Regions of the body which require large surface area for absorption, such as the cells covering the inner surface of the small intestine, often have


Answer 1


layers of cell membranes- micro villi


They are similar to cilia but shorter in  length and diameter.They have average diameter of micrometer with average length of 2 micrometer

These are layers of cells membrane which protrudes or extended  on the epithelial lining of the  small intestine.They are microscopic in  structure,and their major function is to increase the surface area of the small intestine for absorption of digested food substances. Therefore reducing volume while aiding the rapid movement of the digested food into the bloodstreams.

Aggregate of micro villi is called brush border on the surface of the small intestine. Their activity with the villi aids the increase in the surface area which leads to absorption of food substances

Related Questions

What would be the correct ecological classification for the cockroaches? a. Producers b. Primary consumers c. Secondary consumers d. Scavengers / Decomposers​





scavengers/decomposers :)




Write a sentence about an independent and dependent variable you could test.



The more calories you consume, the heavier you will be.


Explain why you consider robots non living ?



Robots are non living because they are do not breathe and are not made of cells like living organisms. They are only artificial.

why do scientist use a common system of measurement​


To avoid confusion when measuring, scientists use a shared system of measurement, called the International System of Units! :)

To keep the accuracy, consistency and minimize the discrepancy in the experimentation, a common system of measurement was favoured by the scientists.

What is a system of measurement?

A system of measurement is formed of standardized units that are used to define a quantity.

System of measurement is referred as SI unit. It is considered the same universally. System of measurement is accepted everywhere with the same units of measurement.

It is used for the measurement of length, time, mass, temperature, current etc.

System of measurement is advantageous as it eliminates the confusion regarding different expression of units.

It makes the interpretations and comparisons easier as the conversion of measurement units will be nil.

System of measurement provides a reference units for various experimental analysis. It is important in research and quality analysis.

Thus, system of measurement enables correct interpretations of calculations.

Learn more about system of measurement, here:


You are concerned about the rate of death in catfish your aquaculture operation in tanks that have a high amount of algae growth. You collect some of the algae and send it to the university to have it identified. You find that it is a blue-green alga called Anabaena. Anabaena is known to be toxic to fish. You design an experiment to test how much of the algae the fish can stand before they die. You obtain 6 large aquariums (all the same size) and fill them with water taken from a healthy catfish pond at your operation. You put each aquarium on the same bench in the laboratory, where the light and temperature values are identical. You let the water stand for one day before starting the experiment. In aquarium 1, you add 2 grams of algae and no fish. In aquarium 2, you add 20 small catfish and no algae. Aquarium 3 gets 20 catfish and 2 grams of algae, #4 gets 20 catfish and 4 grams of algae, #5 gets 20 catfish and 8 grams of algae, and aquarium #6 gets 20 catfish and 16 grams of algae. The aeration rate of each aquarium is identical. You make two observations at the same time each day for two weeks. You keep track of the numbers of fish in each tank that die.

What is the problem?

What is your hypothesis?

What is the independent variable?



Hypothesis is ''With the increase of algae in the aquarium, fish population decreases''.


The main problem was that there is no need for 2 aquarium because there is no need for aquarium 1 which has no fish and aquarium 2 which has fishes but no algae. With the increase of algae in the aquarium, fish population decreases is the hypothesis for this experiment. Concentration of algae is the independent variable of the experiment because there is no effect on it in the experiment.

Please help me I am really struggling



gamma rays hope this helps



how can you tell if a property or change in matter is physical or chemical? Be sure to use complete sentences!



See explanation.


Physical changes only change the appearance of the object/substance.

Chemical changes are irreversible and can change the chemical makeup of the object/substance.

You can also use your senses to tell: being smell, sight, etc.

1. El corazón se localiza en el __________________, que es el espacio comprendido entre ambos pulmones. 2. El ________________________ es la capa funcional del corazón, puesto que su contracción impulsa la sangre hacia los pulmones y los demás tejidos. 3. Internamente el corazón presenta 4 cavidades: 2 cavidades superiores llamadas _________________ y dos cavidades inferiores conocidas como ________________ . 4. Entre la aurícula y ventrículo del mismo lado se encuentran las válvulas auriculoventriculares. En el lado derecho tenemos la válvula _____________, mientras que en el lado izquierdo se encuentra la válvula ____________ . 5. El ciclo cardiaco comprende dos fases, una de contracción o __________________ y una de relajación llamada ___________________ .



