Elle a une


Answer 1


c is correct


hope this helps

Related Questions

Select the term that best describes the image.
la scène
les lumières
O c. le machiniste
la mise en scène



Select the term that best describes the image.


A. la scène

please help me find the answers!!



the first one : maisons il est tres


maisons il est tres





est/ a

as/ est


Why is courier conjugation different from finir? Please explain- brainliest award will be given as well within 4days



Conjugate is what you do to a word to make it agree with other words in a sentence. ... To conjugate the verb to be, you'd say “I am,” “you are,” “she is,” and so on. You're changing the form of the verb to make it agree with the subject. You might conjugate other words to make them agree in number, gender, or tense.


i'm sorry if this didn't help

Also "courier conjugatiuon" means run conjugation.

and finir means run.

Can someone help with questions 1-7? I am so lost in French.



1. Vous avez obéi au professeur
2. Deux élèves ont désobéi
3. Le professeur a puni le mauvais élève
4. Georges et moi avons réussi à donner des réponses correctes
5. Tu as choisi une bonne place
6. Marie a fini tous les exercices
7. Nous avons rempli les cartes .....

Byye and don’t forget I’m proud of you!!!<333


Can someone help me with this?? Thank you so much in advance



Oui, elle habite toujours avec ses amis, mais n'habite plus avec ceux qui parlent japonais.

Ceux it is answer

Have a good day !! :)
What the other person said it is correct it’s ceux

please help!!
Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the appropriate preposition
Tu apprends — faire la cuisine?





Tu apprends à  faire la cuisine?


Tu apprends "à" faire la cuisine ?

Help on 1 please please please



1. Comment allez-vous ?

Have a good day !! ;)
1. Comment allez-vous

Il y a _____ bureau pour le prof



Il y a un bureau pour le prof.

Have a good day ! :)
The answer is “ il y a un bureau pour le prof” it mean “there is a desk for the professor”

how old will latte be in 5 years



Is this the drink or a person? If it's a person, what is the full name?



who cares she going to be old and crippled



Which element of a map would you use to find out the distance between two places?
les lignes imaginaires
les symboles
l'échelle de la carte
la légende





l’echelle de la carte

Expliquez les différents sens du mot créateur selon son contexte a) c'est une robe de créateur b) il est le créateur de la carte SD c) le créateur de cette oeuvre est il encore vivant ? d) d'apres ce texte sacré, un créateur celeste règne sur les humains



a) c'est une robe de créateur:

une robe de grand couturier

b) il est le créateur de la carte SD


c) le créateur de cette oeuvre est il encore vivant ?

l'artiste qui a réalisé   cette oeuvre

d) d'apres ce texte sacré, un créateur celeste règne sur les humains

dieu  qui a créé ( fabriqué)  les hommes

I Aba
son dessor
mille fiants
3. The regle sota
4. Abou et Pierre
leurs livers
commencant a été
5 l'argent


4. Abou et Pierre

leurs livers

commencant a été

Select the correct sentence using the verb sortir: (1 point) Les filles sors ensemble. Je sort en ville. Elle sors du musée. Ma mère et moi sortons de la maison à midi.



Correct is : Ma mère et moi sortons de la maison à midi.

Verbe "sortir" au présent :

je sors

tu sors

il,elle, on sort

nous sortons (ma mère et moi = nous)

vous sortez

ils, elles sortent

paragraph on a disastrous holiday



(Je viens d'inventer cette histoire)

Il y a quelques années, mes parents ont décidé de m'offrir un chien pour Noël, comme une surprise. Ils avaient vu des vidéos en ligne de personnes emballant un chien dans une caisse avec quelques trous de ventilation, alors ils ont fait ça. Quand ils sont montés me chercher, ils ont laissé le chien seul dans la boîte. Le temps que nous descendions, il s'était échappé, avait couru dans toute la maison, ouvert tous les cadeaux et mangé toute la nourriture, le tout en l'espace de 5 minutes. C'était un désastre, mais c'était le meilleur Noël de tous les temps !

what is a nickname for french bulldogs



Boubou or bouli

Have a good day !!

