Listen, read the question, and choose the option with the correct answer.
Based on the audio, what is the correct country or territory? THXS TO HELPS. HURRY! (20 point)
^THATS THE AUDIO^ -por va vor ayuda. y gracias a quien ayuda-
Puerto Rico
Guinea Ecuatorial
República Dominicana
Costa Rica


Answer 1
Puerto Rico .............

Related Questions

recommend two practical ways in which high/secondary Schools can assist learners or candidates with their career decisions​



sorry but spanish is hard


The two practical ways in which high or secondary schools can assist learners or candidates with their career decisions are:

Organize Practice days with professionals where the student can see how is the work in the real life.

Organize visits to nearby universities where students can see the campuses and learn first-hand about the curriculum of each career.

How could Students be supported to choose a Career?

One of the great problems that students who have just left high school have is to identify the right career, due to the lack of contact they have with professionals or the universities that offer them.

For this reason, the two ways that can be useful to help them in that choice can be the days of practice with a professional, where they can see first-hand the work carried out by a professional in a certain area.

On the other hand, there is the visit to nearby universities, where a guide can give you a tour of the campus while explaining the benefits of one or another career.

If you want to learn more about Universitites, you can visit the following link:

Help is due in like 10 minutes
Complete the following sentences with the appropriate present tense forms of either saber or conocer.

3. ¿ Conoces (conocer / saber) tú al hermano de Sergio? No, yo conozco (conocer / saber) a su hermana

4. La profesora de lenguas (conocer / saber) habla español, inglés, y francés. Pero yo sólo (conocer / saber) hablar español.

5. María y Marta (conocer / saber) dónde está la biblioteca.

6. Nosotras (conocer / saber) un restaurante argentino muy bueno.



Number 3 is.

Do you know Sergio's brother? No, But I know your sister

Number 4 is.

The language teacher speaks Spanish, English, and French. But I just speak Spanish.

Number 5 is.

Mary and Martha know where the library is.

Number 6 is.

We know a very good Argentine restaurant.


Read the phrases and match each one of them with the shopping place.



Panaderia is B.

Super market in Ecuador is D.

Speciality markets in U.S. is C.

Markets is A.



Question 11 (1 point)
(04.01 LC)
Read and choose the correct option.
Paulina tiene 25 años. Cuando era pequeña, Paulina no era callada, jugaba con nuevos amigos cada día afuera y no miraba los dibujos
Based on the text, what type of personality did Paulina have? (1 point)


It’s answer A :).....


It’s answer A


Fill in the blank

1. Mi amigo _____ un libro en su mochila.
A. Traes
B. Trae

2. Vosotros___ el trabajo muy rápido.
A. Haceis
B. Hacemos


1. B trae
2.A haceis

Las biografias No permiten que conozcamos las experiencias que más influenciaron la historia de un ser en particular. Cierto o Falso >Help<​





¿usted cree que la conclusion de un texto argumentativo es exactamente lo mismso que una tesis? explique su respuesta


Un texto argumentativo es una organización textual centrada en el juicio y en la toma de una postura respecto de algún asunto polémico. Dicha acción implica que se defenderá la posición que se asuma a través de una serie de razones. Es por ello que este tipo de escrito tiene como objetivo expresar opiniones o rebatirlas con el fin de persuadir o convencer a un receptor.
La finalidad del autor puede ser probar o demostrar una idea, refutar la contraria o bien persuadir o disuadir al receptor sobre determinados comportamientos, hechos o ideas, es por ello que la argumentación implica la defensa de una tesis sustentada con argumentos, ¿qué son estos elementos?
La tesis es la idea sobre la que se está reflexionando y que expresa el punto de vista del autor sobre un determinado tema. Cabe resaltar que la tesis es el asunto central que va a controlar todo el escrito y por lo tanto tiene que expresar y sintetizar todo el propósito del texto, por ello es muy importante que el lector pueda identificarla para que la intención sea claramente comunicada.

just do the last part please


Answer:possession: 10

Age: 7


Hungry/thirsty: 6,9


10. Which word makes the most sense in the sentence?
Los estudiantes en la escuela primaria van a _______ el papel.
O A. reciclar
OB. salir
O c. botella
OD. decir
“Don’t answer with a scam link”


The answer is A. reciclar
It’s a
Los estudiantes en la escuela primaria van a (reciclar) el papel




No puedo encontrar el libro en ninguna parte para leerlo, pero si aún puedes darme el enlace al libro, puedo editar mi respuesta y resumirla para ti.



