sayeri written by anuska.
i felt really nice.
how is it to u guys

Sayeri Written By Anuska.i Felt Really Is It To U Guys


Answer 1


Thank you friend for your warm reply to my each and every word .

once again thank you sathi

Related Questions

Hello!! I hope you're having a splendid day/night! I just came here to give you a reminder, you're beautiful and amazing, it's ok to make mistakes don't hate and pressure yourself, don’t let the past ruin your future, I will support you no matter what your dreams is (unless it’s bad then you should rethink your dream) I love you and I want you to know your not alone we’re all in this together❤️❤️❤️❤️ i know you’ll be like “oh some internet shi.tty people acting like they care but they don’t” I do :) I genuinely hope you achieve your dreams and become a better person ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️✨✨✨❤️❤️❤️ I love you, stay strong, protect and defend yourself, last but not least TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF ❤️❤️❤️✨

From: (L) :D



Rob bought 3 CDs for $7.95 each. What was his total cost?





Times $7.95 by 3 in order to get your total cost $23.85




Fewer helpful bacteria means less effective digestion.

a it is a

plz give me brainliest

AYO does anyone here know asl?

(please don't answer if you don't thank you)


I know asl............
I dooo....but I don’t see a question

चराचुरुङ्गीको बोलीसँग नेपालका के कुरालाई दाँज्न सकिन्छ ?​



What can be compared to the speech of birds in Nepal?

Ans -with the various kinds of languages of Nepal , the speech of birds can be compared.

चराचुरुंगीको बोलीसँग नेपालका धेरै किसिमका भाषाहरुलाई दाँज्न सकिन्छ ।

Hope it helped you ..

Corona ke liye slogan in hindi​


I don’t know what you are asking?

यदि तुम पढ़ लेता तो अवश्य पास हो जाता।
रचना के आधार पर वाक्य का रूप बताइये।



If you had studied, you would have passed.

On the basis of the composition, describe the form of the sentence.


Hope it helps:D

242 Differentiate between a university and a TVET College in terms of what each
offers and explain the stigma associated with TVET Colleges?​



In South Africa, there are three main institutions where you can study after you leave school; universities, universities of technology and TVET colleges. Recently, community colleges have been added for people who did not finish school. Understanding the difference between these institutions can make choosing what you want to study and where much easier.

What is a university?

Universities offer degree courses that take a minimum of three to four years to complete. Entrance requirements for courses vary greatly and can be quite specific. You will need to have completed the National Senior Certificate (matric) with very good marks, particular subject choices and may need to meet a list of specific requirements to gain entrance to a university. University courses focus on theoretical training in a specialized field. The longer you study, the more specialized the field becomes; once you have completed your degree you can continue studying and earn a postgraduate level of study (Honours, Masters and Doctorate).

What is a University of Technology?

Universities of Technology offer mainly diploma and certificate courses, but also offer degree courses that take about three years to complete. Entrance requirements vary depending on the course that you want to take. A University of Technology emphasizes innovative problem-solving and career-directed courses, in addition to the basic responsibilities of a university. The courses are designed to be career-orientated and practical, with experiential learning forming part of the courses.

What is a TVET college?

TVET is an abbreviation for Technical and Vocational Education and Training. Training at TVET colleges varies from a few months to three years and students generally receive a certificate at the end of a three-year course. The focus is on educating and training students to work in technical or vocational fields. Students who have completed their studies may (in some cases) be able to continue their studies at the University of Technology. This articulation between different type of HEI’s is the intent of the DHET. The focus of TVET colleges is to provide students with not only the academic knowledge but also the practical experience to enter the workforce as quickly and as well-equipped as possible.

Universities award recognized degrees while Technical and Vocational Education and Training(TVET) colleges offers certificate programs

What is a university?

The university is a citadel of higher learning that is tailored to award degrees to deserving students. In a university, a student has to take a course of study for 3 - 5 years after which his/her degree is conferred. Universities also award higher degrees.

On the other hand, a Technical and Vocational Education and Training colleges offers certificate programs in technical education. The duration of study may vary from few months to about three years.

These certificates are not equivalent to degrees as their holders have  to undergo additional studies to possess degrees hence the stigma associated with TVET Colleges.

Learn more about university:

i want to change my language​


to what? i want to learn spanish but the american school system is bad.
Yep I think we all do

List 2 confusions on food facts



Tomato is a vegetable



Heres some i thought of. Good luck my guy.

Hello. Has anyone else here ever completed the Cambridge Latin Course, book one, stage 9, titled ‘Odd one out?” If so, it would be amazing if anyone could help, because I am clueless.



For this, refer to the attached file.


