Redacta un escrito dónde expliques como está formado(un ecosistema), menciona ejemplos y como sigue una estabilidad por el equilibrio entre los factores físicos y biologícos en el ecosistema


Answer 1


Un ecosistema esta formado por facotres abioticos y bioticos.

Los factores bioticos son aquellos que presentan signos vitales, es decir que cumplen con la vida, metabolismo, respiracion, entre otras funciones vivas.

Los factores abietos son aquellos que no tienen vida pero con los que los factores bioticos intercambian energia, un ejemplo de esto son las rocas, los vientos, los sedimentos, la tierra fertil.

Los factores bioticos serian los organismos vivos como los animales, que al funcionar como sistemas abiertos de intercambio de energia constante mantienen un equilibrio fisico biologico con los factores bioticos.


Los ecosistemas cumplen con una cadena que no debe romperse ni faltar ningun eslabon, si esta continuidad se interrumpe con la extincion de una especie como animal o vegetal el ecosistema variará, y cambiara toda su conformacion.

Es un conjunto de factores bioticos y abioticos en armonia que se complementan e intercambian energia entre si de manera ordenada en eslabones, si uno de estos eslabones se rompe, se extingue, o se modifica por intervencion del hombre u otros factores TODO el escosistema se verá modificado o afectado.

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Give an example that illustrates lipids being waterproof.



Oils do not dissolve in water


Waxes are one of the forms of lipids, which are waterproof.  

Lipids are insoluble in water and are hydrophobic. They perform many essential activities within the cell.  

• One of the forms of lipids is waxes, which envelopes the leaf surfaces of some plants, and the feathers of some aquatic birds.  

• Due to the hydrophobic nature of waxes, they inhibit water from attaching to the surface. Thus, waxes are waterproof.  

• The waxes are the long-chain fatty acid chains attached covalently with the long-chain alcohols.  

Thus, waxes are the lipids that demonstrate the waterproof property of the lipids.

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Answer artificial levees


The more time people spend using social media, the less they read books.
Independent Variable:
Dependent Variable:​



Independent: Time on Social Media

Dependent: Less books read.

The Independent variable is ;  Time spent on social media  while The dependent variable is : Number of books read

An independent variable in an experiment is a variable whose outcome is not affected by other variables present in the experiment.   while

A dependent variable is a variable whose outcome is directly determined/affected by changes made by an independent variable in the experiment.

The number of books read is a dependent variable because it depends on the amount of time spent on social media ( independent variable ).

Hence we can conclude that the Independent variable in the experiment is the time spent on social media while the number of books read is a dependent variable.

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True or false: Some populations that are considered to be separate species can interbreed and produce fertile offspring.





Separate species can't interbreed, but there is some instinses that they can, for example the tiger and lion.

Which of these reasons for peer review did you include in your response? Check all of the boxes that apply. to identify possible errors to justify the conclusions made to reduce the chance of bias to uphold the standards of the journal to maintain professional standards to improve the strength of the results



to justify the conclusions made

to uphold the standards of the journal

to maintain professional standards


to identify possible errors

to justify the conclusions made

to reduce the chance of bias

to uphold the standards of the journal

to maintain professional standards

to improve the strength of the results

which of the following is a organic molecule


Answer: you didn't state the answers to choose from so i"ll just list common organic molicules: nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates and lipids.


Is controlling homeostasis a conscious or unconscious process?



It is an unconcious process


Homeostasis is when the body is made sure to have a constant environment inside so that the body can work at it's optimum conditions .... constant temperature, constant pH etc ... you do sweat when you feel hot but you can't control it... your mind just tells it to... vadodilation and vasoconstriction for a constant temperature occurs for a constant temperature as well(when vessels dilate and constrict), your mind allows the vessels to do so without you thinking about it.

Homeostasis is an unconscious process.

Homeostasis can be defined as the ability of the organism to maintain the internal environment constant with respect to the changes occurring in the external environment. The steady state of the body can be achieved by the regulation of body temperature, pH, and metabolism. These changes are controlled by the hypothalamus gland in the human body which is without our conscious state of awareness. Some of these changes are control of heart rate, body temperature, and blood pressure.

Hence, controlling homeostasis is an unconscious process.

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movement of food through your digestive system


Peristalsis, food moves through your GI tract by this process.

Name the main energystoring products of each phase of photosynthesis.


Just the way you justify it and otherwise on the same point slot


During the first stage of photosynthesis, called the light-dependent reaction, sunlight excites the electrons in the chlorophyll pigment. The organism uses this energy to create the energy carrier molecules ATP and NADPH, which are crucial for carbon fixing during the second stage.