FIVI לכ.ז
Complete each sentence using the present tense of savoir or connaître.
1. Ma mère
à ou sont les draps.
2. Hassan
quand il faut sortir la poubelle.
3. Je
comment fonctionne le congélateur.
4. Vous
les élèves des autres classes,
5. Ils
comment repasser le linge,
6. Elle
7. Tu
le propriétaire de la maison.
8. Nous
bien le quartier et le supermarché











1. Sait
2. Sait
3. Sais
4. Savez
5. Savent
6. Sait
7. Sais
8. Savons

please can you help me with this​



Marie se couche

Nous nous endormons

Comment vous habillez-vous

Marie se dépêche

Les enfants ne s'ennuient

Ils se baignent

Les jeunes s'habillent

.... tu te fâches

... ils ne se disputent pas

bonjour i don’t talk french but i really wanna learn

qu'est-ce qu'ils ont? some people have things that others do not have. complete these sentences with the correct forms of avoir.


Certainness personness onto des choses que daughters nonet pas.

Complete these sentences with the correct forms of the verb "avoid": Qu'est-ce quails ont?

Qu'est-ce qu'ils ont? Certaines personnes ont des choses que d'autres n'ont pas. Completes ces phrases avec les formes correctes du verbe "avoir."

In the given sentence, "Qu'est-ce quails ont?" (What do they have?), we are asked to complete sentences using the appropriate forms of the verb "avoid" (to have) in French.

The phrase "Certainness personness onto des choses que daughters nonet pas" translates to "Some people have things that others do not have." The verb "onto" is the third-person plural form of "avoid" in the present tense.

Learn more about Certainness personness


7. Elle te téléphone souvent?
A)Non, elle ne me téléphone pas
B)Oui, elle te téléphone
C) Oui, elle nous téléphone
D) Non, elle ne me téléphoner pas



A) Non, elle ne me téléphone pas

Have a good day !!



-  Elle te téléphone souvent?

A)- Non, elle ne me téléphone pas.

8 GÉOCULTURE Dis ce que c'est et où on peut trouver les endroits suivants.
1. Elle est célèbre dans toute l'Afrique musulmane. Elle est construite en argile.
2. Cette région abrite l'une des plus anciennes populations d'Afrique.
3. C'est le plus grand désert du monde.
4. Cet endroit ressemble à un paysage lunaire et a servi de décor pour le film La Guerre des Étoiles.
5. Ses deux cents sources produisent huit cents litres d'eau par seconde.
6. Cette forêt tropicale est un parc où l'on trouve de nombreuses espèces animales et végétales.
7. C'est une unité géographique religieuse et culturelle formée par trois pays.​



can you translate it in english


i cant understand the question

1. La Grande Mosquée de Djenné au Mali.
2. Les îles de l'océan Indien de Maurice et de la Réunion.

pleaase helppp
1h00 -
00h00 -
pleaase ​



1h00 - il est une heure du matin

9h45 - il est neuf heures quarante-cinq/ il est dix heures moins le quart

11h15 - il est onze heures quinze

00h00 - il est minuit

Have a good day !!


1h00 : Il est une heure du matin.

9h45 : Il est dix heures moins quart or Il est neuf heures quarante cinq.

11h15 : Il est onze heures quinze or il est onze heures et quart.

00h00 :  Il est minuit.

two ways in which cultural views may affect a relationship negatively​



mainly to disagreements


this this is because each and everyone has different cultural views which affect us in our daily lives

bonjour,_________. comment_________?
_________,monsieur. très bien,________. Et vous?
_______ vous appelez-vous ? Je m'appelle________ et vous ?
________ Mon nom est________.
Où habitez-_____?
_________ à_________.

help me please is it's for tomorrow ;(


Bonjour, madame. Comment allez-vous ?

Bonjour, monsieur. Très bien, merci. Et vous ?

Comment vous appelez-vous ?
Je m’appelle Marie et vous ?

Adam Mon nom est Rousseau.

Où habitez-vous ?

J’habite à Paris.

Have a good day !!



- Bonjour, madame. Comment allez-vous ?

