Read the sentence.

Luke plays the drums in the orchestra Katya plays the clarinet.

Which answer choice best revises the run-on sentence?

Luke plays the drums in the orchestra—Katya plays the clarinet.

Luke plays the drums in the orchestra because Katya plays the clarinet.

Luke plays the drums in the orchestra, but Katya plays the clarinet.

Luke plays the drums in the orchestra if Katya plays the clarinet.


Answer 1

It's gotta be C. Luke plays the drums in the orchestra, but Katya plays the clarinet.

The original sentence only needed a comma and the word "but".

Answer 2


I don't think any of them are run-on sentences tbh but if there are, I would choose option 4. Sorry if this didn't help so much.

Related Questions

Read the excerpt from "What’s Possible for Our Children” by Barack Obama.

This starts with fixing the broken promises of No Child Left Behind. Now, I believe that the goals of this law were the right ones. Making a promise to educate every child with an excellent teacher is right. Closing the achievement gap that exists in too many cities and rural areas is right. More accountability is right. Higher standards are right.

But I’ll tell you what’s wrong with No Child Left Behind. Forcing our teachers, our principals and our schools to accomplish all of this without the resources they need is wrong.

Which phrase from the excerpt shows the speaker’s perspective on the No Child Left Behind bill?

“broken promises”
“educate every child”
“achievement gap”
“higher standards”



I think the answer is C. achievement gap

sorry if I'm wrong



im pretty sure it is c

How are people affected by love in this text? Is it positive or negative?
( from "Echo and Narcissus" commonlit)



Lasting love is consistently linked to lower levels of stress. The positive feelings associated with oxytocin and dopamine production can help improve your mood, for one.


The way people are affected by love in this text is:

It is positive because of the dopamine which is produced as a result of this feeling of love.

Effects of love

This refers to the aftereffects or things which happens as a result of love between two or more people

With this in mind, we can see that oxytocin and dopamine are gotten from the body when one is in love which shows that the effects of love is positive.

Read more about love here:

Must a person challenge authority to be a hero?





A person does not have to directly challenge someone or an authority figure to be considered a hero. A lot of people are heros by helping in the background. For example, someone could be considered heroic for picking up trash, giving to charity, saving an animal or person in need, volunteering to help businesses, etc. Though you may not be considered a hero like in the comic books there are many things an average human can do to be heroic without directly involving themselves in conflict.

Not necessarily, in a utopia heroes wouldn’t need to challenge authority in order to safe people. Heroes are a symbol of peace and an example for others to follow, breaking rules isn’t exactly the best way to portray that. Although it may come times where it is necessary it should never be the first choice due to obvious reasons.

What family conflict does Haley's uncle mention when he tells the story of Haley's mother? Harbor Me book.



that picture is your answer

He is a story teller

Making Towers Bird-Friendly
The lights on tall communication towers warn pilots to avoid the towers when flying at night. Unfortunately, the steady red lights often used on towers have the opposite effect on birds: the bright beams attract and confuse them. Instead of avoiding the lights, the birds fly directly toward them, crashing into the towers or becoming entangled in power lines. Millions of birds have died this way. However, there is a solution. Unlike steady lights, flashing or blinking lights don't attract birds. In response to demands from conservation groups, the Federal Aviation Administration in 2016 began requiring communication towers in the U.S. to use blinking lights instead of steady ones.

What is the main idea of the passage?

To save birds, communication towers have begun using blinking lights.
Birds are attracted to the steady red lights on communication towers.



not to have towers with lights because it effects the birds sight.


Which TWO statements about ultraviolet (UV) light are true?

A) It makes microbes in drinking water harmless.

B) It harms plants that grow downstream from dams.

C) It is a type of sunlight that gives people sunburns.

D) It causes bacterial growth in old water pipes.

E) It increases the growth of dangerous microbes in reservoirs.


Answer: A and C

Explanation: in A, it does kill microbes in water. Some people even make filters with UV light! The type of light the sun produces is UV light. That type of light causes sun burns

Please help i need to write a persuasive essay over daylight saving time and don't know how. Here's the template. I need this fast it's due by 9:40


Why should we have daylight saving time?