The first two stages of photosynthesis depend directly on light because light energy is used to make ATP and NADPH. In the final stage of photosynthesis, ATP and NADPH are used to produce energy-storing sugar molecules from the carbon in carbon dioxide.

Sandra is growing mums in her backyard and wants to determine how much water she should give the plants to produce the most flowers. Plant A receives only rainwater and is given no additional water. Plant B receives rainwater and an additional cup of water per day. Plant C receives rainwater and an additional two cups of water per day. All mums are given the same amount of sunlight and fertilizer. a. Control Group _______________________________________________ b. Experimental Group __________________________________________ c. Independent Variable _________________________________________ d. Dependent Variable ___________________________________________ e. Constants ___________________________________________________


Answer: gay lol


What are the main parts of an animal cell? State their properties and functions.​


Nucleus - the control center of the cell.

Ribosomes - Produce proteins (protein synthesis)

Nuclear Membrane - controls what enters and leaves the nucleus.

Mitochondria - power house, produces ATP

Golgi bodies - packages proteins

Vacuole - stores water, waste, and food

Cytoplasm - suspends organelles

Endoplasmic reticulum - transport system for materials

Cell membrane - controls what enters and leaves the cell

Centriole - aids in cell division

Nucleolus - makes RNA

Cytoskeleton - helps organelles move from place to place

Microfilament - help cells change shape; structural support

Microtubules - Provide attachment places for organelles and provide tracks for organelles movement

what is the answer?​



D: Truck


The truck has the largest mass combined with the speed = the greatest kinetic energy value

What would happen if people stopped burning fossil fuels? *
Climate change would be reduced
Plants would struggle to grow
Ocean water would become more acidic
The atmosphere would heat up faster



Even if we stopped burning fossil fuels, the Earth would continue warming up for another few decades because of all the heat we've already produced. Global temperatures would climb – finally stabilizing at a level much higher than we've ever known.

what happens to the C6H12O6 when it is eaten by elk



There are no options but the answer can be provided based on general understanding. The answer is:

It is used to synthesize energy (ATP)


C6H12O6 is the chemical formula for glucose molecule, which is a simple sugar or monosaccharide. It is the simplest unit of carbohydrate molecules. Glucose is a precursor of cellular energy i.e. ATP in living systems. When food is eaten by an organism such as elf, it gets broken down or digested to a simpler unit, which is usually glucose.

This glucose is then absorbed by the cells of the organism, where the stored energy in its bonds is converted to a usable energy by the cell, called Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in a process called CELLULAR RESPIRATION. Hence, the C6H12O6 (glucose), when eaten by an organism such as an elk, is used as a source of energy to the cell.

in an experiment, the group that is expossed to the variable to be tested is called what



An experimental group


An experimental group is a test sample or the group that receives an experimental procedure. This group is exposed to changes in the independent variable being tested.

Which statement accurately describes the atoms of a specific element.


A zinc, Zn, atom contains 30 protons inside the nucleus and 30 electrons outside the nucleus. hope this helped :)

I'm pretty sure your answer is going to be (D)

what's the answer??​


Electrical and mechanical energy. The reason that is because it is a mechanism that you flip. And electrical because it needs electrify to have on

The low temperatures in Colton for 5 consecutive days were -8°F, -13°F,
- 4"F, -9°F, and -16°F. What was the average low temperature for the 5
days? (do not label your answer)
10 points
Your answer
This is a required question





add all temperatures together divide by 5 for your average




We want to find the average low temperature for the five days. To find an average, add up every value, then divide by the number of values.

The data given is:

-8°F, -13°F,  -4°F, -9°F, -16°F

1. Add the values

-8 + -13 + -4 + -9 + -16


2. Divide by the number of values

Count how many numbers there are. The data was for 5 days, so there are 5 values.



The average low temperature for the 5 days was -10 degrees Fahrenheit.

HELP PLSSSSS what is the scientific process described detailed.



Basically Question, Research, Hypothesis, Experiment, Analysis, and Conclusion


a list of what ur supposed to do in science


Explain the difference between physical and chemical properties. Provide an example of each.


Answer: A physical property is when something can be observed or measured without being changed. A chemical property is when a substance undergoes a specific chemical change. Examples of physical property are color or density. Examples of chemical properties are flammability or heat of combustion.

I hope that this helps you !

The difference between physical and chemical properties of a substance depend on the fact that they affect the substance physically or affects its properties and identity.