- Bonjour, monsieur. Très bien, merci. Et vous ?

- Comment vous appelez-vous ?

- Je m’appelle (exemple : Julie) et vous ?

- (exemple : Marc)  Mon nom est (exemple Dupont).

- Où habitez-vous ?

- J’habite à Paris.

Crée un paragraphe illustré avec des photos (photo essay).

Ecris au moins 6 phrases simples en français en utilisant les émotions et le vocabulaire que tu as appris.
Explique comment tu te sens, quand et pourquoi. Par exemple tu peux dire : Je suis fatigué(e) quand je ne dors pas. Je suis épuisé(e) parce ce que j'ai beaucoup de devoirs.
Utilise une image pour illustrer chaque émotion que tu utilises dans ton photo essay
View the presentation for some tips on writing in a second language. There are many 21st century tools available for effective collaboration and communication in the online environment. Please use Power Point or a Web 2.0 Tool to your left to create your presentation.


6 hours ago? You got your answer

authenticity is reflected in an early childhood environment in all but which of the following ways



There once was a man from galilee the name of the man was the jolly old tree he lived he lived from town to town and then he gave a roar oh soon make the wellerman come to bring us sugar and tea and rum one day when the tugging is done weell take our leave and go


In the First blank, write the correct form of “aller”, in the second blank, write the correct preposition:

1- Il -------- ---------- gymnase ce soir.

2- je ---------- ---------- église.

3- Nous --------- ---------- Miami.

4- Tu ------------ souvent---------- cinéma.

5- Les parents ------------- ------------ magasins.

6- On---------- ------------- école.

7- Marie--------- -------------piscine.

8- Elles--------- --------------café.

9- Vous ---------- --------- musée.

10- Suzanne et Marc ----------- -----------bibliothèque.



1- Il va au gymnase ce soir.

2- Je vais à l'église.

3- Nous allons à Miami.

4- Tu vas souvent au cinéma.

5- Les parents vont aux magasins.

6- On va à l'école.

7- Marie va à la piscine.

8- Elles vont au café.

9- Vous allez au musée.

10- Suzanne et Marc vont à la bibliothèque.

Have a good day !! ;)

Convert each time into conversational time using expressions such as de l'après-midi and du soir. Follow the model and write out the times. Modèle : 13h00 = une heure de l'après-midi . 12h30: ________________________________ . 13h10: ________________________________ . 07h45: ________________________________ . 22h50: ________________________________ . 09h15: ________________________________ . 18h40: ________________________________ . 03h05: ________________________________ . 15h30: ________________________________


We can tell the time in French by using our knowledge of French numbers as well as of expressions indicating time periods, as seen below:

12h30: douze heures et demie de l'après-midi.13h10: une heure dix de l'après-midi.07h45: huit heures moins le quart du matin.22h50: dix heures cinquante du soir.09h15: neuf heures et quart du matin.18h40: six heures quarante du soir.03h05: trois heures cinq du matin.15h30: trois heures trente de l'après-midi.

How to tell the time

To tell the time in French, you typically use a 12-hour clock system. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Start by stating the hour: Say the number corresponding to the hour. For example, "une" for 1 o'clock, "deux" for 2 o'clock, and so on, up to "douze" for 12 o'clock.To express minutes from 1 to 29, use the word "heure(s)" (hour) after the hour number, followed by the minutes. For example, "une heure cinq" means 1:05, "deux heures vingt" means 2:20.For minutes from 31 to 59, use the word "heure(s)" (hour) before the next hour and subtract the minutes from that hour. For example, "deux heures moins dix" means 1:50 (10 minutes to 2), "trois heures moins vingt" means 2:40 (20 minutes to 3).To indicate "quarter past" and "quarter to," use the phrase "et quart" (and a quarter). For example, "deux heures et quart" means 2:15, "cinq heures moins le quart" means 4:45.To indicate "half past," use the phrase "et demie" (and a half). For example, "trois heures et demie" means 3:30.To specify morning, afternoon, or evening, you can use "du matin" (in the morning), "de l'après-midi" (in the afternoon), or "du soir" (in the evening) after the time expression. For example, "huit heures du matin" means 8:00 in the morning, "six heures de l'après-midi" means 6:00 in the afternoon.

