Skim the paragraph and write what the main idea is.

For most people, watching mega sports events such as the Olympic Games is an enjoyable activity. Millions of people sit in tront of their TVs every four years, and countries are very keen to become the hosts of the Games, However, all this fun has consequences for the environment, and they aren't fun at all. Mountains of itter are produced at big sporting events, from plastic bottles to plates, from packaging to food waste and tons of paper. An enormous amount of resources is needed to build the stadiums and the places where athletes, officials and journalists live during the event. And all those thousands of people need to travel from tfar away t's no secret that this causes air pollution.

Can you write as short as posible. Thank you


Answer 1


the main idea in my opinion is that it is trying to say the olympic games are causing environment pollution even if it a enjoyable activity.

Related Questions

write a essay about the connection between social media and society




Social media is a controversial topic in today’s society. Some people think that social media destroys human interaction and real-life human relationships. While others think that social media is a blessing to humanity. Social media makes human interaction much more convenient and much faster than real-life human interaction, it makes globalization a reality, it gives a chance for introverted people to express themselves.

The society is a significant surrounding which influences the development of countries, people, and each personality in particular. Its impact is strong and undeniable. Throughout the history of humankind, the influence of society could lead to both improvements and conflicts.

hope this helped you!

A reader must analyze and interpret evidence of the _____ of the authorial voice carefully in order to determine the narrative reliability of the text.








A. Trustworthy


i say this because the question talks about the reliability, which is the quality of being trustworthy. *dictionary definition*

Use advocate in a complex sentence

Use adulation in a complex sentence



A complex sentence has an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. Ex: When the cake is brown, take it out of the oven. The first part of this sentence is a dependent clause because it is not complete by itself. The second part is independent because it can stand on it's own. Hope this helps!

What makes more sense???

Then I would normally go play football because it would be exciting.


Then I would normally go play football because it is exciting.



then I would normally go play football because it is exciting

6. The first email was sent in 1972 False Or True​



Actually, the year was 1971.


And, you can thank Ray Tomlinson for that.

yes the answer would be true

plz help I will mark you brainlist plz help ​


The sun rises and I have sanguine thoughts. My eyes flutter open, the spirit inside me growing. Steadily, I step towards the day, knowing I am enough, I am worthy, that's what this day has brought.

Which common theme from American literature
do BOTH passages develop?
determination in the face of hardship
differences between social classes
reverence for Earth and nature
importance of family over property



Determination in the face of hardship


It’s right


Determination in the face of hardship

English poem in English about teachers​




They work hard

they put up with braty kids all day

Some of them are marrired

they have to listen to what kids have to say

They never get christmas cards

at least not for us i would say

can you guess who this is

its teachers

Answer: i like it


which parts of the sentences are metaphors?



like if I was saying "oh this homework is a piece of cake" it would be a metaphor because I'm talking about something that is same as "this is easy"

so how to use a metaphor is by saying something that is using the same as the action or word your talking about and then turn it into a phrase like it's raining rocks like it's raining hard and there is a wall in front of my brain like your confused

People looked as small as ants below them.” What type of figurative language is the author using? *





what is a compounded word



When two words are formed together to make a new meaning, a compound is formed.


Compound words are made up of two or more smaller words that are combined to make a new word with its own meaning.


Okay This may be a random question but, here it is. If two people on the opposite ends of the earth drop a piece of bread at the same time, does the earth momentarily become a sandwich?



The answer is absolutely no.


It's obvious that when two people drop a price of sandwich at the same time the earth would never become a sandwich.

Have a nice day!!!!

What is the name of something that replaces a noun in a general way?(1 point)

indefinite pronoun

compound subject


definite pronoun



Indefinite pronoun


An indefinite pronoun is a word that replaces one or more nouns (a noun can be a person, animal, thing, idea, place, etc) in a general way, in other words, without being specific to what noun is referring to. Pronouns such as many, several, another, anything, any, anybody, anyone, either, neither, nobody, all, none, someone, some, each, everybody and few are all examples of indefinite pronouns.

Here are some example sentences:

Is there anyone home?

We can't leave our brother alone, someone needs to take care of him.

Several of the speakers refused to debate.

Which two characteristics should be included in the setting of a story?



The two characteristics which should be included in the setting of a story are:

the physical environment where the story takes place

the time period during which the events occur


Setting the time period in which the action in the story takes place. The settings influences and affects the feelings and nature of the characters. The condition and the place where the progression of the story takes place is known as its setting.

Vera is the first character who speaks in the story. Keeping direct characterization techniques in mind, write a 75- to 100-word description of Vera. Use details from the story to support your answer.


This question is related to the short story "The Open Window"


Vera is a country girl, but instead of showing country and naive traits, Vera shows herself to be a very polite, controlled and centered girl. This can be seen right when she meets Mr. Frampton Nuttel, at the beginning of the story. However, despite these positive qualities, in the course of the plot, Vera shows herself to be an astute, malicious and very intelligent girl.

