barack Obama.

This starts with fixing the broken promises of No Child Left Behind. Now, I believe that the goals of this law were the right ones. Making a promise to educate every child with an excellent teacher is right. Closing the achievement gap that exists in too many cities and rural areas is right. More accountability is right. Higher standards are right.

But I’ll tell you what’s wrong with No Child Left Behind. Forcing our teachers, our principals and our schools to accomplish all of this without the resources they need is wrong.

Which phrase from the excerpt shows the speaker’s perspective on the No Child Left Behind bill?

“broken promises”
“educate every child”
“achievement gap”
“higher standards”



I think the answer is C. achievement gap

sorry if I'm wrong



im pretty sure it is c

Read the passage.
The First "Newspaper" War
The Crimean War was fought in the 1850s between Russia on one side and Britain, France, and Turkey on the other. Although it was a major conflict, it is perhaps best remembered as the first war in which journalists were present on the battlefield. News dispatches from William Howard Russell, a reporter for the Times of London, exposed military blunders and revealed the filthy conditions that existed in military hospitals and camps. Photographers such as James Robertson and Roger Fenton made hundreds of photographs of soldiers on the battlefield. These news reports and photographs provided an uncensored look at life on the frontlines. The Crimean War marked the first time in history that people back home were exposed to the horrors of war.

What is the main idea of the passage?

The Crimean War was the first to be the war to be documented for civilians,

The Crimean War was fought between the Russians and the British, French, and Turkish.


It's about a war happened in 1850s between the Russia on the other side and the OTHER COUNTRIES was on the other side

|                                          |

| RUSSIA   <|>  Other Cs. |

|                                          |

I don't know if this helps....

But I'm heck sure sure.. It does not.


The crimean war was the first war to be documented for civilians.


Which statement best describes the relationship between the two newspaper articles?
A.The first article includes correct information about why the ship sank while the second article incorrectly claims the ship did not sink.
B. Both articles included information about the trouble the ship had when it first left harbor.
C. The first article includes more details about the passengers on the ship than does the second article.
D. Both articles incorrectly claim that the ship did not sink after hitting the iceberg.



What are the articles? You would have to put the articles for people to help you or else they may not know what you are talking about. Best of luck!

The statement best describes the relationship between the two newspaper articles Both articles incorrectly claim that the ship did not sink after hitting the iceberg. Thus the correct option is D.

What is a newspaper?

A newspaper is referred to as a medium of communication used to exchange information about the events happening in the world. this provides information about the issues and challenges rising in the world and creates awareness among the public.

The texts that are derived from commonlit,  talk about the Titanic, a huge ship that crashed in 1912 due to an iceberg. The passengers of the Titanic dubbed it "the ship of their dreams" since it was the largest ship that got sunk at the time and was so magnificent.

Therefore, option D is appropriate.

Learn more about the Newspaper articles, here:


The complete question is Probably


PART A: Which statement best describes the relationship between the two newspaper articles?


The first article includes correct information about why the ship sank while the second article incorrectly claims the ship did not sink.


Both articles included information about the trouble the ship had when it first left harbor.


The first article includes more details about the passengers on the ship than does the second article.


Both articles incorrectly claim that the ship did not sink after hitting the iceberg.

Reread paragraphs 25-31. Choose a sentence or phrase you underlined and write a paragraph explaining why the text you annotated indicates a key event.
The paragraphs:
25. Esperanza's eyes were on fire. She stamped out of the cabin, slamming the door, and walked past the mulberry and chinaberry tress to the vineyard. She hurried down a row, then cut over to another.
26. "Esperanza!"
27. She heard Miguel's voice in the distance but she didn't answer. When she got to the end of one row, she moved up to another.
28. "Anza!"
29. She could hear him running down the rows, catching up with her.
30. She kept her eyes on the tamarisk trees in the far distance and walked faster.
31. Miguel eventually caught her arm and pulled her around. "What is the matter with you?"



Esperanza's eyes were on fire.


it shows that this person was probably angry and it was as if she wanted to cry

The result is an electrolyte with a positive interior in a negative exterior on one side and a negative interior and a positive exterior on the other basically a biological battery.

