Seismographs rely heavily on a pendulum (free-swinging weight) to record measurements. How do you think using a pendulum helps detect small earthquakes?


Answer 1


Generally, a seismograph consists of a mass attached to a fixed base. During an earthquake, the base moves and the mass does not. The motion of the base with respect to the mass is commonly transformed into an electrical voltage. The electrical voltage is recorded on paper, magnetic tape, or another recording medium.

Answer 2

Principle of a pendulum: a heavy, inert mass with a certain resistance to movement (i.e. inertia) due to its weight is suspended from a frame by a spring that allows movement. The energy from any seismic activity excites this “proof mass” as it is called by geophysicists, making it vibrate. When they detect movement, such as the shifting plates of an earthquake, a pendulum with a pen attached to it graphs the magnitude of the movement. If the pendulum swings vigorously, scientists know that the seismic waves are intense and potentially dangerous. My guess is, when pendulum swings lightly it determines mild intensity and small impact of an earthquake.

Related Questions

Why do the different genetic types of albinism result in a similar phenotype?​



Why are there different variations of albinism and why it results in the same basic phenotype?

The phenotypic heterogeneity of albinism is due to the different gene mutations affecting various points along the melanin pathway, resulting in varying degrees of decreased melanin production. Additionally, associated developmental changes occur in the optic system as a result from this hypopigmentation.


All of the following are characteristics of animals except
a. exclusively sexual reproduction b. eukaryotic cells
c. multicellular organisms
d. heterotrophic nutrition e. gastrulation


The characteristic of animals that does not apply to the given options is (a) exclusively sexual reproduction.

While animals commonly exhibit sexual reproduction, it is not an exclusive characteristic of the animal kingdom. Some other organisms, such as plants and fungi, also have the ability to reproduce sexually. Therefore, option (a) does not uniquely define animals.

Options (b), (c), (d), and (e) are all characteristics that generally apply to animals. Animals are composed of eukaryotic cells (option b), they are multicellular organisms (option c), they obtain nutrition by consuming organic matter (option d), and they undergo gastrulation, which is a key developmental process involving the formation of germ layers during early embryonic development (option e).

It is important to note that while sexual reproduction is common in animals, there are a few exceptions. Some animal species can reproduce asexually or exhibit other reproductive strategies in addition to sexual reproduction.

learn more about sexual reproduction here;


What is one characteristic animal have in common with a mushroom?


Answer:  Animals and fungi share a common ancestor and branched away from plants at some point about 1.1 billion years ago.

plants and fungi both have cell walls.

Fungi are more like animals because they are heterotrophs, as opposed to autotrophs, like plants, that make their own food.

How is RNA different from DNA?
A. DNA is double stranded, contains uracil, sugar is ribose

B. DNA is single stranded , contains thymine , sugar is deoxyribose

C. RNA is single stranded, contains thymine , sugar is ribose.

D. RNA is single stranded , contains uracil , sugar is ribose



D. RNA is single stranded , contains uracil, sugar is ribose


D. RNA is single stranded , contains uracil , sugar is ribose


RNA contains the sugar ribose, while DNA contains the slightly different sugar deoxyribose

Describe an example of analogous structures. What additional evidence would help you show that these structures are not homologous?



The wings of birds and bats.


The wings of birds and bats is the example of analogous structures. Analogous structures refers to those structures that are similar in those organisms that are unrelated or different to one another. The wing structures are similar in both birds and bats because they are evolved to do the same job which flying. It is not evolved because they were inherited from a common ancestor. These wing structure of both bat and bird look similar from the outside but internally they are totally different from one another.

Baseball Bat Testing

Swing Force (N) Wood (Distance ft) Aluminum (Distance ft) Alloy X (Distance ft)

100 10 15 25

200 20 22 30

300 25 35 80

400 100 140 140

500 200 225 200

600 300 400 300

A baseball bat company is testing a new mixture of metals that they claim will improve the power of its bats for very powerful batters. Given the provided data of three bat compositions, swing force, and resulting ball travel distance, what conclusion can be made regarding this new composition?