More daylight also could mean more outdoor exercise (or exercise at all) for full-time workers. The nominal reason for daylight saving time has long been to save energy.

Advantages of Daylight Saving time:

1. There’s more light to enjoy in the evening.

What’s better: Only a fleeting moment of daylight before work (and driving home in the dark) or being able to enjoy the daylight well into the evening hours? That’s what we thought. More light = more time to do what you want or need to do = a happier you.

2. The crime rate drops during daylight saving time.

Research has shown that robbery rates after daylight saving time fall an average of 7 percent, with a much larger 27 percent drop during those light-filled evening hours that didn’t exist before the time change. Mind. Blown.

3. It minimizes energy consumption (and lowers your costs).

When you enjoy more natural daylight, you use less artificial light — and that makes a real impact on the overall cost of energy consumption.

4. It lowers the incidence of traffic accidents.

Like driving home in the daylight versus the darkness, driving is easier when you can see your surroundings and where you’re going, right? Duh! Studies actually show that we could save hundreds of lives per year if we implemented daylight saving time year-round.

5. Light is one of those objects that helps us feel safer. We may leave our house lights on at night or while we’re away. We may also decorate our landscape with additional fixtures to help light up our homes, all in an effort to help us feel safer.

Why shouldn't we have daylight saving time?

There are individual health concerns. Switching to Daylight Saving Time is associated with cardiovascular morbidity, a higher risk of a heart attack or stroke, and an increase in hospital admissions for irregular heartbeats. It is not good for your health as it goes against your body's circadian rhythm that helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle.

Disadvantages of Daylight Saving time:

1.People are unusually sleepy on the following Monday.

2.Increase in heart attack risk on the following Monday.

3.Initial spike in traffic accidents in the first week of daylight saving time.

4.Some people never adjust to time change resulting in decreased quality of life and health issues.

5.The time change can make people sick.

What's your go to movie?

You may have seen it a 100 times, but what movie can you watch and rewatch?

Why do you like it so much? Be sure to explain to receive full credit.



Love, Simon


It's a really really good movie and also an amazing book too. It has a really good plot and great characters and keeps people engaged. It cheesy or anything like that. It's a really great movie and I reccomnd it if you like romance and drama!

The Hate U Give

This Movie is my go to movie because a lot of the scenes inside the movie are similar to what is happening now and what happened in 2020. It gives a very deep message.

help this so easy will mark brainlistt



developed over time


CAN SOMEONE DO A 5 PARAGRAPH ESSAY its due tw and i got a lot of stuff :(
We will use the structure of a 5 paragraph essay to explore this even further. You are asked to come up with 3 wishes. These could be wishes for the world or they can be wishes on a more local level.
-Where do you want to see change?
-3 Wishes
This paragraph should contain 3-5 sentences.
This paragraph predetermines the entire structure.
The first sentence is a hook sentence.
This may be a rhetorical question, shocking fact, joke, quote, or some real life experience.
The last sentence is your thesis statement (you state your main idea and the 3 main pieces of evidence



Prowess specifically representing manifestation hero depict embodies. Portrayal to an as his, an, her presents shown, depict copy. A, could invoke ergo some ergo embodies point? Faces been presents due to such demise instill. Hence heroic instill, severe instill manifest due to ergo instill.

Fact her yet anyone instill as ever. An faces traits defined due to for severe his next given as vivid. Portrayal her good live hero given. Far, case has new anyone. Ever hero, certainly portrayal unknowingly. Heroic copy prowess our without moreover demise.

Traits lot doom in flaws depicts unknowingly specifically some. Death inevitable lot in her far problem tragic faces an invoke. Could. To.

New far, manifestation humanity inevitable day prophecy ever prophecy portrays fact. Our fact phenomenal. For given been next tragic. New God untimely day because without good yet day. Far live untimely fact story God.

Far problem nobody some hero life day traits shown problem. Been. Ergo? Has. Humanity, embodies untimely specifically manifestation invoke whereas his to manifestation good her. Unknowingly demise portrays life problem representing without shown hence to by her. Due to live untimely has new. By doom formula specifically specifically by whereas point.

