please help!
You will revise one body paragraph from your informational article. Then you will write a reflection on the changes you have made. You will submit the original paragraph, the revised paragraph, and the reflection paragraph.

View the grading rubric as you complete your assignment. This is your guide to a super submission.

Review your informational article. Choose one body paragraph to revise. Copy this paragraph into a new document.
Combine two or more sentences in your paragraph for varied syntax.
Review your paragraph for any use of passive voice. Revise those sentences.
Write a short reflection paragraph on the revision process. Describe the changes you made and how these changes improved your writing.
Save and submit:
The original draft of your body paragraph
The revised draft of the same paragraph
The reflection on the changes you have made
Save your work to your computer or drive.
Submit your work in 02.09 Syntax and Voice.

here's the paragraph I chose
Video games are great for your brain! They have been proven to increase manual dexterity, gray matter (in your brain), and help with social skills even! “In a study involving a group of surgeons, researchers found that those who played video games were faster at performing advanced procedures and made 37 percent fewer mistakes than those who didn’t.”. Gray matter is associated with muscle control, memories, perception, and spatial navigation. It has been found that playing video games regularly may increase gray matter in the brain and boost brain connectivity. The stereotype that people play video games is false. “Past research involving children found that those who played more video games were more likely to have good social skills, perform better academically, and to have built better relationships with other students because of the social and collaborative component to some types of games.” This happens because you can usually talk to a character, if you say something mean or threatening, there will be consequences. Unfortunately, video’s do have downsides as well.


Answer 1


The only major problem was video's is videos that is all I could really see (sorry if it's not the best!)


Answer 2
Videos * everything else looks good

Related Questions

Identify main idea of each paragraph of Gilrays Flower Pot
I charge Gilray's unreasonableness to his ignoble1
passion for cigarettes; and the story of his flower-pot
has therefore an obvious moral. The want of dignity he
displayed about that flower-pot, on his return to
London, would have made any one sorry for him. I had
my own work to look after, and really could not be
tending his chrysanthemum2 all day. After he came
back, however, there was no reasoning with him, and I
admit that I never did water his plant, though always
intending to do so.

The great mistake was in not leaving the flower-pot in
charge of William John. No doubt I readily promised to
attend to it, but Gilray deceived me by speaking as if
the watering of a plant was the merest pastime. He had
to leave London for a short provincial tour, and, as I
see now, took advantage of my good nature.

As Gilray had owned his flower-pot for several
months, during which time (I take him at his word) he
had watered it daily, he must have known he was
misleading me. He said that you got into the way of
watering a flower-pot regularly just as you wind up
your watch. That certainly is not the case. I always
wind up my watch, and I never watered the flower-pot.
Of course, if I had been living in Gilray's rooms with
the thing always before my eyes I might have done so.
I proposed to take it into my chambers at the time, but
he would not hear of that. Why? How Gilray came by
this chrysanthemum I do not inquire; but whether, in
the circumstances, he should not have made a clean
breast of it to me is another matter. Undoubtedly it was
an unusual thing to put a man to the trouble of watering
a chrysanthemum daily without giving him its history.
My own belief has always been that he got it in
exchange for a pair of boots and his old dressing-gown.
He hints that it was a present; but, as one who knows
him well, I may say that he is the last person a lady
would be likely to give a chrysanthemum to. Besides, if
he was so proud of the plant he should have stayed at
home and watered it himself.

He says that I never meant to water it, which is not
only a mistake, but unkind. My plan was to run
downstairs immediately after dinner every evening and
give it a thorough watering. One thing or another,
however, came in the way. I often remembered about
the chrysanthemum while I was in the office; but even
Gilray could hardly have expected me to ask leave of
absence merely to run home and water his plant. You
must draw the line somewhere, even in a government



displayed about that flower-pot, on his return to

London, would have made any one sorry for him. I had

my own work to look after, and really could not be

tending his chrysanthemum2 all day.