Obrigado pelos pontos livres..


o que você quer dizer?

obrigada e de nada gata ou gato

Explain the function of elections in a democratic country.


Answer ans Explanation:

The elections take place in countries that have adopted the political system known as representative democracy. In these countries, elections aim to allow citizens to participate in the political composition and governmental decision-making process. This is because it is the elections that allow the population to choose the politicians who will be active during a period of time, that is, the citizens choose their governors, who will be the representatives of the people within the local political process.

1) the meaning of the passage, the role of the passage in the work
2) means of artistic expression (with examples)
4) the idea
Now, if your nerves are strong, go through the door to the left: bandages and operations are being performed in that room. You will see doctors there with their hands bloody to the elbows and pale, sullen faces, busy near the bed, on which, with open eyes and speaking, as if in delirium, meaningless, sometimes simple and touching words, a wounded man lies under the influence of chloroform. Doctors are busy with the disgusting but beneficent business of amputations. You will see how a sharp curved knife enters a healthy white body; you will see how, with a terrible, tearing cry and curses, the wounded man suddenly comes to his senses; you will see a paramedic throw a severed arm into a corner; you will see another wounded man lying on a stretcher in the same room and, looking at a comrade's operation, writhing and moaning not so much from physical pain as from the moral suffering of expectation — you will see terrible, soul-shaking sights; you will see a war not in the right, a beautiful and brilliant formation, with music and drumming, with waving banners and prancing generals, and you will see the war in its real expression — in blood, in suffering, in death...".


The meaning of the passage is to provide a vivid and graphic description of the brutal reality of war and its consequences.

What is the passage about?

The passage depicts a scene in a room where doctors are performing amputations on wounded soldiers. The author describes the doctors' bloody hands, pale and sullen faces, and the wounded man lying on the bed under the influence of chloroform. The passage emphasizes the stark contrast between the sanitized, heroic image of war often portrayed in society and the actual gruesome and devastating effects of armed conflict.

The role of the passage in the work can be to serve as a critique of the romanticized and idealized notions of war prevalent in society. By presenting a stark and unvarnished portrayal of the horrors of war, the author aims to challenge readers' perceptions and provide a more realistic understanding of its true nature.

Learn more about Passage on


Joe bought shin guards for $15.35 and socks for $5.89. What is his total cost? $20.24 $21.14 $20.14 $21.24


The answer is $21.24

Okay.. okay... whattt



what anime is this im GONNA WaTCH IT >:D


thats pretty homosexual...

Recommend two ways in which women and children can be protected from discrimination and violence ​



1) by creating laws and enforce existing laws that protect women and child's from violence.

2) promote the paceful resolution of disputes by including the perspective of women and children.

thats not what im saying lol, and its not true, not that i dont get where your coming from. but we carry embryos in our stomachs and put up with mens incapability to learn from there mistakes, we take care of men even when its hurting us. i get what your saying and all: but all im saying is females to females certain ones is sheisty



in that pdf you can find what your looking for.

difference between career field and an occupation​



Difference between career and occupation is that the career is an occupation undertaken for a significant period of one's life and with opportunities for progress whereas occupation is a person's principal work or business, specifically as a means of earning a living.

People make deliberate effort to make progress in a career while they are only interested in making money through an occupation.

Career and occupation

A career is a job that a person undertakes for a significant portion of the person's life. For instance, a doctor practices medicine for very many years and undergoes a rigorous training to join that career.

However, an occupation is something that a person engages in with the sole aim of making money. The difference between a career and an occupation is that people make deliberate effort to make progress in a career while they are only interested in making money through an occupation.

Learn more about career:

Translate. Korean to English. Will mark brainliest if answer is correct.

재미없던 이야기가 끝난 걸
난 몰랐었지, 기다렸던 건 나뿐인 걸
그 얘기 속 너와 날 계속 돌려봤어
아무 일도 없던 게 더 미치게 해



The uninteresting story is over

I didn't know, I was the only one waiting

I kept looking at you and me in that story

The thing that didn't happen makes me crazy

Earth’s rotational axis is always tilted the same direction in space. For half of the year, the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun and the other half of the year the southern hemisphere is slanted toward the Sun.


False - in different directions





When the southern hemisphere is tilted towards sun, it is summer in the southern hemisphere and winter in the northern half of Earth, while on the other hand, if the northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun, there is summer season in the southern hemisphere and winter in the northern hemisphere. When the earth's axis is more or less perpendicular to the incoming rays of the Sun this will leads to the spring and autumn season in some locations of the earth.

