Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God
Jonathan Edwards . . . So that, thus it is that natural men are held in the hand of God, over the pit of hell; they have deserved the fiery pit, and are already sentenced to it; and God is dreadfully provoked, his anger is as great towards them as to those that are actually suffering the executions of the fierceness of his wrath in hell, and they have done nothing in the least to appease or abate that anger, neither is God in the least bound by any promise to hold them up one moment; the devil is waiting for them, hell is gaping for them, the flames gather and flash about them, and would fain lay hold on them, and swallow them up; the fire pent up in their own hearts is struggling to break out: and they have no interest in any Mediator, there are no means within reach that can be any security to them. In short, they have no refuge, nothing to take hold of; all that preserves them every moment is the mere arbitrary will, and uncovenanted, unobliged forbearance of an incensed God.
The use of this awful subject may be for awakening unconverted persons in this congregation. This that you have heard is the case of every one of you that are out of Christ.—That world of misery, that lake of burning brimstone, is extended abroad under you. There is the dreadful pit of the glowing flames of the wrath of God; there is hell's wide gaping mouth open; and you have nothing to stand upon, nor any thing to take hold of; there is nothing between you and hell but the air; it is only the power and mere pleasure of God that holds you up.
You probably are not sensible of this; you find you are kept out of hell, but do not see the hand of God in it; but look at other things, as the good state of your bodily constitution, your care of your own life, and the means you use for your own preservation. But indeed these things are nothing; if God should withdraw his hand, they would avail no more to keep you from falling, than the thin air to hold up a person that is suspended in it. . . .
The wrath of God is like great waters that are dammed for the present; they increase more and more, and rise higher and higher, till an outlet is given; and the longer the stream is stopped, the more rapid and mighty is its course, when once it is let loose. It is true, that judgment against your evil works has not been executed hitherto; the floods of God's vengeance have been withheld; but your guilt in the meantime is constantly increasing, and you are every day treasuring up more wrath; the waters are constantly rising, and waxing more and more mighty; and there is nothing but the mere pleasure of God, that holds the waters back, that are unwilling to be stopped, and press hard to go forward. If God should only withdraw his hand from the flood-gate, it would immediately fly open, and the fiery floods of the fierceness and wrath of God, would rush forth with inconceivable fury, and would come upon you with omnipotent power; and if your strength were ten thousand times greater than it is, yea, ten thousand times greater than the strength of the stoutest, sturdiest devil in hell, it would be nothing to withstand or endure it. . . .
The God that holds you over the pit of hell, much as one holds a spider, or some loathsome insect over the fire, abhors you, and is dreadfully provoked: his wrath towards you burns like fire; he looks upon you as worthy of nothing else, but to be cast into the fire; he is of purer eyes than to bear to have you in his sight; you are ten thousand times more abominable in his eyes, than the most hateful venomous serpent is in ours. You have offended him infinitely more than ever a stubborn rebel did his prince; and yet it is nothing but his hand that holds you from falling into the fire every moment. It is to be ascribed to nothing else, that you did not go to hell the last night; that you were suffered to awake again in this world, after you closed your eyes to sleep. And there is no other reason to be given, why you have not dropped into hell since you arose in the morning, but that God's hand has held you up. . . .
And let every one that is yet outof Christ, and hanging over the pit of hell, whether they be old men and women, or middle aged, or young people, or little children, now hearken to the loud calls of God's word and providence. This acceptable year of the Lord, a day of such great favor to some, will doubtless be a day of as remarkable vengeance to others. Men's hearts harden, and their guilt increases apace at such a day as this, if they neglect their souls; and never was there so great danger of such persons being given up to hardness of heart and blindness of mind. . . .
Based on the context of the first paragraph, which of the following words does not belong with the others?


Answer 1

In Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God Jonathan Edwards, the term "refuge" does not belong in the first paragraph with the other words, hence option D is correct.