What device is being used for the battery?
A. Simile
B. Metaphor
C. Personification
D. Hyperbole ​


Don’t trust files
It’s C) Personification

What is one way that people can harm the environment?
Trees provide shade from the sun for humans and animals.

Trees provide oxygen for humans and animals to breathe.

Trees provide furniture like tables and chairs to use.

Trees are beautiful to look at in parks and forests.



Trees provide oxygen for humans and animals to breathe.

Answer:Trees provide oxygen for humans and animals to breathe.


Why do you think most of Dickens’s works focus on portraying the lives of the poor and the working class?




Certainly Dickens was sympathetic to the working poor—what he would have considered to be the good or "deserving" poor. Examples of these are the Plornish family in Little Dorrit, as well as working-class characters down on their luck, like Stephen Blackpool in Hard Times, or middle-class characters struggling to hide their loss of class status as the result of poverty, like Bob Cratchit in A Christmas Carol. Dickens was almost always sympathetic to poor women, including prostitutes like Nancy in Oliver Twist, and children like Jo the street sweeper in Bleak House.

But Dickens was also, like many of his contemporaries, worried, even afraid of the potential for crime and violence in poverty, particularly in people like Bill Sykes (Oliver Twist), especially when those people congealed into a mob. (The out-of-control masses of the Gordon riots in Barnaby Rudge, or the revolutionaries in Tale of Two Cities are good examples.) Generally speaking, Dickens believed—and strongly insisted in his work—that crime was a result of poverty and its corollary, ignorance; but despite his sympathetic treatments of characters like Magwitch in Great Expectations, there is a barely-controlled anxiety in many of his works about an unredeemable evil in some poor people.

In his own time, Dickens was seen as a champion of “the poor” by some of the poor themselves. (One of the street sellers Henry Mayhew interviewed in 1851 said Dickens was a great favorite of the “patterers” who sold ballads and other materials on the street; Silas Wegg in Our Mutual Friend is a patterer.) Author and critic G.K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936) characterized Dickens as “the spokesman of the poor”—a label that was almost immediately challenged by George Orwell, among others. But whatever ambivalences Dickens, like his contemporaries, had about poverty and the poor, one of his greatest achievements was to bring the problem of poverty to the attention of his readers through introducing varieties of poor persons into almost all of his novels, and showing the “deserving” majority of the poor, bravely struggling against the forces arrayed against them.

hope this is good for you !


Dickens had to quit school and get a job to help settle his father’s debts. One of his first jobs, at age 12, was at a factory that made shoe polish. He experienced firsthand the harsh conditions of English factories during the nineteenth century. These painful experiences probably influenced Dickens to write about the lives of working-class people.


This is the sample answer on Edmentum! :)

Please help me with this!!!



It has a clear rhyme scheme.

What is the connection between chromosomes and the heavily muscled phenotype??
Uses these vocab terms or phases in the short answer response: allele, chromosomes , heavily muscled, myostatin protein
No Links Pls


Genes are segments of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that contain the code for a specific protein that functions in one or more types of cells in the body. Chromosomes are structures within cells that contain a person's genes. Genes are contained in chromosomes, which are in the cell nucleus.
What is the connection between chromosomes and the heavily muscled phenotype??
Uses these vocab terms or phases in the short answer response: allele, chromosomes , heavily muscled, myostatin protein
No Links Pls


Look at the commentary on "Cupid and Psyche" from Bulfinch's Mythology.

The fable of Cupid and Psyche is usually considered allegorical. The Greek name for a butterfly is Psyche, and the same word means the soul. There is no illustration of the immortality of the soul so striking and beautiful as the butterfly, bursting on brilliant wings from the tomb in which it has lain, after a dull, groveling caterpillar existence, to flutter in the blaze of day and feed on the most fragrant and delicate productions of the spring. Psyche, then, is the human soul, which is purified by sufferings and misfortunes, and is thus prepared for the enjoyment of true and pure happiness.
In your journal, reflect on Bulfinch's analysis of the story's theme. Do you agree or disagree with his analysis? Why or why not? What new questions does this analysis of "Cupid and Psyche" bring to mind? Can you answer them? If not, does it matter? Explain.


Need a photo I don’t understand it is there a photograph
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