Read the claim below.
Developed countries should try to reduce the amount of oil used.
Select the piece of evidence that best supports this claim.

Read The Claim Below.Developed Countries Should Try To Reduce The Amount Of Oil Used.Select The Piece


Answer 1
It should be B. Please mark me Brainliest!!!

Hope this helps!
Answer 2

The statement oil is a non-renewable resource that is getting harder to find, even as the world's demand for it escalates supports the claim in the developed countries.

What do you mean by non-renewable resources?

A non-renewable resource is a natural resource that cannot be readily replaced by natural means at a pace quick enough to keep up with consumption. An example is carbon-based fossil fuels.

There are four major types of nonrenewable resources: oil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear energy. Oil, natural gas, and coal are collectively called fossil fuels. Fossil fuels were formed within the Earth from dead plants and animals over millions of years.

The resources which cannot be immediately replaced once they are depleted are called non-renewable resources. Examples of non-renewable resources include fossil fuels, such as coal, petroleum.

Learn more about non-renewable resources:


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At the outbreak of the American Civil War, many believed that the conflict would be over in a month ( , / ; ) others had a dreadful premonition of the future.
a. ,
b. ;


At the outbreak of the American Civil War, many believed that the conflict would be over in a month; others had a dreadful premonition of the future. So the option b is correct.

A punctuation mark is a glyph used to graphically demarcate phrases or sentences in written text. Based on their purpose, punctuation marks can be split into two primary groups: mark or pause (such as a period, comma, or semicolon) and mark or close (such as parentheses, quote marks, and brackets).

There are many different kinds of punctuation, each with a unique meaning and usage in various settings. The period, question mark, exclamation point, comma, apostrophe, quotation mark, colon, semicolon, parentheses, bracket and ellipsis are examples of common punctuation marks.

To learn more about punctuation link is here


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which person u talking abt

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Answer: Im asking my sister rq ill get back to you!


What is your best comeback line? Mine was when I was at a public park with 2 of my guy-friends. We were there just minding our business, when two older teenage girls said, " I think that the guy in the white shirt(one of my guy friends) and the girl in the yellow shirt(me) like each other."
I then replied with, "Really? Cause I kinda got the same vibe from you too." Lol


"oh am I not gay enough rn"

it's not the best but it works for me

Don't know if it would necessarily be deemed the "best" comeback, but typically when somebody does something d u m b or is being a p r i c k I tell them something along the lines of "The people who tolerate you are the real heroes of the day" or "Do your parents know that you're living proof two wrongs don't make a right?"

It all really depends on what the person did or said. Otherwise, a middle finger is quite the reliable comeback.

Sometimes it is necessary for writers to revise, or change their responses, because
o information can become outdated.
information should be honest.
readers are distrustful of old information.
alternative ideas need to be removed.



Information can become outdated

Suppose you construct a strategy based on options on a stock that is currently selling for $100. The strategy is as follows:

Buy one call option having an exercise price of $95.
Sell two calls having an exercise price of $100.
Buy one call option having an exercise price of $105.
All of the options are written on the same stock and all have the same expiration date.

Compute the payoff (the dollars you receive) from this strategy at the expiration date for each of the following alternative stocks prices: $90, $95, $98, $100, $102, $105, and $110.
What additional information would be required to determine whether your strategy had been profitable?
What is the name of this strategy?


The additional information that would be required to determine whether a strategy is profitable is the cost of the options involved in the strategy. The name of this strategy is the Butterfly strategy.

The strategy is designed to take advantage of the difference in price between the exercise price of the options involved and the current price of the stock.

The following is the payoff for each alternative stock price based on the strategy above:

$90: Loss of $3

$95: Gain of $2

$98: Gain of $2

$100: Gain of $0

$102: Gain of $2

$105: Gain of $4

$110: Loss of $1

The strategy is profitable if the total cost of the options is less than the total amount of money received from the strategy.

Learn more about pricing strategies at:


Examples of commensalism. ​


Answer:  Commensalism is a long-term biological interaction in which members of one species gain benefits while those of the other species neither benefit nor are harmed.

Explanation:Remora fish have a disk on their heads that makes them able to attach to larger animals, such as sharks, mantas, and whales. ...

Nurse plants are larger plants that offer protection to seedlings from the weather and herbivores, giving them an opportunity to grow.

Tree frogs use plants as protection.


The sky a blue blanket stretched beyond the horizen and beyond the pacific ocean.