The other terms, "incensed," "fierceness," and "anger," all refer to God's fury, while "refuge" implies a location where one might find protection from God's displeasure. The term "refuge" does not suit in the first paragraph's context, since it is obvious that there is no escape from God's anger.

The other terms used in the first sentence are all interchangeable and refer to the same concept, God's wrath.

Learn more about Jonathan Edwards, here:


Related Questions

Poem: At A Window by, Carl Sandburg

What does the word “want” most closely mean as it is used in line 4?
A. glory

B. desire

C. conflict

D. poverty


The answer is D!

Hope this helps :)

The word “want” most closely mean as it is used in line 4 is conflict. Thus, option C is correct.

What is the Brief description of the Carl Sandburg poem "The Grass."?

The three-stanza poem "Grass" by Carl Sandburg is divided into three sets of three lines (known as a tercet), one set of six lines (known as a sestet), and one final set of two lines (known as a couplet). These lines are written in free verse since they don't adhere to a particular rhyme scheme or metrical structure.

The key ideas of Carl Sandburg's "Grass" are death, destruction, and remembering. The grass in this poem teaches others without showing any emotion.

Therefore, The word “want” most closely mean as it is used in line 4 is conflict. Thus, option C is correct.

Learn more about conflict on:





1 no answer is Tom had his car removed by the police


1. Tom's car was removed my police


3. They will design their new house by the famous architect

4. Lorena fitted new cupboards in kitchen

5. Mr harper car is repairing by the mechanic

6. My uncle house has a satellite dish installed by they

7. George teeth has taken out by the dentist

8. Alice air is conditing the technician service


Sorry for not writing the 2 no answer because i became so confuse so i didn't wrote it

plz forgive me , thank you


George Washington was very well known and people looked up to him because he led the army.

Read the revised sentence: George Washington, an accomplished general in the Revolutionary War, was respected and admired for his leadership of the Continental Army.

Why did the writer revise the sentence in this way?

A) To add specific factual details
B) To make the sentence longer
C) To include a transition word
D) To put ideas in a logical order






The answer is A.


I hope this helps


ill give brainliest


Can you post paragraph 3 so I can see what it is about?

what do i put in the chart


You don’t put anything, it’s already filled out.
You don’t put anything.

Why do you think Shelley frames this poem with “I met a traveler from an antique lane who said..”?



If this question that you have to answer why you personally think Shelly uses the info that she met a traveler.... then, she did not see it with her own eyes.  She met someone along the way that reveals the information to her.  It's all dead now and gone.  The village, the people, and the King are all dead and gone.


She did not see it with her own eyes and had a conversation with someone who has seen it.

Benvolio tries to give Romeo advice by saying "Take thou some new infection to thy eye / And the rank poison of the old will die." What does he mean? *

Use medicine for your eye problems
Hurt yourself and you will forget everything
Try to find a new girl and you will forget the old one
Use poison for your infected eye


act 1 scene 2

Try to find a new girl and you will forget the old one

Please help! Will give brainliest!!!! and 65 points!!!!!!!!



I cant see it sorry.


I can edit my answer if you can type the question out

What is the conjunction of the following sentence? I forgot to put on sunscreen, and I got a terrible sunburn.





And is a conjunction.

Which pronoun correctly completes this sentence Ingrid tells her friends about rugby and tell her about football A their B them C they D themselves





What do you think is more important, how a person looks or how a person acts towards others?


Answer: While how a person looks might seem more important at first, if that person turns out to be an absolute a/-ssh-ol.e or even just boring their beauty isn't going to matter. On the other hand, someone who isn't as beautiful on the surface can seem 10x more attractive once you get to know them and they have a good heart.

I Don't Have A Favorite Song, So Can Someone Tell Me A Good Song To Analyze For My English Class





In a colloid, particles are scattered throughout and block the passage of light
A true
B False


In a colloid particles are scattered throughout and block the passage of light. this is true

Which of the following was not one of the projects Gulliver saw the professors attempting?
a. Trying to extract sunbeams from a cucumber c.Trying to turn calcium carbonate into paper that
could be written on and then eaten
b. Trying to reduce human excrement to its d. Making a method for building houses from the
original food
roof down


B is the correct answer.

what is the plot of the movie australia?