1. El corazón se localiza en el mediastino, que es el espacio comprendido entre ambos pulmones. 2. El  miocardio es la capa funcional del corazón, puesto que su contracción impulsa la sangre hacia los pulmones y los demás tejidos. 3. Internamente el corazón presenta 4 cavidades: 2 cavidades superiores llamadas auriculasy dos cavidades inferiores conocidas como ventriculos . 4. Entre la aurícula y ventrículo del mismo lado se encuentran las válvulas auriculoventriculares. En el lado derecho tenemos la válvula tricuspide, mientras que en el lado izquierdo se encuentra la válvula mitral . 5. El ciclo cardiaco comprende dos fases, una de contracción o sistole y una de relajación llamada diastole.


El corazon es un organo con un tejido muscular liso especializado donde estas celulas musculares presentan uniones desmosomales de amplia conexion para la diseminacion rapida de señales, es asi como se producen contracciones ritmicas, autonomas y de manera simultanea.

El corazon a su vez presenta su auto irrigacion propia por medio de las arterias coronarias que se encargan de mantener el miocardo en buen estado de vitalidad.

Which coal is on the bottom layer ?​



Anthracite is the coal situated at the bottom layer.


Anthracite is the best quality of coal as it is found deep inside the earth's surface and due to high pressure and temperature inside earth's surface it is more qualitative.

AND remember peat is the poorest quality of soil. Some people say lignite is the poorest quality of coal this answer is also correct.


how many cells are their.


Answer: 30,000,000,000,000


Humans are complex organisms made up of trillions of cells, each with their own structure and function. Scientists have come a long way in estimating the number of cells in the average human body. Most recent estimates put the number of cells at around 30 trillion. Written out, that's 30,000,000,000,000!

Learned it in class

an eagle is a carnivore it most likely gets energy it needs to reduce from



Eagles, like other animals, get all their energy from the sun. ... Sunlight is the source of energy for plants. Using the sun's energy, green plants produce food through photosynthesis. Tiny plants called algae grow in lakes.


What elements does carbon bond with to make up life’s molecules?



Carbon bonds with elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur and nitrogen to form life's molecules


Carbon bonds with elements like oxygen, hydrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and nitrogen to form biomolecules.

What are biomolecules?

Biomolecules are also called biological molecules. These are the numerous substances produced by the cells of our body and all other living organisms.

These molecules vary widely in range in their size and structure. They are also able to perform a wide range of functions. Carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins are the four major types of biomolecules.

Nucleic acids form our genetic material. DNA or RNA present in our cells are formed from nucleic acids.

Proteins are a wide range of structural and functional molecules. Proteins form the structures of the cell membrane. They also form enzymes.

Carbohydrates and lipids are major sources of energy in our food. They also have various structures.

Therefore, Carbon bonds with elements like oxygen, hydrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and nitrogen to form biomolecules.

Read more about biomolecules, here


Suppose i needed to measure exactly 15.0 mL of water for an experiment. Which graduated cylinder would be the best one to use, and why?



A test tube would be used


The test tube refers to a laboratory device that is made of graduated glass for which cylinder used to measure small quantities of liquids that is from 5 mL to 2 L. The most suitable type of specimen must be chosen for measuring the liquid volume, in this situation that is a 15 mL. The specimen is shutdown to lower and has a support base.

Therefore the correct answer is a test tube.

Which of the following organisms
are capable of self-fertilization?
A. plants
B. tigers
C. humans


The answer is A: plants

Select all that apply.

Which of the following are current human uses for chordates?




all of these is the answer



When you move the slide forward on the stage, in what direction does the "e" appear to move when viewed through the microscope?



it appears to move in the opposite direction


What are the precautions must be taken while measuring an object with the help of a scale?​


Make sure to zero out the scale especially if you’re using something to hold the object. For example, make sure to zero out the scale with the cup before pouring water on it.

Make sure to zero out the scale with the cup before pouring on it

I need help with this question. Please help me!

Why do organisms need enzymes?


Digestive enzymes speedup reactions that break down large molecules of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into smaller molecules the body can use. Without digestive enzymes, animals would not be able to break down food molecules quickly enough to provide the energy and nutrients they need to survive.

Hope this helped


Hello maam :)


wat the other guy said

describe in detail the function of an umbilical cord



the umbilical cord is considered both the physical and emotional attachment between mother and fetus.


this structure allows for the transfer of oxygen and nutrients from the maternal circulation into fetal circulation while simultaneously removing waste products from fetal circulation to be eliminated maternally.

Below are the seven properties of water that make life possible on Earth. Describe five of these properties and provide an example of each:

Hydrogen bonding, cohesion and adhesion, surface tension, heat of vaporization, specific heat, density, and universal solvent



Water in its liquid form has a boiling point temperature close to 100°C. As a result of the network of hydrogen bonding present between water molecules, a high input of energy is required to transform one gram of liquid water into water vapor, an energy requirement called the heat of vaporization.

