Technologies designed to replace operating systems and services when they fail are called what?


Answer 1


Bare metal recovery.


Technologies designed to replace operating systems and services when they fail are called bare metal recovery.

Basically, it is a software application or program which is primarily designed to enable users to reboot the affected system and services that have failed, usually from a removable media, CD-Rom using an image file of the operating system backup.

Related Questions

Which of the following is not an advantage of a flowchart?
a) Better communication
b) Efficient coding
c) Systematic testing
d) Improper documentation



d) Improper documentation


A flowchart is a type of diagram in which it presents the flow of the work or how the process is to be followed. It is a diagram that represents an algorithm that defines step by step approach to solving the task. In this, there are various boxes that are linked with the arrows

There are various advantages like in this, there is a better communication, coding is to be done in an efficient way, system could be tested also there is a proper documentation

hence, the correct option is d

Which of the following is not an advantage of a flowchart?

a) Better communication

b) Efficient coding

c) Systematic testing

d) Improper documentation

Create a query that will list all technician names, employee numbers, and year hired in order by year hired (Newest to Oldest).





The table definition is not given;

However, I'll make the following assumptions

Table Name:



Technician name will be represented with Techname

Employee number will be represented with Empnum

Year Hired will be represented with Year

Having said that; the sql code is as follows:


The newest year hired will be the largest of the years;

Take for instance:

An employee hired in 2020 is new compared to an employee hired in 2019

This implies that the year has to be sorted in descending order to maintain the from newest to oldest.

Which of the following can indicate what careers will be enjoyable ?


Answer: c. Interests


A person's interests are things that they love to do because they find those things to be enjoyable for example, gaming, writing or travelling.

To find out what careers a person would find enjoyable therefore, the interests can be looked at because if the person enjoy doing those things without it even being a job then they would probably enjoy those things in a career setting as well. For instance a person who enjoys writing would probably find a career in jornalism to be enjoyable.

explain the evolution of computers​



vintage computers

Computers have changed drastically since the 1930s. AP

From the 1930s to today, the computer has changed dramatically.

The first modern computer was created in the 1930s and was called the Z1, which was followed by large machinery that took up entire rooms.

In the '60s, computers evolved from professional use to personal use, as the first personal computer was introduced to the public.

In the 1980s, Apple introduced its first computer, the Macintosh, and has dominated the computer industry ever since with laptops and tablets.

Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

Although computers seem like a relatively modern invention, computing dates back to the early 1800s.

Throughout computing history, there has not been a lone inventor or a single first computer. The invention of the computer was incremental, with dozens of scientists and mathematicians building on their predecessors. The modern computer, however, can be traced back to the 1930s.

The 1930s marked the beginning of calculating machines, which were considered the first programmable computers.

computer in the 1930s

A calculating machine in the 1930s. AP

Konrad Zuse created what became known as the first programmable computer, the Z1, in 1936 in his parent's living room in Berlin. He assembled metal plates, pins, and old film, creating a machine that could easily add and subtract. Although his early models were destroyed in World War II, Zuse is credited with creating the first digital computer.

In the 1940s, computers took up entire rooms, like the ENIAC, which was once called a "mathematical robot."

computer room vintage

A computer room. AP

John Mauchly created the ENIAC during World War II to help the Army with ballistics analytics. The machine could calculate thousands of problems each second. The large-scale ENIAC weighed 30 tons and needed a 1,500-square-foot room to house the 40 cabinets, 6,000 switches, and 18,000 vacuum tubes that comprise the machine.

Some call this invention the beginning of the computer age.

In the 1950s, computers were strictly used for scientific and engineering research, like the JOHNNIAC, which was once described as a "helpful assistant" for mathematicians.

A man working at a computer in the '50s. AP

The JOHNNIAC was completed in 1954 and was used by RAND researchers. The massive machine weighed just over two tons with over 5,000 vacuum tubes. This early computer operated for 13 years or 51,349 hours before being dismantled.

In the 1960s, everything changed when the Programma 101 became the first desktop computer sold to the average consumer.

Programma 101. Pierce Fuller/ Wikimedia Commons

Up until 1965, computers were reserved for mathematicians and engineers in a lab setting. The Programma 101 changed everything, by offering the general public a desktop computer that anyone could use. The 65-pound machine was the size of a typewriter and had 37 keys and a printer built-in.

The Italian invention ushered in the idea of the personal computer that would last to this day.

As personal computers became popular in the 1970s, the Xerox Alto helped pave the way for Steve Jobs' Apple.