Read the following passage from Bulfinch’s Mythology: In cultured garden, free uncultured flows, The flavor sweeter and the hue more fair Than e'er was fostered by the hand of care. The cherry here in shining crimson glows, And stained with lover's blood, in pendent rows, The mulberries o'erload the bending boughs." In this allusion to "Pyramus and Thisbe", the reader can use which piece of textual evidence to argue that the lover’s blood enriched the soil to produce an abundance of fruit? the mulberries o’erload the bending boughs the cherry here in shining crimson glows the flavor sweeter the hue more fair



the mulberries o’erload the bending boughs


i had this question as well today and thats what i put the teacher didnt say it was wrong so ig its right


the mulberries o’erload the bending boughs


Last Thursday was April 1st, a.k.a. April Fools’ Day. Write about an April Fools joke that you had played on someone or that someone has played on you. Be sure to keep it clean. Write a 7 sentence paragraph.


Answer: I got a notification from an app called weverse that J-Hope from the group BTS had posted. It was a picture of his red hair!! I was so excited that he’d dyed it since new hair colors usually means that new music videos are being filmed. But it turned out, he used photos from back in 2018 when he had red hair and cut off the bottom part of the photo :(


so that is why


it took a few weeks of planning

How does Eisenhower's view of his responsibilities as president affect the choice he makes ?



He signed the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and sent Army troops to enforce federal court orders which integrated schools in Little Rock, Arkansas. His largest program was the Interstate Highway System. He promoted the establishment of strong science education via the National Defense Education Act.


Okay so i have a plot for a weighting idea but I need a name for the book
Enemies. The characters begin as enemies. At some point, they are forced to spend time together and begin falling in love.
that's the plot so you know the main characters who fall in love are both females!



lovely enemies


Write a character sketch for your protagonist in your Module One short story. Include literal, interpretive, and evaluative information. Your character sketch should be 3–5 complete sentences and include at least three specific details from the text to support your character analysis.

My story is Hamadi by Naomi Shihab Nye

I don't need it written, I just need somewhere to start please :)



In the Module One short story, the protagonist is a determined and resourceful young woman named Emily. She exhibits a strong sense of curiosity and an unwavering dedication to uncovering the truth. Emily's striking emerald green eyes reflect her keen intellect and unwavering resolve. Her relentless pursuit of knowledge is evident in her thorough research, evidenced by the stacks of books and articles that fill her cozy study. Emily's steadfast determination and meticulous attention to detail make her a compelling protagonist, driving the narrative forward as she unravels the mysteries that lie ahead.

Hamadi is an old family friend of Susan, the narrator of the story. He is from Palestine and has lived in the Traveler's Hotel in Texas for many years. He is wise, curious, and old-fashioned. He likes to share stories and advice with Susan and her family. He has a positive outlook on life and helps others cope with their problems. He is interested in different cultures and languages. He values friendship and family more than material things. He is a dynamic character who changes Susan's perspective on life and identity.

- He tells Susan stories about his childhood in Palestine, his travels around the world, and his various jobs.

- He advises Susan to drink a tall glass of water every morning, to eat six small meals a day, and to avoid artificial sweeteners.

- He goes caroling with Susan and her friend Tracy, even though he does not celebrate Christmas.

- He comforts Tracy when she is heartbroken over a boy and tells her that life is full of surprises.

- He speaks Arabic, Spanish, French, and English.

- He does not own a car or a television and prefers to walk or take the bus.

- He reminds Susan of her grandmother who lives in Jerusalem and makes her feel connected to her roots.

The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe
#5 Why is flung a more effective word for the author to use than open? Select two options.
Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter,
In there stepped a stately Raven of the saintly days of yore.
Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he;
But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door—
Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door—
Perched, and sat, and nothing more.

Why is flung a more effective word for the author to use than open?

Pick 2

A. It better conveys the speaker’s desperation to find out who or what is tapping at his window.

B. It rhymes better with other words in the poem.

C. It is more reflective of the time period in which the poem was written.

D. It more accurately describes the speaker’s actions.


The answer is C. It is more reflective of the time period in which the poem was written.

Based on the information in the chart, what is one reason the author may have included a quote from James Clerk Maxwell in the essay?