With that in mind, we can conclude we have correctly answered the question and provided the time in a conversational manner.

Learn more about French here:


Fill in the blank with the French word that best completes the sentence.

C'est un ____ homme.




C’est un bel homme.

Have a good day !! ;)

The appropriate tense to use in completing the sentence is B. Bel.

What is a tense?

It should be noted that a tense simply expresses the time reference and it's important to effectively convey the message in a literary work.

In this case, appropriate tense to use in completing the sentence is bel. Therefore, the sentence will be C'est un bel homme.

Learn more about tense on:

French 2 Edge Listening activity Work Part 4.

Vrai/ Faux? Sabrine got fired.

Sabrine works hard. Vrai ou faux ?




French 2 Edge Listening activity Work Part 4.

Right or wrong? Sabrine got fired.



Sabrine works hard. True or false ?

True or False


Where is the audio? This is what it means in English if you want to know if not I'm sorry.


True, False


I did the quiz

Make a performance of at least ten openers and rejoinders in French



If you go to quizlet and search openers and rejoinders in french it shows about 30 examples


bottle nose dolphin  bonjour mon ami bonjour


Other Questions
Which of the following statements is/are an example of a positive feedback loop? Choose all that apply.a. warming temperatures leading to decreased water vapor in the atmosphere and leading to coolingb. warming temperatures leading to decreased water vapor in the atmosphere and leading to additional warmingc. cooling temperatures leading to decreased evaporation rates, leading to less water vapor in the atmosphere and further coolingd. warming temperatures leading to increased water vapor in the atmosphere and leading to additional warminge. warming temperatures leading to increased water vapor in the atmosphere and leading to cooling Section : Language FocusQ1. Change the following nouns into verbs and use them inmeaningful sentences of your ownCancellationAdmissionExaminationCollisionDecision The tiny dog and her owner went on a walk, but they quickly got tired.A. Simple sentence B. Compound sentence C. Complex sentence Squids and octopuses propel themselves by expelling water. They do this by keeping water in a cavity and then suddenly contracting the cavity to force out the water through an opening. A 6.50 kg squid (including the water in the cavity) at rest suddenly sees a dangerous predator. Part A If the squid has 1.55 kg of water in its cavity, at what speed must it expel this water to instantaneously achieve a speed of 2.40 m/s to escape the predator A swimming pool is 20 ft wide and 40 ft long and its bottom is an inclined plane, the shallow end having a depth of 3 ft and the deep end, 9 ft.Suppose the pool is full of water, and assume that the weight density of water is62.5\,lb/ft^3.(a) Find the hydrostatic force (in lb) on the shallow end. (include units)Hydrostatic force = (b) Find the hydrostatic force (in lb) on the deep end. (include units)Hydrostatic force = (c) Find the hydrostatic force (in lb) on one of the sides that extends from the shallow end to the deep end. (include units)Hydrostatic force = (d) Find the hydrostatic force (in lb) on the bottom of the pool. (include units)Hydrostatic force = NEED HELP ASAP PLEASE HELP I NEED HELP! :/ PLEASE HELP!!!Which of the following elected officials would be considered part of the local government?A. The President of the United StatesB. A City CouncilmanC. A volunteer firemanD. The Governor of your state PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111 I REALLY NEED HELP I A, BEGGIN YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ILL GIVE BRAINLIEST AND EXTRA POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me this is due today!!O suis-je?Read each riddle and write the name of the place it describes. Use the definite article with each place1.)On quitte cet endroit le matin et on rentre cet endroit le soir.2.)On trouve des journaux (newspapers), des magazines et des guides touristiques cet endroit.3.)Cest un bon endroit pour patiner et jouer (to play).4.)Cet endroit est en ville ou dans un centre commercial.5.)Dans cet endroit, on trouve des choses manger: des fruits, du chocolat et du caf.6.)Tu explores, tu escalades (climb) et tu trouve de lair pur dans cet endroit. Proving parallel lines. Find the value of x so that l // m. State the converse worksheet due tomorrow help please. discuss the two ways that product differentiation affects demand for the product. ASAP What is 94737638 x -9376383889483 this is a real question plz help!!! A homeowner installs a solar heating system, which generates 20 savings at a rate of 300e t dollars per year, t