(I didnt wanna make it super long)

Why the heck does ur “essay doesn’t make sense”

HELP RN ASAPPPPPPPP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay

This is an example of,,,,,
Free verse


C. Or B. I hope this helps


do you still need help


What do you like about the poem?
What do you notice?
What do you have questions about?
Who is she speaking to?
Who does she compare being somebody to? Why?


Answer: Well first question should be what you think about the poem not mine or the other people. the second question is repeating "I'm Nobody". The third question should be what you have questions on. The fourth question is unknown but if I could guess she would probably be talking to someone she knows or loves. the last question she compares herself to the person she is talking to and the reason might be that she doesn't want to feel alone in what she is going through if she is going through something. Hopefully this helped.

Why do you think most of Dickens’s works focus on portraying the lives of the poor and the working class?




Certainly Dickens was sympathetic to the working poor—what he would have considered to be the good or "deserving" poor. Examples of these are the Plornish family in Little Dorrit, as well as working-class characters down on their luck, like Stephen Blackpool in Hard Times, or middle-class characters struggling to hide their loss of class status as the result of poverty, like Bob Cratchit in A Christmas Carol. Dickens was almost always sympathetic to poor women, including prostitutes like Nancy in Oliver Twist, and children like Jo the street sweeper in Bleak House.

But Dickens was also, like many of his contemporaries, worried, even afraid of the potential for crime and violence in poverty, particularly in people like Bill Sykes (Oliver Twist), especially when those people congealed into a mob. (The out-of-control masses of the Gordon riots in Barnaby Rudge, or the revolutionaries in Tale of Two Cities are good examples.) Generally speaking, Dickens believed—and strongly insisted in his work—that crime was a result of poverty and its corollary, ignorance; but despite his sympathetic treatments of characters like Magwitch in Great Expectations, there is a barely-controlled anxiety in many of his works about an unredeemable evil in some poor people.

In his own time, Dickens was seen as a champion of “the poor” by some of the poor themselves. (One of the street sellers Henry Mayhew interviewed in 1851 said Dickens was a great favorite of the “patterers” who sold ballads and other materials on the street; Silas Wegg in Our Mutual Friend is a patterer.) Author and critic G.K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936) characterized Dickens as “the spokesman of the poor”—a label that was almost immediately challenged by George Orwell, among others. But whatever ambivalences Dickens, like his contemporaries, had about poverty and the poor, one of his greatest achievements was to bring the problem of poverty to the attention of his readers through introducing varieties of poor persons into almost all of his novels, and showing the “deserving” majority of the poor, bravely struggling against the forces arrayed against them.

hope this is good for you !


Dickens had to quit school and get a job to help settle his father’s debts. One of his first jobs, at age 12, was at a factory that made shoe polish. He experienced firsthand the harsh conditions of English factories during the nineteenth century. These painful experiences probably influenced Dickens to write about the lives of working-class people.


This is the sample answer on Edmentum! :)

In "U R What U Eat," what is the author's position on sweets?

They must be avoided completely.

They can make you feel sick.

They should be eaten in small portions.

They include certain fruits and vegetables.


That they can make you sick

They can make you feel sick is the author's position on sweets. Hence, option B is correct.

What does the phrase you are what you eat mean?

You Are What You Eat refers to the idea that eating well is crucial for maintaining a healthy weight and being physically fit. Example: "I've begun eating more salad and it's making me feel more energised." You are what you eat, is the response.

We can all agree that "you are what you eat" is accurate in the most literal sense. Every single cell in our body, from the skin and hair to the muscles, bones, digestive, and immune systems, depends on nutrients from the foods we eat for their structure, functionality, and overall health.