Vera is not really a villain, but she is quite manipulative and manages to hit Mr. Frampton Nuttel squarely with his subterfuge. We can understand that she does this to have a distraction from the monotonous life of the countryside and to rule her control and intelligence in someone weaker.


Vera is a 15-year-old girl who has an overactive imagination and is a good actress. She keeps acting even when her uncle and his companions return from hunting. The narrator describes Vera’s reaction:

Framton shivered slightly and turned towards the niece with a look intended to convey sympathetic comprehension. The child was staring out through the open window with a dazed horror in her eyes.

Vera is able to fool her own family as well as Framton. She explains Framton’s sudden departure:

"I expect it was the spaniel," said the niece calmly; "he told me he had a horror of dogs.”


This is the exact answer DO NOT copy and paste.

replace the noun with the correct pronouns

1 . when the daughter performed the daughter's playing was sloppy.​



When the daughter performed, her playing was sloppy.


Saying "the daughter" twice is repitition and doesn't make the sentence flow smoothly.

identify the boodfaced noun as common abstract concrete compound or collective courage of lion


The correct answer is B. Abstract


Abstract nouns such as the nouns love, courage, or hope represent ideas that are not tangible; this is the opposite of a concrete noun, which includes words such as table, mountain, or park because these can be perceived through the senses. In this context, the word "courage" can be classified as an abstract noun. Also, this is not a proper noun because it does not refer to a specific person such as the noun Paul, and it is not a compound noun because it does not include two or more words.


The name of Eisenhower’s simple dwelling during his stay in England was called what?

(A) The kings grand house
(B) The generals quarters
(C) The Telegraph cottage
(D) The shack


I think the answer is A but I’m not 100% sure.
The correct answer is A :)

Read the passage below. Then explain how the setting helps to develop the following theme: No matter how much we want to deny it, people change over time. Use specific examples from the text in supporting your response. Passage When I went back to Eastborough for my 20th high school reunion, I didn't know what to expect. I was excited to see the old gang: Squid, Tony, and Mikey were all going to be there. I hadn't been back since graduation, but when I stepped into the old gym it felt like coming home. There was the stage where I starred in Hamlet, and the hoop where I hit the game-winning shot. I felt like a king again, like nothing had changed. I saw the guys and ran over. "Squid!" I yelled and punched him in the arm, just like the four of us used to do. He seemed a little taken aback. "Actually, I go by my real name now: Harold." "Hey, sorry Squid. No offense. How are you doing, Mikey? Tony? "Good," Mikey said. "Enjoying this get-together, though I'll have to get the kids home soon." "Me, too," said Tony. "Soon?" I said, "I just got here! Why don't we sneak into the science lab and race some of the frogs, like old times?" It went on like that for a few more minutes: me trying to get those guys to lighten up and them making excuses until they finally left. Standing alone after the guys left, I looked around again. The paint was chipped on the ceiling, and cobwebs laced across every corner. The banners on the wall were faded. Suddenly, I didn't feel like a king anymore. Nothing was the same, was it?




   The setting helps develop the theme by showing that even though they are in the same setting, many things werent the same. For example, in the text it shows how many thing have changed between the main characters friends.  How are you doing, Mikey? Tony? "Good," Mikey said. "Enjoying this get-together, though I'll have to get the kids home soon." "Me, too," said Tony. "Soon?" I said, "I just got here! Why don't we sneak into the science lab and race some of the frogs, like old times?" "It went on like that for a few more minutes: me trying to get those guys to lighten up and them making excuses until they finally left."

Screams of the almighty enemy rang in the darkness , whose screams are being described



Grendel's scream is described in the given line.


The given line is taken from the epic 'Beowulf.' The poem is one of the Old English surviving literary work.

In the given instance, Beowulf was called by the King of the Danes, Hrothgar, to slay the giant, Grendel, who has been troubling people in his mead hall, Herot.

When Beowulf slains Grendel, his screams in pain and agony has been described as 'Screams of the almighty enemy.' In given line, the poet is describing Grendel, as screams of almighty because he was the monster who was powerful. It was almighty enemy's scream, Grendel, that sang in the darkness, when he tried to kill Beowulf in darkness, but Beowulf attacked him throughh his giant claws.

articulate Definition



of a person or a person's words) having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently.

"an articulate account of their experiences"


Read the paragraph. Then answer the question that follows. Perhaps you wanted pizza for dinner, but were out voted by the rest of the family who wanted chili. This is similar to what happens in a community. One person has to give up a right for the good of the group. Sometimes citizens' duties and rights conflict with each other. A good example is a public protest. People have the right to meet in groups and share ideas. However, a protest can disrupt traffic or other normal activities. A city must provide extra police protection to keep people safe. Therefore, the city has the right to require permission in advance for a protest. Government must make laws to balance the rights of individuals and different groups of people. What type of connection is used in the paragraph? (5 points) a Simile b Contrast c Category d Analogy


Answer: Analogy

Explanation: a comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.

what does the last sermon teaches us??