years after installation. Find a formula for the total savings after t years. If the system cost 30000 dollars to install, when will the savings match the installation cost HELP ASAP. FIRST PERSON WITH THE CORRECT ANSWER RECEIVES BRAINLIESTFor which THREE reasons did the National Party in South Africa maintain an apartheid system? A to implement a pure command economy B. to segregate people of different races C to consolidate services where needed D. to maintain a pool of cheap labor E to control the majority population 17. what is the usual worst-case performance for resizing a container class that stores its data in a dynamic array? a. constant time b. logarithmic time c. linear time d. quadratic time Russia Ukraine Conflict Vladimir Putins decision to invade the sovereign nation of Ukraine has shocked the world. Protests against Putins action have sprung up in major cities from New York to London and even in Moscow. World leaders have responded swiftly with punishing sanctions against Russia and those who support Putin and bans of exports to Russia. However, in an age of globalization, those sanctions and bans come with an economic cost to the nations imposing them and to the global economy in general. UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has acknowledged for example, that Britons could feel the economic pain of the sanctions and bans for months and perhaps even years. One way to understand just what that pain could look like is to consider the role of Russia in the global economy. In addition, because Russias invasion in Ukraine is likely to disrupt normal trade flows to and from both countries, understanding each countrys major exports and imports can provide additional insight into the economic fallout from Putins attack on Ukraine. You may already know that Russia is a huge exporter of oil and natural gas. Indeed, the United States imports some 600,000 barrels of oil from Russia every day, an amount second only to its imports from Canada and Mexico. But did you know that Ukraine is the worlds fourth largest exporter of the barley used in animal feed and beer production? Any disruption in barley exports will probably result in higher prices for the meat and beer you consume. Wheat and corn prices could also rise if exports from Ukraine, one of the worlds largest exporters of both, are disrupted. Much of Ukraines grain exports go to the Middle East and Africa, however any major disruption to global supplies could have a domino effect for other nations. Car prices could also jump if Russia is unable to export nickel, used in lithium ion batteries, and palladium, used in catalytic converters. Rising costs of these goods and other others will probably push inflation, already high because of the pandemic, even higher, affecting interest rates on mortgages, car loans, and credit cards. While the economic pain you may feel as a result of the sanctions and bans pales in comparison to that currently being experienced by Ukrainian citizens, it reflects that while globalization has its benefits, it also has its drawbacks. Discussion Questions: 1. Russias invasion of Ukraine has pushed global oil prices to their highest since 2014 and it is expected that they will rise even further. Discuss the ramifications of higher oil prices for the U.S. economy and the global economy in general. What do higher oil prices mean for you personally? How, for example, could they affect prices of the goods you buy or flights you take? 2. How has Russias natural resource base allowed it to become a dominant player in the global economy? Even countries that dont depend on Russian oil are likely to feel an impact from any disruption to global oil supplies. One means of moderating the rising cost of oil is to produce more. Why is it so difficult to increase production? What does this tell you about U.S. dependency (and that of other nations) on imported oil? How could a move to renewable energy change the geopolitical dynamic? Level 2, Suite 5B & 6A, 1-17 Elsie Street, Burwood, NSW 2134 3. Discuss globalization as it relates to the current situation. How has the world benefited from the free flows of trade that have allowed Russia to become a major exporter of oil, nickel, and palladium and Ukraine a major exporter of barley, wheat, and corn? What do potential disruptions to those trade flows mean for the global economy? Do you think youll experience any direct impact? Sean is employed as a truck driver. He drives x hours a week and is paid $21.60 per hour. Also he is paid $250 for food per week. This week he earned a total of $1,114. How many hours did he drive? I need a poem about culture, any type works but its due tomorrow and I need help.o(TTo) PLEASE HELP ASAP!!!!!!!!!!! Pls I neeed help very hard