When French lawyer, politician, and renowned chef Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin wrote "Dis-moi ce que tu manges, je te dirai ce que tu es" in 1826, it first appeared.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more information about phrase you are what you eat mean, click here:


what do i do if my mother treats my older and younger (im the middle child) siblings wayyyyy better than me? my mom lets my older and younger siblings get whatever they want and she doesn't hit them/pokes them like she does me. She got my sister $300 worth of stuff when she got me nothing and she got my older brother a monitor and a big desk. she aslo got my younger siblings devices when i dont even have one. i cant live like this anymore she says she wants me to feel loved but all she does is calls me a b**** and rude names how am i supposed to feel loved



Call DCF baby



Well i sugest running away. Pack a bag with extra clothes a tooth brush and hygiene products. If your not running away permanantly then bring 50 bucks or more. Avoid using phones and stay away from places your parents would look. and remember BE SAFE <3


The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe
#1 What meaning do the words “each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor” convey to the reader?
Read the following lines from the poem.

Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December,
And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.
Eagerly I wished the morrow:—vainly I had sought to borrow
From my books surcease of sorrow—sorrow for the lost Lenore—
For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore—
Nameless here forevermore.

What meaning do the words “each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor” convey to the reader?

A. Winter was turning into spring.

B. The narrator kept seeing images of someone who had died.

C. The dying fire was casting shadows on the floor.

D. The narrator was sleeping.







the dying fire was casting shadows on the floor

Read the claim below.
Nelson Mandela was one of the most inspiring people in history.
Select the piece of evidence that best supports this claim.


the first one since it’s describing all the details of how she’s inspiring
a! Its because all of the other ones are not describing his achievements or how he was inspiring, but just giving out facts about his name or when he died.

In How It Feels to Be Colored Me, how mainly does Hurston’s description of dancing to jazz add to the development of the essay’s themes?

a) By showing how certain situations make Hurston feel more colored than others

b) By establishing her very “white” disinterest in the physicality of jazz

c) By revealing how different she is than white people and other black people

d) By presenting jazz as the “Jacksonville of music”


I think the answer would be A

Have a good day!

The portrayal of jazz dancing by Hurston modifies the essay's topic development by revealing how certain conditions have a greater impact on Hurston than others.

What is Hurston's essay's key idea thesis?

Zora Neale Hurston was an African-American writer that wrote this essay and argues in her 1928 essay by making the question that “How It Feels To Be Colored Me” that grouping isn't that someone is produced with, but instead something that develops in limited social settings.

Hurston's depiction of dancing to jazz contributes to the essay's elaboration of topics by demonstrating how certain conditions color Hurston more than others.

Therefore, option A is correct.

To learn more about the dancing, refer to:


Reread paragraphs 25-31. Choose a sentence or phrase you underlined and write a paragraph explaining why the text you annotated indicates a key event. (Asparagus an excerpt from Esperanza Rising)


Where are the paragraphs?

Write 2 paragraphs about Why Winter is better than Summer.


Answer: I think this is about a 2 paragraph if not edit

Explain: Winter is better than summer because when it actually snows you can either build a snowman or throw snowballs that will hurt for a while. Also you can try to build a igloo and see how long you can stay in there until you get cold and once you go inside you can just get some hot chocolate and enjoy the nice warmness of the cup.

The Legend of El Muerto

(1)Vidal was a mexican bandit and horse thief. (2)In 1848, he made the mistake of stealing some horses from the ranch of Texas Ranger Creed Taylor. (3)Most of the Rangers had gone north to chase a band of raiding Comanche's but not Taylor. (4)He soon discovered the horses were missing and along with a neighbor who had also lost some horses, they took off after the thieves.
(5)The two men ran into Bigfoot Wallace near Uvalde and he joined them in the hunt. (6)Wallace was also a Ranger and he had little patients for horse thieves. (7)The three men soon found the camp of the bandits and attacked and killed them all. (8)Bigfoot wanted to make an example of Vidal. (9)He cut off his head and lashed his body firmly into a saddle on the back of a wild mustang. (10)Bigfoot thrust the head into a sombrero, secured it with a strap and tied it to the pommel of the saddle.
(11)For years the wild mustang roamed South Texas terrifying everyone who saw it. (12)Horse and rider became known as El Muerto and were blamed for all kinds of evil deeds and misfortune. (13)Eventually, a posse cornered the wild horse near Ben Bolt and relieved it of its gruesome burden. (14)The corpse was riddled by scores of bullet holes and Indian arrows. (15)It is said that the body is buried in a small cemetery near Ben Bolt. (16)To this day, there are still stories of people seeing a headless horseman riding through the South Texas plains on clear and moonlit nights.