1- espera

Complete con el presente simple del subjuntivo o con el infinitivo, según sea apropiado.

1. (organizar) Nos vamos a reunir para una fiesta sorpresa para María.
2. (dar) Va a ser en casa de Pedro, con tal de que sus padres nos permiso.
3. (saber) Queremos planear la fiesta sin que ella lo .
4. (llegar) Vamos a preparar todo antes de que los invitados.
5. (ir) Pero no vamos a tener nada listo a menos que de compras pronto.
6. (necesitar) Debemos llevar la tarjeta de crédito en caso de la.
7. (ver) Creo que María se va a sorprender mucho cuando la fiesta que preparamos.
8. (salir) Pedro nos va a llamar en cuanto ella de la oficina.
9. (tener) Así podremos estar listos sin que preocuparnos por la hora.

Please help, i have no idea



1. Nos vamos a reunir para organizar una fiesta sorpresa para María.

2.Va a ser en casa de Pedro, con tal de que sus padres nos den permiso.

3. Queremos planear la fiesta sin que ella lo sepa.

4. Vamos a preparar todo antes de que los invitados lleguen.

5. Pero no vamos a tener nada listo a menos que vayamos de compras pronto.

6. Debemos llevar la tarjeta de crédito en caso de necesitarla.

7. Creo que María se va a sorprender mucho cuando mire la fiesta que preparamos.

8. Pedro nos va a llamar en cuanto ella salga de la oficina.

9. Así podremos estar listos sin tener qué preocuparnos por la hora.


Little confused can someone help please?


I believe you are missing the accents.



I speak Spanish and if you need help just tell me!

How would you conjugate the verbexistirin the following sentence? Fill in the blank.

(Only enter the missing word and not the entire sentence. Entering the entire sentence will be marked incorrectly.)

Ellos __________.






im not good at spanish please help



1. estuvimos 2. tuve 3. fue 4. estuviste 5. fueron 6. fue 7. hice 8. fuiste         9. estaba(or estuvo) 10.hizo

Completa. Complete the sentences using forms of tener que.



1. tengo que

2. tienen que

3. tiene que

4. tenemos que

5. tienes que

6. tienen que


Just using conjugation of present tense- tener


Yo tengo que barrer.Ustedes tienen que cuidar la mascota.Tess tiene que sacar la basura.Laura y yo tenemos que lavar los platos.Tú tienes que sacudir los muebles.Andy y Janet tienen que ordenar la sala.


SPANISH 1001 Can someone assist me, please?



Ese¿De quién son estás sandalias? ¿Estas? son de Miguel¿Este? es del Señor Romero¿De quién es este bolso?   - ¿Este? es de la Señora Espinoza¿De quién son estos anteojos?  - ¿Estos? son míos¿De quién es este monedero?   - ¿Este? Es de la señora Domínguez


¿A quienes superaron los Incas en los conocimientos científicos?
a. a los Zapotecas
c. a los Mayas y Aztecas
b. a los Toltecas
d. a los Mixtecos
Please select the best answer from the choices provided



C. A los Mayas y Astecaz


c. a los mayas y aztecas

Write a paragraph about a party you recently attended. Using the preterite of at least four verbs from the list and include at least two pronouns after prepositions.
use these words:
llevarse bien/mal,
pasarlo bien/mal,


yo fui a una fiesta el domingo. mi mama me pregunto si queria conducir. yo vi a un chico y me enamoré de el. mi mama me dijo que tenia que llevarme bien con mi prima. yo me la pase muy bien. mi tia me dijo que tenía que poner la comida a calentar, eso ya lo sabía.

Ellos pueden conducir la primera vez y enamorarse. Él quiere disfrutar, llevarse bien y pasarla bien. Ella tratará de conocer y saber.

What are personal pronouns in Spanish?

Personal pronouns are words specifically used to identify the subject or object of a verb.

These words (personal pronouns) indicate different people, animals, objects, things, etc.

Some examples of personal pronouns in Spanish include 'Él, lo, le, se, sí, consigo, ella, la, ello'.

In conclusion, the sentences are 'Ellos pueden conducir la primera vez y enamorarse', 'Él quiere disfrutar, llevarse bien y pasarla bien' and 'Ella tratará de conocer y saber'.

Learn more in:

Dado que las plantas no pueden buscar fuentes de agua, Madison se pregunta qué
adaptaciones especiales tienen para almacenar el agua. En las plantas, esto se ve
reflejado en el gran tamaño de uno de los orgánulos. ¿Qué orgánulo es este?