He invented thermographic imaging.
He was a pioneer of new technology.
He was more important than Newton.
He was a Scottish physicist.


Answer: He was a Scottish physicist.

Read this excerpt from a political candidate’s speech about college tuition.

Some people criticize my view that college education should be free for all state residents. But why do they? Our state has enough money, and if we don’t spend it on education, where will we spend it? Think about how much money is spent on state programs that don’t benefit anyone and just line the pockets of politicians and their friends.

Which logical fallacy does the author include?

red herring
ad populum
false analogy
slippery slope



Red Herring


A red herring is a fallacy where irrelevant or misleading information is presented to divert attention from the main issue or argument.

In this case, the author introduces the idea of state programs that don't benefit anyone and line the pockets of politicians and their friends, which is unrelated to the debate on free college education.

By shifting the focus to unrelated state programs, the author attempts to distract from the criticism of their view and create a diversionary argument.

Hope this helps!

The logical fallacy included in the excerpt is a red herring. A red herring fallacy occurs when irrelevant or distracting information is presented to divert attention from the main issue or argument. In this case, the author brings up the topic of wasteful spending on state programs that don't benefit anyone, which is unrelated to the question of whether college education should be free for all state residents. By introducing this irrelevant information, the author attempts to deflect attention from addressing the criticism and instead focuses on another issue.

I want you to pick your favorite out of these five people.






Number 2


because he looks cool

What type of verbal is underlined in the sentence below?

[Making tougher requirements] for teaching personal finance would be a waste of time and money.

A. Gerund Phrase
B. Prepositional Phrase
C. Infinitive Phrase
D. Participle Phrase

Couldn't under so I just put it in [ ]


A. Gerund Phrase (sorry if this is too late)
the answer would be A.

Select your own metaphors to complete a couplet. Remember to ask yourself what each reminds you of.

A cat, hunched up, spitting in rage,


See the flying of the teacher,

I think she's angry at the kids on the bleachers.

helpppppppppppppp How is a discussion different from a conversation?


a discussion is based of a topic that is being discussed having different opinions, a conversation can be described as talking regularly about something

Read the excerpt from "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" by Patrick Henry.

Has Great Britain any enemy, in this quarter of the world, to call for all this accumulation of navies and armies? No, sir, she has none. They are meant for us: they can be meant for no other. They are sent over to bind and rivet upon us those chains which the British ministry have been so long forging. And what have we to oppose to them? Shall we try argument? Sir, we have been trying that for the last ten years. Have we anything new to offer upon the subject? Nothing. We have held the subject up in every light of which it is capable; but it has been all in vain.

How does Henry’s use of the words "bind” and "chains” support his purpose in this excerpt?

They emphasize that the colonists feel like they are imprisoned under British rule.
They explain why the British are planning to go to war with the colonists.
They show that the colonists have been negotiating with the British for a long time.
They reveal that the colonists are unwilling to compromise with the British.


Henry’s use of the words "bind” and "chains” support his purpose in this excerpt by emphasizing that the colonists feel like they are imprisoned under British rule. He uses these words as metaphors for the oppressive laws and taxes that Britain imposed on them. He also implies that the British navy and army are sent over to enforce these chains and prevent any resistance from the colonists.

By using these words, Henry appeals to the emotions of his audience and tries to convince them that they need to fight for their liberty or face death.

Therefore, the correct answer is They emphasize that the colonists feel like they are imprisoned under British rule.

They emphasize that the colonists feel like they are imprisoned under British rule (option a).

1. In this excerpt, Patrick Henry uses the words "bind" and "chains" to support his purpose.

2. The words "bind" and "chains" are symbolic and evoke a strong visual image of being trapped or imprisoned.

3. By using these words, Henry conveys the idea that the colonists feel oppressed and restricted under British rule.

4. The word "bind" suggests that the British are attempting to tightly restrain and control the colonists.

5. Similarly, the word "chains" implies a sense of bondage and servitude, indicating that the colonists are being held captive by the British.