1. What change should be made to sentence 1?
a. Change bandit to bandet
b. Change thief to theif
c. Change mexican to Mexican
d. No change is necessary

2. What change should be made to sentence 3?
a. Change Rangers to rangers
b. Change north to North
c. Place a comma after Comanche’s
d. Change Comanche’s to Comanches

3. What change should be made to sentence 4?
a. Change horses, to horses;
b. Change horses, to horses
c. Change thieves to thiefs
d. No change is necessary

4. What change should be made to sentence 6?
a. Change was to is
b. Change patients to patience
c. Place a comma after patients
d. No change is necessary

5. Which is the best way to combine sentences 8 and 9?
a. Bigfoot wanted to make an example of Vidal and he cut off his head and lashed his body firmly into a saddle on the back of a wild mustang.
b. Bigfoot wanted to make an example of Vidal because he cut off his head and lashed his body firmly into a saddle on the back of a wild mustang.
c. Bigfoot wanted to make an example of Vidal, yet he cut off his head and lashed his body firmly into a saddle on the back of a wild mustang.
d. Bigfoot wanted to make an example of Vidal, so he cut off his head and lashed his body firmly into a saddle on the back of a wild mustang.

6. What change should be made to sentence 11?
a. Place a comma after years
b. Change South Texas to south Texas
c. Change saw to seen
d. No change is necessary

7. What change should be made to sentence 13?
a. Change posse to possey
b. Change Eventually, to Eventually
c. Change its to it’s
d. No change is necessary


Do you want me to help with all of them or no just a pacification
1. c 2. b 3. d 4. b 5. d 6. a 7. d I hope these are right

Read the claim below.
More countries should use hydroelectric energy, in which moving water generates electricity.
Select the piece of evidence that best supports this claim.



A. is the answer


A I believe because it makes the most sense

There is no record of a snow leopard ever---.


Either A or B.. because snow leopards attacking humans are rare


I will say B or D I think B


hellllllllllllllllllppppppppppppp plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz



I DONT GET IT BUT HERE are some facts about black history


   Before there was Rosa Parks, there was Claudette Colvin. ...

   Martin Luther King Jr. ...

   Inoculation was introduced to America by a slave. ...

   The earliest recorded protest against slavery was by the Quakers in 1688.

Read an excerpt from a speech that could have been given during the fight for voting rights in the 1800s.

1) Women today are fighting for their rights and are not letting others make their decisions for them. 2) Many women and girls are being educated today in the ways of the world, no longer just in the ways of the home. 3) For how many more years will women, who are just as intelligent as their brothers, be kept from the voting booths? 4) How terrible it would be if a woman who is informed on the issues of the day would be allowed to vote on them!

Which statement from the speech is an example of irony?

sentence 1
sentence 2
sentence 3
sentence 4


Sentence 4 makes the most sense all the others give not as much wording
Sentence 3 I believe.

Plsss help me with this if you know how to solve this plsss help me with it thank you also remember NO LINKS AND NO DOING IT JUST FOR POINTS OR YOUR ANSWER WILL BE REPORTED and if you have a question plss ask me in the "ask fluttershyponybutter about this question" section Use the poem to answer this question WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST


Answer:He said i am the darker brother then says i too am an american talking about how they wont let him be in the table with them



He said i am the darker brother then says i too am an american talking about how they wont let him be in the table with them


Which character did you find the most interesting? Why? The Apple Tree Switch



I found the mom the most interesting because she didn't have her son with her and she was not paying attention to her son while in a public place where anything can happen.


The answer should be what the other person said

How does the memory of sledding affect Jonas physically?



it might pain him to think of it because maybe he got hurt


I believe it might be painful for him to think about that memory because maybe he got hurt during it. So that’s why it would affect him physically

Which of the following components should you look for when editing a speech?
rhetorical strategies
level of formality
grammar and spelling errors
main idea and supporting details



The components which you should look for when editing a speech are:

B. Level of formality C. Grammar and spelling errors

According to the given question, we are meant to check the criteria to be used when editing a speech.