A) There is no hypothesis provided.

B) The hypothesis of the company is refuted.

C) The hypothesis of the company is verified.

D) The hypothesis was neither verified or refuted


Given the provided data of three bat compositions, swing force, and resulting ball travel distance, the conclusion that can be made regarding this new composition is that the hypothesis of the company is verified when a swing force of more than 100 is applied.

What is a hypothesis?A hypothesis is an explanation of an occurrence that can be tested, analyzed, and then either confirmed or denied. It's a tentative answer to a question that can be checked by conducting an investigation.What is Swing Force?The swing force is the force that a batter applies to a baseball bat in order to hit the ball. A swing force of 100N means that a batter applied 100N of force on the baseball bat.What is the difference between wood, aluminum, and alloy baseball bats?

Wooden baseball bats are made entirely of wood. Aluminum baseball bats are made entirely of aluminum. Alloy baseball bats are made of a mixture of aluminum and other metals such as copper, magnesium, and zinc, to name a few.What conclusion can be made?The hypothesis of the company is verified when a swing force of more than 100 is applied. As a result, the new mixture of metals improved the power of its bats for very powerful batters. Hence, the answer is (C) The hypothesis of the company is verified.

To know more about verified visit:


complex interactions must occur before solar energy is converted into a form of energy humans need to work and perform many life processes truth the sequence that best shows the path of energy

A) radiant energy --> mechanical energy --> chemical energy

B) heat energy --> light energy --> photosynthesis

C) radiant energy --> chemical energy --> mechanical energy

D) mechanical energy --> chemical energy --> radiant energy


The best answer to go with is b you’re welcome have a great day

What type of cells are body cells



there are 4 type of body cell

Don’t understand need help



I think c


I took the quiz but I m not sure

state the taxonomic family to which the virus that causes EVD belongs​


Ebolavirus, genus of viruses in the family Filoviridae, certain members of which are particularly fatal in humans and nonhuman primates. In humans, ebolaviruses are responsible for Ebola virus disease (EVD), an illness characterized primarily by fever, rash, vomiting, diarrhea, and hemorrhaging.

______and____ are early tetrapods that do not have features unique to fish. Describe how these two species differ antaomically and what that means about where they each live.


What he said! Wow good


An ___________ is a trait or characteristic that helps a living thing, or organism, survive. These characteristics can be passed on from parent to offspring. They are passed on until most of the animals in the species have the helpful trait. Animals can also develop adaptations based on how they interact with the environment.





mark me as brainliest

Jesssica is blood type A and her husband Graham is blood type O. She is worried because they are pregnant and their future child has a rare disorder which will require him to need regular blood transfusions. Jessica worries that if their son ends up with type O blood, like his father, it will be hard to get the necessary regular blood transfusions because people with O blood can only accept O blood. What is the likelihood of their child having blood type O?



- 50% probability if Jessica has genotype "iAi"

- 0% probability if Jessica has genotype "iAiA"


Blood group in humans is controlled by multiple alleles namely; iA, iB and i. iA and iB are codominant but both dominant over i. The following blood types and their respective genotypes are possible;

- Type A: iAiA or iAi

- Type B: iBiB or iBi

- Type AB: iAiB

- Type O: ii

According to this question, Jessica is blood type A (iAiA or iAi) and her husband Graham is blood type O (ii).

- If Jessica has a genotype iAi, the probability that they will give birth to a child with blood type O (ii) is 50% (see punnet square)

- If Jessica has a genotype iAiA, the probability that they will give birth to a child with blood type O (ii) is 0% (see punnet square).

Plant systems are made of


The answer is B . Plant systems are made of living and non living cells

Solar Energy Supply Part 4 0.0/5.0 puntos (calificado) Now let's look at the land needed for solar to supply all the energy needs of the USA. Since the electricity can be used with nearly 100% efficie


land needed for solar to supply all the energy needs of the USA is Energy production / 20 W/ft².