B. Vacuola


En las plantas, la vacuola sirve para almacenar agua y esto se ve

reflejado en el gran tamaño de este orgánulo.

Completa. These are the things Diana says about the challenges in
Peru. Complete and write the sentences.

Modelo El chef (medir) mide los ingredientes varias veces.

1. Yo (competir) ____ para tener el mejor plato.

2. Mis amigos (pedir) ___ ayuda con sus recetas.

3. El chef (repetir) ___ la receta.

4. Yo (medir) ___ el azúcar en una taza.


1. compito
2. piden
3. reparte o repartió
4. mido
1. Compito
Source to my answers: trust me bro

¿En qué punto de la historia te diste
cuenta de que algo malo ocurriría?
Explica tu respuesta. Pg 136 nuevas vistas


Si mandaras la historia se pudiera ayudar

I you would send the story I would be able to help

Los puntos son cuando Junchiro entra en el bosque, cuando Junchiro está demasiado cansado para darse cuenta de los eventos extraños que pasan en la posado, cuando Junchiro se siente amenazado por el vibrante sonido de la cuerda del medio del instrumento.

Complete the sentences with the correct preterite form of the verb in parentheses.

María ____________ (preferir) el vino blanco.



María prefiere el vino blanco.

Maria “prefiere” el vino blanco.
Hope this helps and I speak Spanish so I know.

B. Write the correct verb in the preterite from the following options:
no querer
no poder
1. María
romperse con su novio antes del verano.
2. Yo
a mi mejor amigo hace seis años.
3. El bebé estaba (was) enfermo y
comer nada.
4. Nosotros
Layer que sus tíos se van a divorcian
5. Yo
6. Carolina
estudiar porque perdí mi libro de química.
pagar sus deudas (debts) porque tiene trabajo.
invitar al padre de Raúl a la boda.
7. Mjarta y Raúl
8. Yo
aprender el tango, pero no consegui un profesor.
llegar a tiempo para la función, a pesar del
9. Mi esposo y yo
(in spite of) tráfico,
10. ¿Dónde
tú a Laura ?
11. Yo la
12. Liliana no
en la clase de español.
llegar a la fiesta de cumpleaños de



1. Rompió

2. Conozco

3. no queria

4. sabíamos

5. No puedo

6. No puede

7. no quieren

8. quiero  

9. si pudimos

10. se conocieron

11. conocí

12. Puede


just do the first part please



1. el

2. Padres

3. Primo

4. Abuela

5. Hermanos

1 el
2 padres
3 primo
4 abuela
5 hermanos

What is hi in spanish







how are you

Hola como estas

Please respond with correct answer



1. D

2. D

3. B

4. A


number one would be Le

number two would be les. Its like le but since there are two people its plural.

number three is B because the word in spanish means bother. So he is bothered because he or she has to put on shoes for Salsa Dancing. Had to say B because it wont let me put the word.

number four is Desagradas because it means unpleasant. So he or she finds the shoes unpleasant to put on.

You're Welcome!

Number 1 is D. Number 2 is also D. Number 3 is B. And number 4 is B

Write a persuasive essay IN SPANISH about an animal affected by one of natural disasters in the attached picture. Also follow the criteria listed in the other attached picture.


Answer:smokes and fire

muchas personas van a acampar y es cuando la naturalezaa esta seca, en esas temporadas, luego las personas fuman y avientan la colilla de cigarrillo sin apagarla completamente y se comienza a encender todo ka forestacion, y resultan muhcoa animales que habitan ahi muertos porque se queman y arboles tamben, por eso siempre que vayas a acampar asegurate de apagar tus lumbres y colillas de cigarrillo


pero (but) ahora la profesora dice que ellos

enter answer
abrir su libro de texto.





Pero ahora la profesora dice que ellos


abrir su libro de texto.