Which sentence is edited correctly?

The sky, a blue blanket, stretched beyond the horizon and beyond the Pacific Ocean.
The sky a blue blanket, stretched beyond the horizon, and beyond the pacific ocean.
The sky, a blue blanket stretched beyond the horizon and beyond the Pacific ocean.
The sky a blue blanket stretched, beyond the horizon, and beyond the pacific ocean.


Pretty sure your answer is A, however it admittedly could be C. Are there any surrounding sentences, or is this one standalone?


I think the answer is A

commonlit a quick note on getting better at difficult things how does paragraph 4 contribute to the development of ideas in the text?​



reinforces this idea by showing that in order to learn, you must maintain a feeling that relates to what you want to achieve by studying. In addition, this feeling should show the student the level of knowledge he has and how the learning process can lead him to increase this level gradually and in small victories, at a comfortable.


Complete these as a COMPLEX SENTENCE
8. The sprinklers pop up automatically


I really dont kno try askinf sb else

Are high incarceration rates making our communities safer?


Answer: Putting individuals convicted of crimes, especially violent crimes, in prison is thought to make the rest of us safer. But how much safety does all this imprisonment actually buy us? A study I recently published with colleagues shows the answer is very little, especially in the long-term.

What makes you share or follow up on content online? Is it emotionally appealing? Is it significant to you beyond an emotional reaction? Does the information help you learn something new, speak to your values, or offer a new perspective? Even if an amazing headline hooks you, what holds you and keeps you reading?



Features of the content, I prefer sharing online.


Every personality has various inclination points, which is likely to reflect in their social media also.

Me, being an emotional person, share content online, if I am emotionally effected by it. They might be some unique thought of values, which I feel - are worthy to be shared among people. Although I also believe that, emotions can become a good motivator to learn something.

Eg : I might share some good story, giving an important message of gender or caste class based equality (as I strongly believe in these values) & feel that it should be shared among people. It might also encourage myself &  other  people to learn socially more appropriate behaviour.

In Hebrew poetry, what kind of parallel contrasts one line with another? climactic synthetic antithetical synonymous



in Hebrew poetry the kind of parallel that contrasts one line with another


Which of the following textual details best shows consistency in Mrs. Chandler's character?
"She was one of the best customers" (paragraph 4)
"there was the cemetery across the street" (paragraph 7)
"her own car... facing in the wrong direction" (paragraph 7)
"She was . . . storms" (paragraph 7)
"she had felt it was unique" (paragraph 14)



I feel like A.

The princess, Irene, can arrive at specific decisions about herself with the assistance of her grandma, who lives in the storage room higher up in the castle.

What is character of Chandler?

Chandler never eases up by involving mockery as a safeguard, he tends to put on a show of being poor and establishes terrible first connections as said by  with his consistent joke-production and reckless attitude.

Regardless of this enthusiastic youthfulness, Chandler is the most monetarily secure of his companions.The grandma guides Irene through her transitional experience into adulthood, and assists with bringing the princess and Curdie together eventually.

For more information about character, refer the followinf link:

Which word or phrase from the third paragraph BEST develops the idea that Phil did not find immediate success?
A) He used
B) At first
C) He also made
D) but that was not

Duck Commander
Lyndon Crestfill

It is not easy to start up a business from scratch, but Phil Robertson made it look easy. There is an old saying, “If you build a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to your door.” This saying turned out to be true for Phil and his love of duck hunting.

Phil grew up in rural Louisiana with six brothers and sisters. His family was poor, so hunting was an important way to get food and money. As a boy, Phil was a good hunter, but he was good at other things as well. In high school, he played many sports, including football, baseball, and track. He was such a great football player that he earned a college scholarship to Louisiana Tech. After graduating from college, he went back to the woods he called home. He returned to hunting again and he realized that the duck calls (special whistles that trick ducks into coming when they hear the sound) did not work so well. He wanted a duck call that would sound just like a real duck. So, in 1972, Phil began working on his new invention, a duck call that he named the Duck Commander.

At first, he did not sell many Duck Commanders. He made $8,000 during his first year, but that was not enough money to take care of his wife and four children. Still, Phil did not give up. He began the Duck Commander Company in 1973. He used his home for a factory and his family helped him make, package, and ship all the calls. He also made videos of himself explaining and showing how to use the duck calls. Some television networks saw his videos and thought that the family would make an interesting reality television show. Today, the Robertson family stars in the extremely popular reality show, Duck Dynasty. His company is now worth millions of dollars!