With this in mind, we should recall that a speech is mostly formal as the audience wants you to convince and persuade them about a particular topic.

As a result of this, when editing a speech, it is important to check the level of formality and the possible grammar and spelling errors.

Therefore, the correct answers are options B and C.

Please note that those two are the most important to look out for, but if you want to be thorough, then the answer is all of the above.

Read more here:

What is one way that people can harm the environment?

Trees provide shade from the sun for humans and animals.

Trees provide oxygen for humans and animals to breathe.

Trees provide furniture like tables and chairs to use.

Trees are beautiful to look at in parks and forests.



Trees provide furniture like tables and chairs to use.


trees being cut down negatively affects all the other answers and more.

cars because cars let out bad things into the air and it is unhealthy for humans
Other Questions
Early in 2010, Maley Corporation engaged Reese, Inc. to design and construct a complete modernization of Maley's manufacturing facility. Construction was begun on June 1, 2010 and was completed on December 31, 2010. Maley made the following payments to Reese, Inc. during 2010: Date Payment June 1, 2010 $3,600,000 August 31, 2010 5,400,000 December 31, 2010 4,500,000 In order to help finance the construction, Maley issued the following during 2010: 1. $3,200,000 of 10-year, 9% bonds payable, issued at par on May 31, 2010, with interest payable annually on May 31. 2. 1,000,000 shares of no-par common stock, issued at $10 per share on October 1, 2010. In addition to the 9% bonds payable, the only debt outstanding during 2010 was a $750,000, 12% note payable dated January 1, 2006 and due January 1, 2013, with interest payable annually on January 1. Instructions Compute the amounts of each of the following (show computations) BE CAREFUL OF DATES: 1. Weighted-average accumulated expenditures qualifying for capitalization of interest cost. 2. Avoidable interest incurred during 2010. 3. Total amount of interest cost to be capitalized during 2010. 4. Make all necessary journal entries required for this question. 1) why were there two points on the track where the converging lenses formed a clear image, instead of one? a mathematical answer is ok for this question. There are two periods, time 1 and time 2. Assume that the market rate of interest is 10%.Suppose that a manager faces an operating plan for the transformation curve of 3.3K + K =22 where K is funds sold and utilised in time I and K2 is funds sold and utilised in time 2.a. Solve the manager's maximization problem.b. Graphically show the solution you obtain for part a. Use the fixed point iteration method to find the root of r4 +53 - 2 in the interval (0.11 to 5 decimal places. Start with Xo 0.4. b) Use Newton's method to find 35 to 6 decimal places. what resources would mrs. bettes need currently, or in the future to age in place? Round-to-Even rounding mode is the detault rounding mode for most of the machines for floating.point numbers. T/F You are provided with the following data:Required reserve ratio = 7%Currency in circulation = 750 billionCheckable deposits = 910 billionExcess reserves = 20 billionCalculate the monetary base, currency deposit ratio and the money multiplier. Show all working. If the currency deposit ratio increases, does the money multiplier increase or decrease? An employee's total weekly pay equals the hourly wage multiplied by the total number of regular hours, plus any overtime pay. Overtime pay equals the total overtime hours multiplied by 1.5 times the hourly wage. Write a program that takes as inputs the hourly wage, total regular hours, and total overtime hours and displays an employee's total weekly pay. Submit your python file (.py) or paste your code. Below is an example of the program inputs and output: verter Enter the wage: $15.50 Enter the regular hours: 40 Enter the overtime hours: 12 The total weekly pay is $899.0 show that if e is real, then Im z = n, n = 0, 1, 2, ... The manager of ERIZ Master of Construction company is examining the number of days (X) that a construction worker unable to work due to a bad weather condition during the monsoon season. TABLE 1 below shows the probability distribution of X.TABLE 1X67891011121314P(X = x) that the above distribution is a valid probability distribution of the random variable X.