This was the last sermon of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H). It teaches us that there is no God Except Allah. Only the goodness of a person makes him superior to others. ... Finnally the last sermon teaches us that the Holy Quran is the message of Allah and if we act according to its teachings, we will never go wrong.


It teaches us that there is no God Except Allah. Only the goodness of a person makes him superior to others. ... Finnally the last sermon teaches us that the Holy Quran is the message of Allah and if we act according to its teachings, we will never go wrong.

17. Do you (want, won't) to leave the store before closing?
18. I (want, won't) do that job, you can't make me.
19. Do you know that (your, you're) car headlights were left on?
20. (You're, Your) an excellent student and a very nice person.
21. (Irregardless, Regardless) of the reason you were late, you are still
getting a tardy.
22. I have (all ready, already) gone to the ATM.
23. We are (all ready, already) to leave for the beach.
I need help I speak little English



17. want

18. won't

19. your

20. you're

21. regardless

22. already

23. all ready

If you do not understand a topic from a class,the best way to clarify it is to?
A.ask a friend who has the same class
B.look it up in the text book
c.wait to see if it is on a test
d.ask the teacher



ask the teacher


They just want to be asked, so you can't blame hem if you get it wrong.

Read the excerpt from "The Seven Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor." "Oh!" replied Sindbad, "do not imagine that I am so unjust as to blame you. On the contrary, I understand your situation and can pity you. Only you appear to be mistaken about me, and I wish to set you right. You doubtless imagine that I have acquired all the wealth and luxury that you see me enjoy without difficulty or danger, but this is far indeed from being the case. I have only reached this happy state after having for years suffered every possible kind of toil and danger.Which details from the text best support the central idea? Select two options.



You appear to be mistaken about me

I wish to set you right.


Based on the given passage, Sinbad finds out that his situation has been misunderstood by the reader because the reader erroneously thinks that everything Sinbad acquired was without stress or hardwork.

As a result of this, Sinbad wants to explain himself so he won't be misunderstood.

The sentences "You appear to be mistaken about me" and "I wish to set you right." most clearly support the central idea.


A and C.


Because Josh gets lost in the desert, he learns that


I know what you're thinking. No way, right? English class is the most boring class of the day, right? I mean, why do I need to take English class when I already speak English? Right? Yeah, well I felt that way, too, until last summer when English class literally saved my life.
Let me explain.
My foster family, the Jamesons, decided to take a vacation. Sounds great, huh? Maybe Disneyland or a week on the beach? No way. They wanted to go to the desert. Long story short, we drove half way across the country to camp out in the Great Basin Desert.
"Josh, be sure to pack your warmest clothing," Mrs. Jameson yelled up the stairs. "The desert is cold at night, but don't worry. It won't leave you cold. Just wait until you see the stars."
We finally arrived at the Great Basin National Park, and I have to admit it was different than I imagined.
"Amazing, isn't it?" Mr. Jameson asked me as we looked out over the desert's vast, silent valleys. I just grunted back at him and put my earphones back in. No matter what changed in my life, no matter how many times I failed, my music was always there.
Later that night, I sat inside my tent and listened to the Jamesons telling stories around the fire they made. They thought it was so easy. Telling stories. Reading stories. I couldn't even pass English class. I couldn't understand those stupid stories. Suddenly angry, I left the tent. They didn't even notice.
The air was colder, but the stars were amazing. I had to admit it. I turned off my music as I walked and listened to the desert. Coyotes howling. Owls hooting. Clawing. Scurrying. Something wet hit my face. I looked up and realized it was snowing! In the desert in July! And I was lost.
I wandered for hours but couldn't find our camp. The temperature continued to drop. I found a tree with deep crevices in the trunk and took shelter. My hands were getting numb, and I knew I was in trouble. Then I remembered Jack London and his story that we read in English class, "To Build a Fire." I knew I needed to keep warm, so I gathered up the branches around the base of the tree, piled up some dry grasses for kindling, and used the matches in my pocket to get the fire going. Just like in Jack's story. It worked!
I spent the night keeping that fire going and listening to the sounds of the desert. In the morning, the Jamesons found me. I was only about a half-mile away.
"Look at you," Mrs. Jameson said, when I told her how I'd remembered that story from English class, "making use of those 'stupid' stories from English class. Now all you have to do is write your own because your friends aren't going to believe how English class saved your life!"

He really does understand the stories he reads in English.

What is a text form?



the name of the text type that the writer uses. For example, scripts, sonnets, novels etc. All of these are different text types that a writer can use. The form of a text is important because it indicates the writer's intentions, characters or key themes.


how would you define American success.?



There are many meaning for success. America's traditional definition of success is often thought to be associated with wealth, power and position

“The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.”
These lines from the Declaration of Independence are an example of the use of _______________.



thesis!!!! I HOPE that is right please let me know
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