Because of hard work and dedication, Phil turned a good idea into a great business. He also proved that there is some truth in the old “build a better mousetrap” saying.





"At first" describes how he really struggled. It shows the lack of immediate success the best.

At first is the word or phrase from the third paragraph best develops the idea that Phil did not find immediate success. Hence, option B is correct.

What caused Duck Dynasty to end?

At its height, "Duck Dynasty" was one of the most popular television shows, drawing about 12 million viewers every episode. However, there were just 2.6 million viewers left by Season 11. Given the dramatic drop in viewers, it makes sense that A&E decided to cancel the program.

The television show depicts the Robertson family, who became successful thanks to their family-owned business Duck Commander. The Duck Commander duck call is made by a firm in West Monroe, Louisiana specifically for duck hunters.

Willie Robertson is the CEO of Duck Commander and Buck Commander as well as the star of "Duck Dynasty" on A&E. Robertson has expanded his family's businesses from a small operation run out of his living room to a multimillion dollar conglomerate.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more information about Duck Dynasty to end, click here:


Excerpt from Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison

Read the passage and then select which two statements best describe a central idea in the passage?

It goes a long way back, some twenty years. All my life I had been looking for something, and everywhere I turned someone tried to tell me what it was. I accepted their answers too, though they were often in contradiction and even self-contradictory. I was naive. I was looking for myself and asking everyone except myself questions which I, and only I, could answer. It took me a long time and much painful boomeranging of my expectations to achieve a realization everyone else appears to have been born with: That I am nobody but myself. But first I had to discover that I am an invisible man!

And yet I am no freak of nature, nor of history. I was in the cards, other things having been equal (or unequal) eighty-five years ago. I am not ashamed of my grandparents for having been slaves. I am only ashamed of myself for having at one time been ashamed. About eighty-five years ago they were told that they were free, united with others of our country in everything pertaining to the common good, and, in everything social, separate like the fingers of the hand. And they believed it. They exulted in it. They stayed in their place, worked hard, and brought up my father to do the same. But my grandfather is the one. He was an odd old guy, my grandfather, and I am told I take after him. It was he who caused the trouble. On his deathbed he called my father to him and said, "Son, after I'm gone I want you to keep up the good fight. I never told you, but our life is a war and I have been a traitor all my born days, a spy in the enemy's country ever since I give up my gun back in the Reconstruction. Live with your head in the lion's mouth. I want you to overcome 'em with yeses, undermine 'em with grins, agree 'em to death and destruction, let 'em swoller you till they vomit or bust wide open." They thought the old man had gone out of his mind. He had been the meekest of men. The younger children were rushed from the room, the shades drawn and the flame of the lamp turned so low that it sputtered on the wick like the old man's breathing. "Learn it to the younguns," he whispered fiercely; then he died.

But my folks were more alarmed over his last words than over his dying. It was as though he had not died at all, his words caused so much anxiety. I was warned emphatically to forget what he had said and, indeed, this is the first time it has been mentioned outside the family circle. It had a tremendous effect upon me, however. I could never be sure of what he meant. Grandfather had been a quiet old man who never made any trouble, yet on his deathbed he had called himself a traitor and a spy, and he had spoken of his meekness as a dangerous activity. It became a constant puzzle which lay unanswered in the back of my mind. And whenever things went well for me I remembered my grandfather and felt guilty and uncomfortable. It was as though I was carrying out his advice in spite of myself. And to make it worse, everyone loved me for it. I was praised by the most lily-white men of the town. I was considered an example of desirable conduct—just as my grandfather had been. And what puzzled me was that the old man had defined it as treachery. When I was praised for my conduct I felt a guilt that in some way I was doing something that was really against the wishes of the white folks, that if they had understood they would have desired me to act just the opposite, that I should have been sulky and mean, and that that really would have been what they wanted, even though they were fooled and thought they wanted me to act as I did. It made me afraid that some day they would look upon me as a traitor and I would be lost. Still I was more afraid to act any other way because they didn't like that at all. The old man's words were like a curse.

Which two statements best describe a central idea in the passage?