With the globe on the brink of World War II, Lady Sarah Ashley (Nicole Kidman) travels from Britain to Australia to inspect a cattle ranch she inherited. Reluctantly joining forces with a rugged local known as the Drover (Hugh Jackman), she sets out on a cattle drive across hundreds of miles of harsh terrain to save her ranch. But when they finally reach the town of Darwin, they must contend with the same Japanese bombers that just rained death upon Pearl Harbor.

Please help I will give brainliest and 5 * and 20 points for the best answer
read the poem and answer the two questions

1. The poet uses a simile to describe the clouds in the poem convey-

A. The mythic appeal high in the sky
B. The contrast between them and the sky
C. The connection to death experience
D. The uncertainty felt about the day

2. Which of these best describes the structure of the poem

A. The irregular pattern of rhyming couplets
B. Triplet of three successive rhyming lines
C. Unrhymed lines all in the same meter
D. Free verse with no rhythm or meter

i don't want to see any link as an answer

if i do you will be reported


The answer for 1 is B
For 2 it’s A
Btw plz make sure when u take a picture don’t show ur name fadi


They're both C I believe

whats the theme of the second coming


Violence, prophecy, and meaninglessness are the major themes foregrounded in this poem. Yeats emphasizes that the present world is falling apart, and a new ominous reality is going to emerge. The idea of “the Second Coming” is not Biblical. Hope
That helped

Read the following paragraph from a speech by a state governor.
When I was a child, I lived on a farm with my grandparents.
We were poor
- so poor that the poor people in town felt
sorry for us. But I learned a lot on that farm about working
hard, doing your job with integrity, and taking care of
others. I am proud today to present these medals for
distinguished community service to my fellow citizens.
How does the narrator's discussion of his childhood support the last
sentence of his speech?
A. It shows that farming is an apt metaphor for community service.
B. It shows that, like the award recipients, he understands what it
means to serve the community.
C. It shows that he, like the award recipients, is grateful to have
escaped the hardships of his childhood.
D. It shows that he knows very little about the hardships that the
award recipients have endured.


B is the answer. He understands the work the citizens have done to serve the community.




It shows that he, like the award recipients, is grateful to have escaped the hardships of his childhood.

PERSONAL RESPONSE: Does the text's argument that success may be more dependent on practice than on natural ability correspond to what you have read, seen, experienced, or believe to be true? In what way is your own perspective on the topic similar or different? Respond to points made in the text with evidence from your reading and personal experience.


Answer and Explanation:

Hello. You did not present the text to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for textual evidence to be presented, but I hope I can help you.

Success, in fact, depends more on practice than on natural talent. This is because, although talent is important, alone, it does not lead anywhere, as talent without training and practice is increasingly weakened to the point of ceasing to exist. However, practice not only stimulates and enhances talent, it also allows people to become talented in a particular segment. In this case, practice, combined with dedication is the key to success. We can prove this through the stories of athletes, musicians, artists, politicians, entrepreneurs and anyone else who has dedicated himself intensely to something.

Please help fast hurryyy



15. hyperbole

16. alliteration


1.) Hyperbole

2.) Alliteration

You're Welcome ;)

The best way to locate a suffix is to look for a word part that

includes “pre”, “a”, or “en” for example.
shows the word’s central meaning.
is added to the end of the word root.
is added to the beginning of a word root.


The best way to locate a suffix is to look for a word part that is added to the end of the word root.

A suffix is a word that is added to another word to make a new word.

Suffixes and prefixes are 'added' words that can change a word to another meaning. While prefixes are added before a root word, suffixes are added after the root word. This means that prefixes are added at the beginning of the word while suffixes are added at the end of the root word. For example, in the word "uncomfortable", the root word is "comfort". The prefix is "un-" while the suffix is "-able".