Xerox Alto. Francisco Antunes/ Flickr

The Xerox Alto was created in the '70s as a personal computer that could print documents and send emails. What was most notable about the computer was its design, which included a mouse, keyboard, and screen. This state-of-the-art design would later influence Apple designs in the following decade.

The Alto computers were also designed to be kid-friendly so that everyone — no matter the age — could operate a personal computer.

In the '80s, Apple's Macintosh was described as a game-changer for the computer industry.

The Macintosh. Raneko/ Flickr

When Steve Jobs introduced the first Macintosh computer in 1984, Consumer Reports called it a "dazzling display of technical wizardry." Like the Xerox Alto, the Macintosh had a keyboard, a mouse, and a small 9-inch screen. The computer — which weighed in at 22 pounds and cost $2,495 — was applauded for its interface of windows and icons.

this is very long chapter cannot be type here so please watch video regarding this or search it in Google. I would have definitely helped you but it is not possible to type and help you , it is so long chapter that it might consume 15 to 25 pages to explain it .

Don't think and take my suggestion negatively. I am really sorry.

Assume for arithmetic, load/store and branch instructions a process has CPIs of 1.3, 14.9 and 5.4. On 1 processor the program will require 3*10^9 arithmetic instructions, 1.6*10^9 load/store instructions and 2*10^6 branch instructions. Assume that the processor has a 7GHz clock frequency. Assume that, as the program is parallelized to run over multiple cores, the number of arithmetic and load/store instructions per processor is divided by 0.7 x p (where p is the number of processors) but the number of branch instructions per processor remains the same. If there are 6 processors, what's the total execution time in milliseconds (you'll need to multiply your answer by 1000) (Your answer should a WHOLE NUMBER round up from 0.5, round down otherwise)



the answer is the middle of a butt whole


A friend is having a problem with keeping a fish tank at the right temperature so the fish stay healthy. Describe how you could use at least one type of input and one type of output to create a physical computing device to help this friend.



water temperature gauge sensor


We can connect a temperature sensor connected to the water and a heater or cooler sensor, we have created a program to check the temperature from the sensor. when the water is hotter than recommended, we turn on the refrigerator and when it is cold, we turn on the heaterso correct answer is water temperature gauge sensor

Compare and contrast two fundamental security design principles. Analyze how these principles and how they impact an organizations security posture.


Answer: D

The Ruined Man Who Became Rich Again Through a Dream

An adaptation of a story from 1,001 Arabian Nights

Once there lived in the city of Chongqing a very wealthy man who lost all his belongings and his treasures and became very poor. He was so poor that he could only earn his living by laboring day and night. One night, extremely late, he lay down to rest. He was exhausted, dejected, and sick at heart. He fell into a deep sleep and dreamt that a wise old soul came to him and said, "Your fortune is in the city of Beijing; go there and seek it."

The next day, he set out for Beijing. He arrived there deep into the night and he lay down to sleep for a bit in a hostel. Presently, as fate would have it, a company of thieves entered the hostel. They made their way into the house that adjoined the hostel. Soon, the people of the house, aroused by the noise, awoke and cried out, "thieves, thieves!" An alarm was raised and the chief of the police came to their aid with his officers. The robbers made off; but the police entered the hostel and found the man from Chongqing asleep there. They cast him into prison, where they kept him for three days. The chief of police sent for him and said, "Where did you come from?"

"From Chongqing," whispered the man.

"And what brought you to Beijing?" asked the chief.

"I saw in a dream an old soul who said to me, 'Thy fortune is at Beijing; go there at once to find it.' But, when I came here, the fortune that I was promised proved to be an arrest and a jail stay."

The chief of the police laughed until he showed his white, wide, broad teeth. He said to the man from Chongqing, "O man of little wit! Three times have I seen an old soul in a dream who said to me, 'There is a fashionable house in Chongqing, with a fountain in the front garden. Under the fountain there is buried treasure— a great sum of money. Go there and take it.' Of course I did not go. You, on the other hand, you of little wit, have journeyed from place to place, on the faith of a dream, which was but an illusion of sleep."

Then the chief of police gave the man from Chongqing money, saying, "This is to help you get back to your native land."

Now, the house that the chief described was the man's very own house in Chongqing! When he traveled home, he immediately dug underneath the fountain in his garden and discovered a great treasure! He received an abundant fortune in his own yard!

Which of these events from the story best shows the conflict?

The next day, he set out for Beijing.

Soon, the people of the house, aroused by the noise, awoke and cried out, "thieves, thieves!"

The robbers made off; but the police entered the hostel and found the man from Chongqing asleep there.