Group of answer choices

the importance of following the rules in order to fit into society

the barbaric nature of slavery

the struggle to find one’s identity

the emptiness left behind by the loss of a loved one

the effects of the Civil War on the lives of African Americans

the complicated nature of race relations in the United States




Big trippin ain’t no one answering dat

3. Both Passage 2 and Passage 3 discuss the integration of Central High School. Which passage provides a more
objective portrayal of this event? Using evidence from the texts to support your answer.



if you dont have the passages it can't be answered



it would be better!!




the state of being parallel or of corresponding in some way.

"Greek thinkers who believed in the parallelism of microcosm and macrocosm"

the use of successive verbal constructions in poetry or prose which correspond in grammatical structure, sound, metre, meaning, etc.

plural noun: parallelisms

"parallelism suggests a connection of meaning through an echo of form"


the use of parallel processing.

"massive parallelism gives neural networks a high degree of fault tolerance


Hope this helped ;)

can anyone help me with the questions i posted i will give blainleast and 21 points (no answer->report)​



1. b

2. b

3. c

4. all of them.

5. a

plz mark me as brainliest



Choose and answer a level one thinking stem from the list provided. Your answers should be detailed, and should reflect your understanding of the reading.

I do not understand what it is asking me..​



make ur answer long

answer any level one thinking stem from the list


u must have a list, from the list answer a level one thinking stem, make your answer full of detail...which means make ur answer long

Write an essay about the importance of 3R's​





3R`s are the essential components of environmentally – responsible consumer behavior “Reduce – Reuse – Recycle”Making a new product requires a lot of energy and materials, but less energy is used in recycling products. It prevents waste from being sent to landfill, hence reduces our impact on climate change.

why is it necessary to understand the properties of a theoretical distribution of means of samples of size n when in practice you will only select a single such sample?


Understanding the properties of a theoretical distribution of means of samples of size n is important because it helps in drawing inferences about the population parameters.

Even if in practice you will only select a single sample, it is still important to understand the properties of the theoretical distribution of means of samples of size n because it helps in interpreting the characteristics of the sample.

The theoretical distribution of means of samples of size n gives us an idea of the distribution of all the possible means that can be drawn from the population. By studying this theoretical distribution, we can find out the mean and standard deviation of the distribution and use it to interpret the sample characteristics.

Learn more about theoretical distribution at:


“Opinion: Emoticons Aren’t Ruining Language.”
5. What evidence does the author use to support the reasons?


then you follow me The emoticon: more than a face

Today, people are able to communicate rapidly through a range of mediums – and perhaps no linguistic development better indicates changes in the ways we communicate than the ubiquitous emoticon.

The emoticon :) – a colon followed by a parenthesis – is a visual representation of a smiley face turned sideways. Although an emoticon may look like a smile, a frown or any number of facial expressions, it doesn’t represent a face, as many internet users assume. It’s actually intended to convey a feeling (“I’m happy,” or “just joking”).

This meaning is evident even in the first emoticon, credited to Scott Fahlman at Carnegie Mellon University. In a 1982 e-mail, Fahlman suggested :-) as a “joke marker” to indicate wisecracks or sarcasm in text communication. In this legendary e-mail, he also used the first instance of the frown emoticon :-(.

Words that represent these feelings are what linguists call discourse particles, or little pieces of language that convey information about the tone of the statement. Folklorist Lee-Ellen Marvin called them the “paralanguage of the internet, the winks which signal the playfulness of a statement over the seriousness it might denote.”

In a study of instant messaging, scholar Shao-Kang Lo describes emoticons as “quasi-nonverbal cues” – something that looks like a word, but performs the functions of a nonverbal cue, like a hand gesture or nod.

In fact, the variations in how you construct this emoticon can imply something about your identity, just like whether you use a soda, pop or Coke can suggest what part of the United States you come from. For example, as linguist and data scientist Tyler Schnoebelen pointed out in a 2012 study, people who put a “nose” in their emoticons tend to be older than non-nose emoticon users.

Though emoticons have been the subject of numerous studies, individual symbols – which serve a different purpose than emoticons – can add meaning to a message or express meaning all on their own. ex joy,melancholy,indifference ,astonishment .plz follow me entrust .nice study bye.

the metaphor implied in lines 29-31 (""and up . . . identity"") is best interpreted as assigning the ""endless altered people"" the qualities of a responses map guiding travelers to a destination


The metaphor implied in lines 29-31 ("And up. Identity") is best interpreted as assigning the "endless altered people the qualities of a recurring wave eroding a shoreline. So the option C is correct.

The comparison of "endless altered people" to a cyclical wave that continuously erodes a beach suggests that while identities change through time, they do so continuously.