6. Through this choice of words, Henry aims to evoke strong emotions and rally the colonists to resist British tyranny.

7. The words "bind" and "chains" emphasize the dire situation faced by the colonists and highlight the urgency of their struggle for liberty.

8. Therefore, the correct answer is a. They emphasize that the colonists feel like they are imprisoned under British rule.

For more such questions on colonists, click on:


Which sentence in this story from Aesop's Fables portrays the start of the rising action


It’s the second to the last one I can’t really see it but yeah I hope thats right and it helps !

Read this prompt. Explain what organizational structure you would use to write this essay, and why. Make sure to describe the purpose and audience required by the prompt.


Sometimes factors that are outside of our control can shape our experiences for better or for worse. Think about your favorite and least favorite subjects in school this year. Then consider your personal opinion of everything about each of those two classes except the material you're learning: the teacher, the textbooks, the classroom, the time of day, the person you sit next to, etc. Write an essay that weighs these factors against one another and that comes to a conclusion about how much these factors influence your strong positive and negative feelings about these two school subjects.



Sometimes factors that are outside of our control can shape our experiences for better or for worse. Think about your favorite and least favorite subjects in school this year. Then consider your personal opinion of everything about each of those two classes except the material you're learning: the teacher, the textbooks, the classroom, the time of day, the person you sit next to, etc. Write an essay that weighs these factors against one another and that comes to a conclusion about how much these factors influence your strong positive and negative feelings about these two school subjects.


Select three authors who are known for their short stories.
Ambrose Bierce
Charlotte Bronte
Charles Dickens
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Emily Dickinson





Not fo sure but Ambrose, Charlotte, and Emily

Jessica wants to go to a two-year community college with annual tuition of $9,890. Jessica has
saved $8,350 for college and she earned a grant of $3,400 for her first year. How much more does she
need to pay the tuition for both years?



$8030 I beleive


for the 2 years of tuition jessica would be paying $19,780. If we add up what she saved($8,350) and what grant she got for her first year($3,400) [$8350+$3,400]she has $11,750 for her college tuition. If we subtract that by the amount she would need to pay ($19,780) we would get [$19,780-$11,750] $8,030. That means to fully pay the tuition for not the years, Jessica would need $8,030 more dollars.

Please give me claims that go with the topic Racial Injustice I will report the answer if it isn't helpful



Emmett Till


He was wrongfully accused of harassing and attacking a white woman so her husband and friend killed him..later reports say all he did was whistle.


Martin Luther King Jr. He was arrested several times while voting for voting rights for blacks.


Supporting Biliteracy
There are many good reasons to learn a second language. A second language can improve your understanding of your native language, open the door to new job opportunities, and help you learn about other cultures. Yet American students are less likely than European students to study foreign languages in school. To address this gap, several states have begun doing more to encourage biliteracy—the ability to read and write in two languages. California, New York, and Illinois are among the states that have passed laws establishing a state "Seal of Biliteracy." A Seal of Biliteracy shows that a student has achieved proficiency in a second language. Supporters of the seals say that they honor the importance of second-language learning. The seals also provide colleges and future employers with evidence of students' abilities.

What is the main idea of the passage?

Although second-language learning is important, students in the United States are less likely than those in Europe to learn a second language.

Fewer American students than European students learn a second language, so some states are promoting the study of foreign languages.



Learning a second language benefits cognitive abilities like intelligence and memory, while lowering risks of brain aging, dementia, and Alzheimer's. ... Thus, learning a foreign language is one of the most effective and practical ways to increase intelligence, keep your mind sharp, and buffer your brain against aging.


let me know if its wrong

Answer:Fewer american students than europe students learn a second language, so some states are promoting the study of foreign languages

Explanation:IXL answer

PART A: What does the phrase “to give wide berth to” most closely mean as it is used in paragraph 4?

“Treacher Collins syndrome is a lot more than a pile of statistics and facts. It is about the person below the surface. People tend to give wide berth to the things and people that they perceive as a threat to them – those people who are ‘different’ or who they don’t understand.