The chief of the police laughed until he showed his white, wide, broad teeth.Explanation:



A way of making a tree diagram is through the use of fundamental counting principle.A fundamental counting principle is a much easier way of finding the possible outcomes in a sample space.The two ways has the same outcome.The difference is that it’s easier to find the possible outcomes in a sample space using the fundamental counting principle compared to the tree diagram.

definition of asymptotic analysis


asymptotic analysis is a method of describing limiting behavior. hope this helps!

Consider a variation of Sequential Search that scans a list to return the number of occurrences of a given search key in the list. Does its efficiency differ from the efficiency of classic Sequential Search? Explain.



Considering the fact that the sequential search key must go through the entire list, The search is no different from a classic sequential search.


Sequential search is a form of search in computer science that searches for an item by comparing sequentially items in an ordered list. In big O notation, it take the sequential search O(n) time, with n being the number of items in the list.

This is the same as searching for the occurrence of an item multiple times in the list, as it must go through the entire list items.

If you see or hear of information in the media or on the internet that you suspect is classified, what should you do?



Do not comment on the information or discuss with unauthorized recipients.


As a rule, it is pertinent to have the knowledge that when working with information that are sensitive, one has to be very careful to know and understand what information to share , what not to share and who the recipient should be.

Unauthorized disclosure is when classified information are transfered to unauthorized persons or recipients. Classified information are information not meant for public knowledge which if disclosed, could undermine national security. To be a recipient of classified information, there must be an execution of approved non disclosure agreement, certification of favorable eligibility must be obtained and also possession of the need to know for the classified information.

What happens when convergence on a routed network occurs?



Convergence. When a change occurs in your network topology, routing tables have to be updated. Each router will send out the contents of its routing tables to other routers. This exchange of information will happen until all routers have updated their routing tables to reflect to new network topology.

In multi-level inheritance one class inherits how many classes?



Only one class


The classes will inherit only from one class. This will continue as each class inherits only one class. There should not be any class that inherits from two or more classes or which have more than one subclass.

TLO 06 Active Directory Domain and Trusts tool is used to move servers between site in an AD Infrastructure.a. Trueb. False



b. False


Active Directory Domain and Trusts tool is used for the following operations:

1. To increase the domain functional level

2. To increase forest functional level

3. To add UPN suffixes

4. To manage domain trust

5. To manage forest trust.

Hence, the correct answer is: it is FALSE that Active Directory Domain and Trusts tool is used to move servers between site in an AD Infrastructure

Which of the following is true about REST?
A- In REST architecture, a REST Server simply provides access to resources and REST client
accesses and presents the resources.
B- Each resource is identified by URIs/ global IDs.
C- REST uses various representations to represent a resource like text, JSON and XML.
D- All of the above.





REST Server simply provides access to resources and REST client accesses and presents the resources. Therefore, the correct answer is option A.

A software architectural style called representational state transfer was developed to direct the planning and creation of the World Wide Web's physical structure. REST specifies a set of guidelines for how the Web's architecture a distributed hypermedia system operating at Internet scale should function.

Therefore, the correct answer is option A.

Learn more about the REST Server here:


HELP AS SOON AS YOU CAN!!! what word best describes an appropriate study area?​





Really anywhere thats quiet you can just sit down and study. For example a library

What are the four principal services provided by S/MIME?




Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, is a technology that permits you to encrypt your emails. S/MIME is based on asymmetric cryptography to protect your emails from unauthorized access. It also allows you to digitally sign your emails to verify you as the legitimate sender of the message, making it an effective weapon against many phishing attacks.

The four principal services presented by S/mime includes ;

Authentication, Non-repudiation of origin utilizing digital signatures, Message Integrity and message Privacy.

Principles act as a guard in any system. The four principal services offered by S/MIME are authentication, non-repudiation of origin, message integrity, and message privacy.

S/MIME are known to carry out cryptographic security services for electronic messaging applications. Their functions includes;

Authentication. Message integrity. Non-repudiation of origin (using digital signatures) Privacy etc.

They make sure that an email message is sent by an authentic sender and gives encryption for incoming and outgoing messages.

Learn more from

Write, compile, and test a program named PersonalInfo that displays a person's name, birthdate, work phone number, and cell phone number.