To determine the land needed for solar energy to supply all the energy needs of the USA, we need to consider the total energy consumption of the country and the efficiency of solar panels.

The energy consumption of the USA varies over time, but according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), the total primary energy consumption in 2020 was approximately 92.94 quadrillion British thermal units (Btu).

To convert the energy consumption into the energy produced by solar panels, we need to consider the efficiency of solar panels. The efficiency of solar panels can vary, but let's assume an average efficiency of 20%. This means that solar panels can convert 20% of the sunlight they receive into usable electricity.

Now, we can calculate the energy production from solar panels:

Energy production = Energy consumption / Solar panel efficiency

Energy production = 92.94 quadrillion Btu / 20%

To convert the energy production into the area of land needed, we need to consider the average energy production per unit area of solar panels. The average energy production of solar panels can vary based on factors such as location, sunlight intensity, and panel technology. Let's assume an average energy production of 20 watts per square foot (W/ft²).

Now, we can calculate the land needed:

Land needed = Energy production / Average energy production per unit area

Land needed = Energy production / 20 W/ft²

The resulting value will be in square feet (ft²), representing the land area needed for solar panels to supply all the energy needs of the USA.

It's important to note that this calculation provides a general estimation based on the given assumptions of energy consumption, solar panel efficiency, and average energy production per unit area. The actual land needed may vary depending on specific factors and technological advancements in the future.

know more about solar energy click here:


explain how carbon atoms can move to co2 in the air into an organic molecule inside a plant and then back to co2 in the air



Your carbon atom enters the leaf as CO2 (carbon dioxide) from the atmosphere. In the leaf, chlorophyll uses the energy from the sun to convert CO2 and H2O to the sugar glucose, C6H12O6. Your carbon atom is part of this molecule; it is now one of the carbons in the glucose.

Next, the glucose carrying your carbon atom is sent down the phloem tissue of the carrot plant to the root, which is the carrot itself. Enzymes in the carrot root connect the glucose molecule with your carbon atom into a chain with other glucose molecules, forming cellulose, or plant starch, and there you go. Your carbon atom went from being part of an atmospheric gas to a starch via photosynthesis and starch formation in the root.


A command economy features:?



A command economy is a system where the government, rather than the free market, determines what goods should be produced, how much should be produced, and the price at which the goods are offered for sale. It also determines investments and incomes. The command economy is a key feature of any communist society.


Unusually shaped viruses such as lemon-shaped and spindle-shaped have recently been discovered in:


Unusually shaped viruses such as lemon-shaped and spindle-shaped have recently been discovered in a variety of environments. The presence of these viruses in the environment has a significant impact on the understanding of the biology of viruses and their effects on the environment and the organisms living in it. Let's discuss some examples of where these viruses have been discovered in more detail.

Lemon-shaped viruses have been identified in the gut of a cricket. These viruses have a unique structure, with a head and a tail-like structure that allows them to infect cells. They are classified as a type of bacteriophage, which means they infect bacteria. Bacteriophages have been found to be abundant in the environment and play an essential role in the control of bacterial populations.

Spindle-shaped viruses have been identified in hot springs in Japan. These viruses are also classified as bacteriophages and have a unique structure with a long, spindle-shaped head and a tail-like structure. Their discovery in hot springs is particularly interesting because it suggests that these viruses may play an essential role in the ecology of these extreme environments.

In conclusion, lemon-shaped and spindle-shaped viruses have been discovered in various environments, from the gut of crickets to hot springs. These viruses have unique structures that allow them to infect cells, and they play a significant role in the ecology of their environments. The discovery of these viruses has expanded our understanding of the biology of viruses and their impact on the environment.

know more about viruses click here:


what is an ecosystem?​



An ecosystem is a community of living organisms in conjunction with the nonliving components of their environment, interacting as a system. These biotic and abiotic components are linked together through nutrient cycles and energy flows

a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.