A. To stay away from
B. To act kindly towards
C. To be violent towards
D.To go out of one's way to help out





help please.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



hope this helps. :)

What is the difference between a metaphor and a simile?

A metaphor makes a comparison, and a simile does not.
A simile makes a comparison, and a metaphor does not.
A simile includes the words like or as, and a metaphor does not.
A metaphor includes the words like or as, and a simile does not.


Answer: The difference is that similes make the comparison by saying that something is like something else but metaphors make the comparison by saying that something is something else.


The answer is C. Hope this helps

Select your own metaphors to complete a couplet. Remember to ask yourself what each reminds you of.

An old oak tree struck by lightning,


a spark is pain yet all in vain

The sun will rise and we will try again

Which two themes are expressed in this excerpt?

It is flattering to be followed and admired.
Quiet people often have deep thoughts.

Public speaking is a difficult skill.
Strong leadership is a privilege.

Rules are important to keep order.
Strong leadership is a privilege.

Rules are important to keep order.
Quiet people often have deep thoughts.


The answer is c for this question

What types of figurtive language are each of these sentences

The South, his mortal enemy.

there's the soft who-whoo of an owl.

Hush, so I can tell it!

The heat sandpapers his skin.

Even the dogs won't rest until they've howled at the moon.

Jacob's dream of a ladder to heaven.

The South, his Kryptonite.

Good & Plenty and Jujubes, Moon Pies and Necco Wafers


1. metaphor 2. onomatopoeia 3. onomatopoeia 4. personification 5. onomatopoeia 6. not sure 7. allusion

Pls get this correct I am doing a quiz!

Match the following questions about "the freedom of speech" with their correct question type.

1. What is the definition of freedom of speech?
2. Why is freedom of speech important?
3. Do you think freedom of speech applies to hateful speech?
4. What would things be like if there was no freedom of speech?


( you have to use all of those choices and match them with the correct speeches )


1.) the right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint.

2.) because how would anyone get to speak their minds and not get hurt or something. Back than there was no freedom of speech. If you said something someone didn’t like or an opinion someone doesn’t like you will get hurt.

3.) no I believe it does not. I believe that if you have an opinion on something and you would like to share it make sure that you are not offending anyone else.

4.) if there was no freedom of speech than there would be no protest, or debates or anything, I think the world would be a chaotic place.

Read the excerpt from "Healthy Eating."

But no one can ignore the damage being wrought by all this bad eating. More than one out of three adults in the United States -- 37.5 percent -- are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Some of the leading causes of death -- heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes -- are directly linked to obesity. And childhood obesity has tripled in the last 30 years. With more than a third of kids between 6 and 19 considered obese, the CDC reports, they are at substantially more risk for developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, bone and joint conditions, and cancer.

Which statement best describes the author's argument in this part of the article?

Eating a poor diet can have harmful effects on people's health.
Eating healthier foods is not as easy as some might think.
Children should be required to maintain a healthy diet.
Eating habits have changed significantly in recent years.



Eating a poor diet can have harmful effects on people's health.


hope this helps u (◡‿◡)

Answer:  A


because i have smarts

What strategies should writers use to help organize their ideas for an informational essay?
Select all that apply.

A. Make an idea map.
B. Make an outline.
C. Create a research plan.
D. Create a thesis statement.


A, C are what I would choose
the answers are A and C

Part A Which structure does the author use to organize information in the text “Water Efficiency Strategies”? The author lists terms that define different kinds of water systems. The author shares examples of times that consumers tend to use the least amount of water. The author compares and contrasts three possible ways to conserve water in each paragraph. The author uses a heading for each method of conserving water. Question 2 Part B How does the section "Demand-Side Strategies for Water Suppliers" contribute to the structure and organization identified in Part A? It includes water efficiency measures that consumers and suppliers can implement. It informs the reader about programs that address each water conservation method in the text.



Part A

The author uses a heading for each method of conserving water.

Part B

It provides examples of ways consumers can reduce their water usage.


K12 test

The structure the author uses to organize information in his text is that A. The author lists terms that define different kinds of water systems.