The best way to locate and identify a suffix is by looking at the part of the word that is added to the end of the root word. This can be done by identifying the root word and then looking for the added words. Thus, the correct answer is the third option.

Learn more about suffix here:


is added to the end of the word root.




I believe it is B. :)

The answer is B. hope this helps!

how much does an average 10 year old walk in a week





70,000 steps a week

.Express the fractions as equivalent decimals.





Multiply by 5!




1. Deists → believed man could find truths as God sees man as good

2. Rationalists → believed Man could survive smallpox with a vaccine

3. Puritans → believed God controlled all actions


I have been able to match the terms.

Deism is known to be a natural religion that accepts that religious knowledge is inborn in every man. Those that practice Deism known as Deists believe that religious knowledge is acquired through use of reason. They believe that man can find truths.

Rationalism believes on ethical and philosophical ideas that have beeen tested by facts and experiences. So, that is why the rationalist believe that man could survive smallpox with a vaccine.

Puritans believe that God is in control of the universe. They believe that since God is in control that he controls the actions of all men.  

a friend of yours was involved in a fight that took place in school and has been expelled by the school authorities. in a letter to your principal, give an account of the fight , and why you think your friend should not be expelled​


Answer: Because it could be self defense


What is the central idea of the article “Warwick Castle”?
A History Preserved
A Great Place to Visit
The Residence of Earls
The First Wax Museum


Answer:I’ll say A


The central idea of the article “Warwick Castle” is :

A) A History Preserved

“Warwick Castle”

The central idea of the article “Warwick Castle” is a History Preserved.

It has been utilized to hold detainees, counting a few from the Fight of Poitiers within the 14th century.

The history of a community contributes to its identity. Protecting the history of a put through its critical memorable assets gives a community its special character.

Notable conservation gives a connect to the roots of the community and its individuals.

Thus, the correct answer is A.

Learn more about "Castle" :

In paragraphs 1-4, how does the author introduce the people on the platform at the beginning of the narrative? demonstrating how caring and kind the people on the platform could beption 1 contrasting Mr. Capuzzo’s courage with the other people’s fear implying that the people on the platform knew the man was in danger contrasting other people’s curiosity with the way the narrator kept to himself



i don't even know what book your talking about




C. By implying that the people on the platform knew the man was in danger.


In paragraphs 1-4, the author sets the scene by describing what the man, who was leaning against the pillar, was doing and how the observing people reacted. He stated that the people knew that the man would probably end up falling onto the railroad tracks, but didn't do anything to prevent it.

Who keeps Jack away from bullying Piggy more? In lord of the flies in chapter 5?



When piggy shirley complains about hunters' immaturity, Jack slaps him hard, breaking one of the lenses of his glasses.

_ is an effective approach to writing an introduction. Impressing the audience by using fancy words

Providing enough information for the audience to follow the argument

Treating the audience as having little intelligence


Providing enough information for the audience to follow the argument is an effective approach to writing an introduction.

This is the most appropriate and effective way to make the introduction. The audience must be provided with enough information to understand the main arguments and follow the essay's direction. It is important to note that the introduction sets the stage for the entire essay.

The introduction is where the reader gets to know the topic of the essay. It also reveals the purpose and provides background information that will pique the reader's interest. Therefore, it is vital to provide enough information that will help the reader comprehend the main arguments. The answer requires a long answer because it calls for a detailed explanation.