Other Questions
Congress enacted a federal statute called the Ports and Waterways Safety Act that established uniform standards for the operation of boats on inland waterways in the U.S. The Act coordinated its provisions with those of foreign countries so that there was a uniform body of international rules that applied to vessels that traveled between countries. Pursuant to the act, a federal rule was adopted that regulated the design, length, and size of oil tankers, some of which traveled the waters of the Puget Sound area in the state of Washington. Later, the state of Washington enacted a statute that established different designs, smaller lengths and smaller sizes for oil tankers entering Puget Sound. Oil tankers used by the Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO) met the federal standards, but not the state standards. ARCO sued to have the state statute declared unconstitutional. What result and why? A sample of which radioisotope emits particles having the greatest mass?a) Cs-137b) Fe-53c) Fr-220d) H-3 What is the expected value for the binomialdistribution below?Successes012345Probability1024/3125256/625128/62532/6254/6251/3125 Find the coordinates of the point P which divides the join of A( - 2,5 ) and B(3, - 5 ) in the ratio 2 : 3. For each product that has more than three items sold within all sales transactions, retrieve the product id, product name, and product price. Query 30: SELECT productid, productname, productprice FROM product WHERE productid IN (SELECT productid FROM includes GROUP BY productid HAVING SUM(quantity) > 3); duce. Query 31 text: For each product whose items were sold in more than one sales transaction, retrieve the product id, product name, and product price. Query 31: SELECT productid, productname, productprice FROM product WHERE productid IN (SELECT productid FROM includes GROUP BY productid HAVING COUNT 6.+in+a+survey+conducted+on+an+srs+of+200+american+adults,+72%+of+them+said+they+believed+in+aliens.+give+a+95%+confidence+interval+for+percent+of+american+adults+who+believe+in+aliens. 3.27 you know a byte is 8 bits. we call a 4-bit quantity a nibble. if a byte- addressable memory has a 14-bit address, how many nibbles of storage are in this memory? sociologists refer to tangible or physical human creations as ________a. nonmaterial culture. b. artifacts. c. technology. d. values. The Himalaya Mountains are caused by: Group of answerchoices(a) volcanic activity; (b) continent-continent collision at aformer mid-ocean ridge; (c) glacier deposits; (d)continent-continent collis The manager of the gift shop at Louvre museum decided that the optimal EOQ for one of the shop's souvenirs is 250 units. The annual demand of this souvenir is 4,881 units, and the shop opens 200 days a year. If the lead time for orders is 7 days, what is the reorder point? Quasar, Inc. sells clothing, accessories, and personal care products for men and women through its retail stores. Quasar reported the following data for two recent years:Year 2Year 1Sales$4,095,300$4,190,565Accounts receivable317,550302,950Assume that accounts receivable were $346,750 at the beginning of Year 1.a. Compute the accounts receivable turnover for Year 2 and Year 1. Round to one decimal place.Year 2:Year 1:b. Compute the days' sales in receivables for Year 2 and Year 1. Round interim calculations and final answers to one decimal place. Use 365 days per year in your calculations.Year 2:daysYear 1:days How is surgeon block time maintained ? To overcome the problems of its life insurance serviceintangibility, Great Eastern uses tangible cues in itsadvertisement. Explain how. the service industry represents about __________ of U.S. workers.Multiple Choice45%25%85%65% true/false. every page of every document should have a unique page number and an identifying title. The soft drink industry is dominated by TCCC and PSC. The market is worth $6 billion. Each firm can decide whether to advertise, but advertising costs $1 billion to any firm undertaking it. Moreover, advertising will create only negligible new demand as the market is already saturated. So, for the purpose of this question, assume that the market remains at $6 billion regardless of advertising. If one firm advertises and the other does not, then the former captures the whole market. If both firms advertise, then TCCC captures 60% of the market and PSC captures 40% of the market, but the advertising must be paid for. If neither firm advertises, then the market is again split 60:40, with 60% going to TCCC and 40% to PSC.Draw the payoff matrix for this game where each player's payoff is equal to the value of market it captures less the cost of advertisement. el valor de Y en la ecuacin 5y/6-2/3+y/4=3y/4-1/3 es: Borges, Inc., a Delaware company, owns copper mines around the world. Between 2007 and 2019, the company engaged in systematic violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, and numerous environmental and mine safety laws both in the United States and abroad. In June 2019, a whistleblower from the mining department contacted the New York Times, which published a story exposing the environmental and mine safety violations. The board of directors of Borges, Inc. has just hired you as an outside consultant to help them navigate through this mess. They admire the way that Siemens ultimately handled its compliance failures problems (see the readings for this Module). Please answer the following questions, making reference, of course, to what you learned about Siemens: What should the Borges, Inc. do vis--vis the violations that have not yet come to light? What should it do to help preserve its reputation? What should it do in order to minimize its exposure to criminal and civil sanctions? Explain the differences between a target zone agreement and a fixed exchange rate and between a target zone agreement and a monetary union.Provide an example of a target zone agreement, briefly explain how it ended, and why, and in particular, why it is pretty frequent for these arrangements to fail?B. (10 points)First, explain how a country can join the European Monetary Union. Then, explain how monetary policy is run in this currency area. a car dealer is interested in comparing the average gas mileages of four different car models. the dealer believes that the average 29 38 26 24