//import the necessary libraries

using System.IO;

using System;

//Begin class definition

class PersonalInfo


   //Begin main method

  static void Main()


       //Declare all needed variables

       string name;

       string birthdate;

       string workphonenumber;

       string cellphonenumber;


       //Prompt user to enter name

       Console.WriteLine("Please enter your name");

       //Receive the user name and store in the name variable

       name = Console.ReadLine();


       //Prompt the user to enter date of birth

       Console.WriteLine("Please enter your birthday (dd/mm/yyyy)");

       //Receive the user date of birth and store in the right variable

       birthdate = Console.ReadLine();


       //Prompt the user to enter work phone number

       Console.WriteLine("Please enter your work phone number");

       //Receive and store the user work phone number

       workphonenumber = Console.ReadLine();


       //Prompt the user to enter cell phone number

       Console.WriteLine("Please enter your cell phone number");

       //Receive and store the user cell phone number

       cellphonenumber = Console.ReadLine();


       //Now display the result

      Console.WriteLine("========Your Info========");

       Console.WriteLine("Name: {0} ", name);

       Console.WriteLine("Date of birth: {0} ", birthdate);

       Console.WriteLine("Work Phone Number: {0} ", workphonenumber);

       Console.WriteLine("Cell Phone Number: {0} ", cellphonenumber);



Sample Output

Please enter your name


Please enter your birthday (dd/mm/yyyy)


Please enter your work phone number


Please enter your cell phone number


========Your Info========

Name: Omobowale  

Date of birth: 19/05/1990

Work Phone Number: 08022222222

Cell Phone Number: 08033333333


The code above has been written in C#. It contains comments explaining each line of the code. Kindly go through the comments. A sample output has also been provided.

Should you need the program file, please find it attached to this response.

the task is to ask the user for three numbers and find the average which pseudocode gives you the comment outline for task​



#ask the user for three numbers,

#add the numbers,

#divide by 3,

#print the average


In order to get the average you must add all the numbers together then divide by how many numbers there are

Frame from one LAN can be transmitted to another LAN via the device is:_____.
A) Router.
B) Bridge.
C) Repeater.
D) Modem.
E) None of the above."



B) Bridge.


LAN refers to a local area network in which the network of computer are interconnected in less than an area which is limited i.e. school, university, residence, office building, etc

It is used to share a common line of communication within a less geographic area.

In order to transmit one LAN to the another LAN, the device we called as a bridge

Therefore the correct option is B. bridge

Write a c ++ program that reads unknown number of integers from the user and stores them into a vector. The user will indicate the end of numbers by entering a 0. The program should then print out these numbers in reverse order.



#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main() {

vector<int> numberlist;

int number;

while (1) {

 cout << "Enter a number: ";

 cin >> number;

 if (number == 0) break;



reverse(numberlist.begin(), numberlist.end());

for (int number : numberlist) {

 cout << number << " ";


return 0;



There is a built-in function to reverse the contents of a vector.

What is one advantage of a magnetic hard drive as compared to a solid state drive?
O It won't be harmed if you drop your computer.
O It spins faster.
O It is open source.
O It is less expensive.


I’m not 100% sure about this but it it’s D or B

What is the purpose of testing a program with sample data or input?



testing to make sure that the program is functioning as intended


Sample Data, Test Data, or Inputs are all used with the main purpose of testing to make sure that the program is functioning as intended. The "sample data" needs to provide a very specific output value when inserted into the program. This output value is already known beforehand, therefore if the program outputs the correct "expected" value then the program is functioning correctly.

Here is source code of the Python Program to multiply all the items in a dictionary. The program output is also shown below.d={'A':10,'B':10,'C':239}tot=1for i in d: tot=tot*d[i]print(tot)



Following are the output to this question:



please find the code in the attachment file.


In the above-given Python code, a dictionary "d" is defined, that holds key and values, in the next step, the "tot" an integer variable is defined, that holds a value "1".

In the next step, for loop is defined, that uses the "tot" variable to multiply the dictionary value and store its value.

Outside the loop, the print method is used, that prints its values.  

What file format can excel save files as




but it supports pretty much any spreadsheet format.

What is the impedance mismatch problem? Which of the three programming
approaches minimizes this problem?



The problem that created due to the difference in the model of programming language and the database model.


The practical relational model has three components which are as follows

1. Attributes

2. Datatypes

3. Tuples

To minimize this problem  

1. We switch low pass L-Network to high pass L-network

2. We switch high pass L-Network to low pass L-network

3. We use the impedence matching transformer

Where must virtualization be enabled for VM (virtual machine) software to work?
a) Windows Control Panel
c) TPM Chip
d) Jumper





Virtualization can be defined as a technique used for the creation of a virtual platform such as a storage device, operating system, server, desktop, infrastructure or computing resources so as to enable the sharing of resources among multiple end users. Virtualization is usually implemented on a computer which is referred to as the "host" machine.

Generally, virtualization must be enabled in the BIOS/UEFI for VM (virtual machine) software to work.