Activity 3
Directions: Use numbers 1-5 to show the order of these topics if you narrowed
them down from general to most limited. (1 for general topic and 5 for most
limited topic)
Man's personality
The right lobe of the brain
The five aspects of personality
The Intellectual Aspects of the Person
Brain Components
Pluses and minuses of teenage marriage
Teenage Marriage
The Advantages of Early Marriage
Human Relationship
Activity 4​





'मनुष्यता कविता और ‘अब कहाँ दूसरे के दुख से दुखी होने वाले’ पाठ का केंद्रीय भाव एक ही है|
सिद्ध कीजिए।​






अब कहाँ दूसरे के दुख से दुखी होने वाले’ नामक पाठ ‘निदा फ़ाज़ली’ द्वारा लिखा गया है। इस पाठ का प्रतिपाद्य है-मनुष्य द्वारा प्रकृति के साथ निरंतर की जा रही छेड़छाड़ की ओर ध्यानाकर्षित कराना, प्रकृति के क्रोध का परिणाम दर्शाना तथा प्रकृति के गुस्से का परिणाम बताते हुए प्रकृति, सभी प्राणियों, पशु-पक्षियों समुद्र पहाड़ तथा पेड़ों के प्रति सम्मान एवं आदर का भाव प्रकट करना। इतना ही नहीं इस धरती पर अन्य जीवों की हिस्सेदारी समझते हुए इसे केवल मनुष्य की ही जागीर न समझना। लेखक यह बताना चाहता है कि मनुष्य नदी, समुद्र, पहाड़, पेड़-पौधों आदि को अपनी जागीर समझकर उनका मनचाहा उपभोग करता है। इससे प्राकृतिक असंतुलन पैदा होता है। इसके अलावा सभी जीव चाहे मनुष्य हों या कुत्ता उसी एक ईश्वर की रचनाएँ हैं। हमें इनके साथ उदार व्यवहार करना चाहिए।

La base del idioma español es el latín vulgar que se impuso a las lenguas ibéricas, el anterior enunciado es:


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Deducimos que esta es una pregunta de verdadero o false, ya que no hay alguna pregunta específica que se incluya.

De ser así, la respuesta es "verdadero."

La base del idioma español es el latín vulgar que se impuso a las lenguas ibéricas. El anterior enunciado es verdadero.

Se le llama latín vulgar a la serie de dialectos o lenguajes del día día -también llamados vernáculos- que se hablaban en las distintas provincias del imperio romano.

Estas lenguas fueron expandiéndose hacia diferentes territorios hasta llegar a la Península Ibérica por el año 218 AC. Los llamados Escipiones desembarcaron en la península durante la Guerra Púnica.

Poco a poco, estos Escipiones capturaron pueblos de la península como Cartago y Gadir. De esa forma comenzaba a implementarse el Latín en la zona que hoy conocemos como España.

What did the prophet (S.A.W) tell the man who was wearing a ring for protection

against a disease?​



“When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) wanted to send a letter to the Romans, he was told that they would not read any letter unless it had a seal on it, so he took a ring of silver. It is as if I can see it shining on his hand, and engraved on it were the words 'Muhammad the Messenger of Allah.

Me gusta mucho manejar.

to travel
to rest
to drive
to turn


C. to drive

"I love to drive."


to drive is the answer


Is school easy or not



Easy no doubt



most parts of it is.


Which of the following is an example of figurative language? fly: to die and go to heaven fly: an insect fly: to glide through the air



to die and go to heaven


die and go to heaven is figurative. a fly is literally an insect and can literally glide through the air.

although you can literally die and go to heaven, it's typically used as figuratively.

(1) As she was driving to visit her twin, Jayla had a strange feeling that something bad was going to happen.

(2) Meanwhile, Kayla had the same exact premonition.

(3) Worried about her sister, Kayla called Jayla's cell phone.

(4) Because she took her eyes off the road to answer the phone call, Jayla lost control of her car and crashed through the front of Kayla's house.

What is the function of the introductory word in sentence 2?



"Meanwhile" is a word meaning "while something else is happening." It is used to bridge references to two actions that are happening simultaneously.




"I slowly worked through my endless pile of homework"

"Meanwhile, my little brother played video games in his room"


Hope I Helped, Feel free to ask any questions to clarify :)

Have a great day!

More Love, More Peace, Less Hate.

       -Aadi x

The function of the introductory word in sentence 2 is:

Mention that two events occur at the same time or in almost equal periods of time.

Use of the word "meanwhile."

The word meanwhile, when used as an adverb within a sentence, its function is to mention that during the same period of time, two or more events occur which are mentioned by the text.

In this case, the presentiment or premonition received at the same time for Kayla and Jayla, for which the occurrence of the event twice generates the function of the mentioned word.

If you want to learn more about Adverbs, you can visit the following link:

Please awnser the photo below thanks!






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