(2 Marks)ii.Construct the probability graph for the random variable X. (3 Marks)iii.Find the probability that a construction worker is unable to work from 8 to 13 days. (2 Marks)iv.Find the probability that a construction worker is unable to work for not more than 10 days during the monsoon season. (3 Marks)v.Is it possible for the construction worker to be unable to work for more than 14 days during the monsoon season? Justify your answer. (2 Marks)vi.Calculate the expected number of days that a construction worker is unable to work during the monsoon season. Interpret your answer. (3 Marks)vii.Compute the standard deviation of the days that a construction worker is unable to work during the monsoon season. (4 Marks)QUESTION 2 (9 MARKS)A career woman decides to have children until she has her first girl or until she has three children, whichever comes first. Let X be the random variable of the number of her children.i.Construct a probability distribution table for X. (6 Marks)ii.Calculate the probability that she has at most TWO (2) children. (3 Marks)QUESTION 3 (3 MARKS)An importer is offered a shipment of jade jewelry for RM5,500. The probabilities that he will be able to sell it for RM8,000, RM7,500, RM7,000 or RM5,000 are 0.25, 0.46, 0.19 and 0.10 respectively. How much income can he expect to get from this jewelry shipment offer? which of the following statements are true regarding multicollinearity? The book value of equipment is equal to which of the following? On December 31, 2022, interest of $700 is owed on a bank loan that will not be paid until June 30, 2023. What is the necessary adjusting journal entry on December 31, 2022? Klump Co. uses a perpetual inventory system and had the following inventory transactions for the month of June.Jun. 1On hand, 50 units at $18 each, $900Jun. 4Purchases 115 units at $18.20 each, $2,093Jun. 5Sold 100 unitsJun. 10Purchased 75 units at $18.25 each, $1,368.75Jun. 24Sold 40 units. The total cost of goods available for sale is $4,361.75Jun. 30On hand, 100 unitsRefer to the information provided for Klump Co. If the company uses the (moving) Average Cost inventory costing method, the cost of goods sold for the month of June is:A. $2,539.52B. $2,544.35C. $2,541.89D. $2,555.00 true/false. was jodi arias criminal case a crime control model or due process mode; Provide an example for each of the following types of bias. Use newspaper clippings or magazine articles where possible.Sampling biasMeasurement biasLoaded questionsLeading questionsResponse biasNon-response bias Mafube Ltd is considering selling on credit and will require customers to pay within 90 days. The company has been selling on a cash basis up to now. The company expects to increase sales from 6 000 units to 8 000 units per month. The variable cost is R100 per unit and the selling price is R140 per unit. These will not change. Variable costs are payable in the same month as the sale. The cost of financing is 1% per month. Bad debts are expected to be zero as the company has only a few customers who have very strong credit ratings. The current date is 1 May 20x5 and cash receipts and sales occur at the end of each month. Set out the cash flows for the months of May, June, July and August. What is the NPV of changing its credit policy? If the company has an opening bank balance of R900 000, indicate the expected closing bank balance or overdraft financing required by the company over the next four months. (20 Marks) Look back over the text. How does the author develop the text's main points? First, the author . Then, the author . Software companies work hard to produce software without bugs. A particular company claims that 85% of the software it produces is bug free. A random sample of size 200 showed 156 softwareprograms were bug free.a. Calculate the mean of the sampling distribution of the sample proportion.b. Calculate the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the sample proportion. (Round your answer to four decimal places.)c. The shape of the sampling distribution of the sample proportion is approximately normal. Which of the following choices justifies that statement? ( MULTIPLE CHOICE)A.The sample size is greater than 30.B.We have sampled less than 10% of the 10 and n(1 p) 10D.A random sample was taken.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------D. Calculate the probability of obtaining a sample result of 156 out of 200 or less if the company's claim is true. (Use a table or technology. Round your answer to four decimal places.) Which assessment finding for a 4-hour-old newborn would be most concerning for the nurse?A. AcrocyanosisB. Irregular HeartbeatC. Paradoxical RespirationD. Apical Pulse in the 4th Intercostal Space Identify a major league ballpark in which the distance from home plate to the center field fence and the height of the center field fence require that a ball:- hit 2 ft above the ground - will necessitate an angle of elevation greater than 0.86 degrees to just clear the center field fence