To know more about audience visit:


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What is the maximum distance that the landing ramp can be placed from the takeoff ramp so that the cyclist still lands on it? Given six integers chosen randomly. Prove the sum or difference of two of them is divisible by 9. [Hint: Any number n can be represented as one of the five cases: 9k, 9k31, 9k+2, 9k:3, 9k+4] Amy Lloyd is interested in leasing a new car and has contacted three automobile dealers for pricing information. Each dealer offered Amy a closed-end 36 month lease with no down payment due at the time of signing. Each lease includes a monthly charge and a mileage allowance. Additional miles receive a surcharge on a per-mile basis. The monthly lease cost, the mileage allowance, and the cost for additional miles follow: Dealer Monthly Cost Mileage Cost per Allowance Additional Mile $289 35,000 $0.15 Dealer Dealer B Dealer $300 45.000 $0.20 5315 54,000 $0.15 Amy decided to choose the lease option that will minimize her total 36- month cost. The difficulty is that Amy is not sure how many miles she will drive over the next three years. For purposes of this decision she believes it is reasonable to assume that she will drive 12,000 miles per year, 15,000 miles per year, or 18,000 miles per year. With this assumption Amy estimated her total costs for the three lease options. For example, she figures that the Dealer Alease will cost her 36($289) + $0.15(36,000 - 36,000) - $10,404 if she drives 12,000 miles per year 36(5289) - $0.15[45,000 - 36,000) - $11.754 if she drives 15,000 miles per year, or 36($289) + $0.15(54,000 - 36,000) - $13,104 if she drives 18,000 miles per year. (a) What is the decision, and what is the chance event? The decision is to choose the best lose option alternatives. The chance event is the number of mes driven There are possible outcomes (b) Construct a payoff table. Enter your answers in $). Annual Miles Driven Dealer 12,000 15,000 Dealer A $10,404 $11,754 18,000 $13,104 Dealer B 10800 10000 12600 Dealerc $ 11340 11340 11340 (c) IF Amy has no idea which of the three mileage assumptions is most appropriate, what is the recommended decision (leasing option) using the optimistic, conservative, and minimax regret approaches? The recommended decision using the optimistic approach is Dealer The recommended decision using the conservative approach is Dealer Aura |x The recommended decision using the minimax regret approach is Dear G (d) Suppose that the probabilities that Amy drives 12,000, 15,000, and 18,000 miles per year are 0.5, 0.4 and 0.1, respectively. What option should Amy choose using the expected value approach? EVIDealer A) - 11214 EV(Dealer B) - $ 10980 EVIDealer C) - $ 11340 The best decision is Dealer B (e) Develop a risk profile for the decision selected in part (d). What is the most likely cost, and what is its probability? 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Payment of creditors. d. Distribution of cash to the partners. A wave passes through an opening in a barrier. The amount of diffraction experienced by thewave depends on the size of the opening and thewaves(1) amplitude (3) velocity(2) wavelength (4) phase ten years ago, you put $150,000 into an interest-earning account. today it is worth $275,000. what is the effective annual interest earned on the account? group of answer choices John is looking to sell his car and Mary is looking to buy it. John values the car at $2000 and Mary values it at $3000. John places an add in the newspaper and Mary must either accept the offer or ignore it. Which of the following prices would be the best price for John to advertise the car for? a. $2000 b. $2500 c. $3500 d. $2999 e. John is indifferent between any of these prices. in the delphi-technique strategy for improving decision making, members do not need to meet ___________. Write a 300 word essay, explaining your position regarding the following statement I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. The essay must include the following words constitution, American civil rights, defend democratic citizen, obligation. onstruct a regular decagon inscribed in a circle of radius 6-1. Compute the exact side length of the regular decagon and the angles you get "for free". Then construct a rhombus with side length 3+ 2 and an angle of measure 72. Compute the exact lengths of the diagonals of the rhombus. Import the file Support_NP_AC16_8a_Vendor.csv, available for download from the SAM website, as a new table in the database as described below:a. Use the names in the first row as field names.b. Make sure all nine fields use the Short Text data