In geothermal power systems temperature and pressure inside Earth ____ with depth
A. Increase
B. Decrease

help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me​





am not to sure but it mostly likely is hopefully this helps you

The regulation of body temperature is a contributor to homeostasis. What body
system is responsible for this?
Digestive System
Musculoskeletal System
Nervous System
Circulatory System



its the nervous system and the endocrine system


the nervous and the endocrine are the bodys main regulators

(f) would you recommend using the model found in part (a) to predict the bone mineral density of a woman who consumes two cans of cola per day? why?


The model found in part (a) can not be used to predict the bone mineral density of a woman who consumes two cans of cola per day. To write the least-squares regression equation, and then use this equation to predict the bone mineral density for a woman weighing 68 kg.

Firstly, it is noteworthy that the predictor variable in the given regression model is "weight (kg)". In other words, the model is built on the association between the weight of women and their bone mineral density. Therefore, the independent variable in the regression model is "weight", not "consumption of cola".You can not use this model to predict the bone mineral density of a woman who consumes two cans of cola per day because the regression model does not involve the variable "consumption of cola". Since the given regression equation is solely built on the association between weight and bone mineral density, using this model to predict bone mineral density for a woman who consumes two cans of cola per day would lead to unreliable results.

for further information on women visit:


Brain lateralization refers to the ability of the brain to process multisensory information ability of the brain to process multisensory information A capacity of the brain to control basic motor movements capacity of the brain to control basic motor movements B aptitude of the brain to produce speech aptitude of the brain to produce speech C ability of the brain to control basic functions such as respiration and blood circulation ability of the brain to control basic functions such as respiration and blood circulation D inclination for certain cognitive processes to be specialized to one hemis



The correct answer is D ''inclination for certain cognitive processes to be specialized to one hemisphere of the brain or the other.'


Lateralization refers to the different specialization of the cerebral hemispheres, that is, it is the functional specialization of the nervous system that is observed to a different degree on one side or the other of the neuroaxis. Our brain is subdivided into two hemispheres, the right and the left. The left hemisphere is more specialized in language and control of emotions and the right in spatial thinking, perception of emotions and facial recognition.

What effects will be manifest in an extremely small population with little to no migration?


An extremely small population with little to no migration can have several effects.

These effects include an increased risk of genetic drift and inbreeding depression.

Genetic drift: Genetic drift is a random change in allele frequencies that occurs in small populations. Since smaller populations have less genetic variation, genetic drift is more common. Genetic drift can reduce genetic diversity in a population, which can lead to the fixation of deleterious alleles.

Inbreeding depression: Inbreeding depression is a loss of fitness that occurs when closely related individuals mate and produce offspring. Inbreeding depression can occur when a population becomes small and isolated, and the mating pool is reduced. Inbreeding depression can lead to reduced fertility, increased susceptibility to disease, and lower survival rates.

Additionally, inbreeding depression can reduce genetic diversity in a population, which can make it more susceptible to environmental change. Therefore, an extremely small population with little to no migration can lead to an increased risk of genetic drift and inbreeding depression.

If you need to learn more about the population click here:


Essay - What is the damage the ecology of a lake obtains when items
are put in it that aren’t supposed to be there?


The ecology of a lake obtains considerable damage when items are put in it that aren’t supposed to be there. Human activities like agricultural runoff, dumping of industrial waste, and sewage treatment contribute to the pollution of freshwater bodies. It affects aquatic life and the ecological balance of the lake by disrupting the food chain and natural processes.

An ecosystem refers to a natural system of living things and their surroundings. A lake ecosystem includes various living organisms such as fish, plankton, algae, and many other aquatic species. Additionally, it comprises non-living things such as water, minerals, nutrients, etc. Any human-made or synthetic material that enters the lake upsets this natural balance. When harmful chemicals such as pesticides and fertilizers are used on agricultural fields, they contaminate the water and increase the nutrient content of the lake.

It encourages the growth of algae and other aquatic plants that use up oxygen in the water. When they decompose, they further reduce oxygen levels, which results in suffocation and death of aquatic organisms.Dumping of industrial waste is another human activity that contributes to the pollution of freshwater bodies. Chemicals like lead, mercury, and arsenic are toxic and can cause severe damage to the aquatic ecosystem. Fish and other aquatic animals may ingest these toxins and can accumulate them in their body tissues.