Just as a wave approaches the shore, alters the sand's contours, then recedes back out to sea, only to repeat the process time and time again, so too do people's identities develop and change through time.

As the cumulative influence of the numerous waves over time can significantly modify the shoreline, these changes over time can be tremendous. The addition of fresh experiences, viewpoints, and information over the course of a person's life can similarly have a significant impact on that person's identity. So the option C is correct.

To learn more about metaphor link is here


The complete question is:

The metaphor implied in lines 29-31 ("And up. Identity") is best interpreted as assigning the "endless altered people the qualities of a

A. map guiding travelers to a destination

B. group of soldiers preparing for battle

C. recurring wave eroding a shoreline

D. cemetery that has many empty tombs

E. deep well that provides fresh water

match each word below with the sentence that best describes it ​it's about insects ​



1. bee

2. termite

3. butterfly

4. spider

5. tick

6. cockroach

7. ladybug

8. grasshopper

9. ants

10. housefly


I have been able to match each word to the sentences that describe it.

The above are insects listed and their descriptions. The bee lives in a hive and produces honey. The termite feeds on wood and usually known as white ant.

The butterfly is known for her beautiful colors. Spider uses its web to trap other insects. Tick lives on the body of dogs and people in order to obtain blood. Cockroach can spread diseases and moves around during warm seasons.  

What does Junior find in his Geometry textbook? Why does he get so angry about it?



Because he gets so frustrated and just wants to throw it at something, and this signifies him being fed up with the Indian treatment.


What type of poem is there but for the grace poem by Wislawa Szymborska


n summation, the poem “There But for the Grace, ” creates a list of situations that separated the survivor and victims of the holocaust.
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PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP please help me with all i will give 40 extra points if you answer all of the question for me and brainliest plus 5 stars if the answer you put is absurd i will repo you thanks which statement about islam is not true A. Muslims are fast for one month each year at Ramadan B. Muslims are not required to share their wealth with those less fortunateC. Muslims should try to make a pilgrimage to mecca in their lifetimeD. Muslims are expected to pray five times a daygive me the right answers or ill k-l- you describe a time when you learned how to adjust to new people or a new place In elephants, poofy tails (T) are dominant to scraggly tails (t) A poofy tailed mother is matedwith a scraggly tailed bull. Since elephants do not have a large amount of offspring, theyproduced two puffy tailed calves. all of the following are ways to increase diversity in organizations except:expand recruitment efforts.promote underrepresented groups without regard for performance.provide personal coaching.encourage employee resource groups. warm air rises at the equator and cold air sinks at the poles creatingA. tornadoes B. hurricanes C. convection currentsD. the coriolis effect 1. In what ways did religious participation grow in the US in the 1800s? Can you help me I forgot The arrows in the picture below show several ways heat is transferred from the Sun as it strikes sand on the surface of a beach. Which arrow shows convection?A.1B.2C.3D.4 I NEED HELP REALLY FAST! Find the measure of the missing angles. HELP please please dont skip peaeeeeeeeeeHow was the Mendez family different from many other Mexican Americans working in California at the time? An incoming college student took her colleges placement exams in French and mathematics. In French, she scored 85 and in math 80. The overall results for both exams are approximately normal. The French mean score was 72 with a standard deviation of 12, while the mean math score was 70, with a standard deviation of 7.8. On which exam did she do better compare with the other incoming college students? Compute the z-scores (round to 2 decimal places) and the percentiles (round to the nearest whole) for each exam to support your answer. Which technique would the nurse suggest to a laboring woman's partner? Solve. Write or draw to explain. Amy has 12 stickers. Jen has 9 stickers. They place 7 stickers on each page of a book. How many pages are in the book? Math Spot thpicks what is the best approximation for the area of this circle? use 3.14 to approximate pi. responses a.12.6 m b.25.1 m c.50.2 m d.158.0 m Discuss sounds of music in the 21st centuryList all the composers/artistsSelect three names that you don't know.Next to each name, write a few sentences about them and their music.List and describe (using 2 or 3 sentences) six words or terms you are unfamiliar with (ie, minimalism) The expression 2 3 4 2 is equivalent to A. 2 7 B. 2 12 C. 8 5 D. 8 6 What does the word hopeless mean as it is used in this sentence? All was lost; she felt as if the situation was completely hopeless Express 2^6 x (1/4)^5 / (16)^3 as a power with a base of 4