Substances have characteristics that help in identify and thus classify them. Two of the broad classifications of these would include the chemical and physical properties of a particular substance.

Physical properties are those that can be identified without changing the identity of the substance.change in the physical appearance of matter such as color, density, hardness , are examples of physical properties.Properties that describe how a substance changes into a completely different substance are called chemical properties.Flammability and corrosion resistance are examples of chemical properties.

Thus, the physical and chemical properties of a substance depend on the fact that they affect the substance physically or affects its properties and identity.

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How many amino acids must be obtained in the diet because they cannot be made by the body?



The answer would be C, or 10.





i took the test

How much momentum does a spaceship carrying rocks have? A. It has no momentum. B. It has less momentum than an empty spaceship traveling at the same velocity. C. It has more momentum than an empty spaceship traveling at the same velocity. D. It has the same amount of momentum as an empty spaceship traveling at the same velocity.


We can define the momentum of a moving object as the "amount of motion" and can be written as:

P = M*V

Where M is the mass and V is the velocity.

With this we will see that the correct option is B: "It has less momentum than an empty spaceship traveling at the same velocity."

Now we want to see which statement fits bets the momentum of the spaceship, let's analyze each option:

A) "It has no momentum."

If the spaceship moves, it has momentum, so this is false.

B) "It has less momentum than an empty spaceship traveling at the same velocity."

This is true, if the spaceship is empty, then it has less mass, thus the momentum would be smaller.

C) " It has more momentum than an empty spaceship traveling at the same velocity."

This is false, the same reasoning as above.

D) "It has the same amount of momentum as an empty spaceship traveling at the same velocity"

This is false, the same reasoning as above.

Finally, we can conclude that the correct option is B.

If you want to learn more, you can read:

Answer: it has more momentum than an empty spaceship traveling at the same velocity

the answer to the question in the comments is bowling ball

Explanation: I took the test and failed because of them

Ascientist performs an investigation and discovers that increased temperature decreases the number of offspring that an
organism produces. Then, the scientist asks a new question about the impact of climate change on the species because
O the scientist's first question was not a scientific question.
the scientist modified the hypothesis for the investigation.
the results of the investigation led to new scientific questions,
questions about the impact of temperature reflect an opinion.
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the results of the investigation led to new scientific questions


The basis of every scientific question asked is an observation made. Scientific questions are questions that emanate from an observed problem and leads to the formation of a testable explanation (hypothesis). In this question, an investigation was made by a scientist and it was discovered that increased temperature decreases the number of offspring that an organism produces.

However, the scientist asks a new question about the impact of climate change on the species. This is because an observation has been made again, from the previously concluded investigation. Hence, after completing the investigation about the effect of temperature on the number of offsprings an organism can produce, an observation was made, ultimately leading to a new scientific question.




There is a question that says why the g cell is unaffected by the presence of the tetanus toxin



Cellubrevin, like the synaptic vesicle proteins synaptobrevins I and II, can be cleaved by tetanus toxin, a metallo-endoprotease which blocks neurotransmitter release. However, nonneuronal cells are unaffected by the toxin due to lack of cell surface receptors for its heavy chain.

True or false: There is one universal scientific method that all scientists use?​



Explanation:scientific method

list 3 examples of eukaryotes



plants, animals, fungi.


eukaryotes have organized nucleus and organelle bounded by membrane

how is radiation transformed into other forms of energy


Example of radiation includes the heat from the sun and heat released from the filament of a light bulb how he transfers in microwaves even also depends on radiation for heat transfer by converting electric energy into electromagnetic radiation

Radiation can be defined as the energy that comes from a source travelling at the speed of the light and having a electric and magnetic field around it.

Radiation is capable of even travelling through the vacuum. It travels in the form such as the electromagnetic waves.These waves, such as the sun rays, strike the Earth surface or any other object are converted into different forms of energy.Radiations are absorbed by different organisms or objects and then utilized by converting them in different forms of energy.This conversion is a heat transfer.

Thus, radiations are converted to different forms of energy using heat transfer process.

Which characteristic of life should be the title of this graph





please help due at 12 am please


Upon sudden impact , the resistance of fluid to the compression probably causes kinetic energy....

what is infectious disease


Answer: Historically, an infectious disease leads to millions of deaths. Nowadays, usually infections are caused by drugs and age. Which would be the incubation period. There are many infectious periods of time a person can spread a disease, also. Hope this helped? Sorry if it didn't! I'm a starter haha.

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