What is a structure?

This is an arrangement and organization of and relations between parts or elements of something complex.

The author used the strategy of listing the terms that define the different kinds of water system.

The section, "Demand-Side Strategies for Water Suppliers" contributed to the structure and organization of the different types of water system by B. It informs the reader about programs that address each water conservation method in the text.

Read moe about structure here:

Other Questions
An investment of $100 is placed into an account that earns interest, compounded annually, at a rate of 5% for 7 years. The amount, A, in the account can be modelled by the function A = 100(1.05)', where t is the time, in years. What is the domain of this function? Use a double integral to find the area of the region.The region inside the circle(x 4) + y = 16and outside the circlex + y = 16 The population multiple regression model includes a response variable, a constant term, multiple explanatory variables, and an _______________ term It takes a force of 5.00 NN to stretch an ideal spring 2.00 cm. What force does it take to stretch the spring an additional 4.00 cm? Which of these is an advantage of the disc brake system over drum brakes?a. disc brakes transfer less heat to the atmosphereb. disc brakes reduce the likelihood of the brake fadec. disc brakes do not need maintenanced. disc brake do not create annoying squeals and squeaks A $2,700 loan at 7.2% was repaid by two equal payments made 30 days and 60 days after the date of the loan. Determine the amount of each payment. Use the loan date as the focal date. (Use 365 days a year. Do not round intermediate calculations and round your final answer to 2 decimal places.) company a supplies 40% of the computers sold and is late 5% of the time. company b supplies 30% of the computers sold and is late 3% of the time. company c supplies another 30% and is late 2.5% of the time. a computer arrives late - what is the probability that it came from company a? 3. Define monetary policy. Give examples of how the Federal Reserve can control the amount of money in circulation. Yvonne and Simon form Ion Corporation. Yvonne transfers equipment (basis of $180,200 and fair market value of $270,300). Simon invests $216,240 of cash. They each receive 100 shares in Ion Corporation, worth $216,240, but Yvonne also receives $54,060 of cash from Ion.Calculate Ion Corporation's basis in the equipment and determine Yvonne and Simon's basis in the Ion stock. Ion Corporation has a basis of $234260 in the equipment. Yvonne has a basis of $______________ for her stock and Simon has a basis of $216,240 for his stock. The least-squares regression line of the daily number of visitors, y, at a national park and the temperature, x, is modeled by the equation =85.2 + 103.x. What is the residual value of the day that had a temperature of 82F and 893 visitors? O-929.8 O-36.8 00 O36.8 929.8 Creger Corporation, which makes landing gears, has provided the following data for a recent month: Budgeted production 1,700 gears Standard machine-hours per gear Budgeted supplies cost 5.2 machine-hours $5.80 per machine-hour 1,600 gears Actual production Actual machine-hours 8,800 machine-hours $ 49,672 Actual supplies cost (total) Required: Determine the rate and efficiency variances for the variable overhead item supplies and indicate whether those variances are favorable or unfavorable. (Indicate the effect of each variance by selecting "F" for favorable, "U" for unfavorable, and "None" for no effect (i.e., zero variance). Input all amounts as positive values.) Variable overhead rate variance Variable overhead efficiency variance why do we depreciate the Capital expenditure duringeconomic modeling of expenditure in oil and gas 1. Consider the experiment of tossing two coins where C= heads, += tails. Let A be the event that not a single head comes up. Let B be the event that exactly one head falls.a. 2/4 b.3/4 c.0 d. 1/42. A rat is placed in a box with three push buttons (one red, one white, and one blue). If it pushes two buttons at random, determine the following. What is the probability that he will press the red key once?a. 1/3 b.1/9 c. 4/9 d. 5/9 what is the main idea of the reading about louis pasteur? a. louis pasteur wanted to test ideas in a laboratory. b. louis pasteur designed and conducted an experiment to test the theory of spontaneous generation. c. louis pasteur was the inventor of pasteurization. d. louis pasteur was a scientist. Suppose we are testing the null hypothesis