Cohesion is responsible for the transport of the water column in plants. Adhesion is water attracted to other material.

Water has a greater surface tension than most other liquids because hydrogen bonds among surface water molecules resist stretching or breaking the surface.

Specific Heat is the amount of heat that must be absorbed or lost for one gram of a substance to change its temperature by 1*C.

Density is when hydrogen bonds in water expand as it warms and contracts as it cools. The hydrogen bonds keeps the molecules far enough a part to make ice have fewer molecules.


What group of organic molecules is made up of a sequence of an amino acid group a caboxyl group a hydrogen atom and a side chain bonded to the central carbon atom





Proteins are biomolecules that are made up of a sequence of amino acids. These amino acids are organic molecules that consist of a basic amino or amine functional group (-NH2), an acid carboxyl functional group (-COOH), a hydrogen atom and an organic side chain referred to as the R- group, which has a bond connecting it to the carbon atom at the center. Examples of amino acids are alanine, asparagine, glutamate, lysine and so on.

Proteins are important in building the human body system, they are also involved in DNA replication, metabolic reactions, transporting of molecules etc.

How can the founder effect cause a previously rare genetic disorder to become common in the new population?


Answer and Explanation:

The founder effect is a special case of genetic drift.

The Founder effect refers to the consequences that occur from the origin of a new population produced by a small number of founder individuals that come from an ancestral bigger population. The new population originated from a few founder individuals, who came from a bigger population and that established in a new environment.

This small population might or might not be genetically representative of the original one. It might show poor genetic variation and hence, a high possibility of expressing a peculiar allelic composition. Some rare alleles might be in exceed or might be completely lost. Consequently, when the small population increases in size, it will have a genetically different composition from the original one. In these situations, genetic variability is reduced and there is a high possibility of developing a peculiar allelic composition. If the number of individuals that originates the new population is very low, the founder effect will be very extreme, because the magnitude of this change is inversely related to the original number of the founder individuals. These changes produced by genetic drift accumulate in time, and eventually, some alleles get lost, while some other might set.      

There are certain examples of the founder effect, such as Huntington's disease in South Africa or the Ellis syndrome characteristic of the Amish people from Pennsylvania.

What type of relationship occurs between two animals with the same food source?





in mutualism the two organisms benfit from each other and cannot survive apart.

Explain how scientific inferences can be made from scientific observations?


Answer:Their inferences are based on evidence that they collect during their investigations. Readers learn that scientists gather and interpret evidence and draw conclusions based on this evidence. Some scientists investigate things that they cannot observe directly.


Which molecules are processed by the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER)?



c is the answet


The rough endoplasmic reticulum helps in processing of proteins, the correct option is D.

What is rough endoplasmic reticulum?

Rough endoplasmic reticulum is a series of connected flattened sacs that form part of an ongoing membrane organelle within the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells.

It plays an important role in protein synthesis as several ribosome are attached to its membrane giving it a rough texture.

Thus, the correct option is D.

For more details regarding endoplasmic reticulum, visit:


if someone told you they had discovered a new microscopic life form, tell me three characteristics that you would expect the life to possess.


Answer: there might be single celled  and very sensitive to change they might They are vitally important in the food chain and to the health of our planet.

They might be single-celled and extremely sensitive to change, but regardless of this, they play a crucial role in the food chain and in maintaining the health of our planet.

What characteristics that the life to possess?

Cellular organization, the capacity for sexual reproduction, growth and development, energy usage, homeostasis, reaction to their environment, and the capacity for adaptation are characteristics shared by all living creatures.

All of these characteristics will appear in living creatures. Despite changes in the external environment, living things strive to maintain a constant internal temperature.

Homeostasis is a process like this, and it ranks as the sixth most significant aspect of life biology.

Excretion, growth, sensibility, movement, breathing, and reproduction. While some non-living creatures might exhibit one or two of these traits, only living organisms exhibit all seven traits.

Therefore, reproduction, growth, and development are the characteristics that the life to possess.

Learn more about characteristics of life here:


Study the information in the data table below.
a) What is the independent
b) What is the dependent variable?


Answer:The temperature is the independent variable and the breathing rate is the dependent

Explanation:The breathing rate is dependent upon the temperature to create the variables making it the dependent one

which statement best describes how an existing theory is often affected by the development of new technology





Which of the following is the quality of a good scientific hypothesis?


it should be an explanation on what you wanna learn about in the experiment, it should be based on prior knowledge, it is also different from a prediction
A hypothesis is a guess

What is a control group



The control group is defined as the group in an experiment or study that does not receive treatment by the researchers and is then used as a benchmark to measure how the other tested subjects do.


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