type, including the VendorID and Zip fields. (Hint: You will need to scroll the display to see all nine fields.)c. Choose the VendorID field as the tables primary key.d. Use tblVendor as the table name. Do not save the import steps.e. Choose the comma as the delimiter. According to the New Trade Theory, after the Home country begins trading with another country: (3 Marks) (a) Home consumers have access to more products than before (b) Home firms have access to more consumers than before (c) The number of Home firms decreases in the long run (d) All answers are correct Does the residual plot show that the line of best fit is appropriate for the data? A A Aa A E E AL Normal Number List LL No Spacing A A Paragraph Fy Styles the Office Mobile App Get started 1112131415161718-19-1 10 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 15 Question 5 [There are 100 workers in Pakistan, and each worker can produce either 10 shirts or 2 hats. There are 200 workers in the Bangladesh, and each can produce 4 shirts or 10 hats.] a. [Draw the Production Possibility Curves (PPC) for each country. What is the opportunity cost of shirts in Pakistan? What is the opportunity cost of shirts in Bangladesh? Which country has a comparative advantage in the production of shirts? (5 marks).] b. [In the absence of trade, if Pakistan consumes 600 shirts, how many hats can it consume? In the absence of trade, if Bangladesh consumes 500 hats, how many shirts can it consume? (2 marks)] c. [Someone now proposes that Bangladesh and Pakistan enter into a trade agreement. Under this agreement, the Bangladesh will give Pakistan 500 hats and Pakistan will give Bangladesh 200 shirts. If Pakistan continues to consume 600 shirts, how many hats will it be able to consume under this proposal? If Bangladesh continues to consume 500 hats, how many shirts will it be able to consume under this proposal? Should Pakistan accept this proposal? Should Bangladesh accept this proposal? (3 marks)] Answer Heading 1 Headi If two firms in a duopoly play their dominant strategies, consumers may end up paying than they would have if the firms had O the same prices; cooperated O none of these answers is correct O lower prices; competed with each other O higher prices; cooperated O lower prices; cooperated In a painting that uses mostly light colors, what could be used to create emphasis? A. Analogous colors B. Dark colors C. Rough textures D. Smooth textures Assume that the production function takes the form, F(K, N) = KN--, while 8 = 1 and the momentary utility takes the following functional form: (C) = log C. (a) (10 points) Solve for the competitive equilibrium level of capital accumulation, K. (b) (6 points)How does capital accumulation respond to an increase in the discount factor 3? How does consumption respond in each period? Explain intuitively. (c) (8 points) How does capital accumulation respond to an increase in the tax rates, To for t = 1, 2? How does consumption respond in each period? Explain intuitively. Star Health, Inc. is a fitness center in Oklahoma City. In October, the company earned $550,000 in revenues and incurred the following operating costs from 300 customers Manager's Salary Gym Rent Depreciation Expen Office Supplies Expense Utilities Expense Trainer's Salary $5,000 1,700 8,000 2,400 1,600 23,000 se-Equipment How much is the unit cost per customer? (Round your answer to the nearest cent.) OA. OB. OC. $93.33 $139.00 $19.00 $1,833.33 D. Question 6 Consider the following neighbourhood composed of 4 families - Acharya, Belloc, Chen, and Davies as shown in Figure 2. Each family has income as indicated by the number in the corresponding circle (40, 15, 5, and 20) for the first letter of their last name (A, B, C, and D). D AAD y = 20 A = 40 CD C BD LO A 4AC VA 4AB 5 B y 15 BC A Figure 3: Households A, B, C, and D and their incomes in a neighbourhood What is the Gini coefficient for this neighbourhood? Define the Gini coefficient, explain how to find it, and show your work in finding the Gini coefficient for this neighbourhood. Question 7 [10 marks] Consider the Acharya and Chen families from Question 6 above about the Gini coefficient. Assume that the numbers in the bubbles for each family correspond to an index of the family's wealth (a higher integer corresponding to greater wealth). Explain, with reference to risk preferences and the appropriate graphs, why it is the case that the Chen family would be more likely to depend on wage work and the Acharya family may choose to engage in production of goods and services with their own project (working as an owner-operator); that is, not choosing to work for wages. [10 marks]