H0: = 16 against the alternative Ha: > 16 from a normal population with known standard deviation =4. A sample of size 324 is taken. We use the usual z statistic as our test statistic. Using the sample, a z value of 2.34 is calculated. (Remember z has a standard normal distribution.)a) What is the p value for this test?b) Would the null value have been rejected if this was a 2% level test? For each of the following studies, identify the appropriate test or confidence interval to be run.Note: the number in the answer refers to the number of populations in the study (1 population or 2 populations).Group of answer choicesA study was run to estimate the average hours of work a week of Bay Area community college students. A random sample of 100 Bay Area community college students averaged 18 hours of work per week with a standard deviation of 12 hours. Find the 95% confidence interval.[ Choose ] 2 - mean - interval (t-dist) 1 - mean - test (z-dist) mean difference - interval (t-dist) 2 - proportion - test 1 - mean - interval (z-dist) 1 - proportion - interval 2 - proportion - interval 1 - mean - test (t-dist) 2 - mean - test (t-dist) mean difference - test (t-dist) 1 - mean - interval (t-dist) 1 - proportion - testA study was run to determine if more than 30% of Cal State East Bay students work full-time. A random sample of 100 Cal State East Bay students had 36 work full-time. Can we conclude at the 5% significance level that more than 30% of Cal State East Bay students work full-time?[ Choose ] 2 - mean - interval (t-dist) 1 - mean - test (z-dist) mean difference - interval (t-dist) 2 - proportion - test 1 - mean - interval (z-dist) 1 - proportion - interval 2 - proportion - interval 1 - mean - test (t-dist) 2 - mean - test (t-dist) mean difference - test (t-dist) 1 - mean - interval (t-dist) 1 - proportion - testA study was run to determine if the average hours of work a week of Bay Area community college students is higher than 15 hours. It is known that the standard deviation in hours of work is 12 hours. A random sample of 100 Bay Area community college students averaged 18 hours of work per week. Can we conclude at the 5% significance level that Bay Area community college students average more than 15 hours of work per week?[ Choose ] 2 - mean - interval (t-dist) 1 - mean - test (z-dist) mean difference - interval (t-dist) 2 - proportion - test 1 - mean - interval (z-dist) 1 - proportion - interval 2 - proportion - interval 1 - mean - test (t-dist) 2 - mean - test (t-dist) mean difference - test (t-dist) 1 - mean - interval (t-dist) 1 - proportion - testA study was run to determine if Peralta students average less hours of sleep a night than Cal State East Bay students. A random sample of 100 Peralta students averaged 6.8 hours of sleep a night with a standard deviation of 1.5 hours. A random sample of 100 Cal State East Bay students averaged 7.1 hours of sleep a night with a standard deviation of 1.3 hours. Can we conclude at the 5% significance level that Peralta students average less sleep a night than Cal State East Bay students?[ Choose ] 2 - mean - interval (t-dist) 1 - mean - test (z-dist) mean difference - interval (t-dist) 2 - proportion - test 1 - mean - interval (z-dist) 1 - proportion - interval 2 - proportion - interval 1 - mean - test (t-dist) 2 - mean - test (t-dist) mean difference - test (t-dist) 1 - mean - interval (t-dist) 1 - proportion - testA study was run to estimate the proportion of Peralta students who intend to transfer to a four-year institution. A random sample of 100 Peralta students had 38 intend to transfer. Find the 95% confidence interval. One characteristic necessary for an observational study is that the researchers do not know if participants are in the control or treatment group as they have been randomly assigned. During a NYS criminal trial, the role of the judge is to decide all issues or questions of __________ that may arise, while the role of the jury is to make the necessary decisions regarding any questions of ___________. On appeal, the only determinations that can be appealed are those of ____________. remont Enterprises has an expected return of 12% and Laurethurst News has an expected return of 19% you put 70% of your portfolio in Laurelhurst and 30% in Fremont, what is the expected return of your portfolio? The expected return on the portfolio is % (Rounded to two decimal places) a. How does a manager's job change with his or her level in the organization? b. How has technology impacted organizational communication both positively and negatively?