BIOS is an acronym for Basic Input/Output System while UEFI is an acronym for Unified Extensible Firmware Interface. BIOS/UEFI are low-level software that serves as an intermediary between the operating systems and the computer's firmware or hardware components. The UEFI is actually an improvement of the BIOS and as such is a modernized software.

Basically, the BIOS/UEFI is a software which is an essential tool or feature which must be enabled to link the virtual machine with the hardware components of the computer.

Addition and subtraction are considered to be ____ operations performed by a computer.



Mathematical operations

You work for a company that is losing sales because it takes days to manufacture products. What technology can you suggest the company use to speed production?



i guess artificial intelligence or robots

The technology can you suggest the company use to speed production is Computer-aided manufacturing.

What is Computer-aided manufacturing?

Computer-aided manufacturing (or CAM for short) is the use of numerical control (NC) software applications with the aim of creating detailed instructions (G code) that drive computer numerical control machine tools ( CNC) for fabrication parts. Manufacturers in many different industries rely on CAM capabilities to produce high-quality parts.  

A broader definition of CAM may include the use of computer applications to define a manufacturing plan for tool design, computer aided design (CAD), model preparation, NC programming, inspection programming coordinate measuring machines (CMM), machine tool simulation or post-processing. The plan is then executed in a production environment, such as direct numerical control (DNC), tool management, CNC machining, or CMM execution.

Therefore, The technology can you suggest the company use to speed production is Computer-aided manufacturing.

Learn more about technology on:



Set hasDigit to true if the 3-character passCode contains a digit.

using namespace std;

int main() {
bool hasDigit;
string passCode;

hasDigit = false;
cin >> passCode;

/* Your solution goes here */

if (hasDigit) {
cout << "Has a digit." << endl;
else {
cout << "Has no digit." << endl;

return 0;



Add this code the the /* Your solution goes here */  part of program:

for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { //iterates through the 3-character passCode

  if (isdigit(passCode[i])) //uses isdigit() method to check if character is a digit

           hasDigit = true;    } //sets the value of hasDigit to true when the above if condition evaluates to true


Here is the complete program:

#include <iostream> //to use input output functions

using namespace std; // to identify objects like cin cout

int main() { // start of main function

bool hasDigit; // declares a bool type variable  

string passCode; //declares a string type variable to store 3-character passcode

hasDigit = false; // sets the value of hasDigit as false initially

cin >> passCode; // reads the pass code from user

for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { //iterate through the 3 character pass code

   if (isdigit(passCode[i])) // checks if any character of the 3-character passcode contains a digit

     hasDigit = true;    }      //sets the value of hasDigit to true if the passcode contains a digit    

if (hasDigit) { // if pass code has a digit

cout << "Has a digit." << endl;} //displays this message when passcode has a digit

else { //if pass code does not have a digit

cout << "Has no digit." << endl;} //displays this message when passcode does not have a digit

return 0;}

I will explain the program with an example. Lets say the user enters ab1 as passcode. Then the for loop works as follows:

At first iteration:

i = 0

i<3 is true because i=0

if (isdigit(passCode[i]) this if statement has a method isdigit which is passed the i-th character of passCode to check if that character is a digit. This condition evaluates to false because passCode[0] points to the first character of pass code i.e. a which is not a digit. So the value of i is incremented to 1

At second iteration:

i = 1

i<3 is true because i=1

if (isdigit(passCode[i]) this if statement has a method isdigit which is passed the i-th character of passCode to check if that character is a digit. This condition evaluates to false because passCode[1] points to the second character of pass code i.e. b which is not a digit. So the value of i is incremented to 1

At third iteration:

i = 2

i<3 is true because i=2

if (isdigit(passCode[i]) this if statement has a method isdigit which is passed the i-th character of passCode to check if that character is a digit. This condition evaluates to true because passCode[3] points to the third character of pass code i.e. 1 which is a digit. So the hasDigit = true;  statement executes which set hasDigit to true.

Next, the loop breaks at i=3 because value of i is incremented to 1 and the condition i<3 becomes false.

Now the statement if (hasDigit) executes which checks if hasDigit holds. So the value of hasDigit is true hence the output of the program is:

Has a digit.

write a python function that takes the largest and smallest numbers in a list, and swap them (without using min() or max() )



def SwapMinMax ( myList ):


   myList[0], myList[len(myList)-1] = myList[len(myList)-1], myList[0]

   return myList



By sorting the list, you ensure the smallest element will be in the initial position in the list and the largest element will be in the final position of the list.

Using the len method on the list, we can get the length of the list, and we need to subtract 1 to get the maximum element index of the list.  Then we simply swap index 0 and the maximum index of the list.

Finally, we return the new sorted list that has swapped the positions of the lowest and highest element values.


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