It results in reduced growth, deformities, and death of these animals. Sewage treatment is essential in cities to ensure that wastewater is treated and released into natural water bodies. However, inadequate or improper treatment can lead to a considerable increase in nutrients and organic matter in the lake, leading to harmful algal blooms and fish kills. In conclusion, human activities have significantly damaged freshwater ecosystems, and steps must be taken to reduce pollution to save these vital resources.

know more about ecology click here:


True or False? All mutations have a negative effect on a population of organisms.



False, I believe. Mutations sometimes might have an effect that helps the population. Example: I've heard of Two-Headed snakes, and even seen some on the internet. They live their lives just fine, so I suppose the mutation was actually quite helpful.




Discuss the overall health of the scrub (shrubland) biome. Outline how negative impacts can lead to other problems in the biome. Discuss 2 or 3 ideas on how we can make a difference to reduce these negative effects.


The overall health of the scrub (shrubland) biome can vary depending on various factors, including climate, human activities, and ecological disturbances.

Negative impacts on the biome can lead to other problems such as habitat loss, species extinction, and decreased ecosystem resilience.

For instance, deforestation or land conversion for agriculture or urbanization can fragment the scrubland habitat, disrupt wildlife populations, and reduce overall biodiversity.

Additionally, pollution from industrial activities or improper waste disposal can contaminate the soil and water, affecting the health of plants, animals, and microorganisms in the ecosystem.

To reduce these negative effects and promote a healthier scrub biome, several approaches can be taken. Firstly, implementing sustainable land management practices is crucial.

This includes responsible land-use planning, reforestation efforts, and promoting conservation strategies to protect existing scrubland areas. By preserving and restoring the natural habitat, we can help maintain the balance of the ecosystem and support the survival of native species.

Secondly, promoting awareness and education about the importance of the scrub biome is essential.

By educating communities, policymakers, and landowners about the value of these ecosystems, we can foster a sense of stewardship and encourage environmentally friendly practices.

Lastly, adopting sustainable agricultural practices can contribute to the health of the scrub biome. Implementing techniques such as agroforestry, organic farming, and precision agriculture can minimize the use of harmful chemicals, reduce soil erosion, and promote biodiversity on agricultural lands adjacent to scrubland areas.

Overall, protecting and restoring the health of the scrub biome requires a multi-faceted approach involving conservation, education, and sustainable practices to mitigate negative impacts and preserve the unique characteristics and ecological functions of this important ecosystem.

To know more about "Biome" refer here:


3) What template have you chosen to use and why



be more speific in your question


Select the correct image.
Which image best illustrates the magma convection currents within Earth’s interior?



the thrid one is the best one

The image that best illustrates the magma convection currents within Earth’s interior is the bottom left.

What is Convection?

Convection may be defined as a process through which the transfer of heat due to the bulk movement of molecules within a fluid takes place. The current which is produced by the movement of these molecules is known as the Convection current.

Convection currents are present in the mantle region of the earth's surface. In the process of heating, magma rises from deep inside the mantle and then cooled the mantle as it flows down. This cyclic movement of magma constructs convection current within the region of the earth's interiors.

Therefore, the image that best illustrates the magma convection currents within Earth’s interior is the bottom left.

To learn more about Convection currents, refer to the link:


Explain the difference between herbivores, carnivores and omnivores​



Herbivores are organisms that eat plants only. Carnivores are organisms that eat other animals only (meat). Whereas, omnivores are organisms that eat both plants and animals.  

hope this helps and is right. p.s. i really need brainliest :)

Animals that eat plants exclusively are herbivores, and animals that eat only meat are carnivores. When animals eat both plants and meat, they are called omnivores. ... These carnivores may eat insects and worms. Carnivorous animals have strong jaws and sharp teeth to enable them to tear and rip prey.
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